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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1907)
k i 7 TWENTY SIXTH YEAR Suspend business and Amusements Mayor Fahnestoek requests the busi ness men and citizens of McCook to honor the day mid the old soldiers by refraining from business nnd amuse ments on Decoration Day between the hours of 130 and 400 in the afternoon during the formal exercises of the day And The Tridune hopo3 the request will be cheerfully and completely com plied with Devote the two nnd half hours to the memory of the dond heroes of the rebellion there is time enough left for both business and pleasure Notice The managers of the McCook Livery Barn wish to announce to the people of McCook that they have their now barn on oast Denuison street ready and open for business with a new stock and equipment and are now ready to furn ish the best rigs in the city to the pub lic They also wish to announce that on or before the first of Juno they will have a now automobile for hiro to the public at reasonable prices G 21 3 Phone 10 L A Fitch Co Five Cents a Yard Good yard wide unbleached muslin Tor 5c a yard Fast color prints 0c a yard Best apron check ginghams GJ jC a yard Best table oil cloth Meritas 12c a yard Best wall oil cloth Sanitas 17c a yard American A 2 bushel grain bags 21J oC Peerless carpet warp 21c a pound Best mosquito netting 5c a yard Good fig ured lawns 5c a yard 1000 other cash price items Thompson Dry Goods Co Meeting of Board of Equalization Notice is hereby given that thp Board of County Commissioners will sit as a board of equalization of assessments June 11 12 and 13th on which dates the assessments will be equalized and adjusted 5 24 3ts E J Wilcox County Clerk Husband Wanted Mrs Rosa Benlos 4009 Lake av Chi cago advertises for a husband who must weigh not less than 200 lbs That re minds us that our supply of extra sized underwear is good for further demand tho drawn upon constantly Ladies unions also separate vests and pants from number nines down The Thomp son Dry Goods Co One price plain fig ures cash only Water Notice April 3 1907 Second quarters water tax is now due In order to conserve our water supply for domestic use and fire protection we can not issue special or general lawn permits at this time owing to shortage of water J E Kelley Supt The Button Craze There is no such th g for buttons aro useful harmless fashionable The scraps of your n s will trim it if made into buttons oy uu new and improved button machine Four sizes The Thompson Dry Goods Co Dont Forget to call at my new location for reading matter stationery postcards souvenirs candy gum fresh roasted peanuts cigars tobacco pipes base ball goods toys etc Barney Hofer McCook News Depot The Cheapest Fence is one that lasts longest When you compare the American and Ellwood Wovan Wire Fence with others it is easy for you to decide McCook Hardware Co Water Meters We have on hand a supply of approv ed water meters which we will instal promptly on application Under Wood worth drug store Phone 182 Middleton Ruby Winter Clothes Dont pack them away without first distributing a good quantity of moth balls about them Come to our store for moth balls a big quantity on hand L W McConnell Druggist Notice of Estray A cow at my farm four miles south west of McCook Owner can have same by paying expenses J A Schmitz Do Not Delay getting your cane Kaffir and millet seed at McCook Hardware Co A few stacks will look good next winter Attention Fanners After April 1 1906 we will buy hogs only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week Wilcox Marsh Are You Building a Home Why not put a Majestic Range in it as a permanent feature McCook Hardware Co Office supplies at the Tribune office A r MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE C II Meeker was in Hastings Thursday P S Hkatok is visiting his family at Central City Mrs C W Britt was a Hastings visitor Thursday Isaac Sheridan turnod in his assess ors books Tuesday n Sandham was an Omaha visitor fore part of the week Jamhs Carmichakl of lndianola was a city visitor Monday Mrs M U Clyde has been vory ill for tho past week or so Oliver Jefferihs was in Culbortson on business Wednesday Rev Famuliner of tho Christian church has removed to Elwood Miss Bertha Schohel has entered tho Grannis store as bookkeeper Mrs 1 L Rodstrom went in to Om aha last week on a visit to relatives W II Ackerman has purchased tho C D Custer homo on McFarland street Mrs John Rowell departed last Saturday for her homo in Boulder Colo Clifford W Browne departed Wed nesday morning for Denver to remain awhile Miss Pearl Stanfield of Belleville Kans is visiting her sister Mrs James Hatfield Rev M B Carman will deliver the Decoration Day address at Curtis next Thursday Mr and Mrs Dick Osburn went to Holbrook yesterday morning for a short visit John L Newman of tho Danbury News force was a McCook visitor early in tho week E B Treat of Dennison Iowa is visiting here with his brother-in-law W E Dewitt Mrs F M Kijimell went down to Lincoln yesterday morning on a short visit to her son Schell C Vv Rainey of Omaha was in the city Tuesday looking after the interests of the Mutual Benefit Life C D Kenady of Jalapa Mexico is in tho city on a visit to his