Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1905)
TWENTY FOURTH YEAR YES McConnell keeps presents Bm A LIVELY MIDNIGHT FIRE Stulkens Shoe Stock Goes Up In Smoke Tuesday Morning Tho J D Stulkon shoo stock in tho Zint building on lower Main nvonue was practically destroyed by fire early Tues day morning Tho firo was discovered about oae oclock and an alarm prompt ly sent in to which there was a quick response and to this fact perhaps wo can give credit for not having a much more serious fire to report But the firo wns not controlled until tho stock was practically destroyed and the in terior of tho building much damaged Tho stock and tools are valued at about 81000 upon which there is in surance amounting to 8600 Tho dam ago to tho building can be repaired for 6100 Taking into consideration the timo of night and the location of the lire Mc Cook can bo congratulated upon escap ing a serious fire Tho origin pf the firo is unknown A Few Spring Indications From numerous external signs Mc Cook seems to be on tho eve of a lively expansion and growth next year A 810000 library building assured a 15 000 or 820000 school building among tho bright probabilities an opera house contemplated and a big brick hotel promising the Rishel two story business brick maybe anew brick bank building the John Morris two story brick busi ness building not to mention sewers a number of contracted residences and smaller improvements looks quite like thero would be something doing in the spring Fancy Walstings Always acceptable never too many We offer fifty waist patterns of nicest French flannels washable for 175 each Also white Bedford cords white silicians white figured mohairs white cashmeres white batistes white mer cerized vestings altogether the largest array shown in McCook Tho Thomp son D G Co New Land Office The well known land agency of C W Lindsay Wilsonville Neb have estab lished a branch office at Cedar Bluffs Kas with their Mr D D Bickett in charge Those desiring to dispose of their land will please call on Mr Bickett at the Cedar Bluffs hotel and give him a description and contract of sale Christmas Furs Scarcely arything surpasses furs as Xmas gifts They are suited to the time of year are rich to look at soft to feel warm durable stylish sensible and within reach of all at 100 to 1250 per piece at Thompsons Of Course Of courso the idea is to save time and worry in the Xmas shopping One way of doing that is to come directly to us and your later wanderings will be few You are cordially invited The Thomp son D G Co J Wanted A reliable person for McCook and surrounding country to represent the National Life Insurance Co of Chicago Liberal contract to right party 12 22 tf C E H E Brown General Agents Holdrege Nebraska The Guild Weil Satisfied The ladies of the Episcopal guild are well pleased with the result of their bazaar held in Clapps store Monday of this week disposing of most of their articles Empires My kingdom for a horsecried Rich ard III Empires seemed cheaper then 1000 is our price for a good up-to-date empire coat Others to 81800 Make good Xmas presents too The Thomp son D G Co Cast Your Eyes Over Our Christmas Presents We have just what you want in books games dolls china vases purses sta tionery pictures etc L W McConnell Druggist At the Skating Rink There will be a dance in the skating rink Christmas night Tickets oc Gentleman spectators 10c Lady speta tors free Come Suit Cases Parent your high school son is near enough grown to possess a suit case Remember him with one Xmas 200 to S00 The Thompson D G Co Ideal Silk and Batiste Waists Unequaled for style fit and quality In pinks light blues tans reds whites and blacks 175 to 675 The Thomp son D G Co Bear Skin Coats If you have wanted but waited now is the time What more pleasing to a tot or small miss Only 400 at Thomp sons Xmas Hand Bags One of the most popular gifts Youll find the right kind very reasonably priced at The Thompson D G Co House For Sale Good 5 room house in desirable local ity with fine fruit and shade trees In quire of L H Lindemann Dr Jones come well recommended to us as a gentleman and as master of his profession He carries testimonials from many leading citizens of the United States See him at the Palmer hotel parlors Lost Pair of gold bow glasses Left somewhere or lost on street Finder re turn to Tribune office It Christmas MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE E M Day will build him a residence in the early spring Mr and Mrs J B Dinsmore of Sut ton woro McCook guests briefly Florence and Roswell Simmons were Lincoln visitors Tuesday between trains Mrs J J Mr Oov f Miami Ohio is visiting her parents Mr atti Mrs Frank Stillman Mrs C B Sawyer and Miss Kate are up from University Place for over the holidays Mrs E E Magee and baby arrived from AshlBnd to remain over the holi days tcday Earl Murray was called down to Cambridge Sunday by tho death of his brothers wife Mrs P Conover of Red- Cloud is a guest of her daughter Mrs Roy Zint over the holidays Sheriff Elect Peterson has pur chased tho J II Burns residence on north Manchester street