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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1909)
fc I r PRICE MUGJ I fij wm l M Some people cant see straight but they do not have to sen they can feel that we have as good lumber as money can buy and you hit the mark every time you let us figure your lumber bill If we do not sell the bill there is no harm done You can rest assured that you have bought your lumber right if you buy on a basis of our figures We do not get sore and chew the rag with anyone because we do not sell you your lumber We want to figure your bill every time you want a slick whether we sell it or not Drop in We have books with cuts of modern houses from 400 up and take a pleasure ia helping to arrange your home Stansberry Lumber Company SZS lFmBaking Powder Ho ahtm9 no lime phosphaAes As every housekeeper can understand burnt alum and sulphuric acid the in gredients of all alum and alum phosphate powders must carry to the food acids injurious to health Smi She label Avoid the Mum powders pvmxm 7un7l3usina New Views Hhn4ijp to- p card vimvs of Mi Vcch rij hnf jut arrived from fnwy Tht views of Ml1 Juow nvr efir i IT Td the public riilHniial and church lr mmsnusE Foley h Hone and lar is n safeguard against ferioin results from spring colds which inntine the lungs and develop into pneumonia Avoid counterfeits lv insisting upon liivirig the genuine F iljs Money and far which contains no harmful drugs V McMilleu White House Grocery STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM FRESH VEGETABLES Phone 30 WAKE YOUR OWN STOCK FOODS BY USING THE SKIDOO HORSE AND CATTLE TABLETS Crush and mix in feed or salt Proper dose in tablets 1TAK3ES YOUR STOCK LOOK LIKE THE TOP PRICE Ctam no Sawlust Ashes Chop Feed or Bran Ask for and tryoncc SKIDOO Condition Jiiitls Worm Kidney Cmcicn Cholera 3hstcr Heave Fever Hog Cholera tablets Louse Powder Sskoi Curt Sarb Wire Liniment Pink Eye Distemper Colic or Bone Stiffener Tablets bold by A AtcAMLLEN McCook Neb AnmtmaMh m wmy YT fTVrgrwtiWIiyr V IgJixUEFWwrarrw nr TnwiLaoM C77TVT7VTT77TTTVTT7TTTVTTrTTrTTVTVTVrrVV7YYTrYYTTTK - wtyMmmmwmmw I will pay rop price foi your casern horses Must weigh from uoo pounds up and should be fat and well broken Bring them in and get the very top price in cash I will be at Sieve Wilsons Upper Barn McCook Neb Saturday May 1 Gne fay only rain or shine No thin or skittish horses wrinteil Bring in your animal and let me look them over and price them R F Reynolds FS - ijfxfc4soM t v j fi if ru ydJUlfjU f UALj P fa LIVE AND LET LIV1V S45rwtPB mv YlftJ leaa 7D03 Jaom JSM eii av lrsKffl7j36 iv - rs wr Lincoln November 3 5 This otlice is in receipt of a communi cation from A L Cavinoss president of the Nebraska State Teachers Associa tion calling attention to the nextmeut ing to hp held in Lincoln Novembers 45 1009 lie assures us that school board 3 q litu generally throughout the state are giving their cordial support by voting to dlmv their teachers a vacation on full piy on the above dates in order that they nny attend the meeting Speaki g of the association he says Lt is u voluntary organization of teaeh rs and others interested in educa tion In no sense is it a labor or trade organization for it does not advocate strikes or dictation to school authorities It never meddles in politics nor does it promise its members assistance in find ing employment or securing increased salary It stands fr improved methods and better school facilities and its highest ideal is unselfish devoted service to the future citizen Surely tli9 wide awake progressive teacher who sacrifices mem bership fee railroad fare and hotel bill ought to receive regular pay for the two days spent in attending the meetings For the past forty years tlrs associa tion has advocated in advance every good feature of our preseuc school laws and has used its whole influence to maUo them effective It has brought the men and women engaged in school work in closer touch inspired them with common ideals and aroused a high professional pride in a calling in which the great majority continue but a shore tim For the meeting next November the Executive Comittee promises the best program in the history