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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
it tf to 7 0 W fei l I - v 1 - J - - H - jvsffl S TWENTY THIRD YEAR HERBERT BUTLER CONCERT COMPANY Herbert Butler Violinist Clara Henley Bussing Soprano Madame Wunderle Harpist Alice Drake Pianist Last Number Citizens Enter tainment Course Menards Opera House Monday February 27 830 p ru All seats 50 cents Reserved seats on sale at Connells Wednesday Feb 8 a m Mo 22 Farmers Institute Force of Speakers More interest is being taken in the Farmers Institute this season than over before More institutes are being held and more farmers are being reached The present force of speakers has not beenexcelled in point of numbers or ef ficiency The speakers are all practical progressive men who are recognized as leaders in the lines that they discuss The men on the force from our own stale are chosen because of their practical sub bjects to the people They are acquainted witt hbo conditions prevailing in Nebras ka and know under what difficulties our people labor These men have passed through the trials and triumphs com mon to the Nebraska farmer They speak from experience and therefore with authority They are the best men that we are able to secure and are giving excellent satisfaction To last years force have been added others of the same stamp Two ladies have been secured to speak on domestic science poultry and home topics We anticipate that their servi ces will be much appreciated Some excellent speakers have been se cured from other state They are per sons of recognized ability some of them of national reputation They have the training acquired by many years of practical experience on the farm and in other lines of agricultural work No theoretical or inexperienced person is given a place on the force Each speaker has a great store of practical experience and hast established a reputation for sound judgment sound doctrine and successful practice A Public Library Site Looking into the future with prophe tic eye the library board has decided it wise to provide a library site and we are this week able to announce the purchase and donation of a site for that purpose which will fill every expectation The three lots south of the new Methodist church have been secured The Lincoln Land Co has donated the corner lot and the third lot while the middle lot had to be bought outright from the owner now a resident of the state of Texas This gives a building site in a superb location sitelyclose in but removed from the dis turbances of active businessin the com pany of the best buildings in the city The dimensions are 75 x 140 feet The Tribune congratulates and has but to add the hope that ways and means may be secured in the not distant future for the construction of a suitable library structure Washingtons Birthday Dinner and supper will be served in basement of New M E church Febru ajy 22 by ladies of Aid Society Fol lowing is the menu DINNER Boast Turkey and Chicken Boast Pork with Cranberry Sauce Roast Boef with Brown Gravy Creamed Potatoes Escalloped corn Potatoo Salad Cabbage Salad Pickles Jelly Celery Bread Brown and White Pies Mince Fruit Custard Pumpkin Cheese DnuRunuta Coffee Tea Assorted Fruits SUPPER Cold Ham garnished with Lemon Roast Chicken Potatoe Croquettes Baked Beans Hot Rolls and Honey Assorted Cakes Tea Coffee Spring Time will soon be here when the mind na turally turns to thoughts of love and spring painting And this reminds us that W T Coleman is making especially low prices on paints of all kinds He has a full line and a large stock and his figures cannot be duplicated in this sec tion of Nebraska Dont neglect letting Coleman figure on your paint bill He will make you money by saving you money Stole The Rings Off His Harness One of the important items of busi ness transacted by John W Randel last Saturday was the recovery of the celluloid rings stolen off his harness during the last visit he made to town He had small difficulty in locating the thief and recovering the goods and then some Nevertheless the offender got off easily Get one of those Blizzard Fronts at W T Colemans Put it on your top buggy and keep out the storm and cold MissesS750 long tourist coats in mixed cloth for S399 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale You have one week for those special sale bargains in books pictures lamps etc at Cone Bros Ladies 500 coats and jackets for S369 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Boys 75c legcms reduced to 49c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale wHnmMmMnTBfcuiKjiiaWIHmMww - V lpaiiewaWct ij nifty i Imwi m iHm Miimji iu