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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1907)
J - - J ssssrr2K2HXS2SS ILL OVER NEBRASKA NCWS NOTES FROM PAPERS AND PRESS DISPATCHES 11 OF Matters of a Week as Portrayed by the Press Locally and Tel egraphically Much building is being done at Sutherland There is trouble on at Burr over granting o saloon license The new Methodist church at Call away is nearing completion Mrs Emma T King a widow of Lincoln was found dead in bed A man named Wilson is in jail at Hastings for passing forged checks Mrs Arthur J Wescott wife of the Episcopal rector at Columbus died last week The son of Hon Tom Majors in Nemaha county is in trouble on a maternity charge The Y W C A of Lincoln is after 30000 for a new building 28000 has thus far been raised If the late cold weather killed all the bugs as well at the fruit then there is some consolation The grand jury of Lancaster county is turning the searchlight upon ques tionable practices in that locality The Colorado Mutual socie ty has been denied admissior to Ne braska The home office is in Den ver W A Womack a painter conrined in jail at Grand Island attempted suicide by cutting himself with a knife Hon S H Sornberger formerly prominent in Saunders county politics is a candidate tor nomination of dis trict judge at Cleveland Okla Notice has been served upon the pool room proprietor in York that they must not allow minors to loaf or play in their establishments Triplets were born to the wife of Henry Langhorn of Monterey town ship Cuming county two sons and a daughter Stand up for Nebraska It was determined at Greeley Cen ter that Elmer West a coal man at the B M yards had smallpox in stead of measles and the house was1 quarantined Union Pacific train No 1 escaped a serious wreck As the train was pulling into Kearney the rear axle of the front truck gave away tearing up the track for 500 feet The Nebraska division of the Ne braska Travelers Protective associa tion elected officers for the ensuing year and selected Hastings as the place for meeting again next year The Missouri Pacific railway asked the state railway commission for per mission to meet the short line rate of the Burlington between Lincoln and Palls City The request was granted Sheriff Juinton of Cass county has been notified by the sheriff of Platte county that a reward of 25 is offered for the arrest of William Fitzsimmons who broke and escaped from jail in Columbus T A Barnes a prominent farmer of Concord township near Columbus Junction had a narrow escape from death as he took a dose of ome deadly poison a disenfectant of some sort in mistake for medicine G A Mann of Hastings an appli cant for the position of deputy game warden of Hastings was arrested by Deputy Game Waiden George Hiltner He had in his possession five ducks several mudhens and turtle doves Henry Volpp purchaeed the Robert Alexander farm consisting of 90 acres adjoining Bloomfield for 5150 an acre This same farm was bought by Mr Alexander from Hans J Paul sen four years ago for 7750 an acre The jury in the case of John Ham lin accused of the murder of Rachel Engle returned a verdict finding the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree and imposing the death pen alty The case was tried at Grand Island Citizens of North Platte through State Senator C A Sibley have call ed the attention of the State Rail way commission to alleged discrim ination by the Union Pacific- in favor of Omaha as to coal rates from the companys mines at Rock Springs Wyoming In accordance with the new law pased by the last legislature the county commissioners of Nemaha county have fixed the salary of the sheriff at 1500 per annum and that of his deputy at 700 This Is the schedule for counties having a popu lation of over 16000 The will of Hubert E Teschmacher a deceased Boston millionaire has been filed for probate in the county court of Merrick county Mr Tesch macher was formerly a partner of T B Hord the prominent capitalist and cattleman of Central City and there Is 50000 wortn of property in Mer rick county belonging to his estate C Clotheir a Denver man c targ ed with forger of a G0 check was arrested in Burlington on tpe ar rival of Burlington train No 2 He was held for the Denver authorities The Green bug is busy in Ne braska wheat fields The state uni versity agriculturists are at worx and will make a desperate effort to find a method to exterminate the