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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1909)
S Jk - V N TWENTY -EIGHTH YEAR ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the Bee Hivp stock of D W Colson I wish to announce that I am now prepared to supply your wants in GROCERIES HATS CAPS SHOES NOTIONS and all hinds of General Merchandise I earnestly solicit tho patronage of all and with the best intorests of my customers continually in mind I shall at all times en deavor to furnish tho best possible merchandise at tho very lowest prices Favor me with a call or phono your order to No 47 F S VAHUE General Merchandise 223 Main Avenue Rcberson Met Expectations Robersons Messina met every reasonable expectation Thursday eve ning last the high school auditorium bfing crowded with a most attentive and appreciative audience His 200 odd pictures were excellent from viejy point of the artistic and were sufficiently realistic no doubt to satisfy all but the most sordid taste His descriptive powers have not lost any of their vigor vividness or elegance and exactness of diction In a sentence Roberson is worthwhile in anything be undertakes in his special hne none superior m Death of Baby Wilhelmine Mrand MrsElsworth Ward of South McCook were bereft of their little baby girl Wilhelmine last Friday morning whooping cough and complications taking the dear one away Brief ser vices were held in the Methodist church Saturday morning Rev Carman offici ating after which the remains of the little one were mingled with Mother Earth in Riverview cemetery Much sympathy goes out to the bereaved parents Baby Wilhelmine was but seven months old ARE TWENTY TWO CAMERAS ENOUGH TO CHOUSE FROM Make your selection now and take your kodak with you on your summer vacation It will not only afford you pleasure but will be instructive We have all necessary supplies so one can easily do their own work and make your pictures very inexpensive No dark room needed pictures can be finished in daylight by the use of a tank de veloping box L W McConnell Druggist The Advance Guard The Drebert Clothing Co are now re ceiving some of their new store furnish ings Those received indicate that when all are in and installed they will have one of the best and most modern furnished stores in the state in which everything is tastefully and harmonious ly blended and convenience and utility fully conserved New Paper In Prospect The business men of Marion have re tired from the Danbury News and are arranging to issue a newspaper of their own in the future The straw which put a kink in the camels back of a breaking weight was the new road and bridge sought by the people of Danbury and protested by the people of Marion Does Your Roof Leak If so you can make it good with Pimbley Roof paint which is good for metal or shingles in fact for any kind of root For sale bv McCook Hardware Co Hail Insurance Let us insure your grain against loss by hail Policy written at ock of fice Honest adjustment and prompt guarantee Boyle Eldrkd Office ovpr post office Phone 11 Land For Sale Want cash offer on the N W 25 3 29 Red Willow county Neb Three miles N E McCook I J Brinegar box 202 Lincoln Neb 11 2 For Sale Reasonable Good driving or work horse Morrisey Ranch Phone black 292 Farm Loans N J Johnson over McConnells store A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M Saturdaj Juijp 19 at730p m Work in M M degree By Order of the W M Lon Cone Secretary sasBBsaaeaja Odd Fellows and Rebekahs Last Sunday was Memorial Day for the Odd Fellow and Robekah orders In the morning the order and auxiliary as sembled at tho Baptist church and list ened to a sermon by Rev Burton and in the afternoon at 1 oclock repaired to the different cemeteries of the city and paid their annual tribute to the dead members of the orders and members of families of Odd Fellows Nineteen graves were so remembered Notice Ordinance 97 relating to and regu lating the keeping and harboring of dogs by imposing a license tax on the keepers and owners will be strictly en forced Persons interested will do well to see to the securing of license tags for their dogs immediately as the city marshal has been ordered to dispose of all unlicensed dogs at once By order of Mayor and City Council Railroad Men Will Picnic At a meeting of railroad men from the different departments heid in the master mechanics office it was decided to hold a picnic in the near future Committees were appointed to investigate and in spect the grounds at Wauneta and at Cambridge and to report at an early date when the place and date will be determined It will likely be on the Saturday following the Fourth of July Class of Twenty Four A class of twenty four fourteen girls and ten boys took their first commun ion at St Patricks church last Sunday minitirv llr1tn Ill W T T1 H1T1 O at the priests house at nine oclock Ff ufis n linniif iful nproninninl nnrl United in Marriage La3t Sunday at St Ann Frontier Lectured On Explosives Col James L Taylor of New York City representing the bureau of the safe transportation of explosives de livered a lecture on the subject of hand ling explosives to railroad men and shippers in our city last Saturday