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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1905)
WILSON TO STAY SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE WILL HOLD ON WILL REORGANIZE HIS WORK Seeking Men of Standing and Educa tion to Fill Important Positions At Oyster Bay by Presidents Invit ation OYSTER BAY N Y Secretary Wilson will reorganize thoroughly the crop statistics bureau of the depart ment of agriculture according to in formation here Already he is seek ing men of standing and education to conduct the work of the bureau men in whom the farmers and growers of the country will have explicit confid ence and who will place the report of the bureau on a standard of excel lence never heretofore achieved One man he has found although he does not at this time wish to publish his name The other three he hopes to secure in a short time Two of them will bo southern men and both will be experts in cotton and tobacco sta tistics This in brief is one of the ideas which Secretary Wilson eluci dated to President Roosevelt In response to invitations twice ex tended Secretary Wilson visited the president at Sagamore Hill Prior to his conference with the president Secretary Wilson was not communica tive It was known that he had come to Oyster Bay to discuss with the president the situation in the depart ment of agriculture as developed by the Investigations now in progress in the bureaus of statistics and of plant industry but he declined to go into any details until he had talked with the president In addition to the in quiry which is being made into the alleged irregularities which have de veloped the secretary on his own ac count is making a rigid investigation of other bureaus of the department his determination being absolutely to purge it of any taint of corruption In his work Secretary Wilson has the approval of the president whose di rection has been to eliminate every form of graft in the department At the conclusion of his confer ence Secretary Wilson talked frankly about some phases of the work in his department He was asked whether there was any likelinood of his early relinquishment of his portfolio as sec retary of agriculture He replied with a cmile Do you remember the story of An drew Pairservice in Sir Walter Scotts Rob Roy Andrews master was go ing to discharge him In fact he toW him to go Andrew said I wont go Why not asked the master Because I wont replied Andrew Well you are discharged de clared the maser I wont go retorted Andrew If you dont know when you have a good servant I know when I have a good master A LITTLE DEMORALIZED BUT STILL IN THE RINC ST PETERSBURG Emperor Nich olas message to the Orenbourg cler gy in which he expressed his deter mination never to conclude a peace dishonorable to Russia or unworthy of her greatness is reprinted in every paper in Russia It has struck a re sponsive chord in many quarters even among the friends of peace The em perors words however by no means bear out the construction placed upon them by the jubilant war party nor do they at all exclude the idea of successful termination of the ap proaching negotiations at Portsmouth but they certainly strengthen the mil itary spirit aroused by the cabled ver sions of the Sato interviews and the cold figures representing the cuppos ed extent of the contributon to be de manded by Japan NEW YORK GOVERNOR ON UNIFORM DIVORCE LAW ALBANY N Y Governor Higgins expressed himself in favor of the pro posed co operation of state commis sioners to secure uniformity of di vorce legislation throughout the coun try In a letter to Governor Penny packer of Pennsylvania he said I have no authority to appoint del egates to a congress to meet in Wash ington to consider the subject of di vorce but I think the matter falls properly within the jurisdiction of the commissioners for the promotion of uniformity of legislation in the United States and I have referred your com munication to Walter S Logan of 27 Williams street New York City who is the senior commissioner in this state and have requested him to com municate with his colleagues and if possible to attend such a congress should it meet on behalf of the state of New York WILL LEASE BIG PASTURE Over 400000 Acres of to Be Farmed WASHINGTON The secretary of the interior has ordered the leasing of over 400000 acres of the Kiowa and Comanche lands in Oklahoma for agri cultural purposes the leases to run for five years from January 1 next At the expiration of the term the lessees will be granted the preference right to renew at an appraised value to be placed upon the lands by the secre tary ISSUES A LETTER The Moquito Only Spreads the Yel low Fever NEW ORLEANS Thousands of circulars are to be sent through the south by the business men of New Orleans containing an emphatic dec laration by Dr J H White of the United States Marine hospital serv ice that freight cannot carry yellow fever infection Dr White has writ ten the letter to President Kohnke of the Board of Trade Dr White says There is no possible way in which yellow fever may be transmitted other also made plain by several of M Wittes suite that he has not come to the Washington conference to obtain peace at any price Officially the They Have Something to Say of Com ing Meeting what terms the Japanese propose The Russ says M Witte has definite instructions as to what demands will bo SENTIMENT IN JAPAN VISIT OF ENVOY RUSSIANS AND JAPANESE GREET EACH OTHER HISTORY