pest Howard S Smith assistant m the de partment of entomology fcund the wheat fields near Kearnev ana Min den infested with a specie3 of green lice supposed to be the dread pest SEEDING COMMENCED IN WESTERN CANADA The Prospects for a Large Acreage to R Cnitn l I St Paul April 24 1907 Word has been received at the office of the Canadian Government in St Paul that seeding has commenced at various points throughout Manitoba Saskatch ewan and Alberta The heavy snowfall during the past winter has left the ground In splendid shape for successful seeding opera tions The fine weather of the past few days has taken much of the frost out of the ground and during next week there will scarcely be a district in which the seeder is not being oper ated The most optimistic conditions exist and in all districts the farmers are busy getting things in shape There will bo a very large acreage sown in spring wheat oats and barley At many points throughout the three provinces the newcomers are busy un loading their stock and effects work ing night and day in order to get on their farms and become active agen cies In the effort to make the year 1907 the banner year in grain produc ing in Western Canada As compared with districts many hundred miles further south than this it will be seen that Western Canada ranks amongst the first In the line of seeding opera tions for the present year It is safe to say that farmers who get in their crop before the 20th or 24th of May will receive magnificent returns A number of those coming in this spring who had not their land prepared last fall will break up enough land to jjet in a crop of oats and barley and prob ably some ilax This together with the vegetables they will plant will give them ample food for themselves and stock during the coming summer and winter These early seeding oper ations are not confined to one district but are spread over a country 900 miles long by 400 miles in width The agents of the Canadian Govern ment located at different points ihroughout the United States are busy giving information regarding the aiany new districts that are being made available for settlers Low rail way rates information and literature ire given on application to the agent vhose name appears in advertisement elsewhere in this paper A Fish Story Trout protection Nonsense said a gunner of local eminence Trout are amply able to protect themselves Look at their depredations among ducks for example and you will agree with me that its the birds that need protection Its a common thing for a trout to jump from the water seize a duck by the neck drag the unfortunate fowl into the depths sufficiently to leave its feet sticking in the air where it can get no purchase upon the uni verse and thus drown it Then the trout picks the feathers from the bird sats it at its leisure and swims away out of the jurisdiction of the courts Are there any fishermen None Too bad This would be a match for one of their fish stories Labor of ihe Novelist The way of the novelist must be hard said a librarian of an uptown branch The other day an immacu lately gotten up individual came into the library and announced that he was a writer with a specialty of dia lect stories We got him several books that he asked for and little by little he took me into his confidence I want the Scotch dialect for the stern father he explained then when Ive got enough of that I want some dia lect for a sea captain and then I want a duke or maybe you can tell me would a duke drop his hs N Y Sun Long Time Between Calls You used to wear a Vandyke beard she pouted I dont like you without it The next time you come to see me wear one again He looked at her reproachfully Do you know how long it takes to grow a respectable Vandyke he asked her No said she How long About six months he answered plaintively FRIENDS HELP St Paul Park Incident After drinking coffee for breakfast I always felt languid and dull having no ambition to get to my morning duties Then in about an hour or so a weak nervous derangement of the heart and stemach would come over me with such force I would frequently have to lie down At other times I had severe head aches stomach finally became affect ed and digestion so impaired that I had serious chronic dyspepsia and con stipation A lady for many years State President of the W C T U told me she had been greatly bene fited by quitting coffee and using Postum Food Coffee she was trou bled for years with asthma