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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1906)
5 1 y TWENTY FOURTH YEAR No 5 Last Number THE CITIZENS ENTERTAINMENT COURSE LULU TYLER GATES and hor Company of Artists OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 830 p m Kryl and his company the Chi cago Lady Entertainers Moran and Driver all were good the Gates company will prove a fitting climax to an excellent series The company will consist of Walt er Bentley Ball baritone Ebba Hjertstedt the Swedish violinist and Grace Gilmoropianist These three delightful artists will with Mrs Gatesgive a program unique novel popular an 1 artistic Reserved seats will be checked off for holders of season tickets at McConnells Friday March 16 seven oclock p m Sale will be gin the following morning This concert will deserve the est possible hearing Will Abate the Nuisance The Tribune learns with satisfaction that the county authorities are making Arrangements to shut off the jail from the approach of the public by an iron fence of a suitable kind The lonfing about the windows has been a nuisance during the summer and past winterand this move on the part of the authorities is a proper one In the case that plan does not materialize it mignt prove efficacious to arrest some of the lads who worse than waste their time loafing about the south jail window smoking and talking with the prisoners The practice ought to be stopped and we understand it is the purpose of the sheriff to stop it one way or another A Private Company Buys Them Last week the deal was closed where by The Lincoln Land Co retires from the ownership of the McCook Water Works and a private company takes over the property Some members of the old company still retain an inter est in the reorganized company which now has some local stock holders J E Kelley local manager and James Hat iield being new holders of stock The officers of the new company are A B Minor president J W Deweese vice president J E Kelley secretary and and superintendent James Hatfield treasurer Revival Meetings The revival meetings begin at the Congregational church Sunday evening and continue each night for two weeks Plans are being made for good music and the prospect is bright for success Rev P A Sharpe of Friend Neb who will arrive Tuesday and do the preach ing thereafter is a man of success in this line of work Last winter ninety were converted under his preaching at Court land Neb Everybody is invited to these meetings Come and bring a friend A Hospital a Possibility The news comes to The Tribune that there iB a brightening prospect that Mo Cook may have a hospital The infor mation is that Bishop Bonacum of the diocese of Lincoln is now considering plans for such an institution to be locat ed in this city The realization of this dream will be a great and good day for McCook vicinity and the entire Mc Cook division of the Burlington Bond Sale Sealed proposals with a 500 certified check of the bidder will be received by me until eight oclock p m April 2nd 1906 and opened immediately there after for the sale of ten thousand dol lars of McCook Sewer Bonds For full information as to said bonds address me W A Middleton City Clerk McCook Neb From Now On Having made arrangements with a practical harnessmaker in an eastern town I will from now on have hand made harness on hand at all times of the very best selected stock It will be to your advantage to call and investigate before buying W T Coleman The Edison Phonograph is today the most versatile musical in strument in the world It stands alone as an entertainer It will always amaze and delight its hearers McConnell sells them on easy terms Dinner Has Been Postponed The ladies of the W R C announce the postponement of their dinner on ac count of the bad weather WUUlSi ft MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE William Knape has retired from the dray business Dan Cashen was over from Danbury Saturday Frank Love of Holdregewas in town early in the week I D Moore arrived homo last night from his Lincoln trip Mrs E B Larmon of Denver is a guest of Mrs W H Dungan Mrs G H Thomas returned Mon day from her Lincoln Harvard visit Chris FARBERlately employed by the Barnett Lumber Co has moved to Cul bertson Mr and Mrs F S Sovern of sonville are guests of Mr and Mrs R W Devoe P Walsh is visiting in Arkansas Hot Springs Arkansas whither he went the close of last week Mrs J B Meserve departed Tues day morning for Kansas City Mo after a weeks visit here William McNish of Hill City S D father of Mrs W F Jones is in the city on a visit with his daughter and her husband O G Vahue and Mr and Mrs Ray Vahue departed on 2 Wednesday morn ing for their old home in Allegan Michigan G E Thompson arrived home Tues day night from his visit to eastern markets of a week or two making addi tions to his spring and summer stock of merchandise Walter Thorgrimson is spending the week with the homefolks Walter was with the Nebraska Indians during the baseball season and later with the Burlington survey up in Wyoming He is now working out with the Lincoln league baseball team and if he makes good will sign with them during the 1906 season Walter has developed into a star pitcher Commercial Club Session The Commercial club had under dis cussion and consideration two particu lar items during its session of Tuesday evening of this week The matter of carrying forward the petitions for lateral sewers and the for mation of sewer districts was discussed to the end that a committee of three was appointed consisting of L W McConnell T E Kelley and E