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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1909)
U r IV w I S V rf f i 1 f r w M A t f i u I- U K h i CITY LODGE DIRECTORY - - - j McCook Lodge No 133 A F A M moots every first and third ruemlny of tho month nt 800 I in iu Masonic hall Ciiaulus L Fahnhhtock W M Lon Conk Sec k 1 M Occonoxeo Council No 10 It S M moots on the last Saturday of each mouth at 800 j tu n MriBouic hall llAMii A Uaouuiu T I M Silvkhiku Coudkal Soc K A M King Cyrus Chnpter No 35 It A M moots every first tun third Thursday of each month ut 800 j m in MuhouIc hall CrAitKNCE n Gray II P W B WllITTAKBD ScC KNIUIITS TBMlLAB St John Conmmndory No 10 K T moots ou the second Thuraday of each month ut 800 p m in Masonic hall Emeuhon Hanson E C Samuel S Garvty tU c BARTERS riTAH Eureka Chapter N fcO O E S meets the second nud fourth Fridnj 8 of each mouth ut 800 p in in Muoiiic Hull Mrs Sara ii E Kay W M W E II UT Soc MODKUN AOOUMKN Noble Camp No 6C1 M W A meots ovorj eecniid md founli Tiiur duy of each month ut 8K p in hi Morris hall Pay assessments at White Homo Grocery Julius Kunrrt Consul J M Smi i ii Ciuik ICUlAI NHlUIIliOltS Noble Camp No wrj tt N A moots overj second and fourth Thur dnj oftjucli month at 230 p m in Morri ball 51 rh Cauoiimi Kunert Oraclo JlR8 AUOUHTA ANTON KtC w o w Meets sooiimI and fourth Tliursdajs nt 8 oclock in Diamonds hall Ciias F Markwad C C W C Mover Clerk WORKMEN McCook Lodgo No CI A OOW moets oven Monday nt80 P m iu Mnnto Cristo hall Ut mnii ikT ttan M S IrkmikhhM - JMWENTFinaucior HoYZiNTForemau DEGREE OK HONOR McCook LodcuNo 3 D of II moots overi second and forth Tmwlujs of each month at 800 p m in Monto Cristo ball Mrs Dkma McCiain C of H Mrs Carrie Sciilaokl Ilea LOCOMOJCJB ENGINEERS McCook Division No CM M f L E moets every second and fourth Sunday of each month utU 30 iu hall Walter Stokes C E W D Burne rr F A 12 LOCOMOTIVE riRKMEN AND EM3INEMEN McCook Levis No SU9 B of L F E meets every Saturday at V50 p in in Uaus chows hull I D Pennington M C H Hustku S raiia Condi c runs Harvey Divi icm No 93 O II C meets tlie eecond und fourth Weinesduy nights of each month at 80 p in in Morns ball at S0J Main Avenue S E Cam en C Con M O McCeure Sec RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson I odgn No 487 B of K T meots first nud third Sundays nt230 p m anil eecond and fourth Fridays at 7 30 p m each month in Morris bnll C W Corey M R J Moore bee RAILWAY CAR1IEN Yonng America I iidio No 45G B R C of A meots on tho first and third Tuesdajs of each month in Morris hall aS730 p m Ray O Ligiit C C N V Franklin Rec Sc machinists Red Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 800 p in in Gansclinw hall Fred Landberg Pres M L Search Fin Se- Floyd Berry Cor Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodgo No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridab of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodsre No 42 K of P meets everj Wednosday at 800 p m iu Masonic hall H W Conover C C D N Cobb K R S odd fellows i JUCUOOK IjOUge mi x w wr moets every u SJuonday aGb0U p in in iianscnow s iiau W A Middleton Sec H G HuonES N G eagles McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the Becond and fourth Frulajs of each month at 800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings on the first and third Fridays R S Light W Pres G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OP COLUMBUS McCook Council No 112G K of C meets the first and third Tuesdajs of each month at 800 p m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Conrt Granada No 77 moets on tho second and fourth Thur dajs of each mouth atS p m in Monto Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Qneen ntvo No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris ball Mrs W B Mills Commander HAKKrET E WlLLKTTS R K G A R J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m Ganschows hall J M Hendeeson Cmndr Jacob Steinmetz Adjt RELIEF COErS McCook Corp No IW W R C meets every eecond and fourth Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m in Ganschow hall Adellv McClain Pres Susie Vandechoof Sec L OF G A Rc McCook Circle No 3J L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p m in Monte Cristo hall Mart Walker Pres Ellen LeIIkw Sec p e o Chapter X P E O meets he second and fourth Saturday of each moutj at 230 p m at the homos of tho various