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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1906)
l r 9 Stokes Grocery Ceres a Cold in One Day Jfer B wm - v FKANKLIfi President A C EBERT Cashier hi n mni Wap Dnrrincur vv u vvuLrc viuc rncaiucm c 1 CITIZENS BANKl V FRANKLIN OF MeCOOK NEB a u Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 a DIRECTORS Iff B WOLFE A C EBERT SVrtWWS to be customer of the Its a Pleasure New Brick Meat Market They keep a full asssorment of all kinds of meats They treat you so well and so fairly deal with you so squarely that you want to come back Just try it once Phone 95 ULsin Avenue Paul P Anton J 6 4bjlCL4v4Wbttfel SS3yiQ A 000 LOAN with the McCook Co operative Building Savings Association can be paid off in ri -4 cq monthly payments of P If you are paying more you pay too much We can mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa tion Call on the secretary who will explain our system Office in First National Bank McCook Building Savings Association wvs fmei mnme Grip in Two PHOKTE 30 CITIZENS BANK BLOCK MCOOK NEB TFbp Wrn FrnQf 5EED C0RN 0UR specialty 1 1IW 111 JLvl 1IOU Seed Grain Grass Seeds Garden Seeds and Poultry Supplies Writ for Price List beed Co Tecumseh Nebraska KRBJE1 TO STOCKMEN Beautiful six leaf calendar will be sent by us absolutely free to eveet stcok men who may ship bis cattle hops or sbecp to market and who will write us answering the following questions 1 How many head of stock have you 2 What kind of stock have you not including horses 3 When do you expect to market your stock 4 To what market will you likely ship 5 In what paper did you see this advertisemet This calendor will bo ready for distribution in January It is an exceptionally beautiful artistic and costlo production printed in several colors representing fox huntingscenes It was made especially for us cannot be obtained eleswhere and is worthy a place in the finest nome Write ns today giving this information and insurn getting this calender Address CLAY ROAINSON CO Live Stock Commission Merhants Stock Yaras Sta Kansas City Kans also havo our own offices at Chicago South Omaha St Joseph Denver bioux Uity bo bt Paul hast juunaio I rVlAGIC ON TAP a rrs It Mnj Be Bonlit the Same an Dry Goods or Grocerica Magic has become u mall order busi ness Chicago is the center of the trade In the United States There is manu factured in Chicago magic enough to supply the Merlins of the world and every week large orders for sleight of hand tricks are filled and sent off to the Philippines Australia Germany England and France The times of Cagliostro are dead Black magic and the delusions which belief in it made possible are things of the past Conjuring has been lifted from the plane of witchcraft to that of pure legerdemain It lias become a white art yet the world is not less eager to be deceived than it was in the old days Yogauidra the goddess of il lusion still reigns This fact consti tutes fully one half of the unusual business of the magic shop There Is not a feat known to the pro fession which cannot be bought and so ciety is full of people young and old who are eager to become magicians Apparentlj there is no other kind of dust in the eyes which is so popular socially as this double mystery of sight and touch Success is equally a mat ter of simplicity of apparatus and the performers skill Anybody can become a conjurer who has manual dexterity personal presence tact and fluency of speech To become a phenomenon in this calling however requires of course phenomenal capacity The magic shop is an interesting place full of curious apparatus and familiar objects which are all bewitch ed subject to the spell of the ma gicians hand Conspicuous among the collection is the famous orange tree of Robert Houdin that piece of mech anism by which the father of modern conjuring gave Paris a genuine thrill a generation ago As it stands upon the shelf the contrivance is nothing but an artificial orange tree yet once be fore the startled eyes of Paris it burst miraculously into bloom at the wave of Houdins wand its blossoms became fruit ripe oranges which were dis tributed among the audience and from the orange at the top two butterflies flew out bearing a handherchief be longing to one of the spectators American conjuring declares the man to whom the shop belongs is the most original and inventive in the world Its range is much wider than that of the marvelous Chinese jug glery and beside the delicacy of its method the famous Indian jugglery is clumsiness personified Magic has certainly become at last an art as lawful as eating now that the world is linked by it and the magicians in the various countries form a great brotherhood The skill of Mage Merlin of vast wit and a hun dred winters has given way to a magic no less subtle because more easily accessible and more readily un derstood Chicago Tribune Disappearing Hotel Towels We lose money enough in stolen towels every week to board half a dozen porters said a hotel clerk We never know exactly where they go but they certainly disappear and that right fast If some of the people who take our towels had exerted their energies in a more laudable voca tion they would have been rich many moons ago There is scarcely a room in the hotel that does not lose a towel at least three times a week Of course we place several kinds face towels bath towels and just plain towels in each one and some one finds them so attractive that they are dropped into a grip and hustled out with the re mainder of the luggage When you figure that a good bath towel costs from 10 to 20 cents and other towels anywhere from 3 to 5 cents you prob ably can estimate the dead