She said it was no cross to quit coffee when she found she could have as delicious an article as Postum Another lady who had been trou bled with chronic dyspepsia for years found immediate relief on ceasing cof fee and beginning Postum twice a day She was wholly cured Still another friend told me that Postum Food Cof fee was a Godsend to her her heart trouble having been relieved after leaving off coffee and taking Postum So many such cases came to my notice that I concluded coffee was the cause of my trouble and I quit and took up Postum I am more than pleased to say that my days of trou ble have disappeared I am well and happy Theres a Reason Read The Road to Wellville in pkgs TEN YEARS OF PAIN Unable to Do Even Housework Be cause of Kidney Troubles Mrs Margaret Emmerich of Clin ton SL Napoleon O says For fifteen years I was a great sufferer Wi from kidney trou bles My back pained me terribly Every turn or move caused sharp shooting pains My eyesight was poor dark spots appeared before me and I had dizzy spells For ten years I could not do housework and for two years did not get out of the house The kidney se cretions were irregular and doctors were not helping me Doans Kidney Pills brought me quick relief and finally cured me They saved my life Sold by all dealers 50 cents a box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y The Estimable Family Reynolds said Millionaire Banks to his valet go round to the house of that little girl whom I ran down with the auto this morning and ex tend to the family my sincere regrets and sympathy Also give them this 50 bill I understand that they are very poor and in want Accordingly the valet obeyed When he returned his master met him at the door Well Reynolds The father wished me to say sir that he hoped you wouldnt take the affair too much to heart As for the family they all feel very grateful to you sir and couldnt bring themselves to accept your very kind offer A most estimable family Yet I wonder why they didnt accept the money The father said such matters should be arranged through his law yer sir Judge FAMILYS SKIN TROUBLES Eczema Heat Rash and Scalp Affec tions Afflict Different Members But Cuticura Cures Them My wife had eczema for five or six years It was on her face and would come and go We thought we would give the Cuticura Remedies a trial We did so and she has never had a sign of eczema for four years 1 myself used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment some time ago for falling hair I now have a very heavy head of hair We used Cuticura Remedies for our baby who was nearly bald when young She has very nice hair now She is very fleshy and we had so much trouble with heat that we would bathe her with Cuticura Soap and then apply Cuticura Ointment it would dry the heat up so much quicker than any thing else Mr H B Springmire 323 So Capitol Street Iowa City la July 16 1905 and Sept 16 1906 When a woman pays a man a com pliment she expects it to be returned with compound inteerst K33W GOlKl feliHW ZmO 3P5tBB Td Aperfect Remedy for Conslipav non sour aioraaawiiauiBiM ness aiulLoss OF SliEEP Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK Jbbuanuiteed undcrt t ood Exact Copy of Wrapper Mrs WInilavFB Soothlne fijrrrm For children tcettilni noftons tho irumi reduces to flamicatlon allays pain cures wind coll J 23c a bottle It goes without saying that a talking machine does not say without going All Cloth Ilats Childrens Dresses etc made to look like new with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES A fruit tree in the back yard Is worth two family trees In a glass case LewiB Sinple Binder the famous straight 5c cigar always best quality Your dealer or Lewis Factory Peoria 111 One of the things a man cant un derstand is why his enmles have any friends Dont Sneeze Your Head Off Krauses Cold Capsules will cure you al most instantly At all Druggists 25c Be generous In judging the faults of others Most of us can only see eur own shadowB Kill the Flies Now befoie they multiply A DAISY FLY KILLER lulls thousands Lasts the sea son Ask vour dealer or Fend 20c to IT Somers 149 De Kalb Ave Brooklyn N Y It sometimes happens that other people have as good an opinion of a man as he has of himself after he Is dead Garfield Tea Natures Remedy brings relief fiom many ailments it overcomes constipation regulates the liver and kid neys pmifies the blood and clears the complexion It is made of Herbs and is