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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1909)
if F h f i TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR Just Arrived Now lines of Undorwear Shoes Cais Gloves and Mittens Wo are making prices that will surprise you Call and see Souvenir for Every Lady SATURDAY OCT 30 F S VAHUE General Merchandise 223 Main Avenue Phone 47 TO THE PUBLIC On October 18th I bought the busi cess and good will of Measrs Moore Son the justly named White House Grocers Mr Moore remains with me for a time thus assuring the customer of the same courteous treatment as in the past I can but ask your indulgence for my self until acquaintance permits you to judge me impartially I have come among you invested my capital and hope to prove myself worthy of your friendship and patronage It shall be my aim to be able at all times to show you a well equipped stock of groceries and queensware and I shall endeavor by square dealing and courteous treatment to merit the liberal patronage accorded my popular prede cessors Call and see us We wish to become acquainted whether you become a patron or not Yours Li A Paris Constipation Is Progressive Suicide Constipation occasions little concern jusfc as it may appear to do little barm let it means the planting of the seeds of decay disease and death in the system Sometime you will have to pay the price of neglect It is a condition that need never exist Rexall Orderlies are a thorough and permanent cure They are pleasant in their action and prompt in results Price 10 and 25c Li W McConnell Druggist We Quote You the following prices on flour feed etc 91 Patent per sack 155 Anchor Patent per sack 1 45 Pride of McCook per sack 135 Whole Wheat Flour per sack 85 Rye Flour per sack 90 Graham Flour per sack 30 White Corn Flour per sack 30 Bran per sack 110 Shorts per sack 120 McCook Milling Co McCook Nebraska State to Plant Fish The state fish car started out Wed nesday in charge of Supt OBrien of the state hatcheries for a trip along the Republican river and other points on a fish distributing tour Bass crop pies and ring perch will be placed in tributaries of the Republican from Benkelman east also in lakes At Curtis bass and croppies will be planted Died Near St Ann Tuesday Anna Braun died Tuesday evening near St Ann at the home of Tony Braun Deceased was 89 years old A daughter arrived today from Kansas Remains will be buried at St Ann to morrow morning Mothers Meeting W C T U will meet November 5th at the home of Mrs J G Inglis This will be a mothers meeting with Mrs Joseph Allen as leader Get your entertainment courss tickets now Use McMillens Cream Lotion for chapped face and hands McCook Milling Co 91 Patent is the best Fine high - class entertainments at Tern pie theatre this winter for 5200 Ask McConnell about it Get a small can of Keystona and use it as directed and if not satisfactory as recommended your money back A McMillen Druggist The swellest line of photo mounts and folders ever seen in McCook This is not advertizing but fact Your in spection invited The Kimmell Photo Studio 1st door north of Commercial Hotel It requires two special cars to trans port the organization which is to be seen at the Temple theatre McCook Neb Tuesday November 2nd in that noted play The Royal Chef Prices 50c to SI 50 Children under 15 to gallery 25 cents A Big Showing of Furs from 100 to 20 each See our Big Values H C Clapp Dry Goods and Millinery Phone No 56 Ihe Royal Chef Tuesday Nov 2nd Ono of the musical novelties which will he seen in The Royal Chef at tin Temple theatre McCook on Tups day November 2nd will be an electric lighted feather boa This is the inven tion of Mr Gus Sohllte who produced l ho Royal Chef for Manager Wade The boa is UBed in the opening number of the second act and on a darkened stage the boaH which are worn by the girls lighted up iu varied colors giving a kaleidoscopic effect to the setting Another electric novelty is the umbrella i which is used in the last act This umbrella is one of the trick mechan isms of the stage Is 1G feet in ter and descends from the flies opening out as it comes down The audience can see nothing upon which the um brella is Rupported and it sails down like a bird in its flight the girls holding ribbons which hanjr from the spokes of the umbrella dancing around it May pole fashion At a signal the umbrella lights up with 262 tiny incandescent lights of varied colors It is one of the prettiest elecf rieal pffnctq pvor spbo on the stage and is one of the bright fpa ture of the plav Prices 50o to S150 Children under 15 admitted to gallery for 25 cents The Bee and the Gulf Coast Country The Sunday Bee of the 17th instant had a page story of the development in the coast country with views of orange grape fruit and fig orchards