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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1905)
X rf A h v rmriiilnj fa 1 P v r v3 TWENTY FOURTH YEAR A Successful Bond Social The bond social held in the Metho dist church Tuesday evening post poned from Monday evening by the members of St Pauls Brotherhood was numerously participated in and enjoyed with much heartiness by all J W Chase president of the brother hood presided over the meeting The affair was exclusively a mans affair so far as the arrangements and carrying out of the program are con cerned There was a worthful pro gram in the auditorium of the church and no less attractive refreshments in the dining room downstairs Some of McCooks best talent were on the pro gram for the occasion Mr Roswell Cutler sang an acceptable selection Supt G H Thomas delivered a short address on Brotherhood making a plea in feeling manner for more brother ly love between man and man John Cordealwas at home in a reading en titled The Smoking Car John Gaarde played his clarionet solo so well that nothing short of a second number would satisfy the audience Mrs W B Mills added a piano number of merit to the program Joseph W Powell of Buffalo N Y was present having just recently as sisted at the dedictaion of a now Meth odist church in Red Cloud where he raised 85500 at the services last Sun day after his marvelous fashion and he spoked on the general subject of brother hood work in his usnal practical way A social season followod the program and then A C Elbert and his brother assistants got in their way in the din- ing room down stairs enectiveiy ana conclusively A Great and Clean Circus Forepaugh and Sells Bros gave the people of McCook and this section of Nebraska a great and good show last Friday and in return were liberally patronized by an appreciative audience It was doubtless the best show that has ever exhibited in McCook Their pa rade and grand entry were splendidly spectacular The circus performance was high class In the meragerie they were strong In fine tho aggregation is well balanced and worthwhile without objectionable features and untrammeled by the quite usual drawbacks of the ordinary show The shows arrival here was delayed several hours by a car breaking down at Holbrook and this hurried the pa rade There was no special damage nd none were injured Monster Public Sale EveristKnapp Co announce the greatest public sale to be held in South western Nebraska this fall It will take place on the Sheridan ranch 12 miles north and 2 miles east of Hayes Center About 400 head of stock of all kinds will be sold also 250 tons of hay and lease on 4000 acre ranch until March 1906 Liberal terms Free lunch at noon Those coming from afar will be accommodated at the ranch Auctioneers George Kittle and Gale Baldwin V Franklin clerk Varvle Shulse Wedding Mr James Varvle and Miss Mamie Shulse were married Wednesday even ing at 8 oclock at the home of the brides mother Mrs Samuel Simmons in South McCook Many friends were present and extended congratula tion and well wishes The young couple were recipients of many useful and beautiful presents Rev A 5 parson of the Baptist church performed the ceremony YOUR BARN Out houses corn crits roofs fences etc if they are worth any thing are worth protecting THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS BARN PAINT is made especially for the purpose and will add several years to the life of them besides improving their appearance McConnell Druggist WHEN GETTING BUSY IN THE KITCHEN remember that W T Coleman has a complete line of kitchen utensils and novelties that will make your work a pleasure Will Trade Two well improved farms in south western Minnesota for a stock of merchandise-land at a low cash price Ad dress box 2 Lakefield Minn BY L0 TALCUM POWDER An anti septic talcum powder abso lutely pure No strong perfume but a lovely faint violet fragrance McConnell Druggist Absolutely perfect not seconds the best apron check ginghams five cents a yard at Thompsons Red Willow county fair Indianola September 26 29 IaS v k The Ducks Are Flying South and this will remind you that it is time to look after your heater for fall and winter The stock at Colemans is large and fine and you should investi gate the merits of his goods before j buying Curiosity More Than Satisfied Galen son of Mr and Mrs W S Perry had more curiosity yesterday than he has today about the contents of a shotgun shell He also has less flesh and skin on his hands today than he had yesterday Three fingers of the left hand were lacerated and the thumb and first finger of the right hand were bad ly torn T5p MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs McCallum of Wauneta is visit her daughter Mrs Barney Hofer James Hethcote and family of near Danbury have moved onto a farm near the city Mrs H L Kennedy is receiving treatment in St Josephs hospital Omaha Wilt ONeil a former McCook boy has been visiting in the city since close of last week Simpson Finnell of Hamburg Iowa has joined his wife here in a visit to Mr and Mrs J G Stokes Mrs Hill Miss Hill and Miss Ful ler will leave tonight for Deadwood S Don a visit of a week H G and A C Hipple were pas sengers on No 3 Tuesday night for Portland Oregon on a visit Mrs Arthur Snyder is in the city this week on business matters and to renew oldtime acquaintances Mrs M A Curtis and grandson of Stockville are visiting in the home of Rev and Mrs M B Carman E C McKay has purchased the Cochran dwelling late the property of May Goldtrap and is now occupying the same Mrs C K Putnam and family and Mrs Mary Goldtrap and children have joined Mr Putnam in Pueblo Colo rado George and John Griffeth and Albert Wright were in McCook last week looking up some real estate in vestments I Mrs Viola Ballew has purchased the M U Clyde residence on Marshall street Mr and Mrs Clyde expect to locate in Omaha Mr and Mrs C H Boyle have been entertaining old Michigan friends Mr and Mrs Will Swytzer of Mount Clemens this week Mrs M A Northrup departed Thursday morning for Kansas City Mo ou a visit of a few weeks with her son Charlie and wife Mrs R B Simmons went to Detroit Mich first of the week on a visit to relatives Mr Simmons expects to follow later and join her in the visit Sam Cochran departed on 13 Tues day for his home in Seattle Wash after spending a few weeks nere ana in Indiana visiting relatives and friends on matters of bi siness Mrs L T Cady of Mount Clemens Mich a sister of Mrs M A Northrup visited at the home of Mr and Mrs C H Boyle part of the week on her way home from Denver Mr and Mrs J W Hupp arrived from Seattle Washington yesterday morning on a brief business social visit They will also visit Lebanon relatives and friends before returning to Seattle C W Lindsay of the Wilsonville Re view was in the city Tuesday having closed a contract for the sale of the Gathercole half section over south of the city in the Cedar Bluffs Kansas neighborhood James Prime and Miss Coral White were quietly married at the home of the bride on Thursday morning at 830 oclock The happy couple took No 1 for Denver to be gone a few days sight seeing Congratulations from a host of friends follow them They will soon be at home in our village Edison cor Arapahoe Mirror The right price always mens ectra size black worsted suits 45 46 4S for 1350 at Thompsons Sept 26 27 2S and 29 Red Willow county fair Dont miss it You cant afford it How can it be good all leather gloves for men 19 cents per pair at Thompsons No special sale The total enrollment of the Alliance schools up to last Friday was 711 and this the city papers claim is larger than it was last year The total enrollment of the McCook public schools on last Friday was 767 or 56 more than the total at Alliance i WSSI 1 V c00 Death Claimed Her Monday Morning Mrs L J Baldwin of Merrill Michi gan who has been here for several months for her health died on Monday morning at five oclock of consumption Mrs Baldwin came to McCook a num ber of months since for her health and was apparently so much improved that after a residence here of several weeks she returned home and persuaded her husband to relinquish his position as agent at Merrill and come to McCook While home she became much worse and was compelled to remain there a few weeks until able to undertake the journey here A few weeks since the family consisting df Mr and Mrs Bald win and little five year old son returned to the city and he secured a position in the agents office here But the disease had taken too strong a hold and after suffering greatly in spite of all efforts made she passed away on Monday morn ing The remains were taken back to Michi gan Tuesday morning on No 12 and will be laid away in the cemetery at Lyons The young folks were estimable young people and the bereaved husband and little boy have very tender sympathy in their sorrow and loss Ethleyn J Hickok was born Jan uary 30th 1878 died on September 18 1905 A husband and one child a five- year old son survive her Brief services were held at the house Monday evening by Rev M B Carman Mrs Susanne Renault Passes Away Mrs Susanne Renault mother of Mrs E M Day passed away about three oclock Thursday morning at the age of 74 years Deceased has been a sufferer with asthma and came to Mc Cook a few weeks since with her daugh ter in expectation of securing relief Other