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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1907)
- y i i A r i If TWENTY SIXTH YEAR WEST NEBRASKA CONFERENCE One of the Best Attended Sessions Ever Held Closed Here Monday CONTINUED FHOM LABT WEEK Friday morning Rev G E Thomp son delivered an nddroaa on The Crisis of tho Soul after which the confer ence business was taken up Tho sec retary read the nikutes of yesterdays session and the ballot for delegates to the general conference taken yesterday was reported Thoro being no election another ballot was taken In all four ballots were taken and the following wero elected delegates L LI Shumate and G W Abbott Reserve delegates Allen Chamberlain and CC Wilson Tho work concerning tho Crowoll Homo for Superannuated Preachers was reported remarks being made by Bishop Warren and others The list of the superannuated preach ers of tho conference was called They are as follows J U Dorryborry R S Morre Joseph Buckley D F Roda baugh II II York O R Beeho and E J Robinson and Allen Bartloy Several constitutional questions wore voted on as follows Shall there bo bishops for separate races or languages Ayes 48 noes 13 Shall the representation in the gener al nnnfarannn hn nnH deleCate for not 11 WUU1V1WU4W - less than 25 nor more than 90 Ayes 17 nays 4G Shall the ratio be not less then 25 nor more than 75 Ayes 3G nays 9 Shall tho ratio be not less then 14 nor more then 60 Ayes 20 nayes38 Shall the presiding elders bo elected by ballot Ayes 19 nays 39 Shall a time limit to the pastorate be restored Ayes 19 nays 39 The various classes in the studies re quired by candidates for the ministry were called there examinations report ed and their credit and standing an nounced According to the rule of tue church each minister must pass five annual examinations in studies before Their examina his course is finished tions cover a large range of theological work Tho Omaha Hospital and Deaconess llome wero represented by tho matron Mrs A M McLaughlin Tho Lay conferenca has about GO members present Hon J A Slato of Minden presides with Prof J A Dal pII nf Lexineton secretary They elected as delegaes to the general- con ference F W Kiplinger of Holdrege and Dr V Lucas of North Piatt Re serve delegates A A Johnson of Ord and Dr E M Stewart of Imperial Tho services on Friday night were unique With the Bishop on tho plat form flanked by the pastor and tho Board of Trustees of the church the last evidence of indebtedness of the church was formally committeed to tho flames As this work was in pro gress the lights on the platform were turued off and a beautiful pnotograpn of tho actors in this ceremony was taken In place of Rev Dr Kynett of Phila delphia who should have spoken on Home Missions -and Church Exten sion but was not able to reach us Bishop Warren then delivered a power ful address His general theme was Home Missions but he discussed it in a manner very unusual and unusually striking Showing how all parts of the earth are bond together and how each part depends on others he describ ed in rraDhic language and impressive the American pictures the United States can nation as a great missionary agency It is a Government of and by and Fronch Revolution for the people The tion never could have unseated the old Bourbon incubus but for the example of the Revolution in America Some tell us there were excesses in the French movement So there were twenty eight hundred people lost their lives on tho guillotine But one hun dred thousand Huguenots were slaugh tered under Louis XIV The very ex cesses of the Revolutionists were less sanguinary than was the so called es tablished order There are fourteen inventions that as the world now is must go where ever man shall be Among them are the telegraph the telephone the sewing machine tho writing machine all of them products of American genius But that genius would have had but a nar row field for its activity but for educa tion which has lifted American labor higher then elsewhere Our to a plan laborers do far more then the laborers of other lands and of course he earns more His success is an evangel to the laborers less favored But aside from any influence this has on tho secular life of the other people is its suggestion What is the secret of of the question And sooner or Americas greatness later comes the answer America is the land where the church is free CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUB itlc00E Matters of Municipal Moment Regular session of tho city council