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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
C V3V -if J v TWENTY SIXTH YEAR j A ash She Annual Meeting of Stockholders The stockholders of the McCook Driving Park association held their annuo 1 meeting iu the McCook Com mercial club rooms Monday night The following officers were elected Albert Burnett president VV R Starr vice president C B Gray secretary 5 A Pennell treasurer board of directors L V McConnell W M wts W Y Johnson A G Bump JT E Kelley An auditing committee composed of Isoa Cone R J Gunn and Albert Bar nott was chosen to audit the books and affairs of last year While the dates for the meetings for 1007 have not been fully determined upon it seems to be likelyJJvit the first meeting will be held Pji H 4th and the fail meeting durirt vhtter part of September or th days of October Jf W Starr -who attended the meet ing of the Nebraska Circuit association recently made his report The McCook association has been invited into mem bership but the dates allowed do not seem to be opportune for the local association and the matter didnt look good to the stockholders The president of the association who was a strong factor in the success of the initial meet is opposed to the gam bling feature of horse racing which augurs well for the cleanness of the meeting along that line The dates for the mid summer and tall meets will be announced in due time officially by the board of directors into whose hands the matter was placed The scope of the association will be determined later Washington Dinner The ladies of the M E church will ive their aunual dinner and bazaar Friday February 22nd in their dining tootn in the basement of the church DINNER Roast Turkey Cranberry Sauce Eoast Beef Brown Gravy Creamed Potatoes Creamed Peas White Bread Brown Bread Vegetable Salads Celery Pickles Mince Apple Lemon and Pumpkin Pie Doughnuts Cheese Fruit Coffee SUPPER Cold Meats Jelly Sscalloped Meat with Hot Sauce Baked Beans Hominy Fruit Salad Assorted Cake Tea Coffee There will be an extra table provided for the benefit of the railroad boys and business men whose time is limited Increasing Amount of Water Mains The water works company has pipe on the ground for an increase of its water mains mileage About2000feetof three rach mains will be laid on Marquette street extending same south to Denni soa street Several hundred feet of six inch pipe will be laid on Dolan steet west to Marquette street The Tribune is informed that the Irod on both sides of Marquette street vhich will be extended south to Demi steeot will be laid out into city lots thus far extending the limits and opening that section to growth and upbuilding A Frontier County Row Indianola Neb Feb 8 As the result of an old feud a fight took place ata literary society in Frontier county lost night between Ben Jusel and the McCaighney boys Jusel drew a revol ver and shot one of the McCaighneys iafcfce abdomen got into his buggy and started homo He was overtaken by the two McCaighneys and was beaten and kicked until he was nearly dead The man who was shot will recover Jusel is in bad condition though his iife is not thought to be in danger Jiincoln Journal Sawdon Franks Fairmont Neb Feb 8 Yesterday afternoon at the home of E D Perkins northwest of town Carl W Sawdon -of Fairmontand MissEthel May Franks -of Lrashton were united in marriage Key Dr Gallagher of the M E church of this city officiating After the cere mony a dinner was served Mr and and Mrs Sawdon will make their home in McCook this state Lincoln Jour nal Lessons in Pyrography Free With every Pyrography outfit sold -daring the next ten days we will give XuJl instruction at our store free doing mrat work Complete outfit from 200 up Extra points 100 and up O R Woodworth Co Druggists Pormer Judgment Adhered To Notice from the clerk of the supreme xmrt announces that in the matter of McAdams versus the city of McCook the courts former judgment of reversal is adhered to This is a decision in favor of the city Ameriean Beauties The American Beauty corsets are unequalled for elegance of fit finish and make They are guaranteed as JbUows Money back after four weeks wear if dissatisfied Thompsons only For Fifty Cents Mens good stout overallsband or bib aor fifty cents at Thompsons Others at seventy five cents Dressmaking I will sevr by the day or week at your jhome Address Letitia Tuttle Box 252 McCook FOR SALE Tuerk water motor and several steam radiators Inquire or write The Tribune McCook Neb ladies Wrappersr 75c S100 125 and 150 These prices gea nice range of styles and qualities a Thompsons v y j e- MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE I J Reynolds is clerking for Fisher Snider Co Rhv H Tj Berg of Campbell was in town Monday Atty AE Smith was up from Ox ford early in the week Albert Styer was over from Dan bury midweek on business C AFisher was in Wauneta part of the week on business matters Mrs Will Hegenberger is recover ing from quite a severe illness O N Rectors new cottage ovor on Manhattan street is woll under way - C F SHAFERof Bartley was at the county capitol this week on business Mrs G W Trijipey and daughter were down from Culbortson Saturday Mrs A A Maxwell of Davenport Iowa i3 visiting in the city guest of her aunt Frank Allen and