of the associa tion and the indications point t j an un precedented attendance Men of na tional reputation will appear on the program as Booker T Washington of Tuskogee Ala Principal G B Morri son t Louis H T Bailey North Scituali Mass Ex Preside n Eliot of Harvard University etc Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Charles A Leach unmd to Eva Lena Culbnrtson wd tolot7 s hf lot 8 1st McCook 1400 00 Roy J Hoover et ux to William E Palmeterwd to lots 7 S 9 blk 62 Bartley 550 00 Lincoln Land Co to David Evans wd to pt sw qr nw qr 200 00 Williston 11 Smith to Peter Nelson wd toehf sw qr se qrnw qr sw qr no qr 0 3 30 Dorsoy H Shepherd et ux to Dexter T Spencer wd to lot 6 blk 3 1 2nd McCook 1600 00 1200 00 Jonathan J Sams et ux to Amanda J Bell wd to lots 11 12 blk 0 Indianola 125 00 Amanda J Bell to Mary R Da harsh wd to lots 11 12 blk G Indianola 150 00 A H Bell et ux to Mary R Di Larsh wd to lots 1 2 blk 6 Indianola 150 00 Liucoln Land Co to C L Bun stock wd to lot 5 blk 5 4th MuHnnlr onr nn Lucinda Spencer to Eliza J Spencer qed to e hf sw qr lots 3 4 w hf se qr 31 4 27 James E Wingate widr to Mic hael Doud wd to lot 4 blk 11 Daubury E G Cdine Bros vs W P Elmer mech lien to pt ne qr ne or 13-3-23 Isaac N Biggs et ux to John P Madron wd to hf int in lot 5 blk 9 4th McCook Grace L Biggs et cons to John P Madron wd to s hf lot 4 blk 9 4th McCook 125 00 United States to Frank Amend pat toe hfehf 34 4 30 William A Dolan et ux to Ma sonic Temple Assn qcd to pt lots 11 12 blk 33 Indian ola Henry W Voge to Franz Arp r of w deed to pt se qr 20 3 28 I W Stevens et ux to Edward F wd to lots 4 9 in E Esther Park Bartley Simeon A Elder et ux to Nels J Johnson wd to lot 6 blk 9 3rd McCook rrxz 500 00 60 00 137 00 1 00 30 00 1 00 1000 00 1 00 Simeon A Elder et ux to V W Barritt wd to pt lots 7 S 9 blk 19 McCook 5000 00 People past middle life usually have some kidney or bladder disorder that snp3 the vitality which is naturally lower in old age Foleys Kidney Rem edy corrects urinary troublesatimulates the kidneys and restores strength and vigor Ic cures uric acid troubles by strengthening the kidneys so they will strain out the uric acid that settles in the muscles and joints causing rheuma tism A McMillen Druggist Engraving and Embossing Your wants can be supplied at The Tribune in the line of engraving and embossing such as calling cards invi tations and announcements monogram correspondence paper etc Handsome samples of all on display Prices rea sonable Prompt service J If interested come and inspect Picture framing The Ideal Store F0EEYSSKIMEYCOFJ Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Bible school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E at 7 p m All are welcome R M Ainsworth Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Earxk Rector Oatholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Vm J Kirwin O M I Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 M B Carman Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burton Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in the par sonage every Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans cordially invited Rev Wji Brueggeman 607 5th st East Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these services G B Hawkes Pastor Christian Science 219 Main Ave nueServices Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room pen all the time Science literature on sale Subject for next Sunday Probation after Doath Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a in and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GustavIIenkelmann 505 3rd street West DO IT NOW Mclook People Should Not Wait Until Its Tno Late The appalling death rate from kid ney disease h due in most cases to the fact that the little kidney troubles are usually neglected until they become serious The slight symptoms give place to chronic disorders and the suf ferer goes gradually into the grasp of diabetes dropsy Brights disease grav el or some otuer serious form of kidney complaint If you suffer from backache head aches dizzy spells if the kidney secre tions are irregular of passage and un natural in appearance do not delay Help the kidneys at once Doans Kidney