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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1905)
IV I I 7 T j rsfc Notice A Food to Work On For the best of all kinds of Build ing Materials Steam and Domestic Coals see W C Bum Phone No i Try Carney Egg Nine Work Work Work Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace In the struggle the man with the strong body and clear brain wins out every time The man of to day needs something more than mere food he needs a food that makes energy a food to work on Although some people may not realize it yet it is a fact proved and established beyond doubt that soda crackers and this means Uneeda BiSCllBt are richer in muscle and fat making elements and have a much higher per cent of tissue building properties than any other article of food made from flour That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400000000 pack ages of Uneedd BlSCUft9 the finest soda cracker ever baked An energy giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to you with all the oiiginal flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served Truly the food to Ivork on Whoever you are whatever you are wherever you work Uneeda Biscuit Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea is simply liquid electricity It goes to every part of your body bringing new blood strength nnd new vigor It makes you well and keeps you well 35 cents L W McConnell Good reading cheap may be secured from The Tribune clubbing list NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY REFEREES SALE By virtuo of an order issued from tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under u decree in an action wherein Milton H Ham mond Ada A Hammond and Mary E Ham mond are plaintiffs and James O Hammond Josepliino M Hummond James O Hammond as guardian of Josephine M Hammond a minor and xrden H are defendants di rected to the undersigned as referee I shall offer at public sale and sell to tho highest bid der for cash at the east front door of tho court houo in the city of McCook Red Willow coun ty Nebraska on tho 2nd day of January 1906 at the hour of one oclock D in the following described real estate to wit The northwest quarter section thirtj fivetovnshfp twonorth range thirty west 6th p in in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 29th day of November 1905 E M Bigelow Referee Boyle Eldred attorneys NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISOLATED THACT Department of the Interior United States Land Oilice Lincoln Neb Public land sale Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the Commissioner of tho Gen eral Land office under authority vested in him by section 2455 U S Rev Stat as amended by the act of Congress approved February 26 1893 we will proceed to offer at public sale on the 27th day of December next at two oclock p m at this office the following tract of land to wit NE 4 SE4 Section 5 Township 1 north Range 29 W 6th P M Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are advised to file their claims in this office on or before the day above designated for the commencement of said sale otherwiso their rights will bo forfeit ed Dated October 30 1905 W A Green Register Alva E Kennahd Receiver NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Alvin Brown Beulah Brown and John M Evans non resident defendants will take notice that on the 28th day of August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the ob ject and prayer of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien upon the east half of the north west quarter of section 14 in town 1 north range 30 west of the 6th principal meridian for tho taxes for the vears 1901 1902 and 1903 that I there was duo to plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the sum of 1580 for tho payment of which sum together with costs accruing in terest and attorneys fee pla intitf prays a de cree of foreclosure and a salo of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 1st day of January 1906 JSDWAKD U UOWLE3 Flaintilf J E Kelley attorney Statistics prove that the chances of your dying of Throat or Long Troubles are 9 to 1 Waste no time but cure your Disease with DR KINGS NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION DOUGHS AND GOLDS the only strictly scientific Lung Specific in existence Positively guaranteed to help or money refunded Saved tiie Preacher Rev 0 D Moore of Harpersville N Y writes I had a fearful cough for months which nothing would relieve until I took Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption It cured my cough and saved my life Prices 50c and f 00 Trial Bottles Free RECOMMENDED GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY A ll IDriJLgrgrxsts - ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss At a county court held at the county court room in and for said county November 16th A D 1905 Present Frank Moore county judge In the matter of tho estate of Mary A OConuell deceased praying that the instrument filed on tho 16th day of November 1905 and purporting to bo the last will and testament and codicil thereto of tho said deceased may bo proved approvedprobatedallowedand recorded as the lust will and testament of tho said Mary A i OConnell deceased and that tho