m i n ffij S - MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE J S McBrayer aud family have re turned from Denver Miss Mamie Chandler has been quite ill the past week or so Dr S C Beachs mother died in Chicngo February 2nd J E Kelley was in Lincoln early part of the week on business Mrs WP Bross has been confined to the house all week by sickness L B Phillips of Galesburg Illinois is in the city guest in Mr V Franklins homo Miss Iva Dick of Wauneta has been tho guest of her sister Mrs Joy D Selby this week Mrs William Richardson and son Arthur arrived from Bakersfield Calif this week Mrs A M Caldwell of South Mc Cook has gone to Hamilton Mo to con sult a specialist Jules Merle returned here close of last week after an absence of several months in California Rev M B Carman went down to Hildreth Tuesday night to officiate at a wedding on Wednesday Mr and Mrs C H Meeker arrived home Monday nightfrom Denver where they made a visit of a couple weeks Ben Gossard county treasurer is en tertaining his father who arrived in the j city Wednesday from Marysville Tenn Mr and Mrs Arthur Douglass ar rived from Wichita Kansas last Friday night and will visit relatives until com ing Sunday Mrs H H Kingsbury and Marjorio returned home Saturday morning last from an absence of several weeks in Chicago visiting relatives Mrs Harry Barbazett and daughter Hazel returned close of last week from Denver where they have been for a number of weeks for the daughters healtl which has been materially bene fited by the operation performed Rev G A Conrad Mrs F M Kim mell Misses Ruth Campbell Lettie Knipple Emma Perry Edith Waite and Mrs I M Beardslee represented Mc Cook in the Red Willow County Sunday School Convention in Indianola Monday and Tuesday CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a in Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor First Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a m and 745 pm Sunday school at 945 am Junior society at 3 p m B X P U at 645 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 745 p m Morning theme Radiant Christianity Even ing topic Christ Advocate Judge All invited A B Carson Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 Sermon at 11 Y P S C E at 7 Sermon at 8 Prayer and conference meeting Wednesday evening at 8 Morn ing subject Building a Temple Evening subject A House Not Made With Hands George A Conrad Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday School at 10 Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Class at 12 oclock Epworth League at 7 15 Junior League at 3 Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 800 Next Sun day Abraham Lincolns birthday Morning subject The Freedmen of the South In the evening Rev C C Wilson Presiding Elder will preach Special music at each service M B Carman Pastor Rev J J Loughran of St Patricks church assisted in a requiem mass and funeral at Indianola Tuesday Eggs Have Reached a High Price It will pay all having chickens to use a good poultry food and egg producer We have in stock McMillens Interna tional Lees and Rex A McMillen Druggist McConuells Balsam cures coughs We want to be your druggists Jone Uijos Mens and boys warm caps for 19c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Ladies fine black cashmere hose for 39c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Special sale of leather goods at Cone Brosfor one week You must see these bargains to be convinced Nursing bottles nipples infant foods powder puffs brushes the best of every thing for the baby at the right price McCoNNELL DRUGGIST When February 22nd is mentioned you naturally think of the Washington dinner and supper by the Methodist Aid society and of Marshs meat market that popular emporium for everything in the meat line thats good in quality and reasonable in price Childs 165 white fur sets reduced to 89c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Ladies 125 best made flannelette wrappers for 99c at Thompson Goods Cos Clearing Sale VALENTINES Dry It is an old but pretty custom to remember friends on Valentine Day This year we are showing the most beautiful line ever shown here Have every kind from the inexpensive lace and floral effects up to the most exclusive designs Let us show them to you MflnsjjHrx iJriimrist County Sunday School Convention The Red Willow Co u n ty Sunday School association met in Indianola Monday evening and all day and even ing Tuesday of this week The meet ings were held in the Methodist church On account of severe weather the atten dance was small Prof Steidley Field Secretary and Miss Haines Superin tendent of Primary Dept of the State association