The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 09, 1908, Image 4

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    - islgBiMHBBMMMBMiiiiMrai maw iimih iiijiimMMignmKssKSE3
moans a great deal to you as
a depositor In point of work
ing capital capital surplus
and undivided profits of 880
00000 The First National
Bank of McCook ranks first
among the banks of western
Our books are examined by
National Bank examiners un
der tho supervision of the
Comptroller of tho Currency
at least twice a year There
is no better security than tha
For Your
Thrift is a simple thing but
it means a great deal It is
tho foundation of financial
success and contentment
Save money and put it away
safely for a rainy day De
posit in
The First
of McCook Nebraska
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
For President
of Ohio
For Vice President
of New York
For Governor
Republican County Central Committee
The following are the Republican
county central committeemen and their
post office addresses
Alliance Sam Premer Bartlcy
Beaver Geo B Morgan Danbury
Bondvillc H N Colling Indianola
Box Elder W B Sexson Box Elder
Coleman John N Smith McCook
Danbury T F Gockley Danbury
Driftwood J H yade McCook
East Valley
Missouri Ridge
U G Etherton Bartlcy
C M Goben Indianola
C M Lofton Cedar Bluffs
M Benjamin McCook
E S Hill Indianola
J B Cummings Lebanon
John Deveny Indianola
North Valley Win Wight Bartley
Perry Chas HJacobs McCook
Red Willow F CSmith Indianola
Tyrouo L A Sheldon Lebanon
Valley Grange A D Johnston McCook
Willow Grove r O all at McCook
1st prcc 1st ward J F Cordeal
2nd prec 1st v ard W C Allison
1st prec 2nd ward H W Conover
2nd prec 2nd ward Scott Odell
Geo S Scott Uhairman
John F Cordeal Secretary
No feature of tho present political
campaign is of more Interest to the
voters and the people generally so far
as southwestern Nebraska is concerned
than the return of Hon G V Norris to
congress as the representative of the
fifth district
Judge Norris during his service in
the house of representatives has shown
that he possesses much ability of a high
order and has proven beyond question
the best and most able representative
the district has ever had His fearless
stand for the interests of the people
and his staunch support of the presi
dent as against the power of the speak
ers machine and corporate aggres
sion proves to us that we make no mis
take in choosing him to look after our
interests and demonstrates further
that now would be a poor time to try an
unknown untried substitute in the
national congress
Judge Norris has stood firmly and un
mistakably with President Roosevelt
on all administrations reform measures
and that ho stands high in tho esteem
of tho president haB been made known
in many ways That ho has proven
himself worthy of the trust reposed in
him is not doubted by anyono who is
familiar with his recorded and now we
should lay our politics asido Demo
crats Republicans Prohibitionists and
all and unite in voting for his return as
in so doing we are simply voting for our
own interests
There has been no question concern
ing the welfare of tho people of this
state before congress during the term of
Judge Norris service on which he has
hesitated to donne bis position and the
record shows that ho has always been
for the right and for the welfare of the
frcat mass of the common people as
against special interests
We should not at this time desire any
change when we know that we could
not possibly improve upon our present
service and there is every chance of a
new and unknown man proving a failure
as a legislative factor
A plain hardworking honest Amer
ican citizen Judge Norris comes to us
asking for our approval of his public
service and to those who are acquaint
ed with the record with his public and
private life which is above reproach
and who have noted his sterling integri
ty through all his official career no
guarantee is needed to prove to us that
ho will continuo to raako good as the
representative of all the people of the
Fifth Congressional District
With his extensive knowledge of the
nations affairs his keen sense of right
and justice and fairtiesg his comprehen
sive grasp of tho needs of the times and
his exceptional ability we can be sure
that no better man could be selected to
help carry on the legislative work which
has been so well begun and to which he
stands committed
To vote for a continuation of the
Roosevelt policies you must necessarily
