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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1909)
m h lil II J in iiflTi1 El r4i 2 Egg U l mmV m M Uy sT 4ry O F2zxafci THEY INJURE CHILDREN SHFTflgr MUMMMMUMWI on t Ordinary Cathartics and Pills and Harsn Physic Cause Distressing Complaints You cannot bo over careful in the aaleciion of medicine for children Only the Tery gentlest bowel medicine should ever be given except in emergency cases Ordinary pills cathartics and purgatives are apt to do more harm thaD good They cause griping nausea and distressing after effects that are freqnently health destroying and a life lasting annoyance Wo personally recommend and guar antee Eexall Orderlies as the safest and most dependable remedy for constipation and associate bowel disorders We have such obsoluo faith in the virtues of this remedy that we sell it on our guarantee of rooney back in every instance where it fails to give entire satisfaction and we nrge all in need of such medicine to try it at our risk Rexall Orderlies contain an entirely sew ingredient which is ordorless taste Ies3and colorless As an active agent it embraces the valuable qualities of the beat known intestinal regulator tonic Kesall Orderlies are eaten like candy They are particularly prompt and agree able in action may be taken at any timB day or night do not cause diarr hoea nausea griping excessive loose ness or other undesirable effects They have a very natural action upon the glands and organs with which they come in contact act as a positive and regulative tonic upon the relaxed mus culo coat of the bowel and its dry mu cous lining remove irritation overcome jreaknesstone and strengthen the nerves and muscles and restore the bowels and associate organs to more vigorous and healthy activity Eexall Orderlies completely relieve constipation except when of a surgical character They also tend to overcome the necessity of constantly taking laxa tives to keep the bowels in normol condi tion There is really no medicine for this purpose so good as Eexall Orderlies especially for children aged and deli cate persons They are prepared in tablet form in two sizes of packages 12 tablets 10 cents and 36 tablets 25 cents Remember you can obtain Rex all Remedies in McCook only at our store The Rexall Store L W Mc Oonnell No traveling mens salaries and hotel bills no dead beat papers Every cent of waste cut out and given to you by The Journals bargain rate of 3 a year or 84 with Sunday See us for particu lars f TrUlJgTy W MMiHfctlinrA L1Z worry Christmas Worry is at hand All want to give Its what to give that worries Let us do the worrying this year Our stock affords presents for every member of the family We know what pleases best and can aid you Rare Hair Brushes For Christmas Tliere has been great improvement of late years in the making of hair brushes both as to material and finish In finish some of the better ones are works of art tiful are becoming more popular as gifts Usable Gifts Our Holiday Stock is made up almost entirely of articles of utility We have an abundance of such goods selected with particular care For your own satisfaction we would urge you to come early Bring the little folks to see the large new line of sample gifts that Santa Claus has left with us They will be delighted with the dolls toy animals trains games banks tool chests and automatic toys The Latest Leather Goods and because both useful and beau- ETOvaiarau Qo to Christmas Joy goes with the suitable well chosen gift Our store is filled this year with gifts that will please The kind with art beauty and utility in them Prices are the best of all We can make your money go far this season L M Bf y H 1 9 i rgawsdrgw - reasgCsgasa a raxxr2saE Mary Harrison nursePhone black 286 Try me and Bee how white I am 91 Patent Wheat is dowD and so is flour In- quire of McCook Milling Co Get our prices on canned goods before buying Magner giocery and meat mar ket Dr S 0 Beach has moved into rooms 6 and 7 over the Electric theatre Tele phone 126 We have the Wedding Breakfast syrup tc go with the coffee at Hobers Notwithstanding the severe weather of the past month Delma and Samuel Carter of the South school in district No 72 have not missed one day in at tendance upon school The state university and all state in stitutions at Lincoln are of vital interest to you and The State Journal knows it Thats the reason it prints so much news of that kind Come in and save a dollar on that big Lincoln paper William Says Lena Boozes William W Jones has applied to the district court for a divorce from Lena R Jones He alleges that they were married in McCook in 1903 and that he has been a kind and indulgent hus band giving his wife all the money that he earned as a member of the fire department and police department He asserts that she reciprocated this treatment by forcine him to dodge table cutlery and kitchen utensils which she was in the habit of hurling at him while she was subject to fits of anger He also informs the court that she locked him from their home and threw his