Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1909)
v v i I TEMPERANCE COLUMN Couaucied by tue isicoooK vv i x u i My icvs on ins Suffraffe Q teshm Thai bnuys in to i i au mnl I re flvct that vittuii tht r ijyn f my mem ory iwil that UnL iuii half u ie nu eithur n wom tn witn rfeic f vhih on tliiri and tunny other jtiritiui3 tint she lm- ennud a perfect ngit to vi w ui idio tknsM Ujw wn rubor mi imtiUitl und iiiiiij considered rather an utijutiliccahto pttHori Sim ought to ho nuppreriaed nitlior hiiri given mouraC munl Many of m cm recall the Htatu of iKlh t but I fur om am uiati ful that MiUittle odium now aitacliis to tin worn ui who oonc ra3 herself uvo7uiiy with hwlpinii lo oilvd th nun w jrild pribium t ami the rnjlit of suffrage is one vxing tho mintiB of Ik - tors now and Imvd no more Idea i L it will not ultimately prevail than I have that any riuh thing will prevail liirfinddo tho but of much ill tiaiil abuse liku tho mother in law j Ue that to niH siKini so unkind unmanly tnd unnatural Our vimas on all tlid I hinge that are vital Ij e homo and ita sufu guards are o should be as sacred to us as the homo i If and should bo guided by co isci nc and be responsible alone to our Maker Wo sh mid no moro be guide 1 b what -ho says uclois you reaj oeiievo hi views are tho true ones tin vvi should in settling other things in which yjurself and Heavenly FutlKi no inostooucerned My mother hold tho old fnshioned idea in my girl hood ifgard to the so called strong mindid woman and of coutsb 1 thought she wis right but siDce my owner iron are growing up I vainly wish i c j allowed to change bone of tLo exisli g conditio and 1 no moro mk that a womans mind may be y to strong She needs all tho tigth of body aud character possible My father Wo aro all of uscorr rid inhumed wipii any of our sex bring into disgrace or disrepute tho crown iuicli should bother glory but thanks ie to God she carries into lnr hoaie her business and before the world tho pure idoals that arc her birth right aid men arereadyto grant her superiority and trust tocher gtLeguid anca of th chidron and ruling of home affairs Miy she feel this sacred trust and provo true toit ever but she must be granted more help in many ways New laws or many modified that now adorn on statute books would ease her burdeus and 1 have failed so far in my journey arough this vale of tears to become eouvinced that her mind is in capablo ot helping to frame the3e laws We heir much of her indirect in fluenceall well and good but direct influences are in ro powerful in all cases arent the If herjindirect influences are w o n id to b3 trusted why limit her sphoro lo these And as to the ability to discharge the duties ofjjany office Just think it over and see if ilyou can not tms as manyo women in the circle of your acquaintance who are as vb ted to this as there are men whoiniou know who could and would fill an J faithfully discharge such duties for yourv city and county They may not be numerous but if you are honest with yourself are there lniany men either1 t Aud dont you believe the worn uld guido tho shipof state ware u duty they wsr sworn to dis charge Surely you do The mental cap courage conscientiousness and all that go to make up a man are also the3womans attributes and she holds fiem as securely this oven men williag grant what more is required And tho time is not far distant when she w I into her ovvn It will be grant r as freely ns to the men Now i practically not the equal of men any where The young man woos a b9 h fondly fancies bat 1ttL low er than angels but tho sweet young girl he marries is not even his equal aho never will be tiil she cin cast a bal lot N 1 ng ago I saw lrs so calleo joke wh it is a party of man alone v stag party What is a nation of men i stag ntion At jurst 1 thou that was to srjng but in om iense is it Isnt there a sort of stag nation in the things that make foi righteousness purify and morality am much nnre made of commercialism and the worldly view of things Right eouscess i xalteth a nation dort yoi bolieve that And too that sin is reproach to any people And do yor not bfliev9 the mothers of our natior would try harder to remove the cursf of sin from our nd than do our fathers This is my view and I hop3 I have not bored you while airing the ideas hold true If people with symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble could realize their dan ger thoy would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Rem edy This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities strengthens and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Brights disease or other ser ious disorder Do not disregard the early symptoms A McMillen Legal Blanks Here This otlice carries all kinds of legal blank forni9 and makes special blanks to order promptly and accurately Picture framing The Ideal Store MiHUfH MIMlUMrfgU I - m TO1WUW CT ju IIHI m M TM f rVnTiri MTOTtlWTWnU1 wi iiinnrwuin dMWWIUIMM N Ill in I ZL w crh Zwz jMaAMR try m ms s fctrTrrrHr rwMzrzm - wfff4iAitr 7JLf t rZf ttj W 2X S- tlf Fn 1 tt I ffV FWiW J riT fjff iy 1 f V IT IJ E V rd RM Kt IJi tV l Ifn Im kM V JUDGE JOHN B BARNES - Sr31 - XgUi 3 AMT5Ty nX mi tm wPk mMBb m i Iil1 m 1 JWR fi ll fcea crcaa o CarSar 2S22Sff MZjJT I JUDGE JACOB FAWCETT I J JWHl t wM mKifflS Republican Candidate for Re ettclion SStT -- fASfilPl I l i5B BACK GlVES 0UT Mt anli HliWk ls piemy of Mcck Headcrs t regents of the State Uni versity the republican party has nominated three of the prominent citizens of the state best equipped to perform the duties that fall to the board in charge of the states most important institution of learning Charles S Allen of Lincoln Wil liam G Whitmore of Valley and Frank L Haller of Omaha the re publican candidates