Mrs J II Burns and the children will leave December 28th to join Mr Burns at Sterling Colorado C E Eldred went down to Phillips burg Kansas on a short visit Tuesday returning home today on No 13 Mr and Mrs Fred Bruns are par ents of another fine boy the third that has come to brighten their homo Miss Bessie Bosworth went down to Lincoln last Friday and will be absent until Saturday night of this week R P High writes from McEwenBville Pa for The Tribune It seems like oldtimo to have Bob on tho list again W T Coleman is attending the hard waremens convention in Lincoln this week going down to Lincoln Tuesday Miss Gorby high school principal has been sick this week and Supt Thomas has been in charge of her recita tion Mrs Elizabeth Walker accompanied Mr and Mrs V B Mills home last week and will remain here during the winter Misses Lillian and Ruth Campbell went down to Lincoln Friday of last week on a visit arriving home on Snn day night Mrs W M Weidenhamer went up to Denver Sunday and was with her husband eaily part of this week return ing home on Wednesday night Mrs Harry E Rogers departed on delayed No 2 last Saturday morning for Galesburg Illinois being called home by the serious illness of her mother Mayor H P Waite went down to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the state meeting of hardware and implement men He will Visit the old home in Iowa before his return Miss Millie Slaby and Mrs R J Moore went up to Denver last Friday on No 13 on a short visit Mrs Moore returned home on 14 Saturday Miss Slaby on 14 Sunday night Mrs Walter Babcock and Miss Ruth came up from Cambridge Tues day on No 13 on a short visit to Mr and Mrs C F Babcock returning home on No 12 Wednesday morning Harry L Brown who is making the Bartley Inter Ocean famous was a city visitor Saturday and a visitor at this office He is one of the practical and efficient members of the Republican valley fraternity Mr and Mrs J E Kelley and Mr and Mrs A G Bump arrived home on No 13 Monday from their delightful and notable visit in Old Mexico cover ing two or three weeks in which they traveled far and saw much Mrs H P Sutton and Velma arrived home Sunday night on No 3 from their visit of a few weeks in Omaha and Ainsworth Mrs Sutton was delayed somewhat in Omaha by the severe ill ness of her sister Mrs Frank Boyd J W Parks of McCook Neb was in the city yesterday on his return from Farmington 111 where he visited his son and family The son is Ed W Parks formerly a Burlington employe in Lincoln now a merchant in Illinois The senior Mr Parks who was a mer chant in Bushnell 111 for years now lives in McCook with his daughter whose husband Eruest Hanson is a claim agent employed by the Burlington Lincoln Star Wanted A girl to work in the Danbury News office Must have fair education Can work mornings and evenings for board Will pay good wages to the right girl Call or address The News Danbury Neb Gifts of Worth You can secure a Christmas present of value at small expense in pictures books albums toilet articles hand painted china toys and dolls at McMillens drug store Pillow Tops Hand painted burnt woven etched flowers heads and other numerous sub jects 100 to select from at 35 cents to 125 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Angora Kitty Hoods To be had at Thompsons for 1 each Many other styles at forty cents to 125 Suitable for Christmas Box candies Christmas packages at The Favorite cigar store 500 to five cents Ludwicks ad is on page eight Have you read it yet Do it now McConnells Balsam cures coughs SCHOOL NOTES Miss Celia A Gorby high school principal has been ill all the week and absent from her classes School will be dismissed tonight for a two weeks Christmas vacation The work will be resumed Monday January 8th Many of the teacher corps will attend the state teachers association meeting which will bo held at Lincoln next week beginning Wednesday Special Christmas exorcises were held in most of the primary rooms this after noon and the season was appropriately observed by the making and giving of gifts for the parents A pleasing music program was render ed at tho high school assembly last Fri day morning A piano solo by Zella Os born a piano duet by Nina Tomlinson and Alice Benjamin a vocal solo by Agnes Elbert and another by Elsie Campbell made up the chief features of the exercise The teachers are to spend the holidays as follows Misses Walker and Gorby at Lincoln Miss Abbott Peru Misses Storer and Daigh Nelson Miss Hurley Wood River Miss 0ConnellTecumsen Miss Budlong Colorado Springs Miss KenagyMiIford Miss RistMalvern la Miss Santee Orleans Miss Powers Trenton Mr and Mrs Heffelbower Red Cloud The close of school yesterday was cel ebrated by a music program of more than usual pleasure in the high school department Mr John Gaardo rendered a clarionet solo and Miss Ruthe Wiehe sang Mr Thomas read an appropriate Christmas story and tho school sang Nazareth and Bethlehem choruses by Gounod upon which they have lately been special drilling Prof T M Hodgman tho University of Nebraskas state inspector of high schools paid an official visit