The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 5

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14 ttiit trx -
Opposite Post Office
so be based on the mechanics of read
ing An acquaintance with the latest
and best text books in reading will
be helpful to teachers
Arithmetic 1 Notation and fund
amental operations 2 Multiples and
factors including properties of num
bers 3 Common fractions and their
principles 4 Decimal fractions
their principles and applications 5
Denominate numbers including
measurements of length surface j
unie time weight and value G
Percentage including interest taxes
insurance partial payments and dis
count 7 Proportion and square root
Grammar 1 Definitions and
classification of the parts of speech
2 Inflection conjugation declen
sion etc 3 Pharses and clauses to4
include a study of their rank and
structure also expansion and con
traction 4 The sentence analysis
classification structure use diagram
ing written analysis and parsing 5
The sentence constructive English
interpretative English 6 Verbals
use and disposition of participles and
infinitives 7 Letter writing let
ters of business and social nature
Geography 1 Definitions gener
al and specific 2 Mathematical geog
raphy distances and dimensions
latitude and longitude circles zones
etc time and its relation to longi
tude 3 Surface soil climate land
and water divisions winds waves
tides and currents relief forms
physical geography 4 Political
geography countries governments
5 The races Ethnological loca
tion characteristics occupations
G Commercial geography products
agricultural mineral manufacturing
We are Headquarters
in mccook
For Reading Matter Stationery
Toys Novelties Fine Candies
and Cgars Athletic Goods and
Fishing Tackle Souvenirs in
Burnt Leather China Glass
and Shellware Post Cards etc
Remember the Place
V - 1
I When -You Wish- 5
9 h
4 e
To Buy
An Ideal Bill of Goods
At Ideal Prices
Call t the Ideal Bargain Depot
They have no apology for saying they have
bargains in Notions of Many Descriptions
Queens ware Sheet Music Hardware Special
ties Tinware Granite Ware etc
We buy cheap We sell cheap
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded
You know the Place
McCook Neb
vanced course of a college university
or normal school in this state author
ized by law to grant teachers certifi
cates or who does notf hold a profes
sional state certificate obtained from
the state superintendent on exami
nation by him or a committee ap
pointed by him as provided by law
Course of Study The course of
study in each of the Junior Normal
schools will be the same as the out
line of study on which questions are
based for the examination of teach
ers under the new law It is as fol
The Five Essentials In prepar
ing for the examination applicants
should be guided by the following
outlines upon which the questions
will be based
Any standard text Avill answer for
preparation as to subject matter
Each examination list will contain
one or more questions on methods
of teaching that particular subject
Reading In reading the questions
will embrace both reading and lit- j
erature Especially should teachers f
have some knowledge of the best j
American writers Questions will al-
eign imports and exports agencies
of commerce such as railroads can
als rivers and the high seas 7
Home geography to include a spec
ial study of Nebraska
United States 1 Dis
covery and exploration 2 Colonial
period 3 Revolutionary period
4 Founding of the government
5 Slavery agitation and the Civil
War G Recent history and current
events 7 American biography from
Columbus to Roosevelt
As in the five essentials every ex
amination list will contain one or
more questions based oh each subdi
Physiology and hygiene 1 Skele
ton 2 Muscles 3 Food and drink
4 Digestion and assimilation 5
Blood and circulation G Nervous
system 7 Special senses S Skin and
it modifications 9 Simple matters
of every day health 10 Alcoholic
drinks and other stimulants and nar
cotics with special- reference to their
effects upon the human system
Agriculture 1 Soil und water
2 Important farm crops 3 Birds
and insects of the farm 4 Seeds
selection planting germination cul
tivation 5 Horticulture budding
grafting transplanting spraying G
Atmospheric conditions including U
S weather predictions 7 Domestic
animals on tie farm and care of
same 8 Pests 9 School -gardening
Orthography 1 Diacritical mark
ings syllabication and accent
honyms antonyms homonyms word
analysis derivation prefixes suf
fixes 25 credits 2 Snelline of 25
etc commerce domestic and for- i words f 2 credits 3 Spelling ln
answer papers on other subjects bO
Mental arithmetic 1 Written so
lution of problems comprising prin
ciples of analysis 50 credits 2
h Drills in rapid calculation 50 cred
Penmanship 1 Systems of pen