family He i3 a conductot on the F C 1 Mrs D R Kleint of Topeka Kans as arrived in the city this week on a visit to her mother Mrs C IT Barrett W B Fearn went to Lincoln Tues day to attend the Nebraska Photo graphers association May 22 23 24 Albert Berry who has been filling a nice position in Chicago returned home Sunday on No 1 to remain for the present E B Pirry of Cambridge came in on No 5 Sunday evening to represent the remonstrators in the early week sa loon difficulty Chapter X P E will entertain in honor of Mrs Harriet Humphrey at the home of Mrs A C Ebert Saturday S p in May 25th F C Fuller departed on No 2 Thursday morning for Havelock to briefly visit Mr and Mrs Sam Pickard on his way home to Sheridan Wyo Dr M S Moore of Chicago is in the city with a view to locating Many of the base ball fans of earlier days will remember him as Dad Moore of Minden Dr A T Gatewood has been absent from the city part of the week attend ing the sessions of the state dental as sociation in Omaha He had a number on the program Rev and Mrs Hawkes of Connecti cut en route to Idaho on a visit passed through McCook Wednesdoy They will return in a few weeks and make his brother Rev G B Hawkes of our city a short visit Scpt and Mrs G H Thomas enter tained the members of the twelfth grade and high school teachers at dinner last Saturday evening After which the teachers surprised the grade with an automobile ride over the city making a total occasion of much felicity W R Burbridge was over from Danbury Monday accompanying his son Clifford who was en route t o Benkelman to go into a store as clerk Mr Burbridge claims the distinction of being the only living grandchild of the Revolution a claim which he states so far has not been successfully denied H H Pickens writes us that he has settled down for the present at Escalon Calif that his health is good and Mrs Pickens health much better than when they left here Mr and Mrs Frank Freelove are now making them a short visit He reports having met quite a number of the Nebraska contingent al ready during their short sojourn in Cali fornia and that all seemed satisfied with the country SfcCoo A young brother of Mrs Spaulding found her in this terrible condition and gavo the alarm and physicians and officers were soon on the scene having been hurried there from McCook in automobiles The doctors immediately set to work to do all in their power for the unconscious and brutally pounded woman efforts being contfnued through out Wednesday night and yesterday Officers and neighbors aroused to the utmost by the sickening scene eagerly sought for trace or clew all up to this writing having proven abortive The Red Willow and neighborhood was at once patroled b armed men and the telephone used in every direction Trains out of McCook and other neigh boring towns were watched during Wednesday night but no trace or clew was discovered An unknown man was seen in that neighborhood during the morning and suspicion naturally attaches to him He is described as of good size dark complexion rather wiry build wore overalls and a blue shirt The little girl said that a black man killed her mamma evidently referring to the dirty swarthy complexion of the assailant The room in which the assault was nicde bears every evidence of a desperate encounter Cards were printed the same night Lace Curtains Fifty cents a pair up to 7 a pair run the prices on our very large line of cur tains embracing Arabians Tambours Irish Point Bonne Femmo Landscapes Nottinghams and Brussels No trouble to show them on our patent display rack The Thompson Dry Goods Co Camera Pleasure Lasts Theres more enjoyment in a camera than in anything else you can get for the same price and its pleasure that lasts as long as you live We have the East man Kodak the on at makes picture taking easy L W McConnell Druggist In Car Load Lots the McCook Hardware Co get their buggies thus saving you two thirds the freight and giving you the best possible value for your money Gauze Corsets The American Beauty corsets are the best Money back after four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied Sold only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co Removal Miss Carrie Watkins dressmaker has removed from the Zint block to Mrs Welles residencetwo doors north of the court house My Sister My sister she smashed seven brass sash rods They were not Bray tons brass sash rods as they cant be smashed that easy Braytons they put them selves up 10c each at Thompsons yw ryt e McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MAY 24 1907 A FIENDISH DEED firs Claude Spaulding Brutally and Perhaps Fatally Beaten BY UNKNOWN SCOUNDREL Assault Committed at Her Home Wednesday After- noon and No Trace So Far Found of the Fiend BIoodHounds Go Up to the Scene This Morning One of tho most dastardly atrocious and mysterious crimes in tho history of Southwestern Nebraska had its scone on Red Willow creek this county about eight miles north of McCook Wednesday afternoon between one and two oclock when a vicious cow ardly and murderous assault was made on Mrs Claude Spaulding by some un known miscreant who up to the time of this writing has succeeded in evading arrest No one was in the house at tho time of the murderous attack savo Mrs