execution of said instrument may be committed and the ad ministration of said estate may be granted to Catherine OCcnnell as executrix Ordered that December 2nd AD1905at ten oclock am is as signed for hearing said petition when all per sons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petiton and the hearing there of be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho McCo jk Tribune a weekly newsaper printed in said totnty for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing Frank Moore A true copv seal County Judge Boyle Eldred attorneys 11-17-3 NOTICE To David E Polly and to whom it may con cern Notice is hereby given that on tho 8th day of March 1904 the undersigned J MWentz purchased of Ben G Gossard county treas urer of Red Willow couniy Nebraska at public sale for taxes lot five block three in West Mc Cook Red Willow county Nebraska for the taxes levied and assessed thereon for the years 1S95 to 1902 inclusive The time allowed iu which to redeem said lot from said purchase will expire December 25th 1905 12 103ts J M Wentz NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Nels J Johnon C H Lane Affa C Seeley and Henry Wykoff and to all whom it may con cern Tho commissioners appointed to locate a road commencing at tho northeast corner of section seventeen 17 town ono 1 range twenty nine 29 and running thence two 2 miles west on section line between sections eight 8 and seventeen 17 and seven 7 and eighteen 18 town one l range twenty nine 29 and terminating at the north west corner of section eighteen 18 town one 1 range twenty nine 29 said road to be sixty six 6G feet wide have reported in favor of the estab lishment thereof as follows Commencing at the northeast corner of section eighteen 18 town one 1 range twenty -nine 29 west 6th p m and running thence west on section line between sections seven 7 and eighteen 18 town ono 1 range twenty nine 29 to the north west corner of section eighteen 18 cnirl tnwn nrwl mnrrn onrl tfFminntinir tliaranf said road to be sixty six 66 feot wide and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be lilea in tno county clerk s oilice on or boforo noon of the 2nd day of February A D 1905 or said road will be established without reference E J WiLCOXCounty Clerk NOTICE FOR SEALED BIDS Notice is hereby given that the county com missioners of Red Willow countv Nebraska will receive sealed bids for the fumi ning of the following supplies to said county during the year 1906 to wit BOOKS 1 6 qr med Treasurers cash book 1 road district ledger 3 redemption books 7000 triplicate tax receipts 24 assessors files 23 sets poll books per book 24 sets envelopes for poll books per dozen 24 ballot bags for votes cast per dozen 1 gross election pencils per gross All records to bo extra bound and made of Byron Weston best linen ledger paper BLANKS Legal blanks full sheet per hundred Legal blanks one half sheet per hundred Legal blanks one fourth sheetper hundred Legal blanks one eighth sheetper hundred STATIONERY Glucinum pens per gross Vanadium pens per gross Perfection pencils or equal round rubber tips per gross 1 great gross rubber bands No 11 1 gros3 rubber bands one quarter inch 12 packages senate legal pads per package Parties receiving contract to furnish good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of the same Tho county commissioners reserve the right to rejnet uuy auu an oius Ail Dias to re men with tho county clerk on or before twelve oclock noon January 1 IfiOG Bids must bo addressed to tho county clerk and marked Proposal for books blanks and stationery Dated at McCook Nebraska this 7th day of December 1905 E J Wilcox County Clesk A Plausible Hlxon I wonder managed to live to Theory how Methuselah such a ripe old age Dixon Probably because there were no bacteria and disease germa in tea dav IJX j To Care a Cold la On Bay x 1 t I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabsets VL n every I j I Seven Miffion boxes sold in past 13 months ThiS Signature WjZP BOX 2Sc I K W MOURNING CUSTOMS Origin of the Widow Cap and Illaclc Sleeve HuikIn The customs of mourning as prac ticed In various parts of the world seem at iirst sight to have little rela tion with each other or with the In ward grief which they are supposed to typify Yet by the exercise of a lit tle patleuce many resemblances may be discovered among them The wid ows cap for example dates back to the days of ancient Egypt Egyptian men shaved the beard and head as a token of mourning The women in stead of cutting off the hair concealed It by a close cap The Romans who were as a race clean shaven shaved the head In mourning and wore a wig The black band on the sleeve as a sign of mourning comes to us from the days of chivalry The lady tied a scarf or napkin as the handkerchief was called about the arm of her knight If he was killed in battle she wore the band in memory of him Black has so long been the color of grief In Anglo Saxon countries that It seems a part of the upside down civ ilization of the east that Japan and China wear white But no longer ago than the time of Elizabeth the unfor tunate Mary of Scotland wore white on the death of Darnley Even now the hearse used for children is white and in England the mourners at fu nerals of young