manship 2 Specimens of applicants
penmanship 3 Applicants penman
ship as exemplified on all answer pa
pers 50 credits
Blackboard drawing Based on
Illinois Course of Study This course
of study is recommended for use in
the common schools of Nebraska
Koolv Jceeniiig double entry 1
Definitional 2 Business forms bills
J notes checks and drafts accounts
r 3 Laws governing negotiable and
non negotiatiie paper 4 A short prac
tice set illustrating the use of day
book journal and ledger and clos
ing of accounts 50--credits
English composition 1 Techni
cal English cnnitnliznttfin
f tioii spelling 2 Constructive English
description narration
tion 3 Interpretative English hints
effects emotional words and phrases
4 Letter writting letters of busi
ness and social nature
Theory rnd art of teaching 1
The professional reading circle book
for each year which is Whites Ele
ments of Pedagogy for 190 5 0 G 50
credits 2 School management 50
Civil government 1 General
principles of government 2 Law
making 3 Law enforcing 4 Law in
terpreting 5 Revenue national and
sttc sources and dicbursements C
State county and municipal govern
ment 7 School law
Algebra 1 Definitions formulas
rules signs principles 2 Factoring
multiples 3 Fractions including
fractional equations 4 Binomial the-
orem powers and roots 5 Equations
pf the first degree C Equations of
the second degree
ISot uiy 1 Seeds and
2 Hilda S Tnrtc A Stomc Z Tootqo
G Flowers 7 Fruits S Cryptogams
9 Plant physiology
Geometry 1 Definitions axioms
postulates symbols and abbrevia
tions 2 Rectilinear figures 3
Circles 4 Proportions and simil
arity 5 Rectilinear areas G
Measurement of circles 7 Prob
lems in locus
Physics 1 Definitions 2 Force
dynamics molar and molecular 3
Work and energy 4 Machines and
mechanical principles 5 Light and
its phenomena G Heat
etryL 7 Sound S Electricity
Vocal Music The course in vocal J
miisir will inrOnrio n cfurlv rP fha
scale and its intervals transposition
voice training rhythmics note and
rote singing phrasing and dynamics
finding the pitch monotones con
ducting ear training elementary har
mony and part singing The music
course will consist of fifty lessons
in the most practical work that can
tendents who could not be present
wore read and taken into considera
tion in framing the rules nnd regu
lations Mrs Frances E Knox Sid
ney Dan H Fishburn Grand Island
Mrs Olive W True Fairbury Mrs
A C KIrby Gandy Frank Pilger
Pierce Flora B Quick McCook Geo
Crocker Falls City and Alta B
Jones Ord
In the opinions expressed by the
county superintendents present and
by letter there was unanimity except
on the one point viz the require
ments to be made of those certified
under the old law when such certifi
cates expire
Of the thirty one county superin
tendents representing all sections of
tne state only three contended for
n acceptance of all grades without
examination on certificates eranted
under the old law when applying for
the first certificate under the new
law At least twenty superintend
ents were in favor of examination
in about three fourths iof the requir
ed subjects About six superinten
dents preferred an examination in
all subjects A happy compromise
was reached in the decision that
when a first second or third grade
county certificate granted under the
old law expires the holder thereof
in order to secure the first certificate
under the new law will be required
to take an examination before the
state examining board in the follow
ing five essential subjects reading
arithmetic grammar geography and
1 Time and place of examina
tion The examination shall be held
in each county on the third Friday
and the Saturday following of each
month and shall be conducted bv
the county superintendent at such
place as he may determine
2 Time for completing the exami
nation Four days will be given each
applicant in which to complete the
examination for a third grade county
certificate five days for a second
grade county certificate and six days
for a first grade county certificate
Provided that an applicant may
have six months from the date of be
ginning in which to complete thi ex
amination An applicant may take
all of the branches in one month
but there will be but two examina
tion days in each month
3 Registration and fee Before
beginning the examination each ap
plicant for a certificate shall fill out
the blanks furnished by the county
superintendent and shall pay the reg
ular examination fee into the hands
of the county superintendent Upon
tne receipt ot the application
blank properly filled out and
the examination fee of one dol
lar and fifty cents the county su
perintendent shall register the appli
cants name and address and shall
give him a number which number
given and any one who can sing jn lieu of his name shall appear on
the scale can learn to be an independ
