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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1909)
Vt xw TWENTY SEVENlWiEAR YYTYYYTYYYTYYYTYYTTYTTYYJB Portieres and Rugs A rare new line in all sizes qualities and prices now on dis play in this depart ment Come and be shown the splendid -4 creasin ban assortment Pade Furniture and Carpet Co - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 AAAAAiAAAAAAAiAAAAAAAlAAH MONEY TO LOAN on farms See Rcz ell Barger at clothing store Are you going to the rink tonight Updike Grain Co for seed corn Onion sets at H P Waite Cos For Seed Corn go to the Updike Grain Co DELINQUENT Real Estate Taxes become delinquent May 1st next Interest added on and after that date 10 per cent-16-3 C NADEN Co Treas 3 session Tuesday evening with a fair at- 4 tendance of its membership An - amount of routine business was posed of and some committee reports 4 received - I Four new members were received in- tf nin tninilimLiltt nf 4 1 11 Manager of theTemple Theatre The board of directors of tho Masonic Temple Cnift association have chosen L W McConnell to be manager of tho Temple thentro for the emming year Mr McConnell has first class business qualifications whii h coupled with his experience iu th it hue and hit patriotic enthusiasm for the superb building now approaching completion make him a peculiarly able and euitablo man for the position Backed by the board of directors to a man and assisted by the push and en thusiasm of the community for its best and proudest building U e manage ment of Mr McConnell cannot fail to be successful and satisfactory during its opening year It is hoped to be able to open the new theatre some time early in November perhaps a little earlier WALL PAPERS THAT MORE THAN PLEASE No one who requires any wall paper can fail to find hero debigns that will more thau meet evorj expectation as to beauty and s tyle We have the best designs of the best houses and eo larpe a variety of them that every possible need can be mot If you are contemplating papering we can promise you that an inspection of our slock will bo of great value to you not only as a help in determining just what you want but also a source of new ideas in regard to decoration We are always pleased to sbow papers L W McConnell Druggist Lacks Fighting Blood McCook evidently lacks fighting blood of the state militia sort at any rate It was mentioned as the expectation that the new club quarters in the temple theatre building would be ready for occupancy in July It is the pur pose of tho club to commemorate the house warming in a suitable manner with the expectation of largely in- them a dance which left nothing to be desired On Bargain Square We offer about 25 pairs of low cut summer shoes in ladies size 3 for 49c a pair These are not a part of our reg ular stock but are on Bargain Square Ask to see them The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Enviable Situation Red Willow county is now in the en viable situation of having but one pauper on her bounty There ax e no prisoners of her own in the county jail and there no criminal cases on her court docket Herrlck Refrigerators Are dry air circulators no must or mould enameled and spruce lined cases made of quarter sawed oak all lined with mineral wool Sold by McCook Hard ware Co Eggs For Sale Purebred S C B Leghorn eggs at 50 per setting or 2 50 per 100 Ad dress Don Thompson or Josh Rowland McCook Neb 16 5 Quick Meal Gasoline and WIckless Blue Flame Oil stoves at McCook Hardware Cos Try one of these and save the over heated kitchen For Sale A bath tub and tank and other house hold articles Call at house A Barnett Jno B Stetson Hats 369 at The Thompson D G Co The ut most value Typewriter ribbons for sale at The Tribune office JHjcCooIi New Quarters In July The commercial club was in reeular g the membership by that time inquot and aappropriato verbal 4 trimmings may be items At any rate - the event will be marked Will Close Next Sunday Tho revival meetings which have been in progress in too Methodist church for the past sovera weeks will close on next Sunday evening Rev Carman and Singer Waltz ate both pleased with the good work accomplished Over a hundred conversions are reported aud 142 have approached the altar during these meetings Kev B F Eberhart of Arapahoe and Rev A D Burress of Indianola have assisted this week Continued Until May 8 The McCook Electric Co brought suit againBt Kondlen Stevens of tho Palmer house this week to collect for electric light service and supplies be fore Justice of the Peacrt Lellew Th claim ia denied because of alleged fail ure on part of company to deliver the goods The suit was continued until May 8 John Stevens of Hastings a brother of the defendants defended the suit BARGAINS IN IMPLEMENTS We still have gang and sulky plows wagons discs one steel windmill two- and four horse power ga oline engines one set double heavy team harness and collars on the bargain list If you are needing any of these come and see the articles McCook Hardware Co An Expression of Thanks I am very gratefuPto my friends In McCook for their generous Easter gift I was