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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
h X Y X I ti J I w lv V i I s Li rtf U A 3 - y TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS J have many bar gains to offer in SeconGhand and Shopworn Pianos and Organs 1 wish to clean my floor of theso instruments that I may have room for my new spring stock and will dispose of them at almost your own price Pianos 50 and Up Organs 10 and Up Come nicnts plan and seo theso instru and get our payment H P SUTTON Source of Comment It is a source of some remark that although we are within less than six weeks of an important city election there is little or no public discussion of the fact No names are beiug promin ently and publicly mentioned in connec tion with any of the ollices to be filled on April Cth Is this becnuse no one cares but the few professional politi ciaus It ought to be a matter of gener al interest to the taxpayers and busi nessmen of the city in fact to every citizen who 9hall be our officials next year And it is not too early to begin to cast about for the right men for the right places YOUR SHAVING KIT You are entitled to a wholly satisfact ory shaving outfit There are few things that are a source of such constant satis faction What you lack to make up your kit complete you ought to have and should have it now We haudle the best old style and safety razors and extra blades for the latter Strops soapsbrushes mugs sponges and every thing else that the shaver needs L W McConnell Druggist Notice Parties knowing themselves to be in debted to the McCookEIectric Company will confer a favor by calling and making prompt settlement as we aro very anxious to balance our books before starting business under the new ordi nance and the new rate All service on which bills are due will be discontinued until settlement is made Very respectfully yours McCook Electric Co Notice Personal Taxes Personal taxes for 190S were deliquent Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that date should be paid by not later than Febr 1st next as on and after that date they are subject to collection by distress warrant C Naden Co Treas McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909 Tea Thousand Ntvr Views Handsome new post card views of Mc Cook in colors have just arrived from Germany These show views of Mc Cook never before offered the public Business residential and church For sale at this office WANTED More apprentice help in H C Clapps Millinery Department Apply at once FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf Notice to Ladles If you havent already received a sample bottle of Liquid Veneer you can do so yet by applying at once at our store It is just what a lady needs in this country for wiping up dust and polishing furniture Ap plied with a cloth Woodworth Co Druggists stuakt b Mclean passes on Death Claims His Courageous Young Spirit Remains Shipped to His Michigan Home For Interment Few if any deaths among the young er generation in this city have eauoed greater or more general and genuine sorrow Hnd regret than has the parsing of Stuart B McLean who for a little over a year just passed has Ihhii pout master of the city of McCook While he has been for years in s uneivhat deli cate health and especially so during the past year has been apparently fail ingwitu quickened step still liis death last Saturday evening about G30oclock came as a surprise and shock to all but those in the inner circle of his friends and relatives who have watched at his bedside with apprehension and alarm since he was taken upon his bed about ten days since with a severu hemorrhage Brief services were conducted at the home of his aunt Mrs Mary Campbell Sunday afternoon at 330 oclock by Rev G B Hawkes fissisted by Rev R M Ainsworth The services were at tended in a body by the members of McCook lodge No 42 Knights of Pythias of which departed was an en thusiastic member and by a large con course of sympathizing neighbors and friends A quartet added two familiar and touching hymns to the simplicity and solemnity of the service The casket was simply embowered in floral tributes of beauty elaborate set pieces roses carnations etc in fragrant profusion giftsof railroad men friends and organizations all bearing faithful expression of the love and high esteem in which the departed one was held by all who knew him well and intimately In the evening the members of the McCook lodge No 42 Knights of Pythias again assembled at the home and acted in the capacity of an escort of the remains to the depot a committee of the membership serving as pallbear ers Messrs J R McCarl J E wick Dr C M Duncan D J OBrien Matthew Lawritson Louis Tborgrim son The stricken motherxMrs Mary Mc Lean and brother George McLean de parted on train No 6 Sunday night for their home in Calumet Michigan where the remains will be interred They were accompanied by Miss Elsie Camp bell and Mr George Campbell as special representatives of the Knights of Pythias and by Dr C L Fahnestock special representative of the McCook Commercial club Beside the order many friend