Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1904)
J 0 h i TWENTY THIRD YEAR he Order Must Stand Washington Dec 21 It has been re ported here thvl indignation prevails throughout southwestern Nebraska over tho presidents roeent order abolishing tho land ollico at McCook after January 11 Tho claim is made that tho ueod for this ofiico ib as groat as over since fully 90 per cent of the homestead entries are yet lacking and lie west of MoCook In terest in tho matter is also intensified by tho report that the office was abolished because of some complaints which were filed in tho eneral land ofiico last sum mer against P M Kathbun the register and C W Barnes tho receiver It was learned at tho white house to day that the president merely complied with tho law when he discontinued tho McCook office According to the law whenever tho expenses equal one third of the total revenue of a land ofiico and whenever the public lands in a district are reduced to less than 100000 acres tho president and the secretary of tho interior may order such ofiico abolished Although tho fees of the McCook ofiico for the last two quarters show an oxcess over maximum salaries to the officials the remaining public lands in the dis trlct fall short of tho minimum acreage necessary to continue the office The law also provides that when a land office is located at a state capital tho unfinish ed business of an abolished office shall be sent there for completion For this reason unfinished business of McCook will go to tho office at Liucoln Congressman Norris stated tonight that tho land office at Sidney Nebr would also be abolished within a few months Tho general land office is investigat ing the complaints against Kathbun and Barnes The nature of them are not known Entries to lands in Nebraska under the Kinkaid act has necessitated the employ of additional clerk hire in tho land office at Alliance Senator Millards secretary was notified today by the department that thi5 additional hire miij bo continued for thirty days Government Gives Formal Notice The government has given the various postmasters throughout the Hitchcock land district formal notice of the discon tinuance of the land office at McCook Following is the text of tho notice in full NOTICE OF THE DISCONTINUANCE OF THE HITCHCOCK LAND DISTINTHE STATE OF NEBRASKA WITH OFFICE AT MCCOOK AND THE TRANSFER OF THE BUSINESS AND ARCHIVES THEREOF AND ITS CONSOLIDA TION WITH THE SOUTH PLATT LAND DISTRICT WITH OFFICE AT LINCOLN NEB Noticeis hereby given that the Presi nent of the United States by Executive order dated December 81901 has pur suant to the provisions of sections 2248 2250and 2232 of the Revised Statutes of the United States and by virtue of the authority therein given ordered that The Hitchcock land district in tho State of Nebraska with offices at Mc Cook Nebraska be discontinued and the business and archives of said land district be transferred to and consolidat ed with the South Platte land district with office at Lincoln Nebraska In pursuance of said Executive order the land office at McCook Nebraska will be permanently closed and discon tinued at the close of business hours on January 31 1905 and its business and archives transferred to and made a part of the land office at Lincoln Nebraska on Feburary 11905 Given under my hand at tho City of Washington District of Columbia this thirteenth da of December A D 1904 By the President W A Richards Commissioner of the General Land office Workmen Adjusted Rates Norfolk Neb Dec 24 According to the January number of the Nebraska Workman just being issued in this city the Nebraska jurisdiction of the Ancient Order of United Workmen has just avert ed seceding from the supreme lodge The compromise was effected when tho supreme lodge through a committee agreed to allow Nebraska to have its own way with regard to guaranty fund rates instead of adopting rates which had been set down by the supreme lodge and which would have greatly increased the expense of the jurisdiction in this state With the alternative of either paying the rate or withdrawing from the na tional order staring them in the face members of the Nebraska jurisdiction were pretty general in favor of withdraw ing at the meeting of the grand lodge to be held in South Omaha next May A few days ago however a committee of the supreme lodge met officers of the Ne braska lodge at Lincoln and the result was the granting of Nebraskas every wish so that rates henceforth will be lower than they have been before Remnants All dress goods remnants from the fall seasons dress goods business have been sorted out from our stock and put on our front counter at great reductions in price Sale begins