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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1905)
I m r 1 k m Kv fe IM t SeESpsSRSSS TWENTY FOURTH YEAR The Watklns Franklln Wedding A very charming homo wedding in deed was that of Miss Florence Frank lin and Mr Goorgo Herbert Watkina at the home of the brides parent3 Mr and Mrs V Franklin Wednesday evening of this week At the announced time seven thirty the parents relatives and friends to the cumber of several score assembled in the parlors and the young couple descended from an upper chamber proceeded by Rev B A Carson the officiating clergy man The young friends plighted their troths in a most impressivo ceremonial and the use of the ring service a solemn and beautiful marriage ceremony withal Miss Edna M Barr played softly on the piano during the march and throughout the entire service Leta Monks and Raeburn Carson were the ribbon bearers stretching broad white ribbons of satin from the stair case to the center of the parlor The brides gown was of silk net over chiffon talTetta trimmed with lace and in sertion A bridal veil and orange blos soms completed the pretty effect Hearty congratulations given the guests repaid to the dining rooms where an elaborate two course luncheon was served Mrs O M Knipple and Mrs Albert McMillen presiding at the re freshment table and Mrs Herman Pade Mrs Ainsworth Monks Mrs Barney Hofer and Miss Sarah Hogan assisting Mrs William Deere and Miss Myrtle Pate were in charge of the cloak rooms The house decorations were simple but pretty and effective In the parlor festoons of smilax were hung from the corners of the ceiling to the electrolier ferns red and white carnations and potted plants completed the chaste effect The reception hall was made attractive by a disposition of potted plants and red carnations while the sitting room decorations were re stricted to a smilax effect The library and dining room were done in smilax and pink and white carnations a taste ful particular being the festoon of smilax falling from the electrolier to the cor ners of the refreshment table The bride was born here and has grown to attractive and useful youn woman hood in our city where her friends and admirers are numerous and warm The groom is a son of Mr and Mrs G W Watkins of Perry precinct who haye been residents of this county for years He is highly regarded for his manly and sterling qualities The past year he spent in the business college in Grand Island and made a splendid record in that institution The young couple departed Friday morning on a visit and upon their re turn here will make their home for the present with the brides parents The presents were rich numerous and handsome embracing a largo array of silver cut glass china etc CUT GLASS We are constantly adding new things to our cut glass lines We have a fine assortment of cut glass which you will enjoy examining No obligation to buy if you dont wish to W T Coleman Water Tax Due Fourth quarters water tax now due Delinquent October 17th 1905 Office open from 8 a m to 5 p m J E Kelley Supt Situation Wanted An elderly lady wishes a position as housekeeper in small family Has one child with her J G Box 265 Kearney Neb RESULTS ARE WHAT COUNT When you buy one of those Coles Hot Blast heaters of W T Coleman and reduce your fuel bill one half dont it count Bond Social Tuesday night October 17 at 8 oclock A good program free Refreshments 15 cents Everybody invited Big Dance at the skating rink Tuesday October 17th Tickets 75 cents Ladies free The Hornback restaurant and bakery has been moved back and onto West Dennison street just west of J W Wil cox Sons store and Joseph Menard expects to at once erect a brick on the lot vacated You can buy a new piano at Suttons at 175 a better one for 200 and still a better one for 225 Call and see them Mrs Griffin is prepared to do dry cleaning satisfactorily Call up phone 306 if you have any work of that kind Removed Dr Kays office is now over Pades furniture store Phone 98 Boys and girls union suits of under wear 25c to 90c at Thompsons A McMillen prescription druggist MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Fred W Knape is in Denver D Mangus and family have moved to Akron Colorado Miss Anna Swanson returned home Tuesday from her visit R J Moore of Franklin was a city visitor Tuesday morning Mrs Frank Wallace is the guest of Mr and Mrs W M Stoner Sheridan Clyde is in the city on a visit to his father and brother Dr W A DeMay was over from Danbury Monday on business J Fletcher of Bartley contemplates becoming a resident of McCook C W Shurtleff of Stratton was a city business visitor Wednesday Mrs S O Russey is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs H C Brown L II Blackledge the Red Cloud attorney was a city visitor Tuesday Mrs A C Hill departed Thursday morning for her home in Keokuk Iowa E N Allen of Arapahoe was among j the pilgrims to the city Monday even ing Miss VergieLudwick returned home close of last week from her trip to Ore gon Emerson Hanson and family return ed early in the week from a short visit I in Colorado Ed A Church state oil inspector was in the city Tuesday on business of that department Rev Fitzgerald of Graf tonNebraska conducted services in the Catholic church last Sunday Mr and Mrs H H Tartsch re turned home Monday night from their eastern N jbraska visit Mr and Mrs George D Burgess re turned last night from their brief wed ding trip in eastern Nebraska Mr and Mrs J E Tirrill returned home close of week past from an ab sence of several weeks on a visit Mrs