personal effects into the street and that she is given to indulg ence in intoxicating liquors Lincoln Journal More Danvlile Proof Jacob Schrall 435 South St Dan ville 111 writes For over eighteen months I was a sufferer from Kidney and bladder trouble During the whole time was treated by several doctors and tried several different kidney pills Seven weeks ago I commenced taking Foleys Kidney Pills and am feeling better every day and will be glad to tell anyone interested just what Foleys Kidney Pills did for me A McMillen Foleys Honey and Tar is the best and safest cough remedy for children At the first symptoms of a cold give as directed and ward off danger of croup bronchitis sore throat cold in the head aud stuffy breathing It brings comfort and ease to the little ones Contains no opiates or other harmful drugs Keep always on hand and refuse ihe substi tutes A McMillen ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous in McCook Do the right thing at the right time Act quickly in time of danger Backache is kidney danger Doans Kidney pills act quickly Cure all distressing dangerous kid ney ills Plenty of evidence to prove this Mrs B Hurley of 204 E 24th St Kearney Neb says Last winter I caught a heavy cold which settled on my kidneys and made me miserable I was rarely free from a dull aching in the small of my back and the kidney secretions passed so frequently as to annoy me greatly I drank large quantities as I always felt thirsty and a doctor whom I consulted told me I was in the grasp of diabetes He treated me for the trouble but I became no better and was suffering intensely when Doans Kidney Pills came to my atten tion I used this remedy ana the first box bought me such relief that I con tinued with it until completely cured I sincerely hope that my statement will be the means of benefiting other persons afflicted as I was Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at McConnells drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other American Red Cross Christmas Stamps Is McCook to have an interest in this great work of stamping out tuberculos is in America One of the plans to raise money for this purpose is found in the sale of Christmas stamps Womens clubs over Nebraska are generally push ing this wbrK Shall McCook be repre sented in this splendid endeavor If so all the information stamps advertising etc can be secured from K R J Ed holm Exec Sec 403 City Hall Oma ha Nebraska or considerable informa tion can be secured at this office But the need of immediate attention is ur gent Instead of buying a number of useless items at Xmas time try this year in buying something that will last some thing that can have a place in your house and probably that the home needs a piece of furniture Here is a list of items that make excellent presents Library tables music cabinets ped stales kitchen cabinets rocking chairs dining room chairs buffets sectional book cases side boards china closets rugs Go into Ludwicks furniture store thats the easiest way to tell it Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report H I Peterson sheriff to Arthur Drew sd to pt 13 14 15 in 28 McCook 378 00 McCook Telephone Co to The Public art of incorporation Columbus Wise et ux to bred rick Tauber wd to w hf w hf 21 1 27 1600 00 United States to Joshua B Tris sell pate hf nwqrl2 4 27 United States to Lyman C Root pat lots 3 and 4 in 4 3 28 Irving R Andrews et ux to Fred Vandersleet wd block 4 1-2-3-4 7-8-910-11-12 in 7 5 6 in 14 Indianola 6000 00 Martin C Stephens et ux to Hannah Johnson wd to 10-11-12 in 16 Lebanon 2500 00 Ferguson Kelloy Little to the publicarticles of partnership stock raising etc B B Webber to Fred Edney wd 4 in 4 North McCook 500 00 V Franklin et ux to Wm Tuttle qcd nw qr 13 1 29 100 RED WILLOW Jacob Longnecker and family left for home on Sunday evening but owing to the storm on Monday morning had to remain until Monday night Mrs Paul Smith returned to the old home after a weeks visit to F C Smiths A letter from Mrs Taylor in Watson ville California says she has not been well since she went there and Mr Car son has been sick Mrs Byfield in Lss Angeles while appreciating kindness of friends there is homesick They better come back to Red Willow county The heavy snow made the roads so bad it interfered with mail as well as other business About thirty young people were in vited to a farewell party for Leon Smith who will leave on the 20th He will make a visit to his grandmother and other relatives in Pennsylvania then go to West Virginia where he expects to enter business It is needless to say the party on Fri day night was a success as Mr and Mrs Smith know how to entertain Mrs J E Wilson and Mrs Paul Smith assisted The young people enjoyed it not leaving till 2 oclock a m The school is preparing for a Christ mas tree Received on account Paid out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at the Tribune office Per 1000 5Cc Christmas Folly in finally broken lies in delaying until the assortments are instead of qual ally buying in haste in buying for looks ity Be