Saturday morning December 31st The Thompson Dry Goods Co W H Furguson Sells Conterville lump coal at 8500 per ton Brilliant nut at S775 Walsenburg lump at 775 Brilliant lump at 8800 Pennsyl vania nut at 1300 Phone 109 tf S S Garvey Manager Rooms For Rent Furnace heat At Smith boardiner bouse Mrs L McCoy Beet Culture and Soil Tillage mean large things to the farmers of Red Willow county Prof Lyon will tell you about them at the farmers institute February 22nd W T Coleman will have a big line of buggies and all kinds of farm implements on display during tbeRed Willow County Farmers Institute in February Wo buy sell or trade any old thing Wilsons Secondhand Store Ice tools at W T Colemans MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE E J Cain has returned to the city Ernest Cordeal is homo for the hol days Ed Byfield was over from Danbury over Christmas Jessie Pope is up from St Joe on a short visit to friends Mrs H H Miller isdown from Den ver guest of tho family Bert Huet is down from Shelton Neb raska a guest of relatives Lewis Ludwick is home from Ne braska City for the holidays Mrs J C Marshall of Lincoln is with tho home folks this week Miss May Stangland is hero from Lincoln guest of the homefolks Robert Gunn is homo from Chicago and dental school for tho holidays Will J Walters is in the city to visit his sisters during part of his vacation Roy Rolfe was over from Beaver City to spend Christmas with the homefolks Miss Vera IIileman is home from South Omaha on her holiday vacation Mrs Thai Shepherd is up from Fairbury this week guest of Mrs C I Hnll Melvin Hansel of Indianola Iowa is in the city visiting his cousin Mrs L W Stayner Miss Merle Williams of Wauneta is a guest of friends in the city and vicin ity this week Mrs Barney Hofer and son went up to Wauneta this morning on a visit to her parents John Gaarde of The First National Bank was with the home folks Minden during Christmas Nellie Bennett and Mary Ileafy aro home from Concordia Kansas during their Christmas vacation Court Clerk and Mrs R Wr Devoe have been spending the holiday week with relatives in Lebanon W M Hiller who recently arrived from Pawnee City with his family has taken a position in The Bee Hive Chester Rodgers and Clifford Brown of tl e state university at Lincoln aro with the homefolks during vacation days Mrs F W Hawksworth has been up from Lincoln during Christmas week guest of her mother Mrs M A Hobson B m Frees is out from Chicago on his annual business visit Mrs Frees ac companied him They arrived on 13 today Miss Florence Reynolds editor and publisher of the Axtell paper was a guest of her sister Mrs G E Denton Christmas Cliff C Brown is up from Lincoln this week His mother Mrs Frank D Brown is home from Indianola for the holiday vacation W C Bullaud returned to Omaha Thursday night He had been here since Sunday helping invoice and close up the years business Mrs Bert Lufkin and Mrs Bert Huet are down from Shelton Nebraska guests of their parents Mr and Mrs Ben Olcott during the holidays Mr and Mrs W P Bross and Mr and Mrs J L Woodson were guests of parents of the husbands in Lincoln over Sunday going down on 2 Saturday morning Miss MillicentSlaby and Miss Lillie Campbell went in to Omaha Tuesday night Miss Millie to attend the state teachers meeting and Miss Lillie to con sult an oculist John Brening Jr is in Chicago on business connected with his heating apparatus which he has had patented in four different countries and expects to mako a success Oliver Rees wife and two children are up from Fairbury for the week Ol iver has been a successful and busy con tractor and builder in growing Fairbury for the past few years George B Berry departed Tuesday night on 0 for Minneapolis Minn in response to a telegram from Miss Rache Berry announcing the approaching death of their brother Charles who has been ill for some time with cerebral menin gitis Mr and Mrs J F Whiteford came up from Omaha last Saturday nisrht on 3 and were tho guests of her invents Mr and Mr Sylvester Cordeal until Monday evening when they left for home Mr Whiteford formerly a machinist here is now chief inspector for the Union Pacific in Omaha The Royal Hungarians Please The concert by the Royal Hungarian Orchestra in the opera hall last evening greatly delighted a large and apprecia tive audience The selections were of a high order while the numerous respons es to encores were of a more popular and tuneful sort Mr Harry W Smiths dramatic basso solo work was an unex pectedly pleasing feature He was re called upon each appearance The con cert as a whole was not up to expecta tions and on occasions needed repairs The orchestra is to be commended for opening the concert