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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1904)
ti 1 1 1 i i v i 4 V m TWENTY THIRD YEAR Red Willow Co Farmers Institute A meeting of farmers und businessmen was held in the city last Friday night to organize for the holding of a farmers institute for Red Willow county in Mc Cook some time in February C M Lowelling representing the department of farmers institutes of the Nebraska University was present A preliminary organization was eiFeeted with the fol lowing officers Prsident W N Rogers McCook Vice President Stephen Bollos Box Elder Treasurer W H Harmon McCook Secretary Lon Cone McCook Executive Board W T Cole man II P Waite P Walsh V N Rogers Stephen Holies The date set for the holding of the institut is February 22ud at McCook The following persons will address the institute on the topics given O Hull of Alma will speak on Economic Pork Production and Alfalfa Culture C II Hinmau of the Experiment Station will conline himself to Dairying DrA T Peters of the Experiment Station dis cusses Animal Diseases and Their Treatment Prof T L Lyon has Beet Culture and Soil Tillage for his subjects This institute is for every farmer and stockman and businessman and citizen in Red Willow county Talk ic up write it up keep it up Standard People Making Contracts E E Maxon of the Standard Sugar Beet Co is now in the field making con tracts for next season and reports suc cess Up at llaigler where one man raised nM tons per acre last season he has al ready secured contracts for 50 acres Calls are coming in from the St Fran cis Kansas neighborhood and they ex pect to contract a considerable acreage over there Kansas still pays S100 per ton bounty for beets of 12 per cent or better Up at Norfolk where the American people recently dismantled their factory the Standard people have already con tracted for 150 acres of beets for next year Altogether the outlook is fairly en couraging for next season This seasons acreage totaled about 3 500 acres in this part of the state This seasons should be increased When the matter of rotation of crops is under stood and provided for and the acreage reaches 4000 to 5000 there is no doubt that a factory will be located somewhere in this part of the Republican valley McCook Ditch Not In It Superintendent J E Kelley of the Mc Cook Irrigation and Water Power Ditch denies that that ditch is involved in the Leavitt lease of the Culbertson ditch and we hasten to correct Mr Kelley is one third owner of the McCook ditch and asserts that it is the purpose of that company to conduct the ditch in a neu tral manner and that it is in no way tied up with anybody or company but is open to whosoever will Mr Kelley announces that the com pany has been quietly making consider able improvements and that the ditch will be in better condition next year than ever The big flume a few miles below the headgate has been rebuilt and enlarged materially and general physical conditions have been bettered Retires From The Republican Valley Having about closed up its business for the last year the American Sugar Beet Co of Grand Island Nebraska has decided to retire from the business of raising and buying sugar beets in the Republican valley leaving the field open to the Standard Sugar Beet Co of Ames Nebraska They also retire from the northwestern Kansas field which will be the more energetically covered by the Standard people than hitherto The Platte valley territory has also been Agreeably divided by the companies Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Dec 20 1904 Anderson C A Loley James Chambers Mrs Malicy Nesmith M V Churn Robert Cross W H Becker Mrs Lou DeHart Mrs Eliza Doyle James Ford Pat Hall J Kobson T J Ramey MibS Rose Smith Mrs Aigio Sliunk Carl B 2 Stratt W B Thompson J W Wallis Mrs M E Jvooms Kussoil 2 When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Only One More Day Until Christmas We still have a nice line of gift goods to select from and articles suitable for every member of the family from baby to grandpa and grandma L W McConnell Druggist Richards Cunningham Wedding Thursday morning of this week De ember 22nd 1904 Rev M B Carman of the Methodist church united in mar riage Franklin E Richards and Mrs Alice Cunningham both of our city at the home of the grooms sister Mrs E A Light on Monroe Street Mr Rich ards is in the employ of the company They will make their home for the pres ent with Mr Light Rooms For Rent Furnace heat At Smith boarding house Mrs L McCoy Small Base Burner For Sale Cheap for cash Dr