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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1906)
I V L s ft r TWENTY FOURTH YEAR Garden seeds at Waites Chinalac swfmwffifliBggy Reception and Banquet The Ladies Aid Society of the Meth odist church Rave a reception in honor of their president Mrs H H Berry in the church Friday evening It came in the form of a surpriso to Mrs Berry who was caught quite unawares and de coyed to the church The Epworth League room was tast f ully decorated and used as a reception room After an hour spent in social -greeting Mrs G H Thomas and Mrs W B Mills played a piano duet and -and Rev M B Carman read an original poem in which he paid tribute to Mrs Berrys faithfulness assuring her of the love and approval of the society and church at the close presenting her with a set of Haviland china dishes as a token of appreciation Mrs Berry responded in a happy manner thanking all for their kindness Rev Carman then invited all to the banquet hall where a refreshing luncheon was served in a dainty and pleasing manner Communicated ItEV CARMANS lOEM Some women came to me to ask If Id perform the Httlo task Of speaking a word of lovo and cheer Explaining our reason for being hero It is because wo wanted to do Something nice in honor of you They say its now about three years Years of work of joys and fears Sinco you havo led the Ladies Aid To thd success that they have made Through all these jears your noblo band Has helped the church with heart and hand To rear her walls and pay her debts For you alls praise and no regrets We do not boliove when folks are dead Is the time when good things should be said -So wo are here that we may state Your work jour self we appreciate In theso hearts of ours you have a place That tho finger of timo cannot eraso But we must stop this little talk And to tho tables take a walk 3or thero I know all fixed so neat Is something good for us to eat And thats not all with our best wishes We all chipped in bore are some dislies Came Back to Nebraska to Die Miss Margaret Howard died at the Palmer hotel Tuesday morning of this week of throat and lung trouble De ceased was formerly of Alma Nebraska but not lone since went to the state of Washington in search of health return ing to Nebraska and McCook about ten days since in company of her mother to be with her half sister Miss Sallie Mc Cann at the Palmer house Miss Howard was born in Alma Ne braska July 11th 1889 Funeral services were held in the Pade undertaking rooms Wednesday after noon Rev M B Carman officiatingand a choir of young girls of the Methodist church singing after which interment was made in Riverview cemetery De ceased was a member of the Methodist church and Epworth League of Alma Nebraska The Proof of the Pudding1 Well you know it is not in chewing the string This holds good inmeats as well as in puddings The B M meat market guarantees you the best the market affords in the meat line in any and all kinds of meats They throw in liberal and courteous treatment and prompt delivery You will find the market at the old stand first door south of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber al portion of your patronage during the new year David Magneb Prop Dissipation Makes a Destitute Family A friend of the family appealed to the generosity of McCook people this week in the interest of a wife and five little children made practically destitute or at least needy by dissipation and failure of husband to provide adequately for the needs of the family What need of a more appealing temperance sermon Men Wanted Men and boys wanted to attend the Mens meeting at the Congregational church which will be held Sunday nest at three p m at the church Rev P A Sharpe will speak to the men and a large audience is expected Auction of Household Goods I will have an auction at usual place of household goods everything good as new on Saturday afternoon March 31st H H Berry For Sale Majestic steel range as good as new Heavy oak book case Phone 79 C T Watson Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday March 27th 28th 29th will be the dates on whichjou can see the Chinese lady in native costume in W T Colemans window A surprise This week Fine bos stationery at only 10c Other articles equally as cheap at the Ideal Store The Tribune has a few seeds for free distribution New spring silks 44c to 125 Thomp sons MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss Mae Crispin is a guest of her sister Mrs D C Marsh Mrs W H Browne is visiting a sis- tor in Hastings this week W H Ferguson is up from Lincoln today on some land business J R Bucknell of ScottsblufT Ne braska is a city visitor today Mrs F B Skinner of Denver has been a guest of Mrs M R Gates Miss Mary Hunting of Arapahoe has been a guest of Mrs H M Ireland this week C F Fay of the Fay Haigler Colony was in the city early part of the week on business George Beck is now located at Friend Nebraska and is in charge of the Hotel Coronado L H Lindemann will move into the Cordeal brick April 1st and office with 0 L Walker the paper man C H Boyle went down to Lincoln Wednesday night on land business be fore the United States office in that city- Henry Meyer is here from Iowa to close up the sale of the Meyer 160 acres south of the city recently acquired by W H Ferguson Mrs W W Archibald and Fred went down to Orleans Wednesday night on No 14 to visit a few days with En gineer Archibald S G Gohekn writes from Clarkston Wash that the Goheens are all in usual health and send kindliest greetings to their friends in McCook and vicinity Mrs C T Watsom and Guy Batter