J WH 4 cos who will have this enterprise strict ly in charge and will push the securing of names to the petitions for both east and west Main avenue sewer districts vigorously and intelligently Another enterprise proposed was broached and discussed at some length namely the new school house This was taken up by President Barnett who as a member of the board of edu cation was in position to speak author itatively He stated that the board contemplated asking for an issue of 36000 bonds for the construction of a new high school building the- board considering that amount necessary to build a proper school house for present needs and at the same time to antici pate the future in a small measure He stated that petitions and other legally required acts were being taken and the board expected some time in the future to ask the citizens of this school dist rict to vote upon the proposition to pro vide means to build the proposed new high school The Tribune expresses the desire of the people of McCook when it says that the building should be substantial creditable and ample for the present de mands and sufficient to meet the re quirements of our growing city and en larging public school attendance The amount proposed by the board of edu cation will doubtless be required for the purpose stated Public schools and the public school system come high but we MUST HAVE THEM Express Their Gratitude We are very grateful to all who ex tended sympathy and rendered assist ance during the long illness and after the death of our father Sheridan Clyde Lovell Clyde Mitchell Clyde Artistic Wall Paper We have designs in wall paper which you can not afford to miss seeing There are harmonious conceptions in colorings which please when seen in the hall par lor dining room or bed room They are home beautifiers L W McConnell Druggist Restaurant For Sale Cheap For particulars write 16 2ts D L Cunningham PalisadeNeb McConnells Balsam cures coughs An 800 pound pony for sale cheap at the Gurney Poultry place Fast reliable and sound The Gurney Poultry House is the placo to get especially top prices for late hatch small chickens mediums or large They want your ducks un picked Turkeys and eggs Also take your nicies and get full weights and prices 35 State Supt McBrien Consults State Supt McBrien was in the city last Saturday in consultation with the several superintendents of the counties represented in the McCook Junior Nor- mal school and with City Supt Thomas of McCook who will again bo in charge of the normal during the session of 1906 It is within bonds to state that the prospects are bright even at this early date for the coming year The county superintendents present were Miss Flora B Quick of Red Willow Mrs Margaret West of Hayes Miss Estella Goodwin of Dundy and James OConnell of Hitchcock They were at one in promising increased attendance from their several counties next term es pecially among those who would in all probability remain during the encire term The consensus ofopinion was that the school during the past years has been of great profit and that its usefulness and importance are growing in an ening circle That McCook is a logical location for something of a permanent character in a state educational institu tion as shown by the attendance and in terest manifested in years past by the teachers of this section of the state In the evening at the Palmer house Mr and Mrs Albert Barnett of our city were the authors and finishers of a pleasing and informal social incident to the regular business gathering in the acceptable form of a dinner served in five courses and in the best style of that popular hostelrie with every needful and tasteful acccessory and a menu of most appetizing and seasonable particu lars On this occasion Host Barnett who is a member of the McCook board of education and deeply interested in mat ters appertaining to our educational in terest and advancement took incidental opportunity to express McCooks ap preciation of the benefits derived from the junior normal sessions of past years the presence of the teachers in our midst the social moral and mental uplift not to mention the entertaining features of each session were mentioned among our blessings State Supt McBrien could not resist the opportunity of expressing in kind the states the instructors and the teachers pleasure and gratitude at the interesF shown by the citizens ofTVIc J Cook in the success of the school The superintendent expressed the wish and hope that McCook might in time be come the location of a permanent teach ers training school and complimented this community upon the patent concern its people in educational matters FREE IP1 JutCoafe Republican Editors Organize The Republican editors of the Fifth congressional district of Nebraska met in McCook Tuesday and organized an association for mutual protection and berieijt assuming the name of Fifth District Republican Press association The association commences its Adam Breede of the Hastings Tribune as president F M Kimmell of the McCook Tribune as vice president jM H Prall of the Imperial Republican secretary treasurer and C WBarnes of the McCook Republican A S Barry of fhe Superior Journal and A A Hadden of the Franklin Free Press together with the president and secretary compose the oxcutive committee The matter of constitution and by laws will be taken up at the next meet ing of the association in Holdrege E J Mitchell of the McCook Republican was made chairman of the committee on oy laws and constitution to act in con junctionwith the executive committee in preparation of the constitution