Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1905)
V ftV V t s TWENTY THIRD YEAR S ahe CAN YOU RESIST THIS The Iowa Homestead 100 Largo weekly agricultural paper The Homemaker Magazine 50 Monthly family periodical full of good things The Farm Gazette 50 Monthly agricultural magazine most beautiful farm publication in the world The Lincoln Journal 100 Nebraskas leading weekly pub lished at the states capital The McCook Tribune 100 The newsiest county weekly pa per published in boutliwestern Me Nebraska Total 400 The Entire Five Papers Only 125 Charges Against McCook Men Dropped Washington D 0 Jan 30 The tech tiical charges against Register Rathbun and Receiver Barnes of the McCook land -office that they failed to deposit certain fees collected in contest cases will be dropped and no further action will be taken in the matter by the land depart ment officials here The office is to be abolished tomorrow and in view of this fact and other circumstances the depart ment officials decided to drop the mat ter Commissioner Richards today recom mended this action and Secretary Hitch cock approved the recommendation Commissioner Richards stated that there has been no intimation of dishonesty against the two officials but that they bad simply been careless in failing to do posit the fees collected in certain cases The fees eventually would have been turned over to Rathbun and Barnes any way and since it was merely an error in business methods and administration the department officials were not disposed to press technical charges and injure the two Nebraska officials Special to Lin coln Star As no reference is made to the matter it is presumable that the manner of re ceiving the filings under the Kincaid Act which created some stir at the time has also been dropped by the interior department Editor - Burned Down The Door Yellow back novels are evidently hav ing their malign influence on some of the youths of the city Last Friday after noon a Russian lad named George Krie ger ran onto a cave in the bank of the Re publican river in south McCook and for his intrusion was put in the cave and the door was padlocked on the outside by bloods who occupy the cave as a gambl ing resort Krieger happened to have some matches in his shoes and by con necting lucifer with the tarpaper on the door soon had a conflagration a going which destroyed the door and released him somewhat the worse for smoke It is said there are two or three such caves in the bank whither some youths of the city resort to play cards etc Chaps Go Away as quickly as they came when you use McConnells Fragrant Lotion Makes the skin soft and smooth 25 cents Reduction on Lamps and Yases McMillen druggist is making special prices for ten days on lamps and vases Just write it down on the tablets of Jour memory that the ladies of the Methodist Aid Society will hold their usual Washingtons Birthday dinner and supper this year and that Marsh is a mile ahead of all the competition in the fine meat line Dinner and supper will be served in the basement of the new church Dont let it escape your mind The Bed Willow County Farmers Institute will be held in McCook February 22nd A stock show will be one of the attrac tions of the day too And it will be worthwhile Fob Rent 6 room house in east part of town Near in See L H Lindemann Office over McMillens drug store Wire clothes brushes wire horse brushes wire stove brushes wire barn brushes at Colemans Wanted Alfalfa seed millet cane seed at W T Colemans Bring in your samples 375 good heavy wool blankets for 3289 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Some great Book Bargains at Cone Bros Do your drug trading with Cone Bros Writing Papers of Quality Good correspondence papers cost so little more than poor that good should always be used We have some extra good values in 25 cent box papers Others at from 15c to 50c McConnell Druggist - - MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mr and Mrs J ASimmons have gone to Leadville Colorado Mrs Lillian M Pitney is a guest of her brother C H Boyle Mrs J Fred Brewer went to Kear ney early in the week on a visit Harlow W Keyes was up from In dianola Monday on legal business Miss Vera Heiserman is down from Yuma Colorado guest of her brother W R Henry Thrailkill of Yale Iowa is here on a visit to his daughter Mrs C A Ward George E Mick has moved to Indian- olu where he has engaged in the barber business Earl Murray the Cambridge Clarion states expects to locate in Sheridan Wyoming Mrs IT A Rouch went to Denver Wednesday night on No 3 for a few days visit Mrs Frank Calhoun was the guest of her mother Mrs Mary Mousel in Cam bridge last week Miss Mary Bush visited her grand parents Mr and Mrs George Tumbleson in Cambridge last week Perry Stone will leave Sunday morn ing for Lo Claire Iowa taking along a shipment of horses the second carload this winter John Grannis was out and down to the store a while this morning just to show that he is alive He has had a severe tussle with grip Mrs S E Thompson of Denver came in on No 2 last Saturday morning for an extended visit with Mrs J G Inglis and other friends in the city Mr and Mrs S A Moore write from Bakersfield California that they are well satisfied with California but still have a warm place in their hearts for Nebraska friends Philip Gliem our representative came up from Lincoln Friday night spending a few hours in the city Satur day morning and then driving over to his home in Danbury John V Wharton who has bjeen visiting relatives in Fairburylllinois re turned home on last Friday night and has been at his old place in Colemans hardware store this week Mrs I M Beardslee is still in In dianola but the friends will all be pleased to learn that her grandchildren the children of Mr and Mrs Will A Dolan are improving from their severe illness Mr and Mrs R D Rodgers arrived home Tuesday nightf rom North Platte bringing with them her parents