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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1908)
KYYYTYYYYYYY TYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTTYTrTTTTTTTTTTTM Democratic Department BY YOUR WORKS ARE YE KNOWN The recent accession of Congress man Norrls to the growing Anti- Can non ranks speaks in no uncertain way oE the party expediency and the time serving tendencies o the man who lias three times voted to make Joseph Cannon the second man in authority in the United States In a published statement for Nebras ka consumption he says he is opposed alike to Cannon and to the rules which makes Cannon a dangerous arrogant autocrat Cannon is an old man he has been in Congress nearly forty years he is a past master in the art retrogression He is of republican chief of th eair brake department and grand sachram in the Order of Stand Pat For forty years he has heard the cry of the people for reform and gave them no heed For forty years he has stubbornly stood when he could not lead in the light ot progress aim blocked the way to better things and when permitted to lead he has deliver ed his followers into the hands of corporate greed special interests and favored trusts Through all this time his rule of conduct has been akin to the laws of the Medes and Persians unchange able and unchanged Knowing this sitting at elbows with it hearing it from the very stones in the streets of Washington Congressman Norris voted to make Cannon speaker in 1903 That was his first term and might have been overlooked upon the plea of inexperience and stage fright But two years later he sinned again and with greater light Cannon was the same national blunder swinging the same red light across the way and singing the same old siren song to the pilgrims at Washington that he had been for more than a generation Two years later Mr Norris having been for the third term chosen to mis represent the people of the Fifth Ne braska dictrict bent his suppliant knee before the speakers chair and voted to continue his intolerable rule Not that alone he voted to create and rati fy the rules of which he now com plains and made it thereby possible for the speaker to absolutely control the greatest body of men on earth throttle their every effort to be free and make them the sport of his fancy and his whims Then the cock crew and Mr Norris waked up He heard the rolling of the thunders and the coming of the storm and he ducked to the bomb proof From it he issued his appeal to the voters and asks for an im munity bath He does not apologize for nor ex plain the past yet the very conditions he now professes to deplore he voted for three times advisedly knowingly with prepense purpose to create and then as if the burden of his folly and cowardice had not rested hard enough upon the backs of his patient constit uency he gave his voice and his favor to a gag rule for the house of repre sentatives so that the hopes and as pirations and welfare of a great a free and an honest people might be strangled at its portals Cannon was the same Cannon two four and six years ago as he is today He has learned nothing forgotten nothing It is as meet for Norris to vote for him nowT as then Ethically Norris did not make Cannon unspeak ably bad but knowing he three times voted to make him practically harm ful and now has not the saving grace of a penitent to own his wrong What faith can voters have in the man who has three times betrayed their trust that he will not a fourth time for the promise of a good place on committees again commit the Can non blunder There is but one certain way of de feating Cannons re election as speak er Elect a democratic congress There is no better place to commence than by putting Senator Ashton in the place of the opportunist and trim mer who disclaims his own offspring and proclaims against his own acts Every Democrat and Populist ought to apply the rule laid down by Senator Beveridge when here He stated that Mr Bryan was an intimate personal friend and that he was one of the beat men he ever knew yet he was not the man for President measured by Beve ridge standard There have been ap peals made in the past and no doubt will be this year to Democrats and Populists to support Norris for the reason that he is a nice fellow and a citizen of our county It might be worthy of consideration if they the Re publicans would apply that rule in the state by supporting Mr Bryan for the Presidency who has done more for Ne braska than a regiment of Norrises could do from beginning to the end of time Conducted by the Democratic Committee VOLUNTEERS MEET The Bryan and Kern Volun teers meet in the Diamond hall at eight oclock every Saturday evening Second Street west SAYS GOD MADE THE TRUSTS Senator Dolliver Declares Creator will Regulate Monopolies Reno Nevada Oct 1G Senator Dol liver of Iowa declared last night before an audience here that God made the trusts not man and that God would be responsible for their regulation Trusts are governed not by any statute but by the laws of God made for the protection of His own people he declared The laws of God are equal to the task of regulating the growth