vote for Hon George W Norris for con
Celery Scott
Foot balls at Hofers
Mango peppers Scott
McGonnell fills prescriptions
Bulk mixed pickles Scott
Everything in drugs McConnell
Hofer sells Red Dwarf ink pencils
Mary Harrisonnurse Phone black 286
Use McMillens liver granules and be
Kodaks and kodak supplies Mc
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tribune office
Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 225 per
box Hubers
Extreme homeliness and illimitable
dignity are as incompatible as Standard
oil and Teddy Roosevelt
Just arrived a fine lot of union un
derwear Call and see them
Rozell Barger
Keep No 13 liniment handy and avoid
needless suffering It is a magical relief
for sprains backache soreness etc
L W McConnell Druggist
If you want a screen that is superior
in every way to a factory made screen
and at the same price then leave your
order with C W Graves
For fall weddings or any other time
when you want to give something extra
nice for a present bear our pictures in
L W McConnell Druggist
Rozell Barger have them to suit
and fit you all We mean pants for
boys and men at prices from 2oc to
750 Prices and pants both attrac
Regular meeting W C T U will be
held at home of Mrs C H Boyle Oct
16th at 3 p m Topic Purity Mrs
Edker Burton leader All ladies are
cordiallv invited
A part of every mans business assets
is his reputation for being there with
the goods of selling good articles for
the money for selling dependable
merchandise in any department of trade
Havent you often heard this stated of
Marshs meats
If you are interested in the Westsend
25 cents in stamps for four late issues of
The Pacific Monthly containing fully
illustrated descriptive articles about dai
rying fruit growing poultry raising and
general farming conditions in Oregon
Washington and Idaho Pacific Month
ly Portland Orrgon
To Make Them Smart
Mr Pedagog is an oldtirae teacher
He believes in the rod to brighten up
dull boys
Well isnt that the natural -way to
make them smart
The Burned Church
Jim regarding damage to church by
fire Good job it wasnt a factory
Bill Bill Youre right mate Only
one man put out of work and he
draws his money Punch
The Rule of Three
Stella What is the rule of three
Bella That one ought to go home
New York Sun
asaggggaaya5gF -
- - I
Another Way Out of It
Nobodj had ever had reason to ac
cuse Abel Pond of being dishonest but
he was as sharp a man In a bargain
as could be found In the couuty When
tho building committee applied to him
for a site for the new library he was
ready to sell them a desirable lot but
not at their price
I couldnt feel to let It go under
SGOO he said with the mild obstinacy
that characterized all his dealings with
his fellow men It wouldnt be right
You ought to be willing to contrib
ute something for such an object said
the chairman of the committee If
Its worth six hundred why not let us
have it for Gve hundred and call it
youve given the other huudred
Mm no I couldnt do tlyit said
Sir Pond stroking his chin but I tell
you what I will do You give me seven
hundred for it and Ill make out a
check for a hundred and hand it over
to you sos you can head the list of
subscriptions with a good round sum
and kind of wake up folks to their
duty Youths Companion
A Real Apology
When the late Joel Chandlei Har
ris was an editor here among us said
an Atlantan I called on him one day
and found him very willing to correct
an error about me that crept luto his
We talked about newspaper contra
dictions public apologies and the like
and Uncle Remus took down a scrap
book and read me an apology that was
an apology Indeed It had happened
he said in a Transvaal paper Ill nev
er forget it 1 agreed with Mr Har
ris that it was the finest specimen of
the public apology and retraction ex
tant It aid
I the undersigned A C du Plessls
retract hereby everything I have said
against the innocent Jr G P Bezuiden
hout calling myself an infamous liar and
striking my mouth with tho exclamation
You mendacious mouth Wny do you lio
so I declare further that I know noth
ing against the character of Mr G P
Bezuidcnhout I call myself besides a
genuine liar of the first class
His Cough Cure
In my boyhood there came to our
town said a clergyman a gentle min
ister who the very first Sunday of his
incumbency stopped effectually his
coughing congregation
It was a congregation too singu
larly addicted to coughing Rattling
volleys of coughs run over it every few
minutes The minister indeed that