Mr and Mrs Wallace Mathews Mr Mathews is a partial paralytic as a result of his recent illness Dr D Matson from the Pacific coast has been visiting relatives and familiar scenes in this city and country this week The doctor settled in the Ledge Creek neighborhood on the Upper Drift wood but over in Hitchcock county 28 years ago and was on the site of Mc Cook before the town was dreamed off when the postoffice was known as Fair view and was administered by S H Colvin While here the doctor met his brother from up Lincoln county for the first time in 15 years Neither of them at first recognized the other The doc tors mother is still living down ih Nuck olls county in her 88th year A remark able fact is stated in the life of his aged mother namely that she learned to read at the age of 78 years and that she has since read the Bible in its entirety The doctor thinks he can in part appreciate the feelings of Rip Van Winkle Stevens Suits at 40 per Cent Cut Reduction for two weeks only beginning Satur day January 28th Mrs L F Grigg Agent Four doors east of DeGroff s Mens blanket lined duck coats for 69c at The Thompsou Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale Ladies Beaver top shoes plush lined for 99c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale A boys black coat with good blanket lining for 49c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Get one of those Blizzard Fronts at W T Colemans Put it on your top buggy and keep out the storm and cold All ladies and misses dress skirts at great reductions during this sale 500 kinds for 389 175 ones to S139 400 to 299 etc at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Since our invoice has been completed we have discovered we are overstocked in some lines which we will reduce at once at irresistible prices It is need less to add that if you are looking for bargans in his line see Coleman Dr Greens Injuries Prove Fatal After making a heroic fight for his life for twelve days Dr S L Green county judge died at 1130 oclock Sun day evening January 29th of his seri ous injuries sustained January 17th in falling in the alley near his residence and fracturing his right hipbone Nothing was lacking to make his last days as comfortable as possible the Masonic brethren neighbors and friends vioing in their efforts to this end Funeral services were held in the Con gregational church Wednesday after noon at 230 conducted by Rev M B Carman of the Methodist church as sisted by Rev G A Conrad of the Con gregational church The church was filled with friends and brethren to pay a last tribute of respect to the memory of a worthy citizen and brother who has gone on before The remains were es corted from the home to the church and from thence to Longview cemetery by the members of McCook lodge No 135 A F A M of which departed had long been a faithful member The servi ces at the cemetery were in accordance with the beautiful and impressive ritual of the ancient order Mrs Cora Kelly arrived from her home in Harlan lowato attend the fun eral of her father Mrs Henry Baxter an old time Indianola intimate friend was also present at the funeral coming up on Monday Mrs Kelly expects to remain awhile Mrs Bertha Berry another daughter arrived from Kansas last night Dr Green leaves behind the noble heritage of an honorable worthy and useful life The bereaved wife daugh ters and friends are the objects of tender and genuine sympathy in this hour of loss and sorrow obituary Samuel L Green was born in Sara toga New York February 28th 1823 hence would have been 82 years old on the 28th day of this month Died at McCook Nebraska Sunday night Jan uary 29th 1905 at 1130 oclock De ceased was one of McCooks earliest sett lers moving here from Indianola in June 1882 and engaging in the drug business Before becoming a resident of Indianola Norton Kansas was his home where for years he practiced medicine and conduct ed a drug store He was twice a mem ber of the Nebraska legislature in 1885 and 1887 In 1888 the doctor waa mayor of the city of McCook At his death he was serving in his second term as county judge of Red Willow county His wife and three daughters survive him A Matter of History The McCook land office passed into history Tuesday evening January 31st 1905 at the close of business at 4 oclock The records have been shipped to Lin coln Nebraska and to the commissioner of the general land office at Washington D C The office furniture and effects were in part sold at public auction The principle safe and some other items were shipped to Washington also not being needed at Lincoln Ex Receiver Barnes will devote himself to his old pro fession the newspaper business on the McCook Republican Ex Register Rath bun will remain here Six More Weeks of Winter Such is the prediction See DeGroff s about winter goods at after the season prices The best cough syrup is the famous White Pine and Tar sold by Cone Bros Childs 165 white fur sets reduced to 89c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Pretty soon this snow will all be gone and you will be thinking about the spring planting Remember that W T Coleman has the largest and best assort ment of grass and garden seeds in the city Call at once and secure what you need and avoid delay in the spring The county commissioners are in ses sion today adjourning over from yester days special session in order to dispose of some important business The cold probabilities are that the ground hog had too much hog sense to come out of his hole at all Thursday For Rent 6 rocm house in east part of town Nearinv SeeLHLindemann Office over McMillens drug store Mens 500 overcoats and ulsters re duced to 3 69 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Mens 200 corduory pants selling for 149 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Ladies 35c vests and pants now 23c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale Mens andboys warm