were both present At the business session the following officers were olected for the ensuing year President Cecil Matthews Bartley Secretary and Treasurer Mrs F M Kimmell McCook Supt of Primary Dept MrsIN Noe Indianola Supt of Home Dept Mrs I M Beardslee McCook Supt of Training Dept Miss Ethel Unppen Indianola Indianola gave all who came out a warm welcome Tho program was as follows MONDAY EVENING Lecture by Prof Steidley subject The Boy That God Made TUESDAY MORNING Devotional service led by Rev Clifford the evangelist Round Table conducted by ProfSteid ley Reports of officers TUESDAY AFTERNOON Devotional service led by RevCrippen Election of officers Address by Prof Steidley subject Five Facts Friendship Instruction Recognition Salvation Training Address by Miss Haines subject Instruction to Primary Teachers Childrens meeting TUESDAY EVENING Lecture by Miss Haines subject Echoes From Jerusalem Wanted in Seward For Embezzlement Deputy Sheriff Osborn arrested Perry L Sargent last Friday afternoon in the National hotel and held him until the arrival of No 3 that night when the sheriff of Seward county arrived and took the ypung man in charge They deparjed for Seward on No 2 Saturday morning It is alleged that Sargent who was left in charge of a farm in that neighborhood by the owner after the departure of the owner hauled about 100 worth of grain to market appropri ating the proceeds and leaving the team at the shipping point came out to this section of the state to avoid the conse quences of his crime He had been here a week or two visiting in this neighbor hood He awaited the forwarding of his pension to this point and was about to leave this city when arrested and held by Deputy Sbpriff Osborn On instruction from the sheriff of Seward county Sar gent is a comaratively young man hav ing been a member of the First Nebra ska regiment in the war with Spain be ing a pensioner of that war The chan ces seem to be good for the young man to serve time for his crime Colling Whitaker Wedding Last Sunday afternoon at 430 oclock Mr Oliver Colling of Indianola and Miss Mabel Whitaker of East McCook were united in marriage at the home of Mr and Mrs F L Hendershot in East Mc Cook Rev M B Carmon officiating Miss Susie Colling and Mr George Whitaker stood up with the young couple Miss Cora Garvey played the wedding march The bride looked pretty in a white silk muslin the groom manly in conventional black Both wore carna tions The young friends were both born in Red Willow county and have resided here ever since The ceremony was witnessed by a company of relatives and friends Many pretty and useful gifts were bestowed upon them Indian ola will be their home Election of Officers The East McCook Sunday school elec ted the following officers for the ensuing year at the regular session last Sunday afternoon Supt C C Byfield Asst Supt A C Marsh Secretary Don Wal ters Corresponding Secretary and Treas urer Mrs A C Marsh The school is now just one year old Has a building and lot of its own Is self supporting and out of debt Tho school is well at tended and is doing a good work in that section of the city The Farmers Institute begins to have every appearance of be ing a great day in McCook Fekruary 22d Each farmer is invited to call and see the display of farm implements and buggies at W T Colemans The dis play will be larger and finer than ever this year January Mortgage Record Farm mortages filed 13 2043000 released 16 183435 City and town mortages filed 6 325765 released 9 807010 Chattel mortages filed 19 2394393 released 14 1915407 Cut Flowers Always on Hand Designs made to order from 2 to 25 Mrs L M Best Phone 91 or leave order at McConnells Pretty soon this snow will all be gone and you will be thinking about the spring planting Remember that W T Coleman has the largest and best assort ment of grass and garden seeds in the city Call at once and secure what you need and avoid delay in the spring The Fortnightly dance last Friday night was in the nature and form of a rag hop and carried with it quite all the amusing features of such affairs gro tesque raiment actions and all Childrens sleeping garments 19c and 39c at The Thompson Clearing Sale Have you seen the tines at Cone Bros Dry Goods Cos Some great snaps in one and two room wall paper patterns may be found at Cone Bros Boys 150 knee pant suits for 8119 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale fine line of ii - McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING FEBUARY 10 1905 LEBANON Elmer Cecil is having a well put down on his half section north of town John Hagg was over near the Lutheran church the third hunting a butcher