family and Mr and Mrs C F Allen have moved over onto a farm nearDanbury Ramey Allen departed Tuesday night forDes Moines Iowa to enter a business school of that city Robert Allen departed Wednesday night for Des Moines Iowa to resume his duties in a business college at that city John H Wesch of Banksville and P H Bluuck of the South Side were at the county seat Wednesday on matters of business t Miss Cora Jeffries returned home Wednesday morning from her visit of several weeks in Kansas with relatives and friends County Attorney Reeder who has been confined to his room with a severe attack of tonsilitis left for Lincoln Thursday night for treatment Mrs Ward who has been visiting her daughter Mrs J G Stokes for several weeks loft for her homein Ham burg Iowa yesterday morning Mrs W H Browne stopped in Mc Cook one day first of the week to visit her son Clifford She was enroute from St Francis to her homo in Denver Mrs Lillie McFarland arrived home Monday on 13 from her absence of a few weeks in the eastern markets in quest of spring and summer millinery Miss Abel who has been visiting her sister Miss Martha of the public school teacher corps for a few days departed Tuesday for her home in Red Cloud Mr and Mrs J G Schobel were in Minden over Sunday returning home on the night train Mrs Schobel re turned to Minden Monday night His mother is veiy ill Mrs JEKelley telegraphed the sad news from Kirwin Kansas Monday of the death of her aged father to whose bedside she was called last week She has the sympathy of many friends in this sorrow Harry Simons will depart tomorrow for eastern markets to make extensive purchases of new goods for his store It is his purpose to carry a large up-to-date stock in his lines and will conduct the business along most liberal and ap proved business lines Mrs Albert Barnett gave a valen tine card party to a company of lady friends Tuesday afternoon The deco rations were in hearts and the color scheme was red scarlet carnations the floral item Draperies chandeliers etc afforded effective media for pretty decorative results Hearts was the card game Mrs A L Knowland winning the honors and a beautiful bouquet of scarlet carnations Refreshments were served Married on Monday Morning Word from the happy groom an nounces the marriage of Mr Charles W Keiley of our city and Miss Elsie Asteu of Port Richmond N Y Monday morn ing of this weekin the Church of the Ascension Stateh Island The Tribune joins with many friends and well wish in hearty congratulations The young friends will likely remain in the east un til the latter -part of March before re turning to McCook their future homo Notice to Settle All parties owing me are requested to call and make a satisfactory settlement before March first 1907 as I must close up my dusiness here on that date Please do not delay this another day My books will bo found at Tho Model shoe store until that date A E Petty Cummins Drake Tuesday afternoon at the Baptist parsonage Rev A F Green officiated at tho wedding of James A Cummins and Estella M Drake The young folks will make McCook their home You Can Not Afford to Be without a Famous Lightning feed grinder One farmer said he saved more than the price of his in one year Can you make one hundred per cent else where McCook Hardware Co Miles of Wallpaper Our stock of new sprjng patterns is al most endless You are sure to find scores of designs to please you Prices are pleasing too L W McConnell Druggist White Quilts Good values in hemmed and fringed at Thompsons Majestic and Quick Meal Ranges are cheaper in the long run McCook HardwarejCo Get The Tribune to do your printing tj jy w I bWiw h Settle Up All persons indebted to Predmoro Bros R J Predmoro or G W Pred moreSons must settle up soon The books will bo found at G W Predmore and Sons shop v Mens Suits Mens suits at 500 650 800 1000 1250 and 1350 We save you from 100 to 300 on a single suit The Thompson Drygoods Co r f McCook McCOOK RED WILLOW Farmers Institute Farmers institute is to be held in this city February 19th and 20th and it is hoped that the furmors will take advant age of this schooling which is conducted under the auspices of the State Uni versity of Nebraska and is free to all While you may not agree in all things as to how and when things should be done it only stands to reason that one is never too old to learn Remember this is a meeting for all Learn how to get the most out of what you now pos sess The following is the program Tuesday Afternoon Session 130 Economic Pork Production Mr Hull Alma Neb 230 Soil Fertility and Conservation Prof E W Hunt Syracuse Neb Tuesday Evening Session 730 Problems for Farmers Institu tes Mr Hull 830 Economy in the Care of Farm Animals Prof Hunt Wednesday Morning Session 1000 Contagious Diseases of Farm Animals Dr H Jensen Weep ing Water 1100 Feeding Farm Animals W P Snyder North Platte substation Wednesday Afternoon Session 130 Care and Selection of Breed ing Stock Dr Jensen 230 Dry Land Farming Mr Snyder If I understand it right these institu tes are maintained out of the University fund and every farmer is contributing to that fund and should get something out of it Do not forget the days Feb ruary 19cb and 20th L H Lindemann Secy Commercial Club Meeting The regular session of the McCook Commercial club was held in