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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1909)
i I i r Mff t t yjjr TWENTY -EIGHTH YEAR - CALL AND SEE The Display Is Unequaled MTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTYTTYYTYB Two of Them t H P Sutton is just in receipt of two carloads of pianos of the leading makes in every style and finish and of all prices He is prepared to please the most fastidious and artistic tastes and also the most reasonable and modest pocketbodks -4 A - u aaxxjl a a aa a aaaaaa a a aaaaaa a BOTH BURNED TO DEATH Mr and Mrs Alfred E Kennedy Are Burned to Death at Beaver City Mr and Mrs Alfred E Kennedy nr both dead as a result of an effort to hurry a fire in the cook stove Monday UnML Mito Mrs Kennedy used coal oil an explo sion resulted iu a moment she was en veloped iu fUmes tier husband entered the house at this moment and in his 4 heroic offorts to extinguish the fire was j so terribly burned thac death resulted not many hours after the wife had been A -4 4 4 A A Worthy Entertainment The musical programme by the pchool children in the high school auditorium last Thursday evening was altogether worthy and enjoyable n fleeting alike credit upon the children engaged and the teachers instructing The auditor ium was filled and there were not lack ing any evidences of pleasure to those present The entire programme is indicated below PART I 1 Selection HiGirScnooL Okciiestea 2 A Twilight Message Geonie B Nevin Home S reet Home Karl Linders H S Boys Glee Club 3 Doll Drill Second aud Third Grade Pupils West Ward 4 Come Whore the Blue Bells Ring Brackett All Through the flight Welsh Air H S Gikls Glee Clou 5 Selectiou High Schiool Okchestra PART II Cantata Jack and tiie Bean Stalk CAST OF CHAEACTEU9 Jack Albert Barnes Jacks Mother Genevieve McAdams Giant Joseph Moore MadainGiant Lela Fisher Fairy Ruby Lineburg Butcher Frank Carman Jennie Genevieve Enright Nettie Nellie Schwab Mary Gertrude Heaton Fanny - Alice Trout Dick Forrest Heckman Tom f Louis Arnold t 1 1 11 Fred jacks Chums Fred Heckman Chorus of Children Fourth Fifth aud Sixth Grades East Ward Pianist Virginia Heckman Music by the boys of the high school orchestra was a pleasing feature of the exercises McConnelPs Cold Cream Purely vegetable Will not cause hair to grow on the face or hands An elegant preparation for chapped hands face or lips or any roughness of the skin It should be applied when the skin is clean and dry and rubbed in thoroughly and it will leave the skin smooth soft and white L W McConnell Druggist Wash Suits and Skirts We show very desirable styles in jac kets suits at S500 to 8750 in jumper suits at 3125 to 5100 in washable skirts white and colored at 150 to 2 50 Alteration free The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Keep Out of Debt by using one of our money saviDg cream separators ranging in price from thirty to seventy -five dollars Sharpies Blue Bell aud Domo separators are in a class See them at IcCook Hardware Cos Hall Insurance Let us insure your grain against loss by hail Policy written at our of fice Honest adjustment and prompt guarantee Boyle Eldred Office over post office Phone 44 HAMMOCKS Chair and bed hammocks All the new weaves in the various colors and combinations L W McConnell Druggist Picnic by Sunshiners The Sunshine class of the Congrega tional Sunday school held a picnic at Valentines eorge Wednesday The Seniors Picnic The senior class enjoyed a picnic on the Red Willow creek Wednesday FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf MONEY TO LOAN on farms See Roz ell Barger at clothing store r I 1 For Seed Corn go to the Updike Grain Co released from her horrible sufferings Mr Kennedy is a son of Rev F M Kennedy of Valley Grange precinct this county He married Miss Freda j Mette of Beverly about a year since and they moved to Beaver City where he operated an automobile company and garage The remains arrived from Beaver City last night Services are to be held in the Christian church thin afternoon at two oclock after which interment will talte place iu Riverview cotnetery of this city This appalling accident a od tragedy appeals to every heart and profoundest sympathy flows forth to the bereaved families of the dead husband and wife Marsh Buys It Back The old Wilcox Marsh hog lots on the south side of the railroad track lately managed by Dorsey Shepherd have been purchased by D C Marsh who will give the yard in futuro his per sonal and active attention and manage ment The value of a hog yard well man aged and paying the highest market price must ouly be appreciated to bo greatly desired by the commercial in terests of any community Mr Marsh proposes giving the yard his utmost effort and endeavor in order to widen the circle from which hogs will be brought to McCook and it is hoped sincerely and earnestly that the com mercial interests of this city will united ly assist him by all ways known to