It also describes the Taf t ranch of 350000 acres and the land we advertised last week of the Nebraska company The president of the road running through this land is Mr C B Rogers formerly superintend ent of the Burlington at Wymore The company is represented at McCook by A G Bump A Hint to Amateur Photographers A good drug store is the best place to buy good photographic materials A competent druggist is by nature and training careful a3 to the quality of the goods he sells Quality counts in pho tographic supplies We look after thil department very carefully and wils guarantee the reliability of anything ia this line we supply It pays to have the kind of supplies you are sure to find here L W McConnell druggiBt Top of the Market Every Btockman and farmer naturally seeks to secure for his stock the highest and best price the market affords Mc Cook is well situated in this respect in having a dealer who deals squarely with those who bringhogs -and cattle here foriaTeT D C is thoroughly acquainted with the stock proposition in southwestern Nebraska He knows the worth of stock and pays the right full price ail the time How Is Your Range or cook stove Are you burning up the price of a good one each year in excess coal over what you would use with a Majestic Come and let us tell you about the Majestic and fit you out with one and settle the question lUcUook Hardware Uo Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy thb famous Loomis high patent a the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Seed Wheat For Sale We have a supply of seed wheat of excellent quality for sale at a reasonable figure Updike Grain Co S S Garvey Manager Bed Blankets at 39c 59c 75c S100 81258150 S190 S235 S275 S350 8500 8600 S700and S900 Actual cash values The Thomp son Dry Goods Co Utmost value Dont Postpone The heating of your house Let us fix you out now with a good base burner or a heater so you can enjoy the long winter McCook Hardware Co Shampoo Parlor for Ladles I have opened a Shampoo Parlor for Ladies at No 205 Main avenueup3tairs Phone red 275 Mks Thomas For Rent A well improved farm of 320 acres 200 acres under cultivation one mile and a half from McCook S Cordeat J H Woddell Auctioneer I will be in McCook the last ten days of each month to cry sales Make your dates at the Citizens National Bank For Sale My residence Hot water heat Mod ern Call and look it over F S Wilcox Ladies Graves is an expert on sharpening shears Shears called for and delivered 301 west 1st St John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store McConnell fills prescriptions Get your entertainment course tickets now If you want a good loaf of bread try Anchor Patent For 320 acre homestead or farm loans see L E Barger room 3 over McCon nell s store Boys dont change your shirt until you have seen me about those 320 acre homesteads Get some land of your own for land is the basis of all wealth The first thing Bradstreet- wants to know is is he a property ownerand how much is he assessed at L E Barger room 3 over McConnells store SCSSBSS JitrCfTdiiyh TO THE VOTERS AND TAX PAYERS OF RED WILLOW COUNTY Two years ago I asked for your votes for county clerk promising that I would give my entire time to the oflico and give the best possible service I was elected by a small majority and have held the oflico since January 9 190S One of the most bitter fights was waged against my election but I took possession of the oflico determined to treat every man in a like accommodat ing manner regardless of whether be supported me or opposed me regardless of his political affiliation creed or any thing else I was determined that the men who fought me the hardest should receive just as good a service at my hands as the ones who supported me loyally It is not for mo to judge if I have suc ceeded in all of this but it is up to the voters next Tuesday to say whether I did well enough to be retained for an other term My record is the sole issue I am making for a re election I have not said and am not saying a word against my opponent Mr Hofer He is a gentleman and as far as I am able to learn he has made a clean campaign against me But 1 do want to call your attention to the dirty and slanderous some of bis supporters especially the Red Willow County Standard are mak ing upon me I have lived in this coun ty for over twenty years coming here before I was twelve years of age and have held the respect of even those who fought me two years ago It remained for the editor of the Standard before he has been here two months to discover that I was a crook and could not be trusted The article in his last paper is full of hidden attacks upon me He says that the county officers choose to place their statements upon the county records and lock them up in a vault where they are seldom seen My