HIADE IN OYSTER BAY than by the mosquito and freight can- OYSTER BAY N Y History was not under any circumstances be in- made Saturday in Oyster Bay Rus fectcd in this way but only in so far i slans and Japanese clasped hands and as it might become the residence of greeted one another with all outward an infected mosquito It is not likely evidence of cordiality and for the first to become the residence of any kind timo since nations began to have re of mosquito much less the infected lations one with another an executive mosquito whose presence in business or a great power received the envoys and manufacturing establishments would In the nature of things to be a very remote contingency RUSSIAN PEACE ENVOY NOW IN THIS COUNTRY - NEW YORK Sergius Witte the Russian peace plenipotentiary who has arrived in this country emphati cally denied having said that Japans peace terms were intolerable He also denied positively that he had predict ed that the conference would break up in a week M Witte brings with him instruc tions prepared by his emperor which outline the general policy which he is authorized to pursue They are in many respects elastic and will aid rather than hamper M Witte ed the terms submitted by Janan in President Gives a Lunch to the Distin guished Visitors The Handsome Yacht Mayflower Elaborately Dec orated with Flowers of two belligerent countries on a sion of peace President Roosevelt on behalf of the United States and its people ex tended formal greetings to the repre sentatives of Russia and Japan Intro duced the plenipotentiaries to one an other and entertained them at an elaborate luncheon at which Russians and Japanese fraternized with one an other as comrades rather than as ene mies During the luncheon President Roosevelt proposed a notable toast in which he expressed the earnest hope and prayer in the interest not only of these two great powers but if all civilized mankind that a just and lasting peace may speedily be concluded between them The occasion was impressive It was attended not by pomp and cere mony but by a simplicity and frank- his opinion appear reasonable It was ness characteristic of the president and the people of America The handsome war yacht May flower one of the most beautiful ves sels of the United States navy on which the formal reception of the sian mission is of course unaware of Japans terms and untl they have Russian and Japanese heen handed to him by Baron Komura ries took place swung easily at an- Russia will await results patiently chor just at the entrance of Oyster and without anxiety RUSSIAN PAPERS hay from Long Island sound A quar ter of a mile away was the dispatch boat Dolphin the favorite cruising vessel of several presidents of the United States Two miles out in the sound the cruiser Galveston was an- ST PETERSBURG The Russ the chored in waiting to convey the Novoe Vremya and other represents sols bearing the envoys to the seat of tives of the Russian press counsel the Washington peace conference at patience for the brief interval of the Portsmouth N H meeting of the peace envoys and j Before the arrival of the president dwell on the futility of attacking men and the envoys the cabins of the of straw before it is definitely known Mayflower were handsomely decor- ated with flowers The luncheon table In the main saloon was laden with flowers No attempt was made to decorate the cabins of the vessels lutely unacceptable and will know with flags care being exercised in what course to adopt if such demands every feature of the ceremony attend are presented We are ignorant ol ant upon the reception not in the the Japanese proposals but we will slightest way to offend the know what they are in a few days I ties of the guests of the occasion Meanwhile let us wait Discussing the supposition that a combination of the powers might be formed to exert pressure for the mod ification of extortionate Japanese de mands M Neratoff the spokesman of YELLOW FEVER QUARANTINE EXTENDED TO MISSOURI the Foreign office in an interview in ST LOUIS The quarantine order the Gazetta declares that however issued by the Missouri board of health much as a proposal might be against districts affected by yellow tageous to other powers Russia would fever will be enforced along the east never be the mover of such a pro- srn boarder of the state as far north ject as it believes that all questions as St Louis along the entire south connected with the settlement of the em border and along the western war should be decided directly be- border as far north as Kansas City tween the two countries interested The establishment of quarantine sta China he said had advanced no claim tions or detention camps will be in to compensation for losses sustained the hands of the different local boards on account of Manchuria being the of health unless it is found necessary theater of war but no such claims by the state board to intervene In would be considered I case persons succeed in entering the state from the danger zone of the south they will be detaned in cities or towns farther in the interior if unable IS FOR MORE FIGHTING exhibit a bil1 of NEW YORK Nasujiro Ishikawa REFUNDING eluded THE CHINESE BOYCOTT ON AMERICAN GOODS VICTORIA B C Advices from Canton state that when a delegate of the Chinese boycott movement againsl America was explaining to students in Canton schools the nature of the agitation he pointed out that many students wore tunics made of Ameri