shall departed last Friday evening on 14 for Okarche Oklahoma where they will visit relatives a short time before continuing on east to their new home near Lafayette Indiana J II Moore and I D Moore with their families expect to take their de parture in a week or ten days for their new home in Seattle Wash Mrs I D Moore and Edna will leave tomorrow morning for Havelock to visit Mrs Moores sister for a week before leaving for the northwest Closed With a Splendid Number The closing number of the entertain ment course Wednesday evening was as announced one of the best of the en tire course and closed the series to the entire satisfaction of a splendid and ap preciative audience The Lulu Tyler Gates Co is composed of artists and they give a music entertainment at once artistic and enjoyable The Tribune believes the people of McCook are for tunate in that a company of McCook citizens took upon themselves the task of giving them a series of entertainments of worth and high grade during the past winter We wish also to congratulate the committee on the success of the course especially Supt Thomas upon whom the work and responsibility has largely rested Notice to the Public My office in McCook will be closed on Saturday March 31st that being the date of the meeting of the Southwest Nebraska District Teachers association which meets in Arapahoe March 30th and 31st Flora B Quick County Supt Paint Your Hams with liquid smoke The modern meat smoke comes in liquid form and you ap ply with a brush No bother keeping a hickory wood firegoing under the meat if you use modern meat smoke 25 cents per bottle L W McConnell Druggist Paint your house with a good paintit protects the lumber Use a poor paint and it peels off taking with it the natural re sistant coating of the wood itself Use Sherwin- Williams paint Its best L W McConnell Druggist House for Sale or Rent If you have a bouse for sale or rent call up 157 and give the best price and terms possible with description I have a good list of people who want to rent and buy Lindemann 5 to 140 Acres in Egan park Only half mile to school For prices and terms see C F BABCocKMcCook Neb Restaurant For Sale Cheap For particulars write 16 2ts D L Cunningham PalisadeNeb The largest line of wash fabrics we have ever gotten together now here Thompsons White hose for babies girls and women Thompsons x McConnells Balsam cures coughs Alfalfa seed at W T Colemans Garden seeds at Waites Chinalac fenr Mtmk REPUBLICANS NOMINATE Full City Ticket Placed in the Field Last Saturday Evening WITH UTMOST HARMONY Political Lines Were Not Closely Drawn In the Personnel of the Voters and Hence Small Opposition If Any May Be Expected to the Ticket Republicans of McCook got together Saturday night on short notice it be ing discovered that the published date Tuesday evening March 20th did not meet legal requirements as to length of notice and placed in nomination a full city ticket Albert Berry called the meeting to order and Albert Barnett was promptly made chairman and Albert Berry secre tary of the caucus J E Kelley placed Mayor H P Waite in nomination and Rev M B Carman nominated C B Gray The uplifted hands were counted by the secretary who found 86 votes for Waite and seven for Gray making the renomination prac tically unanimous W A Middleton was made the nomi nee for city clerk by acclamation For city treasurer A C Ebert was un animously renominated The only contest of the evening worth while was in the case of the office of police judge H H Berry and W H Ackermau were the nominations made and in the voting the secretary enumer ated 45 for Mr Berry and 38 for Mr Ackerman a result which was received if Vi TYiotLrirl fJionnnrnirnl Tfia flhnir ro Fi www n clared Mr Berry the nominee and no formal appeal was taken so the incident was closed The nomination for city engineer was given C H Meeker by acclamation Louis Suess was nominated to succeed the late A Campbell on the board for two years and W S Perry and C W Barnes were both renominated for mem bers of the Bchool board The city Republican central commit tee was constituted as follows First ward G S Scott and S B McLean Second ward Louis Thorgrimson and Alonzo Cone The caucus then divided into ward caucuses and the following councilmanic nominations were made First ward C G Gray L H Lindemann and Jos eph Menard The upraised hands gave Gray 40 Lindemann 7 Menard 2 Al bert Barnett was chairman of this cau cus and F M Kimmell secretary Sec ond ward L W McConnell received the nomination by acclamation Alonzo Cone was chairman of this gathering and Howe Smith secretary The convention was remarkably har monious and the result will doubtless be approved by the voters of McCook by a practically unanimous vote While the administration of our muni cipal affairs during the past year has not met the highest expectations of some of our people those particularly who may be styled reformers it has been approved by a large majority of the people of the city The Tribune expects from both the city and school officers named Saturday night a good account of their steward ship during the ensuing year which gives promise of being one of the most momentous in the history of McCook which we expect to mark an epoch in the development of the valleys finest Lost A Sum of Money Miss Lizabeth Beach a teacher in our public schools had the misfortune to lose thirty dollars Saturday last or Wednesday night She will pay a suit able reward for the recovery of the money if left at this office Notice to I 0 0 F All members of the McCook lodge No 137 and sojourning brothers are request ed to meet in Odd