understanding is that it is the duty of the county officers to place them on the county records and also keep them in a safe vault What does he expect them to do Carry the records in their pockets or scatter Uiern out on the streets Another thing the doors to the county clerks office and to its vault are open every work day in the the year from 8 oclock in the morning to 530 in the afternoon with the excep tion of the noon hour Three fourths of of the time they are open at 7 oclock in the morning The records are here for public inspection and I have never re fused to let anyone no matter who it might have boen to examine the rec ords and the only time that the editor of the Standard wanted to kuow any thing I accommodated him as well as 1 would have my best friend to get all the information for him that he wanted He further says that two years ago I made the promise of economy I did and I have kept my promise I was as diligent as possible to order only sup plies that were actually needed by the various officers and some of the big rec ord printing concerns at Omaha have found out so to their sorrow It was only at the recent primary that all the concerns that print poll books and elec tion supplies engineered a graft on each county in the state by getting a set of 6 poll books one tally book for each one of the five parties and one register 6 for each precinct I made a kick on thi3 seeing n o necessity for having more than one book for each clerk of election They entrenched themselves behind the attorney general and secre tary of state claiming that those officers insisted on the form as they prepared it Instead of submitting I cancelled the order for this county and ordered spec ial books made for this county They made the books as I wanted them 46 books instead of 276 books as they in sisted and as every other county in the state used and the books were used in this county at the primary to the great satisfaction of the election boards and at a great saving to this county I have been just a3 careful in all other purch ases for the county as far as I had any thing to do with them and I have re turned several shipments of inferior stuff and have refused to O K the claims for same and they never were al lowed and paid The Standard says that the salary of the deputy was raised 8100 That is the truth Her salary was raised from 8700 to 8S0O the first of this year and I have no apologies to make for that If a competent deputy does not earn 6S0O a year she does not earn anything at all If I am rightly informed she gets just as much a year as the county attorney and she does a hundred fold as much work for the money as he does The Standard further says that now It is the policy of the First National Bank to avoid all speculative ventures and to keep its funds in assets always readily convertible into cash that it is noces ary to do some cam paigning another assistant has been put on This is a lie and the editor of Standard knows it is There has been an assistant in this oflico besides the de puty for the list six years with the ex ception of the first two months this year During a few months each in 1906 and 1907 while my predecessor held this office the work of the office required a second assistant makirg four persons altogether and this second assistant was no one else thau the follow who is now making these charges against me and who claims that ho has the promise of the deputy ship from my present opponent George Lellow asso ciate editor of the Standard The fact is that the work of the oflico required that force at that time and does now and will in the future require 3 persons to attend to it and keep it up to date Neither Mr Hofer nor any one else can run this office with less help than it ib run at present and if he says that he can in order to get your votes he is talking of something which he knows nothing about The other assistant has not been put on because there is campaigning to do as the Standard says She has been here all the time since March 1st and has been busy And I want to say right here regardless of the Standard people or anyone else who finds fault that the two young ladies who are among the very best to be found in Mc Cook or anywhere and who are above the insults of the editor of the Standard or his associate will if I am re elected stay right herein their present position during the next two years The Standard is further mistaken when it complains of the expense of keeping the office help This office is a fee office and does not cost the county anything except for work actually done for the county The fees that the law allows us up to a certain amount are all the pay that we get and any amount above the legal sum is turned over to the treasurer the first of the year I paid 836175 to the treasurer last Janu ary 1st