caps for 19c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Have you noticed the Special Bargain Prices on pictures etc at Cone Bros McConnells Balsam cures coughs slrti fe i McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING FEBUARY 3 1905 L THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Today marks the close of the school month of January D C Morgan secretary of the Ne braska City board of education was a school visitor Friday last The Twelfth grade have organized by electing Charles Rice president Warren Hansen secretary and Ada McAninch treasurer The cold weather this week caused poor attendance in the primary grades and on account of the storm yesterday the little people were not required to re turn for the afternoon session Miss Emma Perry delightfully enter tained the members of the Twelfth grade and the high school teachers at her home Tuesday hight The evening was was passed with games and conversation Very inviting refreshments were served The rivalry that exists between the seniors and the juniors was to have been transferred to the gridiron today in a game of foot ball matched between tho boys of the south high school room and and the boys of the north high school room The fall of snow caused a post ponement The teachers study club met with Miss Jones and Miss Daigh at the home of Mrs Wood Monday night Emer sons The American Scholar was the subject of discussion Miss San tee handled a set of questions on the essay while Miss White read a criticism of Emerson as a literary man and Miss Wilcox gave glimpses of his home life at Concord A selection of music by the ladies quartet and a reading by Miss Storer completed the program Spring Time will soon be here when the mind na turally turns to thoughts of love and spring painting And this reminds us that W T Coleman is making especially low prices on paints of all kinds He has a full line and a large stock and his figures cannot be duplicated in this sec tion of Nebraska Dont neglect letting Coleman figure on your paint bill He will make you money by saving you money A Large Increase In Membership I F F Miller a deputy has been work ing in this field for the past two weeks in the interest of the A O U W and McCook odge expects on next Monday evening to initiate about fifty new mem bers into the order McCook lodge is now one of Nebraskas banner lodges with a membership in the neighborhood of 600 and this addition will further strengthen the lodge and order The Farmers Institute begins to have every appearance of be ing a great day in McCook Fekruary 22d Each farmer is invited to call and see the display of farm implements and buggies at W T Colemans The dis play will be larger and finer than ever this year Washingtons Birthday The ladies of the Methodist church will serve dinner and supper in the base ment of the new church Washingtons birthday February 22nd Cut Flowers Always on Hand Designs made to order from 2 to 25 Mrs L M Best Phone 91 or leave order at McConnells Ladies fine black cashomere hose for 39c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Childrens sleeping garments 19c and 39c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Misses 750 long tourist coats in mixed cloth for 399 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale The Dorcas will give a silver piece Tit Tat Toe social in the Congregational church Thursday evening February 16th Home made candy for sale The Butler Concert company the last number of the citizens entertainment course will appear at Menards hall Mondav niLht February 27 Further be made shortly When February 22nd is mentioned you naturally think of the Washington dinner and supper by the Methodist Aid society and of Marshs meat market that popular emporium for everything in the meat line thats and reasonable in price We have a number of last years patterns in small lots enough for one or two rooms which we are offering very cheap Some at less than half price It will paj you to investigate if you expect to naner soon MCUONNKLL UrUgglSt Mens heavy fleeced underwear for 35c at The Thompson Clearing Sale Dry Goods Cos A Worthy Successor Named The county commissioners met in special session yesterday and named a successor to Dr S L Green deceased their choice falling on Frank Moore of Indianola to fill the unexpired term of the county judgeship Frank Moore will make a worthy suc cessor Ho is an old settlera veteran of the civil war a man of good parts and fair and honorable record Ho is compe tent and worthy Wanted Salesmen with ability and business experience to sell high grade lubricating oils greases and paints on commission Man owning horse and buggy who could call on owners of threshing machines preferred Liberal terms References required The Federal Oil Co Cleveland O Boys stout corduory knee pants for 39c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Among the recent real estate purchases are the corner lot south of the National hotel by H P Waite Co tho corner lot north of the Q freight depot by George Beck and the lot and building now occupied by the Hallman restaurant by Joseph Menard Mens extra good 175 sweaters now 129 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale The attempt recently made to secure the pardon of G W Dull who was con victed of the murder of Dr J W Row laud at Herndon Kansas in April 1902 and sentenced to twenty years in the Kansas penitentiary was a failure Ladies long tourist coats in black for 399 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Among other new implements on dis play at W T Colemans on February 22nd will be the most modern listed corn cultivator The Flying Swede known all over Nebraska as the best Dont fail to see it For Sale 60 ton of alfalfa hay in stack 5 miles east of McCook 1 seven year old mare single or double driver weight about 1300 pounds 1 small single driver I M Smith Ladies 325 bear fur scarfs now 199 