first Sunday could hardly make himself
heard He had rather a weak voice
Well after his sermon had proceed
ed for ten or twelve minutes now au
dible enough now drowned under great
waves of coughs he took a resolution
and when the next outbreak was at its
height he ceased preaching
At once the coughing ceased There
was a profound silence The minister
My friends said he it sems that
when I stop you stop
From that day in that church they
coughed no more
Queer Wedding Effigy
There is a curious custom still prev
alent in the Bellary district of India
in connection with the wedding cere
monies among certain Brahman fam
ilies Just prior to the close of the
feasting a hideous effigy of a male
figure fantastically robed in rags sup
posed to represent the bridegrooms fa
ther is carried along the streets in
procession under the shade of a sieve
adorned with tassels of onions and
margosa leaves Every few yards dur
ing the procession the feet of the effigy
have to be reverently washed and its
forehead decorated with a caste mark
by its living spouse the bridegrooms
mother The bridegrooms other fe
male relations have several mock at
tentions paid to them b3 the -women
of the brides party St James Ga
Restaurant Affiliation
The waiter in the light lunch cafe
looked expectantly at the first of flva
men who had just catered
Bring ie a coffee cake and a cup of
coffee ordered the Grst man
Ill take some milk biscuit and a
glass of milk said the second
Tea buns and a cup of tea please
remarked the third
A piece of cocoauut pie and a cup of
cocoa said the fourth
The waiter passed on to the fifth
Dont say it dont say it he plead
ed I know what you want You want
a slice of chocolate cake and a cup ol
No I do not protested thi filth
man I want a plate of ice cream and
a glass of ice water Judges Library
An Odd Legacy
Thomas Jefferson the founder of the
Jefferson family of actors was re
membered curiously in the will of
Weston who was himself an esteemed
member of Garricks company Wes
tons will contained this item
I have played under the manage
ment of Mr Jefferson at Richmond
and receivod from him every polite
ness I therefore leave him all my
stock of prudence it being the only
good quality I think he stands in need
Not So Blind
Miranda I want to ask you to mar
ry me and to tell me
Oh George this is so sudden
to tell me what date you and your
mother have decided on for our wed
ding Brooklyn Lift
Twas In the newspapr and all
the world now knows it is the motto
of a lending advertising agentv
The very truth hath a color from
the disposition of the utterer Eliot
Mrs J P Crousk is entertaining her
mother from Seward this atato
Miss Nina Tomlinson is Btudying
music under Prof Rees of Hastings
Mrs Mary Babcock arrived homo
Tuesday night from her Beatrice visit
C C IIaicless having recently trad
ed his city property haB moved to Strat
Dr Earl Vahlw as commenced the
construction of a modern residence on
North Main avenue
MissHattie Woolard returned from
Omaha early in tho week and resumed
her place in tho postoilice
Mr and Mrs C R Wood worth
have gone to his home in Milford Cen
ter Ohio on a vacation and visit
D M Dodge of North Bend Nob
iB assisting in Woodwoiths during tho
nbsenco of the proprietor in Ohio
Mrs Julius Kuxert was painfully
injured Wednesday morning by falling
down the cellarway at the residence
E J Brady is off on a months vaca
tion and Mrs II D Stewart is substi
tuting in the postoilice during his ab
Mrs T B Campbell arrived home
last Thursday night from Lincoln
where sho had been visiting hex daugh
ter Mrs E J Kates
Mr and Mrs D E Eikesberuy de
parted on No G Wednesday night for
Indiana on a business trip stopping on
their way in Illinois and Michigan
R Traphagen returned homo Sunday
night from seeing his aged and sick
mother in Illinois Sho was slightly
improved at tho time ho left for homo
Rev M B Carman O F Pearson
J W Chase J C Moore II II Berry
nnd II E Culbertson arrived home
from conference at Gothenburg Mon
Mrs E E Magee and Master Bruce
returned to Aurora Nebraska their
home last Saturday morning on No 2
after a short visit with McCook rela
Mrs S A Rowell arrived homp
last Friday morning from her absence
of much of tho summer visiting her
relatives in Iowa where she enjoyed a
rare time with her sisters and other rel
L H Ljndemann and Henry Boeh
ling departed5Wednesday morning on
No 2 for Texas where Mr Boehling
may select a farm in the panhandle
Mrs A R Clark left on No 1 Wed