complications set in and death resulted as above indicated Mrs Renault was a native of France com ing to America at the age of 19 years Deceased has three daughters all liv ing one in Waldo Florida where de ceased has been making her home another in Charlotte Michigan where the remains were taken this morning on No 2 for interment Mrs Day accompanying them and one in Mc Cook Originally a member of the Lutheran church about 25 years since Mrs Renault became a Presbyterian in which faith she spent and ended a de voted Christian life Rev M B Car man of the Methodist church conducted brief services at the home of the daugh ter Thursday afternoon at four oclock Trainmaster Murphy Dies Railroad circles throughout this sec tion were shocked to learn of the death of D Murphy which occurred in a Deadwood hospital yesterday morning at 2 oclock Mr Murphy had been obliged to submit to an operation for appendicitis his cas being a severe one and the operation was performed Weds neday morning The funeral services will be held this after noon at Broken Bow and generally attended by his associates A wife and children are left to mourn his loss He commenced service with the Burlington at McCook later was road- master from Seneca to Ravenna until about three years ago when he was transferred to the line from Edgemont to Deadwood and recently promoted to trainmaster Mr Murphy was thirty seven years of age He has friends uni vesal where known and his loss is felt keenly by the officials as he was re garded as one of the Jmost capable rail road men on the system Alliance Times Public Sale T F West announces a sale of stock farm implements etc at his farm 18 miles northwest of McCook for next Thursday September 28th commencing at ten oclock Free lunch at noon Usual sale terms II H Berry auc tioneer D H Shepherd and A W Berry clerks Cash Offer Wanted On lot 3 block 7 1st addition to McCook Neb and the southeast quart er of 22-3-29 y miles east of McCook Neb Address owner Benj Hammer 195S Emerson st Denver Col RESULTS ARE WHAT COUNT When you buy one of those Cole Hot Blast heaters of W T Coleman and reduce your fuel bill one half dont it count BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER Large collection of bargains in broken lines of this seasons handsomest wall papers McConnell The Tribune is disappointed at not receiving its expected account of the old settlers annual meeting this week We always sell cheap Best calicoes made perfectnot seconds 5 centsayard at Thompsons A September Shower j0n Saturday afternoon Sept 16 oc curred one of those events which pre cede a greater event a shower for Miss Mabel Wilcox given by Chapter X- P E O at the home of Mrs J G Schobel A social afternoon had been announced but the sociability 4ook on a very unusual air The par lors3 were most beautifully decorated The reception room was in pink artificia chrysanthemums being used in festoons from the chandelier to the corners and I r side walls making a beautiful canopy while draperies of the same flower added to the pleasing effect In the parlor chrysanthemums of white and yellow Pt E O colors were spun all about the roomsand looked rather mysterious Each member of the chapter had been requested to represent the title of some familiar song and after these had been guessed or given up Miss Wilcox was given a pair of scissors and told to out the threads and follow them These took the young lady through many a winding way but the reward for her labors came in the opening of the var ious parcels which were found at the ends of the threads As each treasure was brought to view it elicited fresh exclamations of delight and laughter was not infrequent while tears were many times near the surface Each gift seemed to fill just the right place in the desires of the happy recipient While the refreshments were being prepared the guests were given squares of white cheesecloth and instructed to hem a dust cloth and work an initial In this contest Mrs Meeker easily won the honors both for speed and variety of stitches Her finished product was a work of art A four course luncheon was served by Mrs Schobel and Mrs Tartsch who are noted amongP E Os as model caterers The dining table had a center piece of yellow dahlias white asters and clematis The affair was altogether one of the most delight ful ever spent by chapter X It was however what might be termed a sad happy afternoon the element of sad ness being due to the approaching removal of the guest of honor to a new home Her P E O sisters will send with her a copious shower of good wishes for happiness in her new re lations Red Willow Populists Indianola Neb Sept 16 The pop ulists of Red Willow county