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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
tip V i if 1 u V f ft v f LlxI2 - TWENTY SIXTH YEAR mm Dlstrlct Court Proceedings EQUITY The Western Land Go Clnyton continued Western Land Co v Wade et al continued v MarparetS Margaret H In the matter of tbo application of Emma J Bull for license to sell real estate erroneously on dockot Peter Holmes Updike v Eli Titus et al plaintiff given thirty days to amend petition In the matter of the application of Sarah A Haley guardian of Alta Haley and Bernardino Haley to sell real estate continued Charles Bornaman v George W Wy rieh et al defendant given thirty days to plead to amended petition Zara A Wilson v Elba W Graves et al defendant given thirty days to plead to cross petition In the matter of the application of James Earl Ludwick guardian of the person and estates of Lewis Basil Lud wick and Loren Landon Ludwick mi nors for license to sell real estate sale confirmed and deed ordered James M Phillips v Albert Ebert demurrer to petition and answer over ruled plaintiff given thirty days to plead S C King v I H Wasson notice to make more specific overruled thirty days to plead DAMAGE Charles H King v C B Q R R Co motion for leave to file amended pe tition granted on payment of costs by plaintiff Vocances Franklin v City of McCook continued Roseland Parsons v City of McCook motion for security for costs sustained thirty days to eive security leave to file amended petition in thirty days Alfred Clark et al v C B Q R R Co motion to amend by striking out parts of petition overruled defendant given thirty days to answer divorce Mary E Miller v Samuel L Miller leave to defendant to file amended an swer instanter plaintiff allowed to file replv instanter - Stephenson v Marshall G Ste phenson decree of divorce granted to plaintiff plaintiff to pay costs Judg ment for 820000 alimony Clara Thomas v Holly C Thomas cecree of divorce to plaintiff plaintiff to day costs plaintiff allowed to resume maiden name of Clara Stone APPEAL Acme Harvester Co v Frank S Schoonover settled and dismissed per stipulation Caleb L Hawkins Dolanct E ing continued John Muirhead v John H Grannis motion for security for costs overruled William Dukes v Fanuie M Colson motion for security for costs sustained William Dukes v John H Grannis motion for security for costs sustained MISCELLANEOUS The Kansas Mfg Co v Adam Wul rath and C P Pinker attachment con tinued Jacob Lurch v Matthew G Shackel ton and Frank Fritsch suit on bond continued State of Nebraska v Edward Curlee felony each of seven cases continued William F Everist v William Fischer suit ou contract leave to amend peti tion instanter without prejudice to trial Huber Mfg Co a corporation v John P Reiter replevin jury instructed to return verdict for plaintiff for return of property and damages in the sum of sis cents State of Nebraska v Nettie Came criminal dismissed National Cash Register Co v Daniel W Colson et al suit on contract mo tion to make answer more specific sus tained defendant given thirty days to JBle amended answer plaintiff thirty days thereafter to plead Peter Miesen administrator v Philip Schoff and Mrs Schoff his wife fore closure continued Annual Meeting Driving Park Assn The annual meeting of the McCook Driving Park association will be held Monday evening February 11th at the Commercial club rooms for the election of officers for the coming year Also to set a date for the next race meeting and to transact such other business as may be brought up A report from W R Starr who was a delegate to the Ne braska Circuit meeting at Lincoln will be received All stockholders will be notified of the meeting by a personal letter A full attendance is desired lou can only keep up the meetings and make them a success by showing an interest ond hpincr nn hand to boost The Treas urers report showing the financial con dition of the association will be sub mitted Questions for consideration by the members Shall we enlarge the buildings and make them more permanent Shall we try to add a stock shew pSCan we do anything in the way of an agricultural exhibit What can we do to make the meeting this 3 ear more of a success than it was last year Should we own fair grounds and not lease If we cannot own grounds should we get a long term lease direct from the railroad company A Barnett President C B Gray Secretary Lessons in Pyrography Free With every Pyrograpby outfit sold during