of the trusts Citing the law of maximum con sumption Senator Dolliver said that it was to the interest of the trusts to make prices low so that consumption would increase that postage stamp revenue increased in proportion as the price of stamps was reduced by law that sugar sales increased and the profits thereof with the reduction of the price and fell with its advance The sugar trust he said is in the hands of the Author of the universe Dolliver Says the Almighty Made the Trusts Granite City 111 Oct 10 William J Bryan got a rousing reception in this factory town when his special train pulled into the station The dem ocratic candidate had been made ac quainted with the fact that a number of the factories at this place were closed down while several others were working only one third time and he used this as a basis for an exposition of the democratic platform with re spect to labor He declared that con verts were not made by speeches so much as by events and he said a speech can only draw lessons from events a speech can only point out the connection between cause and ef fect The republican argument he con tended did not attempt to show any relation between cause and effect The republicans he said simply talk upon an incident taken hold of magnified and claim credit for it if it is good and if it be bad they throw the responsibility on the Almighty Within the last few days the coun try has had an illustration of that Mr Taft went out to talk to the farm ers He told them that they were prosperous and their prosperity he said was due to the republican party Now everybody knows that there are but two sources of a farmers prosper ity One is good crops and the other good prices and when Mr Taft assum ed that the republican party was re sponsible for the farmers prosperity he assumed that the republican party was responsible for the good crops He gave the republican party credit where God was entitled to credit and now conies Senator Dolliver who says that God made the trusts and must be relied upon to regulate them Mr Bryan asserted that Senator Dol liver and Mr Taft had gotten things turned around God he said is responsible for the good crops and the republican party is responsible for the trusts but Mr Taft attempted to rob the Almigthy of the credit for the good crops and Senator Dolliver attempted to blame the Almighty for the trusts that have grown up under republican rule Now I only use this to illustrate what I have often said that there is no logic in republican argument The citizens of McCook need not hesitate in giving their support to Mr Ashton for congress for the reason that his election would delay progress in the erection of the new Federal build ing Mr Ashton will be as deeply in terested in promoting the development of McCook and will have as much in fluence in the event of the election of a republican congress for the reason that he has pledged himself to oppose Cannon re election as speaker which places him outside of the zone of in fluence for anything Ex Postmaster General Heath says I believe the prohibition party will pull Ohio and Indiana through for the republicans Now Mr Prohi bitionist you see the republican party is looking to you to help pull their candidates through by casting your vote for Chafin instead of for Bryan and in some other states they expect the same help from the socialists what will you do cast your vote for your party candidate and elect Taft and the trust ruling power or vote for Bryan and the interests of the common peo ple Democratic National Ticket For President WILLIAM J BRYAN of Nebraska For Vice President JOHN V KERN of lndinna Democratic State Ticket For Governor Ashton C Shnllonbergor of Alma Lieutenant Governor E O Garrett of Fremont Secretary of State Dr A T Gntewood of Arapahoe State Auditor William B Price of Lincoln State Treasurer Clarence Mackey of Ansley Superintendent of Public Instruction N C Abbott of Tekamah Attorney General Harry B Fleharty of South Omaha Commissioner Public Lands Buildings E B Eastham of Broken Row Railroad Commissioner W II Cowgill of Holdrego Congressman oth District Fred W Ashton of Grand Island State Senator 29th District Cecil Matthews of Bnrtley State Representative Goth District J H Hoppe of Bartloy County Attorney Sidney Dodge of Marion The Bryan and Kern club meets every Saturday evening at 8oo oclock in Diamonds hall on 2nd Street West FAVORITISM IN TAXATION Why should railroad taxes in Ne braska be decreased at the same time that farm taxes are heavily increased For years the people of Nebraska have been fighting for justice in tax ation They have been fighting for such a tax system as will compel the big corporation to pay its just and fair share of taxes equally with the farmer and home owner The republican party and the pres ent Sheldon administration has taken its stand against the people on this issue The state taxes levied on the rail roads in Nebraska this year are 37 75455 less than last year The state taxes levied on other property this year are 1S291002 more than last year and almost every dollar of this increase falls on farm lands Why this flagrant favoritism to the