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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
b lh KV V tf U vx IB X f bw ri tsrvhcrif jptiSZr iiHimmrrrw iifi iijii a TWENTY FOURTH YEAR Red Willow County S S Association The Red Willow County Sunday school association bold a two days ses sion in Indianola this week Monday and Tuesday October ICth and 17th There was a Rood attendance delegates being present from nearly every school in the county and the interest was fine The program as printed in last weeks Tkihunk was given practically in its en tirety with a few substitutions of par ticipants One of the features of the meeting was the music under direction of Mrs Cal vin of Indianola with a choir made up in that city Mrs Root of Beaver City and Dr Bailey of Aurora were helpful assistants on the program Rev Wilson of Burtley spoke on The Study of the Word which was one of the most excellent efforts of the sessions Mrs T E McDonald of Danbury had an excellent paper on The Value of a Good Secretary Mrs A C Marsh of East McCook gave an interesting sketch of that mis sion Sunday school A splendid pnper was read by Mrs I M Beardslee of McCook on the topic Helpful Things for rho Sunday school The ministers of the several Indian ola churches were valued and appreci ated helpers in the work of the associa tion Miss Mamie Haines state primary supt was called home by the serious illness of her father and her place was supplied by Mrs Root of Beaver City on the program It was decided to hold the next meet ing of the association in McCook at a date to be determined later The following officers were elected for the next year v Cecil Matthews of Hartley president Miss Hotz of Indianola vice president Mra H A Rouch of McCook secretary-treasurer Mrs I M Beardslee supt of home department Mrs Emma Noe of Danbury supt of primary dept Mrs T E McDonald of Danbury supt of teachers training dept We the committee appointed by the president of the Red Willow County Sunday School convention submit the following RESOLUTIONS Resolved That we as a convention extend our thanks to the citizens of In dianola for their kind and courteous treatment and entertainment given us during our convention and praj God to bless them in their Masters work and may the influence of this convention bring new zeal and push in the Sunday school work Resolved That we extend our thanks to the Congregational people for the use of their church and to all who have so kindly assisted in making this conven tion a success especially to the choir which rendered such splendid music during the sessions Resolved That we tender thanks and express our appreciation to the newspapers of the county for publishing the associations program and advertis ing the meetings Resolved That it is the duty of this convention to do all in its power to plant a Sunday school in every school house in Red Willow county and to see that they are maintained Resolved That this convention re grets the absence of Miss Haines from the sessions and that they extend her sympathy in the sickness which has kept her from the meeting further that the secretary be requested to send Miss Haines a copy of these resolutions Resolved That we extend our thanks to Mrs Root for her assistance and sug gestions in the work of extending and helping on the Sunday school work in county district and state Resolved That we also extend our thanks to Rev Wilson Dr ERBailey and others for helpful assistance during the convention Resolved That these resolutions be handed to local papers for publication S W Stilgebouer Miss Mamie Pool Emma G Noe Another Word about warm things viz furs All the proper kinds in scarfs muffs cravats setts and collarettes from 100 to 1250 are found by cash shoppers at Thomp sons You can buy a new piano at Suttons at 175 a better one for 200 and still a better one for 225 Call and see them Red Letter Days October 26th 27th 28th Thursday Friday Saturday at W T Colemans hardware store Free lunch all day every day A McMillen prescription druggist r MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Fred R Bruns has purchased the R M Douglass residence Mrs T E McCarl arrived in the city Sunday night on No 5 Fred Knape returned early in the week from bis Colorado visit Mrs J G Schoijel and Marjory went up to Denver Thursday on 13 Dr B B Davis of Omaha was in the city Tuesday to got a train home Mks Nellie Lackey and little son went up to Denver Thursday on 13 Miss Elsie Asten is assisting in J E Kelleys office in a clerical capacity Rev George Scott father of Agent Scott is rapidly failing and bedfast County Clerk Wilcox was over in the Danbury and Beaver country mid week C J Ryan returned yesterday from spending a few weeks in various Illinois towns Miss Lillie Campbell returnedTues day night from spending a few days in Lincoln Mrs C A Luce of Republican City has been a guest of Mrs J J Curran this week Mrs J T DeWitt of Hastings is visiting her son W E of the freight office force Owen Crispin of Jewell county Kan sas has been called here by the serious illness of his father C WLepper has been up from Ed gar past week on business and visit ing relatives and friends Mrs Felix Kennedy of Sheridan Wyoming has been a guest of her moth er since close of the week Mrs Sam Pickard of Havelock has been a guest of her parents Foreman and Mrs F C Fuller this week Mrs C L Walker and Miss Grace Smith arrived home Tuesday on No 5 from visiting their sister near Oxford Mrs S E Griggs is desirous of hav ing those who borrowed her fascinators last winter return them to her promptly now Holton Longnecker departed Tues dayfor Rollinsville Colo