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale The annual meeting of the shareholders of the McCook Cooperative Building and evening of February 13th at 730 oclock for the purpose of electing directors Mens good corduroy suits for 439 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Supt A M Wilson of the McCook Electric Light Co doesnt look so pretty since tnat recent collision witn a man hole cover but he is still effective and in the ring Ladies 125 union suits now 89c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale A petition was lately sent to the gover nor of Kansas to pardon the man sen tenced to the pen for twenty years for murdering Walter Rowland Indianola Reporter Boys fleeced union suits for 19c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale McCook lodge No 42 Knights of Pythias will celebrate the forty second anniversary of the order in their castle hall Wednesday eveningFebruary 15th Ladies warm fleeced hose for lie pair at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale If John Morrissey and Bob Simmons dont soon take a brace on themselves and build that new opeia house or audi torium we will have to do it ourselves Flannelette dressing sacques for 46c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Colonel Phillips is our authority for the statement that the Bartley and more complete announcement will Pnone Co contemplates extending its I line to McCook in the spring Mens outing flannel night gowns 39c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale Time and money saved by using Mc Connells Concentrated Smoke Pre- good in quality serves the meat and gives it the true Wall Paper Bargains smoke flavor 25 cents Boys 75c leggins reduced to 49c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale For bargains in farms and ranchessee R Knowles at Culbertson Neb Write for descriptive list Boys 5150 knee pant suits for 119 at I The Thompson Dry ing Sale For Rsnt keeping store Goods Cos Clear- Two rooms for light house- Inquire at Ludwicks furniture Everything in drugs McConnell rtbttne s Are You Losing Money You certainly are if you aro not taking advantage of tho Special Bargains wo aro offering in Books Pictures Fancy Lamps Leather Goods Perfumes Soaps Brushes Rubber Goods etc A bargain sale of this kind does not often occur in the drug trade and when you havj such bargains offered you in Household Novel ties as we aro now showing you are Burely losing money by not buying something from our im mense stock which you need We cannot continue such a sale very long for we must soon begin to sell such goods at a profit which we are not asking you now We need the money moro than wo need the goods just now is why we are offering to save you monev Cone Bros Druggists y NUMBER 36 C McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn j 5 jj Wheat go Oats GU Harley j Hogs 7777 4 h Eggs 22 GoodBntter 20 1 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Take your prescriptions to Cone Bros Personal taxes for 1904 became delin quent February 1st Sausage grinders are seasonable 125 to 350 at Colemans For Girls fleeced union suits for 19c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Use McMillens Cream Lotion for chapped hands and skin soft and white face Will make Mens absolutely pure all wool under wear for 79c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale For Rent 6 room house in east part of town Nearin SeeLIILindemaqn Office over McMillens drug store The catalogue houses are here to stay No use to get colicky over it Make prices and advertise You will hold tho trade at home Window cleaners window brushes as well as all kinds of paint brushes kalso mine stove floor and all other kinds of brushes at W T Colemans R Knowles of Culbertson Nebr is still in the realestate business and has a Savings Association will be held on the large list of improved and unimproved farms fine alfalfa and sugar Leet lands irrigated farms and ranches of all de scriptions Many a batch of high grade patent flour has been ruined by a draught of cold air striking it Buy one of those bread pans and bread risers at W T Colemans and you will save its cost in a few months Izzer bed comforters are made right here in the store 14 yards of cloth 6ftx7ft with 6 Izzer bats inside well tacked and hemmed for 185 Manu factured and sold only by The Thomp Dry Good Co George Shultz announces a sale of horses cattle farm implements house hold goods etc at his farm four miles northeast of Center Point twelve miles south of Curtis Tuesday February 14 Free lunch at noon Usual terms H H Berry auctioneer If you should want anything in silver spoons knives forks cold meat after dinner coffees ice cream or other spoons or ought in hollow ware or cut glass you will remember that no one meets W T Colemans prices in these goods since the holidays Call and be convinced Do you know our price for butterfat first half of February is 28c per pound Do you know this means 112 to 125 per hundred for milk Do you know that during the winter of 1902 we paid as high as 27c for butter fat and 25c in 1903 Do you know these are better prices than dairymen of New York Wisconsin and other old dairy states who follow dairying exclusively are realizing for their milk produced on farms worth 100 and more per acre Do you know this beats raising dollar wheat or fifty cent corn Do you know we paid moro money to the farmers of Nebraska in 1904 than all other creamery companies operating in the state Do you realize what you are losing if you are not tho owner of a De Laval hand separator and one of our patrons Do you know that we sell the De Laval the best separator on earth Do you know that out of a total of 20000 separators used in Nebraska 15 000 are De Lavals Do you know if you are not one of our 20000 patrons that it will bo to your in terest to call on our representative and talk this over Beatrice Creamery Co W H Harmon Operator at McCook 1 f M