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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1909)
vt TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR Turkey Shoot DECEMBER 22 a W Trap and Target shooting Tuikeys Jor Everybody Come and get one G m Dan BDoyle jr Box Elder Nebraska Consumption of Spirits Decreased Through Associated Priss dispatches Interview etc the liquor interests re attempting to make it appear that the consumption of Bpirituous liquors 13 increasing whereas the opposite is the fact One device to deceive is a comparison of the figures for the past year with average for the past eleven years instead of with the years since the shrinkage began By going back to the years when the figures were small an average can be secured that makes the figurea of the last year look large Another device is the use of the figures representing the total withdrawals of spirits for all purposes for the past year instead of the withdrawals for consumption The item last named takes account of deductions for leakage evaporation and numerous other items not relating to consumption The authentic figures may be found in the annual report of the commissioner of internal revenue those for the year ending Juno 30 1909 in the preliminary report of the commissioner of internal revenne published July 27 1909 These reports show the withdrawal for con sumption to be as follows 1907 136135772 gallons 190S 121478133 1909 116650165 record Since that vear there has been a decrease of nearly 20000000 gallons Fue decrease in withdrawals of ferment ed liquors for the past year is over 2000000 barrels This Christmas Hurry must not be allowed to obscure some interesting every day facts viz We sell Simpsons and American prints at 5c beat table oil cloth 15c best apron ging hams 6c bleached and brown muslins atoc and up mens Stetson hats for 369 blankets at 39c to 89 00 pair and scores of equally correct and interesting prices The Thompson D G Co Ut most value Headquarters For XAbby cutglass 1817 and Commun ity silverware Keene Kutter carving sets and other cutlery at McCook Hard ware Cos You will be disappointed if you buy without first looking over this line John Casnen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank McConnell fills prescriptions New Pianos at Suttons 815000 If you want pickles go to Hubers and you will find most anything in the pickle line You cant make 8SS883 go as fast as pennies but you can get value received Xmas gifts at The Ideal Cash Store Let us have your Christmas order Wo have the goods and can please you H P Sutton Jeweler The ladies guild of the Episcopal church was entertained at the home of Mrs I P Davis last Thursday after noon Monarch Silver Bell and White satin spell success in bread and cake baking Buy the good best McCook Flour and Feed Store Come in and look over the finest stock of Diamonds Jewelry and Watches Cut Glass etc We will please you Sctton Jeweler and Optician Do not wait until the last day to select your Christmas Presents Let us help you select same and lay it aside for you Spend a few minutes in my store Sctton The Jeweler MILITARY BRUSHES Every man needs them L W McCONNELL Druggist Lost Infant Child Rev and Mrs Tyler of Box Elder suffered the loss of their two weeks baby Inst Thursday The remains of the Utile one was buried in the Box El dor cemetery last Friday Jmnes Carroll Tyler born Nov 28 1909diorJ Dec 10 1909ajed 11 days in fant son of Rev F C Tyler of Box El der Neb pastor M E church Ho was only with us for a few days but the Alaeter -needed another angelic singer in that Heavenly chorus and he went home to be with the one who said Suffer the little children to come unto mo and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of Heaven Rev Russell performed the last sad rites After tho services at tho church the little body was intored at Box Elder cemetery CARD OF THANKS We desire sincerely to thank tho many friends who so kindly came and helped us in our bereavement May the Master bless them Rev and Mrs F O Tyler The Knox Bill and the New Bill In response to many inquiries concern ing the meaning and force of tho resolu tion adopted by the National W C T U Convention at Omaha bearing upon the subject of protecting prohibition terri tory from liquor trade invaders Mrs Stevons replies that early the present session of congress a bill will be intro duced for the protection of prohibition territory from intoxicating liquor ship ments to those who desire to sell it in violation of law and to protect prohibi tion territory from the sale of intoxicat ing liquor by the liquor dealers living in other states This bill will in no way interfere with the Knox bill which goes into effect January 1 1909 The Knox bill operates upon tho shipment of intox icating liquors The proposed bill will deal with the shipment delivery and sale of intoxicating liquors in prohibi tion territory and its object is to give the prohibition sections the full benefit of their prohibitory laws which they do not now have The Womans Christian Temperance Union throughout the nation will