Pills aro especially for kidney disorders they cure where others fail Over one hundred thous and people have recommendedthem Heres a case Mrs I H Rust living in Red Cloud Neb says Some years ago I used Doans Kidney Pills wich such good re sults for kidney trouble and have lately started taking them for rheumatism which has caused me considerable suf fering I am pleased to state that I have so far found the remedy to be very beneficial and I am fully convinced that I will obtain a permanent cure through its use Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call nt a drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Fobter Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other Mr F G Fritts Oneonta X Y writes My little girl was greatly bene fited by taking Foleys Oriuo Laxative and I think it is the best remepy for constipation and liver trouble Foleys Orino Laxative is best for women and children as it is mild pleasant and effective and is a splendid spring medi cine as it cleanses the sysJem and clears the complaxion A McMillen Try our crackers in tin ooxes You will never use any other HUBERT Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tbikune office NOTICE OFTHEHEVRIXG OF PROBATE OF WILL The State of Nebraska Red WilIo county To all per-on- intere teJ in theE tate of Frinklin P KutliiT Decea ed ret Nancy E Rathil of -aid countbas filed in ni otbci an iii trumriit purporting to be tiie last will and te iainent of Franklin P Rat Hff late of -aid county and aid Naucj E Rat- HtF has filed her petition herein prain tohave the same admitted to probate and for the issuing of letter testamentary which will relates to both real and personal e tate I hae appointed Monday the 10th day of May 1909 at ten oclock in the forenoon at the county court room in said countj a- the time and place for hearing -aid will at which time and place you and all concerned maj appear and contest the allowing of the same It is further ordered that -aid petitioner pie notice to all person- interested in said e tate of tho pendency of this petition and tlie time anu place set for hearinR of the same by causing a copy of this order to be published in tho McCook Tribune a neuspapcr printed and published in said county for three weeks successively J previous to the day -et for the hearing m witness wnereoi i uuve ucreuuiu ti mj hand aud oflicial seal this JOth daj of Aprii 1900 23 3 fSRALj J C Moor E Couutj Judge V R Starr Attorney i ii5 The Pyiopho c A living light called the ojrophorc makes Illumination cheap and conven ient in Brazil The pyrophore is a monster tirelly an inch and a half long With one it Is possible to read fine print and three will light a room The Brazilian peasant when he trav erses by night the perilous forest paths of his country fastens to each fhoe a pyrophore Thus Illuminated he has no difficulty In avoiding poison ous snakes pitfalls and wild beasts The Brazilian coquette fastens in her hair or her corsage a pyrophore In cased in white tulle The effect is as of a great luminous pearl or opal When a pyrophores light goes out It is not necessary to fill him up with oil to drop a coin in him or to throw him away but a moments ducking in cold water suflices Thereafter his three little lanterns one on the breast and two on the hack emit again as bright a radiance as ever The pyro phore as all nature students know is called vulgarly cuengo but scientific ally the name is Coleopter serrlcorn stermose elaterldes Cincinnati En quirer In the Presence of Death Some years ago a Swansea vessel was caught in a terrible gale says an English paper The captain had his wife on board and when the wind was still rising he told her to go down be low and sleep for all was well lie re mained on the bridge till the mate came up and said Were done all we can Hadnt you better tell the chaps to get out the boats Yes yes my lad if you think so said the captain who knew the only choice left was whether to go down with the ship or in a small boat which couldnt live ten seconds in that sea The engineers came up with the news that the fires were all out Very well my lads said the cap tain quietly Save yourselves if you can Wont you fetch the wife on deck