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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1909)
hh to IXi T H y y j R ii LX b -4 4 TWENTY SEVENTHjE 7 fR YTVYYYYTYYYYYYYYYTYYYYYriS t t Portieres and Rugs A rare new line in all sizes qualities and prices now on dis play in this depart ment Come and be shown the splendid assortment Fade Furniture and Carpet Co HAAAAAXAAAAAAAAiLAAAAAiAAAM MASS MEETING CALLED A public meeting is hereby called to meet in the Court House on Friday eve ning April 2nd at 8 oclockfor the dis cussion of the issues of the city cam paign The meeting will be addressed by W B Whittaker Citizens candidate for mayor by G E Thompson Citizens candidate for councilman from 1st ward by FL Schwab Citizens candidate for councilman from 2nd ward and others A large map s ix feet square shewing the plant of the new city water works will be used in presenting the water question If you want to be posted so as to know where the candidates stand come out and hear them South and West Mc Cook voters see what you will get from the new water plant Do you want to be made again to pay 30 cents for water Do you want the S500000 bonds voted a year ago to be given for the old out worn and out grown water plant or to buy a new am ple and modern water works Do you want the city government to be turned over tothe crowd of com pany COME OUT AND HEAR Citizens Committee Money For You 3G inch black taffeta silk 69 3G inch satin messaline 1C0 Stetson hats 36 American A giain bags 21 Peerless carpet warp 21 Best table oilcloth 15 Simpsons prints the best 03 Amoskeag apron ginghams 66 Boys and girls piped rompers 39 Solid leather suit cases 475 Mens ribbed Balb union suits 75 Mens seamless shoes 2 69 Fine cambric muslin S Peperell 9 quarter sheeting 23 Mens good bib overalls 39 Mens stout blue denim jumpers 39 Cash only buys them We solicit your trade The Thompson D G Co The utmost service Card of Thanks More than mere words can state are we grateful to all the neighbors and friends for help and sympathy during the illness and after the death of our dear husband and father Especialy do we remember the handsome floral offering of the Knights of Columbus Mrs M Houlihan and family Real Corn Fed Article We have purchased a fine bunch of corn fed steers cows and heifers and offer our trade some of the finest meats ever put on the block in this city Come and test us RODOERS MODRELL Cook with Gas and Save the Torture of a heated kitchen Detroit Jewel gas ranges use but little gas and are perfect bakers Sold by McCook Hardware Co Stetson Hats 3 69 at The Thompson D G Co The ut most service FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf Field garden and flower seeds at HP Waite Co s Good shoes good values good store to trade at Viersen Osborn Onion sets at H P Waite Cos Are you going to the rink tonight C F Lehn makes Real Estate Loans A F A M Meeting Regular meeting of McCook Lodge No 133 A F A M Tuesdar April 6 at 80 p m Work in F C degree By Order of the WM Ixjn Cone Secretary St - Buried in Riverview The funeral of baby Raymond son of Commissioner and Mrs Frank SLofton was held Friday afternoon last at two oclock at the farm home a few miles southeast of the city in Valley Grange precinct Rev G B Hawkes of the Congregational church conducted the service a quartette choir of the church singing The pall bearers were com posed of a committee from McCook lodge No 42 Knights of Pythia9 In terment was made in Riverview ceme tery Little Raymond lacked but five days of being one year old There were a number of floral tributes of sympathy to the parents who have the second time within a year been bereft of a dear one of tender age Buttons are Buttons and enjoying high favor We make the four desirable sizes and we make them right Our experience and care are worth something to you Send the scraps of your dress our machine will do the re3t 15c to 352 a dozen The Thompson D G Co The utmost ser vice Presses Thursday Afternoon The Tribunes forms go to press Thursday afternoon at three 3 oclock Advertisers correspondents and all others at interest will please note and deport themselves accordingly Do it now dont wait until tomorrow The Knights Templar Saint John Commandery No 16 Knights Templar will attend services in the Christian church Easter Sun day at 3 p m in usual full uniform of that annual occasion Linen Finished Suitings 10c to 17 c in solid colors and fancy patterns Washable cotton crepes at lSe and 20c High class cotton foulards 20c to 25c The Thompson D G Co FARftI LOANS W M Rozell makes farm loans See him at Rozell Bargers clothing store See Bargain List Implements of McCook Hardware Co on another page This will save you money US7 i m I -lf r4 t jEuiIlILuIIm The water company recently forward ed to the city council upon its own mo tion a report giving their showing of the operation of the plant during tho year 1908 A few points about it will be worth holding up to view 1st It shows that they have install ed Mr James Hatfiod in a newly created office viz treasurer of the company and paid him a salary of 8000 for tho years J labors This was done notwithstanding that during more than 25 years opera- tion of tho plant no one had ever thought a treasurer necessary It was done in tho face of the fact that the re ceipts of the company were smaller than before Why then was it done Only one thing prompted it It was done for the sole purpose of making tho expense account larger for the purpose of appeal ing to courts for increased rates Tho subterfuge will not work 2nd The statement shows that they put the interest paid on the 30000 out standing bonds into the expense ac count Instead of an expense of 1 800 that amount