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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1909)
Vn X u t TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR KTYYTTTTTTTYTTTYTTYTTTTTTK t - t Two of Them H P Sutton is just in receipt of two carloads of pianos of the leading makes in every style and finish and of all prices He is prepared to please the most fastidious and artistic tastes and also the most reasonable and modest pocketbooks - CALL AND SEE - The Display Is Unequaled 4 4 4 - i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 A A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A V -- ----- - THEY WERE UNANIMOUS Stockholders Are of One Voice in the Deficiency Matter NET PROCEEDS OF THE RENTALS To Be Used In Further Financing the Big Temple Theatre Project Which Requires About 10000 More To Complete Same Though the meeting of the stockhold ers of the Masonic Temple Theatre pro ject was not numerously attended Monday afternoon very considerably more than half of the stock was repre sented almost 2700 shares being represented in person or by proxy Reports were read showing financial condition of the enterprise and indicat ing that 10000 more money would be required to complete the building in first class style in every particular The alternative of issuing more stock or of using the net proceeds of rentals from the building was offered and by a unanimous vote of the stockholders it was decided and we think wisely to devote the net proceeds from the build ings rentals rather than to issue addi tional stock which would require also that the capital stock of the association be increased It was the aggregate opinion that the building should be completed in good style not skimped in final and in terior details which has not been the in tention of the board of directors This action of the stockholders places the board of directors in position now to push along the enterprise to its final completion without much delay WINGS ON YOUR FEET Youll feel as if you had them if after suffering with tired burning perspiring feet you shake a little of our antiseptic foot powder into your shoes It takes out all the smart and makes your feet feel cool and comfortable This powder prevents feet sweating and corrects the condition that causes the disagreeable odors Price 25 cents L W McConnell Druggist Wash Suits For jacket suits from 500 to 3750 see us The dressy styles ninde of the most serviceable materials in the most sensible way For jumper suits at 1 25 to 400 we are unmistakably headquar ters We invite your inspection The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Notice of Equalization Notice is hereby given that the Coun ty Board of Equalization will meet on the loth day of June to equalize the 1909 personal assessment and will be in session at least three days as provided by law 5 21 Chas Skalla County Clerk Installing Gas Producer Engine The Webber gas producer engine of the old electric plant has been dismantl ed and is being set up in the new plant where it is contemplated to use it in producing current for the contemplated day current Hall Insurance Let us insure your grain against loss by hail Policy written at our of fice Honest adjustment and prompt guarantee Boyle Eldred Office over post office Phone 44 Land For Sale Want cashoffer on the X W 25 3 29 Red Willow county Neb Three miles N E McCook I J Brinegar box 202 Lincoln Neb 11 2 For Sale Reasonable Good driving or work horse Morrisey Rasch Phone black 292 tamsts3iiissmmsiSssesmSBsiaBi NSRieMisasK ir Jllt00h sS ife As a National Bank The Citizens Bank received telegraph ic instruction Tuesday to commence business on June 9ch 1909 as a nation al bank hence on Wednesday morning under orders from the comptroller of the currency the Citizens National Bank of McCook opened up for business with a capital stock of 850000 surplus of 25000 and undivided profits of 9000 We are advised that the bank has purchased government bonds to tho amount of 50000 at a very low prem ium and will issue bank notes in full of thatsum The Citizens Bank was established in McCook in 1882 and has always kept pace with the development and growth of the city and country meeting all the requirements and demands of its patrons for financial assistance at the same time being regarded as one of the strong and conservative state banks of Nebraska Consequently we have no doubt but that the Citizens National Bank will rank among the strong and progressive national banking institutions of the state The officers remain practically un changed but to meet the requirements of the national banking laws two addi tional directors have been elected they are G H Watkins and Vernice Franklin The entire directorate is V Frank lin president James S Doyle vice president A C Ebert cashier G H Watkins assistant cashier Vernice Franklin director TAKE A CAMERA WITH YOU Whenever you go upon outings or va cations take a camera with you Youll see more and remember more of what you see You will have a pictorial rec ord also that can be refered to for a lifetime Eastman