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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1909)
H IUhlJH ii it n TWO H WODDELL Auctioneer F1NGHK STAINS Hudson Maxim the leading gun powder and high explosive expert in tbe world recently wrote for the Boy Mag azine his estimation of the cigarette He says The cigarette burns poisonously The smoker of the pipe and cigar finds his injury in the nicotine while the nicotine of the cigarette is far less virulent than the deadly carbouio oxid and other products of its poisonous com bustion The blood of persons poisoned by illuminating gas rich in carbonic oxid is found to be coagulated and indurate ana from the veins and arteries may be pulled into strings Carbonic oxid whijh is found in deadly quantities in the gas from a coal fire J wheu inhaled in small quantities produces faiutness dizziness palpita tion of tho heart and a feeling of great heaviness in the feet and legs These are exactly the effects of the cigarette and the depression and nervousness which follow as a reaction make the victim crave some balm or tonic for his malaise He is then lead to consume the drug in ever increasing quantities The wreath of cigarette smoke which curls about the head of the growing lad holds his brain in an iron grip which prevents it from growing and his mind from developing just as surely as fie tight bandage does the foot of the Chinese girl If all boys could be made to know that with every breath of cigarette smoke they are tapping their arteries as surely and letting their lifes blood out ns surely as if their veins and arteries were severed and that the cigarotte is a maker of invalids criminals and fools not men it ought to deter them some The yellow finger- stain is an emblem of deeper degradation and enslavement than the ball and chain OUR RIGHT TO DESTROY THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC Drunkenness is the most peculiarly economic of all vices A man can gamble and still make money He can live an immoral life and do the same But if he is habitually intoxicated he losses the power of self support and of course the power of providing for his f imily That is one of the reasons why society interferes and has the right to interfere wijb the cu3tom of drinking Another reason is that one who is habitually intoxicated not only loses his power and disposition to provide for - - f f r Public Sa im iji ji iftii iKtiuaiiiaiii iinkim ai f v I of Real Estate I will sell at auction on Saturday April 24 1909 at 200 p m in front of Court House at McCook Neb FARMS msmmmMMirrI asiraaB One QUARTER SECTION two miles northwest of McCook the SV of Section 18 Precinct 3 Range 29 This farm is about half in wheat and half pastuse well fenced and cross fenced with good barn granary well windmill tank and cistern The other is ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ACRES six miles north of McCook the E of the WA and the Ei of the SE of Section iS Precinct 4 Range 29 Twenty acres plowed and fifty acres more that could be plowed b dance is good ha or pasture land TERMS One third cash when land is bid off bal ance wl ea abstract and deed are turned over A Shera s i0a n TEMPERANCE COLUMN LI TH Conducttcoby the McCook W C T D i BALL AND CHAIN AND THE YELLOW PN himself and family but he becomes a fiend daily visiting brutal treatment upon the raemners of his o vn family and frequently taking the life of those who shoul 1 havo his protection Still another reason why bociety has a right to overthrow the liquor traffic is that society is continually thxed to sup port hospitals prisons orphanages and asylums resulting from the liquor traffic but receives no benefit whatever from the traffic The liquor traffic tends to produce an indigent class au unemployed class an ignorant class and an unpuncipled class the greatest foes of society and re publican institutions therefore it is not only the right but the duty of the citizens of the country to destroy it Man has no inherent right to sell liquor and since its sale is one of the greatest foes to national life and pros perity and undermines the foundations of civil society and unfits the citizen for the proper discharge of his public and private duties the government snould prohibit its sale The following is a report of the work done since September 1st by the Evan gelistic department of the W C T U in charge of Mrs Wimer Number of visits to the sick aud poor 2L Number of garments distributed 206 Number of comforters distributed 3 Number of Christmas boAes contain ing candy nuts corn ribbons hand kerchiefs and dolls distributed 7 Number of pairs of shoes 10 Meat potatoes bBans and fruit given away in quantities not weighed Amount of money spent for this de partment S317o Engraving and Embossing- Your wants can be supplied at The Tribune in the line of engraving and embossing such as calling cards invi tations and announcements monogram correspondence paper