Spaulding and her three-year-old daugh ter Mr Spaulding having gone up into Frontier county the day before on business The wretch used a large steel wedge and a hammer in his assault making several terriblo wounds on his victims head fracturing the skull and left tho body weltering on the floor in her own blood for dead stating simple facts and giving best description possible of tho supposed assailant and these were mailed out ovor all of this section of the state A man was held at Red Willow Thursday morning but soon after released Night Policoman Fitzgerald went down to Holdrege Thursday morning to attempt to identify several suspects held there but returned home last night empty handed Reports have came in from Cedar Bluff Kansas and other points lint up to date noth ing has developed of an encouraging nature Mrs Spaulding nee Laura Gehring formerly taught school in that neigh borhood Is a relative of D C Little and highly esteemed Tho dastardly affair has not only aroused that neighborhood but has dis turbed McCook profoundly crowds gathering often to hear tho slightest news and characterizations of the crime being the most lurid Two young blood hounds arrived from Beatrice last night on 3 and were taken out to the scene but the heavy rain of yesterday afternoon will make their work most difficult F A Pennell and Louis Thorgrimson drove physicians and officers to the scene in their autos covering the dis tance in thirty minutes Dr Beach was misdirected but later reached tho scene and with Dr McDivitt assisted Dr Hare who is in charge of the sad case Words fail in expressing the sympathy felt for Mr Spaulding in this unspeak ably horrible affair The plain indications aie that the wretch failing in an attempted assault on account of desperato resistance of Mrs Spaulding made a fiendish at tempt to kill Mrs Spaulding had not at noon today regained consciousness but her general condition was improved and in some re spects was normal The next few days will determine whether or not she can or will recover Her condition is des perately bad Up to the time of our going to press this Friday afternoon practically no trace has been found of the brutal wretch and the prospects are not encour aging School Closing Exercises The public schools will close the years work Friday June 7th The high school graduating exercises will take place in the Bixler opera house Friday night June 7 commenc ing at 830 oclock L B Wikersham of Iowa a talented platform speaker will deliver the class address Tho members of the class of 1907 have chosen Rev J J Loughran to preach the baccalaureatesermon This service will be held at St Patricks church Sunday evening June 2nd The members of the Twelfth grade are Reid McKenna Floyd Green Alice Benjamin Alice McKenna Dora Oyster Nellie Andrews Lois Hilemao Nora Fitzgerald and Josephine Ham mond Save Ice and Dirt by using a Herrick or Siberia refrigera tor sold by McCook Hardware Co Al so save one third the ice used with a cheap refrigerator China or Pictures Nothing a more suitabie gift to a bride L W McConnell Druggist Get a Quick Meal Gasoline Stove or range at McCook Hardware Co Al ways safe and reliable and use the least gasoline of any stove made For Sale Open top rubber tired buggy good as new Set single harness L W McConnell Druggist MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnoll for drugs Base ball goods at Hofers Wall paper at McMillens Drug store McConnolls Sarsaparilla for impure blood 1 McMillen has a largo and well selected line of wall paper Prompt service in draying secured by calling up phono 109 Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables Dr Kays oflico is now ono door north of Commercial hotel Phono 97 McMillen would like to figuro with you on paiuts oils and varnishes Wanted A girl to do general house wook Good wages Mrs G S Scott Bound duplicato receipt books threo receipts to tho page for ealo at The Tribune office All kinds of fresh and salt meats fruits and vegetables at Magner it Stokes If you aro needing glasses romomber Dr Finch gives free tests and guaran tees satisfactory work Corn chop at tho mill at 80 cents a hundred livery thing dolivored McCook Milling Co For rent Furnished room two blocks east of Methodist church and second houso north R II Beatty Magner Stokes can supply you with anything in tho lino of fresh and salt meats Also fruits and vegetables Wsst Dennison street had tho front of the stage Tuesday with two runaways No injuries or damages of note how ever Tho only place in town where you can get the famous Threo Star Cof fee is at Magner it Stokes market and grocery We can furnish anything needed for the bath Let us show you our fine as sortment of bath supplies L W McConnell Druggist Pasture to Rent Half milo east and half milo north of McCook Horses 73c cows 50 yearlings 33c per month A P Morse If you want something for ta i and sunburn come to us We can give you an article which will prove satisfactory McConnells Fragraut Lotion 23c OurspringsL iout of burnt leather goods has arrived Call and see what we have Barney Hofer McCook Nows Depot The Doyle building on Main avenue occupied by Ilendrick it Lathrop has been purchased by Charles Lehn Mr Doyle is looking toward Idaho as the place for his