ent singer in that time
Other Subjects Classes will be
organized for the study of General
History Psychology Physical Geo
graphy English Literature and Rhet
oric in each case where the number
desiring the study is large enough to
warrant forming a class Other
classes will be organized to meet the
needs of those attending the school
For special work to be planned in
advance of the opening of the school
a model rural school was maintained
the first five weeks of the term This
year a model rural school will be
all his answer papers The county
superintendent shall number the ap
plicants consecutively ad infinitum
Until an examination is completed
the applicant will retain the original
registration number assigned him in
that county by the county superinten
dent In case an applicant desires to
complete the examination in another
county it will be necessary for him
to register anew and pay the regular
examination fee in the county to
1 wnnii lie jiuea
aauress u n xnomas principal a nf mmsHn TCnM
MciJielasl member of the state examining board
TKE MODEL POJIMI SCHOOL 1 win be assigned certain subjects in
During the first two years of the which he is to prepare questions to
junior norma 1 schools the model be presented to each of the other
school was maintained for the full members of the board for acceptance
term exemplifying work in the first modification or rejection An ob
second and third grades Last I
year n PPtinT uv nnv wn win ua
sufficient to reject the question After
a sufficient number of questions are
so prepared and accented bv the
conauccea aunng tne nrst tn po 1 board they are copied and then read
weeks of the term at each of the by each member of the board who
junior normal schools An instructor j indicates anv further objection he
who has been a pupil and a teacher may discover and then endorses the
111 the rural schools one who is paper with his signature The
cuiuijeLeut iu eMjmpmy a moaei rural tions are again copied and presented
You are invited to visit our store when in
McCook and see our large line of
4 f
6 Ladies Purses and Hand Baes
A Toilet waters in variety X
X Stationery Writin and Pencil Tablets
V New Paneteript
X Post Cards
Hand Painted China
mic Leather
Cook Souvenir
and Mc-
A HcMILLEN Druggist
209 Main Street McCook
school under rural school conditions to the state superintendent for his ranla or helps of any kind during
will oe in
grades will
cuaige xne nrst six approval They are then ready for
be represented in this j mjntinsr nnrl flistvihiitin to tiP
school In the average country
school in the territory of the junior
normal schools there need not be
more than six grades of work as a
rule required at any one time
The junior normals are in the main
for the rural school teachers Hence
we ihiist fit these teachers for rural
school work by giving them an oppor
tunity to observe the work of a first
class teacher in a model rural school
The practical features of the work
in the model rural school last year
over that of the two preceding years j
were so evident to teachers and
ty superintendents as to meet with
unanimous and hearty approval It is
gratifying to know that the teachers
appreciate the model rural school
work more than anything that has
ever been offered them
Rules Governing Issuance of County
Certificates Under the Xcw Law
For the Certification of
Teachers in Effect Oc
tober 1 1003
We submit herewith the rules and
regulations governing the issuance of
county certificates as adopted by a
conference of county superintendents
in the offiice of the state superin
tendent of public instruction Septem
ber G and 7 1905 The following
county superintendents were present
and took part in the deliberations of
the conference Mrs Leora S Rus
tin Alliance Joseph C Hrushka
David City C S Wortman Platts
mouth A E Ward Hartington Jno
Chelboun Jr Schuyler J A Stahl
West Point Charles Arnot Fremont
E J Bodwell Omaha Henry Vauck
Geneva F G Downing Beaver City
Anna V Day Beatrice J A Ziegler
St Paul Byron E Dill Tecumseh
Fred C Marshall Center O R Bow
man Lincoln Geo D Carrington
Auburn W T Bottenfield Nelson
E E Larson Holdrege D C -Cole
Osceola DG Hopkins Wilber J
W Mengel Wahoo Robert I Elliott
Wayne Elizabeth Marker Red
- Suggestions -and recommendations
from the - following county
j 3 O - - - -
psctive county superintendents who
will conduct the examination for
ft --
the examination Collusion or dis
honesty on the part of any applicant
will invalidate his examination
7 Examination program The
county certificates and state Ingrain for the examination will be
cates when so directed by the state as fHws
superintendent Friday Forenoon
5 Distribution of questions The Bookkeeping
printed questions sent out by the Civil government
zjLit - - -
V - ar2 nigaHIHI