etc Handsome samples of all on display Prices rea sonable Prompt service If interested come and inspect Get Info BusinessforYourself A BOOK CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE Will make you money The BUCK is the only two piece self binding self-locking water proof frost proof sani tary dry air block made Takes less material and is madequicker than any other block Write to day and let us tell you all about it and how yon can make from Juooto S20 oo every day that you work dveright in each county Get In lirxt Interlock Block Machine Co City Office 24th and Paul Sit OMAHA NEB SOUTHWEST riEBRASKA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION continued from paoe one Wherkas the prosent teesion of tbe legislature of Nebrnska hae been very liberal in its appropriations for school purposes namely First in its innrensrd appropriation for Normal Training in High Schools Second in its increased aid to weak districts Third in its puichase of the Wayne Normal thus creating a new State Normal School in N E Nebraska Fourth in its appropriation of 835 000 for the creation of a new State Nor mul School in the Sixth Congressional District Fifth in its sanction of tbp Fren High School Attendance law which has proved so benefioial to tlm country boys aod girls of our state Therefore be it Resolved tbnt we the teachers of the Southwestern Nebraska in convun ticn assembled fully and heartily en dorse and command the legislature in their very liberal attitude toward educa tional progress for Nebraska and respect fully urge the Governor to approve and sign all of these commondable measures In view of the work tnat is being done by the teachers of Nebraska in corre spondence schools and extention work and in view if the rapidly increasing de mand for work of this nature by the teachers be it resolved by the teachers of Southwest Nebraska in convention assembled That we fully and heartily endorse the Universiry Extension Work as planned by the University of Ne braska and call direct attention to the admirable advantages it affords for the culture and benefit to the progressive teachers of Nebraska and we urge upon our citizens throughout the state to rally heartily to its support lie it further Resolved that a copy of these reso lutions be spread upon the minutes of this association that a second copy be forwarded to the Governor and that a thud copy be submitted to the press for publication has W Taylor Edward M IIcssong Real Estate Filings The followiug real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report John W Daily et ux to W E Fetterman wd to hf int e hf se qr 31-4-27 1200 00 Marion Powellet al to George T Plumb wd to pt se qr ne qr 28 123 1075 00 V Dann wd to lot i blk 3 7th 1UCUOOK 22p uu Lavonia Finch sing to Charles A McCoy wd to nwqr 19 1 30 1G0O 00 Western Land Co to Livonia Fiuch qcd to s 30 ft of lot 13 blk 29 McCook 15 00 John C Fleming sing to John W Daily wd to hf int n hf ne qr 13 1 28 1100 00 Dorsey H Shepherd et ux to William W Eoberts wd to se qr 9 i 30 3600 00 Solomon W Stilgebouer et ux Forster G Stilgebouer wd to lot 3 blk 47 Bartley S00 00 Sidney D Butler et ux to James W Nutt ec al wd to se qr 12 126 4250 00 Marion Powell et al to Ernest Galusha deed to lot 6 blk G 1st Marion Go 00 Frank E Utter aud wife to EichardBSherdaawd to lots 1 2 blk 7 2nd McCook 3500 00 L D Vanderhoof etuxtoJohn E Kelley wd to lots 11 12 blk 6 lots 5 6 blk 7 Willow Grove 1 CO Marion Powell et ux to C S Quick wd to pt no qr ne qr 1S327 JOOOO K W Devoe et ux to Fred S Soverns wd to sw qr 19-1-30 1600 CO Drebert Clothing Co to the public cert of partnership Chas A Leach to Alexander F Drebert and Albert A Shatz b of s Clothing Stock and Mens Furnishings 4018 74 James E Eyan et ux to C S Quick qcd to pt sec 18 19 in 327 Oliver H Loch et ux to Lewis Minn wd to sw qr 5 3 27 Liona LEastou et cons to Mary Schwank wd to n hf 9 2 26 Milford Pew et ux to Forster G Stilgebouer wd to ne qr e hf seqr 3M 2S United States to John D Day pat to se qr se qr 18 sw qr ew qr 17 ne qr ne qr 19-3-27 Emma E Caulkins wid to C S Quick wd to pt sw qr sw qr 18 3 27 lot S iu IS 3 27 EmraaE Caulkins wid to C S Quick wd to lot 9 in 18 3 27 Beatrice Amann to Frank B Amann wd to lot 9 blk 6 1st McCook 75 00 6C00 00 G400 00 5000 00 530 00 20 00 700 00 People past middle life usually have some kidney or bladder disorder tbnt sap3 the vitality which is naturally lower in old age Foleys Kidney fclTY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Bible school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E at 7 p m All are welcome R M Ainsworih Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a in and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to those servicer E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M I Methodist Sunday sohool at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 615 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 M B