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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1909)
1 i I 1 A i i L W - TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR mytttttyVtytyttttyyyyyyytb Two of Them H P Sutton is just in receipt of two carloads of pianos of the leading makes in every style and finish and of all prices He is prepared to please the most fastidious and artistic tastes and also the most reasonable and modest pocketbooks - CALL AND SEE - The Display Is Unequaled DELINQUENT Real Estate Taxes become delinquent May 1st next Interest added on and after that date 10 per cent 163 C NADEN Co Treas - - - -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 KAAAAXAAAikAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Eastern Stars Elect Officers Eureka chapter No 8G elected officers for ensuing year at regular meeting Friday evening last Following are the officers elect Mrs Clara W Wilson WM Mrs George Willetts Associate C L Fabnestock W P Mrs W H Duugan Conductress Mrs O L Fahnestock Associate Sylvester Uordeal Secretary V E Hart Treasurer Installation in two weeks with usual proceedings Efficient services of the retiring ma tron Mrs Z L Kay and retiring secre tary W E Hart were recognized by a rising and unanimous expression of the members The membership of Eureka chapter is now over 100 and growing Real Estate At Public Auction McCook experienced a novelty in the real estate business last Saturday when -Al Shera offered two pieces of farm land in this vicinity at public auc tion J H Woddell crying the sale Although bids were made on both neither piece was sold It is thought by real estate men that the absolutely cash terms as well as the time of year militated against the success of the sale Real Estate Bargains We have for sale subject to lease for this year the nw qr section 2 town 2 range HO about 172 acres about 60 acres in cultivation and under irrigation 5 miles from McCook Price 83000 Al so 15 acre tract in se cor sw qr section 21 3 29 half mile from corporation line at 800 These lands belong to the Babcuck estate and must bk sold Boylk Eldred Dinner and Reception This evening the members of the Junior class of the McCook high pcpo will entertain the member of the Senior class at a dinner and reception at 830 oclock The classes will assemble at jtfonte Cristo hall and thence proceed to the cafe for dinner After the prandial feature the reception in the hall with attendant circumstances of note Quick Meal Gasoline stoves that generate themselves and others that generate with a torch all have large burners that have maae these stoves so popular You can feel abso lutely safe in using one of these Sold by McCook Hardware Co On Bargain Square You will find the balance of those low cut shoes advertised at 49c a pair offered at 39c Only size 3 How does 39c strike you The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Closed Out the Business Julius Stein closed out the residue of his business in bulk end of last week and later departed for Texas where be has landed interests which claim his attention MONEY TO LOAN on farms See Ruz ell Barger at clothing store Field garden and flower seeds at H P Waite Cos For Seed Corn go to the Updike Grain Co Mr Gay From Jersey The Players Club teorod a success histrionically last Friday evening in the Menard in presenting the above entitled comedy if they didnt fully realize expectations in the box office The play was well prepared and present ed quite faultlessly with the following excellent CAST Frnnk Iladley Lauras father Frank Brady William Savage rouh and trribl Coy Burnett Mrs Patterson the mother-in-law Josephine Ptielan Gottlieb Schmoltzer a German im porter Dan OBrien Willie Grow the faithful dude Ed Williams Laura Hadley young and tender Gertrude Morrissey Frederick a model man servant Max Hare Mrs Augustus Gay lmr mothers child Elsie Campbell Buttons the messenger Fred Archibald Wilkins the steward S Antstey Augustus Gay S C Beach Court Granada at Sheridan Court Granada No 77 of our city was gracefully and efficiently represented in the establishment of Court of Charles Carroll of Carrollton No 101 in Sheri dan Wyoming Sunday of last week The two degrees of the order were conforred by the drill team of Court Granada of our city The first degree of the order was performed by Miss Anna Hannan grand regent Miss Sadie Coyle vice grand regent Mrs George Martin monitor The exemplification of the second degree fell under the par ticular direction of Miss Julia Ryan Mis3 Alice McKenna Miss Marcella Ryan and Miss Regina Provance The work of these young ladies is the sub ject of a deserved eulogy by the Sheri dan newspapers A banquet followed the conferring of the degrees covers being laid for sixty There were speeches toasts etc in which the voices of Mrs George Martin and Miss Anna Hannan of our city were heard in felicitous phrase Barraclough Trowbridge Miss Lavera Trowbridge and Jabez Barraclough were united in marriage Tuesday of this week at the homo of the brides grandfather Vance Mc Manigal Rev MB Carman afliciating the ceremony being witnessed by rela tives and friends of the joung couple Both are well known to many friends in the city and all wish them much happi ness and prosperous voyage They re ceived a number of nice and useful presents A wedding dinner was served