held Monday evening with President of the Council Eldred in the chair and Councilmen Real and Gray City At torney McCarl and City Clerk Conovor present Minutes of previous meeting road and approved F B Robbins was granted a license to operate a bowling alley and his bond was approved Ordinance No 137 passod Becond read ing Bills as follows wore allowed Nebraska Telephone Co S 1G 50 Dnvis Ileuser Construction Co 300 00 Firo claims wero allowed each of tho following firemen C W Wimer Hurley Dye W C Al lison S B McLean G S Scott 3 R McCarl C A Leach John Wentz John Gaarde 1 N Biggs II W Conover Walter McCarty Albert Blatt E R Osborn Martin Osborn R M Douglass F M Berry L W Jennings M F Stoner E O Vahue Rolla Cathcart Frank Putnam Bruce Campbell Adjourned Fined for Assault Horse Jockey Wilson was fined by Police Judge Berry Monday night the sum of 81500 and costs total 81955 for striking a man by the name of Possom owner of a fast horse at the driving park grounds Monday and for threatening Possom with a knife Possom and Wil son had had trouble in Kansas before coming hero Possom alleging that Wil son had pulled his horse in a race thereby causing him to lose money in the sum of 85000 Wilson was attempt ing to get out of town on train No 1G when tho police arrested him the inci dent causing some little stir In de fault of paying his fine Wilson was placed in the county jail Home For Friendless Clerk Joel Piper of the state board of charities and corrections has returned from McCook where ho assisted tho county attorney in sending tho three children of Mr and Mrs Frank Boyd to to the home for the frieudless A fourth child is in the state institute for feeble minded at Beatrice but tho three sent to the home for the friendless appear to bo as bright as the average child Mr Piper says the mother is a weak minded invalid Mr Piper also arranged with the local authorities at McCook to send Katie Eckhardt to the industrial school for girls She is fifteen years old and incorrigible Lincoln Journal Death of Mrs John Kummer After a short illness with heart trouble Mrs John Kummer passed away iuonaay aiternoon au we iaiiu a few miles northeast of the city Fun eral services were held in tho Catholic church Tuesday morning at 10 oclock by Rev J J Loughran after which interment was made in Calvary ceme tery Tho bereaved husband and grown family have tho sympathy of all their neighbors and friends in their sorrow Genuine Texas Fever Near Dr WF Jones inspector in theTJ S Animal Industry Bureau ran onto a case of genuine Texas fever in a herd of cattle down in Cheyenne county Kan sas tho other day Thirty two head have already died and the owner stands to lose many more as the disease is very fatal This is the more remarkable be cause the herdjis 400 miles north of the quarantine line against Texas fever At The Races Did you see the Fairbanks Morse gasoline engine exhibited by McCook Hardware Co pump water for the fast horses You can pump your water and grind your feed this way and not de pend on the wind Are Thankfully Appreciative We the pastor and official board of the Methodist church hereby express our thanks to the good people of Mc Cook who so generously entertained the conference during the session here last week Motion For Rehearing Sustained City of McCook vs McAdams Motion of defendant to recall mandate and con sider motion for rehearing sustained briefs to be filed in two weeks Lincoln Journal Hoosler Sucker State Columola and Richmond Champion drills New Moline Birdsell and Bur Oak wa gons McCook Hardware Co Guaranteed Paints Yon can get a fully guaranteed paint The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc- Millens drug store How Can You Heat Your House more comfortably than with one of those Art Garland base burners at tho McCook Hardware Co The Mountaineer In a character new to the stage Chas H Colson the popular actor manager after many years visits to our city in dramatic enterprises to be tho producer of which always meant welcome and success in McCook will make his last appearance on the local stage tonight in a character which is new to the foot light Jeff Simmons in the play of which ho is the author The Mountain eer Mr Colson is too well and favorably known in this city to call for extended comment here but it is apt at this point to remind our readers his friends and admirers that it would be fitting to sig nalize his farewell tonight by an attend ance indicative of appreciation of his sincere and earnest endeavors in the past to give McCook