Isaac Orr who has been visiting his daughter Mrs Clyde Meeken has re turned home A few weeks ago E P Day went to Denver and bought a nine months ticket over railroads south and west of that point paying 10 extra which allows him to travel through Oklahoma terri tory and up into Nebraska He writes that he enjoys the trip splendidly He says that ho can walk home when he runs out of money Mrs Myrtle King Nickerson who stopped off last Tuesday on her way to Hayes count resumed her journey Sunday night And indeed it is a journ ey for she had to stay all night in Mc Cook to Culbertson about noon stay all night and on Monday morning go to Hayes Center with the mail carrier to be met at Jiayes Center by her husband Mr and Mrs Nickerson expect to work on a ranch a year before buying land They paid 2 per acre cash rent for farm land and pasture land alike in Missouri besides doing 100 worth of work on the 200 acre farm which was specified in tht contract Mr Nickerson usod a lister last two years in Missouri but they do not use riding cultivators on account of the stumps and tree roots In spite of the high rent in Missouri Beaver Valley land is selling as high as land in the neighborhood of Bethany Missouri Mrs Nickerson said hello to friends in Lebanon Saturday and called briefly at ADbotts and tiartnolomews NORTH OF LEBANON Rev Predoehl left January 30th for his new pastorate in Hamilton county this state When we sold our farm we had the promise of the use of the place during 1905 but as we cannot sprechen sie Deutsch the purchaser rented the place to one who could Hence we will be compelled to vacate shortly and will sell all our stock and machinery chick ens 50 bushels sorted potatoes sacked 18 bushels White Ohio seed potatoes 50 bushels seed oats cleaned etc at private sale cheap Farm located northwest quarter of section 12 Missouri Ridge pre cinct Walter M Pennington Ladies warm fleeced hose for lie pair at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing bale Mens outing flannel night gowns 39c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale CULBERTSON There have been several sleighing part ies this week Mrs N L Wemple was in McCook the last of the week Mrs S E Solomon was shopping in McCook Wednesday W Z Taylor was a business visitor in the city on the west A J Troutman returned from his visit to Oxford Saturday morning Miss Clara Garder went up to Benkel men Wednesday morning to visit friends Frank Commons returned from Ames Saturday where he has been for several weeks Cards are out announcing the ap proaching marriage of Emma Stine and Seth Jay February 15th Mr and Mrs S II Blum of Palisade are the proud parents of a 9 pound baby girl All concerned nre doing well Miss Hazel Metzer won the diamond in the contpst last Tuesday evening as being the handsomest young lady in town The infant child of Mr and Mrs Frank Brown died Tuesday February 7th of pneumonia The bereaved par ents have the sympathy of the entire community The Farmers Institute will be held here February 21st The farmers are taking a great deal of interest in it Everyone should be sure to hear Dr Peters Hinman and others that appear on the program See the bills Dont miss it Bors fleeced union suits for 19c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Boys stout corduroy knee pants for 39c at The Thompson Clearing Sale Dry Goods Cos RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTE NO 1 Roy Rogers is the possessor of a fine now butriry and harness Miss Idd Downs is working for Mrs R B Archibald in McCook Mike Each and family have been under the weather with severe colds but are better now They had a very pleasant surprise party Monday evening at the home of David Cox Henry Reiner is laid up with a broken collar bono While attempting to leaci his team of horses thoy knocked him down and tramped on him with result above noted The aged father of William Urling died last Saturday night and was buri I ed in Indianola Tupsday morning The father caught a severe cold took to his bed from which he never arose Mens good corduroy suits for 439 at The Thompson Drv Goods Cos Clearing Sale Ladies 325 bear fur scarfs now 199 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale 175 part wool blankets for 119 pair at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ng Sale Mens blanket lined duck coats for 69c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Just write it down on the tablets of your memory that the ladies of the Methodist Aid Society will hold their usual Washingtons Birthday dinner and supper this year and that Marsh is n mile ahead of all the competition in the INDIANOLA Empty houses