to McCook last Thursday At a specially called as sembly of tho pupils in the afternoon he made an interesting an 4 instructive fif teen minute address upon the advantages and disadvantages of attending an insti tute of higher learning In his report Mr Hodgman found the standing and condition of the school to bo excellent In the amount of credit received in the study of English for example McCook has six points which is as much as any school in the state has save Omaha and Lincoln In physics we receive two full points Because of lack of laboratory facilities and the failure to devote the necessary time to the study of this sub jectthero are but six schools in the state who stand as high in this particular Bless the Babies Mothers Love Them Even fathers talk with pride Of the children and their actions Then proceed to tan their hide But tho mothers heaven bless them Know the care of infants well While the fathers fragrant pipe stem Permeates the place they yell Weve a smoker set for daddy Nice gold watch for Uncle Bob Or a diamond studded cuff link Brilliant scarf pin or a fob But the baby blessed baby Just among the other things Weve the best that ever happened In the shape of baby rings Sutton Jeweler Injured in a Runaway Mr and Mrs H C Jacobs of the south side were both injured Mrs Ja cobs severely in a runaway near the east railroad crossing last Saturday Their horses became frightened at the switch engine which was moving near the crossing at the time they attempted to cross The horses became unmanage able ran away and into the wire fence The vehicle was demolished and Mrs Jacobs has since been under the doctors care Full and Enthusiastic House The Georgia Minstrels local talent played to an overflowing and enthusias tic house in the Menard last night The M W A and the participants are to be congratulated upon the success achieved The minstrels were assisted by the Pythian orchestra and by Miss Barr at the piano Wanted Man and Wife The Standard Beet Sugar Co wants a man and wife for their farm near Cul bertsou Call or write E E Maxon local manager McCook Neb phone No 199 Fancy Chlnaware Hand painted Haviland and Jap ware All desirable pieces or in sets Very nice Christmas presents L W McConnell Druggist Horses for Sale Onehundred head of draft and driv ing horses for sale Frank Stillman McCook Neb Wanted Bright honest young man from McCook Neb to prepare for pay ing position in Goverment Mail Service Box One Cedar Rapids Eye sight is better than gold Dr Jones glasses have brought comfort and ease to hundreds of eyes See him at the Palmer Hotel parlors The largest assortment of rugs at the right prices at Pade Sons Christmas package cigars at the orite cigar store Chrlstmas Call We have left a good assortment of suitable presents for Christmas Bibles books toys dolls bricka brac pictures games perfumes and fancy goods McMillen Druggist Christmas in the Churches The Congregational Sunday school will hold their Christmas exercises on Monday evening give a cantata Johnny Doubter Tecitations songs by the little tots vocal solo tree audsoforth All invited Saturday evening the Methodist Sun day school exercises will be held They will have a dialogue recitations songs a tree and star with electric light effects etc A solo by D N Cobb and a Santa Claus The Baptist Sunday school will havo a treat and some recitations songs etc in connection with the regular Sunday morning session of tho school The East McCook Sunday school will have a treat at the regular service hour Sunday afternoon South McCook Sunday school will join with the First church in Christmas exercises Saturday night The Christian Sunday school will only have the regular Sunday morning serv ices The Episcopal Sunday school children will have a good time Saturday evening in the hall over Pettys store Mrs Tartsch will preside over the fish pond An Ugly Injury to His Eye Ralph son of E C Warfield of Bond ville precinct went down to Lincoln last Friday night on No 6 to receive treatment for an injured eye an injury received in a most unusual manner He was riding horseback behind a you os Jady who was unfamiliar with horses and unaccustomed to horseback riding and was directing tho animal A sudden jump of the horse threw the young ladys head backward and the pin in her hat penetrated his eyo to such a depth that it was with great difficulty re moved Fortunately tho hat pin did not enter the pupil or retina and thero is bright hope that his eyesight will not be impaired by this extraordinary accident A Good Time Evening ChapteJ X P E O is usually a work ing organization but occassionally an afternoon or evening is devoted to social amenties Such was the case on Satur day evening Dec 16 when the members gathered at the home of Mrs Meeker in response to an invation which read Gastronomies at 6 p m followed by social diversons with regular business meeting at 830 Tho Gastronomies consisted of a most delicious four courso luncheon which was served by Mrs Schobel and was well seasoned with delightful conversation indulged in by the members Miss Effie Abbott was the guest of the chapter