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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1909)
m I i BACK GIVES OUT Plenty of McCook Readers Have Experience Made from Prices Betkl0 rowaer CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEHENTS Christian Bible school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E At 7 p m All are welcome R M Ainsworth Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday Bchool at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mbbs 8 a m Mass and Bermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M I Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Ep worth League at 615 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 M B Carman Pastor Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burton Pa3tor Christian Science -219 Main Ave- nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Scienoe literature on sale Subject for naxt Sunday Ancient and Modern Necromancy or Mesmerism and Hypnotism Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching it 11 a m and 8 p m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these services G B Hawkes Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West This You tax the kidneys overwork them They cant keep up the continual strain The back gives out it aches and pains Urinary troubles set in Dont wait longer take Doans Kid ney Pills L H Seybold living S E Cor of Third St and Railroad St Kearney Neb says I can heartily recommend Doans Kidney Pills to all sufferers of kidney complaint This remedy acted strictly up to the representations in my case and proved to be a kidney cure in every sense of the word My work obliges me to do a great deal of stooping and lifting and also exposes me to in clement weather These combined con ditions probably caused my kidneys to become disordered and backache was the result Though I did not take Doans Kidney Pills as regularly as I should have done they nevertheless benefited me greatly and I willingly give them my endorsement Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at a drug store and sk what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other y cream of tartar derived solely from grapes All the ingredients of Dr Prices Baking Powder are printed on the labeL They are pure healthful and proper When bziking powders are peddled or demonstrated examine their labels You will find they are not made from cream of tartar You dont want them I I I w I i n bbVbw wr mm TAIW Real Estate Filing The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Henry Brumgart etux to Jacob Gettman wd to pt nw qr nw 323 29 440 00 Mrs K ttie Walker to George Hoffman wd to pt sw qr sw qr29 3 29 400 00 Walter E Corwin to Louise H Corwin wd to 10 in 5 2nd McCook t CO Forester C Stilgebouer et ux to Roy E Walkington wd to pt 3 4 in 47 Bartley 800 00 Kate A Waugh et cons to Fred Bamisberger wd to pt ne qr 20226 400 00 Jacob A Harsch et ux to Keit E Lutheran church wdtopt swqr35 3 27 100 Leonard Harsch et ux to Keit E Lutheran church wd to same as above 100 Okerson Hegenberger to the Public Articles of Partner- shipbarber shop at McCook Nebr MARION Mrs J W Pepper and sons visited at the parental Wingo home south of Dan bury last Thursday Several parties from here attended the graduating exercises at Danbury Friday evening The W C T U met at the home of Mrs Clara Rodabaugh last Thursday Light refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake were served Mrs Lucy Wingo from south of Dan buty visited her sister in law Mrs Pepper Friday Mrs B F Darnell and sons arrived home Monday from their visit at Minden for the past few weeks About an inch of rain fell here Sun day afternoon and night which fills a longfelt want Hope more will follow soon as the gram was suffering pretty badly for the want of moisture Mrs Clara Rodabaugh was a passen ger on Friday mornings freight for Wil sonville called there by a phone mes sage that her father south of Wilson ville was dangerously ill but he died before Mrs Rodabaugh arrived there Mr Rodabaugh went down Saturday evening Ethel Redfern went to Lebanon Friday evening to attend the graduating exer cises and visit her sister she returned Saturday noon Mrs Galusba visited G F Plumb one day last mid week Miss Arvilla Sines who has been at tending school at Oberlin Kansas is at home with her parents R S Sanders and wife visited at the Fred Carmans home Cedar Bluffs Sun day Powell Nilsson shipped the last of their sheep Tuesday night having seven cars Mr Powell came in from Lincoln Tuesday noon to accompany the ship ment A large crowd gathered in town Satur day afternoon to witness a ball game between the home team and a pick up team The home team won the game B F Darnell