met in county convention today and put the following county ticket in the field County clerk HH Pickens treasurer F W Deffer sheriff C E Matthews county judge Alex Gordon commis sioners Frank Real and Samuel Ellis A bitter fight was made on the en dorsement of Flora Quick the republi can nominee for county superintendent but at a late hour this evening she was endorsed A very small attendance was at the convention Special to Lin coln Journal COUGHING Coughing spasms stop immediately after you take a swallow of McConnells cough syrup The cough cure you can give to the j baby or take yourself Harmless ef fective 25c CUT GLASS We are constantly adding new things to our cut glass lines We have a fine assortment of cut glass which you will enjoy examining No obligation to buy if you dont wish to W T Coleman Fill Official and Board Vacancies At the regular monthly meeting of the McCook Cooperative Building and Savings association Wednesday evening besides the regular routine business the vacancy in the board of directors caused by the resignation and removal of J H Bennett from the city was fill ed by the election of Mayor II P Waite Chief Dispatcher W B Mills was select ed as vice president to fill vacancy also TABLE SILVERWARE All the popular and tasteful table fit tings and the established necessities and fads of the hour at Colemans Sterling silver and quadruple plate in richest patterns The total enrollment of the McCook public schools last week Monday was 723 On the same day the enrollment of the Iloldrege schools was but 569 or 154 less than that of McCook The Holdrege papers state that the attend ance this year is larger than it was last year when the opening attendance was but 554 The opening day enrollment of the McCook school last year was 731 or 177 more than that of Holdrege We have Holdrege beaten a mile in the matter of public school attendance No different from other times Best table oil cloth fancies and plain white 15 cents at Thompsons Come this is your fair as well as everybody elses MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnoll for drugs Land seekers are numerous Mccook red willow county Nebraska Friday evening September 22 190s A McMillen prescription druggist Subscribe now Its only 100 the year Have you sean the fancy china at Ludwicks J D Selby is offering his dwelling for sale on reasonable terms Indianola band plays every day at the county fair Sept 26 27 28 and 29 Wanted a girl for general house work Inquire of Mrs R M Douglass See that cane topper at W T Cole mans It will pay you to buy one this year Visitors will see the best and most exciting races ever witnessed at the county fair No apologies for it the best mens pure black worsted suits for 81000 at Thompsons Stratton is to have a newspaper with Frank Lackey editor of the Indianola Reporter as the chief conspirator For Sale Four room house in South McCook Easy monthly nayments or will trade for stock L M Best Phono 91 The very time and place for a days out ing Every day a good one Some thing doing all the time at the county fair The Marseilles hand corn sheller is known to be the most durable and light running See the assortment at Colemans No explanation needed best carpet warp made only 19 cents a pound on spools at Thompsons No unusual cir cumstance One of the most interesting features of the county fair will be the judging of live stock by Prof A F Magdanz of Pierce Neb Much of the joy of life would go out of the average McCook kids existence with the disappearance of The Tri bunes flag staff Its our regular habit mens aid womens brand new absolutely perfect all wool undershirts and drawers for 100 each at Thompsons The Tully building now the property of Henry Winans is being papered and painted and the store room will in time be occupied by M L Rishel with a stock of notions A Dorcas kensington will be given by Mrs J J Curran and Mrs T B Camp bell at the home of Mrs Campbell next Thursday afternoon September 28th A welcome to all Our furs have just arrived and are now displayed and were extremely pleased with them Prices from 8100 to 1250 Your inspection cordially in vited Thompsons The use of slingshots is specifically prohibited by law and city ordinance and the killing of innocent birds is a crime of which any American boy ought to be heartily ashamed The new fall styles of Ideal shirt waists are certainly triumphs of design and taste In silks in bastiste in brill iantine in coutil Prices as ever very pleasing Thompsons only You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable Dr Warrich the occulist and aurist of Hastings will meet eye ear nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly fitted at Commercial hotel in McCook Tuesday Oct 3 Hours from 1 to 7 p m One day only A meeting of the ladies missionary society of the Congregational church was held in the parsonage Wednesday of this week There was an encouraging attendance and interest The amount raised for missionary work exceeded 81200 We are agents for the Joliet power corn sbellers There is none better made We have a four hole sheller with horse power complete now in stockready for the first comer Call and look it over An experienced man can make some money with this outfit next winter H P Waite Co The Hare and Archibald Vaudeville Co plaj ed to a large and appreciative audience in the Hare backyard last Saturday afternoon presenting 12 dis tinct and high class acts witL marked success and to the enthusiastic appre ciation of their auditors The box office plutocrat carted away IS plunks reds to the company treasury after the seance The boys will repeat the dose as soon as the congregation is suf ficiently recovered A number lr Try McMillens cold euro Everything in drugs McConnell McMillons cough cure is effective Everyday a big day at the county fair Buy the Columbia presn drill of H P Waite Co Fresh butterof best quality at Marshs meat market Special prices on Hammocks at Mc Millens drug store There will be good horso racing and ball playing at the county fair Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market GiftL Wanted For general house work Mrs L M Best Phnnn 91 Every day a big day at tho Red Wil low county fair Sept 26 27 28 and 29 A truant officer would have something to do in McCook almost any school day Removed Dr Kays office is now overPades furniture store Phone 93 Twenty difforent pattorns in dinner ware to select from at Ludwicks furni ture store Wanted A girl for general -house work in family of two No children No washing I L Rodstrom Nothing strange about it mens extra size wool pants 46 48 and 50 inches for 8300 at Thompsons Em ployment Wanted Sowing or any light work Mrs S A Warner second house north of brick school house Fort Sale A molano beet puller Second hand Good as new L W Crinton Dress skirts for every purse 8200 to 8800 Alterations free Large assort ment for ladies and misses at Thomp sons Some say it cant be done good dec ent cotton blankets not rejected stuff for 50 cents a pair Thompsons Come and see The first frost of the season visited this section of the state Monday night It was not however of a very damag ing character This is the best corn crop for some time and you will need husking pegs and husking gloves and scoop end gates See Colemans assortment The Barnett Lumber Co is extending its brick office about 20 feet west and will place a steam heating plant under this addition to the office quarters That gasoline engine that W T Cole man had on exhibition at the carnival seems to be the right thing judging from the way the people talk who have them in use Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will give your repairs prompt and careful at tention Repairs for every stove made Examinations free of charge You cant do better anywhere on farth than at Marshs meat market in arj article usually for sale in an up to datb market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed October first has been set as the Rally Day in the Congregational church On this day all old pupils are expected to be present and new ones are cordially invited A fine program is being ar ranged Not tolerated in our store factory comforts dear at any price unsatisfac tory as a gift Our Izzer comfort is home made 14 yards of cloth six Izzer batts well tacked and hemmed 8185 at Thompsons only Cards are out announcing the ap proaching nuptials of Ira E Converse and Miss Ida Ancon They will be mar ried at the brides home Tuesday even ing October 3rd at 630 They will be at home after November Marshall street 1st at 407 Under the hammer the hammer of spot cash prices thats our method Bright new right goods at prices that are right on the nail We mean busi ness every day We make business every day Thompsons Anna Lee and William Brink announce in the Indianola Reporter their de termination to appeal at the next term of district court in Red Willow county to the court for a divorce from their respective husband and wife Invitations have been issued by Mr and Mrs J A Wilcox to the wedding reception of their daughter Mabel Emily and Mr Charles R Woodworth of Boise Idaho Wednesday evening Octeber 4th The wedding itself will be a compara tively quiet affair witnessed by relatives and a limited number of friends but the ensuing reception will be on a most extensive scale At home after No vember 1st Boise Idaho J A X UMM j