Carman Pastor Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Evon ing service at 800 13 Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worshiD with us E Burton Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in the par sonage every Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans cordially invited Rev Wm Bruhggeman 607 5th st East Congregational Sunday school nt 10 a ra Preaching nt 11 a ra and 8 p m by pastor Junior O E at 3 p m Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening al eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these services G B Hawkes Pastor Christian Science 219 Main Ave nue tier vices Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Rending Room cpen all the time Science literature on sale Subject for next Sunday Are S n Disease and Death Real Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a in Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these sei vices Eev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West MARION Howaid Eeed left here last mid week for Denver and western points Milford Pew left here Friday for a few days visit at the parental Godown homo south of Danbury before going to Idaho Evangelise Nance of Atchison Kan sas preached here Thursday evening to a crowded house A Reed was a McCook visitor one day last week Lionel and Adeline Bacon loft here last midweek for their home at Atkin son Neb S W Stilgebouer and wife of Bartley arrived here Friday with their house hold goods and stock and will occupy the Milford Pew farm one half mile east of town Messrs Gockley and Ruby are putting in the shelves in the McFadden store building We had no school Friday and Satur day as tho teacher attended the teach ers association at McCook Miss Orpba Hatch is back again after a weeks absence on account of tbe measles R E Bacon was an over Sunday visit or at Wilson ville Messrs Wicks and Nilsson were look ing over the country in the German set tlement north of town one day last week Bert Ewing of the Sappa was in town one day last week For various reasons the W C T U play Aunt Dianas Pledge has been postponed for one week Nothing pro venting it will be given Friday evening April 9th A J Greer was a county capital busi ness visitor Tuesday About G inches of snow fell in those parts Monday night and Tuesday fore noon Wilton Greer arrived Tuesday from his visit with relatives in Colorado The measles is going the rounds It attacks large and small as there are several rases in town One of Clint Pews boys is under the doctors care with an attack of pneu monia Cliff Plumb is working for W E Graham northeast of town A Symphony of Now Why dwell in the past with all its regret- Tis the long ago dead that I knew Theres nothing but turbulent trying old frets In asking to have a review Tis enough for my soul that todays passing far With tomorrows bright sun till to rise While sceut of the Spring time kis e the air And song birds gladden the skies XOMAP NOTICE No more hunting fishing picnicking edy corrects urinary troublesatimulates Parties doing so will be taken for tres the kidneys and restores strength and passers and treated as such This vigor It cures uric acid troubles by MfcAs ou strengthening the kidneys so they will strain out the uric acid that settles in the muscles and joints causing rheumatism l tism A McMillen Druggist S L WEAY BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood mzsm Noble Camp No 802 K N A moots every ecoud and fourtli Thursday of each month at 530 p rot iu Morris hall Mrs Caroline Kunert Oracle Mrs Auguhta Anton Kec w o w Meet3 second aud fourth Thursdays at S clock in Diamonds hall Ciias F Markwad C C W C Moykr Clerk WORKMEN McCook Lodco N 61 A OOW mmb nrnrv lionday atS lV p m iu Monin Cristo hall MAUKiCEGuiFFiNKec M SJknnimshM V JMVKNTZFiiuiuMr HoyZixt Foreman DEGREE OF HONOR McCook Lodpc No 3 D of H moets ever ncond aud forth Tuesdays of each month at S00 p m in Monte C Kto hail Mr Di jla McClain C of H Mrs Carrie Schiagel Kec IOCOMOXIVB ENGINEERS McCook Division No 62J U of L E meots vtry fcocoml nnil fourth Sunday of oucb aiontli ht230 in 3Irri hall Walteh Stokes C E W D Kubnktt F A K LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENGINKMKN McCook Lode No f99 B of L F fc E nouts evary Saturday at 730 p in in Gnus ihows Lull I D Pennington M C H IIosted Soc RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C inoet3 the jacond and fourth Wednesday nights of cacli month al 800 p m in Morris hall at d04 Main Avenue S E Callen C Con 11 O McClcke Soc RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Brousou l odpo No 4S7 B of K T meets flr t and third Sundays at 220 ji m and econd and fourth Fridays at 7S0 p in eat h nonth in Morris hall C W Corey M R J Moore bee RAILWAY CARMEN Young America Lodco No 455 B R C of A aieetson the first aud third Tuesdajs of each nonth iu Morris hall at7i0 p m Hay O LionT C C N V Franklin Rec St c MACHINISTS Red