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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1905)
f H V fit - vy -ft i v P k 1 J TWENTY FOURTH YEAR he Death Ends Months of Suffering Mrs Paulina Phillippi died on Mon day morning of this week after an ill ness of almost a year of a painful and distressing character Mrs Paulina Henrietta Tartcheu was born in Germany September 20th 1854 The United States became her adopted country in 1876 She was uni ted in marriage with Allen Austin Phil lippi of Illinois on November 30th 1876 Two years later in 1878 they came to Red Willow county Nebraska where the family has since resided Death came in the city of McCook September 11th 1905 Five children three sons and two daughters survive her husband and two children preceding her into the future world Funeral services were held in t h e Baptist church Tuesday afternoon September 12th conducted by Rev A B Carson and attended by a church filled with sympathizing neighbors and friends from country and city The church was handsomely decorated with flowers for the sad occasion The re mains were buried in Riverview ceme tery Red Willow county loses a pioneer citizen the Baptist church a consistent member and her children a most devoted mother Quoting the text of the serm on Blessed Are the Dead That Die In the Lord The surviving children are objects of tenderest sympathy of many friends We wish to make grateful acknowledg ment of the many kindly services ex tended to us during the illness and at the passing away of our mother The Phillippi Children District Convention D of H The Fifth district convention D of H closed a two days session in the city last evening with a public mooting in McConnell hall where a literary music program team drill and social time with refreshments made up the bill of fare A reception was held on Wednesday evening in Ganschows hall in honor of the grand chief of honor Mrs Latka and the visiting delegatesat which time refreshments were also serv ed by the local lodge The sessions on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons were given over to business At the closing business session it was decided to hold the next annual meeting in McCook some time in October next and Mrs Augusta Anton was reelected district superintendent for the Fifth district Miss Zulauf of Stamford dist rict recorder and Mrs Erickson of Hol brook district treasurer Coroners Jury Places Responsibility One of the most unexpected incidents of the great Brush wreck is the finding of the coroners jury which rendered a decision on Monday at Brush Follow ing is copied from the Denver Post of Tuesday evening Fort Morgan Colo Sept 12 The coroners jury returned a verdict as fol lows on the fatal accident which oc curred on the Burlington near Brush last week The cause of the accident was the failure of train No 13 not being properly equipped with proper rear end lights or signals Signed WP Heiskell Foreman The engineer on train 77E A Mellen was given a separate letter of commen dation for sticking at his post Bertolette Waddell The Methodist parsonage was the scene of a quiet wedding Wednesday noon September 13th 1905 when Rev M B Carman spoke the words uniting in marriage David K Bertolette of Driftwood precinct this county and Miss Sadie Waddell of Leetonia Ohio Mr Bertolett is a brother-in-law of W N Cratty of that precinct The newly married couple will make this county their home Congratulations Sold Out This is to state that I have sold out my poultry business to The Gurney Poultry Co who will assume possession October 2nd 1905 In thanking you for your patronage will add that my suc cessors appear to be a decent kind of people and I guess you will like them well enough to trade with them Give them all your trade as long as they treat you right Mike Walsh Many individual patterns of dress goods at Thompsons All shades of broadcloths The principal colors in mohairs and Sicilians The leading colors in henriettas Large line of plaids The proper things for school dresses etc You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable Wanted a girl for general house work Inquire of Mrs R M Douglass W p Sty r MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs V H Solliday will leave for Pueblo Colo tomorrow on a visit Mr and Mrs W A James have gone to keeping house with Mrs C B Rowell Miss Edna Yarger entertained the Awl OV on Tuesday eveningvOf this T week Mr and Mrs L Woodson are spending the week in Lincoln with his parents Barney Hofer was in St Joe and Kansas City first of the week on business Mr and Mrs C E Eldred are par ents of another promising son born on Sunday