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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1908)
FHE MCOOK TRIBUNE F M K I MM ELL Publisher McCOOK NEBRASKA Womans Education Juut as certain college professors and magazine writers are well under way In the work of proving that the higher education of women is all wrong and that the general system of female education is defective in that it does not teach women how to he good wives and mothers along comes Dr Lyman Abbott with the assertion that it Is not the proper object of edu cation to furnish a woman with a lan tern wherewith to aid her in a search for a husband We have now got wholly away says Dr Abbott from the idea that the object of a womans education is to make her a better or nament for the parlor or a more capa ble hired servant A woman should no more be educated to he a wife and mother than a man should be educated to be a husband and father She should bo educated to be a woman as a man is educated to bo a man Evidently remarks the Baltimore American the doctor does not count the occasional professors and the mag azine writers in when he says We He means all the rest of the world Hope for Central America -The international bureau of central American republics announces a com mendable purpose It is proposed to make uniform the civil commercial and criminal legislation of the five sig natory republics to establish a unifcan customs anud monetary system amd to work for the general development of commerce and industry The success of the effort would be seriously doubt ed were reliance placed upon the sta bility of central American purpose alone But says the Boston Herald back of this is the spirit of the inter national bureau of American republics and particularly the governments of the United States and Mexico each of which is determined for selfish as well as unselfish interest that constant tur moil in central America shall be checked The five republics will be given a chance to work out their own salvation and good government will be assured the moral backing of larger powers and more substantial support If necessary The Good Will Habit A habit of holding a kindly attitude of mind toward everybody has a pow erful influence upon the character It lifts the mind above petty jealousies and meannesses it encircles and en larges the whole life When we meet people no matter if they are stran gers we feel a certain kinship with and friendliness for them if we have formed the good will habit In other words says the New York Weekly the kindly habit the good will habit makes us feel more sympathy for everybody And if we radiate this helpful friendly feeling others will reflect it back to us On the other hand if we go through life with a cold selfish mental attitude caring only for our own always looking for the main chance only thinking of what will fur ther our own interest our own com fort totally indifferent to others this attitude will after a while harden the feelings and the affections and we shall become dry pessimistic and un interesting Folly is a fertile plant and bears fruit for a long time The French are discovering the truth of this in the demoralization of their navy Mons Gaston Thomson the minister of mar ine has resigned from the cabinet after the chamber of deputies con demned his department because of the explosion on the -warship Iena in 1907 when more than a hundred officers and men were killed There have been more than 30 explosions on French warships within the past two years and the officers ond men are said to be completely demoralized The demor alization however did not begin under theadministration of Mons Thomson but under that of his predecessor who issued regulations which destroyed discipline on the ships For the good of all the commander of a battleship even more than the commander of a merchant vessel must be an autocrat and any policy which undermines his authority weakens the efficiency of the ships crew If the Highland Park housewife who bought two gallons of water for floor polish will just drop in a couple of bars of soap and let it stand over night says the Detroit News she will have something that with elbow grease ad lib will just make her floors shine PS Slice the bars of soap An army officer in Washington was convicted of disorderly conduct on a street car the evidence showing that it took five policemen to carry the bel ligerant officer to the hospital The sen tence of dismissal was commuted and with reason for a fighter like that would be a great loss in time of active service A German countess declares that wealth is a sin and we may assume that being clean broke is also next to godliness KP9E33SES322Z2IISSS WRmoR frsi inrr t T l i S mJX YBTSOmmlJAMS metropplisChjistaas trcacfclu eager to exploit its wares juic wmuuwa ui lug gicut ijiuics uiai xiavc ixxn uuigcuwiux Autumn leaves now the entire e amut of holidav eoodsi Images