The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 25, 1908, Image 7
yyMMs nyjgw fwl ITHIN a few days our ears will je filled with the deafen ing crash of people breaking their New Years resolutions Three million sets of iron clad non combustible American crushed to earth will remain there until dug up again the night of December 31 1909 What has the New Year in store for you joy or sorrow Few to day realize what or where they will be before the end of 1909 and attempts to prognos ticate probably would be vain As far as destiny is concerned the world literally lives from hand M to month We can onlv cuess at what the next year will bring For William Jennings Bryan 1909 means more lectures at so much per night For William How ard Taft 1909 is a year of glad rejoicing for on March 4 he assumes the presidential chair vacated by Theodore Roosevelt Four years ago when an attempt was made to relegate Mr Taft to the bench of the -supreme court of the United States he little suspected that he was material to fill the chair at the head of the nation Joy is mingled with sadness in President Roose velts case and his cup is one of bitter sweet for while he lifts the cares of the presidential office from his head and applies his strenuosity tests upon the habitues of the Eart African jungle he has Bhot his bolt as far as the U S A is con cerned there being nothing- left to conquer But for the commonplace citizen of these United States 1909 carries only conjecture as a rule Lots of men and women start the year planning to carry out -some cherished ideas whether they will succeed being a matter that only Father Time himself can solve There are approximately 83000000 souls hi this country Of that number statistics say 3000000 have drawn up sets of resolutions which if carried out would cut a swath in the nations liquor and lobacco traffic From every state in the union the cry never again arises and just a few days after the debut of the new year the phrase gives way to a mur mur of just one more with the eventual result that 15 days or three weeks finds conditions once more at a normal state There Js a saying that a man is never great until he dies Therefore it is generally not until the de mise of the righteous that we learn of the man or woman who made and kept a Ne v Years reso lution Then the press let- us know about it and as a rule the alleged New Years resolution which was kept may be laid at the door of the bright young reporter who covered the death and who was anxious to inoculate a feature irto his story There are thousands of ways of applying the never again Here are a few of the more or less popular ways I promise never again after January 1 to Drink intoxicants Smoke Tobacco Swear Be Mean to My Wife Keep Late Hours Waste Money Eat Heavy Meals - Vote the Ticket Grow a Mustache Spurn the Alarm Clocks Call Read Novels Quit My Job Believe Fish Tales Play Cards Gamble Celebrate July 4 Dance Overtime Ask for More Pay Tell Lies Wear Loud Socks x Flirt Part My Hair In the Middle Shirk Work Watch Salome Dances Marry Be Conceited Wear Merry Widow Hats Etc Other purely local faults are subjects of New Years resolutions and usually the signed and sworn document is tucked away in a corner neglected and its contents forgotten Then the party to the swearing off who for three days has been telling his friends or her friends how invigorating it feels to be once more spiritually pure drops down a step or two and when resolu tions are mentioned has a merry laugh and tells about how last New Years he or she had sworn off this and that and had had more fun with the folks over it At midnight each December 31 Father Time loads up the water wagon with thousands of ex imbibers who now are firm believers in the health giving properties of aqua pura About 1201 a m January 1 the one who is less able to stand the gaff of total abstinence slides off to the ground and proceeds to ceiebro For fear that he may be lonesome two or three others follow him and pretty soon most of them are sliding back to Mother Earth and alleged happiness Occa sionally a man or two is found who keeps a reso lution or two and then there is a place reserved for him in the hall of fame but there are lots of empty niches there New Years parties attended by young people are the breeding places for resolutions Invent ors of games who profit thereby have gone so far as to concoct resolution games for parties of that sort and in some of the contests the loser is com pelled to keep his promise to swear off this or that if he would adhere to his or her affidavit A story is told of a young lady and a young man engaged to each other who attended a New Years party The couple were extremely fond of each other and the bride-to-be had only one objection to her intended spouse viz that he drank intoxi cants He was not aware that she knew it Con sequently before the little social function she fixed the resolution contest so he would lose She playfully told him that he must keep his resolution and he rather fearfully promised little suspecting the plot Well he lost and said he would keep the prom ise though he lied and said he never touched a drop in his life I know you dont drink she breathed into his ear from the depths of a cozy corner but I want to be sure that you never will Thus the young mans habit met its Waterloo in the New Years trick of a stacked deck pro moted by his fiancee and now five years following their marriage his taste for spirits was declared positively extinct by the wife in a recent coroners inquest at the ladies sewing circle That was one resolution which held and prob ably will for the rest of the young married mans life providing he doesnt get into politics But