member5 Mrs G H Thomas Pros Mes C H Meeker Cor Sec BUCKBEES SEEDS SUCCEED I SPECIAL OFFER rMtde to bnlld New Bu nines Atrial Will make you oar permanent customer Prize Collection idUhKriiMtt ii thA finest Tcrnln 7 SDlendid Onion 8 best varie ties 10 Bprlnifflowrrinfr C5 varieties in all GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Write to day Mention thls Pqper i tocover poiUgs and pteilnj and nctlra this Tfilnable i collection oi oeeas pwrauo i S i Instnicure liennuiiii eceu sou jriam uwi tolls all about me line vazieuo oi seeo rixau b M W DUCKDee - EOCKrOEDILL BE6GS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures couphs and colds JTk Tl V- t Y i - WvV - v - jtf mwmQ KaeRSfflsHKa mic Vale jieuit u me Heart o m vnere hast thou iiuv leaving me sorrowing here all alone Which is the fair one whose charms have won thee Heart o me heart o me where canst thou be nis Co ntine By ANNIE BOOTH MKINNEY Copyright HW by American Press Asso ciation SABEL NEWMAN was thoroughly normal despite her gusty temper No amouut of social dissipation had seemed to subdue her abound ing energies and level cheeriness till now but on the morning after the club cotillon she resolved to bring herself to a saner outlook whatever the cost It had all begun with Dudley Jones rushing the eldest Miss Iteagan Dudley was ever keen after novelty and visiting girls Consequently at the dance Isabel had not refused Knapp Chiltons conspicuous attentions Last night had achieved the crisis It was a great relief to be off -with-the old love Isabel told herself the morning after She would rise su perior to sentiment and regret be equal a to playing fate to her own destiny But as the day waxed the saner her mood became the more complex her environment As a beginning the household de scended to find itself breakfast less Cook was reported ill and was sent home fifteen miles dis tant in charge of Milly the house- IIER OWN WOES LIGHT- maW Tuig fc EXEI a sorvantless day In some fashion the children were dispatched to school and Mrs New man ventured forth to keep an engage ment with the dentist And then with zeal such as an unquiet soul be queaths Isabel entered upon the household orgy that was to drown her sorrows She flung aside last nights storm and stress got on her working garb and proceeded to spree in com pany with the latest improved step ladder bucket and soap rack Win dows minus mantels ttoors came un der water With the disappearance of each pail of grimy suds her own woes lightened hence with the exception of hearths and tiling in the reception hall spollessness reigned speedily Another bucket of somber slop to be disposed of sent virtuous thrills riot ing through Isabels tired body its ebon hue being a visible token of her accomplishment The blacker the scrub water the more virtuous Isabel With a commendatory glance about the Heckles kitchen she went to the sink and turned the hot water faucet No out put She tried the cold That too was obdu rate She flew to the bathroom No hope there What can it mean Hello central Give me the wa ter company No water to be had at 1G00 Tulip avenue Whats wrong Water cut off while BL 0 XO OUTfUT youre working on the new house Iu the next lot Well its mighty un comfortable Do you understand we havent a drop on the whole place Send out for some Yes but you see I cant not a servant here and I she giggled irrepressibly into the re ceiver I cant thats all For heav ens sake turn it on as soon as possi ble Not before 6 dont like to prom ise Horrors The receiver went up with a click Just then Miss Newman caught sight of herself in the full length mirror You object she shrieked Milly could somersault in the coal cellar and not look like that Well the house Is clean if Im not But if a prince came a wooiug water water everywhere but here Not a gill to do or undo niy face with Catching up an unomptied bucket of grimy suds she spread wide the liont door for more light and frenzied 1 at tacked hearth and tiling humming a fragment from last nights one divine waltz Avith him a world of sentimental pain in the pulsing measure Then a crunching of gravel as a car ki riage brought up at the step was heard and be fore she could retreat or close the door a mans a oice inquired of her back Is Mis Newman in The amateur char w o m a n sprang to her feer -the scrub bing cloth drop ped into the inky pail and she slip- iionROKs 1cd deftly be hind the