Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1909)
r m i IP V r w 5 L 6 ti n ty TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR ENTERTAINMENT SUNSHINE CLUB AND R B Rs Congregational Church Friday Evening January 15 Vocal and Instrumental Solos and Duots Male and Lady Quartettes Violin Solo Orchestra Readings and Recita tions Songs and Reci tations by Tiny Tots REFRESHEMNTS All for 25 Cents Read These Clearing Prices 75c fur scarfs cut to 49c 150 99c 300 199 1000 5 500 50 inch ladies coats 2 89 800 399 1000 5 1250 6 125 mens wool underwear 94c 100 heavy union suits 79c 44c short kimionos 25s 1251ong S9c 175 misses dress skirts 99c 200 ladies 1 39 175 girls long coats 99c 135ohilds 89c suits -- 389 500 mens - 1250 869 225 beaver shawls 1 69 275 boys 2 pc wool suits 199 Deep genuine cuts on wool blankets underwear gloves mittens yarn scarfs and other wool goods You are invited to participate The Thompson D G Company The Human Ostrich If it were not so ghastly and hideous it would be amusing to note how vice and sin and crime operate in this city Men and women break the laws of God and man here every day and go on their way as though they felt and thought no one knew of their crimes and vices and sins These law breakers deport them selves even as though they knew no one in this city cared Crime carries its mark no less conspicuous than does virtue Like the stupid ostrich these violators of law hide their faces in the sand all unmindful and heedless of tha hideousness of the uncovered part of their anatony Notice to the Public The partnership relation formerly existing between the undersigned for the conduct of a dental business in the city of McCook Nebraska under the firm name of Gatewood Vahue hav ing been dissolved Doctor Gatewood re tiring from said business notice is here by given that all accounts in favor of said firm are now payable at the offices of Cordeal McCarl attorneys and all firm obligations are payable by Dr Earl O Vahue who will continue in the dental business in the offices formerly occupied by said partnership Dated January 5 1909 Dr Robert H Gatewood Dr Earl O Vahue 800 Long Coats lor 399 This is our regular 800 coat sold all through the season for 800 and none sold for less up to the time of this sale The number bought by us was large be cause of the attractiveness and value of Jhe garment and proved too large when 20 other styles were put in the line We offer them now at 399 If inter ested at all drop in and examine The Thompson D G Co Mens 200 Corduroy Shirts Now 129 No material is more durable nor more sightly for winter wear Take them for less than worth of the uncut cloth The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale LADIES HaAe you a food grinder If not you aro doing without a very useful kitchen tool Call and see Our Very Best Food Grinders McCook Hardware Co For Sale Flour feed and seed business For particulars see C J Ryan Mccook red willow county Nebraska friday morning January is 1909 Pythian Installation Tbo officers elect of McCook Lodge No -12 Knights of Pythias were duly installed in their respective offices Wed nesday night Knight Lon Cone acting as grand deputy for the occasion The membership was well represented in the meeting which was of interest and profit After the work of the evening tho boys in the body of a representative and efficient committee served refresh ments and an impromptu toasts pro gram proved of unusual interest The officers for the ensuing year are H W Conover C C J N Gaarde V C Earl O Vahue prelate M son M of W D N Cobb K of R and S L W Jennings M of F L Thor grimson M ofE ABCampbell M at A R L Lyon I G J F Cordeal O G The retiring chancellor commander M Lawritson was presented with a handsome jewel as a token of the esteem af his fellow knights J R McCarl per forming the office of presentation feel ingly A committee was appointed to secure data concerning a proposition to make a lease for quarters in the- new temple opera house Further Postal Conveniences The postoffice department has granted a request for the installation of receiv mg mail boxes at the Burlington depot here Two boxes have been ordered one for trains going east and one for trains westbound Mail will be gather ed by the carriers the same as from the mail boxes now located in various sec tions of the city in addition the railway mail clerks of all trains arriving and departing will be required to gather mail deposited in these boxes This will be a convenience to postal patrons DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED TOILET PREPARATIONS We have a large and up-to-date stock of toilet preparations Unless you have had occasion to make comparisons you can hardly realize how complete our stock is When you want creams lo tionj manicure specialties powders or anything or this character you can ohoose here from the finest preparations produced any where L W McConnell Druggist Third Annual Ball The members of the Machinists Un ion Red Willow Lodge No 587 1 A of M announces their third annual ball for next Wednesday