that was one of a few When a man or woman makes a resolution with a string attached to it such as awarding a watching friend a few simo leons in case the promise to abstain from some habit is broken then the vaccination takes but otherwise It seldom holds good for more than a week A week is really a long stretch for the life of a set of promises most of them expiring with dawn of January 1 although having been made only the previous night This new year will see the breaking of approximately 3000000 well founded resolutions but who cares There are lots more New Years coming say the philoso phers Tt T VJJ rfj LOVES SACRIFICE Wats de matter Reginald have youse sworn off smokln Yes You see Im engaged now and my fiancee objdcts to a disagree able breath ECZEMA ALL OVER HIM No Nights Rest for a Year and Limit of His Endurance Seemed Near Owes Recovery to Cuticura My son Clyde was almost com pletely covered with eczema Physi cians treated him for nearly a year without helping him any His head face and neck were covered with large scabs which he would rub until they fell off Then blood and matter would run out and that would be worse Friends coming to see him said that if ho got well he would be disfigured for life When it seemed as if he could possibly stand it no longer I used some Cuticura Soap Cuticura Oint ment and Cuticura Resolvent That was the first night for nearly a year that he slept In the morning there was a great change for the better In about six weeks he was perfectly well Our leading physician recommends Cuticura for eczema Mrs Algy Cockburn Shiloh O June 11 1907 Must Have Meant Him I wish I knew said Cholly Sap head if I have any show of winning Miss Roxie Swellman Well answered Miss- Peppery from a remark of hers I think youre her choice Aw really What did she say She said nobody was good enough to be her husband PILES CURED JS 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMKNT Is guaranteed to cure any case ir Itching Blind Itlecdinir or Protruding Piles In l to 14 days or money refunded 50e This would be a brighter world If the people who cant sing wouldnt Smokers have to call for Iswis Single Binder cigar to cct it You- dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 Its a bad thing to be known as good thing Kernes Balsam Will stop any conrjh that con be stopped by any medicine nnd cure coughs inn cannot be cured by an oilier medicine It Ss always the cougn cure you c aflord to fake clianqi any other kind KEMPS BALSAM J coughs colds brrj grip asthma and cl Won In first stages It does not contal holy opium morphEi any other narcotic vti ous or harmful drug S1GK HEADAO CARTELS HIVPR 11 Pi LIS i CARTERS Fiver 1 PILLS- Positively cured by these Little Pills They iiIbo relieve Dis tress from DypcpglnIn digestion and Too Hearty En tin p A perfect rem edy for Dizziness Nau en DrowhinesH Unci Taste In tho Mouth Coat ed Tongue Pain In the Side TORPID LIVER They regulate the Bowels Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Fac Simile Signature J REFUSE SUBSTITUTES Western Canada ho Pennant Winner The Last Bssl West ffSp The government oi Canada now gives to every actual set tler 160 acres of wheat growing land free and an additional 160 acres at 300 an acre The 300000 contented American settlers making their homes in Western Canada is the best evidence ot the superiority of that country They are becoming rich growing from 25 to 50 uusneis wneat to ine acre 00 to 1 10 bush els oats and 45 to 60 bushels barley be sides having splendid herds of cattle raised on the prairie grass Dairying is an im portant industry The crop of 1908 still keeps Western Canada in the lead The world will soon look to It aa Its food producer Tho tlilnfj which most Impressed us was tho ruacnitudu or tlio country that Is avall iblo lor agricultural purposes JSutloiuil Editorial Vorresponilence 1jvS Low railway rates Rood schools and churches markets convenient prices the highest climate perfect Lands arc for sale by Railway and Land Com panies Descriptive pimpiilets and maps fcent free or railway rates and other Infomittivn apply to Superintendent of Immlcration Ottawa Canada of the authorized Canadian Government Agent W V BENNETT 801 New lork Life Dnilding Omalia NeorasSs PARKERS S HAIR BALSAM Cleanjes and beautifies tho hols lroniote3 a Inrurxnt growth Never Falls to Hestoro Gray ndr to Its Youthful Color Cures ielp diirases hilr lulling SOe and 3 LOO at Drayritta IffiEoSi ELEGTB07YPES In grratvarlctvforsalo at the lowest prices by A V hKMOMJMilYSrlllUUI T3UAlira HIUiieigo rocyosrusejThompsonsfiye Wafer w N Uf OMAHAi NO 52t ig08 3 r JML Nothing pleases the eye so much I g s f rQrZmWffih tam It is the delight 5 laundress Once tried 6 J It I tbey will use no other It is pure and ffi i II I I is guaranteed not to injure the most 1 II I I delicate fabric It is sold by the i II 3est grocers at ioc a package Each B J package contains iO ounces Other j I starches not nearly so good sell at a the same price per package but they contain only 12 ounces of starch 1 Consult your own interests Ask for DEFIANCE STARCH get it and we 9 know you will never use any other X3Ki A TEARING TERRIBfF Oiraw bespeaks impending peril Constant coughing irritates and inflames the lungs inviting the ravaging attacks of deadly disease Pisos Cure soothes and heals the inflamed surfaces clears the clogged air passages and stops the cough The first dose will bring surprising relief Piso s Cure has held the confidence of people everywhere for half a century No matter how seriousand obstinate the nature of your cold or hov many reme dies have failed you can be convinced by a fair trial that the ideal re medy Sjr such conditions is fISOS CURE E1 if 1 H