the club rooms Tuesday evening with a fair attendance The reporfrof the depot committee was received to the effect that their plans were already matured and contemplated the expenditure of about 62000 in ex tensive rearrangements and improve ments to the present structure and the addition of a considerable extension to the west of the old building one story high Messrs F M Kimmell E H Doan and M O McClure were appointed a committee to push the matter of a city scale and the committee will take up the investigation of location cost etc in the near future with the hope of securing favorable action on the part of the city council President Barnett in a short talk re ferred to the W M C A building project and it is thought the club will be in the ranks of the boosters when the committee shall have plans matured Brief reference was also made by the president to the coming city election urging the voters to give the matter deserved attention and interest The advent of new and young blood into the club recently was also a matter of comment and pride to the president and satisfaction to the club City Council Proceedings Council was in regular session Mon day evening Present Mayor Waite Councilmen Lawritsoh McConnell and Gray Clerk Middleton Previous meetings proceedings were read and approved Police judges report was filed and referred to city attorney Chief polices report was filed Estimate on complete sewer work was submitted by City Engineer Meeke and Contractors Davis and Heuser were issued a warrant in the sum of 2000 Bill of C E Eldred for 50 legal services was allowed Request for puilding permit by C C Fahrenbruck and Co two story brick with basement on lot 13 block 21 original town was allowed Ordinance 131 passed first reading It regulates and licenses omnibuses peddlers opera companies etc By resolution the city clerk was in structed to request the county com missioners to oTder the county treasurer to take up any outstanding registered city warrants with city sinking funds Nevr Pipe Line Necessary Investigation proves that the water pipeline from tho city to the City or Longview cemetery has become worn out and practically worthless and will have to be replaced before water can be served to the cemetery coming season It is claimed the lack of satisfactory service at the cemetery last year is ex plained largely by the fact that most of the water pumped out into the line was lost in the rusted pipes This is a vital matter and will doubtless receive the prompt attention of the city council Notice to Parents A class for beginners will be formed in the preparatory grades of the east west and south schools Monday after noon February 18 which children five years of age and over may enter They will attend afternoons only and will not beadmittrd after Friday March 1 Parents are urged to start their children the first day By direction of the board of education G H Thomas Supt Baths Sure We are connected with the sewer system aLd our rooms are newly cleaned We invite old customers and new as well to come for baths Services of a rubber if wanted Bruns Barber Shop Annual Stockholders Meeting The annual meeting of the stock holders of the McCook Cooperative Building and Savings Association was hold in theoffico of the First National Bank Monday evening the shareholders being well represented in person and by proxy The report of the examining com mittee was read showing the condition of the association to be very satisfactory The association now has out 100 loans well secured representing loans to the amount of 93 3000 The election of directors resulted in the election of all the retiring members of tho old board as follows J E Kelley T B Campbell C J OBrien and C F Lohn Mr Campbell being elected for two years and the others for a term of three years The other members of the board are W B Mills F M Kim mell Emerson Hanson J A Wilcox H P Waite Immediately following the election of directors the meeting of shareholders adjourned and tho board of directors went into session for the purpose of reorganization which resulted in J E Kelley being chosen president W B Mills vice president F A Pennell secretary Louis Thorgrimson treasurer It is a satisfaction to note that the association which has been in operation for over nineteen years is flourishing and a credit to the city many of whose homes are the direct result of its exis tence and favorable terms Its business is not only conducted in the best possible manner but at abso lutely the minimum of expanse A new series of stock is now open to close the 20th of this month A splen did opportunity for investors Eagles Give a Grand Ball The initial ball given by the Eagles Tuesday night in the Bixler opera house was one of the most successful from tvery point of view ever given in the city They enjoyed the presence of a large and brilliant company Had superb music by tho McCook band of fifteen pieces The decorations were in red and white bunting being in evi dence all over the great room A mam moth eagle was another distinctive feat ure The order is to be felicitated up on the results of their first annual The Bostcn Ideal Comic Opera Co The two performances of the Boston Ideal Comic Opera Co in the Bixler last week Friday and Saturday were hardly up to expectations While the company had