are Indianola -- a scarco article in Plenty cf cold weathor and a good coat of snow Aleck Brown of Missouri Ridge was in town Wednesday Gus Kreiger went to McCook on busi ness Sunday evening Powell Smith shipped a car load of cattle Tuesday night Harry Whitmore shipped a car of hogs to St Joe last Tuesday Mr Parker of the depot force has been given a parole of ten days Rov Perry Ratzoll of Cambridge was an Indianola caller Tuesday A sonwas born to Agent and Mrs Lawritson Thursday of last week Saturday was a day of fasting and prayer at the churches in Indianola Oreorge Whitaker of McCook has been an Indianola visitor since last week Mrs Whitaker of McCook is in the city the guest of relatives and friends These are fine cool nights to sleep but rather chilly building fires in the morn ings Miss Collicutt of Cambridgo visited friends in Indianola a few days this week Francis Powell was sick with a cold for a few days this week but is now better W B Guthries children are having a siege with the measles The family is under quarantine b red Chessman returned to his home in Arapahoe after a short visit with friends in Indianola Everett Toogood came in from Crete this week to visit awhile with parents brothers and sisters Tom Ireland and John McClung brought a drove of mules over from Leb anon for shipment to St Louis William Sandon came down from Den ver Thursday on the early train and went over to Danbury during the day The Congregational people listened to a very interesting sermon Sunday morn ing by Rev J H Mason of Danbury A ball was given Monday night at the home of Mrs Mary Colling in honor of the wedding Quite a crowd participat ed Oliver Colling and wife are moving in to the old Causin building where they will live until more suitable place can be obtained RevClifton evangelist is in Indianola this week helping E B Crippen in his revival work Good crowds are in at tendance P S Manly purchased two pool tables from Mr Condon and will move them to Edison soon where he expects to open up a billiard hall Oliver Colling and Miss Mabel Whit aker left Indianola Friday evening for McCook where they were married Feb ruary atn n numDer oi inenas accom panied them Late advices from Oklahoma report very severe weather there and the ice crop good They usually use artificial ice but next year they will have natures own product The Havana Telephone company re ceived a carload of wire and other ma terial with which they will commence the construction of a new line as soon as spring opens up Flannelette dressing sacques for 46c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Ladies beaver top shoes plush lined for 99c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale BARTLEY G W Ritchie was quite sick a few days this week Harry Brown was down from Indian ola Wednesday I WStevens was down from Freedom Tuesday after coal Perry Ginther has been quite sick this week with tonsilitis Frank Owens was in town this week from near Farnam where he has been working J E Lewis had his sale Wednesday of this week and will start for California in a few days Our town council has ordered about one thousand feet of sidewalk built as soon as the weather is favorable -A gentleman by the name of Thomp son is down here from Leadville looking after a farm he has near Bartley Joe Ohleston has postponed his sale twice on account of bad weather but will try it again next Wednesday Mrs W B Downs was called to Ta mora Seward county Tuesday morning to attend the funeral of her father Mr Hiram Rodman Miss Nessie Foutch who has just finished a school in the western part of the state will teach a two months term in the Hickman district Ira and John Ritchie and their sister Mrs Otis Farrer went to Hastings last Saturday to attend thf funeral of their sifters husband Mr Bucher The big hunt went off last Fridayand the boys filled Sam Clarks store with rabbits and other animals In the lot was one wolf killed by Jade Arbogast Miss Lillie Fox who was so badly injured in a runaway several weeks ago has so far recovered a to resume her position as teacher in the Johnson dis trict in Frontier county Ladies long tourist coats in black for 399 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Mens extra good 175 sweaters now 120 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Ladies 125 union suits now 89c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Ladies 35c vests and pants now 23c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Have you tried White Pine and Tar the best cough remedy Cone Bros Use McMillens Cough Cure money fine meat line Dinner and supper will rpfunrlpfl if not satisfactory be served in the