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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1905)
c n A 1 V T TWENTY FOURTH YEAR HOLIDAY OFFERINGS At McMillens Drug- Store Our offerings this year in Christ mas gifts are so numerous and varied it is difficult to describe them but invite you to come and see for yourself We welcome you whether you buy or not Bring in the children and show them around even should they think themselves in dreamland when they see our toys dolls books games etc For the older ones a large line of fancy goods novelties albums pictures hand painted china lamps books and Bibles A McMillen y LIBRARYBUILMNGSURE Andrew Carnegie Agrees to Give Mc Cook 10000 for a Library Building Tuesday of thw week a letter was re ceived from Andrew Carnegie in answer to McCooks latest request and showing in which he agrees to give McCook 10000 for the erection of a library build ing Tho site for the library building has already been secured on the corner just south of the Methodist ch urch and tho realization of one of McCooks fond est desires and hopes will doubtless ma terialize next summer The matter of maintenance the one insistent point of Mr Carnegies require ments on the part of those who wish to benefit from his philanthropy has been settled by the city council aud nought now remains but to decide upon plaus get specifications and figures and proceed in seasonable time to tho erection of a suitable building In slating that the members of tho library board and tho citizens generally are greatly rlolighted with tho result of the persistent efforts made to this ond is mildly putting it Invested in City Realty This week Messrs S D McClain and William Zint invested in six lots on West Dennison street or rather on lower Manchester street buying three lots each on the north and south side of Dennison at intersection of Manchester Tho price is stated as 84000 for six lots This sale has created no little surprise as for many years tho Lincoln land Co has held these lots entirely out of the market There is talk that these gentlemen will erect an opera house on one or the other of these plats of ground there be ing 75 feet front in each This is one of the most important realty transactions of the year not so much on account of the sum involved as in the fact of the development of west Dennison street which for years has been retarded by the refusal of the company to sell these lots M W A Minstrel Dont forget the date of the big min strel by home talent forstho benefit of the McCook M W A drill team at tho opera house next Thursday Dec 21st at 830 p m This will bo a strictly first class clean and up-to-date enter tainment far better than is given by most of the outside shows that come to McCook and should be liberallv ized by our citizen Remember the members of McCook M W A camp have worked hard tho past few years to advertise our city and should be reward ed by a packed house next Thursday night Reserved seats 50 cents on sale at McConnols Monday evening at 7 oclock Will Build This Winter Enos Rishel who bought the lot ad joining The Tribune office on the north has decided to build on the lot this winter and is now having plans made to that end expectiug to commence the work at once on the excavation for base ment or cellar The building will be of brick sixty feet in depth and two stories in height Infants Wear We have a large assortment of bonnets bootees soft soled pink blue and white shoes moccasins sacques mittens pink blue and white cashmere hose kitty hoods cloth dolls baby coats and jack ets toques etc The Thompson D G Co Xmas Brushes Clothes brushes hair brushes finger brushes tooth brushes military brushes In fact every conceivable kind of a brush All good Christmas presents L W McConnell Druggist Chicken Pie Dinner Dont forget Saturday Dec 10th in thehall just above Pettys shoe store the Baptist ladies will serve a chicken pie dinner also supper 25c A Suggestion Suitable for gifts as well as useful and beautiful are our silk umbrellas for ladies and gentlemen 150 to 500 The Thompson D G Co Land Wanted At the very best figure that you will sell for L H Lindemann For Christmas Presents Would you look at Christmas presents of quality nice things you would be proud to present and pleased to receive Come here We have endeavored to supply the handsomest most de sirable and useful presents for everybody Boys Girls and the Grown Ups IXil AUtWUlilOUi XlUiai Mrs E sister E r MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Jam its OConnell of Trenton was a city visitor today Mit9 II L Kennedy nrrived home close of last week from Omaha Julius Kunert expects to visit tho homofolks in Germany in the spring Mug Eva Catt Harvey ofNewcastle Wyois a guest of Miss Naomi Wootton Mns A L Knowland arrived home close of last week from her western trip J C Mooke county judge elect is here and getting his home in order this week Mr and Mrs Earl Spencer have re turned to McCook from Crawford Ne braska M Cox is entertaining Maude Field until after holidays Mrs Julian Andrew has been visit ing her mother Mrs Anna M Benedict