on time The management in future should see that the ushers do not seat late comers while the opening number is in progress It is an inexcusable abomination to nois ily prance 40 or 50 people across the front of the auditorium and rout out into the aisles that many more during an opening selection or scene Cutitout For Sale One top buggy one three quarter buggy one pony cart Wilsons Secondhand Store Everything in drugs McConnell 3sXsS McConnell The Druggist wants to thank his customers for their patronage and good will dur ing tho past year and extends to all his best wishes for a New Tear of happiness and prosperity Chrlstmastide In McCook This has been indeed a Merry Christ mas in McCook Tho several churches held their usual exercises and services as noted below while numerous individ ual home affairs marked the day in an especial manner Monday was observed in business circles as the legal holiday st Patricks Masses wore held at 7 8 and 1030 Christmas morning Tho decorations were especially handsome consisting of magnolia leaves and blossoms southern smilax gray moss holly procured in Alabama EAST MCCOOK The Union Sunday school in East Mc Cook observed the day with a treat for the children at the regular Sunday school hour Sunday afternoon which was greatly enjoyed by the children and adults of that section of the city METHODIST CHURCH The largest crowd in years filled the Methodist church Saturday evening at the Christmas entertaiument by the chil dren A big tree a treat of ample pro portions and many gifts were the other particulars The gallery had to bo util ized to accommodate the company which enjoyed the affair hugely CONGREGATIONAL A Christmas tree nicely decorated and containing gifts and go d things made the hearts of the young people glad at the Congregational church Saturday evening Besides there was a brief en joyable program of music and recitation by the little ones The church was well filled and the occasion was a pleasurable one for all SOUTH MCCOOK The Methodist church scarcely afford ed standing room for the people who came out last Saturday evening to see the Christmas tree and hear the program of recitations aud music given by the children on that occasion The tree was full of presents and a fine treat was given the little ones It was a happy time for the young and old BAPTIST CHURCH A goodly attendance marked the Christmas celebration Saturday even ing in the Baptist church Music and recitations consituted the major part of the program There was a rainbow instead of the traditional treeand it was a very pretty mechanical effect There was a treat and presents were distribut ed The closing tableau Rock of Ages was very pretty and much ad mired feature Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening J II Roberts to E L Turpin wd to no or so nr and o hf no or of 29 and so or seor of 204 29 S JKiO COf United States to J H Roberts pat to same R R Duckworth to B Doyle wd to so or of 12-4-30 1200 00 P ECnrlee et cons to L E Dodd wd to block IEsther Park 3000 00 S A Curies to L E Dodd wd to lots 2J and 24 in block 33 Bartley 4000 00 C B Huff to Eliza Huff wd to e hf nw qr and nw qr so or and lot Sin 7-1-26 1200 00 EE Smith toTJ G Ethertouwdtolots 1 2 and 3 in Esther Park 37 50 Bank of Bartley to J Clouso wd to part of blocks 63 and 62 Bartley 113 00 M S Hodpkin to J Clouse qcd to lot in block 53 Bartley COCO W M Pennington to J Fritz wd to nw qrof 12-2-27 750 00 M N Eskey to G W Jones qcd to lot 9 in block 48 Bartley 4 00 United States to M Ross pat tos hf sw qr of 23-1-28 Allen Bartley to S W Clark 8d to lot 21 in block 53 Bartley 173 00 The December Apportionment The total amount apportioned by tho state for the December semi annual ap portionment is S27225S 06 The whole number of school children in the state is 377419 and the rate per pupil is a frac tion over 72 cents each Red Willow county will receive as her share of the apportionment 212811 The several school districts have been notified of the amounts due the districts of the county Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by tho McCook postoffice Dec 28 1901 Caldwell Geo R Simpson Frank Johnson Mrs William Smith Miss Ethel Kimbell H L 2 Wicks A Richmond O F When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster A Mild Blizzard This section in common with the en tire country lying east of the Rockies felt mildly the sway of a blizzard Mon day and Tuesday There was a little snow here and more wind together with a zero temperature but wo have had such delightful weather since Wednesday that the memory of the other two is no longer with us Latimer Pearson Marriage Rev A B Carson of tho Baptist church officiated at the wedding