Pratt Dentist W T Coleman will have a big lino of buggies and all kinds of farm implements on display during the Red Willow County Farmers Institute in February Dont send away for a sowing machine when you can beat the price and quality at W T Colemans Horse blankets and robes at W T Colemans MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs J Matz is in Denver this week Miss Vera Wickwirk is in Red Cloud C C Northrui is homo for the holi days Mrs W Wallace is visiting relatives in Hebran Mrs W S Schenck is visiting in Denver this week J S McBrayer and family are in Denver for awhile Mrs C II McBride is visiting in Denver this week Mrs C L Wick wire is visiting friends in Red Cloud Mrs D H Rhodes is visiting relatives in Miuden this week Mrs J W Eastman wa3 up from Oxford Monday on a visit John Stevens the Hastings lawyer was hero on business Monday August Hagoe departed Wednesday night on No 6 for Grand Island Mrs Frank Traver will be with his parents in Lincoln over Christmas William Rector father of Ben went down to Superior this week on a visit Editor and Mrs S R Smith of In dianola were McCook visitors Monday William Queen has left the city and his whereabouts is a mystery to his wife M C Reynolds the Culbertson drug gist had business in the burg Wednes day C E Eldred is building a barn on his residence property on North Main avenue Mrs George Willetts returned first of the week from her visit to Sabetha Kansas Mrs Mamie Wright of Kankakee Illinois is a guest of Mrs Thomas ORouke Miss Mary Harding jntends to spend the holidays with relatives in Longmont Colorado Miss Kittie Stangland is up from Lincoln to be home with the folks over the holidays J B Meserve went down to Lincoln Wednesday on business to be gone two or three days Mrs C A Baldwin is visiting Omaha relatives this week and will remain over Christmas Mrs J E Beyrer is down from Pueblo Colorado a guest of her sister Mrs V H Solliday Mrs F Berry left Wednesday morn ing on No 2 to spend Christmas with her parents in Wilcox Floyd will fol low later Mrs II E Lowley has returned from Wilcox Nebr where she has been spending a few days with her daughter Mrs W A Irons Mrs Anna Roehr arrived from Ellin wood Kansas last Friday night and is the guest of her parents Mr and Mrs A R Clark of the Willow Miss Ethel Barnett returned Sun day on 13 from a visit of a few months with relatives in Chanute Kansas in the great oil field of southern Kansas W T Coleman left Tuesday night for Lincoln and will be absent most of the week attending the state meeting of hardware merchants in the state capitol August Hagge agriculturist for The American Sugar Beet Co representing the Grand Island factoryhas been called in from this field and will shortly leave for Grand Island Mr and Mrs Will HiLLEitandRona of Pawnee City arrived iu the city Wed nesday night on their way west looking over the land They are guests of Mr and Mrs Will Weber Walter M Pennington The Tri bunes newsy correspondent at Lebanon was at the county capitol Wednesday on business Mrs Pennington and the baby accompanied him Mrs D J Killers of Adams Neb was a guest of her sister Mrs Barney Hofer first of the week on her way up to Wauneta to spend the holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs McCallum Charlie Northrup will return to Kansas City Mo after the holidays as local manager for the Garlock Rubber Co This is a nice advancement and a compliment with financial preferment as well Mrs J D Hare Miss Hazel and Mas ter Max arrived home Wednesday from Chicago where they have been living for a number of months while Miss Hazel has been pursuing her musical studies Tom Rorinson came over from Nor catur Kansas Sunday and remained over until Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs M S Calhoun Monday Tom is in the real estate and newspaper business and prospering Mr Stowe formerly of the Auburn Post but now a gentleman of leisure was in this part of the state closing days of last week looking after some real estate interests he has iu this section He owns a quarter section on the Drift wood and a section in the southeast cor ner of Hayes county Miss Clara LeIIew who has been located in Grand Island for several years has gone to Utica New York where she has assumed charge of the infant depart ment in the Ilorae of the Good Shepherd in that city She has been conducting a sowing school for the children of Grand Island for the past two year0 and will be greatly missed by them Some bargains at W T Colemans in second hand heaters Ico tools at W T Colemans Deaths Busy