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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1907)
J I K V I IA 1 JC ear TWENTY SIXTH YEAR V VHhue Harc Wedding Tluit was a very sweet and charming nuptial event at the home of Dr and Mrs John D ITaro last ooning when their daughter Hazel was happily unit ed in marriage with Dr Earl Orson Va line Rev George 13 Ilawkes of the Congregational church was the olliciat ing clergyman in the use of the impres sive ring ceremony which occurred at six oclock in the presence of only im mediate relatives of the families and a few friends Dr Robert II Gatowoid was bestman and Miss Edna Waito the bridesmaid The bride was demure and lovely in a chaste creation of point desprit over chifTon with taffeta dropskirt The out-of-town guests were Mr and Mrs Orsen G Vuhuo and Mr and Mrs Ray Vahuo of Allegan Michigan Mrs Shotwell of Atlanta Illinois the Misses Shotwell of Chicago Illinois Mr and Mrs Glen Condon of Wilcox Nebraska A wedding supper followed the cere mony to the nuptial party Mesdames Loroy Klovon Barney Ilofor and W F Jones serving A reception of elaborato plans ensued from 8 till 11 oclock Mrs W F Jones and Mrs II P Waito presided during the opening hour of this function and MrsWR Starr and Mrs Barney Ilofer during the closing hour Misses Elsie Campbell Ruth Wiehe Ethel Morris soy Viva Phelan and Hazel Merle as sisted Mrs Leroy Klovon and Miss Jean net to Dutton presided at the punch bowl The general color scheme in decora tions was white and green in dining room library etc In the latter the punch room there -was a real grape vino effect unique and delightful During the reception Mrs Shotwell entranced the guests with her vocal efforts singing Hearts Delight by Gilgrist and other kindred selections An orchestra also played the reception hours The array of gifts has perhaps never been equaled at a similar event in this city for richness beauty and numbers The happy young couple will for the present live under the parental Hare roof on north Main avenue Congressman Norris Is the Delegate The Republican county central com mittee met in McCook Saturday last and organized the committee for the fall campaign by the selection of S R Smith of Indianola as chairman with authority to name his own secretary A Barnett of McCook was chosen trea surer The committee indicated its unani mous confidence in the primary election law by passing without dissent a res olution endorsing the same Congressman Norris of our city was unanimously chosed as a delegate to the state convention All but three of tho 23 voting pre cincts were represented Dress Goods Our assortment is very large embrac ing 75 pieces of black goods representing every sort from voiles to broadcloths such as prunellas panamas batistes wool taffeta satin saliel serges henriot tas armures mohairs secillians merid ian cloth tricots shadow checks and many novelty weaves You are invited to inepect them The Thompson D G Co An Explanatory Word It is not the policy of The Tribune to force itself upon any subscriber nor to collect delinquent subscriptions by stress of law If you are delinquent it is the purpose to notify such of the fact and on failure to respond in reasonable time the name of the delinquent sub scriber will be removed from the list The price is so low for the paper that delinquency means loss No Hunting The undersigned will allow no hunt ingon their premises Parties found trespassing will be prosecuted Will Bi field Alfred Carter U K Bixler John Kuramer Tony Kummor and William Kummer 9 6 3ts Cold Climate Furs We offer Detroit furs confidant that they are superior for brightness and beauty of blend as well as for wear and style Be just to your purse and see our line The Thompson D G Co For Sale Cheap Tho two story block now occupied by the postoffice at Bartley Neb Title perfect Living rooms in second story Inquire of S J Rouse Bartley Neb How IS This Anyone bothered with kidney trouble or backache who takes one box of Dr Hobbs Sprague pills without obtaining relief will be given their money back Woodwobth Co Druggists For the Young People Dr J P Brushingham secretary of general conference commission on ag gressive evangolism is proaching every afternoon at tho Mothodist conference and conducting open air meetings each evening at G15 The services are meet ing with hearty response and are a prominent feature of the conference program There will bo a special young peoples rally