been augmented in num ber it is hardly fair to claim the quality had been much improved Vocally theto is stiii conquerable to bo de3JVed Young Mr Burgesss sold and the sex tette in Fra Diavole however were very meritorious and well received About Your Eye Sight I have been fortunate in securing the services of Dr C II Law to give me a post graduate course in optics and higher prisms and I would urge all those who have suffered from eye strain to see Dr Law during his stay here We especially invite severe or chronic cases Examination will be absolutely free and all work will be personally guaranteed by me Please call at the store HP Sutton Jeweler and Opti cian Advance Notice to Subscribers Subscription expiration notices are now being prepared and in a few days will be mailed to all delinquent subscri bers of The Tribune We hope to re ceive a prompt reply from all The sub scription price is 100 a year payable in advance Labor and material have sharp ly advanced but the subscription price re mains at 100 a year but tho 100 shoul d be in advance The Publisher Essie Crocktords Death Essie the six-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs A Crockford of this city pass ed away last night Deceased was a member of the Baptist Sunday school and the funeral will be held from that church Saturday afternoon at 200 oclock services to be conducted by Pas tor Green Black Dress Goods Very complete line of plain and novelty weaves in a wide range of styles and quality from 150 a yard down to 20 cents a yard Thompsons Our line of Cameras are the latest and best Perfect lenses right piicesj ana enure sausiaciion guarauieeu iu those who buy here L W McConnell D uggist Ladies Skirts A iarge line to select from 200 to 700 alternations free The Tbompson Dry Goods Co Simpsons Prints They are the best on earth Five cents a yard at Thompsons s Dr Kays office is now one door north of Commercial hotel Phone 97 Pyrography outfits from 200 up at Woodworth Co Druggists DANBURY Misses Maude and Nettie Eno arrived from Fruita Uolo to take care of their sister Mrs Robinsju who has been very ill with pneumonia Mrs Whipple is on the sick list this week Cliff Burbridge i3 visiting in Orleans for a few days Bert Thomass twins are under the doctors care Mrs Liest is ailing Archie Coulter shot his finger off one day last week Oscar Millers child is sick this week Diar Dragoo and family of Indianola are visiting here this week Mrs Fox went to Cedar Bluffs Tues day Sam Kettering fell off of a horse last Friday and broke his arm fiMwiHwiiiiwrMiiiiiiiTiminii - - Snbtme COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 15 1907 COUNT COURT Marriage licenses issued since last report John W Riohio 27 Bartley Neb Mae Bush 21 Bartley Neb Married January 23 by county judge Maxwell L Wolfe 19 Box Elder Neb Ida E Modrell 25 Box Elder Neb In tho estate of George W Ritchie deceased late of Bartley Neb Letters of administration were granted to John W Ritchie The will of Elizabeth F Hamilton was filed for probate and February first set as day of hearing The probate of tho foreign will of George Morris was set for hearing on the 12 inst and that of WV S Quick February 11 Death of Mrs C E Wiley Mrs C E Wiley died at the residence of H E Durham last Friday night of pneumonia after a short illness The remains were shipped Saturday night on No 6 to Union Nebraska for burial Mr Wiley represents the Crancer Piano Co of Lincoln and they have been making this city their headquar ters while covering this part of the state in the interest of that company He has the very tender sympathy of all in this great and sudden sorrow Removal Sale From now until I move will sell the bulk of my goods at greatly reduced prices many articles below cost We prefer to sacrifice our stock and save trouble and expense in moving Barnry Hofer P O Store Eighty One Pieees Our display of ginghams looms up big in three oxcellent grades 5 9 and 12 cents a yard No rise in our prices Thompsons Wanted An experienced lady book keeper Must know shorthand and type writing Address Powell Nilsson Marion Nebraska Mens Hats Fifteen styles of mens lur hats from 150 to 250 at Thompsons extra values MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Say you saw it in The Tribune Woodworth Co sell pyrography goods Meat Preserver McConnells Liquid Smoke Dont forgec Goehrings public sale February 22nd McCook Hardware Co will repair jour gasoline stove The mild pleasant weather is stimula ting building operations Louis Fleischmans aged mother has been seriously ill for some time Lowneys Chocolates Where Woodworth Cos Corn chop at the mill at 80 cents a hundred Every thing delivered McCook Milling Co Our stock is always complete in the best designs of cut glass and silverware McCook Hardware Co Lost Open face gold watch Elgin No G0GGS31 Reward will be paid for its recovery Jos Menard Now is the time to onjoy an Eastman kodak You should have one McCon nell sells them - Coughs come easily this time of the year but they cant remain long if you use McConnells Balsam 25c See that your house is finished with Nisoron varnish and B P S paint and it will be lasting McCook Hardware Co The Valentine window at John Grannis store this week has called forth many observations of approval Artistic aud apropos C C Fahrenbruck