loss to a hotel It is very convenient to drop them into satchels suit cases or trunks and they are right handy to wrap shoes or other dirty articles of clothing in Philadelphia Bulletin Keep Close to the Riglxt Kind Whatever you do in life make any sacrifice necessary to keep in an am bition arousing atmosphere an envi ronment that will stimulate you to self development Keep close to people who understand you who believe in you who will help jtou to discover yourself and encourage you to make the most of yourself This may make all the difference to you between a grand success and a mediocre exist ence Stick to those who are trying to do something and to be somebody in the world people of high aims lofty ambition Keep close to those who are dead in earnest Ambition is contagious You will catch the spirit that dominates your environment The success of those about you who are trying to climb upward will encourage and stimulate you to struggle harder i you have not done quite so well yourself Success Magazine To Waterproof Boots Put a pound of tallow and half n pound of resin in a pot on the fire When melted and mixed warm the boots and apply the hot stuff with a painters brush until neither the sole nor the upper leather will suck in any more If it Is desired that the boots snould immediately take a polish melt an ounce of wax with a teaspoonful of lampblack A day after the boots have been treated with tallow and resin rub over them this wax in turpentine but not before the fire The exterior will then have a coat of wax alone and will shine like a mirror Tallow or any oth er grease becomes rancid and rots the stitching as well as leather but the resin gives it an antiseptic quality which preserves the whole Boots and shoes should be so large as to admit of wearing cork soles They will then be much warmer f r Mitchell Leader of The Miners fngi O be an important factor in de ciding such a question as to strike or not to strike means much responsibility and much nerve racking anxiety when great in dustries like that of coal mining are involved To some the position of John Mitchell president of the United Mine Workers of America may seem an easy one To some it may seem that all he has to do is to travel around and make speeches to gatherings of work Ingmen and to hobnob with coal barons and railway magnates when there is strike talk In the air as at present but that is a very erroneous view of the case To bear upon ones shoulders re sponsibility for the welfare of 500000 workmen and the wives and children dependent on their labor is no small thing The weight of such a burden has pressed sorely upon Mr Mitchell since the negotiations between the coal op erators and miners began and his fea tures have given evidence of the strain he has been under From his home In Indiana his wife journeyed to New York in order to be near him and give him such support as only a wife can when a husband is under severe men tal stress Not long ago Mr Mitchell was offered a nomination for congress but he would not take it He said he had resolved to devote himself to ad vancing the cause of labor and did not propose to turn aside from that task There have been rumors from time to time that this or that federal office was to be tendered Mr Mitchell as a repre sentative of the wage earner but all such rumors have proved unfounded and the labor leader has gone along In his chosen path working for the bet terment of conditions in the world of labor and especially in that part under his jurisdiction as head of a great workingmens organization President Mitchell has a smooth shav en face and has such a look of serious JOHN MITCHELIi ness if not of solemnity that it is often said he ought to have been a priest For a time he wore a mus tache which changed materially the aspect of his features but he has re turned to the shaven upper lip Though he is a man very much in ear nest he can see the humorous side of things He was once discussing a cer tain English financier whose views he said reminded him of Marshall Saun ders of Braidwood Braidwood is an Illinois town and I passed my boyhood there said Mr Mitchell Marshall Saunders had a fine apiary He raised good bees and good honey It was a pleasure to visit his neat well painted city of hives Marshall had an inquiring mind and he would sometimes ask himself strange questions One of the ques tions he continually asked himself was this Have I any right to rob these bees of their honey And for a long time he could not answer that question to his own satis faction Finally though he found an answer I heard him tell it to his friends with pride I used to feel mean he said about robbing the beehives but after thinking the matter over I see now Im in the right If It wasnt for me tak ing the honey all them bees would be out of work the whole of next sum mer Mr Mitchell added that it did not re quire a great stretch of the imagina tion to apply tho story to the philan thropy of some capitalists and political economists President Mitchell has several chil dren himself and he is much interest ed in giving the boys who work In the mines a better chance to get a start In life He toiled in the mines as a boy of thirteen and knows what It means for a lad who ought to be at school to be so employed Once he ad dressed a meeting where many of the breaker boys were present and he said afterward I was shocked and almost lost my grip at times as I saw those eager eyes peering at me from pale little faces and I well there are some things a man cannot forget That fight had a new meaning to me I felt that I was fighting for the boys fighting a battle for Innocent childhood battling to get for those brav