Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1909)
felm rrt1 W Lr -- - r n T j - r r MtrjMttwjywMwwW tmMHuiiiiin Jnr a - - i Hi A 1 H ISh H HH OUT FO MOTOR WASHERS are sold with the under standing that any time within five years you think they are not worth what you paid you can return them 18 Just Like the Majestic Ran They are best and are made to last and settle the stove question Same as the New Moline and Weber Wagons Hoosier Drills Velie Buggies and the complete line of John Deere Im plements we handle If you want goods that are right we recommend these to you New lot of the latest buggies just received Look us over whether you buy or not pm lis C iji 31 McCook Hardware Co 1 - - TifmT1 n jam 0 bu1 i ig btt frawuwTTSjpaai 0 D 6c 59c 7c Choice Peaches in gallon cans worth 60c sale price Sweet Cr in 2 pound cans regular 2 for 25c quality sale price Cow Oxsters the regular 2 mr 25c size sale price One barrel Coffee which was over ooked regular 20c g ade take what nu m at Twenty one cases Strictly Fancy Canned Tomatoes full solid ark at NO CANNED GOODS SOLD TO DEALERS Pifture frtines nid Wood worth Jolli 1 c c ti iriier at MuMillen Cnl will hrejk up and cure our citlri Of course you know Huber keeps teh Wedding Breakfast Coffee Typewriter rioliiii pipers etc sale at The Tkibune office for Large size Sunkist oranges 40c a dozeD at J A Wilcox Son s We have fresh lettuce and celery every Wednesday and Saturday HUBER Dr R 11 Galewood duntist tflice over McMillens drug store phone 1G3 Your prescriptions will he fiiifid cor rectly at Woodworth Cos Druggists We have the finest lme of Olives and Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid Plur dock line HUBER A new line of hair brushes just re ceived that are universal bargains at the pi ices L W McCoNNEfi Druggist For breakfast we have buckwheat Ral ston and Advo pancake flours and maple syrup and raapleine to go with them HUBER The public schools clo eJ last Friday afti rnnon in honor of Abraham Lincoln centennial birthday Suittdde and ap propriate exercises wore held in the assemblv room in the morning The McCook Building Association opens a new series of stock and you should call on the secretary and sub scribe for 5 or 10 shares at once There is no safer or better investment for your monthly savings Investigate if you do not understand the proposition A tenm of grade mares sold Monday at the Everist sale for the round sum of S525 A gentleman from Bartleywas the purchaser braving the weather to make the sale which was held on the Allen ranch 10 or 15 miles north of this cily Any lady calling at our store during the next ten day9 will be given a free bottle of Liquid Veneer by simply men tioning this notice Liquid Veneer is an ideal furniture polish making old furniture look like new Applied with a cloth and dries in five minutes Woodworth Co Druggists i iJ23STMa2YnnffJxaazxzvaii3UiizE2s5xsriJi p TftlHtllMJLgMILh 1 BIB Camerna and supplies jr Wood worths Try our crackers in tin boxes You will never use any other HUBER and tar for cfiiths It iMires Kodaks and kodak supplier buj ing L W jVIcCosnkll Druggist r R I Galewood dentist office over McMillens drug store phone 163 -- w J Businessmen in every community have goods ou their shelve- unsold b -cause the- do iot cackle It will be to your interest not only j artistically but financially to sea our L W McConnell Druggist The regular meeting of the WCTU will be held at the home of Mrs Kim mull Friday Feb 26th at 300 p m i nev line of 19C9 wail papers before A good attendance is desired as it is to j be a mothers meeting Alex Bergeron the well wnown piano tuner will be in McCook about March 1st in the nursuit of his nrofession 3 - wm ljs ggyggB w H AT - -1 MM CK J ww MWM3 The People Know MEAN Snow storms bad roads and the cold do not keep the people from the great Dollar Saving Sale I he crowds that have packed our store have made it impossible to open out or place more goodson sale However we have found in our cellar and warerooni mjv id cases wii h were over looked in Ihc scramble fr bargains and offer them at the fuovung uuluvnl uf prices while they last Fancy Table Apricots in 3 pound cans regular 25c values sale price we carry the largest stock of HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR in southwestern