in Lincoln MrsN E Fahnestock arrived home today on 13 from her absence of several months in Illinois Mrs Carrie P Mitchell of Sedalia Mo is a guest of her son E J Mitchell of the Republican Miss Ora McElvain has returned from the west and is a guest of Mr and Mrs Emerson Hanson Mrs O R Amick of Oxford has been a guest of her sister Mrs M M Fisk part of this week Bruce Campbell was up from Lin coln where he is a state university stu dent Saturday and Sunday Mrs Martin Yager has gone to Ne braska City and will be absent part of the winter visiting relatives Miss Hazel Hare arrived home last night from Chicago to be with the homefolks during the holidays Prof C M Hodgman state high school inspector was in the city yester day in the line of his official work Dr R E Campbell of Buffalo NY has been in town this week on one of his occasional pleasure business visits C H Boyle was a Lincoln pilgrim Monday on business before the U S land officef or a western Nebraska client M C Shurtlfff of South Auburn Neb who has been here on real estate business departed Monday night for home Mrs Alex Cariwichael is here from Denver called by the alarming and serious illness of her father Joseph Snyder C H Meeker has been in Lincoln part of the week securing data and figures for his sewer report which will be for the coming soon J L Blood of Longmont Colo has been a guest of Mr and Mrs J G Stokes part of this week He was formerly treasurer of Hayes county Mrs J L Woodson returned close of last week from Lincoln where she has been for several weeks at the home of his parents The mother is recover ing from her recent severe injury John O Miller is moving his belong ings onto his ranch near McCook John is an old timer here and by frugality and industry has accumulated much of this worlds goods Bartleycor Indian ola Reporter Mrs N E Mills 104 Hollster street who is entertaining her son W B Mills and wife of McCook Neb and her daughter Mrs John Stewart husband and children of White Cloud Mich has given a house party commencing on Thanksgiving day Among the out of town guests invited were M r and Mrs Whiting of Denmark O Mr and Mrs Oren Farrier of Detroit Miss Cobb of Flint Mich Mr aud Mrs Hetler of St Joseph Mich Mr and Mrs Frank Va hue of Allegan Grand Rapids Mich Evening Pres Fancy Walstlngs Always acceptable never too many We offer fifty waist patterns of nici st French flannels washable for 175 each Also white Bedford cords white Sicilians white figured mohairs white cashmeres white batistes white mer cerized vestings altogether the largest array shown in McCook The Thomp son D G Co Wanted A girl to work in the Danbury News office Must have fair education Can work mornings and evenings for board Will pay good wages to the right girl Call or address The News Danbury Neb Gifts of Worth You can secure a Christmas present of value at small expense in pictures books albums toilet articles hand painted china toys and dolls at McMillens drug store Pillow Tops Hand painted burnt woven etched flowers heads and other numerous sub jects 100 to select from at 35 cents to 125 The Thompson Dry Goods Co House For Sale Good 5 room house in desirable local ity with fine fruit and shade trees In quire of L H Lindemann Xmas Hand Bags One of the most popular gifts Youll find the right kinds very reasonably priced at The Thompson D G Co You will find the largest assortment of Christmas toys at W T Colemans Ludwicks ad is on page eight Have you read it yet Do it now McConnells Balsam cures coughs Although the session of the McCook Commercial club Tuesday evening was not as largely attended as was hoped and desired there was a solid working forco present and several matters of im portance were discussed and items of business transacted The street carnival affair was closed up and disposed of finally as per report appearing elsewhere in this issue The news from Andrew Carnegie was received with acclaim and the thanks and appreciation of tho efforts of the club were acknowledge by the secretary of the library board There was some discussion of an effort to join issues with the library board to secure the joint erection of an auditorium and library building The matter of sewers was broached but as Mr Meeker is not ready to make a report to the city council discussion was held in abeyance Reference was made to tho need of a city school building and Mr Barnett of the school board was able to state that the board expected early in the coming year to give the people of McCook an opportunity to pass upon the question of voting bonds for the purpose of build ing a much needed school bouse Several minor claims wore allowed and tho meeting adjourned It would be advantageous for the peo ple of McCook if more of tho club mem bers attended these meetings and par ticipated in its discussion and actions Bless the Babies Mothers Love Them Even fathers talk with pride Of the children and their actions Then proceed to tan their hide But the mothers heaven bless them Know the care of infants well While the fathers fragrant pipe stem Permeates the place they yell Weve a smoker set for daddy