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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1908)
i v V i IN TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR CORNER STONE LAYING November 7lh the Date Next Saturday WU1 Be Notable Event Saturday of next week November 7 ut two oclock m the corner stone of McCooks splendid Masonic building will bo laid by Grand Mas ter William A DoBord of Omaha and the Grand Lodge of Masons in Nebras ka That it will bo a notable event goes -without tho saying It will bo impress ive and imposing All neighboring Masonic lodges have been invited to participate All tho civic and fraternal societies in tho city have been invited to tako a place in the parade and witness tho cer emony Everyone is invited and will bo wel come at this cornor stone laying All expenses incident to tho laying of the corner stone will be paid by tho local Masonic lodge tho funds not coming out of the temple theater fund In the ovening McCook lodge will serve supper at 7 oclock and have a social ovening following All Masons in McCook and visiting brethren are invited to this celebration in honor of the grand lodge officers Financial Condition Inasmuch as C F Lehn has been circulating a false report in regard to the financial condition of school district number 51 which has worked a hard ship to the teacher in disposing of her warrants we deem it expedient and necessary to publish a true statement of the obligations of said district which can be verified by a little investigation Three Outstanding Teachers Warrants 4250 8 127 50 One Outstanding General War rant S100 100 Due on Bonds 148 7S Signed A M Benjamin Director August Wesch Treasurer A HINT TO AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS A good drug store is the best place to buy good photographic materials A competent druggist is by nature and training careful as to the quality of- the goods he sells Quality and freshness count in photographic supplies We look after this department very carefully and will guarantee the reliabil ity of everything in this line we supply It pays to have the kind of supplies you are sure to find here and it costs nothing extra to get them L W McConnell Druggist Park Stables Endangered John Fahrenbruck a youth of East McCook with a penchant for getting in to trouble set fire Tuesday afternoon to some hay and manure near the stables at the McCook Driving Park association grounds east of the city and barely missed burning down the entire string of stables His act and conduct were observed in time and per sons hurried to the place and extin guished the fire The water sprinkler was sent down and completed the work The Unique Prominence given by Dame Fashion to use of buttons for trimmings is one of the seasons very satisfactory features Made from the scraps of the dress they correspond perfectly They are not expensive and are very convenient to get at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos whoso per fect machine turns out the four proper sizes from 15c to 35c Made while you wait oftentimes Rev Earle Is Home Rev Earle of St Albans church is at home from an absence of two or three weeks and services will be held in the chapel Sunday next In the morning at 11 oclock sermon and the Holy Communion Evening prayers at 745 Cloaks and Skirts The successful styles of the season are in our lines Cloaks from 235 to 2500 Skirts from 200 to 1250 Alterations free The Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash values It Takes Cash to buy it but you have the satisfaction of knowing that you get what you want especially if you are looking for tho best How You are a good guesser D C Marsh is the boy Accounts Must Be Paid Having disposed of our dairy business toFlitcraft Clark all accounts due us must be paid within 30 days either in cash or by note ElKENBERRY CLAKK Hens Black Underwear for 50c a garment Mens all wool scarlet underwear 175 each grey ditto at same price Ribbed unions 100 to 250 each The Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash values Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell yr w Winter Chautauqua November 16 17 18 19 tho dates This is probably the only lecture and entertainment course McCook people will get to hoar this winter First night Monday Robley Male Quartet with Bayard E Robley imper sonator Second night Tuesday Mrs Guth rie Tongier lecturer Third night Wednesday Charles T Stalker orator and cartoonist Fourth night Thursday Sziskosky Entertainment Co in music readings and crayon work Five people A season ticket for the four attrac tions for 100 Single admission will be 35 cents Held in the Methodist church under auspices of the Epworth League Oberlin 11 McCook 0 Like last years game only in less degree the experience of last Saturday of tho McCook high school football eleven with the lusty Oberlin team was not to our liking Oberlin scored 11 points while a big fat goose egg was the best the locals could do The visit ors seemed to be too large a proposition for the home team which lacked weight and training An unseemly scrap between a local onlooker and an Oberliil player- in which some McCook players joined was a regrettable feature of the game FOR THE OFFICE END OF THE BUSINESS When office supplies are needed there is but one action to take come