little fellows a chance In life I felt diat if I might be weak In some things I should bo true to those little lads The labor leader can bo very elo quent from fitting occasions He has a strong sway over the men who look to him for guidance w They Give SATISFACTION B M HIGH PATENT UP-TO-DATE HIGH PATENT BUFFALO HIGH PATENT Famous Kearney Mills This famous flour is sold by PAUL P ANTON to an increasing number of satisfied patrons Try a sack Youll be satisfied HEJWr5C2P2S5E2ffiHraSKraW Bi E O Valine J PHONE 190 T Office over Bee Hive PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES The following magazines are wanted at the McCook Public Library CENTCHY 1S82 February 1883 June July Aug and Sept 1884 Jan March and Nov 1885 February 18S6 August 1889 Jan Feb March and May 1890 April Aug Sept Oct and November 1891 Jan June Nov and Dec 1893 Feb April and May 1891 April 1896 April May June Sept Nov and December 1897 All but March April Aug and October 1898 Feb March April Aug Sept and October 1899 Jan Sept Oct Nov and Dec It will be appreciated very much if you will report to the librarian any loose leaves missing or loose in the library books Library hours mornings from 1030 to 1200 afternoon from 130 to 6 00 evenings from 700 to 900 Sunday af ternoon from 200 to 500 Ida McCarl Librarian Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents Parties wishing to have The Tribune print their sale bills can have the copy prepared by bringing the description of the articles they havo to offer for sale to t is office There will be no charge for preparing the copy and the bills will be promptly and accurately printed at a moderate cost Three little rules we all should keep To make life happy and bright Smile in the morning smile at noon Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night L W McConnell Is Disease a Crime Not very long ago a popular magazine published an editorial article in which the writer assorted in substance that all disease should be regarded as criminal Certain it is that much of the sickness and suffering of mankind is due to the violation of certain of Natures laws But to say that all sickness should bo regarded as criminal must appeal to every reasonable individual as radically wrong It would be harsh unsympathetic cruel yes criminal to condemn the poor weak over worked housewife who sinks under the heavy load of household cares and burdens and suffers from weak nesses various displacements of pelvic organs and other derangements peculiar to her sex Frequent bearing of children -with its ex acting demands upon the system coupled with the care worry and labor of rearing a large family is often the cause of weak nesses derangements and debility which aro aggravated bv the mrinv hnncphnici mwic and the hard and never ending work which the mother is called upon to perform Dr Pierce the maker of that world famed rem Pdy lr womans peculiar weaknesses and ills Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription says that one of the greatest obstacles to tho cure of this class of maladies is the fact that tho poor over worked housewife can not get the needed rest from her many household cares and labor to enable her to secure from the use of his Prescription its full benefits It is a matter of frequent experience he says in his extensive practice in these cases to meet with those in which his treatment fails by reason of the patients iHability to abstain from hard work long enough to be cured With those suffering from prolapsus ante version and retroversion of the uterus or other displacement of the womanly organs it is very necessary that in addition to tak ing his Favorite Prescription they abstain from being very much or for long periods on their feet All heavy lifting or straining of any kind should also be avoided As much out door air as possible with modorate light exercise Is also very important Let the patient observe these rules and the Favor ite Prescription will do the rest Dr Pierces Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only Send to Dr K V Pierce Buffalo N Y 21 one cent stamps for paper-covered or 31 stamps for cloth bound If sick consult the Doctor free of charge by letter All such communications are held sacredly confidential Dr Picrcos Pleasant Pellets invigorate and reaulate stomach liver and bowels DENTIST Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune oflice Keep tho little ones healthy and happy Their tender sensitive bodies require gentle healing remedies Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them strong and well 35 cents tea or tablets L V McConnell Large Bargains Clearing sale extended until April 1st Owing to tho bad weather some lady customers did not have occasion to visit tho sale You must see to re alize the powerful buying power of ten cents at The Ideal Bargain Depot Opposite Postofllce McCook mm BfTftCr se5SfiiWWiO eecsasesafcjJK ft M I r ff I V jrriTf ss BSM4 BS3S3S2 tgti w If fcTiV C jT - is 5a acit s if fSftVfw Cfo a f A Good Teacher goes a long way to ward helping make us perfect in our lessons It takes years of experience to attain the knowl edge necessary for EXPERT BANKERS Financial knowl edge makes our bank an extra sub stantial one For a safe place to do banking you cant make a better con nection than this bank W invite your account First National Bank copRifctfr ALL NATIONALITIES make some bread which is excel- lent in one or two points Amer ica makes bread which excels in all points McCook Flour enables her to do it It is the best and most economical for use in home and bakery Gives bet ter results with less of money and labor expenditure THE McCOOK MILLING COMPANY i i v s f i i M J r f C UJ Ht