nothing but tho best in his productions and tonights attraction will be a gem in tho mosaic of impersonations in which he will be long remembered here The Mountaineer deals with inci dents in a vendetta between two families in the mountains of Kentucky and in the unfolding of the plot and its surpris ing and unique climax Mr Colson has used the skill and ingenuity for which he is well known The story mingles hatred with love and pathos with com edy and holds the rapt attention of its auditors from the rise of the curtain un til its final fall and a treat is promised those who visit the opera house tonight Fall Purses and Ladies Bags Most people enjoy owning an attract ive and practical purse or pocket book We can now enable you to choose from a complete assortment of the latest styles Ladies hand bags wrist bags etc and gentlemens pocket books bill books and purses Fancy leather in the gilt and gan metal mountings and every thing that is new Those who choose first will have rare choice L W McConnell Druggist Aches aad Pains soon vanish under brisk rubbing with McConnells No 13 Liniment Very strong acts quickly Feeders for Sale D C Benedict Culbertson has 95 head of 3-year-old steers all good color all dehorned LOG ROLLING AND RACING MEET M W A and McCook Driving Park Association Entertain ing Big Crowds at Their Fall Events SOME GOOD RECORDS AT TRACK YESTERDAY Casta Nada Covers a Mile in 213 3 4 in the Free-for-AU Pace Wood men Honors Divided in This Mornings Events This After noons Races Deferred until 230 on Account of Rain THE LOG ROLLING The Woodmen opened their fall log rolling with a meeting of tho vice-presidents at tho McCook Commercial Club rooms at 930 in tho morning They as sembled at the city park at 945 where they wero entertained by a concert from tho Palisado band of an enjoyable char acter Congressman G W Norris of our city followed with an address which delighted his hearers There were re sponses by visiting neighbors and two further selections by the Palisade band which closed the morning session at tho park and brought them to the dinner hour After supper tho Palisade band played in the early part of the evening at the corner of Dennison and Main After which followed some of the street events of the gathering Tho Havolock team arrived on the scene last night The log rolling contest and loving cup were won by McCook in 21 seconds Beaver City and Palisade being the contestants There wero four entries for the wood chopping contest Donovan of Beaver City won first and 85 in 39 1 5 seconds Knosp of McCook second and a new axe in 41 2 5 seconds Blum of Alma and Woddell of Palisado were the con testants The exhibition drill by Havelock was a splendid sample of the Woodman drill Palisado won the tug of war which closed the Woodmen events The Beavor City Woodmen have a team at the iog rolling Thursday nights rain chilled the ardor and enthusiasm of the occasion for today but the program was carried out and tomorrow is expected to be tho greatest day of all THE RACING MEET The opening attendance at the fall meet of tho McCook Driving Park As sociation yesterday afternoon reached a thousand and every one of them was pleased highly pleased with tho races of the afternoon There wero three events and each one was worthwhile Tho two forty trot opened promptly on time 130 oclock Wilma B won first money Her best timo was 225 Catherine Kimmell came in for second The Christian third Nadino fourth There were seven starters in this race Tho free for all pace was a dinger tho best timo ever made on this track was recorded 213 pretty stiff pace for a half mile track The three heats were won in 215 213 -214 Casta Nada won first money Carter G was second College Maid third Ginger fourth The mile running race was won by Silver Leaf in tho best time of 1034 Baby Highland was second and Daisy Clark third Starter Frank James gave entire satis faction His work is gentlemanly firm and prompt The music of the Palisado and Mc Cook bands were well received Tho concerts by the home aggregation in the evening on xuain avenue uenguiuu a usual Their concert Thursday even ing during a drizzling rain was espec ially appreciated McCook has never seen a better bunch of horsemen One of the features of the week is the exhibit of farm produco displaypd on the Burlington platform It is the ex hibit which took prizes at the state fair recently and is attracting no small at tention from tho people visiting in the city this week and from those moving through in the trains Christian