after the ceremony which abounding feast was participated with greatest relish The brides parents Mr and Mrs Rueben Trowbridge and family Mrs Hoag of Indianola aud some mem bers of the Bradley family of Oberlin attended the wedding THE HABIT OF CAREFULNESS Anything that a druggist ep5 you if ho is a good druggist wanther it Le drugs or something else is apt to bear the imprint of carefulness Carefulnpps is a habit with the conscientious drug gist It influences him in all his buy ing in selecting the goods of others to sell We believe McConnell has the habit and can claim what ever he presents to your notice is worthy in every way of your favorable consideration Degele Schlagel Last Thursday April 22nd Rev Wm BrueggemannEvangelical Lutheran pas tor of this city united in marriage Mrs Mary Scblngel and Mr Jakob Degele both residents of this county living in Red Willow precinct Only a Little over 6000 Outstanding County Treasurer Naden states that the county general fund warrants of 190S now only total a little over 6000 and that these will all be paid shortly after the first of July 50 Styles of Ladies Waists The best and largest line of waists is here in net in silk in all over embroid eries etc Dont fail to 6ee us on waists The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best over if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Eggs For Sale Pure bred S C B Leghorn eggs at 50c per setting or 2 50 per 100 Ad dress Don Thompson or Josh Rowland McCook Neb 16 5 Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks to order promptly and accurately Farm Loans N J Johnson over McConnells store Simpsons and American prints An Oklahoma Pioneer Eli Mell of Olj tnpia Washington ar rived in the city last Friday night and was the guest of Mr and Mrs T B Campbell and Mr and Mrs A R Me haffy until Monday morning when he returned his journey on to Pittsllurgj Pennsylvania to see an only sister whom he has not seen for 39 years in fact he did not know until very recently that the ister was alive nor did she know of the existence of the brother Mr Mell is an uncle of Mrs Campbell and Mrs M chaffy His is an interesting life lie is now 74 years of age but active and wide awake to tho activities of life He left Ohio in I860 coming to Missouri which he soon found to contain loo many rebs to his liking and he returned to Ohio Not long after he moved to Oklahoma in which territory he was a lie has lived in Missouri Kansas and uoma until within a lew years since which time he has lived with a son in Oh tnpia Washington Pittsburg of today will bo a wonder to him no doHbt and tho reunion cf the brotheivand sister will be an event The sister is 78 years of age J t t Our Regular Values It taken cash to get them See what your saving will be compared with the prices of other stores - un Good lawns r 3- Amoskeng apron check ginghams Oic 9 quarter Peperell sheeting 23c 9 quarter unbleached sheeting jj9c Good yard wide muslin 4Jc lifst table oil cloth 15c Boys and girl best rompers 39c Peerles carpet warp 21c American A grain bags - 21c 36 inch taffeta silk 69o China silks from 30c to 50c 6 big red handkerchiels for 25c Mens ribbed balb union suits 75c 25 styles mens hats COo to 250 Stetson hats 3G9 Mens 5 pocket bib over alls 39c Yours for tho cash Tho Thompson D G Co One price plain figuresd cash only takfTa camera along Besides a source of pleasure a camera carried with jou on all your outings often become a source of revenue Cases frequently occur where amateur photographers who are on the spot when a railroad accident or other calam ity happens make enough out of one negative to pay for their whole outfit Newspapers pay liberally for such nega tives We have a splendid showing of the newest and best models in Premo and Eastman kodaks Our stock of supplies includes everything neaded for sue cessful picture making It will interest you to seo the line L W McConnell Druggist Coming- Mrs Sena Hartzell Wallace sister of Bishop Hartzell national lecturer and orga izer of the W C T LT will ad dress a mass meeting to be held in the Baptist church Sunday evening the ninth of May at S00 P M She will be with us the ninth and tenth and will hold meetings both days the time to be announced later Mrs Wallace conies to us highly recommended Do not fail to hear her Do You Iked a Buggy Then look over -our large stock of Velie and John Deere buggies You will find in our buggy room on our second floor the best line of buggies ever shown in McCook These are all of the best styles and construction Come and get one and enjoy the summers use of it McCook Hardware Company NOTICE On May 1st Middleton Ruby will move their plumbing shop into building 3rd door east of DeGroff store on B st east and will carry a complete line of plumbing and stenni heating materials Estimates furnished free See them for sewer and plumbing work They always endeavor to please Culbertson Evened Up Some The game of base ball last Saturday between the McCook and Culbertson high school clubs was an easy victory for Culbertson Score 7 to 1 Played on tne home diamond Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges are popular because they are splendid bakers and do not waste gas Let us put in one of these for you Call and get a cook book free McCook Hard ware Co FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 23 