Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1909)
J H J P6 M i i You are moat cordially invited to try a cup of the delicious Fronier Coffee at my store Saturday November 6 1 Be sure and come F S VAHUE General Merchandise 223 Main Avenue Phone 47 CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS st aluans Next Sunday Noveml er 7th Holy Corutuunion at 11 a m sermon subject -Excuses Evening prayer at 730 Sunday school at 10 a m The choir has reorganized and a choir cnuater will be emoloyed Instruction faa confirmation will be given by the jgtastor after Sunday evening services Bishop Graves will be here latter part -a November Those intending to be oaafirmed should see the rector at once METHODIST Morning subject Where Does Jesus Save Evening The Hidden Wells af Comfort Epworth League leader H E Culbertson subject In Business sa Borrowed Capital CONGREGATIONAL Morning subject A Mans Stature iSvening The Unfailure God A Lamrerous Combination Matches and children have always jjsnd ever been a dangerous partner ship The fact is intensified when rsnasther conditions are dry and windy This is the local situation and as a reasonable matter of safety and precau stoo parents should see to it that their filittle children do not have access to the snatch bos and thet they do not play siifa fire A coBtly fire may in this way be avoided now when condition are aoat favorable to the consuming ele sdents We Quote You ha following prices on flour feed etc 3L Patent per sack 155 Patent per sacK 145 IPride of McCook per sack 135 Whole Wheat Flour per sack 85 2Jye Flour per sack 90 Graham Flour per sack 30 White Corn Flour per sack 30 SJran per sack 110 Shorts per sack 120 McCook Milling Co McCook Nebraska IF YOU NEED A HAIR BRUSH joti could not select a better time than taow to select a hair brush We have a tstack which affords not only rare sel 2tion but also a saving in cost L W McConnell Druggist Ladies Fleeced Wrappers 100 No advance in the prices Good warm 3iannellette wrappers at 100 125 and jSIJSO The Thompson D G Co The vutmost value NOTICE I will not be responsible for debts in c4irred by Clara Randel or any one oise 11 1 2ts Signed Alfred M Randel Have You Worn t Wilson shirt You will not know the meaning of shirt comfort or shirt style tcctilyou have Rozell Sons A McMillen prescription druggist McCook Milling Co 91 Patent is the sest Sellog - Haines Singing Party to aight Use McMillens Cream Lotion for chapped face and hands If you want pickles go to Hubers and jou will find most anything in the fickle line Ladies of the Congregational church srill hold a bazaar in the north store room of the Masonic temple building November ISth A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook Lodge Ko 135 A F AM Saturday Nov 6th t i J0 oclock Work in C A Degree By Order of the W M C Fahxestock Secy - I ti - TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR n Result In the County Wo give the totals and pluralities of the candidates fcr county ollices at Tuesdays election COUNTY CLERK Hofer D 817 Skalla R 1102255 COUNTY TREASURER M illor D 701 Naden K 1293 589 COUNTY JUDGE Grissoll D 723 Moore R 1117 394 Folden S 10G COUNTY SHERIFF Higgins D 977 Peterson R 977 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT Jones D 91G Bettcher R 1038122 COUNTY SURVEYOR Barber D 924 Kelley R 993 71 COUNTY COMMISSIONER Sughroue D 971 14 Premer R 930 PRECINCT TICKET Justices of the Peace LoHow 186 Mahaffey 211 Heat on 384 Berry 390 Constables Sullivan 187 Gale 195 Weintz 443 Hcgeman 340 Precinct Assessor Hughes 427 City Assessor Rvan 275 Whittaker 3GG Overseer District 7 Hof benke 177 Bixler 381 The State Ticket Vote SUPREME JUDGES Dean D 869 Good D 838 Sullivan R 852 Barnes R 952 Fawcett R 940 Sedgwick R 945 REGENTS Knapp D - 672 Allen R 1023 Whitmore R 1002 - REGENT FOR VACANCY Newbranch D 822 Haller R 99b Dont Be Scared about the higher prices for cotton goods that they are talking up in most stores Look at these prices and come to us We are selling good bleached and un bleached muslins for 5c yd and up The wide 9 quarter bleached sheetings for 25c yd The pillow tubing for 17 cents The best apron checked ging hams for 6Jc Simpsons and Ameri can prints 5c yd Best table oil cloth 15c yd American A2 bu bags 23c each Izzer home made bed comforts I at 185 to 300 same prices as always I Ready made sheets 60c Pillow cases 135 per doz Dont pay advances Come to us The ThompiOn D G Co Utmost value William Macauley in The Little Home stead Managers McConnell and Pennell announces the coming of the peoples favorite play The Little Homestead with Wiliiam Macauley in his most successful character Roy Carroll He has the best company he has ever had in this piece and the scenic effects are said to be just a little bit better than anything he has given before Mr Macauleys engagement on Thursday Nov 11 will be looked forward to with an unusual amount of interest Popu lar prices 25c to 75c Married in Kansas City Miss Ruth I Beebe of our city and Mr C H Beale of Oklahoma were married in