railroads If farm lands are growing so much more valuable in Nebraska then and for the same reason the railroads are growing more valuable lor the farms increase in value only as they are cultivated more pro duce more corn and wheat and oats and cattle and hogs And practically every dollars worth of this increased production represents increased business for the railroads That means a greater earning capa city and it is out of earnings that divi dends are paid A vote for Sheldon and the repub lican state ticket is a vote to sanc tion this favoritism and to ask for some more of the same A vote for Shallenberger and the democratic state ticket is a vote in protest and in favor of a just system of taxation Why Not Guarantee Both A farmer sells a hundred dollars worth of stock or grain to his local dealer and gets a check for it He presents it to a national bank and gets in return a certificate of deposit The next day he sells a like amount but when he presents his check decides to take the amount in currency and the banker counts him out S10000 in the notes issued by the bank Next day the bank fails The farmer holds 200 of his obligations 10000 in the form of a certificate of deposit and the oth er 10000 in the form of bank notes The latter is good as gold but whether he will ever receive any portion of the former depends on the condition of the bank Why should the one be as good as gold and the other doubtful Simply because the bank notes are guaranteed by the government and the deposit is not Why should the one be guaranteed and not the other Why not guarantee both Reason Not Prejudice Should Guide Parties are indispensible and that each should have its leaders is inevi table The character of a party from time to time depends upon the char acter of its leaders If the leaders are controlled by sinister influences inimical to the interests of the peo ple the party for the time being will be controlled by such influences and a victory for that party is a victory for those influences The representa tives of those influences do not ask whether a candidate belongs to the party of Jackson or of Lincoln but merely whether he is friendly to the interests they represent The voter with no interest to serve but that of himself and his country should learn a lesson from them for they seldom make the mistake of roting for a can didate who is likely to thwart their purposes When they are lined up in favor of a particular candidate he may rest assured that it is because they have some guarantee that he will serve the interests they represent and then if ho is true to himself and to his country he will cast his vote against that candidate no matter by what party he is put forward Stand Patters in Control Tafts nomination was heralded as a victory for Roosevelt for the pro gressive element of the republican party In fact it was a victory for the stand patters The convention that nominated Taft also adopted a platform lie endorses not only the platform but the work of the conven tion While the convention showered boquets on Roosevelt it was careful to see that none of his progressive ideas were embodied in the platform By a vote of SG6 to 114 a plank declar ing for the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people was defeated A plank in favor of the publicity of campaign contributions was defeated by a vote of SS0 to 94 Senator LaFollettes proposition look ing toward the physical valuation of railroads was defeated by a vote of 917 to G3 As to the guarantee of bank deposits and the income tax the con vention maintained a cowardly silence There was not a progressive idea in the entire platform It is reactionary from beginning to end If the stand patters the spokesmen and agents of Wall street were able to dictate the platform do you imagine they would have permitted Tafts nomination had they considered him unfriendly A leading magazine says Long lease of power has made the real rulers of the republican party corrupt The republican party has had a long lease on the ruling power of our country and the real rulers will not listen to the cries of the reformers that spring up in their party Where then can you go for relief you may be a socialist prohibitionist or believe in the policies advocated by some other party but how can you hope for reform by cast ing your vote for any of these candi dates when you know they cannot be elected but that Bryan or Taft will be our next president How are you going to vote Are you satisfied with present conditions Do you think the trusts and monopolies ought to be allowed to rule our coun try Do you believe our billion dollar trusts infants ought to be protected with a Chinese wall If you do then vote for Taft and the republican can didates But if jou are not satisfied with the present trust ruling power if you believe our infant industries that sell their products in the markets of the world ought not to be protected by a Chinese wall then you cannot in justice to yourself and your children vote for the republican candidates Read the eight pages all home print NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court within and for Red Willow County