sir asked one of the men No was the calm reply Let her sleep poor girl 1 am going down to have a smoke And smoking by the bedside of his sleeping wife he went down with the ship A Man of Resources A young man genial of face and cor rect in attire arose from his seat in a well patronized cafe an evening or two ago raised high a dollar bill and addressed those present Gentlemen he said I have here a dollar bill It is a good bill open to inspection by all I want to raiiie it off and I will esteem it a favor if fif teen gentlemen will come in Ten cents a chance 10 cenls tor a dollar bill Its dirt cheap Who will come in please 111 esteem it a favor as 1 1 said aiil theres the chance for a real j bargain Fifteen men good naturedly chipped in 10 cents each drew small suuires of paper liom a hat and the winner pocketed the bill with a laugh Thank you gentlemen said the rattler with a Chesterlieldian how That dollar was of no use to me Hut now tli r Ive sold it for a dollar ami Old College Ways Students at St Andrews university two centuries ago paid nothing fV their rooms but 3 10s per quarter en abled them to dine at the hi li table For o lis Id poorer men could get through the whole session just six mouths Hreakfast was served at 7 a m and consisted of an oatmeal loaf anu nair a pint of beer For supper each had half a twopenny loaf and a pint of beer At the high table poul try broth and beef were served and at the second a plentiful supply of broth and beef Herrings and floun ders sometimes graced the board Beer there was in abundance and the colleges in those good old days had their brew house a perquisite of the porter who was permitted to sell ale to the Mudents London Antiquary Just a Mistake inuring one of the banquets of the cnureu congieso in London a certain bishop had as his left hauti companion a clergyman who was completely bald utoiu ijic iKiiuneaueu u ar dropped his napkin and stooped to pick u up At this moment the bishop wtio was talking to his right hand neiguhor felt a slight touch on hi left arm He turned and beholding the vicars pate on a level with his el bow said So than you no melon 1 will take some pineappie Line Carrying Rockets The first line carrying rockets were invented in 1S20 by an Englishman named Vreiirrouse and were soon after adopted by the Massachusetts Humane society for use at its stations where they proved very successful though today brass cannons are ex clusively used for throwing lines to wrecks Pretty Weary Weary lying under apple tree Say mister kin I have one of dom apples Farmer Why them apples wont b ripe for four months vir Weary Oh dats all right 1 aint in no hurry Ill wait Life Then He Was Fired Father i cannot give you my daugh ter my dear sir I am mighty par ticular In such tilings Suitor Oh pshaw Now I am not in the least so Meggendorfer Blatter Different Ways Fewltt I have been pinched for money lately Jewitt Well women have different ways of getting it My wife kisses me when she wants any rjKvwvTlH iivim ivv v v v v j - t tr M Col W W Crittenden GENERAL AUCTIONEERING McCook Nebraska Fnrm Miles a specialty Dates may bo mndo ut the Citizens Bank fttdAWAtfeAiiiLLiiJjiAfcitfiftiftW A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells dni store McCook Nebraska WWWmmWt yi WH A ll W H PPHW J S McBRAYER Real Estate Farm Loans f and Insurance Office over Marshs Meat Market jiiMyA4iijA ii P SUTTOJS HcCOOR V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA H Tni ft H m j3T hT a M H m E F OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL ike Walsh DEAIER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass a half I have mv r ir rsr i 5N8BsSfiSViB lliank you Good night New York Globe Office First Door South of DeGrofls Phone 13 F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Basa ment of the Postoffice Building McGOOK NEBRASKA ffillHfllSiJ iM i W J l Id i i jrKJtim fissjaiuL ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPFD H mjMMwwiiiiM2 LAWBctL Privre rnm mill iBaTiialamTiK BUlLulilJHU i ill i WE HAVE I TO BURN il Barnett Lumber Co Phone5 m n 1 1 m rrv I I Highest Market Price Paid in Cast I New location just across street in P Walsh building HcCook f v t v T 4 i 4 r I -4