Kansas City Mo Wednesday at the homo of an aunt of the bride Miss Ruth i3 the daughter of Mr and Mrs A H Beebe of our city and an estimable young lady The groom is a young man of fine parts They will make their home in Okla homa McCook friends add their con gratulations Mens and Boys Clothing Dont overlook us when you look over clothing Our m ns suits are 5 750 S10 1250 and 15 Boys suits from 175 to 750 Mens overcoats 750 to 1250 Bovs overcoats 175 to 500 i me Thompson JJ jK Uo xne uonost value For Sale My residence Hot water heat Mod ern Call and look it over F S W lcox Ladies Graves is an expert on sharpening i shears Shears called for and delivered 301 west 1st st John Cashen Auctioneer Indianoia Neor Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank - MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs L M Best has beon visiting in the city thU week Mrs J P Chouse is entertaining her mother from Seward Mrs Rachall Cukkent of Danville 111 is the guest of her daughter Miss EHie Current M D John L Rice of our city ha been selected again as one of the Nebraska university debating squad Mrs Matie Welles returned home last Sunday evening from her visit to relatives and friends in Colorado C C Harless a former resident but now living in Rawlins county Kansae had business in the city Saturday last Mrs George Willetts entertained the P 15 Os at a Halloween party of startlingly spectacular particulars on Monday evening Messrs Isrell McDonald Riley and Haslcins were among the Benkel raan people to The Royal Chef Tuesday evening MrsC M Bailey entertained a com pany of friends last Saturday evening previous to her departure for her new home in Wymore Mrs S A Rowell left this week for Fort Morgan Colo to spend the winter with Mrs U J Warren visiting at Beukelman en route Frank V Lowe of Davenport Neb the World Herald subscription solicitor was in town Saturday in the line of business and visiting relatives Mrs G H Thomas who has been the guest of her mother Mrs Sarah Mc Carl for a few weeks returned to her Harvard home Saturday on 10 Mrs H P Sutton left Monday for Omaha to accompany Mr and Mrs Frank Boyd to Rochester New York where Mr Boyd will uudergo an opera tion Mrs Will Beigh and Mrs J C Meister and son Roy who have been visiting their cousin Mrs Will Jeffries of our city returned home to Palisade Monday morning Captain C E Adams president of the First National Bank of Superior spent a few hours in the city last Sat urday on his way home from buying cattle in Colorado Mrs Grace Blount of Palisade Mrs Maud McKinley of Red Oak Iowa and Miss Amy Leazenbee of Bethany Mo were guests of Mrs Will Jeffries latter part of last week vMr and Mrs A G Dole who have been living with Gary in Denver are now making tUeir home in Tamora Se ward county where another of the boys is living and engaged in business Rev Burton and family will depart Saturday for their new home in Aber been Washington A farewell recep tion will be given them at the home of Mr and Mrs F D Burgess this even ing Rev Hickey and Miss Hickey of Boston are in the city for a few days guests of Mr and Mrs P F McKenna They are east bound from a short visit in Denver Many oldtime friends are greeting them Mr and Mrs W B Mills entertain ed the K S K Monday evening at a Halloween party Their guests joined with the P E Os in their journey to the cave of horrors with its electrical and electrifying effects S L Wray departed last Saturday for his new home in Wyoming in the neighborhood of Hyattville where Mr Church and Mr Doyle have located Heres success to them all But we miss them just the same Mrs J R McCarl seasonably enter tained a company of young lady friends last Friday evening The journey of the guests from cellar to attic will be mem orable Mesdames H B StewartG L Burney and C R Woodworth assisted Miss Lenor Fitzgerald of our city who is attending the state normal school at Kearney has been elected a delegate to represent that school at the meeting of the State Federation of the Catholic club to be held in Lincoln November 5th and 6th Rev M B Carman of Minden looked in upon his many friends in McCook close of last week He returned home Saturday evening little Mabel Anton accompanying him home Mrs Anton will visit Atlanta Holdrege and Minden latter part of this week making the last named point by Saturday James S Doyle and family departed on last Saturday for Hyattville Wyom ing where they will make their future home Mr Dojle having recently pur chased a large ranch in that vicinity which he has stouked with cattle The Doyles are among the earliest settlers of the Willow creek and the best wishes of many friends go with them to thfir new home Mr Doyle still retains consider able interests here ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT communicated mccook won The bulletin showed a scoro of 22 to 0 in favor of the local high school foot ball squad at the close of the game Sat urday with the vaunted Oxford giants Milligan Allen and Campbell doing the scoring for the locals assisted by ma chine work