was an over Sunday visitor down the line and to accompany bis wife and sons home Miss Sally Hawkins from west Gerver precinct visited Mrs Greer last Friday Dr A T Gatewood of McCook was in town a few days the first of the week doing dental work FOLEYSHONETL ptoses tihv couaf b and hals luntf -- rcop f I loriai k iitiiimdnttii CLARISSA MACKIE 1303 by American Press ciationJ T was the 20th of May and Alraira Stevens stood on I her doorstep look ing wistfully about her small garden The large central bed was a desert of brown earth with here and there a spin dling dying plant and this bed should have ful filled a cherished dream of Almlraa heart During the long cold winter when the outside world was bare and bad planned a great bed of for j getmenots It was to be a sea of pale blue ness and on Me- morlal day its beauty was to cover a grave In the corner of the gar den Ive allowed all the other flowers for the cemetery lot and now I guess there wont be anything to put on Asaphs grave after all she thought despondently as she walked down the path to a tangled mass of shrubbery that hid one corner of the garden Here screened from curious eyes by TO THE TENDER MEMORY OP ASAPH Almlra had made this grave hidden securely from prying neighbor eyes fifteen years before She had found the marble top of an old table in the garret and dragged it pantiugly to the spot where she set It in a deep hole hollowed in the soft earth With paint brush she had printed the carefully composed verse and the Inscription Tears of disappointment gathered in Almiras eyes as she walked slowly back to the house and consequently she did not see that there was a buggy standing before her gate and that a man was coming briskly toward her Good day maam Im the flower seed man Can I sell you any seeds or plants for your garden today He raised his straw hat and looked at Al miras surprised and tearful eyes with respectful sympathy I guess not I dont know What have you got Almlra blushed warm ly and winked back the telltale tears from her blue eyes When Almlra Stevens blushed she looked very young and pretty The good looking flower seed man took In this fact He whipped a leather covered catalogue from his pocket and said I guess Its easier to tell what I havent got than what I have Ill take your order today for seeds or plants or bulbs and theyll he delivered to you within a week Youve got a pretty garden here It will be nice later on returned Almira gloomily I see you havent anvthinsr In thnt central bed I had it planted with forgetmenots and they all died said Almlra resent fully The man smiled That was your fault Miss Stevens You shouldnt plant forgetmenots in an open sunny place like that They want a f hjuisl snaay spot I should think over there would be a good place He point ed to the inclosed corner of the gar den Almlra started I never thought of planting them there she said Im dreadful d I sa ppointed about the forget menots not doing well Thats too bad I suppose youve got graves to decorate Almira nodded She liked the looks of the flow er seed man and she thought him very handsome when he smiled and displayed rows of even white teeth be 7Z 1 isllfsffl Mf a aV L M FLOWERS FOB THK CEUETEBY neath the brown mustache send You etn me some forgetmenot seeds 1 dont know just how many Ill need she said musingly Thats easily found out said the man and before Almira could utter a word of protest he was striding rap idly toward the corner where the white marble stone was hidden behind the cedars Almira panted hastily after him 2t a l fllH ier like ome to a network of young cedars intwined jubtifled ffiiH wooamne ana ivy tvus a long low mound at the head of which was a broad thin marble slab with an epi taph lettered In queer black charac ters STRANGER PAUSE AND DROP A TEAR ON THIS LONELY GRAVE OP ONE WHO SHOULD BE BURIED HERE BUT SLEEPS NEATH OCEANS WAVE rut If ns was a era said jwkwarJS a gr Its uiily a uuitted coqfusedlv t joull icuse un Miss It Is Vuu u have this quiel place when you ie feelinj imira uoutid assent 1 waa going ut the forgot uiuuotsou the niuuud said al last Iou should have plained theiu here U f u Theyd have grown all right i It bring you some phi u is tomorrow to put In here Im niueh obliged Mr Almlra summered as she realised Into what iutiuiate conversation she had wan dered with the stranger Babcock maam George Babcock Ill he here In the morning 1 wont disappoint you There was asmile of pleasant retro spection in Almiras lips as she watch ed the flower seed man drive away through the May sunshine The next morning she was up at tie gold brooch it was many years since Almira had worn blue muslin so many years that she was ashamed to meet her own eyes in the mirror and went downstairs