and by laws A committee of five F M Kimmell of McCook Tribune A A Hadden of Franklin Free Press H G Thomas of Harvard Courier A L Taylor of Tren ton Republican P A Williams of Riverton Review was appointed and re ported the following resolutions which were adppted and indicate one of the prime motives of the organization Whereas the members of the Fifth District Republican Press association believe in a free and untrammeled press and Whereas the object of a free press is to voice true individual and not ready made editorial sentiment therefore be it Resolved that it is the sense of this association that we emphatically con demn the self constituted press bureau method of attempting to create political sentiment as has been practised in this state in years past and as is now in vogue The next meeting of the association will be held in Holdrege at a time to be scheduled by the executive committee when the constitution and by laws will be adopted House for Sale or Rent If you have a bouse for sale or rent call up 157 and give the best price and terms possible with description I have a good list of people who want to rent and buy Lindemann 5 to 140 Acres in Egan park Only half mile to school For prices and terms see C F BABCOCKMcCook Neb ENTERTAINMENT by Ancient Order of United Workmen at theMelhodisteGhorch MONDAY EVENING MARCH 19 Hon O J VanDyke Grand Master Workman will deliver the princi ple address of the evening Silas R Barton Grand Recorder of Grand Island and Hon A Ga lusha Secretary of State and a member of the Grand Finance Committee will be present and speak The above gentlemen are excellent speakers and a royal good time is expected J H Bennett a former townsman and a member of the Grand Finance Committe will also be here P S Aside from pleasure the above officials of the A O U W will look over the city with a view of buying the Sewer and School bonds Under the new Reserve fund enacted by the last Grand Lodge which went into effect July 1st 1905 the funds have accumulated at the rate of 26000 per month which will be invested in Real Estate Loans and Bonds Appointed C H Harman Deputy At the meeting of the county com missioners Tuesday County Assessor Skalla appointed Cd Harman of Perry precinct as deputy assessor of Willow Grove precinct which embraces the city of McCook Mr Harman was strongly endorsed by McCook business men He has the reputation of being something of a tax ferret and sleuth and will it is hoped list the taxable property of Mc Cook and Willow Grove precinct with out favor or fear and to the utmost farth ing March Blasts make it safe to wear a chest protector We have all sizes and can fit lady or gentlemen boys or girls L W McConnell Druggist Horses for Sale One hundred head of draft and driv ing horses for sale Frank Stillman McCook Neb Very large line of Uew Silk Gloves in white black colors and elbow lengths Thompsons Everything in drugs McConnell Bread misers at WT Colemans - Much Snow and Low Temperature This wee has been marked by heavy snows and low thermometer quite all week The temperature reached perhaps ten degrees below zero and the snowfall has been the heaviest of the season making altogether winter real and snug enough for the most exacting Wanted A reliable person for McCook and surrounding country to represent the National Life Insurance Co of Chicago Liberal contract to right party C E H E Brown General Agents Holdrege Nebraska A New Dray Firm W E DeLong and J R Pence who have been operating separate dray busi nesses for some time have joined issues and are now conducting their enterprise in partnership Changed The Wall Paper in McConnells win dow is changed every day See the new papers Remnant Bargains A nice selection of one room remnant patterns of wall paper at special prices McMillen Druggist rttmtte mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday evening march i6 1906 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs McMillen Prescription Druggist Best Apron Ginghams 5c yd Thomp sons Infants cloaks Thompsons from 35c to 300 McConnells Sarsaparilla and Blood Purifier 100 For chapped hands and face use Millens Cream Lotion Mc- Amoskoag 2 bu seamless 16 oz grain bags for 19c Thompsons Pay cash and got your groceries cheap See ad J A Wilcox Son All the best Calicoes Simpsons Amencansetc for 5c yd at Thompsons Removed Dr Kays office is now over Pades furniture store Phone 9S Best Carpet Warp on white and 24c for colors spools 22c for Thompsons The Vanderhoof Gray Fitch livery barn has been purchased by Smith Fitch Very desirable shades including grey in our new Batiste SuitingB at 44c Thompsons No trouble curing your corns when you use McConnells Lightning Corn Cure Ten cents The very newest and dressiest in Ladies White Waists and Colored Waists Thompsons Cooking utensils something the house wife needs every day of her life Can be bought at W T Colemans The Wheeler Wilson machine has a rotary motion ball bearing and is the lightest running machine in the world Sold by W T Coleman You can not afford to buy wall paper until you have seen our new stock Will be glad to show you our papers any time now L W McConnell Druggist Remember you will find Mike Waish just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price You cant do better anywhere on earth man at luarsns meac marKet in any article usually for sale in an up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than tho cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable In his new location just across the street from his old place in the P g Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to