Week in McCook COLUMI5US H ROWELL The useful and active life of C B Rowell closed Tuesday evening of this week about half past seven oclock after a short illness with chronic kidney trouble Deceased has been a resident of this city for overtwenty -one years and his name has been synonymous with sterling integrity and indefatigable ac tivity Tnough well advanced in years and in rather feeble health during the past summer ho has continued his labors as gardener of the city park which has been his pride for several years Up to the timeWhen he drew the drapery of his couch about him and lay down to pleaseut dreamshis life was one of use fulness and honor ne is survived by his aged wife three sons and onedaugh ter all of whom wero about him when the peaceful end came Funeral services wero conducted at the home Thursday afternoon of a simple tender sort as befitted the life by Rev M B Carman of the Methodist church after which the remains were mingled with Mother Earth in Long view cemetry mucl of whose present beauty is a monument to his fidelty and care Many friends paid a last tribute to the memory of one of our oldest citi zens by their presence during the cere monies All the bereaved ones are remembered in much tenderness by this community C B Rowell was born in Athens county Ohio April lGth 1824 At the age of fourteen years he went with his parents to Jackson county Ohio In 1S40 they moved to Pickens county Ohio Five years later they left Ohio and lo cated in Burlington Iowa for one year moving to Wappelo county Iowa in 184G In 1850 bo crossed the plains to California arriving in the mining dis trict August 25th After spending four years travelling through the mining dis trict ho returned to Decatur county Iowa in 1854 A year later he was united in marriage with Sarah A Stan ley Five children wers born to them four sons and one daughter Thomas F Charles C M John FElmer and Mrs Lillian Warren all of whom survive him but Charles who died June the 2nd 1895 In 1876 the family took up its residence in Mt Ayr Iowa from which place they moved to McCook April 1883 residing here up to his death Dec ember 20th 1904 John is now a resi dent oi Boulder Colo Elmer of Max Nob and Mrs Warren of Ft Morgan Colorado A number of beautiful flora tributes evinced tender sentiments of relatives and friends toward the departed Among the tributes was a pillow of white brides roses and there was a pro fusion of pink carnations roses smilax cut flowers a sheaf of ripe wheat etc MRS W H CALHOON Mrs Margaret S Calhoon died at the home of her daughter Mrs J R Pence last Saturday afternoon after an illness of about twenty four hours Funeral services were conducted in the Methodist church Monday afternoon at two oclock Rev M B Carman officiating Inter ment followed in Riverview cemetery many friends following the remains to their last resting place The floral trib utes were very handsome Margaret S Emmonds was born in Buchanan county Michigan March 7 1S47 Her marriage with W II Calhoon occurred on the 23rd day of November 1862 Mr and Mrs Calhoon came to McCook in 1901 his death taking place within a few months of their arrival hero Five children survive Frank and Earl Calhoon Mrs S J Miller Mrs J R Pence all of our city and Mrs M A Jackson of Hayes county all of whom were in attendance at her funeral Mrs Calhoon became a member of the Methodist church in early girlhood Those remaining have the sincerest sympathy of many friends A WORD OF THANKS We the bereaved children desire to thank the many friends who wero so kind to us during the illness and after the death of our beloved mother Mrs W II Calhoon May heaven bless and reward you all JOHN GOODENBERGER After a brief illness with pneumonia John Goodenberger died at his home a few miles south of the city last Friday He had for years been a sufferer with rheumatism but pneumonia Lodge 599 Scores a Success The boys of McCook lodge No 599 Brotherhood of Railroad Firemen scored the success of the season in their first annual ball and banquet Tuesday even ing their first effort since 1886 being distinctly a topnotnhor in every par ticular attondence decorations ban quet and all other features which unito in making a notable social affair of that kind As to the attendance tho Menard hall contained all the dancers and lookers on the hall could comfortably accommo date It was a jolly well dressed com pany and the scene was a gay and a lively one Tho decorations were the skilful ef forts of a Denver expert and have per haps never been equalled in the city The order colors red white and