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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1908)
V V ft i X w r TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR ORGANIZE A REPUBLICAN CLUB McCook Republicans a Little Slow But Will Make Good by Increas ed Activity The Republicans of tho city mot io the court room nt the court house Inst evening and completed tbo organiza tion of a Republican club Tbo club starts out with an initial membership of about two hundred which will be largely increased as the officers and committee get nround to see and secure the signatures of the large body of Re publicans in the city who have yet to bo approached on this subject which has for long been a matter of inquiry Charles E Emerson was chosen presi dent Lloyd Jennings secretary Tho club starts out with an amount of pent up energy and enthusiasm which will make things political go some and will result in a largo roto for Taft Norris Sheldon and tho entire state and county tickets Let every Republican promptly en roll himself and give his effort and en thusiasm to the cause It Is A Winner Tho next meeting of tho club will be held Saturday evening The regular meetings of next week will be held on Monday Wednesday Friday and Satur day at sight oclock Just Staples American and Simpson prints includ ing the new side bands and tho Hazel browns and Carminios 5c yd Best apron checked ginghams G c Best table oil cloth 15c Fine 3G inch black taffeta silk G9c Mens muleskin work gloves ISc pair Ditto solid calfskin 50c pair Yard wide muslin bleached and unbleached 5c yd Childrens ribbed fleeced union suits 25c each Ladies ditto 35c Fur scarfs with six tails 50c Mens stout blue overalls with bib and swing pockets 39c Jackets to match 39c Mens suits 5 00 to S1500 Peer less carpet warp 22c lb American A 16 oz 2 bu seamless grain bags 2lJc Fleischers German knitting yarn 25cr for skeins 15 styles mens fur i hats at 8150 Mens heavy blanket lined coats 100 to S250 Sheep lined with fur collar S3 00 Childs bearskin coats 225 Hoods to match 50c Leggins to match 100 Izzer home made bed comforts 1S5 to 300 Mens black fleeced underwear 50c each 1000 other items at equally compelling prices Yes its all for cash Money is what counts Join the procession of cash buyers always headed for our store The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Adjourned Meeting- of Club The McCook Commercial club held an adjourned session Tuesday evening to hear the report of the committee on bil liard table and to transact any other business that might with propriety come before them The committee announced that a creditable table can be secured with equipment for about 250 The purchase of the same is condi tioned on the club membership being increased accordingly It is expected to receive within a reasonable time at least fifty new applications for member ship in the club Four applications were favorably acted upon during the Bession and three or four times that number are in sight The hope is to increase this force for McCook s boost ing to at least one hundred and fifty A Soaking Rain In This Section Sunday night and Monday morning this section of Nebraska was visited by a soaking and much - needed rain amounting in this immediate vicinity to an inch and three quarters The pre cipitation at Cambridge is given at two inches At Wray Colorado the down pour amounted to four and a half inches The rain is of incalculable value to this portion of the state where rain has been needed for a long time for the fall grain and for fall plowing 0 r makes sizes of while you wait almost Bring in the scraps of your dress and our machine will do the rest 15c to 35c The Thompson D G Co Only the Best Only the best is just good enough for the discriminating public that patroniz es Marshs meat market And that is his motto and practice Furnished Rooms Modern in every respect West B street opposite Palmer house Phone black 358 J R Burke Prop Celery at Scotts At Pastime Theatre on Saturday matinee from 230 to 530 The Elephant in India To children under 12 5 cts Matine only October 24 mmmmmmmmmm Death Came To Her Relief Mrs Charles H Jacobs of Driftwood precinct passed away Sunday after an illness long and painful and hopeless Funeral servicos were held in the Bap tist church Monday afternoon con ducted by Rov A Wnrd of Chicago after which the remains wore laid to rest in Longview cemetery of this city Anna E wife of Charles II Jacobs was born in tho city of Cleveland Ohio April 15 1855 She