I see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them Those Dempster gasoline engines that W T Coleman has been selling for pumping are a fine article in every re spect They are a Nebraska product made on honor and are just the thing for pumping and grinding The explanation of our trade bringing prices if one were asked is simply in our absolutely spot cash system Our small but actually realized margins are more than satisfactory to all concerned than opposite methods We invite your participation in the benefits The Thompson D G Co Thompsons The Sole Remnant Not very long ago Mr Walter Bentley Ball was singing with a solo quartette at one of the large Methodist churches in Columbus O Everything had been going smoothly for several monthswhen suddenly the other three members of choir resigned or were dispensed with by the music committee who kept Mr Ball as precentor The next Sunday came around and being left alone he had to render a solo Rather hurriedly it must be confessed Mr Ball selected one and did not at all realize what he was singing until well into the aria from Elijah It is enough O Lord now take away my life This was bad enough but when he came to I the dramatic climax where the voice stands out alone And I even I only am left and they seek my lite to take it away it was too mucn xne congre gation grinned and Mr Ball only re strained himself by a great effort from breaking down completely Burial of Allen C Clyde The remains of Allen C Clyde were buried last Saturday morning from Pades undertaking rooms Rev Car man conducted brief services there and at the grave in Riverview cemetery There were some beautiful floral decor rations Many friends of the sons were present Largest and best line of Ladies and Misses New Spring Dress Skirts at Thompsons See McConnell for Wall Paper -V AK v VV NUMBER 42 Try McMillens Cough euro McConnells Balsam cures coughs Oil boaters of all kinds at W T Colo mans Bost tablo oil cloth 15c yd sons Fresh butterof best quality nt Marshs meat market Sewing machine needles of nil kinds at W T Colemans You must romomber that W T Cole man handles tho B P S paiuts Six colors in our Now Taffeta Silk Petticoats at 189 Thompsons The Clauss Shkucs are sold by V T Coleman and overy pair guaranteed I have three dozen nice Plymouth Rock hens for sale MitsJ F Randel See McConnells Window Display of wail paper Display changod day every A very pretty assortment of styles and shades in our Now Spring Silks at 4ic Thompsons A largo assortment of Novelty Souve nir Postal Cards at McMillens Drug Store Our stock of New Wall Paper is now complete Latest dosigns newest color ings and right prices A McMillen Druggist Having just received a very largo in voice of whins I can satisfy invhnrlv in a whip from tho cheapest to tho highest grade made W T Coleman W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat ors and cleans gasoline stoves Work guaranteed Phono red 306 or box 595 McCook Neb tf A Dorcas Kensington will bo given by Mrs Wieho and Mrs DeWitt at tho home of Mrs Wiehe on Thursday after noon March 22 at 230 p m This week Samuel Ilornback moved into the now Menard brick on lower Main aveauo from his temporary loca tion on West Donnison street Bissell sweepers have won a distinct reputation for strength durability ease of running and their perfect sweeping qualities See W T Coleman For Sale Lot 11 block 15 original town McCook Sold cheap if -taken at once Wahlquist Bros Hastings Neb If you have not a sewing machine call at W T Colemans and see the Wheeler Wilson It is three times the value of any other Sews one third faster one third easier and one third better As soon as the snow has melted off we hope to interest you in S n B n ts At present we stop with the remark that this snow will make gardening all the more profitable this year Our lina is the best to be found weare con fident and the prices most reasonable Thompsons Good homes are wanted for destitute and orphan children of all ages by the Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St Omaha From 40 to CO constantly on hand Over 300 Dassinp through the institute during tne year If interested write for application blanks inclosing stamp for postage Mrs CEReynolds the hairdresser nf Hastings Neb will be at The New Idea Millinery March 17th to 22nd where she will demonstrate with hpr hair goods and toilet articles Will carry a full lino of first grade human hair switches and pompadours also hairrolls combs and pins Switches and pompadours made from combings and cut hair Treatment for scalp and face a specialty A cordial invitation extended to call and see her goods Ebba Hjertstedt Ebba Hjertstedt the violinist with the Lulu Tyler Gates Company is a na tive of Sweden although she came to this country early and received her first music lessons here under Bernhard Listemaon She continued her studies in Sweden and even played before King Oscar during her visit to her native land She then took un her residence in Berlin and studied with HofconcRrt maester Max Grunberg for some time Although this is Miss Hjertstedts first American tour she is nevertheless an experienced violinist having toured both Germany and Sweden REAL ESTATE Five Ten Twenty Acre Tracts Alfalfa sugar beets garden tracts on first bottom within one mile of tho round house will be on the market on easy terms April 1 1906 Call at office for particulars A G Bump J E Kelley next door to postofSce Telephone Notice Parties who are not now subscribers who wish telephones please make ar rangements ht the office as soon as pos sible C I Hall Manager