can cloth These were at once torn from the backs of the students Vari ous verancular Chinese papers have given notice that no American busi ness notice or any news regarding Americans was to be published aftei July 18 Close Call for Paul Morton NEW YORK Paul Morton presi dent of the Equitable Life Assurance society and Mrs Morton had a nar row escape from serious injury on Sunday night when their automobile ran into an Eighth avenue car at Forty fourth street Mr and Mrs Morton were on their way across town with two friends whom they had met at the Pennsylvania railroad depot when in attempting to avoid a south bound car the wheels slipped and the machine struck the car a glancing blow and was disabled PHILIPPINE DEBT editor of the Hachi Shimbun of To 1 kio one of the men officially panying Komura the Japanese peace 53000000 Temporary Certificates to envoy gave out an interview in I Be which he outlined what he declared WASHINGTON Under the provi to be the popular feeling in Japan re- sions of the Philippine currency act garding peace terms the bureau of insular affairs of the My people feel that this is no time war department is preparing to re for peace that it is tco early he place 3000000 of Philippine tempor said First we must get Harbin ary certificates of indebtedness falling and Vladivostok for unless we get due September 1 next by a new issue them we fear that by and by we shall of one half that amount These certi have to fight again We must stop ficates are issued simply to maintain Russian ambition now once for all parity between gold and silver in the We do not wish to fight the Russians islands circulating medium The new again once peace has been con bonds or certificates will bear date of September 1 and are redeemable in one year bearing 4 per cent interest SAY STOCK IS WATERED Alleged Gold Mine Costing 15000 Was Capitalized at 12000000 ST LOUIS Suit was filed in the United States circuit court here by Ralph Brucker of Chicago and Wil lard F Synder of Salt Lake City seek ing the appointment of a receiver for the Great Western Gold company of this city It is alleged that mining property was bought for 15000 and made the basis of a capitalization of 12000000 and also that several times that amount of stock has been sold ADMIRAL ROJESTVENSKY Able to Leave His Bed But Still Has Pains TOKIO Admiral Rojestvenskys condition has made satisfactory pro gress since the operation was per formed on his forehead He was able to leave his bed and sit in a chair yesterday Pains in one foot however prevent his walking freely but no cause for uneasiness exists The admiral has ex pressed his sincere satisfaction at the treatment accorded him LAND FRAUDS IN MONTANA Trial of R M Cobban Accused of Subornation of Perjury HELENA Mont In the federal court before Judge W H Hunt in tho trial of R M Cobban who is charged with subornation of perjury in connec tion with timber land entries in west ern Montana in 1899 the stand was occupied all day by Albert Jamison for the government Jamison was or iginally indicted for perjury in con nection with entries but the case against him was nolled He was one of about eighty against whom Indict ments were returned Jamison on his direct examination testified that he had an agreement with Cobban to lo cate people on claims who would sell to Cobban after they got title and the witness was to be paid from 10 to 25 for locating entrymen and entrywo men He testified that he had been paid by Cobban from 800 to 1600 for his work CAN PASS THROUGH STATES Permission Granted to a Canadian Regiment WASHINGTON -The state depart ment telegraphed the British ambas sador and the American consul gener al at Ottawa that the governors of New Hampshire Vermont and Massa chusetts have formally consented to the passage through those states of the Forty third Canadian regiment the duke of Cornwalls own who are now in Ottawa waiting to proceed to visit Boston and Providence The only restriction is In the case of Massa chusetts where the state law of 1902 prohibits the assembly of visiting troops for drill or parade The tele gram to the ambassador was address ed to him both at New York and the summer home of the embassy at Lenox THE KOREANS WANT PRESIDENTS HELP OYSTER BAY N Y President Roosevelt received Syngamon Rhee and Rev P K Yoon two Koreans who arrived here to present him a memor ial asking him to look -after the in terests of Korea in the proceedings of the forthcoming peace conference They presented to the president a let ter of introduction from Secretary Taft which secured for them a person al hearing Mr Rhee is a student in the George Washington university at Washington MORE CASES AGAINST HOCH Still Plenty if He Should Escape on the Murder Charge CHICAGO 111 With the possibility of Johann Hoch reprieved wife mur derer securing a retrial and acquittal here on the charge of murdering Mrs Marie Welcker Hoch the authorities of Cincinnati and St Louis have been in communication with States ney Healy relative to crimes of big amy and murder that Hoch is said to have committed in those cities Even in event of the convicted man escaping sentence already passed up on him it is said that enough prosecu tions in Cook county and elsewhere confront him to consume several years to come BOYCOTT CANNOT LAST LONG John Barrett Believes Chinese Vill Soon Abandon It SAN FRANCISCO John Barrett the newly appointed minister to Col ombia is here in connection with the commercial