after paying all the office help If he fees fall short the county does not pay a cent to make up We are simply that much short on our salaries Of course if there would be no assistant the fees to be turned over would be that much heavier but did it ever occur to the Standard that these fees represent work and a lot of work dono by some body for nothing The fair minded tax payer does not expect the servants of the county to work for nothing and the commissioners who were elected by the people of this county should know better how many people it takes to do the work in this office than do Smith Lellew The Standard further insinuates that the poor cuss who pays the taxespays my campaign expenses This is another lie My campaign has not cost the tax payers one cent and will not It is true I have taken from one to two days a week for the last six weeks for cam paigning but I am making up for that by working here many evenings and have for the last two years worked hero many evenings I further want to say that I pay more taxes in the county in one year than the editor of the Stand ard and his associate have paid in their lives They are not even on the assess ment list for this year but they are the self chosen champions of the poor tax payers Tho Standard and its editor have a right to vot9 and work for whom they please and ask for votes for their men but they have no rght to tell lies and make insinuations not in the campaign nor outside of a campaign about me or any one else To elect your men to office simply by running down others might work all right but it is dirty politics and you cant make it anything else no matter how you howl Mr Standard The voters of this county are too in telligent to be fooled by these two fel lows when they make their decision next Tuesday and I am sure that the slanders and slurs thrown out the last minute will be disregarded by the voters In the 22 months that I have held this office I have done no official act of which I am ashamed and of which I would not have most cheerfully allowed the editor of the Standard to observe In conclusion I will say that if re elected this offce will be run for the next two years the same as it has been the last two and every one will be treat ed accommodatingly and to the best of my ability and the best interests of the county will be looked after at all times Respectfully Chas Skalla Ladies of the Congregational church will hold a bazaar in the north stoie room of the Masonic temple building November ISth 7 jyjjt f Ertbtiit McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING OCTOBER 28 1909 ADVERTISED LIST Tho following letters cards aud pack ages mmain uncalled for at tho McCook postoffice October 29 1909 LHTTKRS Harms Kd Harriett Mr Enos Clark UuorKc V Elberse Mrs John Fnrber Chris Farroil John Highland Hobort McDonald Mrs A D McDoiiKnl Mrs Kiniua McClnro Mrs N V Murphy Mrs Josio Simonds Mr F M Van Deest Mr Win CARDS Adams II R Adams Vera Harder Mr Harry Honnott Mn M L Hrock Mr O E Rntco Mr C O Clark J C Cltrk Mr W Clark OeorKO W Clovenjcr R F Douton Mis Mollio Dunnock Clyde Eijman Jako Uohcun Sam Y Hamilton Mr C E IfciKor Mr II JuiTries P K Lewis Mr W O Melius L O Merchant Mr M E Nichols -Mrs L O Reed Daniel J Simonds F M When calling for these please say they were advertised Lon Conk P M The Kellogx Halnes Singing Party Who are they Leottu Fahlen soprano Mrs Alice M Monctietf contralto John Eichenberger tenor William James Breach pianist William A Goldberg baritone They give a program so varied and yet ho connected by appropriate selec tions that the result is one of the most charming evenings you can imagine Tho costumes are very beautiful They open the entertainment courses at Lincoln York and McCook this year November 5th is the McCook date Tickets at McConnells A Word ot Appreciation I wish to express our thanks and ap preciation to the gentlemen of tho Mc Cook Commercial club the Masonic Temple Craft association Mr II P Sutton and orchestra and to all others who assisted financially and otherwise in making the farmers institute the childrens exhibit and contest the fine success it was Claudia B Hatcher County Superintendent A Girls 4 Long- Coat Cloth a good warm melton Color London smoke with an indistinct stripe Trimmings Mohair and tinsel soutache braids Broad lapels Collar med ium wide bui toning up snug to throat A dressy warm comfortable winter garment for 84 Others from 175 to S900 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Utmost value Ladles Sweater Coats White ones at SI to 8375 - Grey ones at 125 to 8650 Red ones at 150 to 8275 Some with belts some long- like suit jackets some with pockets others plain Also very desirable childrens sweaters from 35c to 150 The Thomp son Dry Goods Co Utmost value Boys Shirts 25 Cents Boys double sewed full