and into the gar den hoping the flower seed man would not be late Presently he came and at the quick glance of respectful admiration Almlra felt that the blue muslin was quite 1 Ive brought the plants he called cominsr to- yMWm THOSE ABE LOVELY CBIED ALMIBA what that really mear J ward her with a long box and then they walked toward the in closure Those are loTelyl cried Al mira I couldnt get forgetmenots but these mean some thing p r e 1 1 y heartsease you know and I guess thats what most of us need Almira found herself blushing again 1 sup pose It is she said faintly Its pleasant to re mtfmber your friends after theyre gone she added The flower seed man drew a trowel from his pocket and be gan to dig the soft earth of the mound All my folks are alive he said apologetically I say Miss Stevens I hope you dont stay round this damp spot very much It aint healthy He turned a look of concern toward Almira I come sometimes she faltered Well you take my advice and only come when the sun shines on this par ticular spot and great Scott He sat back on his heels and looked at the headstone for the first time Did you write that maam he asked soberly Almlra nodded Its a very pretty verse but that name Asaph its a queer name I never heard it but once before The fellow that had it married my cousin Annie and I guess hes got his bands full I always thought Asaph was a pret ty name said Almlra So did I till I met with Asaph Win klestone Almira uttered a frightened little cry and sank to her knees on the bare ground What name did you say she cried tremulously Asaph Winklestone maam I hope youre not sick Let me help you up There was deep concern in the flower seed mans face Thats his name she said breath lessly pointing to the mound Good Lord The flower seed man and Almira Stevens stared at one another until Almira uttered a hysterical little laugh He was drowned at sea she gasped Thunderation He was not The mean excuse me Our Asaph was a sailor till he got wrecked and had the everlasting life scared out of him With a quick movement he drew a leather case from his pocket and drew from it a photograph Theres a pic ture of our family group Miss Ste vens Including our Asaph Do you rec ognize him Almlra took the picture with quiver ing fingers looked at It and gave it back with a sigh of relief Yes she said constraingdly its Asaph but hes grown awful fat The flower seed man did not answer He was uprooting the marble slab and thrusting it out of sight among the underbrush Then he leveled the mound with quick strokes of his trowel Come out into the sunshine Miss Stevens he said grasping the box of plants and together they went Into the garden and planted the pan sies In the central bed As for Aaph Winklestone he was left to the tender mer ies of Cousin I FOOLED THE ROBBERS An Incident of the Days of Stage coach Holdups QUICK WIT OF PAT CL0HESY The Trick by Which the Old Tim Mining Man of Colorado Saved Him self and Sacrificed Hi Fellow Trav elers and the Story Sequel When the passengers In the old coaching days found themselves In the clutches of the Toad agents they In stinctively hurried during the short time that driver and guard were be ing put In a proper state of helpless ness to secret money and valuables in the first safe place that suggested It I break of day busily denuding her gar 1 anything In a mere shell of a coach den of its blooms When the sun sent Its first rays across the green fields she had been to the cemetery on the hill and laid her offerings of niiik and white she waite and lilac blooms on the graves of her kinsfolk She found herself wishing that noth ing would prevent the flower seed mans coming He was very interest ing Here Almlra blushed and hur ried into the house where she blushed again as she slipped on a blue muslin smaller onnortunltv of nlace to hide If a man was found without money tbey stripped him anO searched the stage as well I The experience of Pat Clohesy an old time mining man of Colorado is historic One rfternoon he took the stage from Silver Cliff camp bound for the railroad sixty miles away In the coach were a dozen other passen gprs none of whom knew him As they reached the narrowest part of tho gorge that leads out of Wet Mountain dress and pinned the collar with a lit 1 vaiiey a loud command of Hold up your hands brought the stage to a sudden standstill and every passenger in it to a swift realization that unless quick -action was taken be would go broke One crammed his wad of bills down his boot leg another thrust his roll down the back of his neck a third took off his hat put his wallet inside and set It back on his head Every man Jack of them attempted to se crete his money except Pat Clohesy and Pat sat perfectly quiet In