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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1908)
r u V I TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR Gifts for the ill Sf Other gifts may plcaso the child for tho moment but the BEST of all holiday presents is a Bank Account It costs nothing it brings lasting pleasure and it teaches tho Saving Habit Young peoplo who learn to savo live wholesomo lives for thoy do not spend their money in ways that are detrimental to health and character You can open an account for the boys or girls Christ mas at this bank with ONE DOLIiAR or more We give you a neat little bank book with tho first record therein to bo presented on Christmas morning The First National Bank of Mccook MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Everything in drugs McConnell Picture framing The Ideal Store McConnells Balsam cures coughs No one objects to the open purse Mrs J JacKson nurpe Phone red 251 A souvenir spoon of McCook 75c to 300 Suttons Person who have been waiting for the gold mounted fountain pens should hur ry to see the now line at Suttons We are just in receipt of a new and well eelected fresh and up-to-date stock of neckwear and mufflers Come in and Bee ItOZELL cc dakbkk You never before purchased such values in shoes for the money as Vier sen Son are offering during their Big Clearing Sale See ad We have tho perfumes She uses in beautiful holiday packages Cut glass bottles 25 cents to 300 L W McConnell Druggist ALEORENTETC For Sale 160 acres of improved land seven miles south of McCook Neb Price 2200 Mrs M E Battershall owner Okarche Okla For Sale A desirable close in dwelling house 506 2nd street east For Sale A piano in good condition at reasonable price Phone red 260 For Sale A few fresh milch cows M C Cratty 5 miles southwest of Mc Cook 12 15 3t For Kent Four room cottage J I Lee Phone 43 - Mrs For Rent Furnished room light and bath Phone red 255 or call at 309 2nd street W For Rent 6 room house at 910 west 2nd st Phone red 329 Personal Will the lady who was in search of a suitable present for her hus band please call at Suttons jewelry store The mystery is easily solved CHRISTMAS JOYS MAKE YOUR HOME GLAD by adding to its comfort and conveni ence and beauty something of solid worth an article of elegance and value like one of these ROCKERS CHAIRS CHIFFONIERS STANDS PARLOR SETS ART SQUARES BOOK CASES LIBRARY TABLES SEWING MACHINES CHINA CLOSETS CENTER TABLES ROOM RUGS ETC WE HAVE THEM in very large assortment to fill every need and taste and at prices reasonable and right Any of the above will make Many Merry Christmas days Come and see tltc pa1nt3 furniture ahd I He ST ADC CARPET COMPANY J Pleaded Guilty Josiah S Calvert a young man 23 years of ago pleaded guilty Monday of having robbed Chnrles Waddell of S60 and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary The robbery was com initteod in the Palmer hotel Saturday night while Waddoll was more or less irresponsibly intoxicated Calvert was arrested on Sunday Monday he ap peared before Judge Orr in district court and pleaded guilty He was sent enced to one year in the penitentiary the lightest sentence he could receive under the law In tho absence of the county attorney Judge Orr appointed J S LeHew as acting county attorney and he presented the ense in court Sheriff Peterson will take the young man to Lincoln tonight Notice of Annual Meeting McCook Nebr Dec 21st 1908 According to the provisions of the by laws tho annual meeting of Xbe stock holders of the Masonic Temple Craft of McCook Nebraska will be held in the City of McCook Nebraska on Monday January 4th 1909 at 2 oclock P M in the club rooms of the McCook Commer cial club at which meeting the board of directors will be elected and such other business transacted as may properly come before the stockholders Signed Lon Cone Secrotary A Beet Sugar Club Culbertson has organized a beet sugar club whose purpose is to encourage the planting of a sufficient acreage of land to sugar beets to secure the location of a factory at that point It is stated that a company has agreed to build the factory when sufficient land is guaran teed to make the factory profitable Will Press Thursday Fridays issue of The Tribune will go to press this week on Thursday after noon Advertisers and all others inter ested will kindly take notice Office will be closed Christmas day Bring in the news and your advertising early Water Bonds Registered Water bonds of the city of McCook amounting to 85000 were registered yesterday by the state auditor The bonds mature in twenty years optional after five years and draw 6 per cent interest Lincoln Journal Saturday Purvis Trosper Miss Malinda A Purvis and Mr Oscar F Trosper were married Dec 16th by O S Davis at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs W F Purvis in this county A Life Long Term The term of usefulness of a good watch is life long a constant reminder of the giver See our line Sutton the Jeweler Solid Gold Jewelry Elaborate patterns in brooches cuff links stick pins etc with a guarantee thats permanent Sutton Jeweler Have Leased Diamond Hall Mrs Viola Ballew and daughters have leased the Diamond hall which will undergo some changes at once Hay For Sale Choice Alfalfa hay S1000 a ton de livered 12-11-its Milton Clark Phone