eve ning in the Menard opera house This is a bureau maintained by railroad Railroads have stringent rules relating to the handling of explosive materials and these rules are in the hands of every trainman and other employe having anything to do with handling explosives in transit These rules were explained in detail by Colonel Taylor who has made a study of this matter Epidemic of Resignations McCook churches are just now in an epidemic of pastorate resignations Rev G B Hawkes of the Congregational church has resigned effective in two months Rev R M Ainsworth of the Christian church retires from this patt orate in about a month Rev Edker Burton of the Baptist church made known his desire some time since to sever his connection with the church here as its pastor So appearances in dicate that practically all the Protestant churches of the city will have new pas tors by early fall Was Burled Last Sunday The remains of Mrs Matehett tho county Miss Florence Anthony and Mr aged mother of Frank Matehett of Glenn Somorvillo both of that place South McCook wore buried in River wero united in marriage Rev M 13 view cemetery last Suuday afternoon at Carman of our city performing tho two oclock The Hged lady was 82 ceremony Tho bride is an years old Her death occured on Wed lished school teacher of that vicinity J naaddy Inst Her son Ira and wife of and the groom is the sterling young son Harrisburg Penn arrived for the fu of Mr and Mrs J M Somorvillo of nernl Saturday night they returned this county home Sunday night Services were There were friends and relatives held at the home of the son in South present from McCook Curtis Stock- MoCook Sunday afternoon Riv Bur- 1 ville and other points A splendid dinner followed the cere mony The young couple were quite hand somely remembered with gifts They left on No 3 the same night i from this place for Colorado where they will spend their honeymoon Heres a hearty congratulation and our best wishes ton officiating Burial was made iD Riverview cemetery Notice to A 0 U W Members There will be important business to transact next Monday evening An entertainment after moving in the new Masonic hall will be proposed Daputy Grand Master Workman Phillip and Frank E Stump will be present and want to arrange for a cam paign for new members AH members are requested to be present C B Gray Recorder Pythian Memorial Day Next Sunday will be observed by the Knights of Pvthias as their Memorial Da The knights will assemble at their castle hall at one oclock in the after noon and march in organization to the Congregational church where Rev G B Hawkes will deliver the sermon ap propriate to the day The decoration of graves will occur later Kill 0 What It Is A new preparation for killing dande lions weeds etc A drop on the root of the weed and it is dead Beautify your lawn by using Kill O and eradi cating the weeds Sold in 23 cent and 50o bottles at Wood worth Cos Druggists July Third on Willow A celebration is being arranged for July 3rd on Red Willow creek at the old picnic grounds on the Church ranch All the usual preparations are being completed Baby Bonnets of straw of lace of embroidery of cro chet silk of lawn etc at all prices The Thompson D G Co Actual cash value Binder and Header Bargains One of each at McCook Hardware Cos They will be put out ready for business Like Good Things To Eat Have your cook use our spices and L flavoring L W McConnell Druggist For Rent Five room dwelling Phone red 278 Will 0pn a Studio I have leasad the Kelley building on Main avenue first door north of the Commercial hotel and hope to be able to open a studio therein for the accom plishment of all kinds of photographic work within the coming two weeks Will make a special feature of portrait work for both adults and children Have J V J JU v wvu largely attended despite the inclement weather Will Remain in City Miss Deborah Heckman will remain in the city and will receive all pupils at Mrs W H Dungans residence corner of C and 2nd street east A pair The Thompson D G value For Sale Sweet Potato CabbageTomato Cay enne Pepper and Sweet Mango Pepper plants Mrs L M Best Phone 91 The highest price paid for June hogs since 1SS2 was paid in the Chicago market Monday of this week SS per 100 Buster Brown sox insured four mouths four pair 8100 ing Co sole agents McCook Jo IT School of Photography ana will be equip ped to do all kinds of photographic wort in up to aaie style 1 nope tuus to merit and receive your patronage E SCHELL KlMMELL On Bargain Square About 25 corsets at 29 cents each These are odds and ends and include some gauze corsets and some corset waists Regular prices were up as high On Bargain Square as 3100 Your choice now at 29 cents few doz childrens hose at 6c a Enough said The Thompson D G Co Regular prices 10c 12c and 10c The utmost value Co The utmost Wanted Family Washing I must have work at once and will do my t est to please Mrs Winnie King in the Thole building on west B street at corner of 3rd street west Enjoy the Summer in a four passenger lawn swing or a nice hammock Get them at McCook Hardware Co 3 Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton Grade Graduation Exercises Miss Hatcher countv