morning E K Brinton is home from Bloom ington Delaware visiting his parents Mr and Mrs J A Brinton William Byfield has been absent since close of last week visiting members of his family in Toronto Canada Miss Anna Stewart of Alma is a guest of her brother dispatcher Harry I Stewart coming on 13 yesterday Miss Myra Marshall of Perry precinct has gone to Grand Island to attend crmmercial college this fall session W H Ferguson of Lincoln was in the city Monday looking over his large and varied interests here and hereabouts Mrs Harry Barbazett and members of the family have been seeing the sights of Colorados sights the past week or so H P Sutton and Bert have been out of the city part of the week looking up a location for Bert in the jewelry busi ness Mrs P F McKenna and her mother Mrs Reid attended the burial of Mrs Feeny in Hastings Tuesday of this week F P Eno county assessor has gone to Fruitland Colo to live having recently bought a fruit farm at that place Mrs J G Stokes is entertaining her sister MrsJSimpson Finnell of Hamburg Iowa who arrived in the city last week for a visit H C Clapp has been quite ill for a week past and confined to his home - Ware pleased to notethat he is some better today L M Copeland of Minden was a guest of his daughter MrsJGSchobel early in the week on his way home from the encampment Mrs C B Sawyer and Miss Kate left for University Place Monday morn ing on No 2 Miss Kate will resume work in the Wesleyan Miss Emma Perry and Miss Edna Waite of the class of 05 McCook high school will leave on next Tuesday for Lincoln to enter the state university Mrs C B Rowell arrived home close of last week from her visit to Fort Morgan Colo and at Max Nebr Her son Elmers health is quite frail just now Mr and Mrs G J Thomas of Har vard were guests of their son Supt Thomas between trains Wednesday morning coming in from Denver on No 2 and going home on No 12 C M Kelley Chester Rodgers and Bruce Campbell will leave Monday for Lincoln to become students in the state university This will add five students to the list from McCook of those attend ing the states great educational institu tion Mr and Mrs J S LeHew arrived home Tuesday night from Denver and the reunion They also visited their son Calvin in Denver and daughter Mrs W E Krauter in Akron Colorado The judge met a brother in Denver whom he had not seen for about 35 years Mr and Mrs Bartcher of Smith field Nebraska who have been guests in the Zint home departed for their home Wednesday morning Mrs B is a sister of Mrs Zint The Bartchers recently disposed of their possessions at Smithfield and are looking for a new lo cation Miss Hazel Hare who has studied with Emile Sauret for the past two years has returned to Chicago and arranged to continue her studies in the violin Word has just been received that she played in a contest before the board of examiners of the Chicago Musical Col lege and was successful in winning a scholarship for the coming year Miss Genevieve Feeny of The New Idea Millinery Co was summoned to Hastings Monday night by the death Monday morning of her aged mother in that city Death has been active in the Feeny family the past year About two months ago George the youngest son died of typhoid fever and in April John an older son died suddenly of heart trouble En icfi Sixth A and 7th B Miss Margaret OConnell Fourth grade Miss Hannah Stang land FRAME BUILDING EAST Fifth grade and principal Miss Laura McMillen Fifth A and 6th B Miss Medora Santee Second grade Miss Mollie Weiss First grade Miss Winnie Daigh Preparatory grade Miss Nina WEST BUILDING Miss Carrie Budlong principal Third grade Miss Minnie Rowell Second grade Miss Katherine Hur ley First grade Edith Walker Preparatory grade Miss Effie Abbott south mcook Preparatory grade Miss Milhcent Slaby CITY HALL Third A and 4th B Miss Anna Hannan INCREASED MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES The placing of Miss Carrie Budlong in charge of the music work of the system is regarded as one of the most desirable advances of the year Miss Budlong will be principal of the west school will be supervisor of music and act in the capacity of substitute teacher as well Upon her will naturally fall much of the special work in connection with the schools a work for which she is espec ially well qualified and equipped Last year her work was divided teaching the first grade west in the forenoon and de voting the afternoon to music in the several grades of the system 1904 ENROLLMENT Grades 1st day 1st week 12 16 16 11 19 19 10 26 28 9 1 41 44 8 46 49 7 56 56 6 55 61 5 62 66 4 60 67 3 74 77 2 east 33 33 2 west 32 33 least 37 39 1 west 35 40 