was in reality a stipu lated dividend upon two fifths of their capitalization and leaves only S45000 of their investment to be provided for by the further showing It must be cut out 3rd The statement discloses the fact that thejr inserted into the expense ac count the sum of 10380 for additions and betterments That is not expense It is addition to capital It does not belong in expense 4th Their supplies and repairs ac count which belongs properly in ex pense where they put it is padded by including such items as painting standpipe new tapping machine They dont paint the standpipe once in 10 years nor buy a new tapping machine in many years Not more than one tenth of these items is chargeable to the year 1908 Nine tenths should be dropped I uiii xxieu siuieiiieui suuws iuit iuuv sold S12096S6 worth of water That 1 amounts to 75605000 gallons of water In their written communication to the city council on May 3 1907 they claim ed that the largest possible consump tion would not exceed 36 and a half millions you see they wanted a high rate allowed Now the amount of coal consumed they state as 575 tons At the rate of pumping which their mach inery performs regularly the 575 tons of coal pumped over 115 million gallons of water last year amounting to 18400 Yet they claim they only collected 12 09686 Where is the missing 6000 of money If they only pumped what they collected for viz 75605000 gallons then they could not have used more McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING APRIL 2 1909 The Water Companys Recent Statement than than 378 tons of coal while they claim to have used 575 tons Their ma chinery pumps 100 gallons of water for every pound of coal consumed In that case it would appear that their coal ac count is padded to the amount of 197 tons at 475 per ton amounting to 937 If that bo true tho object is plain to prepare tho way for appealing to courts for a higher rate We throw out that 937 6th In their communication to the city council dated May 3rd 1907 they said The cost per ton for coal in tho bin at McCook for the past 12 months has averaged a little more than 5 per ton When their books were later brought into court in the trial of their case against the city the itemized ac count of coal purchases showed a cost of only 378 for coal in the bin In tho recent statement to the city council they state that coal averaged 475 in tho bin in 1908 We believe 4 is a high figure Their statement for 1908 properly simmers down to the following figures RECEIPTS Their figures 1209086 EXPEN81 S Salaries and labor their figures less 600 for useless Tr salary 209070 Coal in bin 378 tons at 4 per ton 151200 General expenses their figures 47401 Supplies and repairs their figures are 94057 Ave deduct 200 74057 Taxes their figures 124680 Insurance their fig ures 3470 609378 Leaving for disbursement to stock and bonds 599808 Paid to bondholders 1S0000 Leaving to stockholders 419808 Which is 148 OS more than 9 per cent on the amount they claim to have put in Now men and neighbors in view of the above showing what do you think of the amount of confidence the water company is entitled to And what do you think of the statement and platform issued by the three Republican candi dates in which they think the water company entitled to the confidence of the water consumers and citizens There is no explaining it except in one way they have made their bed with the water people ana cast in their lot with them and you might as well elect the water company itself to run the city as to elect the Republican nominees Vote the Citizens ticket and get a pa triotic and business like administration of the affairs and the building of the city water works plant Signed Citizens Committee C H Meeker City Engineer The Republican caucus at the dicta tion and behest of the water company took steps to defeat the building of the new water plaDt by dropping C H Meeker the best qualified citizen we have for city engineer and nominating an inexperienced young man for the place Mr Meeker has furnished plans and specifications for the new plaut and is qualified to superintend the construc tion The election of N J Campbell will cause the city an extra expense for engineering the plant amounting to 2000 or more You see the importance of your voting right on city engineer Vote the Citi zen ticket and be sure Signed Citizens Committee EASTER SEASON and the time for sending cards booklets and folders to friends expressing your good wishes is here This is a graceful custom and will be more generally ob served this year than ever before See our display of cards folders and booklets bearing sentiment suitable for the season Also a line of Easter novetiesbaskets rabbits eggs chicks and candies L W McConnell Druggist A Great Gathering ot Teachers As we go to pressThursday afternoon the S W Nebraska Teachers Associ ation has already developed into a great school gathering with about 300 teach ers enrolled and more coming Dean Fordyces lecture featured the session last evening and Dr Loveland will do a similar stunt this evening and the Peru Glee Club Friday night This notable school gathering will be suita bly noted in detail next issue Card of Thanks Our hearts go out in grateful remem brance and in thanksgiving to all who as neighbors and friends from country and city assisted us during the illness and after the death of our dear baby boy little Raymond Mr and Mrs F S Lofton Base Ball Goods Full line of the best made and at tractive prices at McCook HardwareCo A Statement by the Republican Nominees Tho attempt of the management of tho Citizens party to withdraw the at tention of the voters from tho real issue involved in this enmpaign and the cir culation