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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1909)
I I HO 1 if Jmr TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR The Southwestern Hospital its Alms Rules and Regulations and Purposes J for the new rollor skating rink situated A hospital being a now iiiHtilution in at the corner of W 1st street and C our community tho management talio this opportunity of giving to tho people of this vicinity and tho citizens of Mc Cook a few plain facts concerning the plana of thid most needed enterprise and at tho same time of giving instruc tions concerning entering casee costs etc etc In the first place this is i public hospital for all claeses creeds and colorSi one clns of cases only being excluded viz contagious disea es Any doctor may send cuss to tho hos pital and there care for them the same as nt homo Tho case is cared for by professional nurses fed in accordance with physicians directions and medi cated as the patients doctor may seo fit Thohosfitnl charges are two dol lars per day or fourteen dollars per - week payable invariably in advance In return for this amount tho Hospital Assn furnishes tho patient with a lied food nnd nursing day and night The patient is also charged with tho use of tho operating room in caso where oper ations are performed and wheie tho dressing material used is furnished b the hospital an extra charge is made Tho physicians also has tho use of tho electrical apparatus installed nt the hospital consisting of static galvanic and faradic currents which facilities may not bo possessed by all practitiou ers thus giving both doctor and pa tient alike tho advantage of modern therapeutic methods Tho attending staff consists of tho practitioners of the city of McOook all of whom have taken the warmest interest in the new institution The consulting staff is composed of physicians of note in tho nearest large cities and are available in cases of great severity or when patients frionds aud relatiyea may feel tho need of consulting advice A limited num ber of applicants for training as a pro fessional nurse will bo received the applicants answering tho preliminary requirements and will be given a thorough training consisting of lectures and practical hospital work This course will take two years in accordance with tho state laws wherTfiio grrulualeT will bo in position to do nursing for a good remuneration most nurses receiv ing twenty five dollars the week A di ploma will be given entitling the grad uate nurse to recognition in other states lhis course will include cook ing preparation of special diets care of the sick general nursing surgical nurs ing materia medica chemistry in its especial relation to the secretions care of the operating room and sur gical assistance together with many other kindred subjects Even if the applicant does not intend to pursue nursing as a profession the training re ceived is of great benefit in fighting tho battle of life and fitting oneself for the duties of the household The nurses of the training school will be expected to weir a uniform when in traiuing and will be given exceptional opportunities for seeing and participating in practical work Absolutely no charge is made for this course the applicant simply caring for the expense of living which in the case of one residing here in Mc Cook will bo practically nothing To those living out of McCook should their number be sufficient a house or home will be provided in which the training nurse will pay a nominal sum for bed and board and in which there will be house rules early hours amuse ments company limitations etc and to which rules every and all applicants will bo required to conform The hos pital believes that their aims aro worthy enough to have the support of the peo ple of McCook and vicinity and to that end ask that each and every citizen of this community speak a good word for tho new institution WlXXETKA HOdPITAI AsSX LTD i per Superintendent One Fourth Off Means in winter suits at Kozell Az Bargers S20 suits at 11 1G ones at 12 312 val ues at 9 And tho other values re duced accordingly Take the benefit LADIES Have you a food grinder If not 3 011 are doing without a very useful kitchen tool Call and see Our Very Best food grinders McCook Hardware Co Mens Suits 6 50 suits for 1 89 S10 00 suits for 739 51250 suits for 869 We ask your inspection The Thompson D G Co Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S II Eaton For Sale Flour feed and seed business For particulars see C J Ryan THELMA L W McConell Druggist TT streot ItULES AND KKGULATIONS The management solicits tho patron age only of thoso who aro disposed to comply with tho rules and regulations of this rink and we reserve tho right to refuse admission or use of skates to objectionable persons The patronb of this link aro request ed torepcrt any inattention or incivility on tho part of the employees The use of tobacco in any form in this pavillion will not ho permitted Gont lemon will please skate with their hats removed Wraps must not be loft in tho seats Take thorn to the chock room Persons using their own skates will bo charged the regular price of rink skates for use of floor Skates injur ious to the floor will not be admitted The management assumes no liability for accidents to skaters 1 ast skating and racing aro forbidden Patrons must not leave tho skating surface with skates on If your skates do not work properly go at once to tho skate boy or skate room