of Henry A Larimer and Miss Nellie B Pearson both of Dickens Neb last Thursday evening at the home of E JBaker north of town Over 100 Remnants of dress goods go on sale Saturday morn ing December 31st at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos You can get Crystal Gritt Bone Meal or Meat Meal for your chickens at Wil sons Secondhand Store Blankets that are blankets wide enoughlong enough thick enough warm onough cheap enough 75c to 500 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Mrs Dontreed Why good morning Mrs Katchon 1 heard you wro sick What can bring you down town this morning Mrs Katchon I did have the doctor yesterday but that remnant sale at Thompsons gives mo a chance Ive wait ed for Thoyhadsuch nice dress goods this fall and now at remnant prices 1 feel I must secure more Sale begins Saturday morning December 31st RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS B A Murdock is away on ashort visit CWTyler visited bis famiiy at Akron part of the week Switchman A G Goth returned to work yesterday General Supt Byram had tho boys on tip toes Thursday M S Jennings and W S Ackermau are on 11 igging now Mrs P Conovor is up from Red Cloud guest of Mrs Roy Zint Yardmaster Peter Carty has returned from his visit in tho northwest Ex Conductor Benjamin of Oberlin Kansas was in town Thursday Floyd Proper is up from Pittsburg Kansas spending the week with relatives Trainmaster Kenyon went out west Monday on 3 on business of the service C W Dewoy and family have been visiting her parents at Danbury this week Machinist and Mrs Floyd Berry spent Christmas with her homefolks in Wilcox returning on 1 Wednesday Owing to a slacking up of business waycar 14133 Conductor Snell and crew has been taken out of service Mr and Mrs Joy Selby arrived home Wednesday evening from a short visit with her relatives at Wauneta Conductor I M Washburn Conduc tor F A Stark Brakeman A P Ely and K B Covey are on the sicklist Conductor E M Cox who has been off duty for past ten days on account of sickness returned to work early part of tho week Conductor Herman Hegenberger has the 11228 vice Washburn and George Bunting the 14222 in place of Benjamin part of the week The dispatchers at Sterling Colorado have just recently moved into the new building provided for the Sterling divi sion by the company Ed Furrow is laid up with a scalded face He was in the firebox of an engine Water was turned into the boiler with too much force and ho was severely burned Fireman and Mrs F J Zajicek and her father went down to Lincoln Satur day last on 12 called to tho bedside of her mother who is seriously and it is feared hopelessly ill A G Goth who has been detained in the eastern part of the state by injuries sustained by himself and mother in a runaway accident returned to the city fore part of the week and returned to work C S McElherron G L Ellis and R H Chapman members of the Denver grievance committee and Eph Benja min and II C Brown of the McCook grievaiicB committee were in consulta tion with officials at headquarters Mon day Willing to Pay In Part Thirty of the sixty one counties in the state through which the Burlington runs have accepted the amount of taxes ten dered to them by Tax Commissioner Pollard up to December the 23 says the Lincoln Star These payments were ac cepted merely on account A mistaken idea appears to prevail that the tax commissioner insisted upon his proffer being accepted as full pay ment or he would refuse to pay anj thing To correct this idea Mr Pollard re cently sent the following letter to all of the county treasurers who have tax claims against tho Burlington Dear Sir You have undoubtedly been served with order issued by Hon W H Munger Judge of the United States court in regard to the taxes of this company for the year 1904 I stated to you when making the tender that you could have the amount tendered at any time as wo do not wish to keep your county the school districts villages etc out of what we consider a fair tax indefinitely Judge Mungers order reads as fol lows And it is further ordered that the ac ceptance by the defendants of any ten der made by the complainant herein shall in no way or manner effect or pre judice any of their rights If you wish to accept this amount tondered please so advise me and I will remit at once Your tax receipts can show on ac count or in part paymeut of and if you wish you can show that there is a balance unpaid of so many dollars Yours Truly R Week of Prayer Program The Congregational Methodist and Baptist churches will unite in observing tho week of prayer The services will be as follows Monday January 2 The Kingdom of God on Earth Rev A B Carson in tho M E church Tuesday