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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1904)
K rp l A I s rv r t ii f h L r u I if WW jfk W W t VEGETABLE SICILIAN tl AL L5 Hair Renewer A high class preparation for the hair Keeps the hair soft and glossy and prevents splitting at the ends Cures dandruff and always restores color to gray hair mirllZVcSrsM J ASP sf7iiLm - - Discount Clothing Sale at DeGROFFS means the usual High Grade Goods at unusual Low Prices JTlany of our friends are taking adyantage of this sale We want you to come in and look DeGroff Co Phone 22 What WE ire Thankful For Thankful to one and all for the liberal patron age extended to us during the year Thankful to the citizens in need of Clothing Shoes etc if they call on us Thankful that the weather is good although you dont need a fur or other Overcoat Let us sell you your Clothing Shoes and Gents Furnishing Goods Your trade is respectfully solicited DIAMONDS V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President -- THE 3 CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 V FRANKLIN DIRECTORS W B WOLFE A C EBERT Shoe and S Clothing House Long Range Weather Forecasts In the early ages when the masses of even the leading na tions of the earth were ignorant the belief was general that certain so called sages or wise men had a knowledge of coming events As most people did not understand the natural phenomena by which they were surrounded they read ily believed the assumptions of a schrewd observer whose knowl edge exceeded their own enabled him to forecast some events in a way that seemed to them wonder ful In later days with the increased education of the masses the pro curing of a living by the profes sion of a seer or wise man has been relegated to the semi-civilized and barbarous peoples But even in civilized countries charla tans in various professional and scientific fields fortune tellers and long range weather forecasters have a lucrative following Al though many patrons profess to doubt the value of the purchase they do not appear to realize the danger of encouraging such para sites on the community Science is making rapid pro gress and it is sometimes difficult for the average person to disting uish between the claims of char latans and the accomplishments of scientific men Many people are too busy with their own special line of work to attempt to separate the possible from the impossible in other lines For it often requires much study and careful investigation to intelli genlty decide such a question It would therefore seem wise for specialists of unquestioned attain ments after careful investigation to denounce charlatans and ex pose their methods thus aiding in educating the public advancing civilization and preventing in many instancessubstantial pecun iary loss to the nation Such tests as have been out lined have been applied by meteo rologists the world over to long range weather forecasts with the result that no meteorologists of standing has been able to endorse either the basis upon which the forecasts are made as worthy of consideration from a scientific standpoint or the results attained as of any practical value The principle upon which long range weather forecasts can be based is yet to be determined The importance of weather forecasts fs now recognized in all civilized countries and most governments maintain a corps of scientists to devote their time to forecasting and to study of meteo rology with a purpose to increase the accuracy of forecasts and ex tend the period for which they can be issued These scientists investigate the work of those claiming to make long range fore casts and would only too gladly aid tne development of any theory that seemed to promise the ad vancement o f forecasting I t would seem that the universal condemnation of long range weather forecasts by meteorolo gists would determine their value among thinking men but in spite of this fact some reputable news papers publish them probably without much consideration there by apparently giving them sanc tion and misleading the readers who have not had opportunity to acquaint themselves with the pro gress that has been made in me teorology and so presume they are worthy of consideration It is not profitable within the limits of this article to attempt to point out the errors of principle involved in long range weather forecasts A careful study of meteorology would be necessary to understand the reasons But anyone can test the results by careful syste matic observation a work requir ing little time Enter on a cal endar each day for a month or more in advance the weather predicted for the locality of the observer For the days the fore cast appears to be indefinite so state Then day by day enter on the calendar whether the forecast is verified or not To be fair to all sides keep this up for a year or more then carefully compute three items the number of days the forecast was correct enough to be of value the number incor rect and the number of days for which no forecast could be de termined Then there is