Mary Walker has had her dwelling house in North McCook moved into the northwest part of the city Harrie Thomas of the Harvard Courier attended the funeral and burial of the late Bert L McCarl Tuesday C T Eller of Driftwood precinct has been entertaininghis brother Jessie and wife from Harvard since close of last week Robert Knowles of Culbertson was a city visitor on business Suturday He has associated his son with him in real estate business Dr and Mrs H M Ireland arrived home Monday night and are the objects of warmest congratulations from their many friends in the city Miss Lillian ODonnell returned Monday morning from Stratton quite recovered from her recent runaway ex perience in her home town Mrs Frank Hamilton of Perry pre cinct has been very ill with an attack of cholera She is better at this writing Her condition was very grave for a while Mrs G W Norris left No 2 Mon- day morning for Indiana to attend a national meeting of the P E O being one of Nebraskas delegates to the ses sions Mr and Mrs Ralph Haggard of Ox ford attended the Watkins Franklin wedding Wednesday evening Mr Haggard is the foreman of the Oxford round house Homer Shepherd of Coos county Oregon is here on a visit to his relatives in McCook and vicinity Homer is a great believer in Oregon and the north west country in general Mrs Z L Kay joined the doctor early this week coming from Chicago where she has been visiting her son Elmer They have quarters over Pades furniture store at present Wilson Glover recently sold his 400 acre farm Tip in Perry precinct to a gen tleman from Crete Mr Clover will have a sale of stock farm impliments etc on the 25th of October Frank Stillman went to Benkelman Sunday being called there by the death of his brother-in-law Agent Allen re turning home on 12 Monday morning He went back Tuesday on 13 and ac companied the remains here on 12 Wed nesday morning for interment Mr and Mrs Holton Longnecker and baby and his sister Miss Longneck er came down from Rollinsville Colo Saturday morning on No 2 He will visit a week or ten days with relatives and friends Mrs Longnecker will re main longer They are very pleased with their Colorado home Think of it A new 175 200 or 225 Suttons Jttc00E piano for them at BERT McCARLS SUDDEN SUMMONS Stricken Down In the Prime and Vigor of Young Manhood at Akron At an early hour last Saturday morn ing while engaged in taking a check of freight train No 76 at Akron Colorado in preparation for starting for McCook Conductor Bert L McCarl was suddenly stricken by heart disease and expired in the yard He had checked 34 cars of his freight train and was found at the 35th car His fall was unnoticed by the other members of the waiting train crew they being informed of the sad fact by a passing stockman who had a shipment of livestock in the train and who found the body in going along the train The indications are that the deceased sank to his knees by the train and ex pired instantly without being able to make an outcry or attract the attention of his fellqw trainmen who awaited the completion of his check to resume their journey eastward Bert McCarl was a magnificent speci men of young manhood vigorous and robust and his sudden taking off came as a great and painful shock to his many friends and acquaintances in Mc Cook and with crushing force to the mother and sisters and brothers Mrs McCarl had just about arrived at the home of a brother of hers in Kansas when the news of the sons death reach ed her there Her home coming was particularly pathetic and sad The members of the stricken family have the spontaneous and genuine sympathy of the city in the great sorrow that has so unexpectedly and swiftly come into their midst in the death of their greatly-beloved son and brother Bert L McCarl was born in Knox ville fowa June 30th 1871 Came to Nebraska with the family in 1890 mak ing his home in Hastings until 1891 when the family came to McCook to live where he made his home until his death October 7th 1905 Akron Colo Services were conducted at the home Monday afternoon at three oclock of a very simple and brief character by Rev M B Carman of the Methodist church There was a prayer reading of a selec tion of scripture and a short biograph ical sketch by Rev Carman and the choir composed of Mrs A P Bonnot Mrs W A James Mr S B McLlean and Mr C F Heber chanted the Lords prayer and sang Nearer My God to Thee At the grave in Longview cemetery the members of McCook lodge No 135 A F A M laid away the remains in the use of the impressive and beautiful ritualistic service of the order The order also attended the funeral in a body and accompanied the remains to the cemetery as a guard of honor While it was the purpose of the family that the funeral be a simple and private affair there was a large outpouring of friends and neighbors at the home and at the cemetary and the evidences of tenderest sympathy for the bereaved mother sisters and brothers were general throughout the city Dr C L Fahnestock and Sylvester Cordeal were a committee from the blue lodge that went up on No 13 Sat urday and returned with the remains on No 14 same night The floral offerings were superb and many embracing beautiful pieces by the Masons K of P B of R T and O R C besides numerous handsome of ferings by individuals G G Magnuson and Harry Ellison were the brakemen on No 76 For Sale Poland China male pigs and also kave a few good females that I will sell Can f urnislTold customers with new breeding if they come soon Sale days Tuesdays and Fridays Price 12 at home during October Seven miles south of Indian