When through skating you must re turn skates to skate room oefore receiv ing your wraps The management will not be held in any way responsible to patrons desiring to leave their own skates at tho rink At the ringing of the boll patrons must cease skating REGULAR PRICES Afternoons spectators 5c skaters luc Eveniugs spectators 10c skaters 25c Escaped Unscathed T A Tucker late with A McMlllen was a passenger on the Rio Grande pas senger train in the terrible wreck near Grand Junction Colo last Saturday night but escaped without injury Mr McMillen received a card from Mr Tucker Monday stating that he had been in the wreck but escaped un injured though the dead and injured lay all around bim of the worst in tho annals of western railroad ing the killed exceeding a score and the injured double that total As the baggage car on the train was destroyed together with its contents it is presumed Mr Tucker lost his person- J al effects and wedding presents in his charge See to Your Order or Lodge Card The Triuune has for some time been printing a lodge and order directory free on the promise that the cards would be kept corrected as to fact officers etc by the several lodges and orders As we dovoto 10000 a year free to this purpose we expect those re ceiving tho benefit to keep tho cards corrected A glance at the directory reveals many errors and we must insist upon the proper officers bringing in the facts Otherwise we shall discontinue the cards which we find incorrect Look to your cards Ladies Long Coats These aro selling now at prices as low as tho term will admit of any lower price would not be selling Notice Our S 5 00 coats for S2S0 GOO 3oo 1000 12 50 1500 3 89 399 5 99 6D9 8 69 If you wish a coat this winter we submit it to your judgment that such genuine reductions are as extreme as can be expected at all The present is the time to buy The Thompson D G Co Mutual Advantage It would be a decided mutual advant age to advertise s and publishers if copy for advertisments wero gotten into pub lishers hands early in the week of pub- j lication Better and more accurate typographic results are thus assured and delay in the hour of going ro press avoided These mutual benefits extend to tho readers of the newspapers They get better papers more promptly Try thefuggestion advertisers Une Fourth Off Sale See Rozell Parsers announcement of a genuine one fourth off sale on win ter goods All goods marked in plain figures Real values at 25 per cent off Regular goods Solid worth Take advantage of this opportunity while it lasts Now Making Four Sizes Our button machine is now making all of the regular four sizes Bring your scraps and we will make the but tons promptly and well The Thomp son D G Co Cook Hardware Cos WrtilHWftB 1 fSPfe mm fflssk mm - wm sill Entertained on Large Scale Mrs G W Norns and Mrs J G Schobol are entertaining this week on a scale seldom attempted in this city commencing with Tuesday evening their series of social functions have occupied the week omitting Wednesday Tuesday evening they entertained the Awl Os at a 730 dinner in three courses This club was represented by a largo presence and the gathering was one of unusual brilliance The Norris residence was decorated throughout with carnations in profusion Miss Ruth Wiehe both sang and rendered piano selections during tho evening Thursday afternoon a large company of lady friends was entertained at a 130 luncheon with ensuing kensington Refreshments were served in three courses at two large tables and several small ones The daughters of the hostesses and Miss Regina Provance and Miss Maude McMillen assisted in the serving There was a profuse car nation display throughout the residence the afternoon Similar social festivities aro calendared for this afternoon and tomorrow after noon Tommy Argo Succumbs Thomas Argo died at about six oclock last Saturday morning at the home or his mother Queen Argo on 3rd street west Toramj was taken to his bed tho Saturday befor 1 his death with an attack of pneumonia and his feeble constitution was not able long to withstand that fell disease Tom pass ed his 21st birthday in November last but on account of his bodily infirmities was but a child in stature lie was em ployed by W H Harmon of the Pas time theatre and was accurate and obliging in his business Though hand icapped in lifes race Tom was cheerful and optimistic and consequently war well and popularly known to many as was attested by the funeral services at the home Sunday afternoon His mother an uncle A L Sikes and cou sin Will Hicks are the only reiatives living here The remains wore buried in Riverview cemetery vested in one of these For Everybody Meetings for everybody will begin in tho Congre gational church next Tuesday January 26 at 715 p in Rev Perry A Sharpe who will lead them is well known in tho State and in McCook as a former pastor at Friend Neb Three years ago ho hold meetings hero and greatly helped the church and the people His mes sage is interesting chari table and helpful his methods are sane and 5 common sense ho is s a true Christian gentle- g man JJo sure ana como out the first night as tho time is short ALL ARE WELCOME The New Professor The above entitled comedy by Gaorge Kearns of our city was given in tho Menard Monday uight by a local com pany with the author in tho leading role beforo mi appreciative audienco well filling tho hall Tho play is a light comedy in three acts in which no serious attempt at heaviness is made in which