Nice gold watch for Uncle Bob Or a diamond studded cuff link Brilliant scarf pin or a fob But the baby blessed baby Just among the other things Weve the best that ever happened In the shape of baby rings Sutton Jeweler Charged With Assault and Battery W M Heun was arrested Thursday on complaint of his father William Heun charged with assault and battery The case was continued until one oclock today to secure the presence of witnesses and the defendant was placed in the keeping of Officer Osborn for his appear ance this afternoon not being able to secure the required 300 bond Protesting Against Atrocities A petition was circulated and quite numerously signed in McCook this week praying President Roosevelt to UBe every legal and moral force to pre vent further atrocities and massacres of Jewish citizens in the Russian empire by the Czars barbarian and savage sub jects Christmas Furs Scarcely anything surpasses furs as Xmas gifts They are suited to the time of year are rich to look at soft to feel warm durable stylish sensible and within reach of all at 100 to 1250 per piece at Thompsons Victim of Consumption Mrs E C Shaw died in this city Monday evening about eight oclock of consumption after short residence here in search of health The remains were shipped on No G Tuesday night for David City Nebraska for burial Mens Fixins Wives sisters and others will find here the correct and acceptable things for the men in neckwear gloves muf flers handkerchiefs and other furnish ings The Thompson D G Co For rent Three farms near McCook If you want to sell your farms list them with me I have the buyers J Fletcher Immigration Agent Burlington Route Bartley Nebraska Ideal Silk and Batiste Waists Unequaled for style fit and quality In pinks light bluestans reds whites and blacks 175 to 675 The Thomp son D G Co Horses for Sale Onehundred head of draft and driv ing horses for sale Frank Stillman McCook Neb Fancy Ribbons If its fancy work that needs fancy ribbons you will find the largest assort mentat The Thompson D G Cos Angora Kitty Hoods To be had at Thompsons for 1 each Many other styles at forty cents to 125 Suitable for Christmas Make your little folks happy Xmas by getting them their toys at W T Cole mans He has a large assortment to se lect from The largest assortment of rugs at the right prices at Pade Sons Christmas Cheer All the Year Nothing will add more cheerful ness to the home than some of these beautiful pictures Medal lions Etchings Pastels and Water Colors A gift suitable for anybody L W McConnell Druggist 7 f Troubles Nearly Overcome A gentleman well acquainted with the situation on the Sheridan division of the Burlington says that the recent trouble there emphusized by a congestion of business that could not be moved until emengency measures wore employed was brought about by a shortage in the water supply Water is a serious ques tion on that division of the road Most engines are run with two tanks behind them filled with good water at tho ter minals There are way stations where water is furnished but at some of these it is of a quality that causes trouble tho moment it gets into the boilers Before the trouble commenced engines had been pooled that greater results could ue secured from tnem strange engi neers on strange boilers water that foamed in the boilers and lack of water and engine failures caused train delays and troubles not lessened by the rapidly increasing volume of business Engine men were charged with fighting the pool system in this way but it was recognized that with good water supply at convenient stations the serious troubles could have been minimized Good water is secured by the company at Sheridan where tho wator is taken from the city supply Tho city supply is piped from the mountains miles away Now the Burlington is putting in a sup ply system of its own building a pipe line and conducting the water from the hills for a distance of twenty miles In other ways the company is increasing its water supply on the Sheridan divi sion and it is said thatsuch a congestion of business as the one recently experi enced is not likely to again occur Lin coln Journal Adjourned Council Meeting A protest was presented by CEEldred on behalf of W T Coleman and others against allowing P Walsh to move his frame building now on Dodge street to lot 18 blk 21 and in order to give all parties interested an opportunity to be heard an adjournment was taken until Thursday evening December 14th at eight oclock Thursday evening it being reported that Mr Walsh had abandoned his plan of moving his building onto a lot within the fire limits and there being no quorumno action was taken Mr Walsh will move the building over onto West Dennison street onto his lot between D Kendalls and the Rider brick on the corner About Sending Christmas Gifts A few suggestions will help in sending Christmas gifts safely In the first place send them early snd thus avoid the rnb snd crush of tbp season and the loss and damage abso lutely incident thereto Securely wrap your packages Write your name and address on the wrapper as well as that of the party to whom