in the execution of signals Ryan Nelms Byfield and Fith in fact the entire line needs special mention for solid work It is a fact Lut few are aware of that the line of the McCook team has yet to be broken for a gain in a plung another feature is that they have not had a single wrangle in their five games played and not a man has been relieved for poor work or unruly conduct Another point to be mention ed as of interest they have won four out of five games played being scored against only twice both scratches one on n stolen ball which the referee did not see and the other on a misunder standing of rules In their five games they have made 99 points and their op ponents only 11 Saturday Oxford was slow their only good points being in tackling and punt ing The locals will meet Holdrege again here on Saturday November 13th Holdrege claims the Southwestern Ne braska championship but will be re lieved of that burden on the 13th The size of the crowd out Saturday would discourage an ordinary team on the line Photographer Kimmell shot the football team Saturday Following is the standing of the team to date Played five games won four Scored 99 points opponents 11 They have to their credits three shut outs McCook 15 Cs andDs 0 McCook 12 Company M 5 McCook 0 Holdrege 6 McCook 50 Cs and Ds 0 McCook 22 Oxford 0 Three big ames yet Oberlin Kansas County High School Holdrege High School Franklin Academy with Or leans Atwood or Bloomington to be put on November 20 or 27 t Should McCook beat Holdrege on November 13 a third game possibly Dec 4th will be played to deoide the Southwestern Nebraska and Northwest ern Kansas championship The game will go to the town offering the largest inducements McCook will win The boys hope to have their photo in Spauldings annual next year The High School girls won a game of basket ball at Trenton last week by a scoie of 18 to 1 The boys lost by 22 to G The boys played the game without practice to fill a contract with Trenton Foot ball practice and studies do not admit of basket ball now Fred Archibald had a finger badly bruised in scrimmage last week George Allen Charles Milligan and Walter Campbell scored touchdowns Saturday against Oxford Oxford boys are clean players and went home feeling the very best toward McCook McCook is this year playing clean ball and treating her opponents as nicely as is possible HIGH SCHOOL ELECIION The civics class of the high school held an election Tuesday Fifty votes were cost of which thirty were Repub lican and the balance split up princip ally Democratic Miss Bettcher led the ticket witE four votes Charles Skalla with three and Treasurer Naden by one Head of ticket study 30 votes A Victim of Peritonitis Miss Nellie Armstrong of Haigler who was in the city on a visit to tne Snider family died at that home last Tuesday morning of peritonitis after an illness of ten days The remains were shipped up to Haigler Tuesday night forinterment her father accom panying the remains home for burial Deceased was 12 years of age A Ladys 1000 Long Coat A broadcloth coat with military col lar and close fitting back Trimmed with satin folds soutache braid and satin covered buttons- Waist lined with satin not satine 51 inches long Price 1000 Come and see it The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Household Goods For Sale A davenport sanitary couch sewing machinu two beds a hair mattress gas range etc Call G10 eat 1st street Election Returns show that wegve beat values in watches and jewelry to all parties L C Stoll Co Mrs Co and Mrs C W Dow of Indianoia were in the city today be tween trains securing advertising reci pes etc for a cook book to be sold by the lades of the Christian church of I our neighboring toivn MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 4 1909 Miss Hostetters Recital About two hundred of McCooks citi zens enjoyed a season of piano forte music last Friday evening raeely offer ed in this city in the recital by Miss Fay Hostetter in tho Temple theatre We use the verb advisedly for it was a real pleasure to hear such music so ex cellently played The program was dividod into three sections A rhapsodic by Brahms and a pastorale by Mozart being the oponing numbers Selections from Beethoven and Schu bert and a nocturne and etude by Cho pin complected the second section A trio of Liszt numbers that compos er evidently being a favorite of Miss Hostetter concluded the evenings en joyment The Nightingale an etude and a Neapolitan tarantella We congratulate Miss Hostettor upon the artistic success of her musicale Drew Large Audience The Royal Chef diew a large audi ence at the Temple theatre Tuesday night and the hearty and frequent ap plause indicated beyond doubt that the performance was highly satisfactory In some respects the performnnce ex celled the Girl at the Helm the open ing number The Royal Cluf lacked plot but was there with the merchan dise with catchy music wholesome comedy good chorus work and a good looking handsomely gowned chorus The performance was lively and vigor ous from start