t of Santa Claus appear in bas reliefs backed with reindeer and Bisagcs capacious ciumncys ana snag nrcoiaccs aoys ana sweetmeats run riot upon the counters and thehriggnas shopper appears rnincingly in the long aisles of the great department stored Sjhere are yet many days for making Christmas choices andytiieslwpperhas about her none of that mad scrambling air so noticeable during hejast few dys of the runaway season In the streets Santa orks aeyer corJjexTasking alms for the needy and the sick that their Chrisrmas too may be brightened and of good cheer With the giyirjrievfaces of thecrowd take on a happier smile the heart is answefmgto the message oftfgdpd will on earth Inch by inch we are drajtfa into the alerTy making the Jpustle and the spirit of the times In our minds wpare turning overhand over the problem of what for this deaj one ana what fory that ancVin gur list we include those who are less apttobejoyous jdh this- day thanks ar and now comes the Veal joy ofChrismas e doing Jofgobdhat makes our hearts singjwith happiness I if There is the little girrweTnetaway upinhe pine woods last summer who will be delighted wimaprettyooKtiaellame boy who sells papers at the corner of Hit arid Miss- streets the widow who takes in washing out in the suburb where we Kvethe jolly boyfriend of a business associ j ate who has so many things one cannot just ydccideT on his present the elevator man who has met morning and night with a cheery good morning and a respectful good night anaSiheny there are the closer ones the mother father wife and babies What a galaxycf needy folk for alTarel needyronYChristmasdayl Those who do not need food or clothing or money need something that will prove our love prove that we have hot forgotten them and that on this the day commemorating the coming of the KingrofBethlenemour heart is attuned totheirs in gladness and rejoicing And now the hollyand the mistletoe appear upon the streetTcoraers and rushing business men stop on their hurried way homeward to buy wreaths of the green and the red to hang in the windows of their homes cuiuirum uie cnanaeuers oi tneirmvmg rooms On and on surges the spiritrbhristmas S Like a misrhtv envelooine shaft of -sunshine it breaks throurfiMhe clouds of every day mediocrity and racing across the world sends its glow ing glory into every home Garlands hang everywhere bells chime and merry laughter echoes through the halls of time And with the ringing of the crystal spheres peace spreads her mantle like a cloak and plenty sits enthroned among the merrymaking and the praise Peace on earth good will to men 5TcEhear of Christmas early in ihecountry No sooner nave the v days at 3 oclock than rrthrc bgfesher JJne61woi resuppechsbes are put awkyshctalgsjter inhe sitSorniwierefather is rtedirigXhis neWsanej1 draWs thgsvhinly momepmJmake beautiful- andisVuiVJ VJO jfUpbSiptmas will be here beforesweT tnswith his eyes resft s Ntt how time flies he commcj aheurnsjiis paper ZA after nifrhtshe sews and Knitsal itSrG SV sh fHr rthiMrftn out oi tne nouseanaier rtau quleawTD some deep corner and britfggscuj mffienkjApr Willie laces for Nellnppjsrjs Xr 7 nercear sensinve io uie lcaLinuruioiv wk HawKesSfcfiB childliwtoencffli iBtoaSwWdei Atwie ehPhrTheai pijnfofSrWeay Sc wane men meetAne YQunjr laaies tostr NO Delightful id crochets and no -sooner are isework finished than she goes uncompleted presents for them for Dad - Guardedly she works slightest danger of a surprise te after school she hurries thework t hands to the regular routine s - t otneunnstmas tree ana oi tne hool takeso added numbers and the mg popcomana ieusniun ucuuraauiis occupation HowTffi the days now gone all men have strung their hearts upon the threads and passed them awkwardly to rosy cheeked maids with hair braided down their backs with ruby lips and eyes j that sparkled with the first love glances And the Christinas parties thesleighrides the renewing of friendships with those who have been away at school and have returned for the season of gayety and good cheer And the stockings that are hung on Christmas eve in the country In every home they reap their harvest year by year on Christmas morning Reap their harvest as the Merry Christmas salutation rings throughout the house And it ismotherusually7 that steals iri upon the7sleepingones7and wishes them a glad and happy Christmas And always on Christmas morning she will do this Though she be in tile land of bliss beyond or in the flesh of the present she will speak to us of the Christmas morning speak to us from her loving heart and wish us happiness -Nor time nor death nor changes nor wars nor misfortunes ever can take from a man this Christmas wish of mothers VA Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year From the endless aeons of the turquoise sky she 7 speaks to me on ohnstmas morning and she speaks to you too but mayhap nearer by for Christmas in the