you are sending the present on the card This will assist the postal authorities in case the address becomes torn off or de faced Following these few simple directions will insure you against ordinary failures And lastly dont fail to register every valuable package The Whole Bush Push Martin Bush Oliver Bush and Samuel Bryan three of Bartleys celebrities were arrested and fined Tuesday morning for drunkenness and disorderly conduct Oliver and Samuel paid their fines and were released but Martin was taken to Lincoln and turned over to the warden of the state penitentiary he being a pa roled prisoner with but a few weeks more to serve before his final release He is the individual who cut the man so severely in a fight in Bartley a few years since This is not his first offense here It seems to be the Bush habit every so often to come to McCook and indulge in a carousal Is Exclusive Agent For McCook Mrs S E Griggs is now and has been for years exclusive agent for McCook for Empires My kingdom for a horse cried Rich ard 111 Empires seemed cheaper then 1000 is our price for a good up-to-date empire coat Others to 1S00 Make good Xmas presents too The Thomp son D G Co Bazaar Bazaar Get your Xmas gifts at the Bazaar held by the Baptist ladies in the hall just above Pettys shoe store Dec lGth Dinner and supper both served suit Cases Parent your high school son is near enough grown to possess a suit case Remember him with one Xmas 200 to 8 00 The Thompson D G Co Real Estate Dealer Call and give me a list of your proper ty and I will try to dispose of same for you at a reasonable charge Office with J E Kelley A G Bump Bear Skin Coats If you have wanted but waited now is the time What more pleasing to a tot or small miss Only 400 at Thomp sons tiff l If ffr f MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 15 1905 her the COMMERCIAL CLUB MEETS And Transacts a Quantity of Business and Liscusses Several Matters of Gen eral Importance MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Bread mixers at W T Colemans Bibles a large lino at McMillens McConnells Balsam cures cougha Bissell Sons Get your Connells carpet sweepers at Pado Christmas presents at Me lt will pay you to see W T Colemans toy display Dolls all sizes ens drug store McMillen has now dolls See them and prices at Tho holiday cut glass at W T Colomans a nice display of display is fine If you want any fancy Painted China see McMillens lino White sewing machines no better made at Pade Sons See Tartsch tho leading clothier about that 5 suit of clothes free Cream in sealed 10c an 1 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market A special invitation is extended you to look over Ludwicks china A well bred male for sale 12 15 2ts to Duroc Jersey hog Julius Kunert A suit of 5 extragood clothes free to the best boy detective at Tartschs Removed Dr Kays ofiico is now over Pades furniture store Phone 9S Wanted A girl for general houso work Mrs R M Douglas W T Coleman has on exhibition best line of iron toys over shown in the the city W T Coleman has a nice assortment of chafing and baking dishes now on hand A large assortment of doll go carts and red wagons at McMillens drug store McMillen is closing out a nico assort ment of parlor decorated lamps at very low prices Are you undecided what to got for Xmas presents Then read Ludwicks ad on page eight Follow the crowd to W TColeinaas and look over his large lines of holiday goods before buying For Xmas Childrens and misses fur setts165250375450 bright right at Thompsons Get one of those chaffing dishes at W T Colemans They make a handsome present for Christmas Have you been in to see Ludwicks large stock of china The ideal Christ mas of presents for ladies Theres money for vou in J A Wil cox Sons StocK Reducing Sale High class bargains in high class goods The pastors and churches of the city are arranging for union services each night during the week of prayer January 8 13 Buy your wife a Bissell carpet sweep er for Xmas and she will always think the world of you They are sold at WT Colemans There is a 5 suit in it for the first boy under 1G years of ago who finds the man See Tartschs advertisement else where for particulars A Gun for Christmas The largest as sortment of air rifles 22 rifles and other kind of iruns at W T Colemans Just the Marietta Stanley Cos flesh food the most pleasing thing vou could buy - - - -- i i i - - and face powders Jfnone write or call on her if you want to buy any of this companys goods The company has no other canvasser or other authorized agent in McCook Of Course Of course the idea is to save time and worry in the Xmas shopping One way of doing that is to come directly to us and your later wanderings will be few You are cordiallv invited The Thomp son D G Co Jap dolls Handewerck dolls Florodora dolls jointed sleepy eye natural hair beautiful dolls all sizes Bring the children in to see them L W McConnell Druggist the boys You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in an up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed For men we have shaving mugs mus tache cups and