tf Leave orders at B Hofers for extra copies or Umana Uee with McCook writeup out in a week McCOOK RED VILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING APRIL 30 1909 Council Proceedings Tho regular council session was held on Monday everting with all present but Councilman Morris Minutes of last session read and ap proved Bills as follows wore allowed and war rants ordered isfliiidon the proper funds McCook Electric Co 8 58 75 McCook Waterworks Co 91 05 F M Kimtnell 14 00 Nebraska Telephone Co 0 00 NJ Campbell i 00 Fred Brewer 1 10 Report of weighmaster accepted and placed on file Report of police judge referred to city attorney Petition signed by S M Spencer and others askiug for extension of water pipes and electric light seivicu into and through South McCook and the build ing of sidewalks to and through that part of the city was read and referred to committee on side walks Petition of J W Underhill and others asking for the removal of block 19 from the fire limits was read and laid over until next meeting Licenses to sell liquors were granted to the following McFann Cox J W Lathrop Mitchell Brothers M U Clyde Billiard ball license was granted to Johann T Kendlen Pool table and card table licenses granted to William Sullivan Adjourned till April 30th at 800 oclock Junior Normal Principals The teachers committee of the new state normal board has completed the appointment of principals of junior normal schools by selecting G A Gregory of Ciote to be principal of the school at Valentine Tho complote list of principals is as follows ONeill DrHK Wolfe Alliance D W Hayes North Platte J A Beatie McCook C W Taylor Geneva R W Eaton Alraa C W McMichael Broken Bow R I Elliott- Valentine 8 Gregory Six f the eight principals are said to be republicans Dr Wolfe and Mr Hayes alone being classed as democrats State Superintendent Bishop said the state board had engaged Frank Rober son to lee ure at five of the junior normals Adrian Nowans an enter tainer has also been engaged and in addition there will be one musical at traction that has not yet been selected Tuesdays Lincoln Journal Not the Man They Wanted Sheriff Peterson did some routing around for a man who passed some forged checks in Bartley close of last week Together with the Bartley parties mulcted they went to spe a man who was being held but man proved not to be the party wanted r as the man confessed to having pas d several forged checks in Kearney he will be dealt with accordingly by the Buffalo county authorities Passing forged checks oeems to bo a favorite stunt just now Businessmen will do well to use especial care in accepting checks from strangers A Perfect System The New England Journal of Educa tion for September 3 1908 says of Mr Keith Vawter and Mr Chas F Homer In operating the system here two masters in the art of management are alone required to handle one hundred chautauquas whereas for the same num ber of miscellaneous assemblies there will be required fifty times as many Each of these two is especially gifted by nature and has remarkable opportunity for development Their system is per fect It has been and will continue to be a success Webster Hollister Miss Ida J Ilollister an early resi dent of this city and Mr George C Webster formerly of Indianola were married in Cheyenne Wyo April 20 1909 Thev will be at home in after May 1st Had a Social Evening The Woodmen aud Royal Neighbors had an enjoyable social time entertain ment and refreshments in their hall Thursday evening of this week Wash Suits and Skirts See our handsome suits at S300 to 750 and nobby skirts at 1 50 to b250 Alterations free The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values No Hunting Allowed No hunting allowed on my farm or on the Walsh land leased by me under penalty of the law E F Flitcraft Fasture For Horses On section 19 in Driftwood precinct Price 50 cents per month 30 1 O N Rector McCook Neb Updike Grain Co for seed corn Pythian Sisterhood Instituted McCook temple No 21 Pythian Sis terhood was instituted in this city on Wednesday night Mrs Trual of Lin coln and Mrs Dilworth of Omaha being tho grand lodge officers in charge of tho ceremonies The following arc tho officers-elect of McCook temple Most Excellent Chief Mrs Sylvester Cordeal Excellent Senior of tho Temple Mrs J R McCarl Excellent Junior of tho Temple Mrs G L Burney Mistres of Records Mrs Harry D Stowart Mistress of Finance Mrs Georgo B Hawkes Manager Mrs Walter Stokes Protector of Temple Mrs Charles W Barnes Guard of Outer Temple Mrs E M Day Past Chief Mrs G W Norris Trustees Mrs Matthew Lawritson Mrs F M Kimmoll and Mrs Charles D Ritchie After tho institution of the lodge tho members of McCook lodge No 42 Knights of Pythias appeared on the scene and enlivened the situation dur ing the rest of tho evening Refreshments were served remarks were ottered by tno guests of honor Mrs Trual and Mrs Dilworth as well as by several local speakers McCook temple promises at once to take front rank among the chapters of the city A Lively Experience Dr J D Hare and Master Max had a lively experience Sunday in the Hare automobile near Saint Ann Frontier county with a fire started in the auto mobile while they were travelling along at a brisk speed By quick and ener getic work they succeeded in extinguish ing the fire without much injury to themselves but