basement of the new j church 1 Everything in drugs McConnell - - - MWIIJ r Btihnnz V sty M - vV NUMBER 31 Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices After something more than three yoars of business with tho people of McCook and vicinity wo feel we have to somo extent at least gained your confidence in our integrity and reliability and we invito all those who have here tofore favored us with their pat ronage to continue doing so and to those who have not wo ask for tho privilege of showing you that wo at all times and seasons offer you the best goods at right prices and in many cases if not in all we can and will save you money if you will give us your businoHS Wo havo a number of specialties which just now are deserving of your attention Our White Pino and Tar Cough Romedytarid Anti GripineTabletsare in great demand and are really the best of their kind in tho market Our stock oi -hot water bottles fountain syringes etc is unequal led and tho prices are right Wo invito you to let us save you money on your drug bills Cone Bros -S McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning 39 Wheat j Oats u Rye CO Harloy HRS 4 30 Errs 21 Good Butter 20 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Valentines from lens 1 cent up at Pink eye is alllicting a few families in the city Valantines of all stylos and prices from lc to 150 at Cone Bros For Rent residence -5-room house Inquire at 10 2ts C J Snell For Rent Two rooms for light house keeping Inquire at Ludwicks furniture store Girls fleeced union suits for 19c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Wanted Alfalfa seed millet cane seed at V T your samples Colemans Bring in 375 good heavy wool blankets for 289 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Five thousand dozens fancy large size sweet naval oranges for sale atKnipples at d cents a dozen A boys black coat with good blanket lining for 49c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale For Rent Three unfurnished rooms three lots north of frame school house J E Clark The Dorcas Society will give a silver piece Tit Tat Toe social in the Congre gational church Thursday evening February 16th Home made candy for sale All ladies and misses dress skirts at great reductions during this salo 500 kinds for 389 175 ones to 139 400 to 299 etc at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing sale For Sale 60 ton of alfalfa stack 5 miles east of McCook year old mare single or double weight about 1300 pounds 1 single driver hay in 1 seven driver small I M Smith Izzer bed comforters are made right here in the store 14 yards of cloth 6f tx 7ft with 6 Izzer bats inside well tack ed and hemmed for 185 Manufactured only by The Thompson Dry Goods Co Mrs M V Sheldon will give a form ula for preparing milk for children who are imperfectly or insufliciently nourish ed to any reader of The Triucne who will call or write to her Call at the old Knipple residence Among other new implements on dis play at W T Colemans on February 22nd will be the most modern listed corn cultivator The Flying Swede known all over Nebraska as the best Dont fail to see it Have you ever tried a liquid smoke for preserving meat It is better cheaper and more effective than the old way of smoking meat McConnells Concen trated Smoke in 25 cent bottles is enough for 150 pounds of meat t E J Mitchell will handle the big Bix ler stock sale 18 miles northwest of this place February 16th Mr Mitchell has the reputation of being the best auc tioneer in western Nebraska His terms are reasonable Terms and dates may be obtained at this oflice If every feeder of young stoers in Red Willow county could read Wayne Dins mores article on F o e d i n g Young Steers for Market in the current issue of The Ilomoatead and faithfully apply the principles inculated it woulcf be ad vantageous for all concerned The arti cle is in answer to a query from a stock man who contemplates feeding twenty high grade Angus stoer calves that will be a year old in April and May Profes sor Dinmorp says calves should now weigh 500 to VjU pounds and should gain from 600 to S0O pounds in the next ten months and be ready for market in No vember or the first of December Great est possible gains consistent with reason able cost of food should be the aim he declares He goes on to discuss the various foods composing the several pos sible balanced rations to force calves in this manner Tho article is full of facts and sound logic and The McCook Tki bune regards the publication of such special articles by The Homestead as highly commendable Wo are taking large numbers of subscriptions forthia excellent farm paper