kodaks make it pos sible for the most inexperienced to photograph successfully L W McConiell Druggist On Bargain Square About 8 doz childrens hose in tan and light blue in sizes 5 to 9 regular prices 10c 12cj and 15c taken from stock because of broken lines put on bargain square Saturday morning at Gc a pair Tho early birds will get them The Thompson D G Co The utmost Taluo Farmers We Want Your Orders for Deering Binders and Headers Mil waukee Dain and Deering Mowers the Deering and Osburn Rakes Dain and Deering Stackers and Bucks We keep full stock of repairs for these machines Come and talk it over McCook Hardware Co Pupils For Piano Miss Emma Burrows a graduate of Grafton Hall Fond du Lac Wis and of Ripon Wis Conservatory of Music will receive pupils for instruction on the piano at the home of Mrs Herman Pade 2nd street east Phone red 66 Hail Insurance Insure your crops against loss by hail in the St Paul F M Ins Co and the Conn Fire Ins Co of Hartford Boyle Eldred Agents Office over post office Phone ii Black Taffeta Silk 69c one yard wide perfect in weave uni form in color extra good in luster bears comparison with the usual 100 silk Sold only by the Thompson D G Co The utmost value Buys the Mission Inn Pedro F McLaughlin is the new pro prietor of The Mission Inn George D Keating having disposed of that estab lishment to Mr McLaughlin close of last week its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Straw Goods Now Have Call And of course straw hats are in order Straw hats in all the styles and at all prices at the leading clothiers Rozell Barger Bargain Sale One 12 foot Acme Header for 7500 and one Deering 7 foot Binder for 5000 if taken soon McCook Hardware Co Your Head Ever Ache Dont let it ever happen again McConnelPs Headache Capsules Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday morning june n 1909 Use Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton McConnells Cold Cream Purely vegetable Whitens nourishes and protects the skin 35 cents Spring Fries for Sale Some fine spring chickens for Phone red 113 sale BRYAN DOYLES TERRIBLE DEATH Is Thrown Erom Horse and Dragged and Kicked Death by the Frightened Animal A Recommendation Miss Emma Burrows entered Ripon College Conservatory of Music in the fall of 1906 with the intention of com pleting the course in piano for gradua tion She brought not only a good measure of musical talent but also con siderable musical knowledge and ex perience gained through previous train ing to the task 6he had set herself and was thus enabled through diligent and intelligent effort to progress rapidly toward her coveted goal She played her public recital in June 1908 with credit to herself and to her teacher Her character and personality are splendid and I take great pleasure in recommending her as a teacher a per former and as an individual and a lady Sincerely Theodore F Meier Director of Ripon College Conservatory of Music Attention I 0 0 F All members and visiting Odd Fellows and Rebekabs are requested to meet at the hall next Sunday morning at nine oclock prompt when they will proceed to the cemetery to pay their tribute to the members who have gone before All are requested to bring flowers Return ing we will attend the Baptist church for the morning service W A Middleton Secretary On Bargain Square There are only sizes 32 and 31 left in that lot of ladies shirt waists put out at 29 cents each If you can use these sizes the waists are bargains as the regular prices was from 75c up to 8175 The Thompson D G Co The utmost value klll 0 What It Is A new preparation for killing dande lions weeds etc A drop on the root of the weed and it is dead Beautify your lawn by using Kill O and eradi cating the weeds Sold in 25 cent and 50c bottles at Woodworth Cos Druggists you Can Tell a Velle Buggy as far as you can see it Thpy have a style and finish delightful to the eye They are made in one grade only but in a variety of patterns See the large line at McCook Hardware Cos Memorial and Floor Work The Degree of Honor drill team of our city attended the district meeting at Oxford last Wednesday when they gave the Memorial and the Floor work of the order SOLID COMFORT One of our hammocks a book a shady nook L W McConnell Druggist Electrical Exhibit at McCook Hardware Cos Saturday June 12th Do not miss this free ex hibit to ACCIDENT SUNDAY EVENING AT BOX ELDER Dead Boy Was Mounting to Attend Church -- Services and Burial at Box Elder on Tuesday Afternoon Large Attendance of Sympathizing Friends and Neighbors Last Sunday evening Bryan the thir teen-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Daniel B Doyle Sr of Box EId6r came to his death in a most tragic and terrible man ner Bryan was on his way horseback to church at Box Elder when the animal Lecama unmanageable and threw him off One of his feet caught and remained in a stirrup and the frightened and maddened horse kicked and dragged the unfortunate boy for a distance of about eighty rod until the stirrup broke near the store at Box Elder Life was pract ically extinct when the body was