was united in mar riage with Charles II Jacobs August 30 1872 and since that timo has lived in Red Willow county being one of tho earliest residents in Western Rod Wil low county She is survived by the husband and six children Mrs A T Myers and Mrs F L Barnes both of Culbertson Neb Roy S Jacobs of Denver Colo Keith Kenneth and Florence who are still at home All but Roy were present at tho funeral he not receiving his telegram in timo to be present The departed was a woman greatly beloved by all who knew her The be reaved husband and children have all that tender sympathy came bring to them in this groat sorrow and loss A CARD OF THANKS To my brother Odd Fellows Workmen to the W C T U Home club and to all kind friends Farm Loans Go to Johnson Rozell The Tribune all home print Lettuce at Scotts JtlcCoaft and and who assisted us with willing work and sym pathy we are most grateful C H Jacobs and Family RESOLUTIONS of respect Hall of McCook Lodge I O O P No 137 McCook Nebraska October 22 1908 Whereas it has pleased our Heavenly Father to remove from our midst tho wife of our worthy brother Charles H Jacobs of McCook Lodge I O O F No 137 Therefore be it resolved that in her death our brother has lost a worthy helpmate a devoted wife and his chil dren a lovingmother and truo counsel be community an upright citizen -U good neighbor And be it further Resolved that we extend our heart felt sympathy and condolence to our worthy brother and his family And be it further Resolved that a copy of these resolu tions be spread upon the records of the lodge and published in the McCook papers E H Doan Com A McMlLLEX The Artists Calendar will make a capital Christmas card especially when carrying a photograph that is of mutual interest to the one giving and the one receiving These make an inexpensive remem brance and are used much in place of Christmas cards If you want Artists Calendars kindly place your order at once as we cannot got them later L W McConnell Druggist Death of James Lawthers James Lawthers an early settler of Gerver precinct this county familiarly known as Uncle Jimmie passed to his long home on Monday of this week after an illness of some length The remains were laid to rest in Fairview cemetery in that precinct on Tuesday afternoon Deceased had lived to a ripe old age and was among tho early settlers of that part of Red Willow county Stopped the Pumps The high water seeped into the pump and boiler house Tuesday putting the pumps out of commission all day Tues day and most of the morning Wednes day The company had a full tank Monday night and the supply lasted up to Wednesday noon when the pumps were again started Under New Management Monday of this week A Davidson of Wymore the new lessee took charge of the Commercial hotel recently rented by him Dr and Mrs Z L Kay are occupying new office and residence quarters in the Walsh block It Takes Cash to buy it but you have the satisfaction of knowing that you get what you want especially if you are looking for the best How You are a good guesser D C Marsh is the bov Accounts Must Be Paid Having disposed of our dairy business to Flitcraft Clark all accounts due us must be paid within 30 days either in cash or by note ElKENBERRY CLARK For Rent A large new basement opposite Pal mer bouse1 J R Burke Death of Mrs C 0 Doing Mrs C O Doing died at her home in Stockville Sunday morning at two oclock after an illness of several months While her condition was considered dangerous and but little hopes were entertained for her recov ery death came unexpectedly to her friends and relatives Since the death of her little son less than two months ago Mrs Doing has boen failing rapidly She bad been at Bellwood where it was hoped that the change would be beneficial to her but after a change for the bettor her con dition became moresorious and she re turned home last week with but slight hopes for recovery Funeral services were held at the M E church Tuesday afternoon con ducted by Rev Scott assisted by Rev Hartman and interment was made in the Arbor cemetery at Stockville Her husband mother three sisters and three brothers survive her all of whom were present at the funeral Mabel Escher was born in Hutchi son Kansas July 5 1883 She moved to McCook with her parents in 1884 where she lived until 1905 when she moved to Stockville with her husband She was married to Charles Orr Doing at McCook June 18 19C3 One child was born to them who proceeded her to tho spirit land She died in Stock ville Sunday October 11 1908 The