them and of value to prospective purchasers of merchandise of all kinds in thig work Let us make McCook the bestho market in this section of Nebraska They Dont Do -It Do They But we do We sell as follows for cash only Simpson and American prints 5c Best table oil cloth 15c Best apron gingham 6Jc American A 2 bu bags 21c Peerless carpet want 21c Good yard wide musliu 4Jc 9 quarter yard sheeting 19c 36 inch black silk 60c Mens heavy work shirts 39c Mens 5 pocket bib overalls 39o Blue jumpers to match 39c A childs parasol and a fan for 10c Mens muleskin gloves 18c Mens Balbriggan union suits 75c Ladies gauze vests 50c to 5c Good lawns 5c 6 big red handkerchiefs for 25c Boys and yirls rompers 39c It takes cash The Thompson D G Co The utmost values The Board Question The question of board at very rea sonable figures is perhaps the most pressing one now before the Junior State Normal management It is essential to the success of the normal that our peo ple shall provide rooms and table board at the lowest possible price consistent with profit in order that the school shall be well attended and a success Have You An Oliver Remington Smith - Premier or Cali graph typewriter We have at this office ribbons for any of these makes Aiso good assortment of papers manu script covers carbon paper etc Paint Will Improve the looks and value of your property We have the ready mixed paints in the B P S which stands for best paint sold A trial will convince you McCook Hardware Co Childrens Parasols loc with a fan thrown in for good measure Others up to 50 cents Ladies and mioses parasols from 50 cents to 5 00 The Thompson D G Co The utmost value its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy thb famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for salealso flour and feed C J RYAN Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Hbaton Typewriter ribbons papers sale at The Tribune office etc for TWENTY FIRST ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT The twenty first annunf commencement exercises of the McCook high school were held in the high school auditorium laft night with Dr S Mills Hayes of Trinity Episcopal church Lincoln as commencement orator The formal programme of the evening is as follows PROGRAMME Piano Solo -d Deborah Heckman Invocation Rev G B IIawkes Violin Solo iMus E O Vahue v Salutatory - Blanche Bo wen y Commencement Oration tDit 3 Mills Haves x Vocal Solo A Elsie M Campbell V Valedictory Raymond Jo u dan Presentation of Diplomas C W Baknes Piano Solo T Nina Tomlinson Benediction Rev M B Carman f Class colors Royal purple and Oxford gray Class flower Vhe Ro3e Class motto Nihil sine labore Class yell Wero for the blue and the gray Dazu dazu dazu zine Heres to the classof nineteen nine f CLASS ROLL Paul Benjamin Blanche Bowen Jay Browne Inez Viola Clark Tacie Ethel DeLong Margaret Doyle Ona May Dwyer James A Gollehon Max William Hare Gordon A Hartman Farm Loans N J Johnson over McConnells store Virginia Eleanor Heckman Trances Mabel Hughes Raymond Jordan Marguerite L McAdams Hazel E Merle Minnie Middleton Inez May Mills Florence Gladys Simmons FayStayner OFFICERS James Gollehon President Tacie DeLong Vice President Raymond Jordan Secretary Margaret Doyle Treasurer Annual reception and banquet of alumni association in high school tonight PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Subscriptions to The Tribune are payable in advance and the publisher is now engaged in mailing to all subscribers notice of the amount due up to January ist 19 10 or up to a date one year in advance of their present date We hope to receive many prompt renewals With a list approaching the 1500 mark it will be easily appreciated how heavy the burden is upon the publisher to carry any consider able number of subscribers untilthe end of the year So kindly respond cheerfully and at an early date THE PUBLISHER Teachers Elect for Next Year j Memorial Sunday The following list of teachers elect for The observance of Memorial Sunday next year is copied from last weeks in the Methodist church last Sunday issue of our esteemed local morning lacked nothing of success and rary one of whose publishers is fortu 1 satisfaction Tne Congregational and nately secretary of the hoard of Baptist brethren united with the Meth tion and thus has the inside on public odists in this service and the cnurch school information denied to The was filled to its capacity The members Tribune We reproduce all but the of J K Barnes post and of the Ladies misspelled names Charles W Taylor superintendent Julia Bednar high school principal Mary Hartwell high school teacher Elizabeth Bettcher high school teacher GRADE TEACHERS Mary Powers Ada Skjeer Susanna Ward Grace Laut Cleo Rector Millicent M Slaby Anna Ilatina Sadie E Sweeney Katherine Price Grace M Fackler Laura McMillen Rachel Uayard Martha Abel Dora Oyster Phoehe Waite Christine Hollister Lillian Moore May Donisthorpe Leonora Dougan music