door but not before glimps ing two dainty figures in the waiting vehicle Dudley Jones growing impatient asked Is Miss Newman in She aint at home sir the hidden personage answered in a suspiciously thready voice There was a twinkle in his eyes and stepping within he pried forward the door and coolly looked her over in wardly contrasting this exponent of the grimy side of labor with the blue gowned maiden of the previous night An old friend with a new face he said tentatively towering above the girl in his blond immaculateness his gaze scanning the dubious spectacle The Ceuci you recall how I always Insisted on the likeness and wanted you to try it for a masquerade You have I see said he jubilantly in dicating with an ornate gesture a contaminated pillowcase wound tortu ously about her bronze hair below it the mosaic of a dirt smitten coun tenance I hate you she said venomously and theres no masquerade about it Hoav dare you come here after last night Its because of last nierht Im here The Misses Reagan the club honorees you observed them desire to pay their respects before leaving I sacri ficed myself on the altar of oo SQ courtesy They await j our lady ship without Courtesy Let them wait Sure but I cant you see His tactics be- and the girl found herself backed into the Indian alcove w hich they two had built and adorned Ive w been waiting and THE attack so I shall just take what belongs to me A blush disclosed Itself amid Isa bels facial decorations The bow nnd arrows over there are yours and the What will those girls think youre doing in here so long Their thoughts dont concern me he answered superciliously But if they propound the query Ill remind them of the day and say I was mere ly claiming my Valentine The 14th is it It is He gathered her Into Iiis speckless embrace and despite her struggles laid a kiss upon one be smirched cheek A peck of dirt be speculated musingly sotto voce If 5 a peck isnt It or a bushel Well no 5i r vv - There were leven or eight If I counted em straight As lovely as ever youll see With posies lS and vines And mottoes and lines All printed on purpose for me But the one mamma made Put the rest in the shade When the table for dinner was set For a cranberry tart In the shape of a heart Is the jolliest Valentine yet - TV H Y A- ii r t oX fj snr c - zSfsnyvsi r lk u j x v u iff waxHZ ss I rA vjr - - sjW j z t ft sf 1 n ix7w I I 1 y i i r I r U - - ii V SVftiraAXVf At t fsr - S -- V matter Im quite content with but quality and quantity His look deep ened to one of fatuous beatitude as Iil BS- nvi SHE AINT AT Silt whispered Id wade t h r o u g L acres of it to vii my Valentine All the saie its a comic on IsabI c h o k i d hysterically Mr Dudley 1 o n e s repeat d III - seal of ps MiFsIon and run down the steps calling lK k Dont forget the cards and be sure to tell Miss New- home man how very jsorry we are to miss her You nrijrht mention I search ed for what 1 had misplaced and found it You wont forget No sir demurely replied a bob bing imitation of Beatrice CencI done in black and white black predominat ing As they drove away Dudley answer ed Miss Reagans arch query Valen tines Oh yes one a comic one Comic What a shame Not at all I wouldnt exchange it for a Cupidy one not I A little later the gravel scrunched again Isabel tripped to the ror and adjusted a wary eye to the opaque glass panel It was met by one equal ly as wary from without Its only me And as the door swung back Mr Dudley Jones ele gante and cotil lon leader was disclosed be iring aloft a dripping lard can He splashed a path across Isabels -T A comic om spotless floor and triumphantly depos ited his burden in the kitchen A comic one for you Miss New man he announced the remark point ed by a tentative glance toward his liquid offering then down at a moist disordered person isTf - fifflner8it 5 Cupid 0 Cupid I beg of you tell Where is the one who exerteth the spell Draw thou the string of thy bow speed the dart Straight to the one that hath captured my heart -- mi Jifc VIrt ZZtriC - T r0 You believe in quick returns cried the girl happily Yes a comic one lirst then a Cu pidy one sweetheart lie caught the smudged left hand and set a glittering seal of ownership in the midst of hon orable irrime Another chance for quick returns he suggested slyly A VALENTINE I v GnS I I 1 n s V F i ii limn Somewhere a heart shall be my home Love is it thine Then here I stay