sincere and heartfelt sympathy of all is extended to the husband whoae cup of sorrow has been filled to over flowing The death of his little son but a short time ago together with the loss of his wife at this time makes the future seem dark and dreary and only time can dull the pain Stockville Faber Departed was a daughter of Mrs E A Escher of our city who has the sym pathy of many in her sadness Important Owing to a change of dato made by the state department the Farmers Institute and the Boys Corn Growing and the Girls Cooking and Sewing Contests will be held Saturday Octo ber 31 instead of Friday October 30 at McCook in the court room of the court house All the farmers and the boys and girls are urged to come Let us make this the greatest agricultural rally Red Willow county has ever known S Bolles Secretary of Farmers In stitute Claudia B Hatcher County Manager of the Boys and Girls con tests JUST TO SHOW YOU WOULD BE A PLEASURE The Premo a neat little camera we have recently added to our stock It is the superior and simplest of manipula tion in all its parts besides being fore most in range of work and certainty of results It is smaller and more compact than any other folding camera taking pic tures of equal size We have the various sizes also the Premo film packs plate adapters and tank developers L W McConnell Druggist Will Remodel at Once Mr and Mrs J I Lee will remodel their residence at 408 Main avenue now occupied by Dr Beach The building will be converted into a hospital with accommodations for twelve beds and will be ready for use about November 15 COTTON ON INSIDE WOOL ON OUTSIDE That is the famousand popular Duo fold underwear No i t c h i n g or scratching Rozell Barger sell them Finest thing on the market in union underclothes Make Your Own House Buy one of our Cement Block Ma chines and make your own blocks this winter For information write Beebo Cement Paving Co 1023 New York Life Bldg Omaha Nebr 10 23 4 Not a Smell Here McCook provided several citizens among thoso filing for land in the recent South Dakota land raille but nothing doing in the drawing Cranberries at Scotts ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Miss Mary Fitzgerald of tho Mc Cook National bank is visitiug Lincoln friends Rev G B Hawkes of the McCook church and Rev Bickford of the Strat i ton church departed from here Monday to attend the state meeting of Congre gational churches in Seward Nebraska Mr and Mrs Roy Lafferty re ceived a visit from the stork Wednes day afternoon nt the home at her parents Mr and Mrs W H Smith of North McCook A 7 pound boy All interested happy and doing well THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING DAY Mr and Mrs J C Predmore Celebrated me SameLast Saturday Evening- Mr and Mrs J C Predmoro of our city celebrated their golden wedding last Saturday evening that dato mark ing tho fiftieth anniversary of their marriage Of their five children throe were present on this happy and un common occasion G W Predmoro Mrs C G Coglizer and Mrs George Nicholson The other children live elsewhere J C Predmore Jr in Ru pert Idaho and Mrs Oliver Reos in Carlton Nebraska Almost three score relatives old friends and near neighbors were present and participated in the celebration Their many friends served a fine supper and made merry tho happy oc casion Many useful presents wero given among them being a purse containing 830 in gold E S Howell acted graci ously and cleverly in his presentation speech Winter Chautauqua November 16 17 18 19 the dates This is probably the only lecture nd entertainment course McCook people will get to hear this winter First night Monday Robley Male Quartet with Bayard E Robley imper sonator Second night Tuesday Mrs Guth rie Tongier lecturer Third night Wednesday Charles T Stalker orator and cartoonist Fourth night Thursday Sziskosky Entertainment Co in music readings and crayon work Five people A season ticket for the four attrac tions for 100 Single admission will be 35 cents Hold in the Methodist church under auspices of the Epworth League League Sunset Service A thoroughly pleasant time was pro vided about forty of the elderly people of the city Thursday afternoon by the members of the Epworth League The church parlor was decorated in autumn leaves and with flowers in appropriate J colors and mannor After enjoying a social hour and fine program the old folks were ushered to the dining room where a bountiful supper was spread the tables being decorated in carnations and autumn leaves