Fellows hall March 30th in special session A full attend ance is urged S L Doan Secretary China lac China Lac What is that Keep your eye on W T Colemans window next week and see the Chinese lady -with her native costumery and aecorations displaying that wonder of this progressive age For Sale at Once One Home AirBlast heater practically new and one Majestic range Residence of H G Phelps Horses for Sale One hundred head of draft and driv ing horses for sale Frank Stillman McCook Neb Tan hose for ladies misses and chil dren Thompsons Everything in drugs McConnell Garden seeds at Waites Chinalac Agnes Elizabeth Huber A dainty Flower came into this beau tiful world and grew in the sunshine of Gods lore Its delicate petals expand ed into dainty graceful smoothness and its sweet face was always smilingand hap py gladness and sympathy at the sight But the cold winds blew and the dainty Flowret despite care and protection withered and sank leaving only the sweet memory of its presence But the Spring of Resurrection will come soon and then will this pure Flower grow again and instinct with life eternal wax strong and vigorous in the world which knows no death the Kingdom not built of hands but Gods eternal mansion in the skies There will those sorrowing ones left behind to struggle for a timebehold their dear child again and gaze upon her sweet face for ever more Agnes Elizabeth Huber first saw this worlds light in 1900 and she lived six short years to bless those around her Match eighteenth was her last day on earth and her pure soul took flight in to peace and love eternal Her sorrow ing parents are more than grateful to those kind friends who helped them in their hour of sorrow and need A WORD OF THANKS Our hearts are full of gratitude to all for the many acts of kindness and words of sympathy extended freely during the illness and after the death of our daught er We shall ever hold them all in grate ful remembrance Mr and Mrs E P Huber Revival Meetings The special meetings at the Congrega tional church have been handicapped by the weather but are growing in inter est and power Rev P A Sharpe is a spiritual leader and a man of large ex perience Meeting every night at 8 pm Prayer meetings every afternoon at 3 p m On Sunday a great day is plan ned Mr Sharpe will preach at 11 a m and 8 p m At 3 p m in the afternoon a meeting will be held for men only The general public is cordially invited to attend these meetings An Uncommon Snowfall The snowfall of Sunday was quite ex traordinary for this section of country Perhaps the fall exceeded a foot For tunately it spread evenly over the land scape and there was little or no wind and the thaw of Monday and Tuesday soon removed danger of drifting and Boaked much of the precious moisture into the soil Fall small grain and fruit are left in superb condition Looks Like a Late Spring Spring seeding promises to be late The wise man will place his orders early for his farming machinery and avoid the delay that is sure to come when the spring opens up and there is a great rush for machinery Coleman is prepared now for just such an emergency with a large stock of all kinds of machinery for the early demand Announcement Having discontinued the cream busi ness in favor of the Gurney Poultry and Egg Co1 would most respectfully solicit the patronage of all my old customers and friends selling cream to this new firm assuring you of prompt court eous and fair treatment by both them and the Harding Cream Co Yours truly W T Coleman No Public School Next Friday On account of the absence of most of the teachers in attendance upon the district association meeting in Arapahoe Friday and Saturday of next week there will not be any sessions of the city schools on Friday next Axt Asks Still Coughing Been waiting for spring to come think ing you would get better then Better not wait another minute but get a bottle of McConnells Balsam It will stop your cough and let you enjoy spring as most well folks do Wanted A reliable person for McCook and surrounding country to represent the National Life Insurance Co of Chicago Liberal contract to right party C E H E Brown General Agents Holdrege Nebraska Telephone Notice Parties who are not now subscribers who wish telephones please make ar rangements ht the office as soon as pos sible C I Hall Manager Remnant Bargains A nice selection of one room remnant patterns of wall paper at special prices McMillen Druggist The new silk and fabric gloves in wrist and elbow lengths now showing Thompsons Best 2 bu 16 oz seamless grain bags 19c Thompsons Garden seeds at Waites Chinalac Stetbtme McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 23 1906 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Chinalac McConnell for drugs Garden seeds at Waites See McConnell for Wall Paper Alfalfa seed at W T Colemans McMillen Prescription Druggist Best table oil cloth 15c yd Thomp sons Best spooled carpet warp 22c and 24c Thompsons For chapped bands and face- use Mc Milieus Cream Lotion Gilt belts leather belts silk belts in sizes up to 40 inches at Thompsons Pay cash and get yourgrocor ies cheap See ad J A Wilcoxc Son Plenty five cent unbleached muslin at Thompsons New chiffon and fancy veilings Thompsons Team of good neavy horses for sale at W T Colemans Matched sets in embroideries and laces Thompsons Good reading cheap may be secured from The Tribune clubbing list Cream in sealed 10c an I 20c bottles or sale at Marshs meat market H P Waite Co have a large line of the best farm machinery and wagons Removed Dr Kays office is now over Pades furniture store Phone 9S B P S What does that mean