use its utmost influence for the enactment by congress of such a law Next To Coming in and looking around is a glance in our windows where you get a glimpse of fine furs of silks waists of lace and silk head scarfs of lace collars of jet collars nf hr rind nnshmfirn Hnves of polf The figures for 1907 are the highest on govegi of jeweed back uombg and bar rettes of gift umbrellas with handles of pearl amber accaciaweichfel of rhine stone and iet hat nins dutch collar nins i shirtwaist pins ivory handled silk fans with lace edges and spangled pillowtops and silk cords stamped linen piecesfine table damasks perfumes suitcases and J valises kimonos and dressing sacques Xiaas sippers neckwear embroidered outing flinnel night robes cuff buttons fancy garters caps for men and boys shawls cloaks suits skirts silk petti coats bibs moccasins bootees angora hoods bearskin hood Ieggins muffs and coats sweater coats silk linen and init ial handkerchiefs and too many other items for mention here We cordially invite your visit The Thompson D G Co Utmost value ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards aud pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postofBce Dec 17 LETTERS Brocke Mr O E Clark Cook Messrs Flynn Mr C Hill Mrs A C Kelly Mr Joo McClintock L Kowe Mr John White Mr Geo F Alerich L F Haubletor Mrs J Laterm Mr Louis Ljon Mr E C McClintock L C Payne Mrs Gordy Saligraph Mr Jack When calling they were advertised Burnett Miss Grace Erwin Mr Virgil Houston Mr C M Kennedy Roy Loveal Miss Purl 2 Nienn Mr S L Snider Mrs C M CARDS Clark Mr Bart W Kelley Miss Leeper Mr E J Moore Mrs A L McCormick Mr Frank Smily Miss Eva for these please say Lon Cone P M McMillens Cough Cure is effective and pleasant Misses Morton of Stratton were city visitors Saturday Sunday Get our prices on canned goods before buying Magner giocery and meat mar ket Our Longmont Colorado canned veg etables are now in This years crop of peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers Go to Hubers and buy your wife a case of canned fruit or vegetables for Christmas She will be sure to appre ciate it Dont pay money to strangers but if you want a daily paper come in to see us and we can give you The State Jour nal for 83 a year without Sunday or 81 with Sunday their bargain rate not good after December 28 3n Toys that are funny at AlcOuok Hardware Cos T lil ifll irtlf Jiri k ill mr 18 LI Three Attractions Past Week s During the paHt wtou the Temple the atre has offered the public three attrac tions beginning with The Great John Ganton last Saturday evening a pur poseful play well presented aad approv incly received Monday evening Newens tho monol gist and entertainer pleased a discrim inating audience with his fine ability Tuesdny evening Girls drew a large crowd Barring the somewhat risque oponing act the play realized all that was reasonably expected of a farcical comedy which had nought to recommend it but its laugh producing qualities Silk Most Acceptable If jou are puzzled for a suitable gift for a lady lot us solve it for you with our handsome dollar black taffeta silk that wo sell for 69c a yard It is yard wide beautiful in lustre absolutely per fect and uniform as to weave and strength and can be seen in many dress es on the ladies of McCook OR take advantage of our special Christmas offer on our 5125 heavy black peau de soie dress silk 8 yards for 7 50 Do you catch the force of that Only one pattern to a customer The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Irrldescent Silk Petticoats as beautiful as a dream yielding for more delight and exciting much more admiration are to be found in our gar ment department for SI 50 each They are a gift suitable for mother sister or wife and will place you on a high pedes tal for discriminating generosity How many please The Thompson D G Co Utmost value INEXPENSIVE PIECES OF FURNITURE rOR XMAS Magazine Racks Pedestals Tabour ettes Jardinieres and Stands Smoking Cabinets Footstools Plate Racks Any of these articles is useful every day of the year and make a very acceptable gift JE Ludwick Buys the Bee Hive D B Doyle Jr the Box Elder A cuant nas purcnasea tue ree uive store and will take charge of the same about the first of the year Dan be longs to the order of hustlers and will make good LostPair of Mittens Between R J Branscoms barn and the cemetery Finder will please leave them at this office or Mrs J Glandons Any pice of fancy china at Ludwieics for half price before Christmas Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes Fresh and wholesome home made mince meat at Magners market and grocery John J Jemison has been appointed rural carrier at McCook with Harry S Godfrey as substitute Engraving as usual will ba done free on goods bought of us H P Sutton The affairs of the First National Bank are under the government supervision which is so rigid that the word National is a synonym for Safety There will be more Hoosier kitchen cabinets given as presents this Christ mas time than any other year and the factory was pushed to its capacity last year and now its twice as