cut soft shirts for everyday aud school with collar at tached for 25c Also selling a very dressy percale shirt for boys without collar for 35c The Thompson Dry Goods Co Utmost value Boost the Ticket Sale Every business man and citizens of McCook generally should boost sow on the sale of season tickets for the Citi zens Lecture and Entertainment Course Remember boost now The course is most worthy and excellent Nine to Five Last Saturday Seth Taylors football team and Traver Gatewoods bunch met on the grid When the doins were over Seths boys had the better of the score of 9 to 5 Residence For Sale Wishing to move to Colorado I desire to sell my residence 906 1st street east at once 11 L Kennedy Sweet Apple Cider For sale at the Morrisey ranch Phone black 292 Everything in drugs McConnell Mary Harrisonnurse Phone black 286 Get your entertainment course tickets now McMillens Little Liver Granules will do you good Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only Hubers have everything in olives plain and stuffed from 15 cents to 81 a bottle Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully guaranteed for dnrability A McMil len druggist At the Intermission in the temple theatre building for tho Judge Norris 10c cigar and the Novum Templum 5c smoke Quality like blood tells Quality ex plains the well earned popularity of the bamous Loomis High Patent Fours Sold bv McCook Flour and Feed Store W II Khoads will hold a public sale of stock implements etc Wednesday Nov 3d Free lunch at noon Usual tortus Farm five miles northwest of Box Elder Thats the swellest mount I ever saw declared a young man the other day while looking at one of our photo mounts the kind intended for wall or den decoration You will agree if you see it Come in Kimmell Studio 1st door north of Commercial Hotel Get Our Prices 011 Mil linery B4U Buy H C Clapp Dry Goods and nillinery Main avenue NUMBER 23 Idle Money You work hard for your money shouldnt your money work hard for you Dont lot it lie around doing nothing Every cent repre sents an effort on your part Mako that money oxert itself When It Works It Earns More Money for you in interest Put your money in this bank where it will earn interest for you Start your monoy at work today Wo pay 1 percent on Timo Deposits THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Prcs C J OBrikn Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKonna PERSONAL TAXES FOR 1909 Are due November 1st become delinquent December 1st Should be paid during the month of Nov ember to save interest Notices will be mailed out on or about the 10th of Novemger C NADEN Treasurer of Red Willow Co Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full lino of other makes CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS ST ALHAXd The Sundsy school is already at work on a Christmas program a concert Bishop Graves is expected to visit this church latter part of November From this time on the rector will be in town to give confirmation instruction to candidates after each eiening serv ice The rector will hold services at Ind ianola Monday November 1st at 730 p m Bartley November 2 same hour Cambridge November 3 same hour Subject of morning sermon next Sun day at 11 The One Foundation In the evening at 730 Appearances CONG REG ATIONA L Morning subject 20th Century Spir ituality Evening CharacterStudy of Judas GERMAN LUTHERAN In commemoration of Dr Martin Lu thers church reformation begun on October 31 1517 there will be two serv ices both in the German language next Sunday October 31st preaching at 10 a m and S p m BAPTIST Rev Burton will conduct tho closing services of his pastorate at the Baptist church Sunday Every member of the church is requested to be present both morning and evening and the friends of the church are most cordially invited to attend Rev S E Wilkin of Blakesburg la will speak at the Baptist church Sun day afternoon October 31 at 3 p m to men only Subject Caleb or Human Possibilities JIETHODIST Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching bv pastor ac 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject A Prayer Answered Because Works Followed Evening A Trap for the Other Fellow But Caught Himself Junior League at 3 p m Epworth League at 7 p m Mrs Wm Raine will lead Subject Poor Rich and Rich Poor Praye meetir g every Wednesday night at 8 p m Every body welcome to all our ser vices CITY STYLES AT HALF THE PRICE You can secure the city styles the latest devel opment of the phers art at half the price charged for simil ar Avork in the city at The New Studio Also those who prefer them can have the soot and white - wash with every eyelash sharply defined sort of pictures Why go to the city in order to pay more for the same thing E Schell Kimmell Main ave McCook First Door North of Commercial Hotel