nesday for Denver Colorado to visit
her son Ira for a few weeks From
there she will go on to their new home
in Texas
Mr and Mrs J B Meserve who
have been spending the past few weeks
in the city guest of their daughter Mrs
F M Kimmell departed on No 1 Tues
day for California where they will
spend the winter
J II Hammond of the Cambridge
Clarion came up to tho races last Sat
urday afternoon and paid his respects
at these newspaper headquarters Mr
Hammond has the credit of producing
one of tho valleys best weeklies
Mrs C W Taylor and the four
children arrived in the city last
Sunday night from their former
home in Lead City South Dakota
The family is now located in the Oyster
dwelling at comer of -Main avenue and
I street
A C Nettleton of Stockbridge
Mass visited in McCook Monday
Tuesday on his way home from visiting
in Salt Lake City Utah and points
west Mr Nettleton was one of the
early settlers of Western Red Willow
county He finds McCook greatly im
proved but many old faces absent
many strango ones in their places lie
briefly visited Mrs W S Fitch on tho
Driftwood while here
Womans Curiosity
Womans curiosity said Sir
Fletcher is a quality of mind beyond
human understanding
Yes said Mrs Fletcher What
made you thiuk of that
The fool actions of a woman that I
saw downtown today She followed a
man ten blocks just to get to read a
placard that was fastened to his back
She spotted him at Thirty fourth
street That was really the end of her
trip I made that out from sometlng
si said to another -woman who was
too fat to join in the chase but when
she caught sight of that flaming red
nosity got the better of her and she
set out after him He led her quite a
chase across town and downtown and
back again but she never weakened
She tagged faithfully along in his
wake and finally she got close enough
to read that notice
Mrs Fletcher reflected a moment
Wlur did it say she asked
It alod her to get her teeth pull
ed soSiEWfbere on Sixth avenue
Mrs Fletcher thought again
Where were you all the time she
was trying to find that out
Me said Fletcher Oh I was
following the woman I wanted to see
if she finally caught up with the man
New York Times
In the course of a few years the Doay
attains its full growth but the heart
may grow forever It is a pity that so
few hearts enjoy the privilege Albany
Tex News
For Sale Estato Oak heator prac
tically now
Mna George Willetts
For Sale Side board folding bod
and other household f urnituro Call at
II P Suttons or phono black 149
For Sale House nnd two lots 8900
Terms easy Inquire of Barger at the
clothing store
For Rent A good barn Inquiro of
Julius Kunurt
For Rent Four rooms furnished or
unfurnished after October 15th Mrs
S A Rowell
For Rest 5 room cottage also furn
ished rooms for light housekeeping
Mrs J I Lee phone 43
For Rent A new six room house
Phone red 259
Wanted Goon set of double driving
harness Call at this office
Wanted 1000 now subscribers to
The McCook Tribune at 8100 tho year
Wanted A place to do general house
work Phono red 249
Found Winchester repeating shot
gun Owner can have same by calling
at this office and paying for this notice
Found Silk glove Owner can have
same by paying for this notice
M i iCTTrtwjjr awr
East B Street
Millinery Sale
yf We have over 300
J beautifully trimmed
J hats for Misses and
C Children we offer
JC at great sacrifice
for three days only
October 1 5 16 and 17
Come earl and get
a good selection
McCook Markets
Merchants nnd dcaiors in McCook at
noon today Friduy nro paying tho fol
lowing pricea
Corn 5 72
Wheat 70
Oats 45
Ryo C5
Hogs 5 90
Butter good 20
Eggs 10
miJi in ii ii n
Save Money
You save money by blanketing
your horse with a famous 5A rforsa
Blanket He saves the cast of his
blanket on his lessened feed bill
5A Blankets are warm strong and
noted for length of wear Ask
your dealer for 5A
Duy a 5A Bias Girth for the Stable
Muy a 5 A Square for the Street
We Sell Them
Governor Sheldon
Nebraskas manly and pro
gressive 3oung executive will
speak on the issues of the
national campaign in
Menards Hall McCook
on the evening of
Tuesday October 13th
The governor represents the
Wests best progressive
square deal Republicanism
You Should Hear Him
ftiVt0TOrV QZSZlf
Scientific Cold
Tire Setter
The machine that sets your tires while
you wait and does the work right
If not satisfied your money will be re
funded We also do turning lathe
work and general biacksmithing
McCcok Nebraska
kv s b o ssfzib e st itvyi
in waif anrtrrtTwrmmtmmi