wise IT PAYS NOW AT OUR STORE Cigars For Him Shun the cheap ones with fancy labels and unheard of names Our Christmas cigars brand has the judgment of cigar smokers are those we sell the year around every passed A special bargain is the PORTUANDO sweet and fresh packed in boxes of fifty We think he will like this and if he doesnt will exchange them for anything lie preiers Candle Sticks These are all the rage this season Now used for decorative purposes and for table ornamentation We have the latest in old brass Kraft wood bronze and china Make your selections here A visit to our store will set your mind at rest on the holiday gift problem You will know what you want to give when you see our great and satisfactory display of goods 1 Fancy Goods Many beautiful and all useful gifts in this line BOXES FOR GLOVES TIES TRINK ETS JEWELS HANDKERCHIEFS AND COLLARS AND CUFFS WORK BOXES SOAP BOXES COAT AND SKIRT HANGERS WHISK BROOM HOLDERS Tm Racks Trays Vases Plaoues Statuary Etc For the Holiday Season we have provided a line of the latest styles in Ladies Hand Bags Pocket Books and Card Cases They come in genuine Walrus and Seal Leathers and are in accordance with latest dictates of fashion as to size trimmings etc You will have to think long to find a gift that will be more acceptable to a lady than one of these stylish and convenient articles Gifts For Everbody Our General Holiday Assortment comprises many distinctive lines and in each of these lines there is a large variety of goods many items in some instances This is going to make the choosing of your holiday gifts easy and satisfactory naaflnn HcC DRUGGIST fcT iy Vi KITSTrttEeP D ANBURY A E Boyer took Joseph Murphy to Omaha last week Tuesday for an Oper ation to one of Mr Muaphys eye3 There were qo trains last week Mon day on account of the snowdrifts Mrs Lora Pratt and Stello went to Wilsonville Tuesday As Prof Morris couldnt get down on Monday night there was no band prac tice O E Robinson left for Yates Center Kansas Tuesday night Albert Strain the veterinarian was in town part of last week Emerson Scarrow came Sunday last to see his sick brother and left for Roll witz Neb Tuesday night Mrs T S Roop came home Wednes day last from Kansas where Bhe has been visiting Will Brizner and wife of Gandy Neb arrived here last Wednesday on a visit to the homefolks The carpenters have finished refloor ing the implement building for a skat ing rink There was no school latter part of l3st week on account of furnace trouble Fred Boehner the tree man was here taking orders last week A B Gibb3 and son of Lebanon were in town Saturday F P Eno and wife IeftThursday last for their home in Fruita Colo Fred Graham is home after an ab sence of two months Tuesday last the temperature was 12 degrees below zero its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy thb famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor One of the presents that can be given at Christmas time that is always ac ceptable to the whole home is a rocking chair Look at the ones that Ludwick is showing Who do you think pays the expense of some smooth solicitors calling on you and persuading you to take a paper The State Journal does its business di rect with you and saves you One Dollar during its bargain week rate Free to boys and girls Flexible Flyer The sled that steers The best sled in the world You can easily secure one within a few days by doing a little work Some have in a few hours Be the first j in your town Write today stating j your age A postal card will do W I Davis loo East 24th St New lork City onn ggsygggsvww wi BOX ELDER We have been having plenty of winter for a month D B Doyle has purchased The Bee Hive store in McCook A TWilson left last Thursday night to look for a new location Plans are being made for a Christmas entertainment in the church Rev Tyler and wife have the sympa thy of the community in the loss of their infant son 11 days of age The funeral was held at the church last Fri day afternoon at 230 by Rev J F Rus sell after which the body was laid to rest in the Box Elder cemetery McConnells Balsam cures coughs CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Prajer meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these services Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Com munion 1st Sundays 11 a m 3rd Sun days 745 a m each mouth All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 330 am Mass and sermon 1030 am Svening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M I Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 Bryant Howe Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in church corner of E and 6th street east every Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans cordially invited RevWm Brceggeman 607 5th st East Christian Science 219 Main Ave nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Subject for next Sunday Soul and Body Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 700 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev Gustav Henkelmann 505 3rd street West s J J VI 1 lifl i j Y