a few moments a rifle barrel ap peared at the window and there came the order Hands up and all out Out the passengers tumbled and stood in line with lifted hands Pat at the far end When the searching highway man went through the first man he I found nothing Irritated at this he PTVp MP started through the second with the same lack of success Angry at this A 1K1AJL the bandit ttirned to his fellow robber who stood covering the line with his Winchester They have been try In to hide their stuff d n em ho exclaimed Well Just make em strip aud then well go through the stage Theyll pay for puttln us to all this trouble Then up spoke Pat Clohesy from the far end of the line Gentlemen he said addressing the highwaymen I know youre In a hurry and I know Im a poor miner with all my property in thp world just the 15 Ive got in my pocket If youll leave me that lit tle roll Ill tell you where these other V fellows have hidden their swag sosl you can collect it quick and skip out Is it a bargain i Sure said the man with the guarding rifle Fiftpen dollars meant nothing to the band compared to the risk Well said Pat pointing to the first In line that fellows money is stuffed down his right hoot leg The holdup Investigated and drew forth a plump roll of bills from the boot leg That next man went on Pat has got his money hid under the hind seat in the stage The bandit found a fat wallet stuffed under the cushion The next has got his money In his hat and the next crammed his stuff down the back of his neck and the next Pat went down the line of them while the highwayman drew forth money from all manner of places Swiftly collecting their booty they bundled the passengers back In the coach set driver and guard back on their spats and told them to go ahea nor however before thev had crive Pat a twenty dollar bill and a hearty slap of thanks on his Irish back The storm that broke over his head Inside that coach after it had rolled a safe distance from the bandits threat ened his very life before he could get a hearing Had It not been that the robbers had disarmed them all and Pat was a huge man he never would have got away alive Each of you figure up just how much youve lost he said to his fel low passengers when at last they would listen and Ill pay you back not only what that Is but an equal amount In addition for the bother Ive given you and he pulled from an in ner vest pocket a huge roll of bills In bewilderment the travelers counted up their losses Collectively it was about 1000 Pat peeled off two 1000 bills from the bulky mass of money and handing them to a responsible pas senger asked him to make correct di vision when they reached the railroad Im sorry for the unpleasant quar ter hour I caused you he continued but It was the only thing I could do to save myself I have just sold a mine back in Silver Cliff for 60000 cash and bad no other way to bring the money out except in my pocket Here i n Fttnrf I sx i nnri V n hnl n 1 - iijc uuuuir ui 11 uuu uc nciu up LUe fat roll When I heard the holdups outside I thought It was all up for vou cant hide money from those bounds But when you fellows pulled out your- money to hide it and I saw that none of you had any large amount I thought I would work a game on the road agents and give you away to the vil lains in order to save myself I surely did Theyve got 1000 but Ive saved my money Washington Post As high as we have mounted In de- Annie and in time Alraira learned light in our dejection do we sink as low Wordsworth f tifi mi n ti n in Col W W Crittenden GENERAL AUCTIONEERING McCook Hebrask Warm sales a specialty Dates may do made at izens Bank mo ciuzc jijyj A G BUMP m rfrffcMk ifijniy ii ii n y iin i iwswuyi i i f i J S McBRAYER Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance fr Office over Marshs Meat Market J self said n veteran Colorado mining man But such precautions were use- H P SUTTOK less for there was small time and McCOOK Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store MoCook Nebraska JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA BYiWWJJJ ESSiiiMIaSa iisiiTi3iifiiii E F OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone 13 Mike Walsh DEAIEE IK POULTRY EGGS Old Rubcer Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location jnst across rnCffr street in P Walsh building L 1CWUOK F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA flfifUTl C i m 1 1 spi J 1 1 Hi 1 i H J j I n 1 1 1 iimiwiMiiaiWiBinrffl FRANK BUSTLE tNGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PHOHE IIM 1420 24 LAWXKcr nrnvro rnt n i iiiiBiHjia m FAIR PRICE WE HAVE rim sSsr ffvBJi 2iwt nisi i mmw mmmMM i tmmwymrrmyr mmsr TO BURN Barnett Lumber Co Phoneys 1 Hi A y i r n Kti x i m A a t u r i ri 3 t