supervisor Those not returning are presumably Miss Stephenson Virginia Bowlby Ada D Comstock - Nell F Green Dora B Phelan Mrs May Douglass The list of teachers elect thus an nounced would leave at least two more vacancies to be filled in the future In this connection we will state that the exercise of common courtesy to those not within the charmed inuer cir cle of public school affairs in this city will be appreciated at this office Kill 0 What It Is A new preparation for killing dande lions weeds etc A drop on the -root of the weed and it is dead Beautify your lawn by using Kill O and eradi cating the weeds Sold in 23 cent and 50i bottles at Woodworth Cos Druggists Notice of Equalization Notice ishereby given that the Coun ty Board of Equalization will meet on the 15th day of June to equalize the 11909 personal assessment aud will be in session at least three days as provided by law 5 21 Chas Skalla County Clerk Velie and John Deere buggies are standards of quality Get one now and have the summers use of it Large assortment at McCook Hard ware Companys Start Your Corn Right with the famous John Deere two row lister cultivator Sold by McCook Hardware Co of the G A R and W R C were pres ent in organizations and the people of the city in large numbers The invocation was expressed by Rev Burton of the Baptist church RevCar 1 man of the Methodist church delivered an earnest and eloquent memorial ser mon Rov liawkea of the Congrega tional church made the announcements and uttered the benediction The church choir sang music of special and I appropriate character The churcn was decorated in lavish manner with ferns and flowers and pott ed plants and numerous large and small Old Glorie3 Besides there were scores of small fl igs on lawn aid along the pathway leading to the church A liberal collection was lifted for the defraying of Memorial Day expenses for the post It was withal a very worthy exercise Quite a number of the old soldiers at tended services at the Christian church as well as did some of the ladies of the auxiliaries The church was decorated witn tri colored bunting in recognition of the occasion Rev Ainsworth preached a sermon from an appropriate text and the choir sang music in har mony with the day Divided the Honors McCook high school divided th hon ors last Saturday with Burtley and Cambridge high schools The baseball game between the locals and Cambridge was lost to the visitors by a score of 7 to 3 notwithstanding the home team seemed to have the best of the argument during the first half of the game Our lads seem to have gone to pieces in the latter end of the game The basket ball girls had better for tune in their game with the Bartley team the score being 14 to 13 in favor of the locals Without Date The Merchant of Venice Up-to-date is without date the pupils and the board of education not agreeing on some important details John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank rMi5 n THE BACCALAUREAfE SERMON The Class of 09 Hears It In Methodist Church Tuesday Evening the Rev M B Carman delivered the baccalaureate sermon before the class of 09 Tuesday evening iu the Method ist church where a large audienco gathered to listen to this initial feature of commencement week This is one of the marked annual functions of the school year and is not without its significance The sermon was delivered along the line of character - building Christian character being tho lofty achievement held up before the class for its aim Lh jro was conviction and earnestness and eloquence in the sermon with good advice and suggestion A special choir rendered the Gloria from Mazarts 12th mass and other selections in a satisfactory manner The church was attractive in its dec oration of national colors ferns potted plants and cut flowers etc and the presence of the class of thirteen girls and six boys together with the high school teacher corps and pupils of the high school left nothing to be desired as a scene to stir the imagination and warm the heart of the beholder This service was scheduled for last Sunday evening but the heavy rain storm of that date made it advisable to postpone the same until Tuesday evening DECORATION DAY Monday May 31 1909 having been designated for observance as Decoration Day it is highly desirable thac all citi zens of McCook appropriately decorate their homes and places of business and that all places of business may be closed from 10 oclock a m to i oclock p m in honor of the defenders of our country and in ordorthat the memorial services may be attended by those ep desiring Because of the solemnity of the occas ion it is earnestly recommended that no public amusements may be indulged in J EI Stephens Mayor Roih Kleln Wedding Last Sunday Rey Gustav Henkel mann solemnized the marriage of Heorj H Roth and Eiizabbth Klein both of South McCook in the German Congre gational church of this city whicn was crowded by their fellow countrymen to witness