for regents con stitute a trio of citizens who will bring to the work they undertake al most ideal qualifications for its per formance Neither of these men were or are candidates in the sense of personally seeking for the honor conferred by membership on the di recting board of the University Each is a candidate in response alone to the insistent demands of many who know well their exceptional fitness for the duties involved and who have close st heart the best and broadest Interests of the University Messrs Allen and Whitmore are both completing a term of six years service on the Board of Regents a term of service which has redounded to their personal honor and credit in the same full degree that it has been of exceptional value to the growth and prosperity of the University Those who know best the present and future needs of the University are the most insistent that their ser vice be not interrupted but be con tinued to the great and lasting bene fit of the institution In this lies the highest praise the highest of per sonal compliments Mr Frank L Haller a leading business man of the state a man o large experience broad culture and great executive ability completes the n lo of candidates on th republican ticket For fourteen years Mr Haller has been a member of the board of di rectors of the Omaha public library and is at present the president oL JUDGE SAML H SEDGWICK Former Chief Justice Nebraska Supreme Court and Republican Candidate for Election vc yrSO liKLwi JUDGE JOHN B BARNES Member of Nebraska Supreme Court and Republican Candidate for Re election Judge John B Barnes of Norfolk judge of the Supreme Court of Ne braska and present acting chief jus tice of the court has been selected by the republican voters of the state as one of the candidates of the re publican party for re election to the place on the supreme bench which he has so ably and honorably filled for the past term of six years Judge John B Barnes is a native of Ohio a veteran of the Civil War and a citizen of Nebraska since 1S71 when he located in Dixon county and was admitted to the bar in 1873 en gaging in the practice of law to which he has since given his entire attention In 1875 Judge Barnes was elected district attorney of the Sixth judicial district was re elected and served until appointed judge of the district to fill a vacancy caused by the elec tion of Judge Valentine to Congress was re elected for a full term and later declined renomination to enter upon the practice of his profession Judge Barnes was appointed Su preme Court Commissioner in Janu ary 1902 serving as commissioner until his election as a member of the court in 1903 since which date his service as a member of the court has been continuous He is now approaching the completion of the six year term to which he was elected in 1903 and holds the honor able position of acting chief justice of Nebraska In the absence of Judge M B Reese Judge Barnes splendid record as lawyer and jurist has gained for him the confidence and approval of the people of the state This is well evi denced by the general support given Judge Barnes candidacy for supreme judge at the recent state wide primary election JUDGE JACOB FAWCETT Member of Nebraska Supreme Court and Republican Candidate for Re election Judge Jacob Fawcett of Omaha associate justice of the Supreme Court of Nebraska and Republican candidate for re election is a native of Wisconsin a veteran of the Civil War and was admitted to the bar at Galena Illinois in 1873 Judge Fawcett was appointed county judge of Jo Davies county Illinois by Gov ernor Oglesby and was elected to the office at the expiration of the term for which he was appointed He resigned the office the following year and removed to Omaha and was selected as one of the lecturers in the College of Law in the Nebras ka State University In 1895 Judge Fawcett was elected a judge of the district court of the Omaha district and was re elected in 1899 serving eight years on the district bench of Douglas county He returned to the practice of law in Omaha in the spring of 1904 continuing in prac tice until appointed supreme court commissioner in October 1907 Judge Fawcett continued on the supreme court commission until the adoption of the constitutional amendment en larging the supreme court at the last general election when he was ap pointed a judge of the supreme court to serve until the general election of this year He is now completing the term of one year for which he was appointed Judge Fawcetts long period of service on the bench eight years as judge of the district court of Doug las county more than a year as a Commissioner of the Supreme Court and the past year as a member of that court has eminently fitted him for the distinguished service of a full term on the supreme bench for which he is the nominee of the Re publican party iot nork hnvn in fivorv tpst of citizenshin every test o official duty vr CK S il cnm JUDGE SAMUEL H SEDGWICK Former Chief Justice Nebraska Su preme Court and Republican Candidate for Election Judge Samuel H Sedgwick of York Neb former chief justice of the Su preme Court of Nebraska and republi can candidate for election as judge of the supreme court is a native of Illi nois in which state he spent his youth on the farm and in the district school graduating later from Wheaton col lege He studied law at the Michigan State University and in a law office and was admitted to the bar at Green Wis in 1S74 since which time he has given his entire attention to his profession Judge Sedgwick removed to York Neb in 1878 and entered at once into active practice in which he was emi nently successful Serving one term as judge on the district bench he was later supreme court commissioner and was subsequently elected a