country is indissolubly associated with her j And for that reason Christmas in thecountry is doubly dear to me and doubly sacred With trembling fingers did we weave The holly round the Christmas hearth A rainy cloud possessd the earth And sadly fell our Christas eve Copyright 1903 by Wright A Patterson TiX SxiE State Journal ANNOUNCES its third annual bargain week dur ing which subscriptions will be accepted for the whole year or 1909 at the cut price of only 3 with out Sunday or 4 including Sunday This Bargain Rate is good only during the week of December 21 to 28 and the regular rates after that date will be 4 I and 5 All new subscriptions commence January 1 and continue until January 1 1910 at the 3 and 4 rate All papers stopped at the end of that time without any effort on your part One reason why this cheap price can be made on such a big news paper is that everybody pays in advance thus having no dead beat bills You pay only for your own paper this way Next by cutting out traveling solicitors salaries hotel bills and railroad fare and doing all business through Uncle Sams mails at a cost of only a couple cents When an agent calls on you to present a proposition remember you pay every cent of his salary and expenses inmost cases the solicitor gets more than you are making Its a wasteful method and you pay for the waste Everybody is trying to dodge the middleman heres a chancfe to cut him out The Journal does not print liquor ad vertisements or unclean medical stuff accepted by other state dailies Why not protect your family from impure advertising The Journal is not under obligations to a political clique because it has no job to hold or none to get It is free to treat every subject in the interests of the people No matter about your politics during the legislative session you will find The State Journal the one newspaper whose reports are completest fairest and earlies We are right on the ground and spend the money o get the news Remember just this one week of cut price and then back to the old rate Why not try this big state paper until January 1 1910 at this low price Send your money to State J ournaL Lincoln If efera 7 yearcd boy clairvoyant WHERE FERDINAND CONVENED ASSEMBLY Remarkable Feats Are Claimed Son by St Louis Woman New York Declarations that her 7-year-old son Junior has been a clair voyant from his birth accompany a de scription of astonishing power mani fested in her own household which Airs Jordan W Lambert wife of a wealthy chemical manufacturer of St Louis has submitted to Prof James H Hyslop of this city Mrs Lambert recounts an instance where a tennis ball was spirited from a bathhouse into the pocket of her son although the door of the building was padlocked and she well knew that the sphere was on the other side of the panel Two white roses of an unknown species and of a delicacy that they seemed scarcely of the world of mate rial things were left on a table of the room by some unknown agency Sirs Lambert also claims to have seen the astral body of William Han negan who has been instructing her son Self Interrogation Go to your bosom knock there and ask your heart what it doth know Shakespeare DECLARES LIQUOR NOT NEEDED According to Writer Europeans In Tropics Are Better Without It Transmitting an article written by Dr Harold H Mann and published in The Young Men of India under the title of Is Drink Necessary for Europeans in India Consul General William HMichael of Calcutta writes Europeans and Americans who come to India do not need liquors to keep well they will be better with H WMMiWmti 1 Wm kZ 111111 From stereoRrapheopyriKhtbr Underwood t Underwood y Y Interior view of the Sobranje or National Assembly room showing Fer dinands throne and royal portraits It is here that Prince Ferdinand opened the Sobranje for the first time since he has claimed regal dignity on October 23 This event took place amid great pomp and ceremony and cheering from the subjects as the ruler ascended his throne and read his address out stimulants of any kind After nearly two years residence her my observations lead me to say that drink ers of spirits wines and malt liquors are the most susceptible to dispase especially fevers either on the plains or in the mountains of any class of the inhabitants Proper regard for dress to guard against sudden weath er changes moderation In eating es pecially meats using only filtered and boiled water entire abstention from alcoholic vinous and malt liquors and plenty of sleep will almost invariably insure to the average healthy per son good and uniferm health as far as fevers are concerned and by add ing vaccination and inoculation -will go a long way toward making that person immune from contagious dis eases Fully Covered The following written definition ot the word bachelor was handed in bri a schoolboy A bachelor Is a man who has nn Wf nni tt 5 WJ noma no wile nor cant get no wife 1 i 1 A K