to finish The out-of-town section of the audience was en couragingly large The local orchestra assisted in the mnsic Returns With a Bride Dr J A Toren returned home last Friday accompanied by his bride They are domiciled in the Dr H J Pratt residence on 1st street east The formal announcement cards state that Dr Julius Arthur Toren and Miss Ethel Ida Midgeley were united in marriage in the city of Chicago Wednesday October 27th 1909 They will be at home 802 1st st east after November 20th The Tribune congratulates the genial doctor and his charming wife who will be warmly wefdomed to our city Married in Denver Thursday October 28th 1909 at one oclock p m in the city of Denver Mr Benjamin Swartz son of Mr and Mrs Francis Swartz of our city was united in marriage with Eva Dover of Denver formerly of Broken Bow Nebraska Rev Christian S Reisner pastor Grace M E church officiating They left Denver at 115 for McCook where they will make their future home Ideal Silk Waists 225 to 500 in brown navy Copen hagen light blue lemon white and black Tailored white linen waists black and colored mohair waists batiste waists lawn waists from 50c to 300 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value TO TRADE Two residence properties paying good rent in Eastern Nebraska town to trade in on quarter or half section of land near McCook Give particulars in first letter 1 2 Box 241 Holdrege Neb Closing Out Auctions After Saturday November Gth their positively will be only two more Satur day Closing Out Auction Sales Get some of the bargains now 1st door east of DeGroffs A Brunke Laid Aside A lady here in town laid aside her old flat lenbes had a pair of the Toric lenses fitted and she has not picked the old ones rp since L C Stoll Co Jewelers Opticians Our Specialties in mns gloves are the 1 150 and 175 kinds Remember the right place Rozell A Sons West B street THELJIA A combination of odors dainty and lasting 50 cents an ounce L W McConnell Druggist Ladies Jacket Suits from 1250 to 2500 Best values Best styles The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Residence For Sale Wishing to move to Colorado I desire to sell my residence 900 1st street east at once H L Kennedv Sweet Appie Cider For- sale at the Morrisey rarich Phone black 292 Honey To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Operator and Mrs W L Bass visited down the road briefly end of week Engine 1339 Thomas in charge and engine 1959 Pierce on the right side collided in the yard last Friday with some damage to both engine3 NUMBER 24 Idle Money You work hard for your money shouldnt your money work hard for you Dont let it lie around doing nothing Every cent repre sents an effort on your part Make that money exert itself When It Works It Earns More Money for you in interest Put your money in this bank where it will earn interest for you Start your money at work today We pay 4 percent on Time Deposits THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pros C J OBrien Cshr directops J J Loughran P F McKenna PERSONAL TAXES FOR 1909 Are due November 1st become delinquent December 1st Should be paid during the month of Nov ember to save interest Notices will be mailed out on or about the 10th of November C NADEN Treasurer of Red Willow Co THE HANDY PLEASANT AND PERFECT LAXATIVE You sometimes fail to take a laxative when you know you need one but be cause you dread the taste and effects of the remedy you are accustomed to use McConnells Citrate ok Magnesia never causes- any unpleasant effects whatever This remedy replaces and excels all old style cathartics and laxa tive remedies Price 25 cents L W McConnell Druggist A Boys 475 Overcoat A thick blue blafk Kersey with good satine lining astrachan collar and cuffs Fastens with three handsome large silk frogs Price 475 Others from 175 up The Thompson D G Co Utmost vaue EATS UP DIRT That new Electric Vacuum Cleaner of Mr Teeters See him about cleaning your rugs carpets walls etc Will clean evenings if day current is not operated Is also agent for sale of these cleaners Call at 315 Main avenue or phone 12 The House of a Thousand Candles Saturday November 13th Prices 25c to 100 Doors open at 8 oclock Curtain at 830 except on Saturday evenings when 9 will be the hour A Box Social The Sunday school of the Christian church will hold a box social in the church November 12th A liberal pat ronage is solicited Wrong Eyes fitted by right glasses New and up-to-date methods Examination free L C Stoll Co 8 Room House For Rent Our residence at G10 1st streeet east Mrs C M Bailey Mens Stetson Hats S369 at The Thompson D G Co Utmost value I j CITY STYLES AT HALF THE PRICE You can secure the city styles the latest devel opment of the photogra phers art at half the Iijice charged for simil ar work in the city at The New Studio ALo those who r refer them can have the soot and white - wash witti evfry eyelash sharply detinod sort of pictures Why go to the city in order to pay more for the same thing E Schell Kimmell Main ave McCook First Door North of Ccmnurcial Hotel