here for them We have just what you want and the price is right We handle typewriter ribbons carbon papers stenographers note books man uscript covers tracing papers type writer paper legal blanks rubber stamp pads rubber bands inks mucilages library pastes and everything in the line of office requisites L W McConnell Druggist A Brief Session The city fathers were in brief session Monday evening with all present but Councilman Morris Minutes of last session were approved There was considerable informal dis cussion of matters but the allowance of the following bills constituted the regular business transacted C E Eldred 1250 W T Clark 30 00 J D Hare 1500 Nebraska Telephone Co 2425 Drank Carbolic Acid Lulu daughter of J B Ellis who lives southwest of the city drank some carbolic acid Saturday last and her life was despaired of and was perhaps only saved by the circumstance that other ingredients were used with the acid to render it more drinkable It is stated the act was inspired by a parent al refusal to allow the daughter to at tend a neighborhood dance S S Rally Day Next Sunday Next Sunday will be rally day in the Congregational Sunday school and the children and parents are all arged to be present There will be a brief program by the little ones of the primary class a graduation exercise Black Silks Black Satin Ruadaine 29c Black China silk 27 inches wide 50c yd 36 inch black taffetta silk G9c 115 and 135 Black satin 55c Black Gloria silk 42 inches wide 100 yd The Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash values Majestic Ranges are made of malleable and charcoal iron so the- do not rust or corrode They are perfect bakers and fuel savers so you soon save the difference in price be tween them and a cheap stove McCook Hardware Co Only the Best Only the best is just good enough for - Jllc00R Congressman Norris will close Hawkins Wiinelm Wedding Miss Ida Wilhelm and Mr B HIIaw kins were united in marriage Wednes day October 2Sth 1908 Rev M B Carman officiating Wedding was per formed at the home of the brides par ents Mr and Mrs C G Wilhelm in Gerver precinct at five oclock in the CAMPAIGN HERE the campaign McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 30 1908 A Warm fleeting Tho Democrats held their first politi cal meeting of tho campaign in McCook last Friday evening in the Menard opera house Congressman Williams of Illinois was tho principal speaker of the ovening Fred W Asbton Democratic candidate for congress in tho Fifth dis trict also addressed the meeting Tho customary invitation to ask questions precipitated tho liveliest incident of tho ovening both speaker and questioner warming up to the situation to a pretty hot degree From tho Democratic point of view the meeting was satisfac tory entirely being well attended and enthusiastic The Democratic side was ably presented The speakers were in troduced by J W Jones Jr president of tho Bryan volunteers The high school band played on the street and in the house for the meeting SURPRISED CONGRESSMAN NORRIS McCook Friends and Admirers Run Special Train to Hast ings to Hear His Speech Tuesday Evening OVER A HUNDRED AND FIFTY FROM McCOOK This Number Is Swelled to Double That Number Between McCook and HastingsMcCook Band Adds to the man Norris Will Close Campaign in McCook Monday The chartering and running of a special train to Hastings on Tuesday by McCook admirers and political friends of Congressman Norris constituted -with all the attendant circumstances and inci dents the greatest demonstration of the campaign so far as south western Nebraska is concerned Its spontaneous power and over flowing enthusiasm were the more remarkable and gratifying when the brevity of time for preparation is taken into account Origina ting a few days before its consummation in a desire to surprise Con gressman Norris on the occasion of his speeeh in Hastings the idea quickly assumed popular proportions and arrangements were soon closed for a special chartered train to meet the demands of the enthusiasm aroused Tuesday morning at 930 oclock when the scheduled time had arrived for the special train to depart over one hundred and fifty persons had assembled at the depot together with the famous Mc Cook band to carry to Hastings greetings and enthusiasm and power to our honored and able townsman Congressman Norris At every station between here and Hastings the departing scenes were duplicated in larger or lesser degree the crowd being doubled in number and immeasurably augmented in enthusiasm At Holdrege a stop was made for dinner and a parade over two blocks long with the band in the van enlivened the situation there At the various points all along the line the train stopped to take on passengers and at many places the band played and the fact of Congressman Norris candidacy was made known in approved ways Each station was a repetition of the preceding in many partic ulars until Hastings was reached where the demonstration crystall ized info a parade the length of five city blocks and caused a mild sensation After supper the crowd filled the Kerr opera house to overflowing and Corigressmarf Norrlsunder the -added inspiration of the occasion delivered the political address of his life dealing with convincing power and clearness and with splendid logic and eloquence with the