future home Your Taste In Wall Paper We have a stock of new wall paper this spring that will appeal to all tastes The choice of patterns is practically unlimited Compared with the wonder ful improvement it makes in a room it costs very little to paper If you want to know just how little bring us in the dimensions of tho rooms you would like papered and get our figures L W McConnell Druggist Marie Antoinette A name to conjure with The makers of Ideal waists have produced no prettier waists than their Marie Antoin ette styles some in plaids some in Jap silks some in lawns About thirty very nice ones just received The Thompson Dry Goods Co Frank Shurtleff Marries Humboldt May 17 Frank Shurtleff youngest son of Clay Shurtleff and wife of this place was united in marriage to Miss Gladys Casebeer of Lincoln and the couple have gone to McCook where they will make their home on the Shurt leff ranch Both Granted But Appealed After an exciting trial Monday the city council by a vote of 3 to 1 granted saloon licenses to Mitchell U Clyde and William Y Johnson Both were appealed by tho remonstrators In a small way the testimony and circum stances were decidedly unusual Malarial Sickness Physicians have traced the cause of malarial diseases to the bite of the mos quito How to escape that bite is a vital question Mosquito netting for the purpose may be had for only oc yard from The Thompson Dry Goods Co Sixty Five Dollars Pays for a Milwaukee Cream Separator at Mc Cook Hardware Co How long will it take you to pay for this in the saving of cream Besides establishing a re gular income ypippiSLjiipjj4 r Sri h tf it V i -- tt Everything in drugs McConnoll Rooms for rent Storo V NUMBER 52 Inquire at tho Ideal It Illustrated souvenir letters of McCook only 10c at Hofors When in need of paint oils and var nishes go to McMillens Drug storo Onion sots in good condition roady for planting McCook Hardware Co Cameras films plates and kodak supplies of ail kinds at Woodworth Cos Zoa Phora Womans Friend A free 30c bottlo at C R Woodworth Cos Druggists If you want it dono right and right away call up phono 199 R M Douglass Co office in Hump building For Sale- An Angolus pinno player Inquire at this oflico for particulars Xi selections of music go with tho player Tho Catholic ladies profitably sorved many to dinner and supper in tho Men ard opera houso last Saturday R M Douglass it Co will give you prompt and efficientsorvico Phono 199 Oflico in Bump real ustato office lower Main R M Douglass it Co draying in all its branches Call up phono 199 Call at oflico in Bump building lower Main avonuo Tho McCook Pressed iirick Co havo replacod thuir two brick press with a four brick press thus doubling their capacity Select your pumps wind mills and pipe at McCook Hardware Co Thoy uo wen aim pump wonc or overy scription Cll It is reported that Beaver City has a largo number of smallpox cases and that quarantine regulations aro being enforced there For strength and health you need pure blood McConnells Sarsaparilla will make your blood what it should bo Price 81 per bottlo Agents Wanted with rigs to bell Medicines Extracts etc to farmers 3-21-It Royal Manufacturing Co 117 E 17th st Kansas City Mo Our soda fountain is now open and all tho latest fancy cold drinks and sundaes can bo had at our tables Ono hundred fancy specials to select from C R Woodworth it Co Drugguts Use McCook souvenir letters in writ ing to your friends Something now just received at BIIofers headquarters for souvenirs stationery and reading matter of all kinds Zoa Piiora a window full of it at C R Woodworth Cos this week Coupons have been distributed at oveiy house good for a large 50c bottlo free Any lady can havo a bottlo by asking for it I4 or commencement we have a fine new line of giff editions Also many other suitable remembrances cameras opera glasses fountain pens line stationery pictures etc L W McConnell Druggist Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence he buys only the best of livestock of all kinds and sells only the best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed Water tax for lots in Riverviow ceme tery is now due and payable to the secretary S3C0 covers expenses of wat er and maintenance for the season Take out your receipt to tho sexton that he may commence watering and care of your lot beforo Decoration day Ed IIubek Sec Invitations aro out to the celebra tion of the twenty fifth wedding anni versary of Mr and Mrs Walter Hills of Paducah Kentucky who will be ro membered by old time McCook railroaa people and citizens as early residents of McCook he being for years a dispatehf r at headquarters May 30 is the date Congratulations Good homes aro wanted for orphan and destitute children of all ages by the Child Saving InstitutelS0G Ohio street Omaha Neb Over three hundred children pass through the institute to homes and care in a single year From forty to sixty constantly on hand If interested write enclosing stamp for reply Sunday May 26th is Trinity Sunday Holy communion in St Albans church at 730 in the morning On account of tho Memorial services in the Baptist church there will be no 11 oclock ser vices Sunday school at 10 in the morn ing Evening prayer at 8 oclock with Trinity Sunday sermon All are wel come