nola Nebraska The Ducks Are Flying South and this will remind you that it is time to look after your heater for fall and winter The stock at Colemans is large and fine and you should investi gate the merits of his goods before buying TABLE SILVERWARE All the popular and tasteful table fit tings and the established necessities and fads of the hour at Colemans Sterling silver and quadruple plate in richest patterns For Sale One registered Shorthorn bull five years old WHBENJAMiNBanksville Neb A large new barn is John Grannis latest improvement on his residence property Dirt Cheap for Cash A small base burner good condition Dr Pratt dentist Mens extra size pants 46 48 50 inches at Thompsons THE IRELAND COL VIN WEDDING Saturday Evening Was a Most Happy and Auspicious Event One of the most auspicious and happy matrimonial events of the year was the marriage Saturday evening of DrHarry Madison Ireland D O of McCook and Miss Gertrude Pearl Colvin daugh ter of Mrs C E Colvin which took place at the home of the brides sister Mrs A O Thomas The impressive ring ceremony was performed at six oclock by Rev Dr C C Drummond a missionary of the Christian church lately returned from India and now a resident of Lincoln The bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of Mendelssohns wedding march played by Mrs J T Parker of St Paul Neb Katherine Thomas niece of the bride acted as flower girl while Berch Parkernephev of the bride was ring bearer The bride was most becomingly gown ed in embroidered chiffon over cream silk and carried a shower bouquet A brooch set with opals was the gift of the groom The parlor was elaborately and artis tically decorated for the occasion the cojors being green and white and part of the decorations coming from the old family homo of the bride where she was born and reared After the ceremony an exquisite five course luncheon was served covers be ing laid for twenty four The table de corations were pink and white and were extremely pretty The gifts were numerous and costly comprising a rare collection of cut glass silver and linen as well as other beauti ful and useful articles During the evening three parties of serenaders called and entertained the party with sweet music and were served with refreshments The singers were mostly former pupils of Prof Thomas in the public schools Those who witnesed the ceremony were for the most part relatives of the bride and groom friends of tho bride from her old home and a few Kearney residents who had known her as a child The out of town guests were Mrs C E Colvin McCook Dr C C Drummond Lincoln Mrs W E Smith Brush Colo Mrs J T Parker St Paul Miss Edna Colvin Denver George Ireland TisaJiiah Emmett Ireland Craig Mis Evelyn Johnson Arapahoe Miss Bertha Hunting Arapahoe The bride is quite well known in Kear ney where she has visited She is a successful teacher and has been for the past two years connected with the Mc Cook schools The groom is one of the leading practitioners of McCook and is spoken of in the highest terms Dr and Mrs Ireland have gone to Craig for a brief visit with friends and will return to Kearney next Saturday After a short visit here they will go to McCook where they will make their home Kearney Hub A Farewell Reception to Pastor The Baptist friends gave their depart ing pastor and wife Rev and Mrs A B Carson a farewell reception in the chuch Tuesday evening of this week at which the members of the church and congregation and the pastors and families of the other churches of the city participated There was no formal effort Sadie Everist recited the pastor delivered a short farewell address refreshments were served and the occasion was made socially pleasant Rev Carson and family departed this morning for Philadelphia where he becomes a student in the Baptist theological school for ar season With them go many the best wishes of a warm company of friends To Telephone Subscribers Owing to the fact that the construc tion of the new exchange is now in prog ress subscribers will be bothered more or less with their instruments not work ing as good as they might until this work is completed but I assure you our best efforts will be used to keep out all trouble as near as possible C I Hall Manager WHEN GETTING BUSY IN THE KITCHEN remember that W T Coleman has a complete line of kitchen utensils and novelties that will make your work a pleasure Brotherhood of St Paul There will be an important meeting of the Brotherhood at the church Friday nigh tOct20th8 oclock The questions of a rest roon debating cla ss and phys ical culture will be discussed All members please be present Com 175 200 225 will buy a new piano at Suttons See them Fur scarfs in genuine Isabella fox 750 at Thompsons rtbmt McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 13 1905 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs McMillens cough cure is effective Mens extra size suits 46 and 48 at Thompsons Childrens sleeping garments 35c to 50c at Thompsons See those new 175 200 and 225 pianos at Suttons Cream in sealed 10c awt 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market Best table oil cloths 15 cents a yard including white at Thompsons Fall wall papers at tempting prices McConnell Druggist Boys very heavy and warm all wool three piece suits 500 at Thompsons Wanted Pupils for a new class just starting in shorthand LWStayner For Sale A six room dwelliner on Melvin street Apply to Frank Travor Mens undershirts and drawers in extra sizes 46 48 50 inches at Thomp sons They dont have coughs where they keep McConnells Cough Balsam