evening January 20th in the Menard hall Freys orchestra will provide the music Tick ets are 100 The boys have a fine big time in store for you Are You Interested in Washing Machines Then see the One Minute Motor and Michigan Water Power washers at the McCook Hardware Co s It is money well in vested in one of these Dr Gatewoods New Offices Dr R H Gatewood has opened den tal offices in the McNeely block over McMillens drug store where he will be pleased to receive dental patrons old and new Phone No 163 Our Button Machine is active on three sizes of buttons 18 ligne 21 ligne and 10 ligne We make buttons that stay made Orders prompt ly attended to The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Did You Ever See I aMajestic Range in a second hand store No That is because they are so good they never have to be sold at a sacri fice Always handled by McCook Hard ware Co It pays to get the best Office Over HcMlllenss P E Reeder has opened law offices over the McMillen drug store where all business entrusted to his care will re ceive prompt attention Photie 163 Both 0 K The cash system and the edible life strengthening quality cf D C Marshs meats And they go well together You pay for what you get only and get only what you want Flannelette Waists for 39c One lot consisting of 50c 75c and Sac everyday flannelette waists offered to clear at 39c The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale cash Plus It is cash plus the goods and courte ous prompt service that places D C Marshs meat market easily in the first rank in its line Everything seasonable Lindsey Incubators Are much improved over those that have been selling for twice the price The Lindsey is twelve dollars at the McCook Hardware Cos FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 23 tf Commercial Club Session The Commercial club held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday ovening with a fair representation of the mem bership present President McConneli in chair A formal resolution was adopted favoring the request of the railway mail clerks of America for allowance of ex penses while on duty away from home A just request The rest room matter was once more discussed and the committee urged to oecure the basement of the library for such purposes if possible The matter of road improvement was considered and the sum of 10000 was appropriated by the club for the pur pose of improving roads leading into McCook Messrs J E Kelley and A G Bump were added to the committee which as formerly constituted included F A Pennell F M Kimmell S S Gar- vey Fred Bruns and J F Cordeal The committee hopes to be able to do a small piece of road making on a scientific basis in the expectation that it may serve as an object lesson for fu ture work Messrs Kelley Pennell and Real were appointed a committee to investi gate the proposition to change the quar ters of the commercial club from the postoffice building to new temple opera house block The committee will se cure price and dimension and accomoda tion data and report to a future meet ing of the club Chaps Go Away as quickly as they come when you use McConnells Fragrant Lotion the skin soft and smooth Mrs A G Dole has gone to Tamora Seward county on a visit to one of the boys to be gone some time C A Rodgers clerk of district court was able to resume his official duties this week afcer an illness with tonsil itis E M Stewart departed Wednesday night for Denver where he has accept ed a position with the Wallace Lumber Co of that city David Conard of Columbus this state arrived in the city end-of-week and has taken a position with L W McConnell succeeding Walter McCarty Mrs W D Burnett and Mrs E M Snyder returned home Tuesday night from a visit to Akron Colorado where Darve Burnett is managing the eating house Frank Forman of Lincoln son of Rev A G Forman a former M E pastor of our city died in Lincoln last Thursday He was 31 years of age His wife sur vives him Miss Dollie Ruby of Union visited the family Friday and Saturday last departing on 6 Saturday night for Union She had been visiting relatives and friends in Oberlin Kansas and was on her way back to resume school Mon day morning I jnjBiiiljjiiji - - - ------- Entertain at Kensington The notable social function of tho week was tho kcnsington Thursday afternoon at which Mesdames Mary Campbell Adelo Pholan O M Knipplo and H P Waite entertained a very largo company of friends at the capacious residence of Mrs Campbell Misses Edna Waite Josephine Phclan Elsio Campbell Viva Pholan and Helen Knip plo assisted tho ladies in receiving and directing the guests and in serving tho dainty two course refreshments Over one hundred invitations were out and the guest list included most of them THE ARISTOCRATIC HEN When we read in the poultry journals ofhens that are valued at from five to ten dollars we begin lo realize that the hen is getting into the plutocratic class Asa money maker she has be come a top notcner Just now your bens should be turning out dollars for you If this is not the case encourage them with