not until tho machine had been damaged considerably For tunately W B McClain was driving along homeward bound with a lumber wagon and team and he pulled tie ma chine and men home The trip out re quired an hour and a half but the re turn took seven and a half hours The accident is a rare one cause not fully understood We Want You to Know that we handle a full line of Patterson Sargents ready mixed and ready to put on paint Paint mixing is a busi ness by itself and this paint is care fully prepared of the best possible ma terials ior a durable paint and will give you satisfaction and we want your paint business whether ou want one half pint or fifry gallons We also have the celebrated Niseron Varnish and China Lac which is the highest class goods of the kind made Let us talk to you about paint McCook llardwarc Company Took Third Priz at Omaha Lee F Uojle tou of James S Doyle of Box Elder is the proud possessor of a handsomn medal the third prize for corn at the National Corn Exposition in Omaha in 190S Lee took first prize in the Red Willow county contest and this removpd him from the childrens class at the National exposition conse quently he had to contest with men in the Western zone class A This makes his success all the more marked In the name of Red Willow county The Tribune congratulates him Spells Success On the basis of selling the best meat obtainable at the lowest cash price and extending to each and all the same un varying prompt and courteous service and attention we are meeting every reasonable meat expectation RODGER3 MoDRELL Buttons While You Wait We operate our button machine with skill and care We make perfect buttons from any material Four sizes at 15c 20c 25c 35c The Thompson D G Co The utmost service No Graduates This Year Tho Indianola board of education last week decided to add the twelfth grade to its high school course hence there will be no graduates this year Paid Offa 2000 Bond County Treasurer Naden has just sent east the money to pay off a 52000 bond of Bartley village Also 235 of a school bond on district No 52 Eggs for Sale Pure Barred Plymouth Rock eggs choice stock 3 sets each 8200 per 100 Phone a3h 1351 or black 255 Mks J W fScRTLEss Route 3 For Rent The Babcock 15 acre tract near town Also a 4 room dwelling 705 3rd street West Bovle Eldred Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton feJ IV WJllJv NUMBER 49 YOU CAN SAVE MONEY MAYBE you aro one of thoso who say Oh I cant savo money Whats tho use of trying You can savo money Its merely a matter of u little arithmetic You know what it will cost you to live next month add to that a cortain amount for luxuries then livo to that sched ule and bank the differenco Give it a trial for threo months then you will have tho habit and it will be easy Start a bank account with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh Prosidont C F LEHJf V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTOPS J J Loughran P F McKenna The First Load of Lumber There is now vsiting in McCook and Holdrege the man who delivered tho first load of lumber ever unloaded on tho McCook tuwnsite Wo refer to Morris DesLaizes now of San Francis co California Morris arrived from California a few days since and will spend a few weeks here and at Holdrege where he is visiting a sister xMrs A M Tyler Morris was for years in tho early days employed by Mr Hocknell in the lumber yard He finds McCook much expanded and improved during the years ho has lived in Californiu Had a Foot Amputated Mr and Mrs J W Wimer will have greatest s in path of tho community in tho unfortunate acident which befel their son No in Denver a few dajs sincewhilo he was attempting to goton to a moving street car He failed in the effort was run over and one of his feet was so badly injured that amputa tion was nice jsary above tho ankle Mrs Wimer went at once to his bedside Clark Wimer in albo in Denver Bought the Be Hive While herehidt weekFrank S Vahuo closed the deal for the purchase of the Beo Hive store Ho will secure posses sion June lst He will carry a general merchandise stock Mr Vihue was formerly in the shoe trade here and is known to many readers of The Trmjune Ho aud wife will be warmly welcomed back to McCook Card of Thankb For the flowera uud every kindness and assistance rendered uq at the funeral and burial of our dear one wo are more grateful than mere words can express We shall ever keep the kind acts in tender and grateful remembrance A L OVKKMAN AMI FaMILV J E 1 ikrill Axn Family Herrick Refrigerators Have wood linings no danger of poison from zinc and have cold air circulation All are made with quarter sawed oak cases in fact are built like a nice piece of fur niture and coat no more than the old fashioned kind Buy them at McCook Hardware Co Get Your Poultry Fence that will stretch tight and stand erect without board at top or bottom That is the Union Lock Fence sold by the IlcCook Hardware Co Land in San Luis valley to trade for city property Oklahoma land to trade tor farm or city property Write P O drawer G07 city John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for salealso flour and feed C J RYAN Updike Grain Co for seed corn SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a special price for the next thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co HN Rosebush Manager Phone red 196