Nebraska In the matter of the Estate of Eliza 31 Hamilton Deceased To the Creditors of said estate You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in McCook in said County on the 15th day of May A D 1909 at 1 oclock P M to receive and examine all caims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from the 13th day of November 19S and the time limited for the payment of debts is one year from said 13th day of No ember VMS Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 20th day of October VMS Seal J C Moore 10-23-1 County Judge NOTICE To Mabel Martin Non Rcsident Defendant You are hereby notified tlmton the second day of October 1D0S Crary J Martin plaintiff filed a petition against you in the District Court of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prayer of which arc to obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have willfully abandoned the plaintiff without good cause for a term of more than two years last past You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday the lGth day of November 1008 Dated this 2nd day of October 1903 Ckauv J Martin Plaintiff By Boyle it Eldred his Attorneys NOTICE In the county court of Red Willow county Nebraska To the creditors of and to all per sons interested in the estate of John Sutton de ceased You arc hereby notified that I will sit at the county court room in McCook in said county on the first day of May A D 190 at 9 ociock a m to exainiuo all claims and demands iileil against said estate with a view to their adjust ment and allowance On the same day at the hour of 1 oclock p m I will hear the application of Addie Iarviu ex ecutrix of said estate for final examination of her report as executrix and for her discharge from such trust The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six months from the 30th day of October A D 190 and any claim not preseuted on or before that time shall be forever barred Dated this 8th day of October A D 190S seal J C Mooke County Judge J E Kelley Attorney NOTICE OF SUIT James C Hammond Lilly N Hammond Ada A Hammond Mary E Dutton Roy Dnt ton Josephine M Hammond and Arden H Purvis defendants will take notice that on the 21st day of October A D 190S Milton II Hammond plaintiff filed a petition in the district court of Red Willow County Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to obtain a decree or judgment con firming the title to the undivided one sixth in terest each of the plaintiff and the defen dants James C Hammond Ada A Hammond Josephine M Hammond Mary E Dutton and Arden H Purvis under the will of James M Hammond deceased in and to the Southeast quarter of Section 11 Township Two 2 North of Eange Thirty 30Red Willow County Nebraska and for a partition of said real estate according to the respective rights of said parties or if the same cannot bo equit ably divided that said premi es be sold and the proceeds thereof divided between the parties according to their respective rights You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday November 30 1S0S Dated this 21st day of October A D 190S Milton H Hammond Plaintiff 10 234 By J E Kelley His Attorney BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nebraska C3Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Wator Works Ofllco in Post office building C H Boile C EEldked BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Digtunco Ione i Rooms 1 anrt 7 second lloor mi i m k Postofllco Building MClOOK NCD H P SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS PlcCOOK NEBRASKA liiY Updike Grain Co COAL Phone 169 S S GARVEY Mgr iMMdleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 McCook Nebraska We Cant Do It for what some others do your work for But We Can Do better which is more important to you as the lifo of your Shirts Collars Cuffs are lengthened by our process of laundering them LET US TRY A LOT FOR YOU McCook Steam Laundry Phone 35 jMMini3IHWnS - iiraMretiii WINTERI CALIFORNIA Go in October while the low colonist rates are in effect Daily through tourist sleepers via Denver scenic Colorado and Salt Lake Go ahead of the rush at the end of the month Secure an Irrigated Farm The best chances of the day in the Big Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley Gov ernment irrigated lands one tenth down remainder pro rata in ten years without interest Corporation irri gated lands equally cheap and favorable A paramount and ruling fact in this region is the never failing water supply Do not make your new home in any irrigated region without a full study of the water snpply Write D Clem Deaver General Agent Land Seek ers Information Bureau Omaha or D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb wsmfsmmsmssmsmm fcvvpvv viivvvYvvYVvwfiYvfFvvpvvki v vvvTv vvnvv V v vvvFvvvvFZ Our Regular Prices Seem I i Bargain Counter Figures i But the Goods Are All Fresh Clean and New McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pens and Plolders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands These Are a Few Items in Our Stationery Line THE TRIBUNE I Stationery Department jtfJWtit in 1 1I11V Jt lln n tfif1 t l if d I il Tif f t I W I Ki 1 w I J fl