the event The celebration of the marriage was continued on Monday at the homo in South McCook with the customary en thusiasm great preparation being made in eatables etc Enters Another Year With this issue The Tribune enters the twenty eighth year in its consecu tive and continuous publication With the exception of a little more than one year the paper has been owned and published by the present proprietor and editor a record unequaled in this sec tion of Nebraska aud excelled by few including the entire state of Nebraska for duration of time The Tribune has seen McUook platted and will douhtlfs witness its growth to a city of 10000 within a few years Brighten Up Painting season is here The house probably needs ropainting both for the protection against the weather and for the sake of its appearance There is nothing that will show better returns for the time and money spent than paint and varnish uted inside the bouse Come and tell us what you wish to paint or varnish and we will show you a brighten up finish that will do it and do it properly L vV M cConnell Druggist NOTICE On May 1st Middleton Ruby will move their plumbing shop into building 3rd door east of DeGroff store on B st east and will carry a complete line of plumbing and steam heating materials Estimates furnished free See them for sewer and plumbing work They always endeavor to please tj Our Mens New Spring Suits at S1000 81250 81300 are high class in every particular and theres a saving for you from 8100 to 83 50 on every suit Let us show you Tne Thompson D G Co The utmost value Straw Goods Now Have Call And of course straw hats are in order Straw bats in all the styles and at all prices at the leading clothiers Rozell Barger Dwelling For Rent Five rooms and bath furnished or unfurnished 825 per month furnished or 820 unfurnished Fruit Mrs Nannie Ratliff north 5th street east No Hunting Allowed No hunting allowed on my farm or on the Walsh land leased by me under penalty of the law E F Flitcraft miWnt Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday morning may 28 1909 v Jte J1 i NUMBER 1 A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Stop into our bank today Mako your deposit in a bank that is officered by mon of known in tegrity This bank gives YOUR ACCOUNT tho same attention as tho largest ones it has Our customers aro all treated alike A bank account makes pos sible othor important stops making investments buying a homo starting a business so curing an education Bo ieady when tho oppor tunity presents itself by starting an account howover small with THE Mccook national BANK P Walsh President C F Lkhn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P p McKonna HEAVY RAIN VMTED THIS SECTION From Two to Four Inches Reported In Various Pans of Red Willow A long desired raiu fell over this part of the state last Sunday af tornuou and evening At this place the rain gauge registered two inches but at other points in the county as much aH four or five inches is claimed The average for the entire county will doubtless roach two inches or better and tho bonetit is immense from from every point of con sideration Fortunately too the rain was ac companied with but slight damage in any part of tho county either from rain wind or lightuiDg Already crops have taken on vigorous life and growth and confidence has been restored in many hearts Some minor bridges and fencing in places sulFered from the fliod but in total the damage is very bmall and as against the profitside of the transaction may be regarded as inconsiderable Mayor Resumes Business Mayor J H Stephens Monday en tered into partnership with W II Ack ermau in the real estate and insurance business at the old quarters on lower Main avenue after a year or so out of active business The new firm is com posed of old business men long resi dents of our city and well known to Tribune readers Hail Insurance Insure your crops against loss by bail in the St Paul F M Ins Co and the Conn Fire Ins Co of Hartford Boyle Eldred Agonts Office over post office Phone 41 New Shipment Just In Of those popular two piece suits for men Latest in colorings shades and styles and best of all the prices are strictly right Rozell Bakoer Eggs for Sale Pure Barred Plymouth Rock eggs choice stock 3 sets each 8200 per 100 Phone ash 1351 or black 255 Mrs J W Burtless Route 3 FOR SALE A 6 rooni house smallest room 12 x 14 8500 cash balance to suit purch aser For further information phone red 320 Team Fur Sale One good heavy work team Worth the money McCook Hardwars Co Dutch Collars and Wash Belts at the Thompson D G Cos The ut most value i I i I j j XM NOTICE As the ice cream season has again opened with us our store will remain open evenings through out the summer Woodworth Co Druggists SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a special price for the next thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co H N Rosebush Manager Phone red 196 I f j j I -