green prevailed The side walls were uono in national flags fan shaped designs there wero tho scoops and pick tho steam gunge tho lodge charter hung under a picture of President RooseveltBLF was done in red white and green lights on the west wall Tricolored streamers extended from the center of the hall to the sides and corners Old Glory was in prominence on tho stage and in the main hall Two arcs and numerous incandescent lights furnished brilliant illumination Tho total effect was superb The banquet at tho Palmer house was a splendid example of tho chefs skill Tho bill of fair embraced a number of unexpected delicacies The service and serving left nothing to bo desired This feature was highly complimented The orchestra was composed of seven pjeces in the hands of McCooks finest The Pythians and the program gave them full sway in both new and familiar numbers Indeed so fetching was the combination that the dancers did not retire from the scene until between 3 and 4 in the morning A red carnation graced every guests person CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Christian Bible school 10 Preen ing at 11 am and 8pm Y P S C E at 700 overy Lords day Subject for December 25 Christmas What it Means to Us All are invited G T Burt Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 7 30 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday School at 10 Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Class at 12 oclock Epworth League at 7 15 Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 730 Xmas tree and program on the hill and in South McCook Saturday night Preaching and Sunday school in South McCook next Sunday afternoon M B Carman Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 Sermon at 11 Y P S C E at 7 i Sermon at 8 Prayer and conference meeting Wednesday evening at 8 Morn ing subject What Christmas Means to Me Evening subject Lifes Com pass A collection will be taken in the morning for the Building Society George A Conrad Pastor First Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p m Sunday school at 945 am Junior society at 3 p m BY P U at 645 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 745 p m Special Christmas sermons Sunday Morning subject The Choir Visible evening the pastor will preach a national sermon subject Americas Answer Worlds Needs Choir Christmas music at both duced by a severe cold was tho cause of tude Storer in Nelson Miss Mary Pow his death pers in Trenton Miss Myrtle Jones in John Goodenrerger was born April Auburn Miss MedoraSanteein Orleans 4th 1847 died December 16th 1904 Miss Coral White in Edison MissEtlie aged 57 years 8 months 12 days His Abbott in Peru all their homes Miss wife three sons and four daughters sur 1 Carrie Budlong will visit a sister in Colo vive him Deceased came to his farm Jraci0 Springs Colo Miss Louise Rist south of McCook in 1882 Funeral ser l will visit Criunle Creek Colo friends vices were conducted by the Rev J E Tirrill last Sunday in the Dodge school house after which burial was made in the Dodge cemetery near by The funeral was attended by tho people of that entire neighborhood attesting the high esteem in which the departed was held by his neighbors The funeral procession is said to have been oneof the largest ever seen in Red Willow county Teok Him By Storm Last Friday evening during the open ing of Suttons music room tho old man was eiven tho surprise of his lifo by about fifteen of tho old Pythian Bri gade band Late in the evening Mr Sutton was decoyed out of the store and upon his return he was taken clear off his feet by the music of his old love He assumed tho baton as soon as he could get himself together and tho boys luxuriated in Poet and Peasant and other popular selections until the wee sma hours with nothing to interfere but an oyster supper Patrons McCook Postoffice Christmas coming on Sunday this year tho McCook postoffico will observo Monday following as Christmas holiday Tho office will open from 8 to 9 in the forenoon and from 2 to 3 in tho afternoon Patrons will govern themselves accord ingly McConnells Balsam cures coughs Supt and Mrs G H Thomas Miss Millie Slaby and Miss Ernini Rathburn expect to attend tho state association in Omaha next week Miss Flora B Quick county superintendent will nho attend the Omaha meeting The public schools closed with yester day afternoons session for the holidays December 23rd to January 2nd The Russians returning from the beet fields are filling up the grades notice ably Christmas programs and exercises were hold iu most of the rooms