justice of the supreme court at the general elec tion in 1901 serving as chief justice in the closing two years of his term At the close of his first term Judge Sedgwick was a candidate for renom ination but was defeated in the pri maries by Judge M B Reese who had been denied a re nomination some years previously the republican voters of the state seeming to desire to right without delay the wrong done Judge Reese at the previous period In this decision no one acquiesced more cheerfully than Judge Sedgwick al though feeling that patient faithful work fairly entitled him to a second term Since the expiration of his term Judge Sedgwick has successfully con tinued the practise of law at York The splendid vote cast for him at the recent primaries evidences the desire of his fellow citizens of Nebraska to return him to the supreme court upon which he rendered such distinguished and meritorious service the board Mr Haller is also presi dent of the Nebraska public library commission a position which he has held since the resignation of Chan cellor Andrews from the commission in 190G He is a member of the ex ecutive committee of the Omaha Commercial Club and a moving spirit among the directors of the National Corn Association A graduate of the Iowa State Uni versity he has long taken a particu lar interest in the Agricultural Col lege of the Nebraska University and will bring to the Board of Regents a ripe experience in business affairs and a broad general knowledge that will be of the utmost value to thf continued progress of the University Mr Haller is of German descent and has spoken the lanjiiage from childhood In addition to university training he has broadened his edu cation by extensive travel in this courtry and Europe is one overwhelming reason why the Republican party cm successfully appeal to all the reo THERE for support at the ballot box for the candidates of the Repu lican party It is this- -The Repub lican party has given the state Responsible Effective Economical and Intelligent Government in every denartment Executive Legislative ad Judicial whenever entrusted with authorit by the people The record is before the people and it is a goc record You can trust the Party which his proven true and responsible in every test On that record the party asks the support f lie voters of Nebraska for its candidates for the Supreme Court Judges Barnes Fawcett and Sedgwick ail of whom have served on the Supreme bench with ability honor and fidelity to the interests ot the people and asks also for the nnnrnvnl of Its candidates tor rteeents ot tne university uebsrs uuas au U1C - Haller the first two of whom have served with distinguished ability and usefulness on the Board of Re gents for nearly six years past the last named an pie prominent and sj made business nan of the state i iinK innsr civen much attention to the University School of Agriculture The candidate of the j ue utt - uic a eiJieaeuv as candidates in the coming election has proven true to the peorle in every emergency On this broad foiuucxtion of performance of duty well discharged the republics party asks for its candidates the c m fidence and support of the voters of Nebraska You tax the kidneys ovprvoik then They cant keep up the continual strain Tho back gives out it aches and pvine Urinary troubles set in Dont wait longer tako Doans Kid ney Pills L II Seybold living S E Cor of Third St aud Eailroad St Kearney Neb says I can heartily recommend Doans Kidney Pills to nil sufferers of kidney complaint This rf mody acted strictly up to the representations in my c ise and proved to be a kidney cure in every sense of the word My work obliges me to do a great den 1 of stooping and lifting and also exposes nif tj in clement weather These combined con ditions probably caused my kidneys to become disoidered and backache was the result Though I did not take Doans Kidney Pills as regularly as I should have done they nevfrtheles benefited me greatly and I willingly give chem my endorsment Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at a drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealurs Price 50 cents Fostor Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole ngents for tho United States Remomb T the name Doans and lake uo other Both Boys Saved Louis Ooon n leading merchant of Norway Mich writes Three bottles of Foleys Honey and Tar absolutely cured my boy of a severe cough and a neighbors boy who was so ill with a cold that tho doctors pave him up was curod by taking Foloys Honey and Tar Nothing else is as eafo and cer tain in results A McMillen Mr F G Fritz Ooeonta N Y writes My little girl was greatly benefitted by taking Foloys Orina Lax ative and I think it is the best remedy for constipation and liver trouble Foleys Orina Laxative is mild pleasant and effective and cures habitual consti pation A McMillen President of Burlington Association Dr B B Dtvis of Omaha has been made president of tho Burlington Rail way Surgeons association Tho next annual meeting of tho association will be held in St Paul Minn BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood P W COLSON FIRE INSURANCE Residence and Business Property for Rent Office Phone 16 Residence Black 333 McCOOK NEBRASKA J fr MMiWs m I lllJSB M - I With a Base Ball Bat Some men should be beaten with a base ball bat instead rf with a broom If there is anything that will try a good it is bum coal If you want coal tlat will please lt u 5 ell you If your wife does not say that she never had ett r c l for the money we will take the beating and remove the roal at no expense to ou All we ask is a trial order You take no c ances We agree to deliver coal with all good qualities Ghe us a trial order Ask our customers Stansfoerry Lumber Co A V r - 1