released from tho runaway horse Medical assist ance was called from this city but death had closed this chapter of the frightful accident before the arrival of the doctor Fuueral services were held in the M E church at Box Elder on Tuesday aft ernoon at two oclock Rev M S Satch ell of Oxford a former pastor of that church conducting the same A large outpouring of the relatives and of friends from that neighborhood and from this city attested by their presence their deep and tender sympathy for the ber eaved parents and family in this appall ing accident and great sorrow The re mains were interred in the cemetery at Box Elder Bryan Doyle was born on the ranch near Box Elder July 3rd 189G Died at Box Elder June 6th 1909 Wedded In Oberlin Sunday Announcements are out informing their friends of the wedding last Sun day June 6th at high noon of Miss Ha Maude Briggs of Oberlin Kansas and Mr Henry Best of our city They will be at home in our city after Aug ust first at 308 east 4th street Mr Best i is very favorably known to railroad peo ple as the new trainmasters chief clerk The bride will be remembered as having taught music here a year or so since The young couple are both musicians of ability and have many friends and ac quaintances in the city who will join us in wishing them a bon voyage and hearty congratulations The bride is a niece of Mrs A G Bump of our city White Petticoats Extraordinary values we are showing at 65c 85c SI 00 175 200 2 50 We will be pleased to show you corset covers gowns chemisesmuslin drawers in large variety at money saving prices to you The Thompson D G Co The utmost value At Perry School House Preaching in the Perry school house Sunday afternoon at three oclock June 13th by Rev B L Webber District Missionary American Sunday School Union All interested in organization of a Sunday school are urged to be present More Than They Wanted They got more water Sunday night than they could use at Real Easter days elevator on east A street about five feet of the liquid running into their grain pit which had to be pumped out oii Monday Ladles Lress Skirts Our offerings are very attractive in this line running all the way from 150 to 12 50 Alterations free If you want high value and the latest models see our line The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Ice Cream Social The ladies of the Baptist church missionary society will give an ice cream social at the home of Mrs H A Rouch next Tuesday evening June 15 All cordiallv invited Mark Their Wedding Anniversary A company of the friends of Mr and Mrs H P Sutton surprised them last Thursday evening and assisted them in happily celebrating their 23rd wedding anniversary Do Not Spend All your money repairing that old cream separator We will take it in exchange on a Sharpies Tubular thelongest lifed easiest-to-run easiest-to-clean separator McCcok Hardware Co Dwelling For Rent Five rooms and bath furnished or unfurnished 25 per month furnished or 20 unfurnished Fruit Mrs Nannie Ratliff north 5th street east PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Subscriptions to The Tribune are payable in advance and the publisher is now engaged in mailing to all subscribers notice of the amount due up to January ist 1910 or up to a date one year in advance of their present date We hope to receive many prompt renewals With a list approaching the 1500 mark it will be easily appreciated how heavy the burden is upon the publisher to carry any consider able number of subscribers until the end of the year So kindly respond cheerfully and at an early date THE PUBLISHER ribtttte Kullen Murray Marriage Wednesday morning at ten oclock in St Patricks Catholic church Miss Jos ephine Mullen and Mr John P Murray of this city wore united in marriage Rev W J Kir win O M I celebrating the nuptial mass in the presence of numer ous relatives and friends of the high con tracting parties Mies Millie Ebert played the wedding march from Lohengrin on the pipeorgan The bride wore a white embroidery gown princess effect Miss Mollie Ryan and Mr James Murray stood up with the bride and groom Miss Ryan wore a blue messel ino A wedding breakfast in four courses was served at the home of the brides mother Mrs Mary Mullen at 1130 at which there were about fifty guests During the breakfast music was pro vided by Mrs E O Mills and Mrs W B Mills Among the outoftown guests wore Attorney General and Mrs Will Mullen of Cheyenne Wyo Mr Pate and daugh ter of Minden Mr Murray and daught ers Misses Joe and Mae They left on No 3 Wednesday night for Salt Lake City on a wedding trip They will make their homo with the brides mother Congratulations for these most excel lent young people Drowned In Irrigation Ditch Last Thursday the three-year-old son of Dave Eckbart of nearCulbertson was drowned in the irrigation ditch which passes near their house The members of the family were preparing to go on a visit and during the time the father was getting the horses ready and the mother was making final preparations in the house the little boy was given over to the attention and