prominent issues of the present campaign It was the congressmans masterpiece It was a splendid tribute from a loyal townspeople WILL CLOSE in this city on Monday evening when his fellow townspeople will accord him an ovation and the congressman will deliver them a speeeh which will a fitting termination of a great campaign Details of most attract ive particulars are now being worked out ADDITIONAL RAILROAD Dispatcher Leroy Kleven went in to Omaha Wednesday night on No 6 on business Conductor John Morris has been visiting his home place in Illinois this week and Solliday was on 1 and G Carmoney had Sols run on 13 and 14 Engine 2003 recently from tho shops and fitted with one of the Koope stacks passed away at Trenton Tuesday night and was brought back for a fresh start Engine 1959 went out and took the train to Akron afternoon Only near relatives weie present A fine wedding supper follow ed the ceremony Quite a number cf useful presents were received by the young folks who will live on a farm near by the parental home ALL THE BEST SELLERS AND OTHERS Our book stock constantly reflects the latest and best in current literature Books are most suitable for all sorts of gift occasions and for such purposes or for your own reading make selections from our ample stock Special books wanted will be cheer fully ordered at any time L W McCoxnell Druggist Izzer Home made Bed Comforts large size plump weights soft and warm they are 1S5 200 225 250 and 300 Made by The Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash values The Fire Pot is the business end of a stove Garland the discriminating public that base burners have revolving fire pots es Marshs meat market And that is made to reflect the heat and not burn his motto and practice out Sold by McCook Hardware Co An Open Letter To the Citizens of McCook and Vicinity An opportunity has been offered to one and all purchasers of first class goods at the lowest possible prices ever given to buyers Our goods are all new and up-to-date We have an especially selected line of merchandise Our clo thing for men and boys are leaders in style and our ladies cloaks skirts suits and furs from our own Omaha factory are below anything ever priced in Mc Cook Our customers are our advertisers and friends who are purchasing winter sup plies from such unheard of prices as to compel our competitors to sit up and take notice Every knock is a boost We ask only a fair trial before buying Get our prices and we will count you as one of our advertisers The New Hub Stoke Diamonds Julius Stein Mgr Old Stand Main Ave Ladies Fur Cravats and 4 in hands are among the prettiest and most stylish of the seasons furs We show them in mink squirrel chin chilla and coney Fur scarfs with six tails 50c Largest line ever shown by us up to 12 50 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash values Benefit Dance by 0 E S The ladies of the Eastern Star are arranging details for a big benefit dance to be given Friday evening Nov 20 to raise funds for the Masonic temple theatre The best obtainable orchestra will be secured for the occasion which will be made a notable one Ballots Are Being Distributed The ballots for Red Willow county were printed and ready for distribution Tuesday and County Clerk Skalla has been distributing the same in the respec tive precincts Buggies and Harness at Very special prices If you are needing any thing it will pay you to buy now McCook Hardware Co 50 rtbmte Prizes Offered in Omaha Premium lists of the National Corn Expositon are out this week and will bo of more than ordinary interest to those interested in agriculture and also to tho business public Besides giving a complete list of premiums under the various classifica tions and the program for tho show to bo hold in Omaha December 9 to 19 tho program of G4 pageo and almost wholly without advertisements con tains letters from public men and authorities everywhere which show how firmly fixed is tho policy in tho states and nation to improve and increase the crops An idea of the premiums oirored ex hibitors from Nebraska may be gath ered from tho following list of premiums for corn wheat and oats Premium No 40 ten ears yellow dent corn first Perfection corn planter value 50 second Kingman disc culti vator value 35 third Twamloy seod corn tester value 25 fourth stool tank value 15 fifth set carpenter tools value S8 five next best 3 each ten next best 2 each Premium No 41 ten ears white dent corn first two rowcultivator value 50 second Deere three wheel lister value 35 third eighty rods field fence 25 fourth portable corn crib value 10 fifth rotary harrow attachment value 5 five next best 3 each ten next best 2 each Premium No 42 ton ears corn other than yellow and white dent first corn planter value 50 second Flying Swede cultivator value 50 third eighty rode woven wire fence value 25 fourth disc furrow opener value 10 fifth hog waterer value 5 five next best 3 each ton next best 2 each Premium No 112 best half bushel of wheat first Kentucky farm wagon value 100 second wind mill value 40 third 8 fourth 7 fifth G sixth Premium No 1G3 best half bushel of oats first auto driving wagon value 135 second wagon value S5 third 8 Nebraska boys and girls are offered premiums for all kinds of exhibits and among the prizes are the following for the