large We cant explain all about tho Hoosier cab inet well have to show it to you but just put this down its the best kitchen cabinet made anywhere Ludwick is agent for them McClures Magazine wants a respon sible and energetic man or woman in McCook and vicinity to attend to its subscription interests Experience un necessary There is liberal guaranteed compensation A profitable permanent business without capital can be estab lished among friends and acquaintances Whole or spare time This ib the best time to start Complete outfit and in struction free Write now McClures Magazine 16 East 23d Street New York City FOR THE CHRISTMAS DINNER You will want olives and pickles for your Xmas dinner Go to Hu bers and you will find the largest line in town Olives stuffed and plain large and small ripe and green Pickles in sweet sour mix ed and bulk Dills pickled onions and relishes Wouldnt you have fun with a Brownie 100 200 300 and 400 L W McCONNELL Druggist TWwr VS State Fire Commission Bulletin For obvious reasons heavy fire loss is peculiar tj this season of tho year be cause the average person who handles stoves and furnaces is careless it is im portant that all authorities having to deal with the prevention of fires nhould impress upon the public the value of a simple education along these lines Every stove and furnnce should be in spected and repaired before severe weather demands hot fires Defective flues are tho cause of many conflagra tions and not only should every stove pipe be well cleaned but the flue itself should be well swept Care should be exercised in the location of stovepipes If stovepipes must pass through a wood en or lath and plaster partition it should have around it a double collar of tin or sheet iron in which their is a space of at least one inch through which cool air can pass Stovepipes should be spark tight and should not be pushed into the chimney so as to choke it In cleaning otovepipes a scraper should be used in order to remove all Bcales from the in terior Then it should bo carefully in spected for rust boles It is important to remember also that an unused stove pipe hole in the chimney should not be stopped by putting paper or rags in it or by covering it with wall paper The hole should be well fited with a sheet iron plug As a rule fires from defec tive chimneys usually begin in the attic and get a good start in the driest of wood before the alarm is raised It is important that great care be exercised in keeping the attics clear of all debrise and making them accessible to the fire fighter Every chimney should be carefully in spected This is as true of new chim neys as of old ones for the reason that the settling of its foundation may open a crevice between tho bricks or stones so that sparks can escape Chimneys built up from joiBts or brackets are particularly dangerous because the liability of cracks from springing of tim ber In removing ashes from the stove or furnace special care should be exercised as to the place of deposit These should not be thrown against any timber or wood or in the vicinity of any barn or of an out house It is better that a metal receptacle be provided for them Get It For Xmas that ladys coat suit that has been de layed till now Our special reductions are as follows 12 50 suits for S850 S15 suits for 810 18 suits for 1450 520 suits for 15 and 23 suits for 18 That I brings you for 10 00 a splendid worsted suit with full satin lining in jacket The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Lessons in Water Color Painting1 Mrs Lottie ttrewer has returned from her Chicago study in water color work and will give lessoDS in painting You of course have noticed her beautiful ex hibits in DeGroff s and The Model shoe store Engraved Cards They make a very acceptable Christ mas present And embossed initial writing paper ditto The Tribune can meet your wants accurately and prompt ly Bring in your orders today that there may be no delay OPEN EVENINGS From now until the close of the holi day season our store will be open even ings to accommodate shoppers McCook Hardware Co For Sale My residence Hot water heat QLribwxt McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING DECEMBER 16 1909 Mod- ern Call and look it over P S Wilcox A Word to the Wise Save money for coal bills Buy Xmas gifts at The Ideal Cash Store Turkey shoot at Box Elder Decem ber 22 Get yours Christmas china jardinieres etc White House Grocery Phone 30 at The first part of next week watch Ludwicks window for an unusually elaborate display of Xmas Rugs While at home during the holiday va cation from Dec 24th to Jan 7th I will tune pianos Phone orders to No 89 Lewis Ludwick Gloves make a nice Christmas present Buy your husband a pair of Gloves at Hubers He has both work and dress gloves Our line of breakfast b tuffs h com plete Breakfast foods and pancake flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old Manse the best map e syrup on the market Hdber We have Christmas candies of all kinds and at all prices in large or in small quantities We will also have a selection of Christmas trees and