of false reports of the purposes and intentions of Republican candidates formiayor and councilmen seem to just ifyref utation of some of their charges The ordinance establishing the wator rates that are now in force was adopted by a council of which L W McConnell tlie Republic a i candidate for thp coun cil from the Second Ward was a mem ber The presnnt city administration of which Joseph H Stephens the Re publican candidate for mayor has been a part has with the concurrence of Mr Stephens prosecuted the litigation in stjtuted by the water company against the city with at least sufficient force to secure a favorable outcome in the lower court This litigation began during Mr McConnells term of office and he was as favorably disposed toward the de fense of that case as were any of the other members of the council at that time The Republican candidates for mayor and councilmen are substantial citizens All of them are men of integrity and standing in the community All of them are known as among the foremost of our citizens men who take the most vital interest in whatever tends to the im provement of our city All of them have extensive business and property interests here which would be as much affected by any legislation favorable to the water companyaud adverse to the consumers as would the property of any other citizen Knowing them as we do for the honorable high minded public spirited citizens that they are can we not trust them implicitly to care for our interests especially when we remember that our inttrests are also their inter ests The Citizens party candidate for coun cilman from tho First Ward whounder the signature of Citizens Committee is the author of the communications to the city papers would have the voters believe that the Republican candidates if elected intend to purchase the plant othe water company for 75000 00 The statement is here made with au thority that the Republican candidates not only have no intention of purchasing the water company plant for 750C0but are unalterably opposed to any arrange ment that might result in the acquisi tion of the old plant for the city Fur thermore the Republican candidates for mayor and councilmen are in favor of the improvement of the water service and the extension of that service to any and all portions of the city If after mature consideration it is found expedient and for the best inter ests of McCook and its inhabitants to install a new municipal water plant the Republican candidates for mayor and councilmen will be heartily in favor of such an improvementbut they are not in favor of the reckless expenditure of the public moneys for any purpose and they believe the needless increase of taxation is not desiredby the people If a solu tion of the water question necessitates the construction of a municipal plant then the Republican candidates will be found to favor such a move and they are as much interested in requiring the present water company to furnish water at reasonable rates as any other of our citizens The Republican candidates are not only not pledged to aid the water company in any way but are as much opposed to any increase m the rates for water as are the opposing candidates That the water question is not the paramount issue in this election is evi dent from a cons deration of the facts The ordinance establishing tho 16 ceni New Steam Laundry First of the week G WLudwick of Tarkio Mo shipped a steam laundry plant here and he is now busy installing the outfit in Blutt building on 1st street west Mr Ludwick is an experienced man in the business and proposes giving McCook aud Southwestern Nebraska a first class laundry and expects to both entourage the local business to remain at home and to draw business from all over this section of the state where they do not enjoy the advantages of such establishment WE MAKE a leader of the Sherwin Williams Paints because they request the best paint val ue on the market For durability for spreading capacity beauty easy-working qualities and economy no better paints can be made They come in but one quality the best They are eco nomical always Get color card and prices L W McConnell Druggist Garden and Flower Seeds in package and in bulk large line to select from McCook Hardware Co rate has now been in effect for nearly two years and tht company since the decision of the suit brought by them in the district court has received ony 16 cents for water The bonds for the building of tho municipal plant were voted a year ago and notwithstanding thefuct that a majority of tho members of the present council were the choice of the Citizens party and that they were elected on a platform as the Citizens platform this year declares pledging their cuudiuiues to the construction of a inunicipul water plant no movo has as yet been made in that direction Wbat assurance have the people who are asked to cast their ballots for the Citizens party candidates this jear that their pledges which have not been ful filled before will be fulfilled now The truth is the Citizens party is in sincere in its professions The water question is not the paramount issue with its candidates or with its member Tue Citizens party deems tho liquor question the important issue but is giving prominence to the water question for tho purpose of deceiving tue people Examine their platlorm aud you will discjver it contains no plank favoring the issuance of saloon licenses Elect their candidates and you will discover they will ignore the will of the majority of our citizens and will grant no saloon licenses for the ensuing year They say in their platform they favor tue en forct ment of all laws and regulations as to the saloons licensed within our city That