Mrs Long necker and baby will remain until after Thanksgiving M H Cole of Coleman precinct ex pects to depart next week some time for Perry Iowa to make his abode there his former home Mrs G W Norris returned home early in the week from her attendance upon the national P E O convention in Indiana last week Mr and Mrs Arthur Wood arrived from Livingston Montana close of last week and are the guests of her parents Mr and Mrs E H Doan Wm H Penn of Des Moines Iowa assistant superintendent of railway mail service was in the city last Friday on railway mail and star route business August Droll and John Heinlein de parted Thursday night for Bavaria Germany on a visit to their old homes in the old country to be gone several months Congressman Norris gave the people of Indianola the advantages of his recent European travels Wednesday evening of this week in an address in the Con gregational church of that place I N Crispin is bedfast at the home of his daughter Mrs D C Marsh suf fering with an attack of paralysis His condition is somewhat improver but still serious we regret to announce County Surveyor and Mrs Jmes Williams were over from Danbury Tuesday They expect in a week or so to take a trip to Chicago on a visit to their son Frank to be gone a week or two Mrs Ed Caffrey of Stamford has been the guest of her brother Frank Real part of the week She is on her way to Denver where her husband has embarked in business May success be his portion A E Smith for a while connected with W S Morlans law office in this city has been selected as the Republican candidate for the office of county judge down in Furnas county His home is in Arapahoe E E Magee formerly a high school teacher in the McCook schools late of Fairmont and now superintendent of the Ashland city schools was elected secretary of the Nebraska association of county and city superintendents at their annual meeting in Lincoln close of last week Think of it A new piano for 175 200 or 225 See them at Suttons For Rent Front bedroom or parlor and front bedroom suitable for four H L Kennedy c 1WJ8 Citizens Entertainment Course Because of the amount of interest that exists relative to a lecture and entertain ment course in McCook this winter it is a pleasure to announce that the citi zens committee has succeeded in effect ing an organization choosing talent and selecting dates for five numbers to be given at intervals through the com ing season Mr F M Kimmell is chairman Mr G II Thomas secretary while Rev J J Loughran Rev M B Carman and Mr C F Heber complete the organiza tion The plan which was followed so suc cessfully last year will bo continued again But instead of four numbers as one year ago five will be offered the public this year and for the same price the season tickets being sold for two dol lars each All entertainments will bo given in the opera house the reserved seats being on sale at McConnells The course opens Wednesday Novem ber 15 with the Bohumir Kryl Company Kryl is the worlds greatest cornetist and supported as he is by Julia Hein rich contralto and Carl Heinrich bari tone and violinist and Phoebe Mae Roberts reader each a star he is bound to captivate his JVIcCook audeince On Monday January 22 Rev Francis T Moran will lecture on seme subject yet to be chosen He has been heard in a great many of the large cities of our own country and has also spoken in Rome Paris and other cities of Europe It is safe to say that no more successful lecturer is now before the public The committee is more than confident that Father Moran will please you Dr John M Driver pastor of the Peoples Church Chicago will be the third number appearing Monday Janu ary 29 The vast audiences that throng McVickers Theatre every Sunday morn ing in the very heart of Chicago to hear him discuss the foremost problems of the world amply attest his power and capacity to interest Dr Driver has often spoken in Nebraska the commit teemen personally known his worth and without hesitancy they recommend him The fourth number is a superb attrac tion Lulu Tyler Gates and her com pany of artists come Tuesday March 20 They take a place in advance of any popular concert company before the public The company will consi3tr of Walter B Bell baritone Ebba Hjert stedt the -Swedish violinist Grace Gilmore pianist These three artists will with Mrs Gates give a program unique novel popular and artistic The fifth number which is yet to be selected will be of a high order of musi cal merit and will be given in February or March The course closed last season with a balance of 420 This will be used to promote the same work this year It is confidently hoped that McCook and her people will show their appreciation of the excellent entertainments furnish ed a year ago and of the still better ones promised this season by liberally purchasing the season tickets when they are placed on sale These may be bought in advance at McConnells drug store or from members of the com mittee The price for all five entertain ments will be two dollars Single tickets to each entertainment will be sold for fifty cents With the enterprise and support that is characteristic of McCook let us make a success of the entertainment course this winter Every number will min ister to our intellectual and moral well being The Rushln Army of bedding purchasers has made glad inroads upon our large supplies of home made comforts this week No defence could have availed and they carried them off in large numberssame way with blankets We are unquestioned leaders in all items of bedding at Thompsons The Right Kinds The very soft thick warm plush lined union suits for women and children are to