and Co are breaking ground for a new two story brick on West Dennison street adjoin ing Diamonds new building Hills Cascara quinine cures colds It has the laxative qualities without producing that distress in the stomach for tale by Woodworth Co Druggist We have everything needed for the little jobs of painting you intend to do See our color cards and learn our prices They will please you L W McConnell Druggist Any child can take our Mentholated White Pine and Tar cough remedy with out the least danger It contains no morphine or poisonous substances Woodworth Co If tho party who took that counter book at Long and Jeffries Monday two weeks ago will kindly return same they will receive all the candy they can eat for several moons Residents of East McCook are pro testing against the racing or driving of race horses in that additions streets when there is a regular race track judt at hand Speed on the track Five dollars invested monthly in McCook Building Association stock will be worth 1000 in 120 months or less Where can you find a better investment for small savings See the secretary about new stock today Wanted Gentleman or lady to travel for mercantile house of large capital Territory at home or abroad to suit If desirable the home may be used a3 headquarters Weekly salary of 1000 per year and expenses Address Jos A Alexander McCook Neb I McConnell for drugs Vf i Nebraska State Histu NUMBER 38 McMillons Cough Cure Everything in drugs McConnoll The Tribune will print it for you McConnells Balsam cures coughs E C Goehrings public salo February 22nd A store is contemplated for West Mc Cook Kodaks Cameras and supplies at Woodworth it Coh J E Bnrngrover McCook Loans and Abstracts Sewing machines for sale or ront McCook Hardware Co Try Magner Stokes for fresh and Bait meats fruit and vegetables McMillens Cream Lotion will make your hands and face smooth and soft Fancy Navel Oranges only 55c a pock J A Wilcox Son You need an Empire or Sharpies cream separator McCook Hardware Co The Tribune is now propared to do your job printing of all kinds promptly A full blood Jersoy bull will bo found at the barn of Brown and Douglass for the season i Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for salo at The Tribune office Let us figure on your tin and metal work Our shop is complete McCook Hardware Co For Sale A good 22 riflo Hopkins A Allen Jr No 922 singlo shot Inquiro of Harold Tyler Hot water bottles and combination fountain synugcs in all styles at Mc Millens drug store Dear friend are you up to date If so visit the Ideal china department at The Ideal brouE Use McConnells Liquid Meat Smoke save time trouble and cost and havo better meat all for 25c If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business All kinds of fresh and salt moats fruits and vegetables at Magner it Stokes Get a One Minute White Lilly or Ocean Wave washing machiuo and bo satisfied McCook Hardware Co Magner Stokes can supply you with anything in the line of fresh and salt meats Also fruits and vegetables The county commissioners were briefly in session this week but the proceed ings will not be in print until next week Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office During Farmers Institute Feby 19th and 20th you are invited to mako our store your headquarters McCook Hardware Co All persons knowing themselves in debted to me are are requested to call and pay up as soon as possible as I need the coin Barney Hofer Care experience fine drugs and best equipment throughout enables us to give rare service in the filling of pres criptions L W McConnell Druggist See us if you are going to build We have had 25 years experience Fine de signing a specialty Claybacgh Bros Shop opposite Blue Front livery barn McCook Nebr Our Mentholated White Pine and Tar cough remedy is guaranteed under the new Pure Food and Drug Law Tho best and surest cure for coughs and colds Woodworth Co Dont spend all you earn Put a few dollars into McCook Associ ation stuck each month and watch it crow See the secretary today and set some of the new stock The ladies of the Methodist church aid society indulged in a picnic at the home of Mrs A C Ebert yesterday The ladie3 took their work stayed all day and had a great time Rare artistic skill is displayed in the mvriad of wall paper patterns wo are showing this spring It doesnt cost much to have these fresh bright patterns on your wall Come see them L W McConnell Druggist The store room just east of the Pade undertaking parlor is being overhauled somewhat and will be used by Mr PicK lum as an automobile garage he repre senting an eastern concern in that busi ness Marsh operates on the theory that nothing is too good for his patrons hence ho buys only the best of Ihestock of ah kinds and sells only the best of meats You can prove it by a trial Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed Mrs R P Ashcraft and daughter Ida wish to thank through the columns of the McCook Trirune their kind friends and neighbors for the nice lot of wood which they cut and hauled for them Weduesday Feb 13 1907 There will be a meeting of tho Anti Saloon League at the Brotherhood room3 of the M E church Tuesday S00 pm February 19th All interested in the cause of temperance and good govern ment are urged to attend Howe Smith President