Tanuarv 3 The Visible Church of Christ Rev G A Conrad in tho M E church Wednesday January 4 All Peoples and Nations Rev G A Conrad in the Baptist church Thursday January 5 The Mission Work of the Three Denominations pastors respondingin the Baptist church Friday January G The Family and the School Rev M B Carman in the Congregational church Saturday January 7 Our Own Country Rev A 15 Carson in the Congregational church A large attendance is desired at these services and tho pastors trust to see their members as generally as possible in at tendance M B Carman G A Conrad A B Caijoon Pasters All Colors and all prices in dress iroods are among tho moro thaii 100 remnants of dress goods going on sale Saturday morning December 31st at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos McConnells Balsam cures coughs A oSmTXflfr Mm rCiW yt tfk Cv Oil 111 ill I MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 30 1904 CULBERTS0N 11 G Pholps of McCook had business in this city Thursday I M Smith of McCook was seen on our streets Wednesday Mrs Minnie Miller is visiting friends in Indianola this week Mrs S E Solomon visited friends in McCook latter part of the week Miss Mariett Wemplo roturned to her school duties at Lincoln Friday night C W Benedict came dowi from tho city on tho west Thursday on business Mr and Mrs R Harless of Western came in Sunday morning for a visit with relatives hero F Vaugh who has been visiting his father-in-law returned home Monday evening to Fremont Miss Mabel Conway left on 14Tuesday evening for Parkvillo Mo for a two weeks visit with her sister Myrtle Miss Maud Reynolds who is attending the Fremont Normal came up Saturday morning for a weeks vacation Mr Galbraith who recently came to this country from Tennessee purchased the Conway farm east of town this week Miss Blanch Benedict came rown from Rain Nebr Tuesday where she is teaching to spend the holidays under the parental roof Mr and Mrs II Ford went down to Omaha Friday ovening to visit their daughter Mrs M Mattison Mr Ford returned Monday A number of young peoplo spent a pleasant evening in playing games and other amusements at the home of II Ford Wednesday evening Married at the home of the brides parents Carrie daughter of Mr and Mrs G W Trimpy of this place to George Gesselmen Tuesday evening December 27 1904 The bride and groom are well known here and are much respected They went to housekeeping on the Latta farm east of town Wo extond congrat ulations SOUTH SIDE This is like winter weather Miss Geueva Fitch is home from her school during the holiday vacation M B Carman is to preach at the Pick ens school house nextSundayafternoon W S Fitch and wife aro visiting in Colorado Springs with relatives of Mrs Fitch C H Jacobs and wife spent Christ mas with their daughter Mrs Roy Barnes Perrj Stone shipped a car load of cattle to Omaha last Saturday and ex pects to ship another next week Quite a number sick around over the neighborhood especially among tho children It seems to be an epidemic St Nicks busy season is over All the little stockings have been filled with the presents given and dear old Santa Claus has retired for another year The sugar beet growers of southwestern Nobraska should not be hasty in con tracting with the company that offers the best inducements for a factory Regardless of the dry weather and without irrigation G II Rowlands 25 acres of sugar beets yielded him 2G3 tons of beets an average of Q y tons per acre Leon IIileman while helping G u y Stone drive cattle from the Whitaker place to the ranch was thrown from his horse and considerably bruised about the face and head Eugene Dunham entertained last Thursday -evening Music and dancing were tho features of amusement after which all partook of a bounteous supper There was about 50 present RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTE NO 1 Frank Freelovo has his phone in order now LeRoy Dutton is home from Chicago on a visit Mrs L R Carroll is a guest of her mother Mrs M J Stroud August Bahr shelled corn last week Carl Schlutsmeier commenced shelling his corn Thursday of this week - The North StarMrsRobert Johnstons and the Seventh Day Advent schools are all having vacations this week Ernost Neumann i expecting a visit from his sons-in-law Sam and Mike Bar thel and families from Oklahoma this week About fifty neighbors and friends sur prised Miss Eurilla Fitch Thursday evening on the occasion of her birthday There were refreshments and a delight ful social time At the close of the fall term of school the pupils aud patrons of the Pickens school had a big time under the direc tion of Teacher Endsley The Sunday school pupils provided tho muic and tie pupils of