is one of the most skilfully deceit ful planks ever inserted in a platform It means that so far as the saloons in existence are concerned they favor tho enforcement of laws enacted for their regulation but observo how adroitly they avoid the subject of the licensing of saloons In comparison with this plank of the Citizens platform observe the straight forward manner in which the Republican candidates pledge themselves if elected to respect the wishes of a niHJority of our citizens in the matter of the issuance of saloon license The liquor question is one of the most dfiicult with which municipalities have to deal The Republican candidates are as good citizens as the candidates of tho opposition and are of one mind with them when the subject of tho evils of the liquor traffij are considered The only point on which they ditTer is as to method by which it should be handled The Republican candidates believe in the strict regulation of the traffic The Citizens candidates profess to believe that it can be abolished by the refusal of license a thing that practical busi nessmen know cannot be done Republican Committee McCookNebraska March 30 09 We the undersigned candidates on the Republican ticket for mayor and couu cilmun in the city of McCook state on our honor that contrary to the asser tions of some of the members of the Citizens party we are under no pledges or promises to any interests either cor porate or private and that it is our pur pose if elected to endeavor to adminis ter the atTairs of the city in a business like manner without favoritism or par tiality to any man or set of men We desire particularly to repudiate the in sinuations that we intend to purchase the plant of the McCook Water Works Company and to say with as much emphasis as we can that even had we the authority to do so we would be op posed to an proposition iookiug to the acquisition of the old plant by the city Joseph II Stevens II P Waite L W McConnell THE BG AUCTION Dont fail to attend tho big auction sale at The Hub Store every afternoon at 2 p m and every evening at 7 p in The prizes given away every afternoon and every evening Remember this is a bona fide auction you bu it at your own price The Hub Clothing Stoke Julius Stein Prop No 203 Main avenue CREPES CREPES CREPES Sixteen pieces of the new cotteu crepe dress goods for the tub just opened and selling at 18c and 20c a yard All the solid colors and some borders and stripes The very newest in favor of all the washable materials The Thomp son D G Co Actual cash values Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Bertrand high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton ls ifc y NUMBER 45 PLAN YOUR W0KK THEN WORK YOUR PLAN The successful workman plans his work so that ho may accomplish tho beat results in a given time It is tho man who knows how to plan his work to advantage and conscientiously pushes these plans to completion that is in constant demand Ho is a successful workman Not only does he plan the work by which he earns a livelihood but ho plans a method by which part of his earnings may bo saved Each week or mpnth as pay day arrives he deposits a certain ior tion of his income in tho bank thus constantly adding to u fund which in time will make him in dependent That man has an object in life and is gradually at taining his goal You should plan a system or saving and work that plan with UNFAILING REGULARITY Bank with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBkien Cshr DIKECTOIS J J Loughran P F McKonna TO THE VOTERS OF McCOOK Learning that many voters have been told that if the Citizens ticket is elected on next Tuesday the saloons will be closed and license refused them and be lieving it to be the voters right to know our exact position on tho question and not willing to leave the water companys clouding of the issue in that manner to go uncorrected and further believing that it is the province of the people alone to alter a settled policy upon so important a matter and pointing out that this is in accord with the platform upon which we stand we hereby pub licly deny that we will close the saloons or refuse to grant licenses in case we are elected Signed W B Whittaker Citizens Candidate for Mayor G E Thompson Citizens Candidate for Councilman from 1st ward F L Schwab Citizens Candidate for Councilman from 2nd ward Mr Cones Appointment Sent In Last Thursday the president sent in to the United States senate the appoint ment of Assistant Postmaster Lon Cone to be postmaster of McCook John N Guarde has been selected as assistant postmaster bv Mr Cone Mr Gaarde recently resigned as bookkeeper in the First National Bank to accept a position in a bank at Minden at an in creased salary but later decided to ac cept the deputyshi under Mr Cone Mr Gaarde went down to Minden his home end of last week to visit the homefolks for a week or two Jlens Balbriggan Unions We are now showing the new lin of light weight unions for men at 75e to 1 50 See the 75c ones for good sub stantial values The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Are You Going to Build Let us figure your furnace and hard ware bill if not we both lose Mc Cook Hardware Co John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for salealso flour and feed C J RYAN You need not worry longer about your corns if you use McMillens Sure Corn Cure Dr R H Gatewood dentist office over McMillens drug tore phone 1G3 C F Lehn buys road orders J For Seed j 1 Barley Oats and White Spring i itrt I YYllCUl ill upumc ur am iu SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a special price for the next thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co H N Rosebush Manager Phone red 196 i