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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1907)
J I I i TWENTY SIXTH YEAR WW INTERESTING RELICS AT INDIANOLA Correspondent Writes of tlie Contents of the Old Court House Corner Stcne The workmen have just completed the destruction of tho old court house wall and in the corner stone discovered an oblong tin box tightly sealed contain ing two copies of the Indianola Courier dated Dec 30 1880 and Sept 15 1881 and many interesting articles written by different officers of the city The following was written by George S Bishop then editor of the Courier That those who may come after us shall have some authentic record of the rise and progress of the county of Red Willow in the state of Nebraska up to the present writing we pen the follow ing Pursuant to the proclamation of the Governor of Nebraska Red Willow county waB organized in the month of May 1873 tho county seat being located at the town of Indianola Pursuant to a stipulation to the effect the Republi can Valley Land Association D N Smith president deeded to Red Willow county one hundred town lots and the south half of block 13 in this the town of Indianola for the use and purpose of erecting a court house on said south half of block 13 At a regular meeting of the commissioners of said county in August 1880 said town lot3 were ap praised and put on the market G S Bishop being appointed commissioner for their sale During the spring of 1S81 it becoming apparent that a court house was greatly needed and a consid erable number of said lots having been sold said commissioners ordered the erection of this building the contract for foundation being let to Otto Weber the brickwork to Messrs Sibbett and Crabtree and the woodwork to Messrs McCarty and Phillips who have each thus far performed their several con tracts faithfully The present county officers are Judge W H Corbin Clerk Jas Hetherington Sheriff Mos es Starbuck Supt of schools C L Nettleton Treasurer B B Duckworth Coroner Dr J S Shaw Surveyor E S Hill Commissioners J E Berper chairman S W Stilgebouer and fl H Pickens The vote of the county for president ial electors in 1880 was as follows Republican ticket 281 Democratic ticket 148 Greenback ticket 48 480 The Republican Valley Railroad a branch of the Chicago Burlington Quincy Railroad was extended into Red Willow county in the year 1880 and from that time the growth and prosperi ty of our county has been assured Truly George Seward Bishop The following article was penned by R H Criswell attorney at law Sisle Viator Vel Aedificator You sir who may be wandering around these ruins in tho 20th century know that I helped to lay out this town in 1S73 It was a prairie dog town then What it is now you may know and per haps I may not I collected and disbursed the first public money belonging to the county I brought the first suit in the district court in the county Rem possum servare meum Et video meliora proboque sed deteriora aequor R H Criswell Attorney at law Twenty years have passed and the hands that penned the foregoing articles have long since moulderedinto dust Tenderly and reverently we lay aside each relic of the past and turn to greet the present and the future with abiding hope and trust Apropos to the tin bos containing tho documents two copies of the Indianola Courier were found which gave a definite account of our little town of the number of business houses then erected and the progress of each re lative to his business etc State Secretary Pope Rev C J Pope secretary of the Bap tist state convention will preach morn ing and evening at the Baptist church Sunday July 21 All members ex pected to be present Strangers and visitors cordially invited Every Farmer Should have a truck of some kind We have a large line of iron and wood wheel trucks at very reasonable prices Just the thing for your rack or other handy work McCook Hardware Co Notice of Removal Ladies desiring sewing done will find Miss Carrie Watkins two doors north of the Congregational church at Miss Cumberlands Caroline Watkins Mens Suits Surprising values at 500 850 1000 81250 and Thompson D G Co 8650 1350 The Special Meetlne of Council The city council in special session Tuesday afternoon with all members present Moved seconded and carried that a building permit be issued to W O Bul lard as per application conditioneu that said building be covered with met al roofing and that the walls be of the regulation thickness Moved