care of the other children It is not known how he fell into the ditch but his body was found about a mile down the stream The remains were buried in the Culbertson cemetery last Friday The family formerly lived south of this city No Club Quorum The play the rain and other affairs denied the commercial club a quorum Tuesday evening It is hoped to begin arrangements for some appropriate cel ebration of the removal of the club into its new quarters in the temple theatre block about July 15th and a special session will likely be had soon of the club or its executive committee to complete the necessary details for the auspicious event Stage Scenery and the Decorating After practically an all day session last Friday the board of directors of the temple theatre block have made con tracts covering the decorating of the en tire interior of the building and for the stage settings fixtures etc This leaves the seating contract about the only one of any moment to be provided for NOTICE On May 1st Middleton Ruby will move their plumbing shop into building 3rd door east of DeGroff store on B st east and will carry a complete line of plumbing and steam heating materials Estimates furnished free See them for sewer and plumbing work They always endeavor to please Belle Actons Colt James A Miller announces the birth of a colt to the famous Belle Acton June 1st Belle Acton holds two worlds records as a yearling Her sire was Shadeland Onward and the dam was Lottie P The sire of the colt is Fred Cyril 27747 Gauze Underwear for everybody in union suits separate garments of all kinds extra sizes for stout people Nazareth union suits for active boys blacks and greys for ma chinists all at actual cash prices The Thompson D G Co The utmost value You Can Cook Safer and cheaper on Perfection oil Btoves than by any other method These stoves are guaranteed to not smoke or smell Get one at the McCook Hard ware Cos New Shipment Just In Of those popular two piece suits for men Latest in colorings shades and styles and best of all the prices are strictly right Rozell Barger Absolute Protection Guaranteed with Shinns Copper Cable Lightning Rod Sold and put up by McCook Hardware Co FARM LOANS Whrttaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf John Cashen Auctioned Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Farm Loans N J Johnson over McConnells store l JL NUMBER 3 A BANK ACCOUNT WITH THE Mccook national BANK Is tho first stop toward success and fortune Protects your family in emer gencies Educates your children Makes you independent Gives you a standing in tho community Is a valuable aid in any enter prise undertaken anywhero by any body under any conditions If you do not havo a bank ac count lot us suggest that you start one with us immediately P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKonna i JUNIOR NORMAL OPENS Seventh Annual Session Commences Auspiciously A SATISFACTORY ENROLLMENT Hitchcock Unites With Red Willow in County Institute This Week son Lecture Given Last Night The McCook Junior State Normal School commenced its seventh annual sassion last Monday morning June 7th Supt Charles W Taylor of the McCook public schools as principal in charge He is asaisted by County Supt Claudia B Hatcher registrar treasurer Supt HM Garrett of Ashland Nob teaching physiology botany physics penman ship and drawing Supt W T Davis of Beaver City arithmetic pedagogy and geography Supt L W Colebank of Curtis history orthography book keeping and agriculture Miss Julia Bednar principal McCook high school grammar English composition reading and music Supfc C F White of Tren ton mental arithmetic civics algebra and geometry Miss Mima C Doyle of Omaha in charge of model school The sessions open with an enrollment of approaching 150 almost all of them full term enrollments This being institute week for both Red Willow county and Hitchcock county these two counties are exceptionally well represented The late date at which arrangements were under the new law completed pre cluded tho usual large attendance but opening week enrollment is very satis factory and there is every reason to ex pect the most thorough work and results from this session of eight weeks opened thus auspiciously Thursday night Frank Roberson gave his famous Messina motion picture lecture before a crowded auditorium in the high school building Almost Two Inches of Rain Sunday night this seccion of state was visited by another fine rain over an inch falling at this point Reports from east indicate a much heavier fall while west of here the precipitation was less Will Move Into Temple Building The A O U W lodge has closed a contract to move into the new temple -theatre building MONEY TO LOAN on farms See Roz ell Barger at clothing store NOTICE As the ice cream season has again opened with us our store will remain open evenings through out the summer Woodworth Co Druggists SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a special price for the nest thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co H N Rosebush Manager Phone red 196 3 I illifSP