be found in the elastic ribbed sort in all sizes at The Thompson D G Co 45c to 100 Theres Beauty Everywhere No room can surpass in elegance those papered from our stock We have papers suitable for every room in the house McConnell Druggist It Will Be Worth While to attend the exhibition at Colemans October 26th 27th 28th See the half page advertisement elsewhere in this issue for the particulars WantedImmediately A number of freight handlers at Mc Cook Inquire at once of Agent Scott McCocik Nebraska Wall Paper Special We are selling one and two room rem nants at special low prices A McMillen Druggist WSWKfS flJiJIIfjJi fiirf y1iv f r x1 At a Ripe Old Age David P Gray the aged father of Clarence B Gray died at the sons home about noon Wednesday October 18cb of a complication of diseases inci dent to old age The deceased has been in falling health for the past year or more but the end came with rather un expected suddenness David P Gray was a native of Ohio and spent most of his life there He was born in Prebble county Ohio Jan uary 20 1829 The last five years he has spent in McCook with the son Clar ence the last survivor of the family the mother having gone to her reward 36 years since and an only daughter passing away a few years ago Deceas ed was a member of the United Presby terian church Brief services were conducted at the home Thursday afternoon Rev M B Carman officiating and interment was made in Longviow cemetery thereafter Just The Ones Childrens ribbed fleeced union suits 25c and up Ladies ditto 35c and up Mens ditto 81 Ladies pure wool vests and pants 100 each Childrens sep arate vests and pants from ten cents to 87i cents Ladies extra size vests and pants mens pure wool shirts and draw ers 100 each Hoys stout fleeced unions fifty cents Childrens sleeping garments 35 cents and 50 cents Outing flannel night gowns for men and women in warm soft goods in full sizes 65 cents each All the above and many others at Thompsons Got Most of His Pension Check Uncle Josh Rowland of Grant precinct was relieved of the money derived from his pension check last week while carrying too much of the white mans burden He was in company with two local toughs and is said to have spent some time in a certain west side resort of shame during his indisposition so in the absence of sufficient evidence no ar regts were made i No Lottery could lawfully be conducted to put you invpossession of an overcoat for nothing but we can save you a large percentage of the usual cost Mens black dress overcoats with velvet collar at 500 750 1000 and 61500 Boys ditto i 50 Mens heavy long ulsters with higtsfOTnrcollar and warming pocketsj for 5tX All at Thompsons To Telephone Subscribers Owing to the fact that the construc tion of the new exchange is now in prog ress subscribers will be bothered more or less with their instruments not work ing as good as they might until this work is completed but I assure you our best efforts will be used to keep out all trouble as near as possible C I Hall Manager Coleman Only Has Three Days in whfch to sell a carload of those Lightning Feed Grinders All remain ing unsold after the sale he agrees to put in his eye So get busy and be on hand during those dates They are guaranteed to be the best ever And they will show you if you attend the exhibition or demonstration Music Music Music I am now able to supply the public with the best and latest music on the markets at the lowest possible prices Orders taken and filled within a few days Call and see us at the new Ideal store opposite postoffice C C Brown Your Errand has been too briefly performed if you haveshopped for dress skirts and coats or jackets and bought before seeing our cash priced offerings Very large lines at popular prices Alterations free at Thompsons Situation Wanted An elderly lady wishes a position as housekeeper in small family Has one child with her J G Box 265 Kearney Neb Free Lunch All Day at Colemans during October 26th 27th and 28th the Lightning Feed Grinder exhibition days Sommer Richardsons Chocolates ana Confections The crowning delicacy for all occas ions McConnell Druggist For Sale One registered Shorthorn bull five years old WHBENJAMiNBanksville Neb McConnells Balsam Does Cure Cures in 24 hours and saves you two4 weeks of annoyance and danger Mrs Griffin is prepared to do dry cleaning satisfactorily Call up phone 306 if you have any work of that kind 175 200 225 will buy a new piano at Suttons See them Try McConnells Vanilla tlt lh it lit iP McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 20 1905 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs McMillens cough cure is effective Horse blankets and storm robes at W T Colemans See those new 175 200 and 225 pianos at Suttons Beet scoops beet knives and scoop end gates at W T Colemans Cream in sealed 10c anil 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market Wanted Pupils for a new class just starting in shorthand LWStayner For Sale A six room dwelling on Melvin street Apply to Frank Traver Removed Dr Kays office is now over Pades furniture store Phone 08 The Dorcas society of the Congrega tional church will hold their annual fair November 17th C S Quick of Indianola shipped three car loads of cattle down from Imperial close of last week McCooks public schools reached hieh water mark in attendance this week with an enrollment of 836 pupils The regular sessions of tho city coun cil have not been held so far this month on account of absence of quorum Miss Ruth Wilson of Omaha will organize a class in elocution and drama tic art Address Culbertson Neb The Lincoln Mixed Paints are guar anteed pure A McMillen