Church The revival meetings at the Christian church continue with excellent interest and will continue through next week Dr Thompson will leave Monday for Ox Bow where he will conduct a revival W H Applegate of Illinois will preach every night next week Several new members have been added to the church- SUNDAY SERVICE Bible school at 10 a m Preaching and communion at 11 a m The ser mon will be by Mr Applegate Sub ject Salt and Light At 330 pm Dr Thompson who in 1900 was an eye witness and took part in the Passion play will give a lecture on that play At eight oclock Dr Thompson will speak his closing words to the people Everybody is cordially invited to all these services Dental Announcement Dr Herbert J Pratt wishes the fact known that he is still practicing in the same office as formerly over the drug store A nice reception room for the comfort of patients has been added re cently Office stairway is between Mc Connells drus store and Merles bakery Teddy Bear Standard silver spoons at 25 cents a set we will have no more at this price Come in and get a set and then we will turn tho bear loose to the lucky one McCook Hardware Co For Sale Cheap The two story block now occupied by tho postoffice at Bartley Neb Title perfect Living rooms in second story Inquire of S J Rouse Bartley Neb Select Your Base Burner and engage your coal early generally sneakiner you will MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 2T 190T find hard coal the most economical and the Garland stove the best McCook Hardware Co sells them Grade Your Wheat with a Wonder or Hawkeye grader sold by McCook Hardware Co Three pecks of good seed is better than a bushel of all kinds and you sell the other peck A Fine Needed Rain Last Night This section of Nebraska was visited by a much needed soaking rain last night MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Greens clothing store Everything in drugs McConnell- Everybody works at Greens clothing store Fresh potato chips always on hand Magner Stokes Kodak supplies all kinds at Wood worth Cos Druggists Ilofers storo is headquarters fo souvenir letters and post cards Wo make specialty of fino toilot soaps Try them McMillen Druggist A few doses of McConnells Balsam will check tho early cold Price 25c Remember Ilofers is tho best place to buy stationory souvenirs novelties and post cards Get a quart bottle of Heinz puro malt vinegar a pure food product at Magner Stokes Stevo Wilson has added a splendid two 3eatod automobile to his livery barn equipment Try it Every day is bargain day at II S Godfrey Cos tho popular leaders in selling flour feed and hay Magner Stokes can supply you with Hoinz double strength pure cider vinegar In quart bottles If you want it done right and right away call up phone 68 R M Douglass Co office in Bump building If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business Paint your houses and barns with Patterson and Sargent paint tho best paint sold MCUOOK HARDWARE VJO You never miss a snap shop when you go loaded with fcour camera supplies They insure camera satisfaction L W McConnell Druggist R M Douglass Co draying in all its branches Call up phone 68 Call at office in Bump building lower Main avenue If you value a fair clear complexion nsfi McConnells Fracrant Lotion It is a sure protection against sunburn and tan 25c The children of the public schools were given a holiday today to enjoy the attractions of tho races and event The Congregational C E society will give an entertainment entitled Exher bition of tho Deestrick Skule in tho near future All persons are warned not to hunt on my farm in Valley Grange precinct un der penalty of the law E A Philliiui McCook is having a milch famine such as the oldest native cannot recall The butter and egg famine is not far be hind in severity School books tablets pencils and every other need of a student can be supplied at less cost by getting them at L W McConnells druggist Roughness of the skin chapped hands and face are quickly cured with Al mond and Cucumber cream 25 cents at Woodworth Cos Druggists A Chautaugua advance agent was looking over the ground here end of last week with the object of putting McCook in on their circuit next sum mer The Conrad llofman sale of horses cattle implements etc commences at ten oclock Monday September 30th Free lunch Usual terms Berry auc tioneer Franklin clerk Cyco postal cards and developing paper the kind that dont turn yellow Print at night easy to work If you have a kodak or camera try it For sale by Woodworth Cos