seconded and carried that a building permit be issued to J E Lud wick as per application on condition that walls foundation and roof comply in all particulars with the provisions and regulations of ordinance No 128 Moved seconded and carried that city engineer be instructed to make survey and estimate of the amount of grading necessary and dirt to be moved in grading the street east of the west ward school building and filling up the canyon directly north for the purpose of turning water Moved seconded and carried that the cemetery committee be authorized to se cure a water meter for the purpose of measuring the water used in the city cemetery Adjourned The September Primaries Nebraska voters are more free and in dependent than they have ever been Tho vest pocket boss can no longer claim to carry the vote of his district town or ward in his vest pocket The boss doesnt do the nominating in a con vention as before the private voter does it in the voting booth Let every water consumer get onto this and real ize his power Remember he third of September and take a hand in the adjustments The Water Consumers League Notice The McCook Gas Company expects to have its plant completed and in operation by Sept 15th Special rates on service connections will be allowed the first 100 customers signing contracts for gas ranges Those wishing to se cure the special rates should place or ders at once For particulars see P S litfaton The McCook Gas Company No Introduction Needed It would be unnecessary for us or any one to tell the people of McCook and vicinity about the good qualites of the Heath Milligan paint It is well known all over the country for its dura bility and freshness of color The fact that it is being used on some of the largest buildings about McCook this season proves its reputation Wood worth Co Druggists sell it Notice To Teacheis A special teachers examination will be held at the brick school house on August 2nd and 3rd during the Red Willow County Teachers Institute which is in session from July 29th to August 3rd Flora B Quick County Supt Two Inches and More Two inches of rain and in some in stances more fell all over this part of the state Monday night and being of great value to the corn and other crops There was some damage to roads and bridges in this county but the credit side far overbalances that Just on the Quiet For those who do not know it Hesss Instant Louse Killer is a wonder for destroying lice on poultry fleas on dogs bugs on vines and worms on flowers 25c at Woodworth Cos Shoe Bargains at The Model Special prices in tan oxfords patent oxfords gun metal oxfords gents tan oxfords gents tan shoes They will go quickly Call promptly Ideal Waists More attractive than ever The best fitting waists made Our line of them is large in lawns mulls nets and silks 75c to 8500 each The Thompson D G Co Model Shoe store Special Prices on tan oxfords patent oxfords gun metal oxfords gents tan oxfords gents tan shoes A shoe opportunity for all Nice Lawns 5c Ten or twelve very pretty patterns left of our line of 5c lawns The Thomp son D G Co Notice On and after Sunday June 30 1907 the charge for Sunday dinners will be 50 cents Commercial Hotel Attention Farmers I will buy hogs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays ONLY during hot weather D H Shepherd Grain Bags 21 i 2c American A 2 bu seamless 16 oz grain bags 21c The Thompson D G Co Monday Nights Rain There fell within the city limits of McCook last Monday night two and four hundredths inches of rain as mea sured by the railroad gauge at the depot It will interest water users to learn that this rain deposited within the city limits 106634880 gallons of water This is almost one third of the yearly pumping of McCook water plant and if figured at 30 cents per thousand gallons comes to 83909046 but it is supplied free In fact water is a free element and is never charged for All water rates are in tact pumping rates The water pumper doesnt buy the water nor pay for the water He sinks wells and runs mains if permitted and uses coal and labor and through him to the consumers comes this free ele ment of nature A fair remuneration should be his and a fair honorable com munity will see to it that he haB oven liberal returns But wo wont stand for graft not a minute Business is business but graft is graft The Water Consumers League J M Tomllnson Oxford Neb July 14 J M Tom- llinson an old and respected citizen seventy two years of age dropped dead of heart