Preparatory west 100 103 Preparatory south 39 39 Total 7731 770 1905 ENROLLMENT Grades 1st Day 1st Week 12 18 18 11 14 15 10 31 32 9 40 40 8 41 42 7 45 45 7Band6B 46 47 6 Band 5 A 39 39 5 43 46 4 46 47 4 Band 3 A 38 44 3 54 54 2 East 38 38 2 West 33 33 1 East 25 31 lWest 28 32 Preparatory East 61 68 Preparatory West 58 65 Preparatory South25 31 Total 723 767 CHANGES REPAIRS ETC The brick school building was quite thoroughly cleaned and new paper hung where necessary while the woodwork was oiled and the physical condition of the building made very comfortable and attractive One move made in the brick building places all the distinctively high school work on the second floor of that build ingthe placing of the laboratory up stairs This will be a time saver and conduces to greater convenience The schools of the city were dismissed for today on account of the presence of the great circus in the city to enable the children to see the animals cmIs - 1 JJvHHaiMnBHHH F - ttHftiftflTiWiiiiMary g - -- -- t ji i 1 rni - u 1 am iil IllllUllKI HtMlTT l iU On account of the overcrowded con dition of the preparatory grades only half day sessions will be held The babies in the A and B will go in the forenoon the beginners in the after- noon Beginners must enter the preparatory grades on or before Friday September 22nd or wait until the beginning of the spring term Parents will do well to make a note of this fact While the attendance is slightly less than on the opening day of last year than is eight less there is no doubt but that in a few weeks the total will ex ceed last year or even any year in the history of the McCook public schools The school population is eighty more than it was in 1904 This indicates that many pupils have not entered being em ployed at work somewhere or absent from the city There are a few boys and girls attend ing school who would like to find places to Jive and to work for their board and lodging or partially so during the school year Those looking for such will please report the matter to Supt Thomas who will see that applications are filled The fall session starts out with an ad dition of six new faces to the teacher corps and The Tribune is pleased to note that the corps is apparently in no wise weakened but on the contrary strengthened Miss Margaret OConnell who has the 6th A and 7th B is a Tecumseh girl has attended the state university was for two years in charge of a grammar grade in the Rushville schools under Prof Martin who taught in the McCook junior normal two years ago and was a teacher in the Edgar schools previously for two years Miss Mollie Weiss second grade teacher in the new frame comes from Collegeview and is a graduate of Union college class of 1898 For the past three years has been doing primary work in the Maywood schools and has the reputation of being one of Frontier countys best teachers Miss Katherine Hurley claims Shel ton Nebraska for her home Was graduated from the state university with the class of 95 For five or six vars previous to her university work was a primary teacher m the schools of Grand Island Miss Edith Walker the new 1st grade teacher west building comes from Cedar Rapids Iowa She is a graduate of the Nebraska university class of 1905 and for five or six years previous to her graduation was a primary teacher in the Lincoln public schools with success Miss Anna Hannan the new city hall school teacheris home grown A grad uate of the class of 1900 she has suc cessfully taught several rural schools in this vicinity and last year the 7th and 8th grades of the Lebanon schools this county They elected her prin cipal of the Lebanon schools this year in recognition of her services last year Miss Hannan has attended the full ten- weeks sessions of the three McCook junior normals and attracted the atten tion of her instructors in each for her careful earnest work Miss Nina Kenagy of the preparatory east is a graduate of the Chicago Kin dergarten College has attended the state university two -years has been kinder garten director at the Wesleyan has taught in the Lincoln city schools and was appointed kindergarten director in the Lincoln city schools passing up this flattering offer to come to McCook Bond Social At the Methodist church Monday night at 815 September 18 in charge of the Brotherhood of St Paul Literary program in auditorium free Refresh ments in dining room fifteen cents Both program and refreshments exclus ively in charge of men Everybody come and bring your ladies and have a good time and see how the men enter tain Following is the program Address Prof Geo H Thomas Vocal solo Roswell Cutler Reading John Cordeal Instrumental