After luncheon a pleasant and profit able guessing contest was entered into by all present Mrs Willets winning the honors and bearing away the prize a prettily illuminated copy of The Lords Prayer It is a generally accept jeafact that if any body of women can have a good time without fuss it is the P E O wherever they meet and this last social event of Chapter X adds one more proof of the fact It was a good time evening For Assault and Battery The trial of William M Heun Jr and Mrs Mary Malloy before Justice LeHew last Friday for assault and bat tery on complaint of their father Will iam Heun Sr resulted in the son being sent to the county jail for sixty days and pay costs of suit and the daughter being fined 1000 and costs The daughter paid The father was quite painfully injured Iufants Wear We have a large assortment of bonnets bootees soft soled pink blue and white shoes moccasins sacques mittens pink blue and white cashmere hose kitty hoods cloth dolls baby coats and jack ets toques etc The Thompson D G Co Was Well Patronized The bazaar and supper by the ladies of the Baptist church in Ganschow hall over Pettys shoe store last Saturday was well patronized the ladies realizing profitably from both bazaar and supper Mens Fixins Wives sisters and others will find here the correct and acceptable things for the men in neckwear gloves muf flers handkerchiefs and other furnish ings The Thompson D G Co Real Estate Dealer Call and give me a list of your proper ty and I will try to dispose of same for you at a reasonable charge Office with J E Kelley A G Bump A Suggestion Suitable for gifts as well as useful and beautiful are our silk ladies and gentlemen The Thompson D G Co umbrellas for 150 to 500 Fancy Ribbons If its fancy work that needs fancy ribbons you will find the largest assort ment at The Thompson D G Cos Throat Trouble stopped quickly with sam Pipes from 20 cents Favorite cigar store McConnells Bal- Wanted By a prominent monthlv magazine with large high class circula tion local representative to look after renewals and increase subscription list in McCook and vicinity on a salary basis with a continuing interest from year to year in the business created Experience desirable but not essential Good opportunity for the right person Address Publisher box 59 Station O New York In his new location just across the street from his old place in fcb P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them -at The McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 22 1905 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Bread mixers at W T Colemans McConnell for Christmas presents Bibles a large lino at McMillens McConnells Balsam cures coughe Bissell Sons Get your Connells carpet sweepers at Pado Christmas presonts at Mc- It will pay you to see WT Colemans toy display Dolls all sizes ens drugstore McMillen has now dolls See thorn and prices at The holiday cut glass at W T Colemans a nice display of display is fine If you want any fancy Painted China see McMillens line White sewing machines no better made at Pade Sons See Tartsch the leading clothier about that 5 suit of clothes free Cream in sealed 10c an 4 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market A special invitation is extended you to look over Ludwicks china A well bred male for sale 12 15 2ts to Duroc Jersoy hog Julius Kunert A suit of 5 kxtragood clothes free to the best boy detective at Tartschs Removed Dr Kays office is now over Pades furniture store Phone 93 W T Coleman has on exhibition best line of iron toys ever shown in Are you undecided what Xmas presents Then read ad on page eight tho the city W T Coleman has a nice assortment of chafing and baking dishes now on hand A large assortment of doll go carts and red wagons at McMillens drug store McMillen is closing out a nice assort ment of parlor decorated lamns at verv low prices to get for Ludwicks Follow the crowd to W T Colemans and look over his large lines of holiday goods before buying Get one of those chaffing dishes at W T Colemans They make a handsomo present for Christmas Have you been in to see Ludwicks large tock of china The ideal Christ mas of presents for ladies Only two days in which to buy Christ mas presents We still can supply your wants L W McConnell Druggist Theres money for you in J A Wil cox Sons StocK Reducing Sale High class bargains in high class goods Fred Bruns has just added two hand some and up-to-date Koch hydraulic chairs to the equipment of his barber shop Buy your wife a Bissell carpet sweep er for Xmas and she will always think the world of you They are sold at WT Colemans Cigars 12 to 100 in a box and costing from 2c to 25c each for sale at the Fav orite cigar store Benjamin Burnett proprietors There is a 5 suit in it for the first boy under 16 years of age who finds the man See Tartschs advertisement else where for particulars A Gun for Christmas The largest as sortment of air rifles 22 rifles and other kind of guns at W T Colemans Just the most pleasing thing you could buy the boys You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in an