irl V CfS5S J atf rf JiXaMTTi
state board of examiners for use in
the examination will be divided into j
four lots each lot enclosed in a sep- i
arate envelope properly marked and J
sealed The county superintendent
shall open each lot at the- beginning
of the period indicated on its cover
in the presence of the applicants and j
distribute the questions contained
therein The examination in each
indicated in the program No pa
pers will be returned for correction
after having been handed in to the
county superintendent
6 Directions to applicants The
following specific directions must be
followed The county superintend
ent will supply the applicant with
writing -material the paper so sup
plied to be single sheet examination
paper or single sheet legal cap All
papers must be written in ink An
swers shall be written on one side of
th6 paper only A separate sheet of
paper must be used for each subject
Mental arithmetic
Friday Afternoon
Elements of agriculture
Physiology and hygiene
Blackboard drawing
English composition
Theory and art of teaching
Saturday Forenoon
Arithmetic -English
Saturday Afternoon
Botany -
Physics -Geography
United States history
8 Transmittal of answer papers
and fees Immediately after the
close of the examination on Saturday
the county superintendent shall
transmit to the state superintendent
of public instruction the answer
eeeeeeeeee6 see ees
In the Citizens Bank Block
Is The Ideal
In the highest quality
and the lowest prices
Call up 30
The name of the county the date of
the examination the name of the
subject and the number of the appli
cant must be written at the top of
each sheet of the answer paper Ans
wers must be in clear concise terms
The answers must be numbered to
illegible or carelessly written manu
scripts Applicants will not be per
mitted to leave the room or communi
cate with any one during the exami
nation without permission from the
county superintendent nor shall any
applicant receive aid from any per
son or use any books notes memo-
papers of the applicants At the same
time he shall forward to the statr
superintendent fifty cents for each
applicant as provided by law The
county superintendent shall also for
ward to the state superintendent the
name address and number under
correspond with the questions A which each applicant took the exami
complete solution of all problems in nation in a sealed envelope separate
arithmetic and algebra must be 1 from the papers which shall not be
given Credits will be deducted from j opened until all answer papers have
been corrected
9 Grading answer papers When
the answer papers are received by
the state superintendent they will be
distributed by subjects to the exami
ners examiner A being given all the
answer papers in the subjects which
he is to examine examiner B all of
the answer papers he is to examine
examiner C all of the papers he is to
examine and so on After the pa
pers are marked in the first instance
they will be reviewed and the grades
approved by at least one other mem
ber of the examining board In oth
er words the grades on each appli
cants answer papers must be approv
ed by at least two members of tlif
state examining board In marking
the papers the examiners will
due allowance in all subjects for th
opinions held by all reputable au
thors When all papers of an exami
i nation have been marked reviewed
I and approved the answer papers ot
I each applicant are then for the first
time assembled or brought together
I The general average and specific
1 markings are ascertained The en
velopes as named in Rule 8 are thf
opened by the state superintendent
and the identity of the applicant dis
closed As the charges for specific
errors are all fixed by the rules of tiK
examining board and as each sub
ject is graded by one examiner anl
reviewed and approved by another
it will be seen that absolute
tiality accuracy and uniformity are
j secured in the work However in
case an applicant believes that a mis
take has been made in his markings
by the state examining board or in
transcribing the grades by the coun
ty superintendent he may appeal his
case to the state superintendent of
public instruction for final hearing
provided his appeal is accompanied
by a fee of one dollar to cover the ex
pense of the re examination of the
papers and tracing the error No ap
peal will be considered later than
thirty days from the time the appli
cant is notified of the result of the
10 Passing grades All answer
papers will be marked on the scale
of 100 To secure a third grade
county certificate an applicant must
have an average of at least 70 crf
with no grade below 60 per cent in
any one subject to secure a second
grade county certificate an applicant
must have an average of at least 75
per cent with no grade below 60 per
cent in any one subject and to se-