also gathered at the depot to indicate a final tribute Stuart B McLean was born in Mar quette Michigan June 8ch 1879 Died at McCook Nebraska February 20th 1909 He came to McCook in 1900 His first service was with the company at Denver where he was oilman begin ning with September 10th 1900 in the general foremans office August 8th 1901 finds him employed at McCook where he served for several years under his uncle the late Supt A Campbell In February of 1905 he went to Sterling to become the private secretary of Supt D F McFarland a position which overtaxed his strength Returning to McCook after some imployment with the company here he entered the coun ty clerks office as deputy under County Clerk E J Wilcox retiring from that place with his chief A little more i than a year since he became postmaster at McCook on resignation of that official and held the position at the time of his untimely death His commercial and official life as well as his social activities were marked by fidelity courtesy and buoyancy of spirit and amiability of disposition which endeared him to a large circle of friends in every avenue of our city life A young man of strong business points upright and philanthrophic character ne occupied a prominent place among those coming to the front in the active affairs of this young and expanding city In expressing sorrow and regret at his TYmiMif rTw v if f n cL f eariy taiiing away j he j ribune w0 wrvo J oun IU dll mg rink n tafft r A F A M Meeting Refftilar meeting of MoCook Lodse No 13- A F A 5L Tuesday March Z at S00 p m Work in Entered Apprentice- dcfrree By Order of the W JI Lon Cone Secretary expresses tne sentiment of tnis city and 1 in extending the bereaved and stricken Inspection Invited New shipment of spring suits just re ceived at Rozell Bargers Prices range from 312 to 520 Your inspection is invited We Trust you -will not miss the display of new hand bags and belts just arriving and opening at The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values More Apprentice Girls Wanted in H C Clapps Millinery Department Apply at once Remember the daily contests at the skating rink Jltlil00H SUBSCRIPTION ACCOUNTS Notices have been mailed to all subscribers of this paper owing for the year 1908 All such ac counts not paid by March 1st 1909 or satisfactorily arranged for will be placed in the hands of an agency for collection and the names removed from our subscription books Notices will also be mailed to all subscribers covering the present year-1-1909 and we hope responses to these will be prompt and numerous Business conditions make it imperative that sub scriptions shall be as far as possible in advance Kindly observe THE PUBLISHER Marsh Sells His Meat Market Last Saturday the deal was closed whereby R D Rodgers and M S Mod rell became owners of the D C Marsh meat market under the firm name of Rodgers Modrell These gentlemen will do their utmost to continue the high standard of the market They took possebsion Monday evening Mr Marsh expects to take life easy for the next few month at least A littln later he will oversee some improve ments on his ranch near Haigler where he will have a large amount of land broken out It is his purpose to visit a brother in Montana and to take in the Seattle exposition in the fall He will retain bis properties in this city and we imagine like the cat will come back to reenlist in the army of McCooks busi nessmen in due time after his season of recreation is fulfilled or filled full Mokko Scott Marriage Miss Anna Mokko and Fireman Mar tin Scott were united in marriageThurs day afternoon at four oclock February 25th 1909 J C Moore county judge officiating The bride was gowned in i handsome blue silk The brides moth er served a splendid wedding supper the same evening and the young folks departed on the evening train for Den ver where they will live for a month afterwards to go to housekeeping in Brush out of which place he is now running The Tribune wishes these excellent young people a long happy and prosperous life A Tryout for Benny Manager BilJy Fox says the Lincoln Journal is on the ground in advance of the date appointed for the assembling of theGreenbacker tribe of baseball players Among the nearly a dozen new players who will report for tryouts is MrBennett who starred for McCook last summer Bennett once a well known Lincoln amateur who took to pitching last year at McCook and made a name for him self as the only southpaw spitball per former in the Btate A dozen miner league managers have been angling for Bennett but Green beat them to it and believes Bennett is well worthy a trial Two Cents Per Thousand Gallons Fort Morgan Colorado maintains its own municipal water and light plant and carefully compiled figures as to the cost of pumping water are available from that source During the past five months in the Fort Morgan plans the cost for fuel and labor has averaged two cents per thousand gallons They use electricity for power Plans Specifications Estimates At the meeting of the city council Monday the water works question which has been quiescent for many months was