ash 1354 FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf McConnells Balsam cures coughs Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286 Shoes are almost one half less during Viersens Big Clearing Sale McAIillen has a complete line of bibles gift and popular copyright books Magner Stokes for Wrights Pure Buckwheat Flour Nothing better B B Smiley of Danbury has shipped in 2000 head of sheep for feeding this winter Take advantage of the Big Clearing Shoe Sale at Viersen Sons See their big ad for the figures Dont overlook games AH the good ones here L W McConnell Druggist Price can not be a reason for not giv ing somebody a camera for a gift this year We have them at all prices from 81 00 up L W McConnell Druggist The old folks prefer sensible gifts something thats of real use Hows a good hot water bottle You will find them at all prices here from 100 up L W McConnell Druggist Wanted Agents to sell Diazo the new disinfectant and deororizer kills diphtheria and typhoid bacilli guards the home from diseases and makes good pure air Good proposition and terri tory to hustlers Address W E Wil cox Riverton Neb Sales ivlgr for Neb - -v - Consider Credit Matters Quito a number of businessmen of the city met in the commercial club rooms last evening to consider business mat ters and plans for the ensuing year Both the cash system ahd judicious credit were pretty thoroughly discussed pro and con the weight of opinion being rather favorable to the extension of credit to those properly entitled to cred it in justifiable amount and on reasonable time Indiscriminate credit without limit as to amount or length of time was dis tinctly frowned upon and should be disoouraged by all businessmen worthy the name A committee cf three was appointed to draft plans under both systems and submit them for consideration at a fur ture meeting The Evolution of the Railroad Rev Thomas McClary of New York a Midland Bureau lecturer delivered an interesting and instructive lecture in the Methodist church Sunday evening before a well filled auditorium He effectively delineated the duty of the public the employe and the company each to the other and gave much in formation concerning the greatest factor in American progress the railroad Like Colonel Gearhart of the same bureau he had an unfilled date hence McCooks opportunity to hear him Monte Crlsto Hall Mrs Viola Ballew and the Peterson sisters are now in possession of the Dia mond hall on West B street and the name has been changed to the Monte Cristo hall which is now open to lease for lodge or order use as well as for special and social purposes Several important improvements are contem plated for the near future to add to the present convenience and utility of the hall Inquire at the Monte Cristo Cafe At St Albans Christmas The Holy Communion will be admin istered at St Albans Chrietmas morn ing at six oclock An offering will be taken for infirm clergymen and for widows and orphans of deceased clergy men On Sunday morning following Christ mas there will be morning prayers at eleven oclock A GIFT THAT INSURES LASTING PLEASURE KODAKS AND CAMERAS We have them suitable for the small boy or girl at very low coat as well as many expensive and elaborate ones for grown ups We also have all the accessories L W McConnell Druggist Reservoir and Ditch Project A big reservoir and ditch project iB contemplated in the valley of the Arick aree river 5 miles southwest of Haigler by Denver parties Which is making Haigler sit up and take notice District Court Adjourned The December term of district court adjourned Monday the case of the State of Nebraska versus Calvert being the concluding matter considered at the session ADDITIONAL RAILROAD Auditor Eldredge was at headquarters Monday Will -Norman of Oxford is the new crew caller at Akron George Hamburg of BenkelmanNeb visited McCook friends Friday last The B of R T cleared 40 which amount was presented a worthy brother in misfortune John Murray acting agent at Indian ola during the regulars vacation was at headquarters Sunday O E Pearson went down to Alma Monday morning to be a witness on a suit in which the company is a party Conductor S E Callen is entertain ing his moiher who arrived in the city a few days since and will remain during the winter Henry Gates has quit the service of the company here in the air department and has gone home to Republican City for over the holidays After first of the year he contemplates going to the Pacific coast country Brakeman W S Tomblinson has been transferred from the train service into the claim department and will in future act as assistant to Claim Agent Emerson Hanson whose jurisdiction has been extended over the Sterling di vision Mr and Mrs J O McArthur and little daughter leave on Wednesday morning for Chicago to spend the holi days with a sister of his The meeting will be a sort of a family reunion by surprise his mother and two Sisters from Milwaukee- joining them at Chi cago N 1 ittCoib MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA TUESDAY MORNING DECEMBER 22 1908 Strongheart This powerful play involving a strong story of race prejudice a typical sketch of modem college lifo and an impossible love story wns given a two night stand by a local company Thursday and Fri day evenings of last week with most satisfactory