a basis to determine whether the results justify a use of the forecast or not The result of such a test would imfi tijtttm3mSl undoubtedly lead to the conclu sion that the publication of these unwarranted forecasts especially of severe storms floods droughts etc should be prevented by law in order to protect that portion of the community liable to injury in a way similiar to that which prevents uneducated irrespon sible persons from practicing law medicine etc Let all prove their ability to forecast by a trial before a competent tribunal as the employees of the United States Weather Bureau must do before being allowed to spread their forecasts before the public No More Suffering1 If you are troublod with indigestion get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and see how quickly it will cure you Geo A Thomson of Spencer la says Have had dyspepsia for twenty years My case was almost hopeless Kodol Dyspepsia Cure was recommended and I used a few bottles of it and it is the only thing that bas relieved me Would not bo without it Have doctored with local physicians and also at Chicago anbl even went to Norway with hopes of getting some relief but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only remedy that has done me any good and I heartily recommend it Eververson suffering with indiges tion or dyspepsia should use it Sold by L W McConnell Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postofhce Nov 23 1904 Andrews H D Andrews Mrs Jane Blakesley Mrs H O Barger I F Brown J W Cappol August Clark Miss Myrtle Dotson Charles Idleman Miss Lottie Karp William I Maston C A Mikkelsen J P Morse R L Russell J B Richards F E Roland Alvin Stevons John Starks S E Warner A J Young A P Kelley Mrs James When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Removes the microbes which impover ish the blood and circulation Stops all trouble that interferes with nutrition Thats what Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do 35 cents Tea or tablet form For sale by L W McConnell Omaba Daily News 150 to Jan l 1906 The publisher of the Omaha Daily News will send their daily from now until January 1 1906 for S150 to all who subscribe during October If you want the Sunday paper also add fifty cents to your remittance Those who are subscribers can renew under the same conditions Low Rates East To certain points east of Chicago the Burlington is offering greatly reduced rates Ask the agent r i Colds It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life pneumonia and consumption Chamberlains Cough Remedy has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment It aids expectoration re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions effecting a speedy and permanent cure It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia a i juuc ov ntuge i6c ovc a DR R J GUNN DENTIST pHosns n2 Oflico over Grannis store McCook Neb D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun tclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA I Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank McCook - Nebraska CHRISTMAS GAMES Host to Amuse the Children Daring the Uolldayi Christmas day Karnes for the chil dren ure as necessary as a plum pud ding and the following will pleaBe them and are welcome to many grown ups says the Chicago Tribune Santa Gluus Pack All form in line and march to u lively strain on the piano to the next room where a table holds the contents of Santu Clnus pack They look at every object on the table and then march back The company now divides in half one hulf leaving the room the table and its contents having been covered Those remaining choose some object which they remember seeing the piano begins to play again and the others return The leader gives to the returning party a word which rhymes with the object chosen Thus if it was a ball he might meutldn the word hall The returning party now proceed to guess what object has been chosen and they express their guess by acting in panto mime They do not all suggest the object in the same way but each ac cording to his individual fancy but they must all agree upon the object they will guess If wrong they go out for another trial and so on until guessed when the other half of the company goes out and they remain and select the object for the Others to guess Hiding the Mistletoe All form in line single file and march about the room or several rooms until the music stops They then proceed to hunt the mistletoe which the leader carried in his hand and concealed somewhere during the march The finder must effect return to the starting point with out being touched by the leader Santa Claus Sleigh Six girls are harnessed to a little sleigh or sled and the white ribbon reins are held by a seventh The sled Is filled with small parcels in colored papers con taining Christmas crackers or any trifles as favors The party goes round the room several times dispensing the favors to the young men who proceed to select partners and dance until a signal from the leader calls all to march around the room and back to their