of all denominations Sun day afternoon at 430 in tho Mothodist church Dr Brushingham will make a special plea for exalted manhood and womanhood to tho young people of Mc Cook 1 ho address will not bo sectar ian but patriotic and broadly christian All young people of the schools aro cor dially invited No one will be excluded but young people aro specially urged to be present Dr Brushingham has been vary successful in other cities in reach ing the young men and women Izzsr Batts The best comfort batt made on earth Contains 12 ouncos of good cotton that unrolls and opens out almost as easy as a piece of cloth Fluffy and yet com pacted enough for handling Out of them we mako the celebrated Izzor bed comforts G feet x 7 feet in size con taining 72 oz of Izzer Batts They sell from SI 83 to S3 00 and are guaran teed to prevent pneumonia cure coughs and colds make home pleasant nnd happy and permit a full purse to bo car ried Made and sold only by tho Thompson D G Co Good Ginghams Five Cents Rather startling but true and quite a good quantity too about GOO yards jutt a lucky item wo secured Ask for them when in as they aro not on tho shelves with the other ginghams Wo still sell our best apron checks for Gc A large line of fancy dress ginghams for 10c to 133 These are bona fide cash prices not to bo met with in credit stores The Thompson D G Co Another Exclusive Store McCook is gradually coming to the exclusive store period The latest will be a ladies furnishings store Mes dames Weidenhamer and Chambers have rented tho Fahrenbruch store room on west Dennison street and short ly expect to be able to announce to the public the opening or their venture in this now line and enterprise Loose Leaf System Red Willow couuty last week adopt ed the loose leaf system of records a modern system used by mo3t of the counties of tho state and requiring typewriters in making the records in stead of writing Economy is claimed for tho system although the initial in stalling expense is quite considerable From Top to Toe in bearskin Childrens bearskin coats hoods muffs and leggins Bearskin coats for 8235 in white brown bluered and grey Bring in the little ones and fit them throughout The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Wanted Soap and plenty of it Everyone wants soap Soap once stved a mans life maybe it will save yours Wo have the very latest production in fancy toilet soaps as well as all the more familiar ones Come and see our soaps Woodworth Co Druggists New Skirts New novelty silks at 41c 65c Sc 81 China silks 30c 40c 50c Yard wide black taffeta silk 73c Heavier grade 8115 Yard wide Peau do soie S125i Black satin Rhadame 39c The Thomp son D G Co For Toilet Use Fine sponges silky sponges for babies soft sponges for tender faces large sponges for tne bath a full stock of strong fiber well shaped sponges L W McConnell Druggist Will Build Extensive Addition P Walsh is preparing to build an extensive two story addition to the rear of his Main avenue block The addition will extend back to the alley on Dodge street Bought Moving Picture Show E J Wilcox and A P Ely have bought and are now operating the mov ing picture business in the Fahrenbruch building on West Dennison street Guaranteed Paints Yon can get a fully guaranteed paint The Lincoln absolutely pare at Mc- Millens drugstore How Can You Heat iour House more comfortably than with one of those Art Garland base burners at the McCook Hardware Co Feeders For Sale D C Benedict Culbertson has 95 head of 3-pear-old steers all good color all dehorned - - f WEST NEBRASKA CONFERENCE IN SESSION Tho twenty third annual conference of tho West Nebraska district of the Methodist church which opened in our city Tuesday morning and will not conclude until next Monday mornintr when tho list of appointment will bu METHODIST CHLRCH ing of the Examining Board and Under graduates in the basement of thecLurch The District Chairmen wen liold rego F M Ransom Kearney W E Matthews North Piatio R II Oarr W II D Ilornaday was registrar The opening session was of exception al interest and crowded the church to oveiflowing Tho progi am opened with a processional by the large a id i ecial ly trained choir The orchestra of twelve pieces followed with an inspir ing selection A hymn and invocation by Dr Wilson presiding older of the Holdrege district intervened before from Mozarts Twelfth Mass in suberb fashion Mayor C L Fnhnestock then delivered an introductory address