Tho more feeble guests were conveyed to and from the church in carriages It was a tender happy thought and sentiment sweetly executed White Cotton Plush Blankets The best cotton blankets ever obtain ed by us for any price are now in stock They look just like a 1000 fine wool blanket are thick soft large bound with silk with pink or blue borders the ordinary price for such royal blankets is not less than 350 Our price for 11 quarter size is 235 and for 12 quarter 275 Our blanket line is superb all the way through from 75c to 875 a pair Large heavy all-pure-wool ones for 500 a pair The Thomp son Dry Goods Co Actual cash values Majestic Ranges ae made of malleable and charcoal iron so they do not rust or corrode They are perfect bakers and fuel savers so you soon save tho difference in price be tween them and a cheap stove McCook Hardware Co Tribune Is All Printed in McCook You will find local or county news of interest on each of the eight pages of this paper every week It is all printed at home No patent print Read all Sewing Machines at special low prices 45 machine for 35 and 35 machine for 25 and one 30 machine for 15 McCook Hardware Co COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report Winslow C Wells 21 and Blanche V Crandall 22 both of Fairmont Married Oct loth by County Judge Moore Henry J Weskamp 27 and Mabel Williams 20 both of Indianola Mar ried Oct 15th by County Judge Moore Elmer J Lumpkin 22 and Rena M Redden 26 both of Catherine Mar ried Oct 16th by County Judge Moore John Tenis 24 and Catherine Kee gan 19 both of Indianola Leslie F Jones 21 and Mary Bush 18 both of McCook Married Oct 17th by County Judge Moore Charles B Masters 25 Indianola and Mary Ann Downs 25 McCook Married Oct 21st by County Judge Judge Moore David D Mitchell 23 and Minnie Victoria Westman 20 both of Palisade Married Oct 21st by County Judge Moore McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 23 1908 Farmers Institute October 31 The Tribune asks for tho Farmers Institute to be held in tho room of the county court bouso Saturday October 31st the liveliest interest on tho part of the farmers and businessmen of Red Willow county In tho first place observo that tho dato haB been changed to Octobor 31st In connection with tho Farmers In stitute which is moro directly under the charge of Stephen Boiler Sr of Box Elder there will bo hold at the same time a Boys Corn Growing and Girls Cooking and Sowing contest with County Superintendent Claudia B Hat cher in charge The state fair exhibit of Red Willow county in tho corn lino will bo hare All tho corn that goes into tho contest at Omaha will bo on exhibition here Secretary Bolles says it will be the best ever seen in Red Willow county Corn will bo graded during this con test Premiums will be given for different varietiey of corn and for tho best corn of any variets not less than ten ears to bo shown It is tho hope of Secretary Bolles and Superintendent Hatcher that this shall be a regular and rousing agricultural rally day for Red Willow couuty Put your shoulder to tho wheel and push BOOST For 1909 Log Rolling1 At the regular session of tho local M W A camp laBt evening it was decid ed to consolidate the log rolling commit tee with the rustling committee which now comprises the following members S E Howell P J Morrisoy Geo S Scott C A DeLoy H H Evans J M Smith S J Warner I M Smith R H Shriner Fred Schlagel II A Hamilton Julius Kunert Thos Rowell W C Allison Dr S C Beach Even at this early dato the committee is getting busy and plans are being per fected for another entertainment in tbo near future If determination counts for anything tho success of the log-rolling next August is assured Play His Tribe Increase Mr At G Tarrill celebrated his ar rival here this week by buying out right 500 worth of stock in the Ma sonic temple opera house enterprise Mr Terrill lives in Mexico McCook has several wealthy citizens who might do themselves credit and tho city a great help by doing likewise It is needed Their Sixty Fourth Anniversary October 3 1st Mr and Mrs William Weygint will celebrate the sixty fourth anniversary of their marriage A num ber of friends will meet with them on this occasion to spend the evening and to congratulate this sweet old couple who have traveled for approaching three quarters of a century along the journey of life Republican River High Water in the Republican river was unusually high Tuesday tho result of extremely heavy rains at the headwaters of the Republican and up on