Druggists A camera helps you to observe and think fills the hours with pleasure sights and experiences We have the best cameras made at tho lowest possi ble prices L W McConnell Druggist Sherwin Williams Family Paint sold by L W McConnell druggist is the greatest thing out for brightening up cupboards and a hundred and one things about the house These things should be nice and bright for the dark winter months Soap and water dont affect this paint If you are run down in body and dis pirited in mind you need a good stimu lant and blood builder Wyals Pepton ized Beef Iron and Wine is prepared for these especial purposes It is plea sant to take and one bottle produces wonderful results For sale by Wood worth Co Druggists VrSflfoJfj tocooh NUMBER 18 SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Red Willow County Sunday School Asso ciation Convenes at Bartley Red Willow County Sunday School association held a very successful satis factory and inspiring convention in tho M E church at Bartloy Tuosday and Wednesday of Inst week Tho follow ing program shows tho seopo of work covored PROGRAMME Tuesday Septemiieic 10 8 p m Sougsorvico Hov Hngoman Greeting Pros Mrs F M Kimmell Short report of Sunday school work of tho past sovonty flvo yours II MStoidloj Address Tho Boy God MudoII M Steidloy Hymn - Benediction Wednesday Seitemueu II it a m Song service Hov Hnwkc Scripture rending Mr Stilgeboucr Prayer Dcv Hawkes What Do You Think of Prizes far Good Work in the Sunday School Hov liowdino What Might bo Helpful to Any Sunday School Miss Mary Windhorst Solo Miss Hnth Wioho Juniors Why and How Mrs Green Organization of County Sunday Schools and How Divided Miss Hrnwu Address Tho Sunday School of Forty Years Ago and the Sunday School of To day II M Stoidlej Benediction II M SteidloY Wednesday Septemiier 11 230 p m Song service Hov Hawkcs Prayer Hov Bowdiuo and Mrs Drown Scripture Reading Hev Hawke Song A letter from Miss Haines A II Tirrill Business Meeting Solo Miss Flora Quick Tho Teachers Aim at Homo and at School Mrs Fisher Solo Miss Kuth Wicliu Class Organization Mrs F M Kimmell Childrens meeting Lesson of Flowers ami Lives Miss Drown Primary Standard Miss Drown Song Benediction Hev Hngeman The next session will bo held in In dianola next fall Tho officers for tho ensuing year are Mrs F M Kimmell McCook president MrsAFGreen McCoukvice presidont Mrs J W Wimer McCook superin tendent of home department Mrs Dun gan McCook superintendent of primary department Miss Flora B Quick In- diauola secretary and treasurer FirstREsoLVED That we express by a vote of this convention our earnest desire and purpose to labor more faithfully than over to bring our work in tho Sunday schools of Red Willow county up to a higher standard of perfection and as means to this end wo commend to all our schools the home department and cradle roll as very ossential to the accomplish ment of desired results Second That we express our appreci ation of tho faithful work done by our county officers the past year and that wo do hereby pledge ourselves to help them more in their work this year than over before Third That wo express to Miss Brown our sincere thanks for her part in mak ing this convention so helpful and prac tical and to Prof Steidley for the inspi ration and blessing ho has been to us and for the assistance of Miss Wieho and Miss Quick in tho musical part of the program Fourth Resolved That we the dele gates to the Sunday school convention of Red Willow county extend to the friends of Bartley our hearty apprecia tion of their cordiality and kind hospital ity and wo also thank the members and friends of the M E church for tho use of their building Mrs Green Mrs J W Wimer Mrs Bowdine Committee Selz Shoes On account of tho large demand for the celebrated Selz shoes wo have de cided to put in a full line of the make in addition to our regular lines which are giving such good satisfaction to all who buy their shoes at Diamonds Family Shoe Store on West Dennison street E E DeLone Sells an Interest Mrs Will Mitchell arrived from Lin coln Wednesday evening having recent ly purchased a half interest in the Bon Ton Mr Mitchell will join her from Lincoln later on A Handy Receipt Bock Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the Tribune office page for sale at The For Sale Thteo second hand heaters good as new L W McConnell druggist Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Prompt service in draying secured by calling up phone 63 Green will sell you a suit while you wait