no more to roam Thy Valentine TOWNSEND ALLEN The Tender Passion nate hath but one antidote and that is love One touch of love will heal all wounds that hate inflicts Love is true ingenuous and blind Nor Avill It be wed to envy or deceit or crouch with fear in gloomy nooks of ill foreboding for love is gentle eyed and credulous as a suckling babe fears naught nor falters at anothers fortune Loves voire is soft and sweet as is the sonir r i i Me dicinal as brw oi lit g h iasi 4 jr a AiS y wjjsrStesxz A vii i k -1 s fl Pi ivi a l xsos t jsama ft swersZ REPORT OF THE CONDITION OI TUB McCook National Bank MfCou NnilMHK Cimiitrr No ssa Ii thoStntflof Nolirnsku at tlin rlo of - ncB FcbrunryS lOCtf SBHOUBCEa rmiH mid DlcouuiH lMICM1i Ori rilriiftc MTiirfil himI nnK ciiril jij is U S IlomU t t cum circulation 2SE4 0IO Iriiniuiiisou U b UoikN LStVl h7 Kiiinldffcuritii h yPSl n jianMiiR tioui H f uriuiiri ouil llxttinr 3Wt AT Duo from Nntinunl not rfrVK IlKMilH c hi Dim fivui Stale Inn 1muI iinkr 10M H Duo friuii ain i re- rre lfll 01 Checks untl otlicr rnsh itfiix 1SS li KxchmiKcs for clearing hoiiro iHJ s Noto of itliT National Huiikt 178 X Frtfctionnl paiwirciirromijiilckoldauil cunts 7jS7 Law kui aiumt IihMiiiiN Hxnh viz Spco ivuiyii LpKul tcniivr notfi iSIM I lrnt i ISxioniptioii fiitil niih I S IV usurer purcontof circulatintii laT Total SiKiOJ 71 iiAiniiiins Cnpitnl stuck paid in fTiUuU HI Surplus fiiiul JfXXlOO Uiidivnlid iirolltt lens ami tnxiBpaiil itO U National Dunk dotcn oul taniliiiK 2SU HI Uut to Statu iiuk anil I13t 7l Individual d Mli to clit ck HI KK CO Demand ciTtillcati id dotOMt 50B U Tune curtillrntcruf deposit MW 58 ferilhd 1UI 0t Casliiurs clicckh oiitsttmdiiiK ZWI Total Ulifcuj 71 Statu of Nnbra kn County or HimI Willow J I C 7 OHrtMit rixiifr f tlo Mlivo niinieil bank d olcmii fMiir that th nhou state ment is trim to tho liit or mj knowltdKO ami lelier J OHimk v Cashier Correct Attp P Waihu Director C K LiIiin Dircctr I F Alt hiiNsA Director SuliTribcil nud s uom r Ixfom mi this llitli day of February IDM Jh W Krliijx Ieal Notari Public My coiuiiifcfinn oxpirtvilarcji Cl JUKI notici OFSU1T Nellio Smith Ann Smith John D Smith Lizzie Smith Rosa Ielle Dodce Arthur S Dodfje Frank Hi nl John II Itanl Julia P nnd HtlcnMarKuerituRcal will take notice hat on tho 22ii1 day of January ULtl Cliarlea C Smith filed his pelitition in tho District ourtof Red Willow county Isebrnska against iiiid defendants the object and prajor of which ire that the defendants and each and all of hem be required to i ut forth the interest they ind each of them claim in the northeast ipiar er and the north half of the southeast iiarer jf section 21 town Is ratiKo JO of the Utb 31 in Red Willow count Nebraska that he plaintiff be decreed to Le the owner in feo of an undivided two thirds inlere t in aid land that the defendants John D Smith ind Rota Belle Dodge each ho decreed to he he owner of an undivided one ninth interest herein and that each of thedefendauti T rink teal -John If Real Julia F Real and Helen Marguerite Heal Le deer- ed to ho the owner in fee simple of anuudivided one thirty ixtli int erest in said premises that a judgu cut ho had confirming the hare- of the parties as icreinbefore s et forth and for the partition of aid premises according to the rights of the i especthe parties therein and if said real estate anuot be equitably divided that the same he old and the proceeds of such alo be distrib uted among the parties according to their respective rights and forsucli other and further relief as mny be just and equitable You are required to answer said petition on or before the Mb day of March 1U9 Dated this 27th day of January 1009 Ciiahlkh E Smith Plaintiff rordeal McCarl Attorneys for Plaintiff ij5 BEGGS CHERRY C0DGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds Mike Walsh DEAIER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass s Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across P1rfrrlr I street in P Walfb building 1Luult I sjrBrBNBarNapxmarsSNSx2 F D BURGESS i Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Baso ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA iWiVVtV H E DURHAM PAINTING and PAPER HANGING 1 make a specialty of paper K hanging and carry a well se- i lected stock of wall paper a Work guaranteed and prices J reasonable Phone Red 267 A iV - T WE HAVE TO BURN Barnett Lumber Co Phones 1 33