the next ten days we will give fil instruction at our store free doing burnt work Complete outfit from 200 up Extra points 8100 and up C R Woodworth Co Druggists FOR SALE Tuerk water motor andi several steam radiators Inquire or write The Tribune McCook Neb Ladies 600 long coats now 389 at Thompsons MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs M J Strouds aged mother is very ill Mrs Harry Kingsbury is visiting McCook relatives Misses Ryan entertained the Awl Os Tuesday night JE Khlley goes down to Lincoln tonight on business Herman Schobkl is a guest of his brother J G Schobel T V Moore is the new bookkeeper at the Barnett lumber yard Mr and Mrs O M Knipple enter tained the whist club Tuesday evening Mrs J E Kelley was called over to Kirwin Kansas by illness of her father Rev and Mrs J Stewart Miller wont down to Edison Monday mbrning on 2 W E Corwin contemplates building a new cottago on North Marshall in the spring Miss Laura McMillen will entertain chapter X P E Of Saturday Febru ary 9th 2 p m Mrs J H Yarger is entertaining her brother Lee Patterson of Iudianola Iowa this week A S Ennis will build a residence on North Marshall in the early spring for his own occupancy Mrs J E SaAorn came down San born last Friday night for a few days on business and pleasure Mrs D 0 Shaw who lhe9 a few miles north of the city is very ill The Tribune regretfully learns Miss Pay Hostktter is now able to be about after i three weeks siege of whooping cough and bronchitis Miss Elsie Campbell has been quite ill with threatened attack of pnonionia Mrs Campbell is much better and about Mr and Mrs II W Conover are re ceiving gratulations upon a dual visit of the stork last Thursday night A boy and a girl Mrs IIiram Thrailkill departed Mondny morning for Agua Kansas for a weeks visit with a sister on her way home to California C W Kelley departed Saturday night last for New York where his marriage with Miss Elsie Asten will shortly be consummated Fred Brewer arrived home Monday morning from Las Vegas N M and expects to remain perhaps engaging in business here for himself B II Stewart formerly with The Tiibune arrived from Waterloo Iowa last Friday night and has again assumed the foremauship of this office Dr and Mrs D Hare entertained the Thursday ovening whist club Tues day evening Mrs W R Starr and Mr J G Stokes won first and booby prizes Mr and Mrs E W Eller of Butte Montana are visiting his parents Mr and Mrs C T Eller They are on their way west from a visit in Chicago and points east Mr and Mrs Ed S Waite arrived home Tuesday night from their sad visit to Nashua Iowa Mrs Waites aged mother passed away shortly after their arrival there Mr and Mrs J G Schobel arrived home Monday night from Chicago stopping briefly at Minden whore friends will be pained to learn Mr Schobels mother is seriously ill Successful Meetings Close The revival meetings which have filled so much of McCooks time attention and interest for the past month closed at the Bixler opera house last Sunday night Both meetings Sunday despite below zero weather were largely at tended auspiciously closing a successful revival At the close of the Sunday evening meeting a large number of the audience escorted Evangelist Lyon and Singer Stentz to train N06 which they took for Illinois Mr Lyon going Wheaton and Mr Stentz to Chicago During the meetings 320 cards were signed indicating the desire of the bigners to become followers of Christ While the attendance at special meet ings reached tho 1000 mark the average attendance for the five weeks was about 600 The expenses of the religious cam paign amounting to 6800 were all paid early in the revival and at the close Evangelist Lyon received a free will of fering of 500 and Singer Stentz S100 Tuesday evening of this week the Baptists Congregationalists Christians and Methodists united in a social at the Methodist church which was crowded There were speeches by the several pastors along the line of what next There was vocal and instrumental music refreshments and a gladsome social season One of the results of the revival is a vigorous movement for a Y M C A organization and building Messrs Barnett Sutton Carman Suess and Lindemann are the committee boosting the proposition May it win That the good results from the revival may be permanent and far reaching is the prayer of every Christian heart Next Sunday Mr Lyon will commence a meeting in Oberlin Ohio a tabernacle having been prepared on the Oberlin