Nebraska Its no wonder they carry away our shoes as they do Its a matter of saving dollars not cents sKsanmssESB DID YOU GET ONE Those Tiger Hats YOULL HUE TO HURRY We will be constantly opening boxes and cases of goocL which have been overlooked so unless you come every day you are liable to miss some of the greatest bargains Come where one dollar will buy the goods of two U This is a sale to cloe n every item of goods in ft the stock Your gain 0 our loss i 1 mr 1 -1 iyi ii iw 3SSSSFSSSIiSiSis2s ritti SVww YWiJtaWffifliPrT irviwKuwMlimuintn HK 11 m 1 M M Spring Is Coming m and the cows will be a source of large profit if you use a SHARPLES TUBULAR SEPARATOR Easy to Run and Easy to Clean Made in the largest cream separator factory in the world Labor is Always Worth Saying and the women should not be neglected I The Bee H ive g g M h r O O W A D RA K A MINOR ITEJIS OF NEWS Evm thintr in drills Jvici itii i Mcf oinirs mire- eougle A MiiMitOii ir MTipi mil in Mfiit Miiry Hcirrisfiirniri3t Plione ii ici 2Si i We until In I e rtir ilriisjsiSf iwita irtti it Cue McConnells Balsim cures coughs Picture framing Thp Ideal Store This is not a sale of old gooils but of every thing for something Come and see Z rK iCWwlcTa amtwaa i3xm m wu m McDonnell for drugs j See Staynerfor2nd hand typewriters rj4 j jttCKSn nuro Phnnp red Ail Fresh fruit always in season at HuberS j Dr R H iatewoufl dentist ollic J yU wil vVoid chapped an 1 routjh overMcMiliensiruLMtore piioie 1KJ and ftcf bv usiuK iMuMillans Siiln nitrlils frorh contfliinir Ciin be nqnprpl hy urfns Ah MiUets 1 oKh I Try Woodwrch Cos white pine Uure It you want a good pickle in sweet sour or mixed we have them a quart jar full for 25 cents HUBER FYilevs Orion Laxative i t inn and liver trouble and i miles the A new shipment of late neckties the bowel healthy and n milir Onno is su niftv kind just received at Rozell p rior to pill- and tablets it doe not n i grip or nnuspate Whv take anything jele A McMillen IS W hoping to receive the patronage of all s old patrons any many new ones i 1 m A monthly investment of 81000 for 120 months pays the holder of McCook i Building Association stock 200000 j smaller amounts proportionately See g m the secretary and place your order for tne new stocK now open t For sore and chapped hands caused i by tuis cold ana cuangeable weatner there is nothing better than our Al mond and Cucumber Cream It is a delightful and soothing application fori the skin at any time 2octs at Wood worth it Cos Druggie Have you cleaued jour sidewalk as required by sections 1 and 2 of ordinance No 163 Several uasty falls by ladies have already been reporteJ at this office By observing the ordinance you may escape a damage suit Or better some person may escape serious injury Past experience of owners of matured stock in the McCook Building Associa tion shows a net earning of S6 per cent on their investment Why not be an investor in this association where your monthly savings no matter how small will earn you a good rate of interest Soe the secretary about the new series now open Cream LoMon We have a full line of California Canned Goods in both the Advo and J M brands Nothing- superior HUBER Koleys llo ejk ifid I ir iiirs thu air iiirfage s Mie irm ifrioo in th Ciroat soot he I tw iiiflim iij membranes -id lh tiniMi cuni il -ii Pia R r infl irried lin ri healed and treiiortieied mil rlie i uld is from tih sv Jtem Refuse any but the getiuitiH in the yellow package Sold by A McMillen drujrgit McOook i fcniif jTijamirimjwjLfl VM1JB1J111 - fMgii ijjirnnii ibh eag a MMn vmam mm irsa i Wfi isndf st tZZii SS5 lCti iV - aaif srnse h iLi3lfilvt tLv LJ i yi 353rVI Dont forget the Grannis Sale Everything goes regardless of cost J E ICelley Trustee C E Bishop Manager nhH2v Jv i iXiWPW v p j jezbpmv xabjjggBjaatijuaMWiiff v usMiaji i u47v t -a i Sfi gM i4 i rHtJsjiua M i jmu hut r i i w EPUTATION JWJV TS a legitimate asset in every up-to-date ness mans capiial and success But reputa tion and success are only achieved by square dealing and having and selling goods absolutely right It is not enough to sell right you must first buy right and be able to meet every demand of the trade Through his cash system this is accomplished by MARSH ZZiXiaVJjVXli A THE ORIGINAL CASH A1EAT MAN I Mi 0 S -I V I 8 f iM a H