failure on one of the streets of this city where he was found by W C Kneeshaw at a late hour last evening He had been in apparently usual good health and his death came as a shock to the com munity Besides a wife he leaves three sons all well known in Burling ton railway circles William S claim agent at McCook Harry B express agent at Hastings and for fifteen years station agent at this place and James O express messenger also of Oxford The interment will occur tomorrow Western Union Telegram Received at 3 sx Ra 10 Paid Q Denver Colo 7 18 McCook Elec Light Co McCook Neb If convenient please favor us with check account June shipments ParkdaleFuel Co 3 p m The above was received today Thurs day if your light bilJ isnt paid please help us McCook Elec Light Co A R Scott Mgr Small Farm For Sale 48 acres about 20 acres of upland 8 acres under the Kelley Ferguson Irri gation Ditch balance pasture about 6 miles s w of McCook two miles south of Perry Nebr Good county bridge across river This tract of land will make a fine chicken ranch near to a good market See R W Knowles Agent Culbertson or C W Kneeland Owner McCook Corn Remored Patient May Die Hastings Neb July 17 G W Mc Carty of Juniata a veteran of the civil war who acted as clerk of the senate during the last legislature had his leg removed below the knee yesterday He is reported in a dying condition He had a corn removed in Lincoln and gangrene resulted He is a pioneer citi zen of Adams county Chicago Quartette Makes Good The entertainment by the Chicago quartette Tuesday evening met all reasonable expectations Every number was encored and there were several additional recalls The gentlemen sing well play well and sketch well and pro duce a very satisfactory evenings enjoy ment Capsules That Comfort Aching Heads that cure every kind of headache and do it without causing bad after effects are McConnells Headache Capsules They are entirely free from dangerous drugs and are therefore safe for anybody to take Dont Forget to call at my new location for reading matter stationery postcards souvenirs candy gum fresh roasted peanuts cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods toys etc Barney Hofer McCook News Depot Water Meters We have on hand a supply of approv ed water meters which we will instal promptly on application Under Wood worth drug store Phone 182 Middleton Ruby Ideal Skirts Voils batistes Panamas mohairs chiffon broadcloths and tub skirts S150 to 700 Alterations free The Thompson D G Co Boys Suits Knee pants suits S125 to 8500 Three piece suits 8400 to 8950 The Thompson D G Co Sanltas For Walls For pantrys kitchens and bathrooms 17jC a yard at The Thompson D G Co mmmsBaessmasssme ilicooh McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY -EVENING JULY 19 190T Obituary Mrs Ida May Amick wife of Otlur B Amick who lives 14 miles northeast of Palisade died last Thursday morn ing atthe home of Dr Dodge in Pali sade where she had been brought for treatment some time ago She had been very ill since last January She leaves a sorrowing husband and three children to mourn her departure They have the sympathy of the community in their great loss of their wife and mother Ida May McMullen was born in Huntington county Pa July 27 1871 She was married to Otlur B Amick in 1891 and their home has been in Mc Cook and Hayes County most of the time since until her death She was reared in a christian home and was her self an earnest believer in Jesus as Sav iour and Lord To one with such faith death has no terror The funeral services were held at the Methodist Ridge church one mile from her home where the body was laid to rest Services were conducted by Rev N U Hawkins pastor of the Congregational church of Palisade N H H New Masonic Lodge at Indianola McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M was well represented at the instituting of Endeavor Lodge No 262 at Indianola last night every officer of the lodge to gether with a number of other members and visiting and resident Masons here going down on 16 The delegation num bered about twenty five Grand Custodian French and Deputy Grand Master King had charge of the ceremonies throughout the evening as sisted by various visiting brothers The event was in part a public one and was greatly enjoyed by such friends of Endeavor lodge and Masonry in general as had gathered to witness the beautiful and impressive sight After the lodge was duly instituted refreshments were served to those in attendance The