college campus Removal Sale From now until I move will sell tho bulk of my goods at greatly reduced prices many articles below cost We nrefer to sacrifice our stock and save trouble and expense in moving Barnry Hofer P O Store Farmers Cannot Afford to Waste their grain by feeding it whole Buy one of the New Famous Lightning Feed Grinders of McCook Hardware Co and handle your stock like the thorough bred man does Ladies black fur scarfs 69c Others to 649 Thompsons - i tj t Mdly VM i rtf 1 Attention Notary Publics The attention of magistrates and others who may assist in the making and verification of vouchers for pension is invited to the following uct of Con gress An Act to amend section forty seven hundred and forty six of the Revised Statutes of the United States Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That section forty seven hundred and forty six of the Revised Statutes of the United States is hereby amended to read as follows That every person who knowingly or willfullymakes or aids or assists in the making or in any wiso procures the making or presentation of any false or fraudulent affidavit declaration certi ficate voucher or paper or writing pur porting to be such concerning any claim for pension or payment thereof or pert aining to any other matter within the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Pen sions or of the Secretary of the Interior or who knowingly or willfully makes or causes to be made or aids or assists in tbo making or presents or causes to bo presented at any pension agency any power of attorney or other paper required as a voucher in drawing a pension which paper bears a date subsequent to that upon which it was actually signed or acknowledged by the pensioner and every person before whom any tion affidavit voucher or other paper or writing to be usfa in aid of the prosecut ion of any claim for pension or bounty land or payment thereof purports to have been executed who shall knowing ly certify that the declarant affiant or witness named in such declaration affi davit voucher or other papfr or writing personally appeared before him and was sworn thereto or acknowledged the ex ecution thereof when in fact such be clarant affiant or witness did not per sonally appear before him or was not sworn thereto or did not acknowledge the execution thereof shall bo punished by a fine nor exceeding five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for a term of not moie then five years Approved July 7 189S Ihe motiucuon printed on each voucher should be followed strictly V Warner Commissioner Farmers Institute Farmers institute is to be held in this city February 19th and 2Dth and it is hoped that the farmers will take advant age of this schooling which is conducted imdor tho auspices of the State Uni versity of Nebraska and is free to all While ou may not agree in all things as to how and when things should be done it only stands to reason that ono is never too 01a to learn xiemnm this is a meeting for all ijcarn now ic got the most out of what you now pos sess The following is the program Tuesday Afternoon Session 130 Economic Pork Production Mr Hull Alma Nob 230 Soil Fertility and Conservation Prof E W Hunt Syracuse Neb Tuesday Evening Session 730 Problems for Farmers Institu tes Mr Hull S30 Economy in tho Care of Farm Animals Prof Hunt Wednesday Morning Session 1000 Contagious Diseases of Farm Animals Dr H Jensen Weep ing Water 1100 Feeding Farm Animals W P Snyder North Platte substation Wednesday Afternoon Session 130 Care and Selection of Breed ing Stock Dr Jensen 230 Dry Land Farming Mr Snyder If I understand it right these institu tes are maintained out of the University fund and every farmer is contributing to that fund and should get something out of it Do not forget the days Feb ruary 19tb and 20th L H Lindemann Secy Dont Wait untfl the rush i3 on before doing your papering Everything is in favor of the early paperer You have a full and complete stock to select from and have no trouble in securing the services of a papor hanger Our new stock of wall paper is now in and it far surpasses any we have ever had Come in and look at our samples You will be surprised how little money is required to artistically paper your house L W McCofnell druggist Eighty one Pieces Our gingham stock consists of eighty one pieces of choice styles and colorings in three grades viz Staple checks in Aye colors at 5c yard fancy dress styles in a durable unstarched cloth