superintendent advises us that tho fifth annual gradu ating exercises of the eighth grades of the Rod Willow county public schools last Friday were very gratifying well attended and given interested attention by those present Of the 51 graduates 36 were present one of them riding horseback forty miles to attend the exercises A pleasing incident of the occasion was the presentation by tho teachers of Red Willow county to Miss Hatcher of a set of handsome pearl handlo fruit knives County Supt C L Littol did tho act gracefully in making the little speech of presentation Miss Hatcher was the more touched because of the unexpectedness of the gift The program of the occasion follows PROGRAM Piano Solo Miss Nina Tomlinson Invocation Kev G 15 Hawkes Vocal Solo Mrs W H Dungnu Salutatory Guy Grissell Hartley Address Frank S Perdue Deputy State Supt Duet Genevieve McAdams Minnie Vierson Clurinet Solo Ray Jordan Valedictory Paul Kanuow ludianola Presentation of Diplomas Supt Claudia 15 Hatcher Vocal Solo Miss Ruth Wieho Benediction Rev M B Carman The Last Contract Let The building committee let the con tract end of week for the theatre chairs to the Andrews Co of Chicago being tho last contract of any propor tions remaining on the temple theatre building Only minor items now re main to be disposed of as tney come on One Thing Needful You must have a new suit if you would celebrate the Fourth of July in proper style For instance a Stein Block blue serge one of our fancy suits or one of the famous Becker Mayer kind Rozkll Barghr Are You Going- To Paint Patterson Sargents ready -mixed and ready to put on paint for every pur pose is handled by McCook Hardware Co There is no better paint Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Nifty Hats They sell the niftiest hats at Rozell Bargers at 82 25 Just prove this by calling and inspecting their line Special For Children A parasol and fan both for 10 cents at The Thompson D G Co The utmost service Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Barker at clothing store PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Subscriptions to The Tribune are payable in advance and the publisher is now engaged in mailing to all subscribers notice of the amount due up to January ist 1910 or up to a date one year in advance of their present date We hope to receive many prompt renewals With a list approaching the 1500 mark it will be easily appreciated how heavy the burden is upon the publisher to carry any consider able number of subscribers until the end of the year So kindly respond cheerfully and at an early date THE PUBLISHER Entertained G T C Club J H Yarger and wife entertained the G T C club at their home Monday evening in a very doligheful manner One of the features of the evening was a gum modeling contest which caused much merriment The prize a bouquet of beautiful carnations was awarded to W II Dungan for the best modeled T j i been recently graduated fijom the Illinois grasshopper MI Breakfast was served to the class A dainty luncheon wag Berved at the close of the evening by the daughters of the host and hostess Mesdames Clark and Stewart One Present Binders and Headers of either Deerirgor Piano make mowers of Deering Milwaukee and Dain make Dain and Deering bay tools If your old machine m eds repairs let us help you fix it We have expert men for that purpose Or let us have your or der for a new machine McCook Hardware Co The Score Was 13 to 14 Waunburg Campbells Colts of this city went up against the First Nine at Trenton Tuesday and after a 12 inning encounter retired in defeat Pedro and Huber were the local battery Too many errors lost the colts the race They will try conclusions again next Thursday in a return game To My Patrons While I am ill I have arranged to have my work goon as usual Mrs S E Griggs otrtlhtfttif McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING JUNE 18 1909 ATTENDANCE HAS INCREASED Unusual Number of Full Term Enroll ments Work Progressing Handsomely The Becond week of the McCook Junior Stnte Normal school finds us with a total enrollment of 150 pupils Of this total 110 are enrolled for the en tire term an unusual and most highly gratifying situation for tho management The work Principal Taylor informs us is progressing very satisfactorily with every prospect of securing the most sub stantial results Fraternal Memorial Day The Workmen and Woodmeu orders together with their respective auxiliaries the Degree of Honor nnd Royal Neigh bors fittingly observed their Memorial Day last Sunday afternoon About fifty graves of members and of members of families were decorated in the several cemeteries a large representation of members of the several orders attending ritualistic services and decoration at the graves Supt C W Taylor of the city schools delivered a short address on Fraternity at the cemetery which was an appreciated feature of a touching occasion Paper Your Walls Now Theres no need of putting off your papering still longer just because you neglected or were unable to paper earlier in the season Theres still am pie choice of papers at our store We want you to see our papers We can show you designs that youll see no where else hereabout