visitors then wished for the new lodge a well rounded devel opment and a harmonious existence and dispersed Noilce to Clean Alleys and Premises All citizens of McCook are hereby requested to at once clean up their al leys and premises Tho following rule will be enforced from this date You are prohibited to throw refuse offal garbage manure ashes straw slops or any other refuse matter into any street or alley or vacant lot within the City of McCook For the viola tion of any of the above provisions the person found guilty will be fined not less than 8100 nor more than 850 and pay the costs or stand committed to the city jail until fine and costs are paid The householder whether renter or owner will be held responsible for allowing any such refuse matter to remain on premises more than fiye days after service of notice 5 17 J R Pence Chief of Police By order of the Mayor Voters Attention You are hereby informed that a spe cial election can be called by one fifth of the votors of the city to take up and decide any matter whatever of public import This right is one of the most valuable ever placed upon our statute books and in the matter of securing a fair living price for water it stands guard between us and the over reaching of water companies It is our intention to distribute copies of this law to all the voters of McCook at an early date The Water Consumers League Gauze Underwear Ladies vests 5c to 50c Unions 35c to 8100 Knit gauze pants 25c to 65c Girls unions 25c to 35c Vests 5 to 25c Pants 20c Mens balbriggans S D 35c and 50c Black S D 35c Ribb ed balbriggan union suits 8125 to 8250 Boys ditto 50c Boys S D 25c Extra sizes for stout people The Thompson D G Co Buys Indianola Bank Cambridge Neb July 13 W A Reynolds of this city has purchased the Farmers Merchants State bank of Indianola The bank commenced about a year ago and was owned by Homer McAnulty of Fairbury Natures Best Our spices are as good as nature grows Guaranteed under the food and drug act A McMillen Druggist Fast Colors 5c Fast color prints 5c a yard Best prints made Simpsons Americans etc 6c a yard The Thompson D G Co Mens Harvest Helmets Cloth covered helmet hatB coolest made two for 25c The Thompson D G Co Mosquito Netting 5c At Thompsons only rtbtttte MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Extra strong flavoring extracts at Mc Connells List your property with W O Moyer who will try hard to sell it McConnells Fragrant Lotion for chapped and rough skin 25o 272 inches was the exact guage meas urement of the rainfall Monday night Cameras from 8100 up Flims plates and supplies of all kinds at Woodworth Cos Shake it in your comfortable feet Powder stocking and have McConnells Foot Fancy toilet soaps talcum powders and perfumes for summer use at Wood worth Cos A kodak will make your vacation com plete We have them from 81 up L W McConnell Druggist Remomber the 15 percent discount sale of summer oxfords at Diamonds New Shoe Store on W Dennison st For a quick safe satisfactory shave use a Gillette safety razor 8500 up L W McConnell Druggist The only place in town whore you can get the famous Three Star Cof fee is at Magner Stokes market and grocery R M Douglass Co draying in al its branches Call up phone 199 Call at office in Bump building lower Main avenue Marguerite the dainty delightful new ordor of perfume Not too loud but very lasting Its just right Woodworth Co Druggists Our line of shaving supplies includes every worthy modern device and prepar ation for making shaving a luxury L W McConnell Druggist The people will appreciate tho better lighting of Main avenue the city park and other portions of tho city recently inaugurated by the city authorities Some of the beautiful new colors on the Bradley Vrooman Paint color card should be looked at if you intend painting To be seen at Polk Bro3 The east dial of the town clock in the court house which was demolished a few weeks ago in a severe electrical and wind stormis being repaired this week Are you troubled with itching skin prickly heat or eruptions of the skin in any form If so Hot Springs Blood remedy will correct the disorder Woodworth Co Druggists Every week we receive fresh goods from the Eastman Kodak Co Youll find films papers developers etc here that will give best results We are headquarters for photo supplies L W McConnell Druggist Miss Bessie Rowell will lead the Congregational C E Society at 7 pm Sunday evening Subject Present Day Applications of the Last Six Command