for 9c a yard and our finest at 12lc No ad vance in our prices Thompsons Baths Sure We aro connected with the sewer system and our rooms are newly cleaned Wo invite old customers and new as well to come for baths Services of a rubber if wanted Bruns Barber Shop Settle Up All persons indebted to Predmore Bros R J Predmore or G W Pred more Sons must settle up soon Tho books will be found at G W Predmore and Sons shop Majestic and Quick Meal Ranges are cheaper in the long run McCook Hardware Co Max Hare and Fred Archibald have secured the refreshment rights at the Bixler opera house Hereafter during all entertainments refreshments will be served under their personal management Kodaks Cameras Woodworth Cos and supplies at Misses long coats reduced 169 499 Thompsons s to Bad Day For No One Hastings Neb Feb 2 Burlington No 1 the faet limited westbound train struck a road engine in the Hasting yards this forenoon The two engines were damaged four cars of No 1 wore derail ed and Engineer Hyder of No 1 had bis wrist sprained Burlington men said it was hoodoo day for the Burlingtons fast train It had beon delayed by a slight freight wreck at Havelock arriving here about 11 am and leaving the station at 11 25 When it finally got disentangled from the yard wreck and started west from Hastings it was 3 p m an hour when it should have been west of Wray Col As No i left the Hastings yards it struck an engine backing out from the round house to the main line No 1 was running about twenty miles an hour The engine of tho passenger train was derailed with four coaches follow ing Tho train ran along on the ties and frozen ground for two hundred ieot before it was stopped only the fro zen ground saving it from overturning Engineer Jack Hyder of Lincoln stayed with his engine to the end and escaped with no more serious injury than a sprained wrist Engineer Neilson of the engine which was run into was not injured although his engine lost its trucks from the tender and one cylinder head Engineer Neilson believed that No 1 had gouo through on time so after No 2 pulled in be ran out onto the main line from tie rjund house to take a train to McCook Just as ho reached the main line he saw No coming He reversed his engine but could not get out of the way of tho passenger train No one was injured in the passenger coaches of No 1 and but slight damago was done to the equipment Engineer Hyder went on with his train after the cars had been placed on tho rails As another engine was being brought out of tho round house to take the train west it was derailed making another delay Lincoln Journal McCook Commercial Club The regulir meeting of the Commer cial club will be held Tuesday evening at 800 oclock February 12th All members should make it a point to attend The committee on passenger depot should bo ready to report The State Association of Commercial clubs meets in Lincoln February 21st and 22nd and the question of sending delegates will be brought up One fare and a fifth for the round trip Something further should be done about providing hitching racks a city scale and a new calaboose Several propositions have been talked of in tho way of further improvements in tiopwith our new sewers and it will soon bo time for the spring election Be present and be heard on all ques tions A Barnett President Commercial Club Business Change This morning the Model shoe store passed from the ownership of A E Petty to Fisher Snider Co C A Fisher will be in charge of the business for the present to be joined later in the spring by his partner and brother-in-law Mr Snider of Ogallala and sister Mrs For syth his partners in the concern This is one of the best business enter prises in McCook The now firm is com posed of old settlers They are very wel come back home Mr Petty has not signified what his future course will be Advance Notice to Subscribers Subbcription expiration notices are now being prepared and in a few days will be mailed to ail delinquent subscri bers of The Tribune We hope to re ceive a prompt reply from all The sub scription price is 61 00 a year payable in sho uld be in advance The Publisher McConnells Headache Capsules will be keenly appreciated after a trial by people who suffer from nervous and neuralgic headaches severe or mild occasional or chronic These capsules never fail to give quick relief easing the pain in a few minutes Made and sold by L W McConnell druggist Timely Notice We are keeping up our lines of under wear suitable