results to all concerned The opening night overtaxed the capac ity of the Menard opera house and Fri day evenings audience though less numerous was appreciative Of the stellar constellation Dr S C Beach as Strongheart was the bright particular star in a difficult role as well as director of the production jThe Misses Ethel and Gertrudo Morrissey were head liners in their re spective roles giving amateur renditions far beyond tho average or usual Billie Weidenhamer was deserved ly a popular favorite His action and vocabulary are both free and inspiriting Edward Williams a grind Frank Brady a freshman Reid McKenna a senior Thomas OConnell a junior Arthur Colfer a sport F L Wright somewhat bad Coy Burnett a sopho more George Campbell head coach all gave good accounts of themselves as indeed did all of the company down to and including the mere minor members of the cast The object of the production was to secure funds for the improvement of Calvary cemetery and the play was given under the patronage of Mrs Charles M Bailey and Mrs Adele Phelan the former being especially active and consistent in the great effort Dr S O Beach and the individual members of the company cannot have too much credit for the excellence of their work nor for tho sacrifices made during the weeks the play haB been iri preparation The orchestra under Harvey Snyder properly comes in for a full share of appreciation and praise The costuming etc when the ace re quired were rich and effective due in part to courtesies extended by different business men and others of our city to whom the promoters of the play are most grateful The undertaking of a play demanding such talent exhibits a laudable ambi tion and the measure of success achieved is most praiseworthy and commendable WORTHY GIFTS Ladies hand bags Candle holders Manicure goods Hair brushes Toilet sets Kodaks Games purfumes Stationery This list does not Traveling sets Mirrors Work boxes Pictures Toys Dolls Books begin to name all the varieties of desirable gifts Goods tobe found here will surprise you L W McConnell Druggist Church Announcement The Christmas services of the German Evangelical Lutheran congregation will be hald in the following order 730 p m Thursday childrens service at par sonage 607 5th street East 1000 a m Friday sermon in frame building of East Ward school 230 p m Satur day sermon in frame building of the East Ward school 1000 a m Sun day after Christmas sermon in frame building of East Ward school Was Going Some A careless chauffeur who was exceed ing the speed limit and then some killed three promising shoats for Martin Kennedy the other day several miles north of the city Martin can identify the chauffeur who was doinghe things 40 miles an hour The amusement cost Martin S10 anyhow Found a Ring A vountr man walking down Main street dropped in at Suttons where he found a superb line of rings and he soon found what he wanted You can too Cash Plus It is cash plus the goods and courte ous prompt service that places D C Marshs meat market easily in the first rank in its line Everything seasonable RED WILLOW Mrs Carson of Arkansas is visiting her mother Mrs Taylor Mr and Mrs Neel from Indianola visited at John Longneckers on Tues day Mr Smith is at home again Mrs Longneckec spent Tuesday of last week with Mrs Taylor and Mrs Carson Mr Black visited in the neighborhood the first of the week He and Mrs Carson are old settlers and had mush to talk about Mr Thomas says all the tramps are coming back Mr Churchfield and Mr Suitor and son are helping on Horace Taylors big new barn ribmtc Pianos at a Discount of 20 to 40 Per Cent When Lyon Healy of Chicago started in to rebuild their big estab lishment the entire piano trade of the United states wondorod what Lyon Healy could do with their vast col lection of fine instruments for these wera no cheap factory pianos but pianos of makes of tho highest reputa tion What Lyon Healy have done is to mark pianos hundreds of thorn at a discount of 20 to 40 per cent The re sponse upon the part of the publio is marvelous If you know the names of a good standard make of pianos and the prices always paid you will need no second invitation to write to Lyon Healy 10 Adams street Chicago for lists and terms For you can secure a genuine 8300 upright for 180 or other bargains in proportions Lyon Healy give their own guar antee with every one of these pianos Nothing like this opportunity has ever been given to music teachers students and music lovers heretofore DOES HE SHAVE HIMSELF If not he doubtless wishes he did and intends to do so soon Help him out in his good intentions by giving him a safety razor or shaving set for Christ mas You can not miss it on this be cause the Gillett Safety Razors we han dle are all guaranteed Many other goods also that every man needs in his shaving outfit L W McConnell Druggist Special Music Both Services Services in the Congregational church last Sunday morning and evening were featured by solos from Mrs H S Dun gan of Hastings a singer of power and feeling There were special Christmas athems by the choir and seasonable sermons by the pastor Mrs Dungan sang Home So Blest Abtj JBeu lah Land Hughes Ring Out Wild Bolls Gounod Christmas Observances The Sunday schools of the Methodist Congregational Baptist and Christian churches will hold their