not expecting anything of the kind I would like to see each one of you and thank you for it The good will and kindness shown by this gift I can assure you I prize very much Your friend E R ERLE The effort being made by A RScott to mention a large landscape curtain 52 organize a militia company seems to be jnche3 wide by 9 feet long for 75c destined to failure Mr bcott informs us that he is advised by Adjutant Gen eral Hartigan to return to the state all papers and authorization if McCook does not at once indicate her purpose to organize So far but a few have sig nified their intention of enlisting FOR SALE A new lot of trees Peaches New Lace Curtains We are much pleased with a new as sortment of lace curtains and curtain Swisses just received Among them we Others from 50 cents a pair up to 6 50 The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values A Marker Dance The boilermakers seem to be making them all head in when it comes to dances The article of last Monday evening was up to their usual high grade The boys had a splendid attend Plums Apples Cherries Ever ance over three score couples and gave greens maple fcim carouna Poplar Linden and many other trees and shrubs that may in terest you Come to my place at the north end of 1st street east and pick out your tree W T MARCH Phone red338 On Bargain Square We offer about 200 yards of apron check gingham on Bargain Square at 3iC a yard First come first served The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Lawn and Garden Hose five- and seven ply both guaranteed at McCook Hardware Cos EASTER OBSERVANCES How the People of McCook Celebrat ed Christendoms Greatest and All Significant Festival One of the great festivals of the church which never grows old nor palls on the public taste is Eieter celebrating in chief the resurrection of tho Son of Man bringing life and immorcality to man lib well as formally noting the awakening of Nature When the day is attecded with the ideal iu weather warmth and sunshine the particulars provided by man in tho way of borvice and worship are given a sotting of peculiar worth and significance Sudh was the case last Sunday Indeed nothing was lacking lest it be on the nirtiibido in attend ance upon service and opportunity and privilege The several churches had special ser vices of the church or Suudny school which are brit fly set forth below EAbT mcook Tho modest little Sundaj school union in character iu East McCook had its special Easter program during the regular hour for holding the Sunday-school at three oclock in the after noon when a special song service and recitations appropriate were given b the children Tho building was well filled with old and voung CHRISTIAN SCIENCE To the Christum Scientist Easter typifies the awaking of man to tho fact that he is spiritual created in Gods image and likeness Every Sunday is Eister Sunday and every day Easter dny as he realizes the allness of the Christ Truth The reading room 219 Main ave was tastefully decorated with Bermuda lilies and cut flowers consisting of roses and carnations and ferns The lesson subject Are Sin Disease and Death Real Golden text James 113 14 Let no man say when ho is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lusts First reader E J Mitchell secoud reader Mrs S E Griggs A solo by Mrs Ellington Britt who is in charge of the music was apprpciated by all CATHOLIC There were the usual services in St Patricks church namely at 8 oclock and 1030 in the morning with Rev Fr liaggerty as celebrant The choir pre sented the special and significant music of the festival with their accustomed finish The altar was beautifully deco rated with flowers EPISCOPAL Regular Easter Sunday servico at 11 with -sermon and communion together with spocial music and a solo by Miss Elsie CnmpbelI Also special service and music in the evening at 730 The collection of both morning and evening 2600 was placed in the building fund of tho church TheSunday school held appropriate services at 1000 in the morning The church was prettily decorated with lilies ferns etc After the service on Easter Sunday evening the members of St a loans Episcopal church elected the following members as officers for the ensuing jear Judj J S Lellew warden Mr Chas Merle clerk Dr H J Pratt treasurer v L CHRISTIAN f At the morning and evening services Elder Ainsworth delivered sermons ap propriate to tho day and the choir ren dered special music Particular inter est however attached to the afternoon service at three oclock which was at- tended by tho members of Saint John Commandery No 1G Knights Templar ill full uniform The pastor delivered the sermon to the knights and tho choir added the touch of music to the auspic ious occasion Easter lilies potted plants ferns etc made tho attractive and handsome decoration CONGREGATIONAL The morning servico was after the manner of the usual Easter service with special music by the choir and sermon appropriate to the day by the pastor a goodly audience providing the other particular of importance The decora tions were simple but the effect was all to be desired several Easter lilies a few potted plates ferns