for the time of year in unions as well as separate garments for all ages and both sexes See us for extra sizes in La wool vests and pants The Thompson Dry Goods Co For Sale One young team work one 9 mos colt one 1J mares in foal work harness one new New Molino wagon one new hayrack two dozen thoroughbred Leg horn pullets F E Larson C miles south of city on Cratty farm Church Social The Congregational church will give a good time social at the church next Thursday evening All members of the church and congregation young and old are cordially invited Seeds of All Kinds McCook Hardware Co will be head mmrtprs for all kinds of garden and field seeds Their now stock Wanted experienced lady is ready An uooK Keeper Must know shorthand and type writing Address Powell te Nilsson Marion Nebraska Hills Caseara quinine cures colds It has the laxative qualities without producing that distress in the stomach for sale by Woodworth Co Druggist Pyrography outfits from 200 up at Woodworth Co Druggists 375 good clean warm wool blankets for 289 Thompsons Lowneys Chocolates Whore Woodworth Cos RB CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Sunday school at 10 am preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Elder Miller has beon employed to bo with this church beginning first of tho year Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday Bchool 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 1000 a m Sermon and reception of new mem bers at 1100 Class at 1200 Junior League at 700 Sermon at 800 Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at 800 M B Carman Pastor Christian Science Services at Zint McClain bldg Sunday at 11 oclock a m Wednesday at 8 oclock p in Subject Soul Reading room at same place open dnily where Christian Science litorature may be had Episcopal Services on Sunday at 11 a m Holy communion and sermon on third Sunday in each month at 730 pm prayers and sermon Sunday school at 10 a m The rector will officiate All are welcome to those services E R Earle Rector Baptist Sunday school at 1000 a m Preaching services at 11 a m and 8 p m Young peoples meeting at 7 p m Sunday evening tho subject will be Victory or how to ruako n success of tho Christian life A F Green Pastor Congregational Sunday School at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p in by pastor Christian Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 a m Sermon subject Sunday morn ing A revival all the yfar All are cordially invited to these services Geo B Hawkes Pastor Do you have to wait till payday Get tho money of C W Browue aud do it now Abas groundhog Say you saw it in The Tribune Woodworth Co sell pyrography goods Meat Preserver McConnells Liquid Smoke Mens black dress overcoats 3G9 at Thompsons 8100 heavy double 2 9J at Thompsons wool shawls for Great Eagles dance February 12th in Bixler Music by McCook band Military dance by Eagles February 12th Bixler opera house McCook band Corn chop at the mill at 80 cents a hundred tivery thing delivered McCook Milling Co Now is the time to enjoy an Eastman kodak You should have one McCon nell sells them McConnells fragrant lotion a quick and sure relief for chapped and sore hands Try it 25c Friday night last was the Fortnightlys final for the 1906 7 season Well attend ed and enjoyable They had a small blaze at the home of Mrs Sidney Brown Wednesday after noon Slight damage Lost A pair of gold glasses on Main avenue leave at Tribune office rimmed eye Fmder please It Rev A F Green Mill preach on Vic- advance Labor and material have sharp- tory or How to Make a Success of the lv advanced but the subscription prico re mains at SI 00 a year but the 8100 i Christian Lite sunuay mgnc ai me Baptist church Any child can take our Mentholated White Pino and Tar cough remedy with out the least danger It contains no morphine or poisonous substances Woodworth Co Wanted Experienced man with team to sell remedies in the country Salary and exnenses Inquire for T O - ATrtOTiMrtl yagur lib luuuuuucii Commercial hotel s arug store or at Henry Loveland contractor and buiiderfrom Denver is here to stay and figure on all jobs Plans and specifica tion furnished For particulars call at the McCook Hardware Cos store 3t John M Baldwin of the Upper Drift wood neighborhood February 1st sold one litter of eight May pigs in McCook for which he secured 31S5G2 in coin of the realm Which we feel safe in assert ing is Going some In Their New Quarters Messrs Okerson and Baker