young people of the eastern part of the state Premium No 2G2 ten ears of yellow corn hrst disc cultivator value 33 second pair Chinese Golden Pheasants value 15 third 5 Premium No 2G3 ten ears white corn first repeating slide pump gun value 38 second steel lawn swing value 18 The sweepstakes for juniors in the eastern part of the state will win the following prizes Ten ears of corn any color first top buggy 1 value 110 in the western part of the state are offered the following prizes ten ears yellow corn first gold watch value 40 second incubator value 15 third barrel of taroleum value 5 A top buggy worth 110 will also be given to the juniors in western Nebraska as a sweepstakes prize for the best ten ears of corn any color To Tribune Subscribers We have commenced mailing to all delinquent subscribers statements of account and expect prompt response It would save us considerable unneces sary expense and labor if those delin quent would call and prepay their sub scription and not wait for notices No paper will be continued to any subscrib er who owes for more than one full year Get the habit of paying for your home newspaper and paying for it in advance The Publisher FIVE REASONS FOR FALL PAINTING Settled weather No gnats or flies Better penetration Better drying weather No dampness or moisture For good results use Lincoln A P paint A McMillex Druggist COTTON ON INSIDE WOOL ON OUTSIDE That is the famous and popular Duo fold underwear No itching or scratching Rozell Barger sell them Finest thing on the market in union underclothes Removal I have changed my office quarters from the McNeely building over Mc Millens drug store to upstairs in the Citizens Bank building Entrance on B Dennisonj street west Dr W E McDivitt On the Night of Election The Ladies Aid society of the Chris tian church will serve hot coffee soup and sandwiches in what was formerly the B M barber shop on lower Main avenue election evening and night Prices right IF NUMBER 23 IF our rate of interest on diiosits is high enough IF our rate of interest on loans is low enough IF the accommodations wo afford are satisfactory IF our business is safely managed and wo think it is IF you are not already a customer then wo invite you to become one THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK A homo bank A growing bank P Vcsh President C F Lkii v V Pros C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J Loughran P F McKenna Exhibits Go to Omaha Free Baggage cars will bo furnished by tho railroads coming into Omaha to bring exhibits to tho National Corn Ex position freo of chargo and thoso who desirotosend exhibits will bo notified as to tho days these cars will bo carried by tho railroads This arrangement was announced Wednesday by the corn show manage ment which has had tho matter up with various railroads for some time Tho first railroad to agree to furnish tho cars was the Chicago Great West ern General Passenger Agent J P Elmer writing as follows Wo are permitted by law to movo exhibits for fairs and expositions and wo shall therefore take great pleasure in arranging baggage cars as you re quest Other railroads have been quick to follow and before the ond of tho week all roads are expected to furnish tho cars which means much to both exhibitors and the corn exposition The plan is to have cars at all county seats in the states which will exhibit at the show in Omaha Exhibitors need only express their corn wheat oats al falfa or other exhibits to tho nearest point where the baggage car stops to have the exhibits brought to Omaha without charge The exposition will furnish an attend ant with each baggage car who will be in charge from tho starting place of the car until it gets to Omaha seeing that the exhibits are properly handled This insures the exhibits arriving in Omaha in the best possible condition and in good time Entertain the Grand Matron The members of Eureka chapter No SG Order of the Eastern Star of our city received a profitable and pleasant otlieial visit and inspection from the grand matron last Friday evening There was a large attendance and very enjoyable time A fine 7 ocIock supper opened the festivities cf the evening Several initiations were afterwards car ried through in regular form The erand matrons work of inspection and exemplifications were prominent fea tures of the evening In fine Eureka chapter is more than pleased with the inspection and the incidents connected therewith Note Date of Address Slip Note the date on your address slip on The Tribune If you have not paid your subscription for 1903 kindly call at office or mail amount due No paper will be sent to those more than one year in arrears and such accounts after due notice and no response will be placed for collection Individual Pattern Lengths in dress goods are leaders with us from 1150 a suit down too 50 Nice thine to have an exclusive suit made un for for you personally See our extensive line The Thompson Dry Goods Co Actual cash values Sewing Machines at Special low prices 45 machine for 35 and 35 machine for 25 and one 30 mach ine for 15 McCook Hardware Co New Directoire Belts The new sash and girdle effects in silk and in satin at The ThompsDn Dry Goods Cos Actual cash values Everything In ittllllnery at reduced prices during the sale Clapps next week Be there at