places Snowball A large white ball of tis sue paper Is suspended well out of the way of The young girls take turns at shooting at this ball with a small rubber ball When hit with sufficient force It breaks and out falls 1 a shower of smaller white balls per- haps popcorn balls which are gathered and presented as favors for the next I march or dance As there should be only about half as many balls as there I are couples dancing this will cause a scramble among the small boys who gather them up and who for fair deal ing should be kept behind a certain line until the ball receives the shot that bursts it How to Mnlce a Friendship Calendar The friendship pad calendar is espe cially nice to give elderly people or the shut in on Christmas Either fifty two or 365 squares of bristol board 2 by 3V6 inches distributed to friends of the intended recipient to write a mes sage signed with that friends name and date are taken to the printer who puts the consecutive dates on in red ink and gums the slips into a pad i which can then be mounted on a deco- rated board or put into a leather case j to stand on the table How to Ronrit a Small Tig If you are- going to have a small pig for your Christmas dinner here is a splendid way to roast it Of course your butcher will prepare the pig so far as cleaning is concerned When the pig reaches you wipe him Inside and out with a damp cloth Make a stuffing of a cupful of breadcrumbs a half chopped onion two heaping ta blespoonfuls of melted butter a scant tablespoonful of sage a little grated nutmeg a saltspoonful of salt and two well beaten eggs Stuff the pig with this sewing him up then bend his front legs backward under him and his hind legs forward also under him and tie them with stout twine close to the body Dredge with flour put into the dripping pan pour a cupful of water over and around the pig rub with but ter and roast basting frequently for about two hours or longer if the pig be a good sized one How to Slake Chrlntmns Square To four well beaten eggs add four ounces of sugar and beat for twenty minutes Mix three ounces of seedless raisins with five ounces slightly brown ed flour and add gradually the eggs and sugar Pour Into a flat square tin lined with buttered paper and bake a quarter of an hour in a hot oven Take from the oven and cut into squares while still hot Bovr to Thaw Frozen Greenn It often happens that Christmas greens nre frozen In transit In such cases put them at once Into a very cool dark cellar where they can thaw out very gradually The temperature chould not be allowed to exceed 45 de grees F Frozen holly is very little damaged If Intelligently treated but a single night in a warm express car may cause it to turn black Mistletoe and wild smilax are much more sus ceptible to frost Injury The Califor nia holly is not a member of the holly but of the rose family It Is not hardy in New England but is worth cultivat ing in all parts of the south Ilovr to Clean Woriitcd Slippers To clean worsted slippers or shoes such as are worn by invalids in the bedroom on the steamer and as a pro tection over dainty satin or kid even ing slippers remove the soles and bows and immerse the slippers in gasoline Shake out thoroughly on taking from the Jar and put in the air to dry AFwori Tho publisher will estoem it a favor at any timo to recoivo items of local news from residents of McCook or Red Willow county A Good Investment 15 ncros ndjacunt to city of McCook honso frame stable granary lion houfie woll hog pons etc 2SO0 peach troen All in cultiva tion HAX cuhIi Wrlto for compluto luud list E J MITCHELL McCook Nob A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery servico warrant us for blowing Always tho best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats I k ORDER CHOPS D 1 Wte n Or any kind of meat from our shop by phone if you wish or send the little folks and you will get the sweet tooth some kind We pride ourselves on the freshness and quality of our goods and the promptness of our delivery If you are not now trading with us we would be pleased to have you give us a trial We think you will be pleased Phone 12 SllFr1 nrrnnii rwr around in the Water At all wise Grocers WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee -- X wAjkm D IQU1D I f n I 1 GAL I TESTIMONIAL Delmont S D Dec 17 1902 I used L K for bog cholera and it was all right It cured my hops I had three sick ones and they all pot -well and done line I also used it for chicken lice and mites and it is all you claim for it Itistbe only Medicine forhog cholera I think Gotlieb Jekke Harrington Neb Dec 11 1502 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all tho time as it is the best thing I ever had on the place for everything it is intended for It is good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects of all kinds it will destroy all kinds F Vv Woman JAHES CAIN Manufactured by the National Modical Com pany Sheldon Iowa I WASH BLUE Costs 10 cents and equals 20 cents worth of any other kind of bluing Wont Freeze Spill Break Nor Spot Clothes DIRECTIONS FOR USE