today The little people have made gifts for their parents and others in the way tf busy work The Red Willow County Teachers Rending Circle meeting McCook dis trict was well attended na December 10th Sabins Common Sense Didac tics was discussed The next meeting of the circle will be held January 14th 1905 There will be a Christmas tree and a little program by the small folks Satur day evening in the Congregational church Parents and others who desire may place gifts on the tree for the child ren Lost In McCook Thursday two shawls andone blanket Will tho finder please leave them at The Tribune office John B Fiechtnkr 4 PI ft ntfttiP K McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 23 1904 to The will furnish services A cordial invitation to all A B Carson Pastor Rev John W Thomas of Omaha de livered an address in tho Congregational church Sunday morning laston Inter denominational Rescue Work and in the evening iu the Medothist church Some Public School Items The school teachers will spend the holidav vacation as follows Miss RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Fireman J Matz is off on the relief Fireman C II McCoy is on tho sick list J W Rudo is tho now heater fireman nights A E Nelson of blacksmith forco has resigned W II Hay is a now helper in tho round houso Enginedr W C Schenck has returned from his trip east Engines 3185 1239 and 216 loft Tues day for Havelock Engineer Newton Nowkirk was on tho sick list last Saturday W J Ingham of round houso forco spent Sunday in Wray Engine 211 has gono to Denver to take the place of engine 225 Supt Campbell arrived home Wed nesday on No 1 from his trip to Chicago Fireman R L Ashton resigned Thurs day and left the same day for Denver Machinist F Laudberg will spend Christmas with her parents in Wray Colorado Fireman T M Drapor resigned and expects to work in tho fire department in Lincoln W W Archibald and family left on No 2 Sunday for a visit with relatives in Chicago Thos Shieks of round house forco has resigned and will leave in a few days for his old homo in Indiana Engineer E A Mellin has the hill job at Wray relieving Engineer Star who is visiting relatives in Illinois Engineer and Mrs Hugh Brown left this morning on No 2 for Choyenno to spend Christmas with her parents Engineer and Mrs H IT Kingsbury and little daughter left Tuesday morn ing on 2 for Peoria Illinois on a visit Fireman J Yates was quite painfully injured at Minden Wednesday of last week while train No 1 was passing the coal chute at that place He was stand ing between tho engine and the tender and was struck by the chute and dragged to the ground He was attended at Holdrege by tho company physician No bones were broken The following time card was issued by McCook lodge No 599 to take effect December 20th 1904 at nine oclock p m Each lady and gent while on duty must have Time Card No 1 The Fireman reserve the right to vary from it at pleasure special instructions 1 All Fireman will protect against all dancers traveling over 20 miles an hour 2 All Fireman will refuse to take water between the hours of 8 p m Dec cember 20 and 3 a m December 21 3 All Fireman on hay burners will take an eight hour rest before attending ball 4 All dancers over 31 and under 19 will take siding 5 Everybody will run double header 18 miles per hour to supper and return Firemen will eat at Palmer House in stead of Akron on December 20th The enlargement of the Burlington yards in Denver which has been com menced is being prosecuted in the vicin ity of the union depot in such a way that it may have more than ordinary significance Underneath the Sixteenth street viaduct a force is now engaged in laying a track to connect the main tracks of tho Moffat road with a switch of the Colorado Southern which extends to Fifteenth street This track will be close to the depot of the Denver North western PaciSc and while it will reach property on which two warehouses are to be erected it will also enlarge the interchange of tho Moffat road with other lines Tho fact that the Burlington is per forming the work of connecting this track with the Moffat road has given rise to report that is but a forerunner of the second union depot project for the Burlington and Moffat roads and that the location will be in the Colorado it Southern coach ards alongside the pres ent union depot as it sgenerallv under stood that the present station of the Moffat road at Fifteenth street is but a temporary one The anticipated busi ness of the road when fully developed will bo such a factor that a new station will be