upper stretches of the Frenchman At Wray Colo the precipitation was 4i inches Monday evening and 3 inches at Wauneta Both Cases Remanded Both of the saloon cases of Carman versus Clyde and Johnson came up in supreme court this week and the de cision of the district court of Red Wil low county was reversed and the cases were both remanded back for retrial with instructions IF YOU WANT SOME EXCEPTIONALLY FINE WALL PAPER hurry to our remnant sale Theres a lot now but once seen they wont last long L W McConnell Druggist Satin Hessaiines Theres more style in one yard of Satin Messaline with its beautiful soft lustrous sheen than in any other silk The most stylish silk of the season 27 inches wide 100 yd The Thompson Drv Goods Co Actual cash valuas A P Bodwells Duroc Sale Lebanon Neb Oct 30 2 p m Pigs of royal breeding conformation and individuality Good enough to head a registered herd Write for catalog Buggies and Harness at very special prices Is you are needing anything it will pay you to buy now at McCook Hardware Cos Frost Monday Night A frost Monday night followed the rains of Sunday night and Monday morning 5 Room Cottage for Rent for 1250 on B St and 2nd St East Inquire at The Thompson Dry Goods Co White grapes at Scotts Jtf4gmmti 1 rn NUMBER 22 Here to Stay Wo have just entored tho sec ond year of the life of this institu tion and wo oxpect to bo horo in tho banking business for years to come Wo aro a fixture hero and tako this opportunity of express ing to tho peoplo our appreciation of tho confidence and good will manifested We osk for a contin uance of tho same and will try by strictly adhering to common sense business rules to be worthy of the patronago of tho pooplo Wo will never say to a man or woman be they patrons or not when applying for a loan that it will bo contingent upon tho elec tion of any presidential candidate Wo will mako loans to any worthy applicant when good and sufficient security is givon regard less of tho outcome of any presi dential election and wo dont be lievo the pooplo of this community will endorse tho courso of aDy business man who imposes such conditions THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKcnna I Complimentary to Judge Norris In compliment to our fellow-townsman Congressman Norris n special train has been chartered by McCoo k admirers who will go to Hastings on Tuesday next to hear tho judge spoak in the opora house on tho evening of that day Tho special train will leave hero about nine oclock in the morning and will depart from Hastings immediately after the speech at night Besides 100 or more boosters and friends from all along tho line will join tho special Enthusiasm will just leak out BETTER GO Dr Logan Retires Dr J Elsie Logan has retired from the practice of medicine in our city on account of her health being impaired and will for the present go east on a visit The doctor built up a very sat isfactory practice during her residence in the city and may return again if her health warrants such action She i3 more than pleased with her reception and the go of the city Hospital Accommodations Dr S C Beach is planning to give McCook and this section of state hospit al accommodations and facilities His plans contemplate a remodeling of hi3 present home on North Main avenue Provision will be made for two wards seven beds in the male and three in the female ward The hospital is to be op en to the practice of all physicians of the city FIVE REASONS FOR FALL PAINTING Settled weather No gnats or flies Better penetration Better drying weather No dampness or moisture For good results use Lincoln A P paint A McMillen Druggist Quarantined Out of Home Congressman Norris returned home end-of-week but his stay was shortened by a case of diphtheria developing in the person of his daughter Marion of a mild type The family being quaran tined the judge has resumed his cam paigning vigorously over his own dis trict His labors hitherto have been in other districts and other states Corner Stone Laying Nov r The brick work on the Masonic temple-opera house is now being vigorously pushed and the date for laying the corner stone has bean put at Nov 7 at which time the ceremonies will be con ducted by the Nebraska grand lodge The Fire Pot is the business end of a stove Garland base burners have revolving fire pots made to reflect the heat and not burn out Sold bv McCook Hardware Co Ladles Bleached Union Suits 50c to 123 at The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Apples of all kinds at Scotts