Best Best Paint Sold W T Coleman sells it Mens and boys clothing in the new spring styles at money saving prices Thompsons Buy your building hardware from H P Waite Co Their stock is large and prices right Your next visit shopping should bring you to see our new taffeta silk petticoats in black and colors S489 Thompsons We can furnish you with unique ideas for papering your walls and have the papers to carry out the ideas L W McConnell Druggist Solomons commendation of a good housewife will not apply if sho pays 7c a yard for prints that we sell for 5c Thompsons You use a clothes basket once a week but clothes hampers are convenient and necessary every day in the week See Colemans selection Remember you will find Mike Walsh just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price If the husband aud father spends all his time and strength earning the in come the wife should spend it careful ly Dont pay 7c elsewhere for our 5c ginghams Thompsons You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in an up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than tho cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable Our very large skirt department has had more room provided for it and a new lot of handsome skirts just in Prices from 5200 to S700 Alterations free Thompsons One price plain figures cash only It is very irritating to plant seeds not true to name and that will not grow Realizing this W T Coleman has been very careful in buying the best garden and field seeds of all kinds that can be obtained in the market for this section of Nebraska We take pleasure in announcing tl e purchase of two genuine bargains in yard wide black taffeta silks One upon which we name you a price of 6Sc yd The other a a beautiful chiffon taffeta at 1 33 Thompsons One price plain figures cash only Pure Clean Alfalfa For Sale I have for sale a quantity of ray own growing of alfalfa seed It is free from foreign seed of any kind is first quality Will sell at 15c a pound in new seamless sacks in lots of 100 pounds or over freight paid to McCook Money can be sent to W F Wood lumber and grain deal er Haigler Nebs Alfalfa seed of any kind is scarce and first class seed is very difficult to get at any price so send in your orders early before this opportunity escapes you George Short Haigler Neb nne r NUMBER 43 BACHELORS CORKER 3loo0nW odooj oip joj Chinalac Garden seeds at Waites Try McMillens Cough euro Alfalfa seed at W T Colemans McConnells Balsam cures coughs Largest line of back and side combs Thompsons Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs meat market Dont overlook our new 41 cent batistes at Thompsons Sewing machine needles of all kinds at W T Colemans Yon must remember thni WT Cole man bandies the B P S- paints I have three dozen nice Plymouth Rock hens for sale- Mia J F Randel Every desirablo weave rs seon in our dress goods department Thompsons It is coming timo for spring- painting W T Coleman has tho famous B P S A largo assortment of Novelty Souve nir Postal Cards at McMillens Drug Stork Wanted Six sowing girls Call be tween 5 and 6 oclock Mrs Tuttle Walsh building Mens new styles spring dress shirts just received Fifty cents to 150 Thompsons Buy your building hardware from II P Waito Co Their stock is large and prices right Notice W T Colemans advertise ments in this issue about tho wonderful China lac and Chinese lady The infant child of Mr and Mrs Charles Dinnel of South McCook was buried in Riverview cemetery this week Alex Bergeron of Denver is in the city on one of his regular piano tuning trips Leave or phone orders to Suttons store Our new stock of wall paper is now ready for your inspection It will pay you to see it L W McConnell Druggist Our stock of New Wall Paper la now complete Latest designs newest color ings and right prices A McMillen Druggist Found A good lap robe Owner may have tho same by proving property and paying for this notice Alpha Christian Dont forget the dates that the lady in Chinese costume will display the mar vels of China lac in W T Colemans window next week W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work guaranteed Phone red 306 or box 595 McCook Neb tf Tho Chinese lady in W T Colemans window will create quite a sensation among the people of McCook next week by showing them China lac Your old suit will serve you many 8i day yet if brightened up with our Cleane line It takes all kinds of spots off of clothing 25 cents L W McConnell Druggist One of the most wonderful displays of China lac in W T Colemans window this week ever shown in this country If you are from Missouri we will show you Dont forget to come to the Epworth League Good Time social to nieht Friday March 23rd Methodist church Ice cream and cake 10c Everybody come American and Elwood hog fencing are the best woven wire made W T Cole man has just received a carload You should get your woven wire now out of this car and save money Jacob Klein of Saint Ann Frontier county advertises a sale for Thursday April 5th 1906 at his farm one fourth mile east of Saint Ann postoffice Jacob Betz will auction the sale See bills Baskets are a mighty handy article for any household They have large and small ones for any and all uses clothes baskets clothes hampers picnic baskets market baskets and lunch bask ets all at Colemans Good homes are wanted for destitute and orphan children of all ages by the Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St Omaha From 40 to 60 constantly on hand Over 300 passing through the institute during the year If interested write for application blanks inclosing stamp for postage - - o