saucers tobacco jars comb and brush trays ash trays collar button boxes and hundreds of different things for the ladies J E Ludwick In his new location just across the street from his old place in tbe P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them Isabella fox red fox squirrel electric seal beaver marten opossum imitation sable mouffloon are some of the kinds of furs shown at Thompsons in scarfs muffs cravats 4 in hands and setts from 100 to 12 50 Unequalled as pleasing Wanted By a prominent monthly magazine with large high class circula tion local representative to look after renewals and increase subscription list in McCook and vicinity on a salary basis with a continuing interest from year to year in the business created Experience desirable but not essential Good opportunity for the right person Address Publisher box 59 Station O New lork The Nebraska Farmer has put its feed and feeding department into the hands of a very competent man who is employ ed as an instructor at the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment station The dairy department has been put in charge of Prof A L Haecker an acknowledged authority An expert has been employed to furnish plaps for farm buildings and hints for making handy devices for farm use Drawings are used to illustrate this department Subscriptions for the Nebraska Farmer will be taken at The McCook Tribune office at fifty cents per year it H fa av Z - Xtj - i NT NUMBER 29 Fine Perfumes Nothing is of moro interest to a lady than tho quality of tho Perfume she uses and we dosiro to mention the superior excollonco or tho odors wo handle In addi tion to all tho best odors raado by Palmer tho Now York porfumor wo liavo those of Roigor tho fa mous California perfumer and for purity in preparation fragrance lasting qualities and tho truoodor of tho flower nothing equals Pasadena Rose Royal Cherry Blossom Mariposa Lily or Palo Alta Pink You should try some of tho perfumes mado whore tho flowers grow Cone Bros Druggists Read Ludwicks ad on pago oight Everything in drugs McConnell See Colomans Christmas presents McMillens Cough Curo is right Try Oil heaters of all kinds at W T Cole mans Latest in Millons books and Bibles at Mc- Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs moat markot McConnell for everything in Christ mas presents Christmas rockers of all kinds cheap at Pado Sons McMillen has now dolls See them Seo McConnells Beautiful presents a nice display of display of china Sowing machine needles of ail kinds at W T Colemans Use McMillens Cream chapped face and hands Lotion for All kinds of silver ware for Christmas presents at W T Colemans Books Juvenile gift and latest nov els at McMillens drug store For Xmas Ladies fur muffs 225 250 300 3 50 at Thompsons Got busy and find The man Its a 5 suit on your back my wideawako lad Heros an ideal Christmas present A Bisswlls carpet sweeper W T Coleman For Xmas Fur scarfs 100 150 200 300 500 to 12 50 Thomp sons Knives for father brother or sister What makes a more appropriate Christ mas gift w T Coleman t Dont forget the handkerchief sale at Mrs McFarlands millinery store Sat urday the 16th Be happy while you live and get one of those roasters and carving sets at W T Colomans Ladies fur cravats make very nice gifts line at Thompsons and 4 in hands for Xmas Nico The carving sets at W T Colemans would make a nice Xmas gift They run from 150 up to 1000 Cooking utensils something tho house wife needs every day of her life Can be bought at W T Colemans Boys bring all the smooth killed rabbits you can also fur skins to The Gurney Poultry Folks who will pay you top prices Bissell sweepers have won a distinct reputation for strength durability ease of running and their perfect sweeping qualities See W T Coleman Remember you will find Mike Walsh just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will give your repairs prompt and careful at tention Repairs for every stove made Examinations free of charge You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable SPECIALI have three hard coal base burners that have been used some but in first class condition that I can close out at very low prices In vestigate and save 25oo J E LUDWICK We know of no other article to suggest as a Christmas gift for mother wife sister or friend that gives as much gen uine pleasure and comfort as a Bissell carpet sweeper Sold by W T Cole man The first boy under 1G years who finds the man who will be here soon to repre sent extragood clothe3 at Tartschs clothing store will receive a suit of 500 extragood clothes frf e See adver tisement The first boy under 1G years who finds the right man and says to him You are from Ederheimer Stein Co Chi cago and sell extragood clothes gets a free suit of clothes at Tartschs clothing store The presentation of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Tuesday evening is well spoken of There was a crowded house The exhibition of hoodlumism in the crows roost however is reported most disgusting to both audience and com pany Enough officers should be placed in the roost to maintain decent order