tho now German professor is made the amusing victim of the circumstanco plot of his pupils Withal there is tho enlernal and in evitable love story The New Professor provides a bit of clean wholesome amusement and was giveu an interesting creditable perfor mance by tho following CAST Carrie Wayne a student Ethel Stephens Annie Faye a student Laura JlcClain 32a Green a student Mabel Ilegenberger Phillip just a boy blaster Lyle Corey Dr Laird President of Lairds College Kay Shrincr Arabella Laird his sister Lily Kearns -- -- -- Laird his son Tom OConnell wissivuui vvienu was at a studoiltr and Mis i Marjorie Schobel sang during f Bud Weiuer a student Death of J C Proctor J C Proctor passed away in the Has tings hospital Wednesday afternoon at 130 where he recently went for treat ment The remains arrived here on No 1 yjesterday for burial in Riverview cemetery Services were held in the j Christian church this morning at 1030 oclock by Rev Ainsworth The deceased was born in Kentucky June 3 1825 Has lived four miles north of McCook for several years His son J W Proctor and a sister who live on the farm here besides a sister in Coun cil Bluffs and another sister in Los An geles survive him Notice Personal Taxes Personal taxes for 190S were deliquent Dec 1st and draw 10 per cent from that date should bo paid by not later than Febr 1st nex V on and after that date they are subject to collection by distress warrant C Naden Co Treas McCook Neb Jan 20th 1909 In the Baptist Church A series of revival meetings -will be held in the Baptist church begining February 21st Rev J II Clay of Holdrege has been secured to do the preaching Mr Clay is a very able preacher and pastor evangelist Get ready to hear him Are You Interested LIndsey Incubators j in washing machines Then see the are much improved over those that have One Minute Motor and Michigan been selling for twice the priced The j Water Power washers at the McCook Lindsey is twelve dollars at the Mc- Hardware Cos It is monev well in- ReidMcIfenua Frank Brady OHarley janitor G O Moore Louise Laird Dr Lairds daughter Thressa Haley Terry Meriuoll light weight champion George Kearns Policeman Cliff liurbridge Professor Heiniich on IUiineberg from Germany Percy Rell Hclvers Terrys trainer CBurbridge Tho play was given for the benefit of M W A log rolling meet coming fall and a drill and inspection by tho local foresters was a feature of the evening We congratulate the author and the company on the result of their efforts The play was repeated on Tuesday evening with equal success before a fair audience The Woodman log rolling fund is in creased about 10 hereby and they ex pect to add more at a play to bo presen ted February 22 when they expect to receive a boost from the Havelock quar tette A CUUGH IS BAD FOR A COUGH MeConnells Balsam is good for a cough Take tne former and stop tho latter Coughing irritates and tears tho deli cato air cells of thelungs Our remedy heals and soothes them Your lungs aro delicato structures and the injury caused by a neglected cough often paves the way for future trouble Keep Me Connells Balsam ou hand and cure that cough in the shortest possible titno Phurs Very nice black fur scarfs 49c I Our 1 00 brown fur scarfs for G9c Those two styles sell frequently for matting fur caps 3 00 scarfs for 199 SGC0 scarfs for 3 89 225 muffs for 139 c300 muffij for 1 83 175 childs fur setts fur 1 19 Yju aro invited to get your share Tbe Thompson D G Co The Sterling- Clothing- Co The II H Tartsch clothing store has been purchased byjC A Leach Co who will conduct the business at the old stand Mr Korns who has bean a clerk in the store for some time will continue in the employ of the now com pany - Hub Sales Continues I will continue the sale until February 1st As my spring goods are now on the road I must make room for them there fore I will make a further reduction of 10 per cent below the blue mark The Hub Stoke Julius Stein Special Prices on Stoves at McCook Hardware Cos You can save ten percent if you buy now at the stock reducing sale FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf ggSgWWKaSi BiSi McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY MORNING JANUARY 22 1909 Sawyer Tucker Last Friday night on No G Mr Thomas A Tucker loft for GreonacreH Washington where on Thursday after noon at five oclock ho and Mips Alyce Kathryn Siwyor wore united in mar riage Tho bride spent a number of years of her lifo in our city being a graduate of tho McCook high school beside ac complished in music nnd in painting no servou as city lmranan for a year with success Tho groom has beon pharmacist in McMillons drug store for tho pnst year or two coming here from his home in Bender Neb They will make their home in Green acres for tho present at least Many McCook friends of the esteemed young couple will heartily join The Tkiuunr in congratulations and best wishes Entertained and Served The unshino and R B Rs of tho Congregational Sunday school gavo an entertainment of merit in the church last Friday evening to an appreciative but inadequate audienco Tho program was a varied one of vocal and instru mental music and literary numbers opening with an overture by a promis ing orchestra of school boys The efforts of al wero generously applauded Tho concluding foaturo was the re freshments served by the young peoplo of tho clubs Home made candies wero also sold during tho evening Notice to Patrons City Schools The preparatory grades of the city schools will