to the members of the conference in notes of gracious welcome Formal address of welcome followed G S Scott President of the McCook Corn- j has nil de him famous among tho elo quent it nd able members of tho episco pacy of the Methodist church A hymn and benediction by L II Shumate prtbioing i id r of tho Kearney dis trict concluded an auspicious ante biistness session of the great conference - 1 hirtei years ago this body then pre sided vit by Bishop J M Walden met BISHOP HFMtY W VI FN D J LL D in McCook On Tuesday evening Sep tember 17 the body mot here again this time presided over by Bishop II W Warren of Denver There are about 100 pastoral charges and 11000 members in the conference the territory of which the choir rendered the splendid l comj lies -nit one third of the state of lllllllllljf swan fgS PRESIDING ELDER C C WILSON Nebraska On Wedneslay morning the business of the conference was open A discourse the so called conference sermon was preached by Rev G L Trites of Lex ington The sacramental service led by ICOXTINUED ON FOURTH TAGE McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 20 190T r - - mercial Club gave characteristic ut terance on the part of the city in his droll but halo way and J II Ynrger represented tho local church in his warm welcome Anothor orchestral solection wanned tho hoarts cockles read has been of all absorbing inter- and Bishop Henry W Warren of Den- est ver Colorado eloquently nnd fittingly Tho morning Tuesday saw tho meet- responded in sttlo and diction which k MINOR ITEMS OF HEWS Do you want a saddle filly McCook races Sept 2G 27 28 Everything in drugs McCounoll 3000 in purses at tho September races Spices and flavoring extracts at Mc Con nidis Seo D C Benedicts item regarding filly on this page Fresh potato chips always on hand Magner Stokes Wo mako specialty of fine toilot soaps Try them McMillan Druggist McConnolls Fragrant Lotion chapped and sunburner skin 25c write J R Corey sectretary for Cameras films plates and supplies of all kinds at Woodworths it Co a drug gists McCooks fall building boom is well under way Its extent is quite sur prising Wyals EasVm sprinkled in tho shoes stops aching feet Woodworth Co druggists The fizz tells in our Seidlitz pow ders They are always fresh L W McConnell Druggist Get a quart bottlo of Hoinz pure malt vinegar a pure food product at Magnkk Stokes Steve Wilson has added a splendid two aeated automobile to his livery barn equipment Try it McConnell sells ready mixed and dry paints oils varnishes and stains Let him figure your paint bill Every day is bargain day at II S Godfrey Oos the popular leaders in selling flour feed and hay Magner Stoke3 can supply you with Heinz double strength pure cidor vinegar In quart bottles If you want it done right and right away call up phone GS R M Douglass Co office in Bump building Go throw yourself in the rivor if jou fail to see Tho Bello of Manilla at Opera house Saturday Sept 21st If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business Have a soft velvety complexion even though the winds are a littlo sharp Use McConnells Fragrant Lotion 25c Fred Bruns is putting up a modern residence which will classify with the best of tho later dwellings of the city Paint your houses and barns with Patterson and Sargent paint the best paint sold McCook Hardware Co Our toilet soaps aro pure keep the skin active and healthy Best for nurs ery toilet and bath L W McCon nkix Druggist R M Douglass Co will givo you prompt and efficieutservice Phono G5 Office in Bump real estate office lower Main The Kapke restaurant has been con verted into a ten pin alley and such a diversion as that is now in operation therein R M Douglass Co draying in all its branches Call up phone GS Call at office in Bump building lower Main avenue All persons are warned not to hunt on my farm in Valley Grange precinct un der penalty of the law 9 13 3ts E A Phillipii The Hitchcock county fair will be held at Culbertson September 19th 20th 21st this year This will be their 23rd annual How long are we to wait before we know which one is to be the favored one in The Belle of Manilla at Opera house Saturday Sept 21st We have a splendid stock of school supplies including pens pencils inks erasers blank books rulers etc Best goods the market affords L W McConnell Druggist Hastings Nebraska celebrates on Oct 10 11 and 12th with a genuine Frontier Festival consisting of rough riding steer roping nnd broncho