Druggist Anyone wishing first class dressmak ing done apply to Mrs A Leo Rooms over Diamonds clothing store 6 3ts Chaps cured right in a night by the use of our Fragrant Lotion McConnell Druggist For Sale A hard coal base burner practically as good as new Cheap E H Doan Fok Sale One folding bed one soft coal heater one New Home sewing ma chine Inquire of Mrs George Wiiletts W F Wilson disposed of his second hand store on east Dennison street this week giving possession Tuesday night to the new owner See the feed milL exhibition at W T Colemans October 26 27 28 Dont forget the dates and miss those nice cakes All are invited We have customers for two good stock farms and three wheat farms in western half of Red Willow county Reynolds Land Co Address either Culbertson or Omaha Rev Edward J Mullaly C S Phas been holding a mission in Stratton this week and will serve in St Patricks church in our city next week in the same capacity The demand for rental properties rooms etc far exceeds the supply in Mc Cook just now It is conservatively estimated that 25 new dwellings could be rented inside thirty days were they available Mrs Lillian Godfrey filed a complaint in Justice LeHews court yesterday against William Sullivan for selling to bacco to her minor son The minimum fine of statute was imposed 000 to gether with costs Tha Dorcas society Kensington will be held at the home of Mrs C II Boyle Thursday afterroon of next week Mrs M A Northrup Mrs B F Bowen and Mrs J G Stokes promoting the enterprise for the usual fee ten cents Father Mallaly of the Society of St Paul Chicago will open a mission at St Patricks church on next Sunday October 22 He is a pleasing speaker He will not scare or offend any one He will tell you how easy it is to live right Come everybody and hear him Miss Jennie Hill of Keokuk Iowa wishes to announce she will open dress making parlors in the Walsh building the first of November and solicits the patronage of the ladies of McCook and vicinity High class work and latest styles guaranteed Lost Strayed or Stolen My Llewel lyn setter bitch Has white body with dapples black head long ears red around the mouth had collar with name plate on when last seen Reward paid for return or information as to where she can be found D H Polk McCook Neb As there is a cause for the suspicion that some of the hunters in this section of the state do not know the date The Tribune wishes to announce that the open season for killing quail does not commence until November loth There is a severe penalty for killing these beau tiful birds out of season The closed season should extend the year around WALL PAPER BARGAINS You are now doing your fall house cleaning and wo beg to an nounce that wo havo somo great bargains in one and two room patterns of artistic wall decora tions which to make room for now stock wo will sell at a sacri fice These are worth your inspec tion also worth twico as much money as we ask for them We invite you to call and bo shown We also have a complete lino of screen paints Paint your screens in the fall if you wish thorn to stay in good condition Try our Ebony stovo pipe en amel for your pipes stoves etc It is the best over Cone Bros Druggists - Try McMillens cold cure Everything in drugs McConnell Have you sean tho fancy china at Ludwicks Fresh butterof best quality at Marshs meat market The Box Elder bugs are going into winter quarters Special prices on Hammocks at Mc Millens drug store Heating stoves at all prices and of tho very best quality at W T Colemans For Sale My residence on northeast corner of Catholic church block R M Douglass Get paint that wears until youre tired of it Wo have it McConnell Druggist There is no lack of agents to partici pate in western Nebraskas land sales harvest Twenty different patterns in dinner ware to select from at Ludwicks furni ture store Cash offer wanted on lot 3 block 7 First addition to McCook Newman Laycock 711 17th St Denver Colo For Sale Four room house in South McCook Easy monthly payments or will trade for stock L M Best Phono 91 The members of the Christian En deavor society of the Congregational church will hold a social in the parson age this evening Two young Mormon missionaries havo been operating in this city and viciniu the past week with but indifferent re sults we imagine however The dates for the exhibition of tho Famous Lightning Feed Grinder at W T Colemans store are Thursday Friday Saturday October 26th 27th 28th Dont miss it Remember you will find Mike WjUh just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price Drop a card to box 593 and the Mc Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will give your repairs prompt and careful at tention Repairs for every stove made Examinations free of charge You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in ac up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remembe r the reliable In his new location just acroas the street from his old place in the P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them The publisher of The Tribune will give 300 for information leading to the apprehenson of the party or parties who damaged its large sign and will add o upon conviction of the party or parties It will be worth more than 10 to have the name or names of such sneaks known Chief Clerk Harnly of the state super intendents office is sending out to coun ty superintendents the supplies and list of examination questions for the teach ers examinations to be held under the new certification law Under the new law the examination committee is to be appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction WtoP NUMBER 21