bo open to beginners from January 25 tho Fotruary 5 inc usive Parents desiring to enter their children for the first time in school should seo that they are entered not later than the above date After that tune thero wiil not bo suitable classes for beginners to enter Chas W Tayloh Superintendent BEGINS HEALING INSTANTLY Fragrant Lotion is absorbed so quick ly that youll wonder whery it Iris gone ToTraco of grenseor remains to annoy Just a dainty elusive odor to tell that it has been applied and an im mediate sense of comfort to show that the healing has begun It soothes chapped and roughened skiu in a magi cal way is perfectly harmless and costs but 25 cents L W McCojjm ll Druggist Card of Thanks To the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during tho illness and after tho death of our beloved mother Mrs Catherine Colling We heartily appreciate every act of kindness and hereby extend our sincere thanks and especially for tho beautiful floral offerings from Mr and Mrs Louis Fleischman and the Royal Neighbors of McCook MRS W H SlIOKT AND BROTHERS Musical Service A special musical service will be held at tho Conaregational church next Sun day at 8 p in as follows Soio Miss Helen Schwab Solo Miss Kuth Wiehe Violin solo Mrs E O Vahuo Solo F M Kimmell Piano solo Mis3 Fay Eikenberry Auspices Mens Sunday Evening club Everybody invited The Famous Blue Book Rozell Barker have just received the famous M Born Co Blue Book and are prepared better than ever to se cure tailor made clothes for their cus tomers in spring and summer styles from Americas gratst merchant tail ors Guarantee them to fit and please you Hose the Children A good double knee stocking in most sizes between 5 and 8J the regnlar prices of which are 10c I2c and 14c ac cording to size has been pat on the counter at a clearing price of 7 cents a pair and are being picked ont rapidly Como and get your share The Thomp son D G Co Bid You Ever See a Majestic range in a second hand store No That is because they are so good they never have to be sold at a sacrifice Always handled by McCook Hardware Co It pays to get the best Unequaled DeLaval Separators W H llnimon is the local agent and has in stock on West B street a number of these famous money making separa tors Consult him A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at Thh Tribune office SUNKIST Beat navel orange grown All sizes Only G5 cents a peck J A Wilcox Sox NUMBER 35 Many Persons keep their money in this bank that they may havo it within ready reach whon needed for daily uso some keop it hero awaiting opportunities for invest ment others to avoid tho risk and annoyanco of loaning keep their monoy hero as a permanent investment It will bo seen wo accommodate all classes t THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehx V Pres C J Cshr DIUECTOPS J J Loughran P F McKonna Centennial of Lincolns Birth A special meeting of J K Barnes Post G A R wasjiold last Snturday for the purpose of completing arrange ments for a celobration of the Centen nial of Abraham Lincolns Birth A committeo was named to call on the major and request him to designate February 12lh 1909 as a holiday Tho mayor has already signified his purpose so to do Tho services will bo held in the Me nard hall at two oclock p m All the ministers of tho city and their congregations aro invited to be present All members of the G A R WRC Ladies Circle Spanish American sol diers Sons of Veleraus i x Confederato soldiers marines and sailors aro re qiieated to meet at the Odd Fellows hall at 131 sharp on February I2th to march in a body to Menard hall The mayor city council all civic bodies and tho public in general aro re quested to m6et with the veterans in this celebratioa The formal piogram is as follows Instrumental music Invocation Rev Edker Barton Singing of America Audienco Vocal Solo Address on Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln Bev R M Ainswort h Heading or Prospectus Memorial Associa tion Mrs W G Duttoa Collection for Lincoln Memorial binding of Star Spangled Banner Audit w Beading of Lincolns Gettysburg Address Mrs W S Mori an Singing or Doxology Audifnr Bcnedi2tion Rev GBHaukt By the Committee Revival at Christian Church The revival meetings in the Christian church this week have drawn good audiences and created a growing relig ious sentiment and spirit Several ha taken the initial step to become mem bers of the church The meetings wiil continue some time longer Evangelist Wilkinson is assisting Rev Ainsworth Big- Boy Kow The estimate of expenses for county for 1909 caila for 59550 or 54500 greater than 1903 The estimate for Red Willow county for 1909 is 872800 Red Willow is getting to be a b boy now Missionary Meeting The Womens Missionary society of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs R D RodgersNnext Thurs day afternoou January 28th at 2 oclock Roofing Cheap at McCook Hardware Co s About 11 square feet second hand iron just the thing for sheds and chicken bon- Seventy five cent per 100 square feet Penmanship Contest and Exams A penmanship contest and exam in tions have given school life this we an uncommon air of activity Hake Money With Chickens Start right witn a Lindsey inenbaror See them at McCook Hardware Co- Twelve dollars Special Meeting A F A M A special meeting of McCook Lodge Xo L 5 A F A M is called for Tuesday evening Jan uary 2G at S oclock Object of the meeting Work in the Entered Apprentice degree By order of the W M Lon Cone Secretarv L