John Gaarde Refreshments and social Goldtrap Dunham Clyde Goldtrap and Edna Dunham were united in marriage Thursday afternoon Rev A B Carson of the Baptist church performing the cere mony at the parsonage We are agents for the Joliet power corn shelters There is none better made We have a four hole sheller with horse power complete now in stockready for the first comer Call and look it over An experienced man can make some money with this outfit next winter H P Waite Co American Beauty corsets are une qualled Money back after four weeks wear if dissatisfied All styles sizes and prices Thompsons only rib tine McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 15 1905 Public School Opened Monday Old Glory is flying overthe several public schools of the city the stars and stripes having been run to the tops of the various flag staffs Monday morning notifying the youth of the city and sur rounding country that another golden opportunity another season of promise of educational advantages was at hand May they improve the shining hours All the grades were provided with teachers and the manner in which they settled down to the regular work of the year was very gratifying to Supt Thomas and corps The assignment of teachers is as follows BRICK BUILDING Miss Celia A Gorby principal Miss Gertrude Storer assistant W EHeffel bower assistant Eighth grade Miss Mary Powers Seventh grade Miss Louise Rist Andrews Marsh On Monday evening September 4 1905 at eight thirty oclock at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs I R Andrews Indianola Neb occurred tne marriage of Miss Delia Mario An drews to Mr Frank E Marsh of Guide Rock Neb Rev E Crippon pastor of the M E church of that city officiating and using the beautiful and impressive ring seryjce of the M E discipline The bride was attired in beautiful cham pagne colored chiffon taffetta silk trim med with white lace chiffon and pearl buttons She wore a white lace bridal veil and wreath of orange blossoms and carried a beautiful boquet of white hydrangeas The groom was dressed in conventional black A largo number of guests were present Those from out of town were Mrs and Miss Clara Marsh of Guide Rock Neb mother and sister of the groom Mrs J B Meserve who was once a resident of this city and Mrs HMaley of Mount PleasantIowa Miss Jeannette Short played the wed ding march Miss Edna Hardesty and Miss Millie Bentley two little girls of the brides Sunday school class were the brides maids and were dressed in white The house was tastefully deco rated for the occasion and an elaborate wedding feast was served immediately after congratulations Miss Hazel Phil lips the charming daughter of the editor of the Indianola Independent presided at the punch bowl Mrs Maley sang two selections which were highly appreciated by all present She was accompanied by Miss Jeannette Short on the piano Thoy received a large number of beautiful and costly presents consisting of silverware cut glass china linens pictures etc and one hundred dollars from the brides parents The happy couple left Wednesday morning on a short wedding tour after which they will return to Guide Rock Neb where they will be at home to their friends after September 15th The Indianola people en masse ex tend warmest congratulations and wish these estimable young people a very prosperous and happy journey through life Special Correspondent Death of Mrs William E Bower Last Friday morningabout six oclock after an illness of some lencth Mr William E Bower of Valley Grange pre cinct was called home Her final sick ness was a complication of ills resulting from inflammatory rheumatism and was about a month in duration Nellie J Walker was born in Lan caster Grant county Wisconsin No vember loth 1852 where the most of her life was spent until her marriage with William Edward Bower May 17th 1876 She lived a short time in Texas with her parents Of their married life two years were spent in uamorma six years in Wisconsin and fourteen in Iowa They moved to Red Willow county in Februajy of 1898 Eleven children were born to these parents of which ten survive and were present at the f uneralseven sons and three daught ers A brother of the deceased A K Walker of Grant county Wisconsin was also present at burial Funeral services were held in the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at three oclock a large company of friends from their neighborhood and from the city attending the impressive services conducted by Rev M B Car man After which the remains were buried in Longview cemetery The deceased was a an estimable Chris tian mother greatly loved by all who knew her in her loving