some of the poultry foods and egg makers we handle No matter what you want in poultry supplies we have it L W McConnell Druggist Have the Leading Makes In underwear we have the leading makes both in union and two piece gar ments Coopers the Globe Duofold etc You know them We have them in the different colors and weights and at prices ranging from 50 cents to 500 Special Prices on Stoves at McCook Hardware Cos You can Makes save ten per cent if you buy now at the stock reducing sale SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA HOSPrTAL rfvw - McCOOK NEBRASKA NOW OPEN E for the care of MEDICAL and SURGICAL CASES Newly equipped with modern fittings TELEPHONE 126 For rates and further information write to DR S C BEACH Supt for Winnetka Hospital Association Ltd MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs Ona Rush visited McCook rela tives early in the week Miss Mary SawHiLL has been very ill for the past week or ten days H Elfson of Sutton came up to the city Monday last on business J E Kelley was in Benkelman latter part of the week on business Howard Hileman departed last week to visit the homefolks in St Joseph Mr and Mrs C R Livingston ar rived home close of last week from their visit east George Heckman Jr has decided to remain in McCook and will devote him self to instructing upon the violin Mrs A L Knowland arrived home Sunday from visiting Denver relatives Miss Mary Stevens of Lincoln is the guest of her sister Mrs Frank Kendlen at the Palmer Miss Margaret Evans returnedearly the week from visiting her sister Mrs Sage in Lincoln Mr and Mrs James Munson of Col orado are in the city guests of his sister Mrs H P Sutton A Edgar Hawkins returned last Saturday night from Crawford this state where he has been working at his trade Severe weather up there made labor impracticable County Judge Moore was called down to Tyrone precinct Saturday morning to attend the burial of Miss Moore adopted daughter of his brother Representative Frank Moore II P Waite went down to Kansas early in tho week on business connect ed with some real estate recently ac quired by him in that state He also extended his business trip on to Kansas City Mo Mr and Mrs H C will de part Saturday night on No 6 for New York City to be absent in the east four or five weeks looking into spring and summer offerings and making purchases for the early 1909 trade M T Dodds of Freeport 111 has been a guest of his cousin Mrs Minnie D Williams past week Mr Dodds is something of an amateur checker player and in a series of 16 games with Mc Cooks champion J A Wilcox succeed ed in winning 9 games Walter McCarty who has for years been one of L W McConnells popular and efficient clerks expects to leave Monday for the Pacific coast where he will spend several months visiting in San Francisco Los Angeles Fresno where his brother Don lives and later on taking in the exposition in Seattle He expects however to return to Ne braska to locate in due time after en joying a sight seeing vacation in the west Some Routine Work Regular session all present but Coun cilman Morris Minutes read and approved Report of police judge road and re ferred to city attorney Reports of city weighmaster and city treasurer received and filed Druggists reports for second half of 1908 were received from L W McCon nell C R Woodworth and A McMil len Councilman Real moved that ordin ance No 168 be enforced This ordin ance in a general way prescribes rules and regulations to promote tho general health and penalties for violations Bills as follows were allowed and or dered paid out of proper funds Henry Gale salary 2700 Bullard Lumber Co coal 110 Bullard Lumber Co lumber 10150 Bullard Lumber Co coal 1 95 Fred Schlagel salary 5500 R M Oaborn salary 6500 John Ekstndd salary 5760 McCook Electric Co 58 51 10 McCook Water Works Co 106 95 McCook Water Works Co 48750 Vocances Branklin damages 18625 J R McCarl expenses 1576 J R McCarl salary 6250 J H Stephens salary 1875 M O McClure salary 1250 Frank Real salary 12 50 A C Ebert salary 1250 C E Eldred salary 1250 H W Conover salary 3750 J F Cordeal leeal services 5000 Neb Telephone Co telephone 4 25 C R Woodworth Co drugs 180 G S Scott mdse 7 05 W A Middleton plumbing 1 50 Inquiries from several sourcesapropos of the electric company stringing bare wires to carry high voltage brought the quite general opinion that bare wires are safer than insulated wires that the insulated wires are not the protection they appear to be with high voltage and that bare wires are known to be dangerous and will not be handled by any one - Jesus Last Days The trial death and resurrection of Jesus will be represented in beautiful colored stereopticon pictures at the Con gregational church next Sunday even ing January 17th at 8 oclock About 50 pictures many of them copies of the masters will bo shown This is the last of the series Dont miss it Free Special Meetings On January 26th Rev P A Sharpe of Marshall Minn will begin a two weeks series of revival meetings at the Congregational church Mr Sharpe is a man of great power