ments Ex 20 23 17 Every body in vited to help us Mrs A E Reagor and Mrs Conner Shotwell of Cambridge aro in McCook with season tickets for the Chautauqua Those wishing season tickets can get them either from Mrs Reagor or by sending to Central Telephone office at Cambridge The sale of tickets closes at the opening of the Chautauqua We call attention to the ad of the Whipple Humane Horse Collar which appears in this issue The farm ers of Red Willow county will no doubt be interested in this new collar if it will prevent sore necks and shoulders as the manufacturers claim as every farmer has too much pride to use horses that are sore and galled if it can be prevented They should come in Sat urday and learn about the Humane Collar Pure Flavoring Extracts We make our own Lemon and Vanilla extracts guaranteed pure and much stronger than the ordinary extracts Try them A McMillen Druggist Oxfords Oxfords for men or women in gunmetal patent or vici kid in all the latest styles at Diamonds New Shoe store on W Den nison st Special Prices at Model Shoe store on tan oxfords patent oxfords gunmetal oxfords gents tan oxfords gents tan shoes Get a bar gain Meritas Table 011 Cloth The best made Advertized in all the magazines and homi journals only 15c a yard at Thompson D G Go Stout Overalls 50c Mens stout bib or band overalls 50c Others 75c and 8100 The Thompson D G Co Apron Gingham 6 l 2c At The Thompson D G Co nhr t w n I c II 7 Who aro who aro who aro tho Who aro The People of this cltyT THE BOSSES Wo aro wo aro wo aro tho Wo aro The People of this city THE PEOPLE Aro yon aro you aro you tho Aro you The People of this cityT WELL SEE W C Moyer for city rentals McConnell for drugs Aflh NUMBER 8 Base ball goods at nofors Everything in drugs McConnell Bargains in city property Moyor Hammocks at McMillens Drug Store McConnells chaps Fragrant Lotion cures Eastman Kodaks and Kodak at McConnells supplies Fresh potato chips always on hand Magner Stokes Try McMillens Blackberry Balsam for summer complaints Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables They do say Woodworth Co mako tho best ico cream soda in tho town Stoek cleaning sale July 15 to 27 The Ideal Store The Tribune is now prepared to do your job printing of all kinds promptly W C Moyer 216 Main street for good land from 8750 to 83500 per acre Terms Magnor Stokes can supply you with Heinz double strength pure cider vinegar In quart bottles Mixed Paints Lead and Oil Glas3 and Wall Paper at special prices McMillen Druggist It is my purpose to know all city pro perty for sale at owners price W C Mover 216 Main st Got a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt vinegar a pure food product at Magner Stokes Steve Wilson has added a splendid two seated automobile to his livery barn equipment Try it Every day is bargain day at H S Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in selling flour feed and hay If you want it done right and right away call up phone 199 R M Douglass Co office in Bump building Mrs F W Bosworth and Mrs J G Stokes will give a Dorcas kensington Thursday July 25 All are invited Our Cucumber Cream relieves chapped hands redness of the skin chafing etc Woodworth Co If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business Dont mako a mistako in perfumes Thelma appeals to tho most refined tastes 50c an oz L W McConnell Druggist R M Douglass Co will give you prompt and efficient service Phone 199 Office in Bump real estate office lower Main The sun can not harm complexions protected with McConnells Fragrant Lotion It is delightfully cooling to the skin 25c Cameras all kind3 films and plate none better made Our supplies are always fresh and give the best results Woodworth Co Druggists Our spring shipment of burnt leather goods has arrived Call and seo what we have Hofer McCook News Depot Our ice cream is all cream our syrup3 are made from the pure fruit juices our ice cream soda pleases tho most delicate taste Woodworth Co Druggist Though our oxfords are going fast we aro still able to fit you in some of the most beautiful oxfords ever seen in Mc Cook Diamonds New Shoe Store on W Dennison st use McCook souvenir letters in writ ing to your friends Something new just received at BHofers headquarters for souvenirs stationery and reading matter of all kinds The boy stood on the burning deck The ship was bout to smash He cried to cool his scorching neck For a dish of Heavenly Hash Try it Woodworth Co Soda Foun tain t - flnt Soctt