unmarried persons wear hatbands and sashes of white A queer English custom is that of decorating the black hearse horses with long false black tails They attract no more notice on a street in Liverpool than do the black nets used in this country to cover the horses A great many sensible people protest that wearing tokens of mourning is a barbaric custom that should be abol ished or greatly modified but when loss and grief actually come into the Individual life one discovers that there is a strange subtle fitness in gloomy garments and that they answer to the need of the soul for silence and sepa ration ODD DERIVATIONS Curious History of the Word Vote How Reticule Got Ita Name Vote is a word with a curious his tory To the Roman a votum was a solemn promise made to a deity From the solemn promise itself the meaning of votum gradually became the prayer or intense wish that accompa nied the promise and then any Intense wish ivhatever So far the develop ment proceeded in Latin and vote passed into English with the same sense When Ben Jonson wrote of public votes to heaven he meant not mass meeting resolutions but prayers Finally vote acquired its present meaning the formal and emphatic ex pression of a wish while the old sense remains with its double vow That openwork bag for shopping called a reticule gets Its name directly from the Latin reticulum little net Popularly however the word Is supposed to owe its existence to the fact that when an Englishwoman visit ed the first Paris exhibition with her little bag in her hand the Parisians cried Ridicule The Englishwoman misunderstanding the exclamation is said to have thought it the correct translation of little bag and return ed to England calling it a reticule Philologists claim that the phrase to sleep like a top comes from the French dormir comme une taupe to sleep like a mole It is said too that Cinderellas slippers were not made of glass but of vair the old French word for ermine which in time became corrupted into verre glass Chicago News The Beavers Tooth No carpenters chisel can do more ef fective work than is turned out with ease and neatness by the beavers tooth This is the principal tool with which these patient clever builders construct their dams The outer sur face of the tooth is a scale of very hard enamel while the body of it is of softer dentine As the softer sub stance wears away in use the end of the tooth takes a chisel like bevel leav ing a thin slightly projecting edge of hard enamel as sharp as any carpen ters tool fresh from the oilstone The thin scale of enamel gives keenness the softer dentine supplies strength and thus the combination forms a for midable tool which actually sharpens Itself by use A Queer Festival A queer festival is celebrated in Ma lacca every ten or twelve years The opening of the festival is signalized by a grand procession in which huge piles of eatables take a large share At the end of the third day the viands are burned On the last occasion the piles of food were placed in a specially con structed boat which was towed out to sea and there consumed by fire togeth er with all the contents A large Bum of money amounting to several thou sands of dollars was subscribed large ly in Singapore for the proper observ ance of the festival The Point of View Henry if I were a young man like you and expected to have to make my own way in the world some day I should try to make my expenses come within my income Father If I were as rich as you are and had only one son Id try to bring his Income up to his expenses Chi cago Tribune A Saco Me florist has been raising pond lilies for the market His pond Is 800 by 60 feet and yields thousands of blooms In a season During the height of the season the daily yield went above 500 blossoms The usual price was 4 per hundred 3IRTHPLACE OF MASSAGE Jacer Nubia Where the Inhabitants Never Take a Ilath The masseur had just returned from Nubia the birthplace of massage I didnt learn as much as I expected to he said but I got hold of two movements that will eradicate wrin kles and remove fat in an incredible way Nubia Is a queer place They have so little water there that they never take baths The masseli or kneading whence our word massage is the baths substitute You strip He down and are covered from head to foot with a cream made of mutton fat musk sandalwood powder and certain plant Juices Then you are kneaded you are massaged I studied the Nubian movements thoroughly and learned as I saj good things The Nubians are a handsome and queer race They hunt elephants with the sword A hunter steals upon a doz ing elephant and slashes him In the back of the leg ten inches above the hoof Tills cut severs the artery and the elephant bleeds to death They cook meat on hot stones First they build a fire then they put big stones on it and when the stones are hot enough they clean them of ashes and embers carefully and throw on the meat This is a better way of cooking than the broil for it preserves all the meat juices But greenhorns dont know what kind of stones to use Most kinds heated explode The Nubians are shapely and hand some They never wrinkle they never get fat their skins are smooth and fine They impute these graces to the inasseh the massage that they take regularly