imperative Though all eyes are on the Moffat road and several of thebig lines covet an alliance the Burlington still seems to have the choice of posi tions Denver Times Fractured Leg and Mashed Ankle J L Hoyt of the Upper Driftwood sustained a fracture of the right es and a mashed ankle last Saturday by his horse slipping and falling on him Dr Hare was called aud rendered the neces sarv surgical service ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs G W Edwards is a Mrs C E Benedict guest Little Greicuen Erert is ill scarlet fever but is doing nicelv Clifford Browne is home from of with the state uuiversity for the holidays Mrs Anthony Clark of Oxford is a guest of her sister Mrs V II Solliday The ladies of the Episcopal guild held a successful fair in McConnells hall Saturday last J G Stokes left on 2 for Iowa to bo with Mrs old home over Christmas this morning Stokes at her James Barnes is very ill at tho home of Mrs E J Mitchell His life has been dispaired of but hi3 condition now seems more hopeful W 2 J NUMBER 30 the royal hungarian orchestra Menardsx Opera House Thursday Dkckmrkr 29th 830 p in This is tho seci nd number in tho Citizens Entertainment Course Tho Royal Hungarian Orches tra composed of eight men is ono of tho finest orchestra in this coun try Tho Now York Mail and Express says They play with the most exquisite finish and refinement of style and their interpretations aro masterpieces of artistic effort Tho Hungarians come direct to McCook from Omaha whore on tho evening preceding they ap pear before the Nebraska State Teachers Association This will be a delightful treat for tho Holiday week Reserved seats on salo at Mc Connells Monday Doc 26 at S a m io Cents It 3stf McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friiluy morning Com 5 j7 Wheat n Oats jo m liarloy Hoes 777 3 is St Good Hutter 20 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Ice tools at W T Colemans McMillens Cough Cure will stop your cough Horse blankets Colemans Some bargains at W second hand heaters and robes at W T T Colemans in First class dressmaking at 512 Mc Farland Street Phone 223 Wanted Man and wifo no children on farm D C Benedict Culbertson Nebraska Dont send away for a sewing machin -when you can beat the price and quality at W T Colemans Tho Womens Missionary Society of tho Congregational church will meet with Mrs Curran Wednesday Decem ber 28th at 3 oclock W T Coleman will have a big line of buggies and all kinds of farm implements on display during the Red Willow County Farmers Institute in February Spend Christmas at homo or como in and let us tell you what it will cost you to have the folks visit you Tho Bur lington is getting very low rates to points in a wide territory Holders of season tickets should not fail to present them for reserved seats at McConnells Monday December 26 The plat for the Royal Hungarian Or chestra goes on salo that morning at 8 oclock Christmas day services in St Albans church as follows At 730 a m Holy Communion at 11 a m morning prayer and 8 p m evening prayer and Christ mas sermon by tho rector Special mu sc at these services All are welcome The ladies of the M E church will hold a 15 cent social in the parsonage Friday December 30th Light refresh msnts will be served in the afternoon and at night Supper from 5 to 7 There will be a music literary program in the evening The ladies of the Baptist church will give an oyster supper in the Maccabee hall New Years eve Supper will bo served from 6 to 11 p m They will also have on salo during tho afternoon and evening baked goods such as they usually have at their regular exchange RURAL FREE DELIVERY Miss Jeannette Dutton ROUTE NO 1 is home from Lincoln for the holidays Ernest Neumann is expecting his daughters home from Collegeview for the holidays T A EndseJy will have Christmas exercises in the Pickens school house Saturday night R D Rodgers has placed a telephone in his farm home connecting with the McCook svstem James Hatfield has on theground win netting 51 inches high for several milesj of new wire fencing Ben Shamel came down from nrai Bird City Kansas Wednesday and will visit his parents until over New Year James Hatfield and Frank Stillmai dipped their sheep Tuesday for the sec ond and last time The job covers abou 2000 head A D Johnston had a runaway elos of last week in which his hay rack wa considerably damaged Charlie Rope was called over from Ash Creek to rt pair it Keep The Cold Out With a good chest protector Wo have them from 50c to 300 McConnell Druggist Everything in drugs McConnell r