Willow Lnrice No M7 I A of M meets second and fourth Tuesday of the mouth it s00 p in in Morris hnI Tnno Diebald Pro Fred Wasson Fin Sc Floyd Berry Cor Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first arid third Fridajb of each month in Odd Follows hall KNIGHTS OF rYTHIAS McCook Loilso No 42 K of P nmets ever Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall H W Conover C C D X Corb K R S ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No Ki7 1 O O F meets every Monday at 800 p in in Morris hall H li Hughes N Q W A Middleton Sec EAGLES McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the i cond and fourth Fridays of each month at 3Opm in Diamonds hall Social meetings on ftho first and third Fridays R S Light W Pres Q C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLDMBU9 McCook Council No 112G KJ of C meets the arstand third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Diamonds hall Q R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourth Thnr days of each mouth at 8 p ra in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannah G R Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets avery first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mrs W B Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts R K G A E J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R- meets on uf uij aiuruiiy 01 eacu inouui at ZiM i m Wm Long Commander Jacob Steinmetz Adjt RELIEF CORPS McCook Corp No 93 W R C meets every second and fourth Saturday of each mouth at 1 2Q p m iu Ganschow hall Aoella McClain Pres Susie anderhoof Sec L OF G A R McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at idO p m in Morris hall Mary Walker Pres Ellen LElIirw Sec P E O Chapter X P E O meets he second and onrthfaaturdajs of each montj at 230 p in at the homos of the various memher Mrs J AWilcox Pres Mrs J G Sciiobel Cor Sec mitM 3 Heart Strength or Heart Weakness means Nerve fctrength or Jerve Weakness nothing more Pos itively not one weak heart in a hundred is in it self actually diseased It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault Tins obscure nerve the Cardiac or Heart Nerve lllvus auu mui nave more power more stability more controlling more jfoverninir strength Without that the Heart must continue to fail and the stomach and kidneys also have these sama controlling nerves This clearly explains why as a medicine Dr Enoop a Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts Dr Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful palpitating suffocating ing heart distress Dr Shoops Restorative thl3 popular prescription is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers It builds it strengthens it offers real genuine heart help If you would have strong Hearts strong di gestion strengthen these inervea re establish them as needed with Dr Slioops Restorative A Mc MILLEN mVMtJlg7S332BX CITY LODGE DIRECTORY P miwiwwiwwtn3 - - y yy yy HHCUUCH Mrn t V 1 v t9 r GENERAL AUCTIONEERING J dvery first nul third Tueday of the month at McCcot Nebraska -a iMJp m iu Masonic hall Charles L Faiinestocz V M Lon Conk Sec U s M Occcnozoo Council No 10 it S M meets on the ladt Saturday of ouch mouth at 800 p m n Masonic hall Ralph A Haodero T I M SILVESTER COROLWL SOC a a u King Cyrns Chapter No 35 R A M meots avery first and third Thursday of encli month at 300 p m iu Masonic hull Clarence li Quay H P W 13 Whittakek Sc KNIQHT8 TEMrLAH St John Conimnndery No 16 K T moots on IgyyEWlTTilgrPvW lWfW no rruiiim iu uuuu luuudu nb ow j m in Masonic hall Emerson Hanson E C SA3IUEL S GABVET Hoc EASTERN STAB Eureka Chapter Nt 86 O E S meots the ecoud and fourth Fridays of each month at 400 p ni in Masouichull Mas Sarah E Kay W M V E Hart Sec MODERN WOODMEN Noble Camp No GiM M V A moots every second and fourth Thurrday of euch month at J30 p m iu Morris hall Pay assessments it White House Grocery Julius Kunrrt Consul J M Smith Clerk ROYAL NEIGHBORS Farm snlos a specialty Dates mny bo made at tho Citizens Hunk jjfrUWiUH AAiiM frjAiblkti A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store MoCoolt J S McBRAYER Real Estate Farm Loans 4 and Insurance Oflico over Marshs Meat Market lkAy 4tw4tfayujitjAit ktjuijJkM a H P SUTTON flcCOOK V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DBuflB E F OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL I Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone 13 Mike Walsh BEAIER IN I POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cask New location just across street in PWalsh buildinir lLOUK F D BURGESS Plumber and steam Jbitter LS Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building 7 McCOOK NEBRASKA I S2sarvBrssssssesrss FSMim PEI5TLE ENGRAVER and ELECYSOTYPER PHOPE 1114 M0 24 LAWrEHtr nrnvra rni n WE HAVE nfiitt i jk iirya gi mamas n UtkLI Hilltilillo TfcAlfcft AjL fiihfc 3 AM i J rir7 t 1 ilil3il TO BURN Barnett Lumber o Phonsjs nIIHIMMr r v Hi n A Jrl f I 4 1 s