relations existing between the United States and China particu larly as regards the boycott inaugur ated by the Chinese guilds against American products He insists how ever that his mission is not of an official character but simply to ac quaint himself with the feelng of the people of the coast as to the boycott and interview some of the merchants who are engaged in the oriental trade Minister Barrett while conceding that the Chinese guilds are all-powerful in their country is of the opinion that the present alarm shown by the people of this country over the action of the Clrnese guilds will soon be dis pelled when they are made to realize that our government is disposed to act fairly with them in the matter of immigration SEES NO NEED FOR WORRY Commission Says No Navy Can Cut Off Englands Food Supply LONDON The royal commission under the presidency of the Prince of Wales appointed in April 1903 to study the question of the importation of food in time of war and other simi lar subjects has presented its report to parliament The contents of the report have not yet been published but on the whole it is understood they are reassuring The main report which is concurred in by all the com missioners concludes that there is no cause for apprehension or uneasiness because it would be virtually impos sible noting the adequacy of the fleet for the whole of the British coasts to be blockaded simultaneously Seven Mills on the Dollar CLEVELAND O Creditors of Mrs Cassie L Chadwick will receive a to tal dividend of about seven mills on the dollar when the matter is finally settled Net assets will amount to aobut 25000 against 2000000 indebt edness Stockholders Must Pay TOPEKA Kan The stockholders of the First National bank will be as sessed the full amount of their hold ings August 7 according to Receiver Bradley FIGHT THE FEVER UNCLE SAM ASKED TO LEND HIS AID HOPE TO REVIVE CONFIDENCE Surgeon General Wyman Will Direct War Against the Mosquitoes Ma yor of New Orleans Appoints a Gen eral Cleaning Up Day NEW ORLEANS La With no In tention of admitting the fever situa tion to be beyond control but In the hope of reviving confidence here and elsewhere in the south official and business interests decided to send a re quest to President Roosevelt to have the United States government assume full charge of the struggle now in progress to wipe out yellow fever from New Orleans The public approves the action taken Expectations is that within the next two days Surgeon Gen eral Wyman with all the resources ot the government will be enlisted active ly in the campaign The action taken was the result of a meeting held late today at the Cotton exchange It was the consensus of opinion that if government control was resolved upon there would be an im mediate restoration of confidence throughout Louisiana and the other states In the south where there has been criticism of the local authorities for not sooner making public the existence of the fever It was the be lief of those present that General Wy man is able to send a force of physi cians to New Orleans thoroughly equipped for the handling of a yellow fever situation because of their ex perience in Cuba Mexico and at dif ferent points in the United States and that the government would have the facilities for enforcing a scientific cam paign not possessed by the local au thorities Immediately after the meeting a telegram signed by the mayor and other interests respresented was ad dressed to Governor Blanchard telling him of the action taken The announcement of the action taken at first created some alarm in the city growing out of the fact that it meant that the situation had grown entirely beyond control but that alarm was allayed when it became known that the authorities had acted simply in the belief that the prompt action now in turning over the direc tion of affairs to the marine hospital service in whom there is supreme confidence here would almost certain ly avert an epidemic At a conference at the city hall it was decided that Mayor Behrman should issue a proclamation requiring every business house in the city to close its doors on Wednesday next in order that employes might take a hand in the general cleaning movement that has been inaugurated Merchants are are to be asked to furnish their carts and floats to assist in carrying away refuse A thousand carts will be re quired in the work A special appeal is to be addressed to householders to co operate in the sanitary campaign by the thorough cleaning of their back yards WASHINGTON President Roose velt forwarded to Surgeon General Wyman of the public health and ma rine hospital service a telegram from Governor Blanchard of Louisiana re questing that the United States gov ernment take control of the yellow fever situation in New Orleans The president directed the surgeon general to take every step to meet the situa tion in New Orleans and to notify him what further action is advisable and possible for the federal author ities to take No Panama on His Plate LAWTON O T Stenographer C S Kreider of the government land office here received word from Wash ington offering him a position in Panama at a salary of 1750 per year The offer was declined HARRIMAN HAS PLANS FOR SPENDING MUCH MONEY PORTLAND Ore The Telegram says E H Harriman will spend 10 000000 in railroad building in the states of Oregon Washington and Idaho within the next year With the official announcement of the fact that the