In buying here you will make a sub stantial saving on the paper that will help out on the cost of hanging L W McConnell Druggist Married In Pocatello The Tribune learns of tho marriage June 2nd in Pocatello Idaho of Miss Mamie Chandler and Mr Frank Lech leitnor both well known to many readers of this paper as both were former residents of our city and em ployed in tho Barnett Lumber Co office They are making their home in Gooding Idaho where Mr L has a fine position in a lumber yard Con Will Open a German school Rev G L Henkelmann pastor of the German Congregational church will open a school in the teaching of German next Monday morning June 21st open to all children who are cordially invited He will conduct the school four davs each week in the mornings only from 9 to 12 oclock He has been given the use of the basement of the west ward school building for the purpose On Bargain Square 25 colored percale and lawn shirt waists at 19 cents each Only sizes 32 and 31 Regular prices on some of these as high as -3175 They are mussed and odd no two alike hardly To sell them out quickly 19 cents takes them The Thompson D G Co The utmost service Childrens Day Program Next Sunday night at S oclock in the Methodist Church Come out and see the Cradle Roll and their new chair The Nations Flag Drill will be pleasing as given by the girls All welcome Perfection Oil Cooks can be run a whole month for seventy cents This makes tho cheapest pos sible way for cool summer cooking Guaranteed to not smoke or smell Sold by McCook Hardware Co White Silk Waists 225 Made of fine soft china silk long sleeves open front full pleats just tho article for the hot weather The Thompson D G Co The utmost ser vice Hail Insurance Insure your crops against loss by hail in the St Paul F M Ins Co and the Conn Fire Ins Co of Hartford Boyle Eldred Agents Office over post office Phone 11 No Hunting Allowed No hunting allowed on my farm or on the Walsh land leased by me under penalty of the law E F Flitcraft In South McCook chapel next Sunday at 3 oclock there will be Sunday School Good music new teachers All welcome Special Sale On refrigerators You can save dollars by buying now at McCook Hardware Cos Heatherbloom Petticoats 225 in blacks and colors at The Thompson D G Cos The utmost value FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Tho harder more essential NUMBER 4 HARD WORK im i man works tho it is for him to save if ho is to got tho real good of his labor Tho saved portion is the seed of actual accomplish ment and indopondonco This is not theory it is practical fact which many learn from exjHjrienoo when it is too lato Dont wait Start an account today with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna Reorganized Sunday School The South McCook mission Sunday School of the Methodist church which has been allowed to languish for somu time was on last Sunday reorganized and it is hoped in future to taieup this work with vigor and prosecute it with success C C Calvert will continuo as superintendent New teachers have been provided papers and cards pur chased special music has been ar ranged for and indeed the work is well provided for in all departments Tho people of that part of the city will no doubt be pleased to learn of this action and will see to it that their children shall have advantage of this oppor tunity Hammock Weather Hammock weather is at hand Bet ter get the hammock at onco and have the use of it through the entire hot sea son Better see our lino at once Wo can save you money on a hammock any time but cant show all through the season the magnificent line of ham mocks we now have Latest styles all sizes all colors and various prices L W McConnell Druggist District League Meeting The District League meeting at Re publican City fore part of this week was attended by the following delegates from the McCook league Mrs E M Cox Miss Josie Stewart Miss Mabel Cumberland E M Pearson II E Cul bertson Pupils For Piano Miss Emma Burrows a graduate of Grafton Hall Fond du Lac Wis and of Ripon Wis Conservatory of Music will receive pupils for instruction on the piano at tho home of Mrs Herman Fade 2nd street east Phone red GG Female Help Wanted A hired girl or a woman to help my mother keep house for me I will pay good wagos to the right party Write the undersigned at Superior Nebraska R F D No 2 A L Overman Cut Glass or Silver Ware makes an appropriate present and you will find at McCook Hardware Cos the latest designs New goods arriving frequently makes this store an ideal place at which to buy Notice to the Public Mr J H Schneider professional piano and organ tuner 511 west 3rd street McCook Neb is now ready for engagements in his profession Washable Jacket Suits from 8500 to 750 Wash skirt3 8150 to 8250 Jumper suits 8125 to 100 Alterations free The Thompson D G Co The utmost value FOR SALE A 6 room house smallest room 12 x 11 8500 cash balance to suit purch aser For further information phono red 320 Couldnt Hardly Notice It Monday was flag day but you couldnt hardly notice it at all M cCook NOTICE As the ice cream season has again opened with us our store will remain open evenings through out the summer Woodworth Co Druggists in hk