up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed For men we have shaving mugs mus tache cups and saucers tobacco jars comb and brush trays ash trays collar button boxes and hundreds of different things for the ladies J E Ludwick Isabella fox red fox squirrel electric seal beaver marten opossum imitation sable mouffloon are some of the kinds of furs shown at Thompsons in scarfs muffs cravats 4-in-hands and setts from 100 to 1250 Unequaled as pleasing gifts The Favorite cigar store can fill with the utmost satisfaction as to quality and price any want you may have in the line of pipes cigars candies etc Messrs Benjamin Burnett have provided an exceptionally nice lino of Christmas packages in candies and cigars R P Ashcraft and family wish to thank their neighbors and friends through the columns of The Tribune for their kind and material help Mr Ashcraft has been sick all fall and is still not able to be around His neigh bors gathered at his home Thursday and hauled and stacked his winter feed Their help and sympathy are much ap preciated Suttons electric railway has been one of the observed of all observers this week The scene embraced a quite complete railroad setting engine cars track erade bridges tunnel depot section house etc with an advertising feature of an alternating sort It is novel and clear and effective He also added to his exterior electric display giving quite a city effect to his estab lishment it H NUMBER 30 Fine Perfumes Nothing ia of nioro interest to a lady than tho quality of tho Perfume eho uses and wo desiro to mention tho superior oxcollonco of tho odors wo handle In addi tion to all tho best odors mado by Palmer tho New York perfumor we havo those of Roicrer th fa mous California perfumer and for purity in preparation fragrance lasting qualities and tho truoodor of tho flower nothing oquals Pasadona Rose Royal Cherry Blossom Mariposa Lily or Palo Alta Pink You should try some of tho perfumes mado where the flowers grow Cone Bros Druggists Everything in drugs McConnell See Colemans Christmas presents McConnells Balsam cures coughs lucmuien s uougli Uuro is right Try Oil heaters of nil kinds at mans Latest Millons W T in books and Bibles at Mc- Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs meat market McConnell for everything in Christ mas presents Christmas rockers of all kinds ehean at Pade Sons McMillen has now dolls See them See McConnells Beautiful presents a nice display of display of china Sewing machine needles at W T Colemans Uso McMillens Cream chapped face and hands of all kinds Lotion for All kinds of silver ware for Christmas presents at W T Colemans Books Juvenile gift and latest nov els at McMillens drug store For Xmas Ladies fur muffs 225 250 300 3 50 at Thompsons Get busy and find The man Its a 5 suit on your back my wideawake lad Heros an ideal Christmas present A Bissells carpet sweeper For 200 sons W T Coleman Xmas Fur scarfs 100 150 300 500 to 1250 Knivos for father brother or sister What makes a more appropriate Christ mas gift W T Coleman Bo happy while you livo and get one of those roasters and carving sets at W T Colemans Ladies fur cravats and 4-in-hands make very nice gifts for Xmas Nice line at Thompsons The carving sets at W T Colemans would make a nice Xmas gift They run from 150 up to 1000 For Xmas Childrens and misses fur setts 1658250375450 bright right at Thompsons Cooking utensils something the house wife needs every day of her life Can be bought at W T Colemans Boys bring all the smooth killed rabbits you can also fur skins to The Gurney Poultry Folks who will pay you topprices Bissell sweepers have won a distinct reputation for strength durability ease of running and their perfect sweeping qualities See W T Coleman Remember you will find Mike Walsh just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will give your repairs prompt and careful at tention Repairs for every stove made Examinations free of charge You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than tho cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable SPECIALI have three hard coal base burners that have been used some but in first class condition that I can close out at very low prices In vestigate and save 25 oo J E LUDWICK We know of no other article to suggest as a Christmas gift for mother wife sister or friend that gives as much gen uine pleasure and comfort as a Bissell carpet sweeper Sold by W T Cole man The first boy under 1G years who finds the man who will be here soon to repre sent extragood clothes at Tartschs clothing store will receive a suit of 500 extragood clothes frpe See adver tisement The first boy under 16 years who finds the right man and says to him You are from Ederheimer Stein Co Chi cago and sell extragood clothes gets a free suit of clothes at Tartschs clothing store Good homes are wanted for destitute and orphan children of all ages by the Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St Omaha From 40 to GO constantly on hand Over 300 passing through the institute during tne year If interested write for application blanks inclosing stamp for postage