sacrifice and de votion to home and family The Tri bune but utters a general sentiment in extending the bereaved husband and children tender and deep sympathy in their great loss and sorrow A CARD OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are most truly grateful to all the kind neighbors and friends for sympathy and assistance rendered during the ill ness and after the death of our dear one W E Bower and Family Announcement Having purchased the Mike Walsh poultry business in McCook we will be at your service on and after the morning of Monday October 2nd 1905 in the building now occupied by Mr Walsh Bring us your eggs and poultry You will find us prepared to pay you top prices for them any time the year round Yours for more poultry and eggs The Gurney Poultry Co McCook Neb Izzer Izzer Whos got the Izzer Nobody but the Thompson Dry Goods Co of course Best cotton batt made Unrolls and unfolds almost as nice as a piece of cloth Weighs 12oz sells 12c Made expressly for and sold only by Thompsons ForSale Four room house in South McCook Easy monthly payments or to Qbjn V NUMBER 16 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Everything in drugs McConnoll Newest belts and bnga at Thompsons Buy tho Columbia press drill of H P Waite Co Newest designs Thompsons A toilet nowdfir O n ells uc iu pillow tops Fresh butterof best quality at Marshs meat market Silk shirt waist at Thompsons suit patterns 1200 The Christian church is being repaint ed this week Special prices on Hammocks at Mc Millens drug store Boys dark woolen Norfolk suits 165 others to 500 Thompsons Girl Wanted For general house work Mrs L M Best Phone 91 Removed Dr Kays office is now overPades furniture store Phon ns Seven rich shades of cravonetto forty four inches wide 85c a yard Thompsons new a box and better at The Zint barber shop has been pur chased by Fred Bruns of Norcatur ivansns Twenty different patterns in dinner ware to select from at Ludwicks furni ture store The question has been asked why Bob Gunn is interested in city real estate and uses a tape line Very complete line of ladies and misses skirts at Thompson 200 to 800 Alterations free The old settlers will receive adequate attention in next weeks Tribune They mot on the Willow Thursday Rev A C Carson pastor of McCook Baptist church will preach at the Zion Hill church next Sunday 17th at 3 p m All invited A cement block dwelling house is be ing built by CBSawyer on the lot just south of the old Noren home on south Madison street Many a Nebraska city and town has felt the lack of complete teacher corps this week at the commencement of school Too much prosperity JE Molund is havinjr his dwelling- house the old Strasser residence re painted and generally improved A cement sidewalk is among the items If you want the latest ideas in fine box papers you will find them here Also bulk papers and tablets with envelopes to match McConnell Druggist A C Wiehes new residence corner of Marshall and Dolan streets is now under way It will be one of the cosy conven ient modern cottages which have made McCook famous Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will give your repairs prompt and careful at tention Repairs for every stove made Examinations free of charge You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in an up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed Those individual waist patterns of French flannels and mercerized nov elties at Thompsons are irresistible almost As many as three patterns to a customer and scarcely any lookers able to pass them 175 per pattern of 34 yards H P Waite Co had a successful exhibit of the Malleable steel range at their store last week The good points of this excellent range were so attract ive to the ladies of McCook and vicinity that a large number were placed in local kitchens They still have more of them in stock and on the road and will al ways be pleased to show them Clean It With Cleanlline Cleaniline is about the greatest money saver you can have in the house Cleans silks woolens cotton or linen without the least injury to the fabric Removes oil grease or grime and restores the goods to their original freshness L W McConnell Druggist Prall Randali Tuesday evening of this week Sept 13th Rev M B Carman officiated at the wedding of H C Prall and Hannah Randall both of Washington county Kansas The ceremony was performed at the home of the grooms brother Brakeman W Prall of this city Thank-offering- Meeting The missionary society of the Congre gational church will be at home to its friends Wednesday September 20th will trade for stock L M Best Phone 91 at the parsonage at 230 oclock