and palms together with bouquets of white carnations a white and green effect In the evening the little children of the Sunday school presented their East er program before a crowded and ap preciative house The program was ar ranged with special reference to the little tots with recitations songs in solo duet and chorus The choir sang one anthem number and Pastor HawkeB added a few words of a seasonable character METHODIST No special Easter services music or decoration were attempted by the Meth odist people the progress of their reviv al services precluding but the day was replete with spiritual activity and sig nificance in church ana Sunday school BAPTIST Special sermons and music for the day both morning and evening with floral decorations of attractive and ap propriate kind and colorings The rite of baptism was administered at both morning and evening meetings PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Subscriptions to The Tribune are payable in advance and the publisher is now engaged in maiiing to all subscribers notice of the amount due up to January ist 1910 or up to a date one year in advance of their present date We hope to receive many prompt renewals With a list approaching the 1 500 mark it will be easily appreciated how heavy the burden is upon the publisher to carry any consider able number of subscribers until the end of the year So kindly respond cheerfully and at an early date THE PUBLISHER Tungsten Lamps Make the befet artificial light and the most economical light in existence to day Place them uuder a Holnphane shade in a perpendicular position and see the effect compared to other lights Comparison to the old lamps TDAGsTES CARBON FILIMENT 20 C P 25 watts 16 C P 56 watts 32 40 32 103 48 60 80 100 Note that the 32 C P Tungsten con sumes 16 watts per hour less than a com mon 16 C P The SO C P consumes 0 watts per hour less than the 32 C P common For the home a 20 C P Tungsten runs less than half that of the 16 C P common Call the McCook Electric Companys office and we will tell you about them or we can arrange your lighting so you get more light for less money than you ever got before Phone 127 McCook Electric Company Ladies Spring Jackets in blacks and in tans from 8100 up to 81000 Girls jackets from 100 to 500 The Thompson D G Co Ac tual cash values FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf Field garden and flower seeds at H P Waite Cos Mr Ernest F Wright This quite well known young English man is perhaps more in demand in this city right now than he has been at any time since his advent into the commun ity Following other recent irregulari ties Wednesday of this week the young man took his pen in hBnd and paid off several items of indebtedness in the city by means of forged checks using a no less responsible citizens name than Charles M Bailey It is thought he se cured between S50 and 75 in cash before making his second get away The Singing Masons The ladies of the Baptist church an nounce they have secured Rev A B Carson for the evening of the 20th inst when ho will deliver his popular lecture The Singing Masons Mr Carson will be remembered as a former pastor of the church The ladies solicit the patronage of the public assuring the patrons not only will they be nelping a worthy work but also find plea sure and profit in Mr Carsons lecture Tickets 25c Remembered Rev E R Earle of the Episcopal church and Elder R M Ainsworth of the Christian church were both quite handsomely remembered by their ad miring and loving friends Easter Leave orders at B Hofers for extra copies of Omaha Bee with McCook writeup out in a week rtb McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING APRIL 16 1909 Harmon Again In Control Wednesday might W 11 Harmon assumed charge of the Pastime moving picture theatre having on tho previous evening closed the purchase of tho theatre back again from J II Snyder who we understand may engage in business elsewhere Mr Harmon has always held a good patronage from tho public and given tbem the best the mar ket afforded in the nioxing picture line and he promises a continuance of such service Mr Harmon went in to Omnhp this morning to look into some new attrac tions for his theatre whoo popularity he sseks to onbanco by consistently giv ing the people the best and keeping a lookout all the time for better things A strong feature of Mr Harmons management is the clean unobjectiona ble character of his pictured and special productions Star Laundry Now Ready G W Ludwick of the Star Steam Laundry announces himself as ready for business and prepared to do any thing and everything in his line in first class style Ho has just installed his machinery in the Blatt building on 1st street west and everything is in readi ness including skilled employes to give your work prompt and absolutely satisfactory attention Givo us a trial Phone 140 We will do the rest right Death of a Little One Little Margaret Rosedaughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Cashen of Coleman precinctdied on Tuesday morning Tho little one was but two years and three months old Services were held in St Patricks church