in this kind of work He is not a professional evangel ist but a fellow pastor Plan to come out the first uight and hear him The Famous Blue Book Rozell Barger have just received the famous M Born Co Blue Book and are prepared better than ever to se cure tailor made clothes for their cus tomers in spring and summer styles from Americas greatest merchant tail ors Guarantee them to fit and please you Roller Skating- Rink G C Heckman has commenced the construction of a roller skating rink on the corner of 1st street west and C st It will be used also for dancing purposes members of the family composing a superior orchestra The building will be frame and one in height Going Like Hot Cakes Sure they have been those stylish and reasonably priced over coats at Ro zell Bargers but we still have a de sirable assortment to make your selec tion from Come in and look them over Mens Garments at from 8450 to 5000 Annual Church Meeting1 The annual meeting of the Congrega tional church will be held next Wed nesday evening January 20th at 745 in the church All members are urged to be present A New Bunch We have just received a new bunch of ties of tbe well known Wilson Bros make tbe latest shapes and styles and colors Get- one while the assortment is complete and fresh Card Parly and Apron Sate The Catholic ladies guild will give a card party and apron sale in the Monte Cristo hall Thursday evening January 21st All are cordiallv invited Flannel Shirts in All Colors In green blue red gray and brown at Rozell Bargers The values are 8100 1 50 and S2U0 None better for the money Comfortable and cosy A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell Typewriter ribbons papers sale at The Tribune office etc for NUMBER 34 How Do You Spend Your Money Are you doing it in a way to ro coivo substantial benefit Aro you laying asido something for a rainy day If not you will never have a better timo to begin than now To got quickly started begin the easiest way Como to THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK and make a deposit Dont wait for a large sum for it may nover como just deposit whatever you have to spare no matter how small tho amount Wo will glad ly assist you in getting started P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna J See to Your Order or Lodge Card The Tribune has for some time been printing a lodge and order directory free on the promise that the cards would be kept corrected as to facts officers etc by tho several lodges and orders As wo devote 510000 a year free to this purpose we expect those re ceiving tho benefit to keep the cards corrected A glance at the directory reveals many errors and we must insist upon the proper officers bringing in the facts Otherwise we shall discontinue the cards which we find incorrect Look to your cards Notice to Children and Parents Children in this city make a hubit of throwing of sticks and larer pieces of wood at and into tho wheels of my automobiles as I drive over the streets of the city This is both dangerous to the children and to me and a source of expense to me as well Parents should see that their children aro not guilty of such dangerous and expensive conduct and that life and limb are not unneces sarily endangered D G Divine Special Meeting of J K Barnes Post McCook Nebraska January 7 1909 There will be a special meeting of J K Barnes post on January 16 at 230 oclock in the afternoon for the purpose of making arrangements to observe the one hundredth anniversary of Abraham Lincolns birth All members urged to be present J M Henderson Jacob Steinmetz Commander Adjutant Make Money With Chickens Start right with a Lindsey Incubator See them at McCook Twelve dollars Hardware Cos MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS We got the snow birds anyhow Every week is bargain week now Everything in drugs McConnell McConnells Balsam cures coughs Use McMillens Cough Cure 25c Picture framing The Ideal Store Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286 McMillens Cold Cure will break up your cold Shoes are almost one half less during Viersens Big Clearing Sale Fresh vegetables on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the White House Of course you know Huber keeps the Wedding Breakfast Coffee Try our crackers in tin ooxes You will never use any other HUBER We have fresh lettuce and celery every Wednesday and Saturday HUBER Remember DrGatewoods new offices over McMillens drug store and phone number 163 The thermometer has been indicating from zero to 5 and 10 below part of the past two weeks Take advantage of the Big Clearing Shoe Sale at Viersen Sons See their big ad for the figures We have the finest line of Olives and Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid Mur dock line HUBER A boiler failure in the Citizens Bank building end-of-week caused some in convenience to those in the building as well as to renters in the Franklin block on the opposite side of B street west Temporary resort was had in some in stances to stoves until the boiler was repaired first of the week