three or four times a week Every masseur ought to go to Nubia if he wants to learn his business thor oughly GLOBULES One third of the land surface of the globe is covered with trees A Birmingham man named Batchelor has just married a young lady named Widdow A penny Is estimated to change hands about 125000 times in the course of its life A paper chimney fifty feet high and fireproof Is a curiosity to be seen at Breslau Germany Cats are licensed in Berlin and ev ery cat In that city must wear a metal badge bearing a number Gibraltar may fairly be called the land of tunnels there being over sev enty miles of burrowed rock London has only one mile of tram ways to every 30000 of her population Manchester has one to every 5000 The China Times of Peking is issued in seven languages Chinese Japanese English French German Russian and Italian The Nile Is noted for the variety of Its fish An expedition sent by the British museum brought home 9000 specimens Glasgow has the largest tramway system of any town in the British Isles Manchester stands second while Liverpool makes a bad third Lion tamers frequently perfume themselves with lavender There is It is said no record of a Hon ever having attacked a trainer who had taken the precaution of using this perfume In Fiji the coinage consists chiefly of whales teeth those of greater value being dyed red The natives exchange twenty white teeth for one red one as we change copper for silver Where Vessels Have Eyes Painted on the prow of nearly all the Junks or Chinese sailing vessels are to be seen huge eyes It is believed by the superstitious Inhabitants of Chi na that if the eye which is raised as in relief was not there the vessel could not see where to go and would there fore come to destruction Even if when at sea the eye got destroyed or damaged another would have to be painted In at once No Chinaman will sail on a junk which is not adorned by an eye and even an English pas senger boat which plies between two Chinese towns has a huge eye painted on each side of her paddle boxes Whitman on Emerson I often say of Emerson that the per sonality of the man the wonderful heart and soul of the man present in all he writes thinks does hopes goes far toward justifying the whole lit erary business the whole raft good and bad the entire system You see I find nothing in literature that is val uable simply for its professional qual ity Literature is only valuable in the measure of the passion the blood and muscle with which it is invested which lies concealed and active in it From Horace Traubels With Walt Whitman In Camden In Century Better Than References Can you give me references from your last place No maam The last woman I worked fur was Mrs Libby that used to live next door to you She an I couldnt get along at all You dont know how mean Bhe is I could tell you ever so many You may come Chicago Tribune Very Important Uncle John should I be justified In writing to a young man who has never written to me Only on very Important business my dear Well this is important business I want him to marry me Illustrated Bits In some South American tribes the women draw the front teeth esteem ing as an ornament the black gap thus made McCOOK At oe I J GUNN DENTIST PHONKH2 Olllco over Grannis store McCook Nob C H Hotle C E Elduku Co Atf y BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Dintnnco Phono 44 Rooms 1 and 7 hocodi Hour IostolIIco Uuilding McCook Neb DR A P WEJLJLES Physician and Surgeon Olllco Henideuct 521 Main Avenuo Ofllcouod Residence phone W Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Ofllco over Phone 50 McMilleus drug store McCOOK NEHRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTOENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska 53Agontof Lincoln Laud Co audoi McCocir Water orks Oilice in Pontollico building H P SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Oilice BIdg Phone No McCOOK NEB Consultation free NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLY FLKNISHEII AND FIKST CLASS IN EVEKY WAY Rear of First Natl Bank Earl Murray 13 inirX KKJWC v 3 m s M TWSVS r Rf 7 rate y Ms CCFahrenfaruck General Repair Shops BICYCLES GUNS SEWING MACHINES ETC GASOLINE STCVKS REPAIRED C ON SHORT NOTICE Two doors oast of DeGroffs Store j iuciOOtt ieoratKa y TMVMV t Cough Remedy The Childrens Favorite CtlRES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough This remedy is famous for Its cures over a large part of the civilized trorld It can alwnys bo depended upon It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to an adal Price 25 cts Large Size 50 cts WE GUARANTEE Chamberlains To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee MS 2 H KINDS V AN f V2t a iquip n IfcSTIMONIAL Delmont S D Dec 17 1502 I used L for hog cholera and it was all right It cured my hogs- I bad three sick one and they all got well and done fine I also used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all yon claim for it Itisthe only Medicine forbog cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is the best thing I ever had on the place for everything it is intended for Itia good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F W Woman JAHES CAIN Manufactured by the National Medical Cos pan Shwldoa loub f