bust- Guarantee Amusement Company un w NUMBER 17 Gettlne To Be a Big Boy Tho pooplo of South McCook aro bo foro tho city council seoking firo pro tection and electric light service Tho improved phytuunl conditions in that addition to tho original city seem to warrant tho extension of such service to South McCook West McCook al ready enjoys both light and water sor vico and East McCook will no doubt in time seek extension of mains and wires to that addition McCook is getting to bo a big boy now nnd those owning and controlling tho tnrious public utilities and franchises will havo to bestir thomsolves and meot tho expand ing situation Tho electric light pooplo havo already taken action looking to a considerable strengthening and improvement of their plant which now fails to adequately meet present demands They will in time no doubt bo ablo to handlo a de mand from South McCook should that section of the city mako a just showing of patronage As to firo and wator sorvico it is not clear to The Tkiuuxk upon what basis of justice they havo been and aro now deprived of that reasonable and essen tial service for which they aro taxed along with the city proper Both of these propositions nro now boforo a committee -of tho city council for investigation and report The Tki ijitnk hopes for favorable action To Teach in Nebraska Miss Susanno Wardo started to Chi cago last evening to meet her sister Mrs John D Young and accompany her back to her home at McCook Neb raska to accept a position in the schools there made vacant by tho resignation of ono of their teachers Miss Wardo has taught successfully for years in tho township and boro schools and she will do doubt show tho Nebraskans that Philipsburg schools and school teachers are easily first in their class Philhpa burj Ledger New Machinery Purchased Tho new machinery for the electric light plant has already been purchased and it is hoped to have tho samo in place within thirty days A new pro ducer gas ougino has been bought to gether with modern generators which will give tho plant a more modern and up to date organization very materially improving physical conditions The Japanese Question has not affected tho preference of Amor ican women for tho Japanese kimono The most delightful conceptions of colors and figures aro seen in the lot just received from Now York Long ones and shorr ones 00c to 8300 Tho Thompson D Ci Co Saddle Filly at Auction D C Beno lict has a three year old saddle filly bred and raised for his own ue not listed in his auction billed for Tuesday the 21 th but he will put hor up if requested Sired by Misouii bred and gaited saddle horse dam by Reg Arabian Tne Teddy Bear rt McCook Hardware Co will soon bo given away Only a few more sets of spoons to sell and then wo will know who is the lucky one The boys and girls are taking great interest in tho contest which is becoming quite excit ing Dress bkirts Superior fabrics correct styles care ful tailoring these are the features found in our line of ladies skirts From 5200 to 81000 alterations free Tho Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Water Meters We have on hand a supply of approv ed water meters which we will instal promptly on application Under Wood worth drug store Phone 1S2 MlDDLETON RuTiV A Few Bushels of Wheat more to tie acre would pay the differ ence between inferior and good tools We have the be t kinds of drills made particularly for this country McCook Hardware Co W C T U Meeting There wiii be a meeting of the W C T U at the home of Mrs Culbertson ing together with other thrilling next Friday afternoon September 27th events For information and entries i at two o clock der tho direction and management of Cook Hardware Chas II Colson with complete settings of new and elaborate scenery especially painted for this production this season and with the brightest specialties and latest novelties in musical featuressongs Grade Your Seed Wheat with a Wonder Grader Sold by Mo- Co Guaranteed to save their price on ever forty acre3 sown Attention Members I 0 0 F Regular meeting Monday evening September 23 All members of 137 ana aances oy a companj 01 metropoi 1 urrrentlv requested to attend also visit itan players chosen by Manager Colson jDg brethren S L Doan Secy with particular regard to their abilities for this successful attraction of which Monarch Sut Destroyer he is author Opera house Saturday at McCook Hardware Co saves taking Sept 21st down the Or T u il s