greens in quantities HUBER Values Extraordinary We have on hand twenty two 100 piece dinner aots which wo are going to offer at one -fourth off before Christmas These include wares from the bent Eng lish patterns All new patterns never shown here before If you are now need ing queenaware or expect to scou this is an opportunity not to be neglected J E Ludwick Special Silk Offer Eight yardsof our regular125superb yard wide black peau de soie silk is of fered for 750 from now until Christ mas Only one pattern to a customor Rich and rare were tho gems Bhe wore but her silko over matched them all The Thompson DG Co Utmost value 5 Can Save You Money We can save you some money and a little time if you will order your news papers and magazines through us for the coming year Bring in your lists and let us quote you figures Just a few weeks to New Year Do it now Lost A Pocket Book Between McCook and Dave Devonys farm a bill book containing three five dollar bills Name and address on book Harry Wathen Formoso Kas Reward Phone cherry 1C51 An Ideal Xmas Gift is an easy rocking chair and is always acceptable We have them built for ease and beauty at all prices J E Ludwick For Trade or Sale One grade shire stallion for sale or will trade for young cattle or horses Inquire of Roy Newell Cambridge Nebraska FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf Straw For Sale Both wheat and barley straw Phone cherry 1651 Dave D even v Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Toys of all kinds McCook Hardware Co Hubers have everything in olives plain and stuffed from 15 cents to 1 a bottle Lincoln A P mixed naint is fullv guaranteed for durability A McMil len druggist Ellingson photos are best At New Palmer hotel Xmas discounts 20 per cent See adv elsewhere At the Intermission in Temple theatre building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar and Novum Templum 5c smoke Credit is an asset to any business A checking account with The First National Bank will help you establish such credit Quality like blood tells Quality ex plains the well earned popularity of the Famous Loomis High Patent Fours Sold by McCook Flour and Feed Store After Jan 1 1910 all daily papers de livered must be paid for in advance The small profit on papers at present makes necessary for us to adopt this system Barney Hofer McCook News Co Hubers coffee cannot he beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents J and Wedding Breakfast heads the list i NUMBER 30 A Saving Chance Wisdom may bo as shrewdly shown in money saving as in monoy gutting There are many who show great brilliancy in get ting monoy but make no effort to save making no provision against sicknoss accident loss of employ ment and old ago by saving whilo prosperous It is our business to encourage you to save and open a bank account with this strong bank where your monoy is per fectly safo and may bo had at any time If your name is not on our books come in and open an ac count with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh Presidont C F Lkhjj V Pros C J OBkiex Cshr directors J J Loughran P F McKonna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS CONG REG ATI ON A L Morning topic Treason to God in the evening Our American Idols METHODIST Preaching by Rev C C Wilson D D Sunday morning at 11 and tho se cond sermon lecture on Jerusalem by pastor at 8 p m First quarterly con ference Saturday night nt 70 episcopal Services in St Albans chapel on next Sunday at 11 and 730 Christmas day services at 10 Holy Communion and Christmas address Offering will go to infirm clergy widows and orphans of deceased clergymen FLOWERS AND PLANTS We have two displays this week one in JE Kelleys window and one in the Drebert Clothing Cos win dow Look our flowering plants and table ferns over at Dreberts See our palms and fern display at Kel leys where we have a seven-year-old Christmas cactus in full bloom MARCH JOHNSON Florists Who Said Ladies Cloaks We are selling them at reductions al most too interesting to be true viz 815 coats for 810 1259 coats for 88 50 10 coats for 8650 87 50 coats for 81 75 85 coats for 3 39 We urge you to take advantage while you may The Thomp son D G Do Utmost value Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Hkaton KEEP IN MIND Toilet Traveling and Shaving Sets L W McCONNELL Druggist Our line is complete and we can please you Spend a few minutes in our store II P Sutton Jeweler Gift Makers Opportunity 1 POM M i i M BMM Useful appropriate and desirable presents can be had at fairest prices at our store and we are awaiting an oppor tunity to put you in touch with all the latest and best in Christmas Novelties inexpensive little gifts for father mother brother sister and the little tots Christmas buying instead of being a worry can be made a pleasure when by looking over our stock you have merely to decide which will be the most satisfactory among so many desirable articles We will not attempt a description of our extensive line of Holiday goods but hope to have the pleasure of welcom ing you at our store Respectfully A McMillen Druggist