on hanc A few dozen heavy fleeced undershirts no drawers worth 50c closing them at 29c at Thompsons First class dress making Call at Weygint dwelling 2ts Jennie M Cottom For Sale A hard coal base burner practically as good as new Cheap E II Doan American Beauty Corsets are unequall ed Money back after four weeks wear if dissatisfied at Thompsons Lost A pair of gold bowed eye glasses Reward for return to Miss Roxie Byfield at W S Fitchs For Rent Front bedroom or parlor and front bedroom suitable for four H L Kennedy Anyone wishing first class dressmak ing done apply to Mrs A Lee Rooms over Diamonds clothing store 6 3ts For Sale One folding bed one soft coal heater one New Home sewing ma chine Inquire of Mrs George Willetts Fur scarfs and muffs and childrens and misses fur setts in allthe different popular furs from 100 to 1250 at Thompsons This is the best corn crop for some time and you will need husking pegs and husking gloves and scoop end gates See Colemans assortment Childrens white bear skin coats in splendid quality for 400 also the bear skin in extra heavy weight 300 per yard at the Thompson D G Co Harold Morris had a slat or two put on the bum in the recent football scrimmage but he has been able to at tend to his duties in the trainmasters office as usual A large stock of the latest Edison Gold Moulded Records just received McConnell Druggist The Marseilles hand corn sheller is known to be the most durable and light running See the assortment at Colemans Our chocolates have a distinct value as food besides being a delicious treat Best dessert for any occasion McConnell Druggist The Womans Missionary society of the Congregational church will meet Wednesday October 18 at three oclock at MrsBeardslees SubjectTurkey Friends of the society are invited You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable In his new location just across the street from his old place in the P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them Miss Jennie Hill of Keokuk Iowa wishes to announce she will open dress making parlors in the Walsh building the first of November and solicits the patronage of the ladies of McCook and vicinity High class work and latest styles guaranteed lzzer bed comforts are found in every corner and part of Red Willow county They sell themselves on simple merit and every purchaser sends a new cus tomer tomorrow We have shipped them as far east as Hastings and they are scattered every where up west Strictly homemade 14 yards of cloth 6 lzzer batts well tacked and hemmed 185 Others at 225 to 300 The Thompson D G Co makers HfannHBtai - V ty WALL PAPER BARGAINS Everything in drugs Have you Ludwicks NUMBER 20 SX You aro now doing your fall house cleaning and wo beg to an nounce that we havo sorao groat bargains in one and two room patterns of artistic wall decora tions which to make room for now stock we will sell at a sacri fice Those aro worth your inspec tion also worth twice as much money as wo ask for them Wo invite you to call and bo shown Wo also havo a complete line of screen paints Paint your screons in the fall if you wish thorn to stay in good condition Try our Ebony stovo pipe en amel for your pipes stoves etc It is the best ever Cone Bros Druggists Try McMillens cold cure McConnell se2n tho fancy china at Best apron check ginghams 5 cents at Thompsons Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs meat market Best spooled carpet warp 19c a pound at Thompsons Special prices on Hammocks at Mc Millens drug store Mens and womens pure wool under wear 100 each at Thompsons Girl Wanted For general house work Mrs L M Best Phonn 91 Very handsome assortment of ladies misses and childrens caps at Thomp sons Have you seen our new pocket books and skirt bags McConnell Druggist For Sale My residence on northeast corner of Catholic church block R M Douglass See that cane topper at W T Cole mans It will pay you to buy one this year Pat Walshs frame building on lower Manchester is being veneered with brick this week Twenty different patterns in dinner ware to select from at Ludwicks furni ture store For Sale No 6 Remington type writer and a Round Oak heating stove both nearly new L W Stayneu Cash offer wanted on lot 3 block 7 First addition to McCook Newman Laycock 711 17th St Denver Colo SHAVE YOURSELF No trouble with our kind of equipment Doesnt cost much either McConnell Druggist For Sale Four room house in South McCook Easy monthly payments or will trade for stock L M BestPhone 91 It is W F Wilson phone 316 East Dennison street who buys and sells secondhand furniture of all kinds right Try him If you are not entirely satisfied with the perfume you are now using try one of the new odors we are offering McConnell Druggist A vote taken to determine the most popular thing in town would most cer tainly elect the lzzer cotton batt 12 ounces 1234 cents at Thompsons That gasoline engine that W T Cole man had on exhibition at the carnival seems to be the right thing judging from the way the people talk who have them in use Remember you will find Mike Walsh just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will give your repairs prompt and careful at tention Repairs for every stove made Examinations free of charge You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in an up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed During the past three months rural free delivery No 1 Charlie Byfield car rier handled 13881 pieces of mail of all kinds During the two months of the same quarter Leon Clark carrier for No 2 handled 4816 pieces of mail of all kinds