reopened by the passage of a motion instructing the city engineer C H Meeker to prepare and submit plans specifications and estimate for new municipal water works The Fedora Styles Spring hats the Feder styles and family relatives and friends profoundest caps in green and smoke just received sympathy we but utter the feeling of at Rozell Bargers clothing store and every heart I you are invited to go and see the displav before making such purchases Horse Blankets 20 Per Cent Off at the McCook Hardware Co This means a big saving to you with three months when jburself and horses need better protection than in the dead of winter Ladles Have Liberal Patronage The Ladies Aid Society of the Meth odist church had a generous patronage at its Washington dinner last Saturday WANTED More apprentice help in H C Clapps Millinery Department Apply at once C F Lehn makes Real Estate Loans Death of Bert Colter The TRiiiDNEisin receipt of a letter announcing the death of a former Mc Cook citizen Bert Colter He came to his death at the Soldiers Sanitarium Home at Hot Springs South Dakota February 18th and was buried in military form in the govern ment cemetery conuected with the home February 20th Albert Colter adopted son of Mr and Mrs L A Colter who lived in this city some years since was 32 years of age last January Bert contracted consumption it is thought while in the Philippines and this condition was rendered worse by his experience in the SanFrancisco earthquake working as he did 48 hours without food in an effort to save lives He returned to McCook in failing health which has gradually continued until his death Dr Clark the chaplain at the home writes rouchingly of Berts spiritual at titude as the shadows lengthened ex pressing faith in the Redeemer of men Bert will be remembered by many Mc Cook people as a genial fellow and willing at all times to put his shoulder to the wheel and push Peace to his ashes Reception to Board and Wives The nembers of the teacher corps of the East ward buildings tendered a re ception Washingtons Birthday to the members of the board of education their wives and other members of the teacher corps A six oclock dinner was served at the East ward new frame building The ladies menus were handpainted char ries those of the gentlemen were in hatchet shape with cherries thereon After the feast impromptu toasts were responded to by members of the board and teacher corps which did much to enliven the happy occasion The decorations were national in color with portraits of the Father of His Country in evidence The event was a surprise in character All members of the board of educa tion were present but George S Scott who was absent from the city JUST PAINT YOUR HOUSE WITH THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT and youll get the best possible protec tion S V P when rightly used on a proper surface does not powder flake off or crack It forms a tough durable film that holds its gloss looks well and wears for the longest time Theres no other paint made that satisfies so well There is no other paint that is so eco nomical Use S W P L W McConnell Druggist Ten Days in Jail David Smith was tried before Squire LeHew Tuesday on a charge of con cealing sti len property and was sen tenced to ten ddjs in the county jail This offense was committed in connec tion with the Fred Whitney offense of last week for which Whitney is await ing trial in the county jail at the next term of district court Taken to the Insane Asylum Joseph Picha a young man from near Bartley was taken down to the iusane asylum at Lincoln last Saturday b Sheriff Peterson Majestic Ranges Save Their price in fuel in a short time besides in suring that you will never have to buy another range Sold by McCook Hard ware Co For Sale Buff Orpington cockerels Eggs in season S E Ralsten Lebanon Neb Remember the daily contests at the skating rink Sribmte Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday morning February 26 1909 ECCENTRIC CHARACTER OBEYS SUMMONS Phlllpp Blatt Falls Before the Grim De stroyerBody Taken to Norfolk Philipp Blatt who has been ill for some time passed away at about 5 oclock Sunday evening thus bringing to n period an eccentric life many years of which were spent in this city The remains were shipped to Norfolk Nebraska Monday night on train 6 for burial beside his first wife The re mains were nccompanied by William Blatt of Seattle a son by the first mar riage Mrs Carrie Simons a daughter of the first union from Minneapolis and Albert Blatt of this city son by the se cond wife who now lives in Lincoln divorced with three children by this marriage A son by first wife lives in Norfolk Philipp Blatt was born in Germany in November 1833hence was 7G years of age He has lived in McCook for two decades Though a man of means his estate will aggregate jmany thousands it is stated he lived in bumble and mean circumstances in his business proporty on 1st street west For years engaged in the pop business he has not been active in business for several years having been in failing health of lale yeais It is stated that Mrs Simons has been made his