absolutely Pure How inconsistent your neighbors are They refuse to say thct you are a good man but after the undertaker gets you they delight in saying that you were a good man It Cures While you Walk Allens Foot Ease is a certain cure for hot sweating callous and swollen aching feet Sold by all Diuggists Price 25c Dont accept any substitute Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y Relief Works in China Relief work to employ 3000 men have been established in the Chinese famine centers The English-American relief fund amounts to 250000 100 Reward S100 The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is it least one dreaded disease that science has biiea able to cure lu all Its stages and that Is Catarrh llalls Catarrh Cure Is tho only pjsltUo cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh beln c a constitutional disease requires a constitu tional tre itmcnt Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally acting directly upon the blood aud mucous surfaces of the bystcm thereby destroying the foundation of tho disease and giving the patient strength by building up tho constitution and assist ing nature In dolns it work Tho proprietors hare so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J CHCNCY CO Toledo O Sold by all Drulsts Tic Talio Ualls Family IM j for constipation Money for Y M C A The raising of 70000 in one day by the Y M C A of Ottawa Ont broke all records that have been made by the associations in their building can vasses in which 5000000 has been secured in the last two years Re cently the Ottawa association set out to raise 200000 in 15 days It re ceived pledges for 203359 On the last day of the campaign 1500 people pledged 70000 0M L For Infants and Children 1188 - mWlWsfiEi Tla IfSwri Wmii 119170 til lllIWi Always Bought WMM ALCOIIOL 3 PER CKNT H fl ltS Signature JA lllll nf vAtf T5c3l r ncss and RestContains neiiftcr Ui P 811 Opuni MorpWnc nor Mineral JEkAlts fell Not Narcotic i ft ILr IS II Jf SUHnl I L 1 1 n f e THl M lisnpria Area- Ik Ink mfflml tested f la 1 lie HrlSg J3iOahtdtSit I J BiJUWiii I Jtesv TB II a i uamtaiAumr i aj m mm I r YiutanreaiFlarcr 3R I C8 BJ 3 3 fl B llri VJ For Over B7 riy Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW VORR CITY rtSi M1S5 ADELAIDE NICHOLS Protect Hie Health of your families by insisting on Pure Food When it comes to Baking Powder it means a saving of health and money if you use the standard article of purity and effi ciency the wonderful POSITIVELY HEALS BAKSO An absolutely pure baking powder scientifically combined 25 ounces for 25 cents Your grocer retunds your money it you are not sat isfied Don7t accept a substi tute They are impure and a ace to health Ask tor rL the standard of quality To convince any woman that Tax- tine Antiseptic w ill Improve her health and do all we claim for it Wo will send her absolutelv frco a larire trial box of Paxtlne with book of tions and genuine testimonials Send your name and address on a postal card and heals Ecleansc3 m e m af fections such as nasal catarrh pelvic catarrh and inflammation caused by femi nine ills sore eyes sore throat and mouth by direct local treatment Its cur atlvtJ power over these troubles Is extra ordinary and ches lmmcdiato relief Thousands of women are using and j omrcendmg it cery day Co cents at j drupgistsorbymail Jtemember however IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO TIIY1T THE B PAXTON CO Boston Mass U S NAVY enlists for four ears younc men of good character and bound pbvsiLal condition be tween the ages of 17 and J5 as apprentice sea men opportunities for advancement pay JIG to 0 a montli Klectncians machinists blacksmiths coppersmiths veomen clerks carpenters shipritters tlreuien musician cooksotc between 21 and 5 years enlisted In special ntinK with suitable pay hospital apprentices 18 to 23 years Retirement on three fourths pay and allowances after M years service Applicants must be American citizens first clothinc outfit free to recruits Upon discharco travel allowance 4 cents per mile to place of enlistment Bonus fonr months pay and increase in pay upon rc enilstment within lour months of discharje unices at Iincom and Hastings Nenraska Also during winter at IsMoine anil Sioux Citv Iowi AddrcS NAVY RECRUITING STATI0NPUBIdguMAHA SORE SHOULDERS SORE NECKS OR BACKS ON HORSES and MUIWS IT HEALS THEM ANYWAY IN HARNESS UNDER SADDLE OR IDLE IP NOT SOLO IM TOUR TOWN RI HILL SKHD YOU - r r SAMPLE jou Hfld u I JLG thnmof rurdNw Put up In 23c soc and SlCO Carta MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS Security RemedyCo MINNEAPOLIS MINN glgraiH READERS of this paper de siring to buy any thing advertised in its columns should insist upon havinz what they ask for refusing- all substi tutes or imitations SsSrfi koURCESfejj mm c ru Chicago e voi 3E22ZZj MODS OF PASI JAQUES MFC Chicago LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Eectrfyp n WtiUn nn wnmnrt c nntirolv f roo from periodic suffering it docs not seem to bo tho plan of nature that women should suffer so severely Ir regularities and pain are positive evidence that something is wroiiff which should be neb right or It will lead to acrious derangement of tho feminine organism Thousands of women have found l clief from all periodic suffering- ly talcing Iydia E Pinh hams Vegetable Compound which is made from native roots and herbs as it is the most thorough female regulator known to medical science It cures the condition which on mnnli liconmfnrf nnil rnllH that period of its terrors Women who are troubled with painful or ir regular functions should take immediate action to ward off the serious consequences and bo restored to health and strength by talcing Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Miss Adelaide Nichols of 324 West 22nd Street New York City writes Dear Mrs Pinkham If women who suffer would only rely upon Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound their troubles would be quickly alleviated I feel greatly indebted for the relief and health which has been brought to me by your inestimable remedy Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints such as Palling and Displacements and Organic Diseases Headache General Debility Indigestion and invigorates the whole feminine system For the derangements of the Kidneys of either sex Lydia B Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is excellent Mrs Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write MrsPinkham atLynnMass From the symptoms given the trouble may ue locaieu ana me qmuKCMuim auicau j v nw CO HEW WHEAT LANDS IH THE CANADIAN WEST Hi 5000 additional mile of railway this year have opened up a largely increased terri tory to the proRresslvo farmers or western Canada and the Gov ernment of the Domin ion continues to Rive rvVP ITIMIIRPD AND SIXTY ACRES FREE to every settler THE COUNTRY HAS NO SUPERIOR Coal wood and water in abundance churches and schools convenient markets easy of access taxes low climate the best in the northern tem perate zone Iaw and order prevails everywhere For advice and information address the SUPERINTENDENT OF IMMIGRATION Ottawa Canada or any authorized Canadian Government Agent V V BENNETT 801 New York Life Building Omaha Nebraska IN GREAT VARIETY FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY ANKELLOGG NEWSPAPER CO 71 V Adams Street CHICAGO Eight Dollars a Day A DOLLAR AN HOUR Are you honest possessed of an average ability wide awake and ambitious7 If you are the abovo named compensation is possible with us one of the oldest institutions in this country Absolutely a straight out business proposition Write Box6o9 Omaha Nebraska Good Men Aro Hard to Find Honco This Advertisement LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS EGTROTYPES In irreat rarlety for alo at the lo iret prices by A5EXLOGalEWSrAPEKCO3rrAlaiSLChItato INVENTIONS NEEDED i tootop wrecks and save labor on farms HASOt i FFVWICK fc JA1V It KXCK Patf otLanjenn Bax V rTashlnjcton C JUtlfal uwiieimi DctrtirtKi nrrillUPr CTADPU easiest to work with and UbriniiUNV dinuuii starches clotnea nicest W N U OMAHA NO 19 1907 Irregularity is bad in every department of life in meals in sleeping hours but especially when it is a question of womanly habit Not only is it a sign of female disease but unless cured it will cause dangerous troubles because of the poisons thus allowed to remain in the system if you suffer in this way get a bottle of Mrs Lucinda Johnson of Fish Creek Wis writes I suffered for fourteen 14 years with Irregu larity causing great pain At last I tried Cardui and now I am cured At all druggists in 1 bottles WRITE US A LETTER Writn rvt nnr i niiiiMoftl Dafe illustrated Book for Women If you need Medical Advice describe Zyour symptoms stating age and reply will be sent in plain sealed envelope Address Ladies Advisory Dept The Chattanooza Medicine Co ChattanoocaTenn