moved in to their new quarters in the basement of the Commercial hotel Monday morning of this week In addition to a well-appoint -d barbershop they have a modern equipped bathroom and toiletroom sewer-connected and first ehiss in every res pect They hope to have your continued patronage We Can Save you Money On the Best paint sold Patterson and Sargent McCook Hardware Co RED WILLOYvf The sick are all improving Owens and Louis Longnecker have each filled hi ice house with nice ice 16 inches thick Will Myers is shelling corn today the Fritch Bros doing the work Corn shelling will be the order of tho day for some time Louis Longnecker and family acd Mr and Mrs Smith visited at Mr l lands the first of the week s 3t Snbtttte McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 8 I90r iVob MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Just a littlo snow McConnell for drugs Sfu NUMBER 3T McMillons Cough Cure Everything in drugs McConnoll Eaglo dance Bixler Fobruary 12th McConnells Balsam cures coughs Below zero 1 points Sunday morning Mens heavy warm ulsters 3G9 at Thompsons Mens sheep lined duck coats for 321 at Thompsons Comic valentines to suit ovory ono at McConnells Ladies good llannelotte waists for 35c at Thompsons Mens 175 sweaters sons clearing sale 129 J E Barngrovor McCook Loans and Abstracts Ladies G50 mixed 399 Thompsons cloth coats now Ladies 10 00 black and castor coats now 0 49 Thomjwons Try Magnor Stokes for fresh suit meats fruit and vegetables and Dr Kays i aow one door north of Commercial hotel Phono 97 McMillens Cream Lotion will mako your hands and face smooth and soft Best table oilcloth tas Thompson s 15c yard Valentines all kinds at Woodwoith Co Druggists Try Monardine as a tooth wash 25c L W McConnell Druggist Fancy Navel Orangt s only 55c a peck J A Wilcox Son Great Erilo dance Bixleropera house February 12th M usic by McCook band Young mens fourteen years to nine teen years overcoats 8349 Thomp sons Thousands of valentines Funny ones beautiful ones artistic oues at McCon nells Salts silk bear skin plush reduced to 1 G9 in white red green and d1ul Thompsons Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at Lie Tribune otlice For Sale A yood 22 rifle a Allen Jr No 922 single shot Injuire of Harold Tyler 2 8 2ts Hot water bottles and combination fountain syringes in all styles at Mc Millens drug store A nico box of candy makes a splendid valentine You can get Gunthers can dies at McConnells druggist If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business All kinds of fresh and salt meats fruits and vegetables at Magner Stokes Magner Stoke3 can supply you with anything in the line of fresh and sait moats Also fruits and vegetables We promise you purest drugs and finest quality in all medicines we prepare L W McConnell druggist Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office During Farmers Institute Feby 19th and 20th you aro invited to make our store your headquarters McCook Hardware Co Rev A F Green will preach on Victory or how to Make a Success of the Christian Life Sunday night at the Baptist church All persons knowing themselves in debted to me are are requested to call and pay up as soon as possible as I need the coin Barney Hoeer Found On fifth day of January a pocket book containing a large sum of money on Oberlin road south of Mc Cook Henry Hesterworth 2 3 It See us if you are going to build Wo have had 25 Years experience Fine de signing a specialty Claybaugh Bros Shop opposite Blue Front livery barn McCook Nebr Our Mentholated White Pine and Tar cough remedy is guaranteed under the newPure Food and Drug Law The best and surest cure for coughs and cold3 Woodworth Co Marsh operates on the theory thnt nothing is too good for his patron- hence ho buys only the best of livc t j of all kinds and sells only tho of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed Wanted Gentleman or lady to tra vel for Mercantile House of large capital Territory at home or abroad to suit If desirable the home may be usfa as headquarters Weekly salary of l0UO Address JosA per year andexpnes Alexander McCook Neb Money orders should be presented for payment at least once a week in order to facilitate the work of the government and for the advantago of tho service generally Look up your money orders if vou have any unpaid in your possession and present them at the post office at once Never hold them over a week from dete of receipt if you can avoid it rssEn N5