exercises on Christmas eve Thursday evening MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mr and Mrs G B Randel are visiting in Oklahoma Mrs Howard Perkins was a guest of Haigler friends last week J E Wyckoff of Danbury was a business visitor of the county seat Mon day Earl Ludwick arrived home Sunday night from his business trip of a few days to Chicago Mrs Hall and daughter Nora of our city visited H V Lord and family in Danbury last week George Beck formerly of our city but now of Omaha is now interested in the Pope Trunk and Laather Goods Co of that city P J Hickman of Bartley spent Fri day afternoon in the city on his way home from attending the corn exposi tion in Omaha Mrs H S Dungan who has been the guest of Mrs W H Dungan for the past ten days departed for her home in Hastings this morning Ernest Gross visited his sister in Haigler last week From there he and his niece went to Denver to spend Christmas with relatives Mrs H L Kennedy and Mrs Albert Barnett give a kensington to a large company of their lady friends this afternoon at the home of the former John M Gilchrist of Omaha who recently passed up the position of state accountant arrived in the city Friday on business connected with a guaranty company he represents Mr and Mrs C E Cone of Parsons Kansas arrived in the city last Friday night They have taken apartments at Mrs Matie Welles and expect to make this their home in future Tom ORourke left on 3 last Friday night for Denver on a visit to his sister He will then go to Columbus Ohio where he has a sick brother living He will return home shortly after the first of the year Mr and Mr3 Orval Cameron of McCook stopped in Benkelman the first of the week for a visit with Mr and Mrs T C Kimsey Mrs Camerons grandparents to California They are on their way icle Miss Cora Fisher a bookkeeper in the A V Pease drug store on the south side of the square has resigned her position effective January 1 Miss Fisher has been employed in this drug store for several years past She will go to her folks home who live near McCook Fairbury cor Lincoln Star Still We Grow ii I LI mini iiiOKl x NUMBER 31 Deposits December 3 1907 8184118 November 27 1903 15196025 Tho fact that wo Imvo not only held our business but prac tically doubled it with all competition indicates that the public mind has not lost sight of tho essential re quirements that mako a bank sound and safe Tho principles of conservative banking that have gov erned our development thus far will shape our future policy Grow with a growing progressive bank start an account today with The McCook National Bank P Walsh Pros C F Lolm Vice Pros C J OBrien Cashier directors P F McKonaa J J Longhran Lectured on Civic Righteousness Col G A Gearhart of New York lectured in the Baptist church Sunday evening on Civic Righteousness Through lack of time and opportunity in advertising the event the colonel did not have the large andience his magnifi cent address deserved Those who beard it are quite unstinted in their praise of his effort Col Gearhart is appearing under management of the Midland Bu reau of DesMoines Iowa Ho had been lecturing up the Imperial branch and had a lay over date hero which the Baptist foks sought to take advantage of See to Your Order or Lodge Card The Tribune has for some time been printing- a lodge and order directory free on the promise that the cards would be kept corrected as to facts officers etc by the several lodges and orders As we devote 810000 a year free to this purpose we expect those re ceiving the benefit to keep the cards corrected A glance at the directory reveals many errors and we must insist upon the proper officers bringing in the facts Otherwise we shall discontinue the cards which we find incorrect Look to your cards SUBSCRIPTIONS If you want to subscribe for or re new your subscriptions to any maga zine or paper published go to Barney Hofer the old reliable local dealer who will save you money Get wise to strangers and dont get stung like so many have the past year FOR SALE All new bowling alley double alley all hard wood maple Will sell cheap for cash or trade for stock Address F MEDEARIS Palisade Neb Free Entertainment The weary shopper will find our store an entertaining place presents for any member of the family can be selected from our splendid stock to suit your purse H P Sutton Just Arrived A new shipment of fancy suits for young men just received at Rozell Bargers They are dandies too The prices are reasonable They fit the purse and person Christmas and New Year Post Cards A pretty line at reasonable prices at The Tribune stationery department Also McCook city views greeting cards birthday cards and comics Thousands to choose from Gave a Piano He looked at our line and the prices convinced him that this was the place to buv H P Sutton Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell A handsome box of stylish stationery always make an acceptable gilt See what a magnificent stock we have for the holiday trade L W McConnell Druggist Patronize home industry by smoking Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and the Smoke 5 cent cigar H P Sutton is displaying a splendid line of watches durirg the holidays Monograms free Remember that jewelry bought at Suttons will be engraved free Big Clearing Sale of shoes at Viersens