the school the recitations etc The patrons arranged for tho big treat And everybody had a fine time A Card From the very busy season of dress goods selling now just closing there has come a largo number of short lengths of all kinds of dress goods Thee have now been sorted out from the stock and put on the front counter for sale at great ly reduced prices beginning Saturday morning December 31t Your atten tion is invited The Thompson Dry Goods Co Married At the Commercial hotel Dec 25th Frank E Henderson and Miss Alvorna Craw both of Stratton Neb The Red Willow County Farmers In stitute will be held in McCook Febru ary 22ud and dont you forget it Dont send away for a sewing machine when vou can beat the price and qualitv at WTColemans Some bargains at W T Colemans in second hand heaters Horse blankets aud robes at W T Colemans Ji yj NUMBER 31 McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday moniiui I Corn t - Wheat w Oats K Rye v Barley rj Iloa i iwi iKKH ntf GoodButtor -A MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs This is inventory week Ico tools at W T Colemans Ilavo you your resolutions ready McMillens Cough Cure will stop your couirh Horse blankets and robes at W T Colemans Plenty of good ice and numerous skat ers this week Some bargains at W T Colemans in second hand heaters January 10th will positively be tho last day Dont procrastinate To exchange an organ for a milch cow Wilsons Secondhand Stoic it One furnished and two unfurnished rooms for rent Inquire of Mrs S S Garvey Wanted Man and wife no children on farm D C Benedict Culbertsoif Nebraska Dont send away for a sowing machine when you can beat the price and quality at W T Colemans Wanted Shorthand pupils for a new class to commence on January 15th L W Stayner Farmers of Red Willow county are in terested in pork and alfalfa They will bo discussed by O Hull of Alma at the farmers institute Will thoso having books from the Traveling Library please return theft by tho first of tho year as they have to bo returned to Lincoln W T Coleman will have a big lino of buggies and all kinds of farm implements on display during tho Red Willow County Farmers Institute in February Izzer bed comforts aro all they should be 0 feet wide 7 feet long 5 Izzer batts inside well tacked and hemmed 185 to 275 made and sold only by Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co Tho Kummer school in district 72 closed last Friday for two weeks vaca tion and the children wore handsomelj treated to nuts candy and oranges by Miss Vannio McDonnell teacher Died Infant child of Mr and Mrs Joseph Scott of South McCook Funer al services were held by Rev Carman at the homo on Thursday afternoon at 130 oclock December 29th 1901 burial fol lowing in Riverview cemetery The Inter Ocean offer with The Tii rune will positively close on the 10th day of January 1905 Remember this and act according if you want to take advantage of the best combination offer ever made by a Red Willow county news paper CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 Sermon at 11 Y P S C E at 7 Sermon at S Prayer and conference meeting Wednesday evening atS Morn ing subject The Pilgrims Evening subject Lifes Compass George A Conrad Pastor Christian Bible school 10 Preach ing at 11 am and Spm Y P S C E at 700 every Lords day Subjects for January 1 In the morning Service and Sacrifice evening The Shepherd and His Sheep All are invited G T Bcrt Pastor Episcopal Services in St1 Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 ocloqk am Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer aud sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a in All are welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a m and 715 p m Sunday school at 915 am Junior society at 3 p m BY P U at 015 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 745 p m Morn ing theme Looking Backward Even ing topic A Covenent With the New Year A B Carson Pastor Methodist Sunday School at 10 Preaching at 11 a in and S p in Class at 12 oclock Epworth League at 715 Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 730 Next week is week of prayer un ion services Monday and Tuesdays night in our church Preaching in Pickens school house next Sunday at 3 p m M B Carman Pastor Santa Claus about seventy of them visited Pastor Carson and family Jast Thursday evening and as a result the Baptist parsonage larder is well su plied with temporal blessings It is worth a dollar to anyone who has a cough It costs 75 cents McConnells Balsam is the quickest most harmless and most thorough cough euro we know of Wo have made and sold it for years and tho increased sah each year is evidence of its efficiency McConnell Druggjst