Southern Pacific is preparing to building from Drain to Marshfield on Coos bay connecting the main line with the Coos Bay Roseburg East ern road which extends from Marsh field twenty eight miles to Myrtle Point via Coquille and with a branch to Beaver Hill it is stated Harriman will spend 10000000 in construction included in which will be the cost of the dual road between Ripara and Grangeville the cost of which is shouldered jointly by Messrs Hill and Harriman Pleased With Wittes Reception ST PETERSBURG The newspa pers generally express satisfaction with the cordial reception received by M Witte in the United States in which public opinon all along has been painted as being favorable to Japan and a more optimistic tone re garding the chances of a successful outcome of the peace negotiations is manifested With a few exceptions they find themselves in thorough sym pathy with the position of M Witte as expressed in interviews with him on his arrival in New York srrsrsSftg HYDE WILL SOON COME HOME Former Chief Statistician Will Return to the United States WASHINGTON In answer to a cablegram to John Hyde former chief statistician of the Department of Agriculture urging him to return to this country Secretary Wilson todaj recelved the following dispatch from Mr Hyde Southport England Aug 2 1905 Returning as soon as possible Let ter Mr Hyde left Washington at tha time a grand jury began to invest gate charges of a leakage in the bu reau of statistics by which it is al leged that Edwin S Holmes tho former associate statistician furnish ed advance information of the do partments figures on the cotton crop to New York brokers When Mr Hyde resigned as chief of the bureau he agreed to hold himself ready to aid the Department of Justice In the investigation it Is making He took passage for Europe a few days later and his departure was not learned until he was beyond tho jurisdiction of federal authorities who wanted him as a witness before the grand jury NATIONAL CARBON TRUST TO HAVE A COMPETITOR CLEVELAND O The Plaindealer today says The National Carbon company known as the carbon trust soon will have a competitor with immense financial backing It developed here that Rockefeller Interests are behind the United States Carbon company which will be financed with a capital ization close to 1000000 For more than a year the local con cern has been closed down About one month ago however the prop erty was bought up by Martin Brady general manager of the East Ohio Gas company a well known Rockefeller corporation The plant is now being overhauled at an outlay of 100000 It will be turning out carbon products by September 15 it was announced officially yesterday THE CAMPAIGN SOUTH ACAINST YELLOW FEVER WASHINGTON Secretary Shaw has notified Governor Blanchard of Louisiana that if any unauthorized acts and abuses of discretion have been committed by the revenue cutter Winona now assisting the public health and marine hospital service In the campaign against yellow fever they will be corrected as far as pos sible This declaration of the secretary followed the receipt of several dis patches from Governor Blanchard complaining of the action of the cut ter in interfering with fishinj vessels belonging to the people of Louisiana and specifically referring to a case where it is asserted a boat was cai tured and towed away TAFT PARTY IN MANILA Secretary of War Given an Elaborate Welcome by Civil and Military MANILA Secretary of War Taft and party arrived here on the steam ship Manchuria Friday Their arrival was made the occasion of a gorgeous water pageant Governor General Wright Major General Corbin and Rear Admiral Train with their staffs and the official reception committee met the party when the Manchuria anchored The battleship Ohio the forts and craft in the harbor fired the regula tion salute for the secretary of war After the party left the steamship they proceeded to Governor General Wrights residence where the official welcome was made and where the golden keys of the city were presented to Secretary Taft Thousands lined the streets which were elaborately decorated Attendance at Exposition PORTLAND Ore The Lewis and Clark officials announce that with the attendance Wednesday of 27420 the million mark has been passed the total attendance from June 1 to date including passes being 1013531 SPEAKER CANNON TO PRESIDE Will Take Hart in Installation of Presi dent of University CHAMPAIGN 111 The speaker of the national house of representatives Hon Joseph G Cannon has accepted the invitation of the University of Illinois to preside at the federal day meeting October 17 in connection with the installation of Edmund J James as president of the university At this meeting a prominent mem ber of the federal commission will speak for the national government in its relation to education as expressed in the land grant act of 1SC2 Speaker Cannon is a son of the University of Illnois by adoption having received an honorary degree from the univer sity of a year ago Conger Home From Mexico MEXICO CITY American Ambassa dor Conger and family left Thursday for the United States the ambassa dor having two months leave of ab sence He will go directly to Wash ington and it is surmised be con sulted on the Chinese question espec ially on the boycott Deficit for July 13680000 WASHINGTON The monthly statement of the government receipts and expeditures shows a deficit for the month of 136SO000 51 - r u i 41 - a fs