of our city Thursday morning at ten oclock and interment followed in Calvary cemeten BRIGHTEN WITH PAINT We have a splendid line of little ready-to-use paints for household painters Have them in all colors at 15 to 50 cents a can It not only brightens your wood work and furniture but protects it and makes it wear longer 1 L W McConnell Druggist On Bargain Square Wo offer about 25 pairs of mens blue denim bib overalls aud mens striped cottonade pants for 25c a pair on Bar gain Square These are not in our regular stock you will have to ask to see them The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Dold Nelson Wednppday morning at the parsonage Rev M B Carman united in marriagp John N Dold and Miss Alice Nelson both of Maywood They were accomp anied by Mr and Mrs F E Dowd and Miss Agnes Nelson also of near May wood Fresh and High Test I have constantly on hand a supply of the standard Columbia Red Top Bat teries selling at 30 cents As I am tp ceiving shipments every week from the factory they are fresh and of highest test C R Livingston Main avenue McCook Neb Spells Success On tho basis of selling the best meat obtainable at the lowest cash price ard exteuding to each and all the same un varying prompt and courteous service and attention we are meeting every reasonable meat expectation RODGERS MODRELL Acme Quality Paint is the best mint that can be made There is no economy in using a cheap paint Insist on having the Acme and you will get the best Sold by McCook Hardware Co Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if ou dont buy the famous Bertrand high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Eggs for Sale Pure Barred Plymouth Rock eggs choice stock 3 sets each 82 00 per 100 Phone ash 1351 or black 255 Mrs J W Hurtles0 Route 3 Vacation Time will soon be here You should get a kodak now and be prepared to enjoy your summers vacation L W McConnell Druggist Is Very 111 Mrs Smith nee Emma Trebal wife of Fireman C M Smith is very low Her recovery is in some doubt as we print For Rent The Babcock 15 acre tract near town Also a 4 room dwelling 705 3rd Btreet West Bovle Eldred A Parasql and Fan for 10c for the children at The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton igii v fc NUMBER 4T YOU CAN SAVE MONEY MAYBE you aro one of those 111 who say Oh I cant save money Whats tho use of trying You can save money Its merely a matter of a little arithmetic You know what it will cost you to live noxt month add to that a certain amount for luxuries then lio to that sched ule and bank tho difference Givo it a trial for three months then you will have the habit and it will bo easy Start a bank account with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTOIS J J Loughran P F McKonna We Have a Camera you should have now This is the best season of the year to begin the art of photography All the best photograph ic months of the year are ahead We make the selection of the camera easy by our largo and varied stock and make satisfaction in the use of it sure by tho aid and suggestions we can supply Drop in and have a little kodak talk Eastman kodaks from 1 CO to 25 00 and everything in photo supplies L W McCoNNELr Druggist Entertain for Miss Katy Brady Miss Katie Brady who is home for the Easter vacation from Denver where she is attending school was entertained Friday afternoon by Miss Hnzel Norris at the Norris home at which a goodly number of former school friends were guests Monday evening Helen Schwab and Arlene Allen entertained for Mss Katie at the Allen home with the usual felic itous particulars attendant Shop Meetings Two shop meetings were held this week at 1210 oclock Tuesday Mr Waltz spoke and sang and Miss Florence Ro ebush sang Friday in addition to the short talk and singing by Mr Waltz there was a solo by MissRutho Wiehe These meetings were evidently appreciated and enjoyed by the shop men Crepes Foulards Our crepes afford you your only op portunity to get a supi ly of these beaut iful and very scarce summer goods 1G pieces at 18c and 20c a yard 33 pieces of cotton foulards at 20c and 25c The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Velle and John Deere Buggies Another car load just received These are the most popular buggies We have many different styles and prices Come and get fitted out with one of these and a good harneas at McCook Hardware Company Remember the Garden but dont forget the sun bonnet They are to be had in variety from 15c to 35c at The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values No Hunting Allowed No hunting allowed on my farm or on the Walsh land leased by me under penalty of the law E F Flitcraft John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Farm Loan N J Johnson over McConnells store Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for saIeaIso flour and feed C J RYAN You need not worry longer about your corns if you use McMillens Sure Corn Cure Updike Grain Co for seed corn SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to haw the work done We are making a special price for the next thirtv davs McCook Cement Stone Co H N Rosebush Manager Phone red 196