sole heir the father turning against all others cf both families in bis declining days It is also stated that Mrs Simons who with others of the first family are in affluent circumstances proposes to divide the estate among the different children C F Lehn has been administrator of the estate John F Cordeal Acting Postmaster As required by postal laws and regu lations immediately upon the death of Postmaster McLean tho bondsmen Messrs L W McConnell C H Boyle and J F Cordeal met and named Mr Cordeal as acting postmaster Under the postal laws he will be in charge of the office until a successor has been appointed has qualified and received bis commission A petition was promptly circulated requesting the appointment of Assist ant Postmaster Lon Cone to fill the vacancy the petition being generally signed by the citizens of McCook As there is apparently no opposition to this appointment there is nothing to inter fere with the utmost expedition in this matter and it is expected that Mr Cones appointment and confirmation will come at the earliest possible mo ment As the office has been under the active direction of Mr Cone during the past year or more his qualifications for filling the office have been tested and are recognized If Your Tastes Are too fine for letter press printing if they demand engraving and steel die em bossing come and get our figures on such work Dont send away or give your order to some traveling shark that is dont do it before you have seen our samples of such work and gotten our figures It Costs Just as Much to prepare the walls and put up a cheap unattractive paper as it does a good one that harmonizes throughout and theres not one quarter the satisfaction Were at your service and will give you the benefit of our experience in getting just the right thing L V McConnell Druggist At Baptist Church The revival meetings now being ht ld in the Baptist church have grown in in terest and attendance each day They will continue each evening next week at least and perhaps longer A cordial in vitation awaits all who will come Standard Sewing- Machines like their name are the standard of per fection Get a life lone satisfactory machine 840 CO at the McCook Hard ware Co Sold on easy payments Unequaled DeLaval Separators W H Haimon is the local agent and has in stock on West B street a number of these famous money making separa tors Consult him A Half Holiday The children of the public schools were given a half holiday Washing tons birthday schools being dismissed at noon Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks to order prompci and accurately Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S H baton More Apprentice Girls Wanted in n C Clapps Millinery Department Apply at once Dr R H Gatewood dentist office over McMiHens drug store phone 163 - Mg4443RSGl NUMBER 40 PUT YOUR PAY IN YOUR BANK BOOK The best way to save money is to keep a little out for pocket money and then put the rest in this bank and pay your bills by check Money in tho bank is not easily spent for unnecessaries and remains until a time of need comes to you Then you will bo glad you have your bank account Wo give you tho checks free It costs you notning to havo your money kept safe for you THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK taz Walsh President C P Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr JJ directoes Loughran P F McKenna Will Build Next Summer David M Stern owner of the building occupied by Magner Stokes a son of the late Mose Stern well known to many McCook people was in the city Monday looking after bis different prop erties hero and hereabouts J E Kelley his local agent informs us that Mr Stern has decided to build a brick storo building to replace the present old frame next summer having loft orders to have plans prepared during his short business stay here j BE YOUR OWN MANICURIST A complete manicure outfit costs but little and it is a great satisfaction to be able at any time to give your own hands attention We carry a full assortment cf the latest manicure utensils and also the various preparations made by the lead ing manicure specialists L W McConnell Druggist Roller Skates Spring is nearly hero Make the children happy and keep them in the fresh out of door air with a pair of roller skates 8125 and up McCook Hardware Co To Trade Good new residence property for Keo touring car or roadster Write Frank Ball 2 12 tf Holbrook Neb John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank C F Lehn buys road orders About Shampoo Bags Heretofore one of tho most severe trials that a woman ha had to go through with was that of washing her hair Since the advent of the shampoo bag this trial has been greatly minimized They wash the hair thoroughly taking out all the grease and dirt leaving it in a soft and silky condition We have sold these the wanous shampoo RAG for the last two years and their increasing demand is an assurance of their popularity Take no other but the wanous 10 cents three for 25 cents at Woodworths WHEAT 1 Bring your No 2 wheat to the McCook Mills and get 8103 for it now McCOOK MITLING CO WHEAT 100